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SEES Rep of eBay Congress af the Pjilippines Si se Storie Congres ‘ied Regular Sesion Begun and hol in Metro Mania, on Mendy, the swans “dao iy, two thousand ephtean, [Rerusuic Act No. 11223] AN ACT INSTITUTING UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE FOR ‘ALL, FILIPINOS, PRESCHIBING REFORMS IN THE HEALTH CARE SYSTEM, AND APPROPRIATING FONDS THEREFOR Be itenacte ty the Sonateaa Hous of Representa ofthe ‘Philippinen Congres oss bled cuapran 1 GeineaL, Paovisions ‘he “Univereal Health Care Act” SBC. 2 Declaration of Prince and Policies — 1 ix the pony of the State to protect nd promt the Hight heath ofall pos and snc health conatsnunens ey them. Towards ths end, the State shal ape (© Am interatd and comprehensive apprach tense il Flpinae are heath Mera, proviled wih heathy living conditions, and protected fom hazande an ‘oul tect thu health that (8) A bald care model that provide ll Fine aoe to.acomprehonste et of quay and cot-tetve poste, [revetre,eatie, mbaitatve and plate lin servis Wichout causing nani hardship, and prints the nods ‘of the population sho cannot aff nich services © A framework thet fosters x whole-of-eystem, whohogoverament and whole-ofsocisyppecach fn the evelopment, implementation, mentoring, aid ealuation of health police, programs and plans: and (@ A peopleorinted approach forthe delivery health ness that oontered on peoples needs nod welbeing. aod ‘Sipniant of the dferense in culture, value ad bells, ‘SEC. 5. General Objective. ~ Thin Ac seks wo (2) Progresively realize univere] health care in the ‘county thaigh a ojetomie approach and lear deiestion of Feles of key agencies and takeholdere towards beter performance inthe health ayaa ad (©) Ensure that all Plipinos are guaranteed oysitabie cus to quai and afedable health care goods and serves, Sod protsed apninat nasal isk 880. 4 Definition of Terma ~ Az aod in this At (@) Abuse of authority zefere to an oct of 9 person perfeming a duty or function that goes beyond what x othard by thie Act and Republic Act No 787, otherine Known at the "National Health Insuranoy Act of 1998s smoned, or thoi implementing vlea abd vegalations ORE, fd i inne tthe pol (8) Ament sefo oft ofthe belt sevice thst provide comfort or convenience, such ay. private Sccommedation ir ondioning,tlphon, tatiana Sic of moa, emong other (©, Bose or word excommodation refers to the provision of ropular meal bed in shaved tom, fos ventilation, and ‘hare tet sot bath @) Coineurance refers ta percentage of medical barge that ls pl by the inewed, with the rest pid by the boa inmueane plans (© Copayment fers oa Mt fo o predetermined rte pri t point of servis Direct contributors refer to those who have the ‘xpacty fo pay premiums, re gainflly employed and are tn ya herrea ‘uulifed dependents, and Ictime members (© Bherzoncy refers to @ cnton or stat of a patint ‘wborein bared onthe objective Sndinge of a pradent acca ‘tice on duty, there is tnmedate danger and where delay {Bint support and trentment cay couse kon of Me or DPermancot diobity wo the patient or in the case of « Pregnant women, permeneat jury ay lee of her unbors GML, or # nonanabitutenal delivers (3) Ratloment refers to any singular or package of ‘health sorvcee provided to ilps for tho purpose af improving hea © Bssntiat heath benefit pacage refers 10 9 st of individual bed enitlements covered by the Notional Health Insurance Program (NHIP) which sndudes primary care dine, agnostics and Iboatry: ad preventive, crave, fn rehaileative servos © Proudulnt ot refers to any act of misreprsentation or deception rosling in undue Benet av advantage om the part of the doer of any meane that deviete fom novel Procedure and is undertaken for persinal gain, resulting fhevefter to damage ad pres which may be capable of (Health care provider rere to any ofthe flowing () A health facility, which nny be public or private, Aovoted primanly 10 the’ provialon of servions for health Promotion, prevention, diagnosis, tetten,rehabiaton snd Pallacon of individuals sulin fom lines deat. tjuy, ‘ably, deformity, or in need of theta oy ether ‘medial and nursing ce 2A elth care