W, Nov 17

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W, Nov 17

Wednesday, November 17, 2010 Important Dates:

11:04 AM 

Today's Topics: Important People:

 Formation of the medieval university 

Lecture Topic:
During the lecture, take notes here.
-the university is the basis for the Renaissance and Enlightenment
-amorphous in some ways, but does have a consistent set of curriculum
-the term "university" means "universal," meaning it holds all things (educational) together
-the knowledge of all humanity
-Dante refers to it as the ultimate perfection
-formed as a legal charter, which was used to identify corporate bodies
-cathedral schools are the remnants of the education system of the old Carolingian Empire
-all advanced learning became the prerogative of bishops in cultural centers, such as
Chartres and Paris
-new places and sources of information: Spain and southern Italy-- what are they
looking for?
-from Spain, science and philosophy from Arabic scholars
-Toledo, Cordoba
-language barriers make transfers of knowledge difficult; Latin scholars
hire Jewish merchants to translate Arabic texts
-rediscover Aristotle in the 11th and 12th centuries, which allow for a
revolution of education
-from Italy, law from the Romans
-Codex luris Civilis, Justinian I
-Digest and the Institutes
-growth of cities is the catalyst for this
-as trade increases, so must necessarily law and education
-combining the cathedral schools (old classical philosophical tradition) and Roman law with
Christianity to create canon law
-Concordance of Discordant Canons, Gratian
-church and secular law operate simultaneously, but church law always trumps secular law
-creates two different legal systems operating at once, based on one's societal status and
the nature of the crime

-this functions as the basis for the development of the modern university
-two models thereof: the Italian and the French / Parisian
-Italian is oldest, begins in Bologna
-centered around the study of law
-built in such a way that the students ran the university
-decided on the basic operation of the university
-French model, the professors and not the students run the operation of the university
-developed out of a cathedral school (Notre Dame)
-they did not want to teach under the bishop, so they went across the river and
created their own university
-principles of Bachelors, Masters, and Doctorate Programs
-the license, the right to grant degrees, became a legal right of the faculty
-problem was that the faculty would divide into competing factions and create

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-problem was that the faculty would divide into competing factions and create

Trivium -- Grammar, Rhetoric, Dialects

Quadrivium--Arithmetic, Geometry, Music, Astronomy
-these are the seven liberal arts, turned into a degree program
-would take 6 years to obtain a Bachelors under this system
-to graduate, one would have to complete a disputation
-orally defend your education in public under the scrutiny of three masters
-for a Masters, one needed two years of active service and additional course work
-extra year of coursework
-had to write a thesis and defend that in front of doctors
-only three doctoral degrees: law, theology, medicine
-five to seven years of additional study, or in the case of theology twelve
-commentary on either the entire Bible or the law codes (line by line)

-famous for scholasticism (blending of Arabic mathematics and Greek principles of

logic from Aristotle
-the quaestio:
-part 1, the statement of the problem
-part 2, theoretical statement to the contrary
-part 3, argument for the part 1 statement
-part 4, student's solution to the problem
-part 5, systematic refutation of the contrary argument

-the method itself creates doubt in the theological and ideological system

After the lecture, summarize the main points of this lecture topic.

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