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F, Nov 19

Friday, November 19, 2010 Important Dates:

11:04 AM 

Today's Topics: Important People:

 Tang Dynasty 

Lecture Topic:
During the lecture, take notes here.
-the Tang dynasty emerges approximately in the 8th C.
-comes about cyclically, through the rise one family establishing themselves in power
-Tang Taizong
-justifies taking power with the Mandate ofHeaven
-collapse of economy through agriculture failure
-puts the new government forward as a reform movement
-creates the "equal field" system
-interested in creating stability through the equal distribution of wealth
-early form of socialism, but not based on class
-there are those who are "more equal"
-sees economic stability through international economic trade
-development of the mounted, steel-clad warrior
-do as much as possible to conquer the silk road

-new tech development

-creates gunpowder through communication with the Islamic War
-"fire lance' -- early firearm, but was not further developed
-creates a form of paper printing
-important for trade, books, and paper money
-three major types of books:
-Buddhist texts
-Daoist texts
-Confucian texts
-increases literacy, up to around 20% (compared to W. Europe's 5%)
-never progress to moveable type

-all allowed for through massive influx of wealth and state sponsored construction feats
-Grand Canal of China
-incredibly fast and generally safe transport of goods
-construction of fortified small cities along thr trade route, designed for protection
-included 3-4 mile long caravans
-brings in gold

-population of 3 million
-street sewers
-state-sponsored city workers to keep the streets clean
-large markets designed for trade
-everything based on the principle of fueng shui
-emperor is at the head, palace tied to administrative head, tied of city
-military, bureaucracy, state of economy. And

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-military, bureaucracy, state of economy. And

-problems when creulity is cultivated ad accepted by by the Chines around 1700

-Xuanzang blends Doaist principles and Confucian principles

-as the Tang dynasty opens itself up to the conomic aspect of the world, it creates a new

-Confucianism infused with Doaist and Buddhist primciples, acquries a metaphyscal bend
used to explain the nature of the universe
-the li force (principle of the idea)
-the qi ( the ,matter)

After the lecture, summarize the main points of this lecture topic.

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