profesional, who may be doctor of smotizing, nurs, midi, dentist, et other lied profesional or practioner duly Heensod to practe io the Philippines: (A community-based health core organization. which is an axsoraton of members ofthe comsnunty organized fo the purpone of improving the helth mas ofthat sammy (@ Pharmacies or drug outlets, laborateries and Aiagnetic chimes Healthcare provider network refers to group of brimary to teria care provider, whether pablo private, Gllering pooplecentered and comprehensive care in a Integrated and coordinated manner wilh the primary care ‘proider acting seth naenor ad erin f hos cre ‘within the twee (2) Health Mintnance Organization (HMO) rere to 99 tity that proves, lio overs designate lth servos {ris plan hodere or ones fora fixed prepaid premien (@)_Heolth Technology Asetament(HTA) rene ta the “devices, medicines, varenes, prosesee and al oer haithreated ayes deveaped to Solve a hea problem and amprove quale ves end oath ‘utsomes,utlsing a muldscpinary prosne wo evalute the ‘conomle, organisational, and ethical issuer of ‘hal servation arate (ch nar coneiutors refer to sl thee noting edict contributor, a well a their quaied dependents ‘hae premium shall fe subd By te alia goverment Inking thowe who a ebwidnd e e rol of pec lowe (@)_Individuot-tsed Neath services safer to services ‘which can be sessed within 9 helt feito fentely tat an bo defintely traced back to one (1) vases ited fle at a popelatn love and dice not alter the eaderyng fause of ness auch au ambulatory and inpatient care ‘medicines, Inborstry tented proceduss, among oer, (@ Population toad health sovins refer to inerenns such ‘St heath promotion, insae eurvellne, ed vector ‘onto, which have population groupe as repent (© Primary cave velo to intial-contac, sooeible, continuous, comprehensive and coordinated care tht is faeces gt the tine of need induding a mange of sees for all presenting conditions, ond the ability t coordinate efor to other bealth care providers in the health cre Aelvery stom, When neceesr Primary care provider refs to 9 health esre worker, with defined competencies, who has received Cerietion in primary crews dotormanad by the Department bf Heath (DOH) or any health natuon thee Lael and Cersed by the DOH: (0) Private heath inewrance seers to coverage of 9 Aofined set of health services financed. through Private payments in the form oft prsaum te the inure and (9) Unethical act eerste any action, scheme or ply sgpioat the NHIP, sich te ovetiling upeasing, harboring For patients or reritvent practi ny ac contrary 16 the Code of Ethics ofthe mespanable povsn'eproieson oF pratite, or other simay,enalogous act Dat pat of end Dut in direpate the intgrty ant effective implementataon of the NIP. ‘CHAPTER IL ‘UnovinsaL HEALAH Cane (L1G) S$. 5. Population Coverage. ~ very Pilipino stizen hall be automaticaly insted Into the NHIP, herinater fefered a0 tho Progra SBC, 6, Seroice Covrage. ~ (@) Brery Hpi shall be ranted inmediate eligibity and accete to preventive, [romotire, cursive, sehabliative, and pallietie care fr Iedial dental, ental and emergency health service, ‘vere sther a popula based or inadlsed oath ‘Series Provided, That the goole apd service tobe ineladed Shall he determined through a fa and transparent BTA process Within two @ years fom the effi ofthis A Pieais shall nplement comprehensive tytn tel Including cutpabnt dvug benefit and emergency medic ‘Sevse naedance with the recomendations of he Heath ‘Tecnology Aseeement Cousel (HTAC) crested under Seton heel (© The DOH and tho heal government wnite (LSU) shall endeavor to provide sheath are delivery tte that ‘ol alo eery Flinn primary care provider tat mold {eta the navigator, coordinator, a nial and continsing ot of contact the belle cre delivery eytem: Pouded ‘That exept in emergncy or senoueeace aad when pony se concern, accsve to higher levels of ware shall be feordinated by the praey care proven end Every pio chal rgistor wid publi r preate priminy cae provider of ebnce. The DOH shall ponte {he guidlines on the licensing of primary cate provdere and {he fegstration of every Pine fos primary care provider St0, 7, Fania! Cora — (a) Population-based bal services shall be finaced bythe National Goverment thosch {he DOH and provded free of charge n pint of sevice for a Filipinos ‘The National Government shall sport LOUs in the financing of capital invesiuente and previnn of population: (ee interventions 1) slndvidusiaced health service sill be nance primarily Urough prepayment mechanisms such a soil ‘ath insurance, private health owurene, ald HMO plats ‘© onrure peeditabity of bealth expenditares (CHAPTER IL [NATIONAL HEALTHC ESURANCE PROGRAM, SEC. 8 Program Membership. ~ Membersip into the Program shall be simplified into two (2) txpes, dict ‘ntrbtrs and indie cote, a deliged in action 4 tthe Ace ‘Ste. 9, Enamont 10 Bonei, ~ Bory member call te granted immediate eliiity for health benoit package under the Program: Provided, That PhiHeslts eotfcaton (Cord shall notte roqsire in the aaiient of any health ice: Provided, further, That no so-payoent shall be hago fr sree rendered in Hae or ward sesammodation Provide, furthermore, Tet copayments ap Soinsurance fa ‘mentee in public hospitals shall be regulated by the DOH ‘nd Philealh: Prov, nally, Tht the cues Palas Package for members shall not be redo! Pubes shall provide additonal Progam benefit for iret entrar, whore applicable: Provide, That fine to pay premiums aha not provent the enjsment of any Progras enelte: Provided, farther That employers and selfemployed direct contributors call be vegred to pay all ne and one-half peront (1.6%) for learning prafensonal practitioners, and migrant worker, SEC. 10. Premium Contributions, — For direct ontebutors, premium rast shal be in neordance withthe 38 | ans | rnc | — ra 4 Provided, That for indivct contsibstor, premium subidy all be gradually adjusted and includ annually in the (General Appropriation Act (GAA): Pode, ftar, Tt the {ands shall be relased to PhilHoalth: Provided, furthermore; ‘That the DOH, in eoudination with Piel, may Fequest Congo to appropriate npplrenal fading te met trgted ailentones of thir Act’ Provided, finaly. That for every Inerwuc in the vate of cotebution of direct cottons sd prcmium subsidy of indirect contebstory, PhiHleath shall Provee fra cormaponding increase in bent ‘$B. 11, Program Reseue Funds ~ PhlHeslh shall at ‘ude prt of te scumutd rovers tot need to est ‘he cout of the cusrent years expenditures ae reve fund Provided. That tho total emount of reerves ball no excned cling equvaleat to the ont atonal eae’ for two (2) yeus" projected Program expenditures” Provide, farther, That whenever act Toorves exosed the reqaied failing tthe end of the Bacal year the excner of the PhilHlealth reserve fund shall be used to inereace the Program's bent and ta decrease the amount of tember conbtone. Ag unused portion ofthe rome fund the sno edd to meet the eurrent expedite obligations or suppers the ‘Shovementoned prog shall be placed in itvectents to fam an average anal income st prevaing rates of iterost fad shall te rere tooth Investnent Hesse Fund. The Investment Reserve Pund shall be invested In any or ll ef the flowing G@ In interest-bearing bonds, securities of ether idence of inbdse ofthe Cavernnent ofthe Phipps ‘Proved ‘Toat each iestmnt shal be tlt ty pescent (GUY) of the reserve fads In debt secures and oorporate toni of prim or seleoat srporation created essing under the laws of the Phibppige: Proved, That the seeing ot tx predecestr ‘ity al not have defaulted inthe payment of iteerton fay of te scant Pode, further, ‘That the suri are Juoved by companies with high growth opportunities and farnings potenls: Provided, finaly, That such investment ‘Shall not ‘exceed thirty percent (908) of the rsore fund, (In otrestbearing dpi and ane to secur Jn any domectic bank daing basinens in the Philippines Proved, That in the case of wach depo this sal ot ‘exced at anytime the unimpaired eat and supe tal Drivate dost of the depostny bank, whichever tall Drove, farther, That the bank sll ave been designated sm Sepontary fr the pupae by the Monstary Baa of the Beng Sental ag Pina (@)_tn prefered stocks of any salvot corporation or inetton crated o exiting unde the awe of the Piling Hist inthe stick exchange with proven track reowd oF