W, Nov 10

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W, Nov 10

Wednesday, November 10, 2010 Important Dates:

11:05 AM  770 - 845

Today's Topics: Important People:

 

Lecture Topic:
During the lecture, take notes here.
Europe is stabilized into three areas:
-the Carolingian / Holy Roman Empire
-has a very strong, urbanized, Muslim culture
-has a miniature renaissance of culture
-the Byzantine / leftover Roman Empire
-new series of invasions from c. 843-1075
-who's invading?
-the Vikings (tribes from Norway, Denmark, and Sweden)
-not a singular group, but multiple ones engaging in pillaging raids
-in late 9th C., the Vikings are interested only in raiding, not colonizing
-early 10th C., temporary settlements spring up
-late 10th C., permanent settlements / new kingdoms are established
-form the basis of the modern Russian state through invasions
-1they produce excess population, 2they create a new societal order through
the search for battle glory and gold, 3the success of the Carolingian Empire
drew their attention economically and socially
-Viking longships were not only ocean worthy, but sat high enough in the
water to be able to travel in rivers, powered by both sails and oars
-the Magyars (from the central Eurasian planes)
-ancestors of modern Hungarians
-most devastating of the invaders
-western Europe and Italy become playgrounds for them, due to a lack of
interest in setlling
-the Moors (Muslims from North Africa)
-took advantage of the confusion from the Magyars and invaded north
-the invasions collapsed central authority throughout Europe
-destroyed the Carolingian empire after 100 years
-feudalism is established as a substitute
-has nothing to do with the king
-is a political relationship between people with a lot of land and their vassals
-the lord has all of the land, and the vassals (military persons) receive the land
from the lord
-a tract of land is known as a fief
-the vassal trains as a warrior, gives advice to the lord, and taxes the peasantry
-the vassal gives homage (oral and written contract) to the lord to protect and
monetarily support the lord
-the lord gives military protection to the vassal, as well as legal protection and
the fief itself
-new type of warrior -- the mounted knight
-war horse (strong and large animals, able to carry the fully clothed warrior in

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-war horse (strong and large animals, able to carry the fully clothed warrior in
-stirrups are a bracing mechanism, and give you leverage when using a
-problem: lots of money and lots of practice

After the lecture, summarize the main points of this lecture topic.

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