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perature profiles «The Flow 15 horizoniat ten V2 is the only of the velodty Field and sine we awe ine hydrodynamic fully developed flow V2 only depends Non zero component on r $ Ve (ve, Ve .Va)2 (0, 0, Vatr)) (2-4) Also, steady state por veloaly Field will be @nsioleved One Snngle empirical velodty porile for turbulent lows in 2 chonne| is given by the % Gllecl Power low Vo = ( 1 £) In Vaverage . _2n7 (2.2) Vmax. R Vmax, (a +4) (2n44) net isa Aypico! velue for turbvlent flow with a Ke of & mognifvee of 10° as in our Case (one seventh gower low velocity prorile) Const olerine, Vaweroge = Q = @ ond n=F we Neve: | A wRE "5 ih Ve W ~ = . Ve le nay. (4 5 = 122 average ( 5) Ver) = 22 @ ces)” (2.3) “ar Re zg Tor temperate porile We @n Gssume: » Tis axysimmexic ~~» @2@T =0 ob © T= 1,42) only a pondien oF time, cadivs and length » Tz) 2 Tm G2) Prt) (2.4) Tin (2)! mean longitudinal temperature (mean over toss Section ) frCr) + shape punction por tem perate z £rCr) 2 shape uncton For temperate where Tra (42) = 4 5 &T (une) vr de (2.5) e R Jo and A i Pre drz4 so that previous equality holds R? Jo le we take a normalized perile por (rr) as fy") = Care (Ey ] Qe) we an choose a6 Ir Bway Yet boundary Gonditens axe gollgilled . Anolyze BCs por HTF ot 28 4 ar OTs = Que = Nem (Ta-T¢ ) (29) er JER 3R ° Te: absorber temperate Fiom (2.6) % We an of Th: RTE tenoerabe : + ruamber (tage on (2)... = Tm (20 Rane Wseht nar Br re Di: inner oliameter es. ¢ a4 (-ab) Tn (2.8) “O42 (1-6) AA dhe moment we an assume tho Same @ensat2 for te absorber tempera dure. and using Ye same shape function * G4 Veerwine, into account hax re Mean absurber Giaeakck Tma wold be slightly et af higher velve than Be mean HTF tempealre Tm, sine the last one is an ave toge over a whole “oss sedion e For £4, 0) we can take the some Shape puncion byt this ime wnsidering te equivalet radivs for the arnular section oF +ho tee bese on tre by ate hc diome tes ; nl p aN +he tee bese on tre hy dra lic diameter + dhe 4A = 4 Wee - TR) F 2C Wee +72) dh = 2(Re-R) (29) (hone Re. Exteynel vedius oF the tube Ri Inner redivs Yon re equi volent redivs Reg = (Re-R) and we opt he expression For Pia Cr) using (2.6) in terms of Pratede a CBS HP ee) | (2-10) where O47 4 Re-R t + = Nap A€ (Ta- From (a4) Ms (ae Wy ait %) Use (2.4) - Tm Lew) 2 Navi (Tra role - Tm fy (@>) Or IR 2R @a1) by (ae) free) = (at2) (0) O+2(1-%) (2-2) ard by (2.19) Frame) ata (4-6 ) Fo Ww abst bex tb Giveent weds at Ris Re-R In (ua) we replove Q.12), (2.8) - Tm ( Cab)(at2) = Nwdi Catz) (A- b) ( Tma- Tin) OF 2b) “2eR (ax 2066)) we eRe 1) ee) I-b A+ thts pote we wanl to choow Some values For alo thom we use Some Aypioad average vole for Nu Di, R and Some wretenship for Tmo /tm =< je Kron + Ob ~ 15.2 {-» by ust choosing, a=\S_— and b-0.S5 we FuIFill the conoli tens Finely in (a6) is (ys Oo fi-d(e } (2.44 fr ? 16 (| 2(€) ) off te amd we con vx this expression to apwoximee the integals oF T depending On r os “T= Tm(ti2) fr(R)

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