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God is an Anti Semite

January 14, 2020

(Cabalist) bankers are killing God in order to take His place.
This is the essence of Satanism.
"Anti-Semitism" should not be conflated with hating Jews.
Many Cabalists (Freemasons) aren't Jews. Anti-Semitism is
resistance to Satanism. If you love God, you will be an "Anti-
Semite" too.
We will not be intimidated by sleazy smear tactics to disarm
opposition to a vicious hate-filled tyranny.
The question is not whether I am anti Semitic. The question is only
whether I am right.
- John Bryant, Mortal Words v8

Anti Semitism has Respectable Pedigree

Revised from June 1, 2014

by Henry Makow Ph.D

The Nazis gave anti Semitism a bad name. Perhaps this was their

Their crude propaganda, racism and genocide made it despicable.

But, anti-Semitism had a long and noble tradition before the Nazis.
It has always represented resistance to an occult political, cultural
and economic plan for world domination. It deserves a rethink.

I will begin by stating my assumptions.

1. The truth stares us in the face, yet we can't see it. Most Jews and
Christians are unaware that Judaism is not a religion, but a satanic
cult masquerading as a religion.

Judaism is not defined by the Old Testament but by the Cabala

which says God is formless and unknowable. This is Satanism. The
essence of a true religion is that God is knowable. How else do we
obey his voice in our soul/conscience?
Cabalists say God is unknowable because he wants to replace
God. They say they are the physical manifestation of God. The
"unknowable" God filters down to the Rabbi who manifests His
will. The Cabala is the basis of Satanism and the Occult.
Increasingly, Satanism is replacing Christianity as society's moral
reference point.

The goal of Cabalist (i.e. Illuminati) Jews is to destroy Christian

civilization. No Jew today should be blamed for the crucifixion of
Christ. But the goal of Cabalist-controlled Organized Jewry
continues to be the eradication of Christianity. They defined
Christian resistance as "anti-Semitism," inverting good and evil as
Satanists do.

The Illuminati plan to create a world "superstate" dedicated to their

wealth, power and perversions. They believe in destroying society
in order to recreate it in their image. With the help of non-Jewish
Freemasons, they have taken over the West and are inducting
humanity into their satanic cult. I have listed many ways humanity
is satanically possessed.

2. In a satanic cult, the rank and file is not told the true agenda. It is
manipulated and degraded with specious arguments and platitudes
(i.e. "tolerance", "diversity,""sexual liberation.")
In a satanic cult, people are coerced. People of conscience are
smeared as "haters." The truth doesn't matter. Only political
correctness. Society resembles such a cult.

When I speak of reviving "anti-Semitism," I don't mean

discriminating against or persecuting individual Jews like myself. I
mean opposing anyone -- Jew or non Jew-- who represents the
Cabalist (Illuminati) agenda, now espoused by the whole
economic, political and cultural establishment in the West,
controlled by organized Judaism and Freemasonry.
Desmond Tutu. Mikael Gorbachev, the Bilderberg attendees. Many
are Jews. Most aren't. But most are Cabalist Satanists or sell-outs.

There are really only two sides in the New World Order: The
Cabalists versus the rest of humanity. The Cabalists include
Freemasons on both the Right and Left, liberals, socialists, radical
feminists, Neocons, Communists, Zionists, homosexual activists-
you get the picture.

3. Organized Jewry is funded by the central bankers. Its agenda is to

re-engineer the human race to serve them. They do this by
destroying the four legs of our human identity - religion (God);
nationhood, race and family (gender). Their goal is one race, one
religion, one gender and one world all in the service of the
Illuminati bankers.


The first anti-Semite was God himself. When Moses told him the
Jews were worshiping a golden calf, "The LORD said to Moses, "I
have seen this people, and behold, they are an obstinate people.
Now then let Me alone, that My anger may burn against them and
that I may destroy them..." (Exodus 32: 9-10)

I'm not sure what the ADL would say about God's genocidal
tendencies. In any case, the Baal worshipers are now in charge
and God would face a Human Rights Tribunal for his rash

The great prophets of the Old Testament were also anti Semites.
Jeremiah said Jews "will not speak the truth; they have taught their
tongue to speak lies..." (Jeremiah 9:5). Isaiah says the lord will
smite "the daughters of Zion [who] are haughty, and walk with
stretched forth necks and wanton eyes..." (Isaiah 3:16)

Jesus joined the noble ranks of anti-Semites when he told the

Pharisees, "Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your
father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode
not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh
a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it."
(John 8:44)

Throughout history, Jews were criticized by a Who's Who of

Western civilization. The Roman historian Tacitus condemned them
for subverting religion, country and family and said they were
"enemies of all races but their own."
George Bernard Shaw said, "The Jews had better stop being Jews
and start being human beings."
(left. In a quote from Colliers Magazine, November 26, 1938, Einstein continues: "The
Jewish group has thrived on oppression and on the antagonism it has forever met in
the world.")

The Hungarian musician Franz Liszt said, "They sell ...the crowbars
and the projectiles that destroy the foundations of faith and morals."

The great German poet, Goethe said, "This crafty race has one great
principle; as long as order prevails, there is nothing to be gained."

