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Unidad 1 Puentes
Mi Conexión al Mundo en otra Lengua I

Feria Internacional de las Culturas

Nombre de la Maestra: Lic. Cynthia Enríquez Luna

Grupo: 307 Turno: 2

Integrantes: No. l.:
Fernando Calvillo López 6
Karime Guadalupe Carrizales 8
José Ángel Delgado Cantú 9
María Fernanda Delgado Dávila 10
Carlos Emiliano Zárate Valdez 44
General information
• Philippines is located in the south of
Asia, is one of the most populated
countries in Asia with a population of
110.8 millions (in may,2018).In the
Philippines we find extravagant food
and some curious people who are very
friendly, in its capital, Manila, is the
country's central airport, it has 3
centrals that connect some important
points of the country.
• You can walk through the shopping
centers that Manila has and find very
special items or souvenirs for your
close ones.
• In the Philippines, • You might explore • You may enjoy the
you have to marvel at the Spanish Filipino flavors.
its variety of colonial heritage.
• You could go to • You should eat • You might travel
the remote islands dinner to enjoy a to know the beach
of the Manila. plate of sisig in of Boracay.
the beautiful city.
• You should visit • You could watch • You can enjoy the
the wonderful the beautiful sweetest mangoes
Nacpan beach. Chocolate Hills in the world.
from above.
• You would swim • You mustn´t skip • You must navigate
in El Nido. any sunset. the wonderful river
Loboc among.
palm trees
• You will explore • You can speak • You must reserve your
the magic of the Philippine and return fly
secret beach. English here, since
they are the official
languages of the
• The ancient inhabitants of what is now
the Philippines lived relatively isolated
on their islands until the XVI, if Fernando
de Magallanes would not have claimed
Spain, he would not have had
evangelization. The Hispanic rule lasted
more than three centuries, until the
supposed independence of the country
in 1898. Alleged, because, immediately,
the Americans invaded the archipelago
and, although the Filipinos revolted, they
lost. A free republic emerged from the
ashes of World War II. However, the
decisive moment in the country's modern
history was the overthrow of dictator
Fernando Marcos with the People's
Power Revolution in 1986.
• The first settlers of the islands
arrived by boat from the north, the
south and the west, and
established a small network of
settlements with little contact
between them. From the
beginning, the idea of ​a common
identity was quite dim. If the
traveler had arrived in the north of
Luzon 1000 years ago, he would
have encountered the Ifugao
taking care of their spectacular
terraced rice paddies, which
continue to fascinate the current
tourists around Banaue. It is
believed that the ancestors of the
Ifugao arrived 15,000 years ago
from China and Vietnam.
• The Gastronomy of the Philippines is a set of culinary customs associated with the
inhabitants of the Philippines. Some examples are Biko, Lumpia Dessert, Banana Cue,
Longanisa, Crepes, Pork Sisig.
• If they don´t have traditions, they won´t have a beautiful city.
• food and all its cuisine are associated not only with food and its meaning, but also with its
culture and all its customs.
• As you may have guessed, If the Filipinos love to eat, they eat 3 to 6 times a day


• Chinese cuisine began to exert influence on noodle shops that began to be established
throughout the territory.
• Filipinos have traditions combined with the Chinese in terms of food, if their dishes don´t
have something Chinese, it isn´t Filipino food.
• If in the Philippines it is multicultural,
people speak several languages and in
the Philippines there are about 170
estimated languages that are spoken
and almost all of them are classified as
Malay and Polynesian languages and
about eighty dialects. If the Filipinos
are Asian, they have the same costubres
and it is clearly seen in their way of life,
in their beliefs and in their customsif in
the philippines they listen to a lot of
music, the philippines go to concerts,
most of the philippines are attached to
the music which is a culture which they
listen to asian music.

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