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Yes/No Questions
1. Do you play badminton? 9. Will you read the newspaper?
2. Do you live in a house? 10. Will they arrange the racks?
3. Did you write the story? 11. Will he start the computer?
4. Did you do the homework? 12. Did he work in the afternoon?
5. Do they eat in the afternoon? 13. Does he jump on the bed?
6. Do they like to drink milk? 14. Does he like to cook food?
7. Did they go to the market? 15. Did he start playing the guitar?
8. Did they finish the biscuits? 16. Will he keep the jacket?

1. Yes, I play badminton. No, I don’t play badminton.
2. Yes, I live in a house. No, I don’t live in a house.
3. Yes, I wrote the story. No, I didn’t write the story.
4. Yes, I did the homework. No, I didn’t do the homework.
5. Yes, they eat in the afternoon. No, they don’t eat in the afternoon.
6. Yes, they like to drink milk. No, they don’t like to drink milk.
7. Yes, they went to the market. No, they didn’t go to the market.
8. Yes, they finished the biscuits. No, they didn’t finish the biscuits.
9. Yes, I will read the newspaper. No, I won’t read the newspaper.
10. Yes, they will arrange the racks. No, they won’t arrange the racks.
11. Yes, he will start the computer. No, he won’t start the computer.
12. Yes, he worked in the afternoon. No, he didn’t work in the afternoon.
13. Yes, he jumps on the bed. No, he doesn’t jump on the bed.
14. Yes, he likes to cook food. No, he doesn’t like to cook food.
15. Yes, he started playing the guitar. No, he didn’t start playing the guitar.
16. Yes, he will keep the jacket. No, he will not keep the jacket.

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