Voltaire, the French philosopher, said, "The Jewish nation dares to

display an irreconcilable hatred toward all nations, and revolts
against all masters; always superstitious, always greedy for the
well-being enjoyed by others, always barbarous - cringing in
misfortune and insolent in prosperity."

You can't generalize about all Jews but

American critic H.L. Mencken was particularly harsh about many.
He said Jews are "the most unpleasant race ever heard of. As
commonly encountered they lack many of the qualities that mark
the civilized man: courage, dignity, incorruptibility, ease,
confidence. They have vanity without pride, voluptuousness
without taste, and learning without wisdom...their charity is mainly
a form of display."

Jews are not taught about the supremacist agenda of their cabalist
leaders. Instead, they are told they are "hated for no reason" or
because people need an innocent scapegoat to blame for their
suffering. Anti-Semitism is an "irrational sickness in the mind of
the Gentile." Increasingly in the satanist New World Order, the sane
are labeled sick.

Jews must realize that Judaism is not on the side of the angels, but
it's not too late to get out.

It's time Christians realize that they have been had by the
world's greatest tricksters. The Jews are not "the chosen
people." Their leaders are megalomaniacs that destroy nations,
kill millions and threaten the future of humanity.

It's time for all of us to realize that "anti-Semitism" is a litmus test

of our freedom. Anti-Semitism was banned and severely punished
in Soviet Russia. Is that the kind of society we want to live in?


The political, economic and cultural conquest of the world by

cabalist Jews and their allies is the true history of the last 500 years
or more. (The Illuminati bankers are behind imperialism.) Yet their
control of culture is such that people are totally unaware that any
conquest has even taken place. "Anti-Semite" is a curse that instills
If you're not an "anti-Semite," in the sense described above, you are
an opportunist, a dupe, or just plain clueless.

All wars were contrived by the Masonic (Cabalist) Jewish bankers

to increase their power and wealth, destroy their rivals and advance
their scheme of world-government.

Our "leaders" are puppets and the mass media are prostitutes. The
Illuminati sponsored feminism, homosexuality, promiscuity and
pornography to shred the social fabric (marriage and family) and
undermine resistance. 9-11 was a false flag used to rob us of our
civil rights. They continue to stage fake terror to confiscate our
Organized Jewry uses the "anti-Semite" to conflate the Cabalist
Jewish agenda with all Jews, better to sacrifice them. Most Jews
have been brainwashed and refuse to acknowledge this agenda.

An ethnic Jew, the son of holocaust survivors who lost their

parents, I understand anti-Semitism past and present is largely
resistance to the Cabalist agenda. I represent those ordinary
Jews who refuse to be human shields, sacrifices and scapegoats
for Organized Jewry's demented, satanic plot.
Related- Taboo Against Antisemitism Must be Lifted
Zionist admits "anti Semitism is a trick we use" (to portray Gentile
self-defense as bigotry)
Makow - Anti-Semitism is Often Justified
Makow - Creative Destruction - Why the Cabala is Satanic
Makow - Feckless Goyim Downplay Protocols of Zion
Makow -The Riddle of Anti Semitism
Newman - Is Lucifer the God of Judaism?
Gilad Atzmon - Did the Jews Just Lose Europe?
1001 Quotes by and about Jews

First Comment from Christine

Jeremiah 24 summarizes very well the distinction God makes
between Jews who are faithful (good figs) and those who are not
(evil figs).
When Jesus came, the faithful Jews DID accept him: But it was
only a very small minority of the total Jewish population.
Nevertheless, those faithful Jews founded the church and took the
gospel to the world. They were the light to the nations. That was the
Jewish miracle that brought salvation to the world. No Jews, no
In contrast, the evil figs were cut-off from Israel and became the
enemies of God, because they rejected Messiah.
The Jewish remnant (the 144,000 of Revelation) was saved in
70AD. This is a point of major confusion for Christian Zionists, of
course, who think that God is going to save the Jews in modern
"Israel" (note the satanic identity theft of that name there). They
think that the prophecy in Isaiah regarding the regathering of Israel
concerns what has happened since 1948. However, that regathering
refers to the regathering of the Northern Kingdom of the 10 tribes
(Israel) following their destruction by the Assyrain Empire for
idolatory. God gave them the Christian territories of the UK
commonwealth & the USA, and Christianity ruled the world. Jacob
blessed the sons of Joseph: Ephraim & Manneseh (Genesis 48).
The Jews were promised Messiah, and He came. Ephraim and
Mannasseh were promised the birthright (land), and they received
The year 1948 (the Zionist invasion of Palestine) was indeed a
fulfillment of prophecy (Ezekiel 38) but it is the evil figs
themselves who are Gog. In parallel to their physical invasion in the
middle east, they invaded the mountains of Israel (Christian
nations) with Hollywood filth, materialsm, heresy, etc. etc, leaving
them in their currently depraved state. Thus God gave Ephraim &
Mannasseh into the hands of antichrist again. But the 70 year period
of spiritual Babylonian captivity is now coming to its close, and
antichrist (Gog and the UN) is going to be destroyed.
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