praia over the last thoe (years snd pabment of ‘idea for period of atleast three @) years teeta ‘recoding the date of Sestnen in auch prefered slacks © In common stocks of any aulvent corporation or Iiutin ete or exsting under the nw ofthe Piippies Tsted inthe stock exchange nit high growth eppertunitis snd earings potenti (© _n tonds, securities, promissory notes or othee idence of indebtdnese of seaedied a nancial snd ‘dial iotttions exclusively to Rance the costrction, Improvement apd maintenance of hospitals an other medical elie Procidl, That such socrtis and ists shall, ‘guaranteed bythe Repl of the Plippons oe tein ‘eda! sation and the ioued series ane both rated {ple A’ ky authored orereited domestic eating ages Provide, urbe, That sai iavertenta shall not exceed to percent (10%) of ee total snr fun nd @ In debt instruments and other soeuties traded in the atcacary market with thn ste inti sly a tous fmumerated in paragraphs (a) toe) ereok subject the Spproval ofthe Platt Board [No poron ofthe reserve fund of income theo shall sccue to tho general fund of the National Gevertment orto ‘ny of te ngenis ot istromentalities ining gonernnent. ‘road or coteledeeeporations. Ac past ofits investments operations, Pilfeslth may ‘ie inettations with vl teat oenaes vis external lal fund managers to rianage th rotrve fond a8 tay deem appropaate, trough pub bidding The fund manage ell Submit an annual report on investment performance t0 Pails, The PhilHealth shal set yp the flowing funds (0) 4 fund to ascure bene payouts to meters prior to thar becoming Mtine mensbers A fund wo cccure payouts to Meine members; snd (A fund for optional supplemental benefit that are subject to ditional contains A portion ofeach of dh abot funds able denied fae current aod kept in liguid instrument. Ta zo caae hall Sauk poruon be considered part of invested sett, ‘The Pleat sal tea portion of ll onsite 1o the find for hfetime members bed on an allation to bo detormined by the PhilHeatth actuary based on 9 predetermined percentge uring th carent average age of Inombore and the current ie eapectansy and tity Curve of Fin. ‘The Phielth shall manage the supplemental bnotits land the ifesime members fund in an actuarially sound ‘The Phielth shall manage th supplemental benefits fat he minum equed to nave Ut the mapplemental Tenet payments are secure SEC. 12. Administrative Expense. — No more than oven apd one-half percent (9%) of Use sual tal prem collect frm diet and indict contributory snare during the immediately preceding year shall be alloted for the Mminseative cost of tplementing the Program: SEO. 13. PhilHealth Board of Director. ~ (a) The Phila Board of Direc hereafter refered to the Boar i hey tesnatitited ty haves sim thie (15) members, coasting a he follwing” (1) oe (9) ex oft ‘members namoy: te Secretary of Health Secretary of Sc Welfare and Development, Secretary of Budget and Management, Secretary af Finance, Searetary of Lator end Bupopment (2) three) expert pal mbar with expertie in pubbe healt, management. mec, and health economic: fn () ve 6) sectoral panel emer, representing th diet eontnbutss inet onto, employers ou, ah care provider tobe epdared ty theirnahnalsatine of ealth fare institutions and heslth sare. professionals, and representative ofthe elected local shit exeetives to bs ered by the League of Provinss of the Pippin Lea lf Ciesof the Piipince and League of Municipal of the Phiipyinee: Pride, Tht at least oe (0) ofthe expert panel 1mombers and et last two (2) of he sacral panel members The sectoral and exper panel membore must be Fpino citizens and of good oral character ‘Tae expert panel members must ) be of recognized probity and independence and mut have distinguished fhemeolas profssnally in pub, evic oF acadetie sevice, {Gp bein the ative practice of thir professions frat leat even () yeas ad (i) nt be append win coe yea tafe eng in the immediately preceding elections, whether pulse mesial. () The Secretary of Health shall be an es officio ronweting Ceirperson of the Bese (A appointive member of the Board shall be rqized to undeago taining in health sare financing, health sytetn fenting benlth services and HA