FOMO Questionnaire

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Questionnaire on “Effect of FoMo on youth”

Kindly fill the questionnaire to the most suitable answer possible, which will help me
collect Primary Data for my Project work for Semester VI.

Section I
1 Name: 2 Email:
3 Age: Below 18 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 Above 64
4 Profession: (Tick wherever applicable)
Student Business
Housewife Service
Professional Retired Individual

Section II
Tick only one option YES NO
1 Do you own a smartphone?
2 Do you use social networking sites from smart phone?
3 Have you ever been a part of Digital Detox?
4 Do you open any social account as soon as you open your
5 Are you aware about the term ‘FoMo’?
6 Do you think you have ‘FoMo’?

Kindly rate from 1 to 5 where 1 being the most and 5 being the least about your
activeness and priority towards the following social networking platforms:
A Facebook
B Instagram
C WhatsApp
D Snapchat
E Twitter
Kindly tick wherever applicable: A O S R N
A: Always | O: Occasionally | S: Sometimes | R: Rarely |
N: Never
8 Has it ever happened that you started your
phone watched the social networking sites and
forgot for what have you opened the screen
lock in the first place?
9 Is Posting photos on social networking sites
important to you?
10 Does Your happiness associated with the event
you are part of depends upon the people hitting
‘like’, ‘love’ or watching your pics on any
platform of Social connectivity?
11 Do you keep taking snapshots of your friend’s
status and feeds?
12 Do you like random posts from people
connected to you on any platform even if it
doesn’t mean anything to you in reality?
13 Do you decide to spend only few minutes on
any platform social networking platform and
end up spending hours on it?
14 Do you feel you should not check somebody’s
profile but end up doing the exact reverse?

Kindly tick wherever applicable: S: Strongly Agree | A: S A N D SD

Agree | N: Neither Agree nor Disagree | D: Disagree |
SD: Strongly Disagree
15 I often check my friend’s profile or their feeds
in order to understand about their daily life.
16 I click snapshot of my friend’s status or feeds
17 I only make friends or stay connected with
people whom I know personally.
18 I opened an account on any platform only if my
favourite actor / actresses is a part of it.
19 I am only on the social networking platform to
tell people about myself and my whereabouts
20 I get upset when my friends or the celebrity
shares happy images on the platform with their
respective family or friends.
21 I like to connect to as many as possible and so I
add celebrities and random people to my list
even if I don’t know them personally.
22 I get irritated when my friend doesn’t check or
like my feeds on the social networking

23. Kindly give any precautions for FoMo:


Thank you. Your responses will add a feather to my project.

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