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AMANTE English (C2)


Spanish (C1)
French (A2)
21/12/1995 Dutch (A1)

Dynamic and communicative,

with a strong interest for CONTACTS SKILLS
human rights, sustainability, Microsoft Office
art and culture. +31 (0) 626019401 Adobe Premiere and other
Highly motivated to learn, to video editing softwares
create bridges, and to ADDRESS
establish stronger connections Marnixlaan, 19
for a more just world. Adobe Photoshop (Beginner)
3552 HA Utrecht
The Netherlands Adobe InDesign (Beginner)


Utrecht University, The Netherlands

Master of Arts in Arts and Society
September 1st, 2018 - August 31st 2019
Subjects included Postcolonial Studies and Transnational Justice, Cultural Policy, and
Experimental Ethnography.
Thesis: "Imagining Museums Otherwise: An examination of the institutional and curatorial
practices in Dutch art institutions". Focus on the museums' relationships to relevant societal
topics and on their connection with local publics.
Final grade 8.3/10

NOVA University of Lisbon, Portugal

Bachelor in Communication Sciences
September 2013 - June 2016

Specialization in Cinema and Television

Subjects included Marketing, News Theory, Political Theory, Sound and Image, Visual Culture
and Sociology of Communication.
Erasmus in Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain
Final grade 17/20


"Young People on Facebook: Privacy Management. A theoretical approach on youth’s view of

privacy on this social network." in Comunicação, Educação e Tecnologias. Vol.3, no 4, Jul-Set 2017

Stichting art.1 (NGO), Amsterdam

April 2019 - Present (Internship/freelance)
Content writing for the online platforms of the organisation (Wordpress)
Organising, monitoring and reporting for different projects:

Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs "Youth Artivists For Change: Balkan"

Erasmus+ "Perform2Reform"
Erasmus+ "Queer Faces, Migrant Voices"

Production and communication at the International Queer and Migrant Film Festival 2019,
organised by the same entity.

Gerador (non-profit cultural association), Lisbon

September 2016 - August 2018
Production assistance in cultural events (exhibitions, performances, concerts)
Content writing for the online platform
Social media management (Facebook and Instagram)
Partnership development
Conception and execution of membership campaigns

NOVA University's Centre for the Humanities (History-focused research unit), Lisbon
February 2016 - May 2016 (Internship)
Filming and editing of videos concerning events, conferences and investigations
Promotion of the organization and History-related topics

Espalha-Factos (Online platform for cultural activities), Lisbon

June 2014 - August 2016 (Volunteer)
Communication and external relations
Social media management (Facebook)
Development of partnerships with cultural institutions

Erasmus+ Youth Exchange in Brussels: Refugees+ (June, 2019)
Volunteer at Le Guess Who? Festival (Utrecht, 2018 and 2019)
Volunteer at Alkantara - International Festival of Performative Arts (Lisbon, 2016)
Volunteer at Panorama - The Portuguese Documentary Showcase (Lisbon, 2015)
Volunteer at European Literature Night (Lisbon, 2014)
Coursera MOOC: Interactive Strategies for Engaging with Art by MoMA (2016)
Coursera MOOC:  Sexing the Canvas: Art and Gender by The University of
Melbourne (2016)

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