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Anatomical danger zone reconsidered: a micro-CT

study on dentine thickness in mandibular molars

G. De-Deus1 , E. A. Rodrigues1, F. G. Belladonna1 , M. Simo ~ es-Carvalho1 ,

1 1 2
D. M. Cavalcante , D. S. Oliveira , E. M. Souza , K. A. Giorgi , M. A. Versiani1
3 1,4
R. T. Lopes , E. J. N. L. Silva & S. Paciornik5
Department of Endodontics, Fluminense Federal University, Niter oi, Rio de Janeiro; 2Department of Dentistry II, Federal
University of Maranh~ ao, S~ ao; Nuclear Engineering Program, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de
ao Luıs, Maranh~
Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro; 4Department of Endodontics, Grande Rio University, Duque de Caxias, Rio de Janeiro; and 5Department
of Chemical and Materials Engineering, Pontifıcia Universidade Cat
olica do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Abstract slice from both distal and mesial regions of the mesial
canals by an automatic segmentation process.
De-Deus G, Rodrigues EA, Belladonna FG, Simo ~ es-
Results The DZ values in the mesiobuccal canals
Carvalho M, Cavalcante DM, Oliveira DS, Souza
varied from 0.67 to 1.93 mm, with an average of
EM, Giorgi KA, Versiani MA, Lopes RT, Silva EJNL,
1.13  0.21 mm. For the mesiolingual canals, the
Paciornik S. Anatomical danger zone reconsidered: a micro-
DZ varied from 0.77 to 1.89 mm with an average of
CT study on dentine thickness in mandibular molars.
1.10  0.21 mm. There was no correspondence in
International Endodontic Journal.
the DZ between the mesiobuccal and mesiolingual
Aim To investigate the smallest dentine thickness in canals at the same cross-sectional level in 71% of the
mesial canals of mandibular molars along the cervical specimens. Moreover, the smallest dentine thickness
and middle thirds of the root by means of a micro- was towards the mesial region of the roots in 22%
computed tomographic (micro-CT) technology and and 18% of the mesiolingual and mesiobuccal canals,
digital image analysis. respectively.
Methodology Fifty mesial roots of mandibular Conclusions The smallest dentine thickness was
molars having two independent canals (mesiobuccal on the mesial plane of the roots in about 40% of the
and mesiolingual), in the coronal and middle levels, canals. The vertical location of the DZ in relation to
were selected and scanned in a micro-CT device. After the furcation area was in the middle third of the root.
reconstruction procedures, approximately 468 slices
Keywords: danger zone, dentine thickness,
per root covering the 7 mm below the furcation area
mandibular molars, mesial roots, micro-CT.
of the mesial root were analysed to measure the
smallest dentine thickness (danger zone [DZ]) in each Received 21 March 2019; revision requested 2 May 2019,
accepted 3 May 2019

canal treatment (Estrela et al. 2018). These perfora-

tions have been related historically to the distal area
Midroot perforations are normally caused by over-in- of mesial roots in mandibular molars, and thus,
strumentation on an already thin dentinal wall, Abou-Rass et al. (1980) introduced the concept of the
which may seriously compromise the outcome of root ‘danger zone’ (DZ) in the early 1980s. In fact, these
authors formally reported what experienced clinicians
already knew: often, mesial canals of mandibular
molars do not assume a central position in the root
Correspondence: Gustavo De-Deus, Av. Henrique Dodsworth with the distal area between the canal and root bifur-
85 Apto 808 - Lagoa, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, zip code: 22061-
030, Brazil (e-mail: endogus@gmail.com). cation being relatively thin, the so-called DZ, which is

© 2019 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd International Endodontic Journal 1
Anatomical danger zone reconsidered De-Deus et al.

