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ArkPort Borough -

Tavern: The Hond and Jester

Owner: Curran Hogcollar, Male Halfling
Location: In an adventurer's district of taverns and rogues. The street outside has drunken revelers
and has a beggar harassing passers-by.
Description: The tavern is a plaster single storey building, with a brown shingled roof and a large
cellar. It contains several paintings on the wall and a poker table.


• Fish Steamed Bun with Crowberry Tart and a Coffee (5 sp)

• Chicken Steamed Bun with Nutmeg and Leek and a Glass of Vodka (5 sp)
• Triceratops Sandwich and a Tankard of Beer (4 sp)

Curran Hogcollar, Male Halfling

Description: He wears suspenders and white workpants. His shirt is brown, and he wears a heavy white leather
apron most of the time, but does not cut a very imposing figure. He walks with a slouch but will stand straight
to his full 3'1" when asserting himself. His brown hair is drawn into a tight pony tail with a cross scrunchie. He
was beautiful and young once, which still shows through his age, but it is a faded beauty.
Personality: He considers himself the protector of his home. He feels this is his duty and calling. He does not
believe in violence as a means to an end. He is a dedicated Barkeep but believes his peers are too gung -ho.

History: His necromantic talent manifested at a young age. Aiming to upstage a rival house, his parents had
him trained. A gifted student he started as a Ploughman, but he got bored and became a Barkeep. He has
worked as a Barkeep like his mother before him.

Motivation: Expand his business; and to end his boredom

Occupation: Barkeep

Blacksmith: The Azer's Steelworks

Owner: Nordak Brawnanvil, Male Dwarf [Details]
Location: In a small alley. The street outside is watched by a squad of the town guard.
Description: The blacksmith is a plaster and wood framed big orb-like building, with a blue tile roof
and roughly hewn wooden furniture. It contains several paintings on the wall and a forge in the
shape of a dragon's mouth. The owner raises wolves.


• Trident of Fish Command (dmg 209) (724 gp)

• Chain Mail (phb 145) (72 gp)
• Scale Mail (phb 145) (48 gp)

Nordak Brawnanvil, Male Dwarf

Description: This exceptionally lanky man is bundled in multiple layers and is prepared for a desert trek
wearing a turban that covers his face most of the time. His black hair is matted, messy, and big. His voice is
smooth and creepy, always level, but somehow just slightly unnerving.

Personality: He misses his glory days as an athlete. He does not mind his job, but it is boring in comparison. He
spends most of his days drinking in the Inn, the rowdiest and most dangerous establishment in town. There he
gambles, wrestles and listens to stories told by travelers.

History: The child of a Marshal, who enjoyed hunting, Nordak was taken on many hunting expeditions. Before
the accident, he was one of the most outspoken anti-Dwarven activists. He was mortally wounded, saved by a
kind and fast-acting Dwarven doctor. He now travels the world, in search of power and loot.
Motivation: He desires power and/or immortality; and to reunite with his old friends

Occupation: Blacksmith

Jeweler: Simon's Choker

Owner: Simon Hadleigh, Male Human [Details]

Location: In the main street near the town gate. The street outside is next to a large public square.
Description: The jeweler is a wooden sprawling single storey building, with a brown shingled roof and moss-
covered walls and roof. It contains well-stocked workshop and a large well-used grindstone.


• Ring of Warmth (dmg 193) (957 gp)

• Exquisite Earrings (4 gp)
• Crystal Arcane Focus (phb 151) (10 gp)

Simon Hadleigh, Male Human

Description: This petite short man is perpetually holding a tea of some kind. He wears a green coat over a
brown low-cut shirt, and a top hat upon his head., marred by teas. His long blonde hair reaches down to his
waist. His hazel eyes peer out from beneath his top green hat.

Personality: He is a hateful person. He taunts others and blames them for his problems. He loves teas. He is
very sensitive about his face. To blow off anger he lifts weights and to control his otherwise explosive temper
he works out a lot.

History: Simon lived on a farm with his mother, near the main road leading to a nearby town. His parents
divorced when he was young, and his mother gained full cudstody. He was regularly beaten by his mother,
who blamed him for driving them apart. He has gone from town to town till he finds a spot where he can set
up a sustainable business.

Motivation: To prove his worth to the world; and he's repulsed by the pc

Occupation: Jeweler

Enchanter: Enchanted Tower

Owner: Giselle Marlowe, Female Human [Details]

Location: In a temple district. The street outside is shaded by large trees.

Description: The enchanter is a timber and brick big orb-like building, with a red tile roof and nicely trimmed
hedges. It contains a suit of armor on the back wall and a floating glass pyramid.


• Dust of Sneezing and Choking (dmg 166) (473 gp)

• Keoghtom's Ointment (dmg 179) (119 gp)
• Driftglobe (dmg 166) (718 gp)

Giselle Marlowe, Female Human

Description: She is a physically imposing dark-skinned woman. She wears rags and sports a simple walking
cane. Her long black hair reaches down to her waist. She has a very pronounced jaw (or goatee) and bushy
eyebrows. She wears rectangular glasses with silver brims.

Personality: In the realm of puns, she cannot help herself. She feels obliged to make them. She also has
developed a complete distrust of the Weaver profession.

History: Born to a Weaver, her mother struggled to pay the bills. Through the years after Giselle was born, her
mother became increasingly distant from her family, instead choosing to pur sue power in the east. Giselle's
mother didn't care for her much, and the feeling was mutual. She has since married many spouses, only to
have them die. She claims to not be responsible

Motivation: A need for knowledge about a nearby landmark; and she'd like to take her coworkers down a peg

Occupation: Enchanter

General Store: Wiz General Store

Owner: Theodoric Westbrook, Male Human [Details]

Location: In the middle of the slums. The street outside has a weird smell.
Description: The general store is a concrete cabin, with a green tile roof and elf-wrought furniture. It contains
piles of scrolls and books on the counter and along the walls and big bags of rice and lentils along the wall.


• Signet Ring (phb 150) (5 gp)

• Ink (1 ounce bottle) (phb 150) (10 gp)
• Hammer (phb 150) (1 gp)

Theodoric Westbrook

Description: A stocky darker skinned man, he is constantly adorned with expensive silk clothing, often dyed in
bright green and red, and wears rings and necklaces with large, colorful gems. His hair is long and black with
streaks of chestnut, and is pulled back with small green clips. His beard is chestnut, braided, and well cared for.
His amber eyes have a joyful gleam in them most of the time.

Personality: He is quiet and unassuming. He ignores others and carries on with his job as a Merchant
unassumingly. He will do just about anything if he becomes convinced it is for someone's true love, of this he is
easily convinced.
History: He grew up in a lower middle class home, but living comfortably wasn't enough. From his teen years
he was always beautiful and desirable, so people have always doted on him. He became a Merchant soon

Motivation: Wants to raise his children well; and he wants to get laid

Occupation: Merchant

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