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Submitted by:

Umair Younas
Muhammad Shahzaib

Aim of the Project:

Aim of Hospital Management System is to create a program which is used in
Hospital to keep record.
Executive Summary:
This project can be used in hospital to store records of hospital, to display the
saved records.
Project Objectives:
The objectives of this project are as follows:
 To save records.
 For fast access of data.
Hospital Management is very popular projects, In this project, I cover 1.
DOCTOR, 2. PATIENT, 3.Lab tables. Now take an example of Doctor table, I
already saved some doctor details, when you select option 1. The doctor
than 2 option will occur and entry or list Here you can save
the details of New Doctor like Below.

 Id:-
 Name:-
 Specialization:-
 Working Time:-
 Qualification:-
Project Implementation:
It is a small project which is helpful in the areas of Hospital. In Hospital
Management System we can also check the patient list or we can admit new
patient same as Doctor List for that we have to go the main menu and select
patient than 2 option will occur entry or 2.patient list and by pressing
2 we can check the patient details. these are the list of my friend and they are
not patient they are absolutely fine(Just for Fun).
Patient List
id name disease sex admit_status age
12 Nabeel Depression male y 20
13 Salman Cold male y 23
14 Asif Malaria male y 21
15 Ali Sugar male y 22

Dedicated To:
My best teacher Maam Aleena. I am proud of you.
“It must have been a great task convincing yourself to show up to teach
again and again.Thank you for not giving in or giving up”.

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