more vulnerable to strip perforations. On the other

Materials and methods
hand, the safety zone was described as the mesial
area of the mesial root with a thicker dentine layer,
Sample selection and imaging
which is often minimally instrumented by endodontic
instruments. In short, Abou-Rass et al. (1980) pointed The present ex vivo study was approved by the Ethical
out the importance of this anatomical area during Research Committee of Fluminense Federal University.
canal shaping and, since then, many studies have Initially, one hundred moderately curved mesial roots
evaluated the safety of various preparation techniques (10–20°) of first and second mandibular molars,
in mesial canals of mandibular molars (Garcia Filho selected according to Schneider’s method (Schneider
et al. 2003, Akhlaghi et al. 2010, Silva et al. 2017). 1971), with 10  1 mm in length, were imaged with
The anatomy of the DZ as well as the assessment of a micro-CT scanner (SkyScan 1173; Bruker microCT,
canal preparation techniques and instruments has Kontich, Belgium) at 14.25 lm (pixel size), 70 kV,
been based on destructive and invasive approaches 114 mA, 180° rotation around the vertical axis, rota-
(i.e. sectioning methods) (Garcia Filho et al. 2003, tion step of 0.7°, camera exposure time of 250 mil-
Akhlaghi et al. 2010). This leads to serious experi- liseconds and frame average of 4, using a 1-mm-thick
mental limitations as it allows the analysis of only a aluminium filter. The images were reconstructed
few slices per root. (NRecon v.; Bruker microCT) with similar
In the early 2000s, the introduction of micro-com- parameters for beam hardening (35–45%), ring arte-
puted tomographic (micro-CT) imaging opened new fact correction (3–5) and contrast limits (0–0.05).
possibilities for endodontic research since this technol- Then, fifty mesial roots with two independent canals
ogy allows precise nondestructive longitudinal two-di- (mesiobuccal and mesiolingual), at the coronal and
mensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) middle levels, were selected. None of the specimens
assessments (Peters et al. 2001, 2003, De-Deus et al. had a root filling, root caries, cracks, fractures, and
2015, 2016, Silva et al. 2017), because micro-CT is internal or external resorption.
based on a powerful X-ray source, which allows visu-
alization and measurement of the outer and inner
Image analysis
structures of an opaque object without needing previ-
ous sample preparation or chemical fixation. For The volume of interest was selected extending from
instance, micro-CT with mathematical modelling has the furcation level to 3 mm from the anatomical
provided information on the dentine thicknesses in 1- apex of the mesial roots, corresponding to approxi-
mm intervals (Harris et al. 2013). However, detailed mately 468 slices per root, for a total of 23 400
morphological information about the DZ remains slices. An image analysis routine was developed to
inconsistent, sparse and sometimes controversial, as measure the minimal dentine thickness from both
the evaluation of just a few cross sections per sample distal and mesial aspects of the mesial canals of
is rather meaningless, especially when using micro- mandibular molars by using a previously validated
CT technology. Lee et al. (2015) appears to be the BoneJ plug-in (Doube et al. 2010) implemented into
only micro-CT study that used high-resolution and the Fiji/ImageJ software (Fiji v.1.51n; Madison, WI,
smaller slice intervals (0.1 mm). Therefore, a compre- USA). First, a 3D median filter was applied to the
hensive anatomical study of danger and safety zones stacks in order to reduce overall noise (Neves et al.
in mesial roots of mandibular molars is timely and 2015) and the dentine was binarized using a mini-
may help reduce either the risk of midroot perfora- mum threshold algorithm. Then, the BoneJ plug-in
tions towards the furcation area or an unnecessary was used to identify the position and measure the
loss of sound dentine tissue, which appears to con- smallest dentine thickness in each slice for both
tribute to the long-term survival of teeth (Soares et al. mesial canals.
2008). Three-dimensional mapping of the dentine thick-
The current study has a descriptive nature and was ness was created and saved for structure thickness in
designed to investigate the smallest dentine thickness CTAn v.1.15 software (Bruker microCT), and loaded
in mesial canals of mandibular molars along the cer- into CTVox v.3.3 software (Bruker microCT) to gener-
vical and middle thirds of the root by means of micro- ate colour-coded 3D models of the mesial roots of
CT technology and digital image analysis. mandibular molars.

2 International Endodontic Journal © 2019 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
De-Deus et al. Anatomical danger zone reconsidered

Table 1 Descriptive data regarding the smallest dentine

thickness (DZ) and location of the DZ Results

Thickness of Thickness of Location of Table 1 presents descriptive data for all specimens
the DZ in the DZ in the DZ under regarding the smallest dentine thickness (DZ) and its
mesiobuccal mesiolingual the furcation location relative to the furcation area. Table 2 shows
canals (mm) canals (mm) area (mm) the location of the DZ for all specimens according to
Mean  1.13  0.22 1.10  0.21 4.37  1.68 the distance from the furcation area distributed in 1-
SD mm intervals.
Range 0.67–1.93 0.77–1.89 1.1–7
The DZ values in the mesiobuccal canals varied from
0.67 to 1.93 mm, with an average of
Table 2 Distribution of the DZ location along the cross sec- 1.13  0.21 mm. For the mesiolingual canals, the DZ
tions for all specimens according to the distance from the varied from 0.77 to 1.89 mm, with an average of
furcation area
1.10  0.21 mm. There was no correspondence in the
Location of the DZ below the % of cross Cumulative DZ between the mesiobuccal and mesiolingual canals
furcation area sections % at the same cross-sectional level in 71% of the speci-
1–2 mm 9.7 9.7 mens. Moreover, the DZ was towards the mesial region
2–3 mm 13 22.7 of the roots in 22% and 18% of the mesiolingual and
3–4 mm 12.8 35.5 mesiobuccal canals, respectively (Figs 1 and 2).
4–5 mm 27.1 62.6
Figure 3 shows colour-coded representations of the
5–6 mm 21 83.6
6–7 mm 16.4 100
dentine thickness throughout mesial roots of five rep-
resentative mandibular molars. Qualitative analysis

