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Lesson Plan

Unit Theme: Metals, Nonmetals, and Metalloids Subject area: Science-Periodic Table
Title of Lesson: Metals, Nonmetals, and Metalloids Number of learners: 8
Grade Level: 6 State Core Objective: A.8.1 Develop their understanding of
the science themes by using the themes to frame questions about science-related issues and problems
Time Needed: 30 minutes

Rationale: This learning experience is to assist students in understanding how the elements, based on their
properties, are organized on the periodic table.

Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to

1) record observations about metals, nonmetals, and metalloids
2) label simple elements as metals, nonmetals, or metalloids
3) describe properties of metals, nonmetals, and metalloids
4) orient themselves with the location of metals, nonmetals, or metalloids on the periodic table

Resources Needed:
For teacher: projector, computer (PowerPoint), index cards, bag of “unorganized” items,,

For learner: copy of the periodic table, bag of metal, nonmetal, and metalloid objects, colors or
markers, pencil or pen, tape, index cards, notebook

1) Attention Getter: “Chaos Bag” Dump a bagful of items onto the table and ask the students how
they would group or organize the items. Once the items are organized, ask the students why they
organized the items the way they did.
2) Discuss with students: Scientists also use a method of organization. How do scientists organize
the elements on the periodic table? Scientists organize the elements into 3 groups: metals,
nonmetals, and metalloids. The periodic table is organized so that elements with common
properties are placed near each other. In this way, the periodic table can be used to predict
behaviors of elements with which we are not already familiar.
3) Put the following headings on the board: metals, nonmetals, metalloids. Explain to students that
the elements are grouped into these 3 categories on the periodic table.
4) Hand out bag of objects: Ask students to organize the items in their bag according to the headings
on the white board. Ask students to discuss with each other some properties that these items have
in common, write the properties down, and we will share them in a few minutes.
5) PowerPoint: Show and discuss PowerPoint.
6) Closure: Let’s review:
Into what 3 categories are the elements on the periodic table organized?
What are some properties of metals?
What are some properties of nonmetals?
Why are metalloids located between the metals and nonmetals?
Are there any questions about what we discussed today?

Informal: Students will place labeled index cards under the correct heading on the board.
Formal: Students will complete worksheet.

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