Summary of Principles of CALL

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Name : Muhammad Rafiq Tanjung

NPM : A1B017046
Summary Of Priciples Of CALL
The use of technology to support language learning comprises four components :
1. Conditions for Classroom Language Learning
 Learners have opportunities to interact socially and negotiate meaning
 Learners interact in the target language with an authentic audience
 Learners are involved in authentic tasks
 Learners are exposed to and encouraged to produce varied and creative language
 Learners have enough time and feedback
 Learners are guided to attend mindfully to the learning process
 Learners work in an atmosphere with an ideal stress/anxiety level
 Learner autonomy is supported
2. Integrating ESL Standards
ESL Standards for Pre-K–12 Students (TESOL, 1997) suggest that language learners should
be able to communicate effectively in social and academic settings and that they should also
learn ways to continue their learning beyond the school setting. The activities that can be waged
such as : letting students play roles that encourage active learning, providing a variety of
opportunities for learners to interact with native English speakers, focusing on language use
instead of language study, using higher order thinking skills, employing different media,
encouraging meaningful language use, providing flexible timing for tasks, promoting a variety
of sources of feedback and prompting, including other students, offering adequate information
or research resources, seizing upon opportunities to assist learners in making crucial choices in
the learning process.
3. Meeting Learning Conditions With Computer Support
The use of technology can be utilized to accomodate the need of students. since technology
provide wide range of applications fo the sake of learning pocess. Hence the teacher can choose
which program that suits with their condition of learning.
4. Guidelines for Using Educational Technology in Language Classrooms
 Use technology to support the pedagogical goals of the class and curriculum
 Make the technology accessible to all learners
 Use the technology as a tool
 Use technology effectively
 Use technology efficiently

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