Figure 1 Cross-sectional images of 3 mesial roots of mandibular molars showing the noncentred position of the mesial canals.
a1, a2 and a3 show the thinnest dentine towards the mesial area in the mesiolingual canal and the distal area in the
mesiobuccal canal. b1, b2 and b3 show the DZs towards the distal area in both mesiolingual and mesiobuccal canals. c1, c2
and c3 show the DZs towards the mesial area in both mesiolingual and mesiobuccal canals.

© 2019 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd International Endodontic Journal 3
Anatomical danger zone reconsidered De-Deus et al.

demonstrated that the noncentred position of the root bifurcation, which has the thinnest dentine and
mesial canals and the asymmetric shape of the root is more prone to the development of strip perforations.
resulted in variable thickness of the dentine at differ- However, the current results revealed that the DZ
ent levels and directions, including areas towards the was displaced towards the furcation area in only 60%
mesial aspect of the root in some cases. of the evaluated cross sections. In the other 40% of
the slices, the thinnest dentine was located on the
mesial region of the roots, which contrasts with the
generally held view (Abou-Rass et al. 1980). Also
The current study provided two innovative results using a micro-CT imaging analysis, Lee et al. (2015)
regarding the anatomical DZ. First, the smallest den- found the thinnest root canal wall on the mesial por-
tine thickness was towards the mesial plane of the tion of the root in between 15% and 33% of the spec-
roots in around 40% of the canals (22% and 18% of imens, which is consistent with the present results.
the mesiolingual and mesiobuccal canals, respec- The DZ evaluated in the present study was located
tively). Secondly, the vertical location of the DZ in up to 4 mm under the furcation area in only 35% of
relation to the furcation area was towards the middle the specimens, whilst the majority of the samples
third of the root. revealed that the DZ was between 4 and 7 mm below
Relevant original data revealed by the present the furcation area. In other words, DZs prone to
study were about the position of the DZ in the cross- either strip perforation or unnecessary loss of dentine
sectional plane of the root. Traditionally, the under- are more towards the middle third of the root
standing from the classic concept of the DZ refers to (4.37  1.68 mm under the furcation area) than pre-
the distal area between the main canal space and the viously reported (Table 1). This finding is innovative

Figure 2 Cross-sectional images of 3 mesial roots of mandibular molars showing the noncentred position of the mesial canals.
d1, d2 and d3 show the thinnest dentine towards the distal area in the mesiolingual canal and the mesial area in the
mesiobuccal canal. e1, e2 and e3 show the DZs towards the distal area in both mesiolingual and mesiobuccal canals. f1, f2
and f3 show the DZs towards the mesial area in both mesiolingual and mesiobuccal canals.

4 International Endodontic Journal © 2019 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
De-Deus et al. Anatomical danger zone reconsidered

Figure 3 Three-dimensional colour-coded models of five mandibular molars showing that noncentred position of the mesial
canals and the asymmetric shape of the root resulted in variable dentine thickness at different levels and directions of the

© 2019 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd International Endodontic Journal 5
Anatomical danger zone reconsidered De-Deus et al.

inasmuch as previous information described the long as age affects the overall canal size, it is likely to
anatomical position of the DZ is concentrated up to affect the overall dentinal thickness.
4 mm below the furcation level (Kessler et al. 1983,
Berutti & Fedon 1992, Garcia Filho et al. 2003,
Sauaia et al. 2010, Tabrizizadeh et al. 2010, Akhlaghi
et al. 2015). The smallest dentine thickness in extracted mandibu-
It is worth mentioning that the mean smallest den- lar first and second molars was towards the mesial
tine thickness along the distal surfaces in mesial roots plane of the roots in approximately 40% of the
of mandibular molars found in this study was canals, whilst the overall vertical location of the DZ
0.67 mm, which is smaller than usually reported in was towards the middle third of the root.
the literature: Lim & Stock (1987) = 0.94 mm, Garcia
Filho et al. (2003) = 0.79 mm, Kessler et al. (1983) =
Conflict of interest
1.08 mm, Akhlaghi et al. (2015) = 1.05 mm, Berutti
& Fedon (1992) = 1.2 mm and Tabrizizadeh et al. The authors have stated explicitly that there are no
(2010) = 1.3 mm. The information on the smallest conflicts of interest in connection with this article.
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ods and direct optical microscopy observation of a few
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6 International Endodontic Journal © 2019 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
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© 2019 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd International Endodontic Journal 7

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