prio to te att fh term Nancompiance shal be growod fr dase 2 Wathin thiety (0) days following the eft of this ‘Act, the Governance Commission fr Government Owntd or ‘Contred Corporations (GCO) shal sa accordance withthe provislone of Republic Act No. 10149, promulgate the ‘nomination and election pecs for appa member of the Board with m clear ect of qualifextions, credentials, ond recommendation from the concerned eet, SH. 14. President and Chief Exseutve Ofer (CEO) of ‘Phitealth. — "Upon the recommendation of the Baar, te Present ofthe Phiippince chal appoint the Presiden and (CHO of Putiealth fom the Boned'e none fico metabes Provided, Tat the Board cant recommend t President ed (CEO f Phileas unios the momber i» Fine eieen and must have atleast seven (1) yen of experience in he fila of public health, management. nance, and health conomes of combination of any ofthe experts, ‘Spx 15, Philhlth Personal ox Public Hoth Worry = All Patlealth peesonnel sll he clase ae puble health workers in arcondance with the pertinest povsione under Republic Act No. 7306, alsa Bnown as the Magna Carta of ble Health Warkere SHC. 16. Additional Powers and Functions of ‘hillfeath.~ “G@) To fx the reasonable compensation, loans and other bonefie of all pits, ieding ae Prosidont and CHO, based on eomprchenae ib sna aad nit of actual date and rosponabiitie, subject the {approval the Pendent ofthe Phipines, The eumpenstn plan shall be comparable with goverment social ses Institutions and shall be eubjec to penadhe review by the ‘Board no more than nce esery four (9) years without projahie to merit weviews oF ineeasce Based om productivity ad iene (6) To establish the oranisasonl tractre and stain patio af Phileath ental and epional fs ta cover ‘any provinces ites and Igilaive distri. incading [Eeiga unten wheneser td wherever it aay be expedite econ abd fesile and to inspec oF ene to be apace voit each ofl, eject to the approval by the Board (To maintain a Provident Fund which conaats of contetbutons made by bith Pile snd is oflls aad tmploote and earnings theron, fr the payenet of tenets tovsuch officals and employes or their dependents or hee Uer ah tors and sandstone ar may be prescribed by the Board, subject to the approval of the President of the Philipines; ad (@) To adopt oF approve the anual sod supplemental Doudget of renipts and expenditures including salaries, allowances and early retirement of PaBeaith personel te fo authorize such saptal and operting expenditures ad Ashurmmant as may be neoeary ad pope or the cine ‘management and operation of Philelth: Provided, Tat th hal be subject to the budastary limitations rated wader Section 12 ure Provided, further, That the aubision of the corporeto budgst to the Department of Budget and Manageioen! (DBM) shal be fr information purposes on CHAPTER IV Heavan Sevices Devers SEC 1. Population based Health Series: ~The DOH hall endeavor © eontactprovince-wie and aty-vide eat systems forthe delivery of population-based hoath src. Provingowide sti iy-wide fealth ayseme hal have the falowing minimum componente (Primary care provider netwock with patient records ssswastle throught the heath stem Accurate, sensitive, and timely epidemiologic curvllance syste and (© Proce and eftve heath prastion prota ot ‘SHC, 18, Inisdul Sasa Heth Sov — () PhiHleaks all endever to contact public, private, cr mie! Ith ee provider sctworks fr the delivery of individual ase health Servius Provided, That member ace to aerces shall not be compromised: Provided, farther, That thowe networks agree to service quality. cospaymenUcorinurence, and data ‘ulission standards; Prevtded,frthermoe, That during the ‘ranston Puleais and DOH shall sneeze health cae Drotdero that fora networks: Pride, finally, That apex or deferral hoeitals, as determined by the DOW, may be fentrated at etandalege health eae provers by Pllc (4) Phish atl eevor to hit pine pwns wang pertimance-doven, daovend, ropectve payments bed on ditase or dvgneis elated groupings and vadated octng ethodologie nnd. without diferentiating facity and ‘rofenional Ines; develop diferent paynentscherce that ‘ive due consideration to savin quality, efBoency and equ Sind ssotilute stung surveillance and audit mechanisms to {neuro nebworks compliance to contartal obligation CHAPTER ‘Ono,naz4miON OF Local HEAL SYSTEMS 'S8C. 18. Inepration of Local Health Systems into Provincewide ond Citywide Health System. ~ The DOH, Department of tho Tntvie and Local Government (DILO), Philealth and the LGUs shall endeavor to intgeato health syn into provinaswile and tywide heath systems. The Provinial and City Houlth Boards ahalloverae and cnrdiate {he inegraton of heath services fr province-wide and titg-wide health syst, to he compound of mansapal and fomponcot city helt eytems, and ayewide health syteme {n'lhighly urbanised and independent component cites respectively. The Provindal and City Healt Boards shal ‘uanag the Specie Health Pand refered tain Section 20 of thir Act and shal exercise administrative snd technic] bupeviion evr halt facts and health busan resoures ‘oth te epee terial justin: Proved, That Iynipaliiee and cites included in the province wide and (Stride health oysters all be ented to a representative Jn the Prvincl or City Health Board, othe cate may be Spo, 2, Special Health Rand. ~ The provine-wie oe ‘iywide heath stem hall poo! and manage, though 8 ‘pec alth find ll rescuce intended for bea serio {6 finance population-based and indvidual-based health Scevicen health sjstem operating cnt capital svete {Sol remuneration of adltoal rath workers and ioenives for all health wockere: Provided, That the DOH, ta ‘cwltation with the DEM snd the LGUs, shall develop ‘uidhings fo the us of tbe Special Health’ Fund ‘0.21. Incame Derived from Phillelth Payment. — All ncome derived from PhiPYealth payments chal accrue 9 ‘the Speci Health Fund to be allocated by the LOUs facunvely forthe improvement ef the LOU bealth efter: ‘Provided, Tost Paltelth payments shall be credited tothe Sanna roplar tncame (ABD of the LGU. SHO, 22 Incentse for Improving Compaivenss ofthe Public Health Seruice Deiivry System. ~ The Nationl Goverment shall maks avadels commensurate fran ae op-nancl matching grass cling cpl oul. usa {eaouree fer health an health commodities, to improve the ‘inetonalty of prvince-wide and city-wide health apes Provided, That ondernred and aera aon shall be gen ponty inthe allocation of grants: Provided, farther. Mat fhe grante shall be in accordance with the approved Bronce aie and cra health investment plan which ‘all acco for splemeniation of plc sed pate Ieath fare protiders and pubbe or pirat helth seco igvectnent ccuarren vi ‘Huns RESOURCES FoR HEALTH Ske, 23. National Heath Human Resource Master Pan. = The DOH, togsther with starlets, shall snare the lormulston and implementation of 4 National Health Huma esurco Maser Plan that wil provide polices end strategie for the appropriate generation, reeritment, retrain, egulation, tenon end rossenment of health werkfort Tased on population health need 16 ‘To ensure continuity nthe provision of the ealth programe and curve all oath prouesiaale apd belt ave ‘workers shall be guaranteed permanent employtient and Competitive snare. ‘860.24. National Health Workfore Support Sytem, — ‘A national oalth worker (NHW) support apetem sal be Geated to support local pub health sete in adresing ‘heir aman Tosoutce trods: Provided, That deployment fo Geegraphsalylsated and isedantagedAveae(OIDAS sal ‘be praritaed ‘80.25. Scholarship and Training Progam. ~ (a) The CConmiesin on Higher Edueason (CHED), Tete Eda land Skils Development Authority (TESDA), Psofessenal Regulation Commission (PRC) and the DOH chal develop and pl tho expanson ef existing nd new aed ond bathed Alegree and. training programe. cluding those for community based health eate workers and regulate the ‘numberof enrollees in cach program based on heh ‘eed of Ue population especially thove in unrerved area The CHED and the DOH shall expand achslarship grants for allied and health-related undergraduate. and ‘radu pogroms: Provided, That scolarshige sal be bed Gn the notded eae of national and al ealh angers ad Ioalth profesional: Provided, further, Taatacolavabips for Sona fide residents of neerved oF underserved amet ot ‘members of indigenous peoples shall be given piety. G@_ The PRC and the DOM, in coordination with Aulyrpieerel medial and lied hesth professing ase, shell set up e registry of medical and allied health professional indieating, among othors, their curent umber bt practitioners and Inston of practice @ The CHED, PRC, and DOH, in condition wth Aulp registered modal and led profissioalsocete, sal ‘orien medial and alied medal proesinnl eft. ad health profesional certiiestion and regulation towards ‘reduce balth workers with competence inthe proton Of primary cave ares, Seo. 26, Return Service Agromen. ~ All graduates of lied and health-related coarate who are necpiente of fovernmentfunedacolarship programs call e require ein priory toes ip the pub accor for atleast three (s) fl yeas, with compensation, and wader the napervision ofthe DOH. Pouied, farther, That thow who wil serve fa ‘ditional two (@) years shall be provided with additional Inventive a determined by the DOH Provided, further, hat irdtes of aod and healthrelated coat eam eats Universities and caloges and poate gchoole shall be ‘encouraged to verve in these ere. ‘The DOH shal coordinate with the CHED and PRC for tho effective implementation of this ection ieuding the fstablshnent of guidlines for nonsapians, CHAPTER VI Rectnamion ‘Sue. 27. Softy and Quality. ~ (a) PhilHealth ehall cotablieh « rating eytem ‘under am incentive ocheme 19 teknrndey and reer heath fii that provide eter Service quality, lfcieney and equsty: Provided, That Phillteath chat! vecopnize thied party accreditation smechaniame and may ure there at base for granting (2) The DOH shall inate tiensing and regulatory tom for standelone health facie, including host proving ambulatory and primary cate sori and other ‘odes of bealth service peoison (© The DOH shall set standards for clinical cane ‘tyough the development, appa ad te of nil price tielnes in cooperation with prfesionalsooetes cd the ‘eden SH. 28. Afrdabity. ~ (a) DOW.owned health eave rovdore shall procure drugs ani devices guided by price ‘teen ade, loving catralynegttd pie, al hem following the proseribod masmum mavkcupe, sd submit DOH» price it of ll drugs and devices procured a old tay the eal cave provider 1) Ap independent pce negation bra, composed of roprecaatvs fom the DOH, Plealh and tho Deparient GP rade and Industey (DTI), among others, shall be ‘onsiuted to negotiate prices On behalf of the DOH and PhilMealth, guided by covain parameters including new technology, Innovator druge, and sourced from a single “tppler Pouided, Tat the negated pein the eaewere ‘oret chal be aplzable for ll healt are providers under DOH: Provided, farther, That the poe nestiton board hal fdhere vo the guidelines issued by the Governsaeat Procurement Poy Beard (©) Heath car providers and facie shal be regired to make satly acca tothe able and submit DOH And PhulHealth, all pertinent, Flevant, and up-to-date Information regarding tha pica of heath service, and all foe aod serecea being ore (8) Drug outlets shall be required a ll times canny the generic equivalent of all druge ioe Primary Care Fermulay and shall be rood to provide customers with 2 Tato therapeu equivalents snd Unie curreaponding pices When fulling preteiptions or in any tansain, © Tho DOH, PhilHealth, HMOs, ble and son life private healt insrans (Hs shall ovep standard paiee i plana thet compleient the Progra benefit wckedule Proutded, Tat « cornation mechan between Phill, Pile and HROs shal be st ap ts eneue that ho Renee stall be unnecessary dropped. ‘See. 28, Equity. ~ (a) The DOH shall annually update ite lit of underserved areas which shall be the baste for preferential homeng of hoalth facies and. coneacting af Falk sroe. The DOH shall develop the framework not tuideliee t dotormine the appropnate bed eapaaty and umber af tealn care professonale of ube Health fssis » (Tho goverment shal guavantco dat the dsubuton of honlth scree and onefite provided for in thie Act shall the equitable by priontising GIDAS in the provision of Sestanee and ewppot. (0) goverament hoeptal ae required to porate net tees than ninety perent (90%) oftheir hed expacty ox basic or wand acommatin: Pouided, Tht specialty hosp are quired 10 operate not lee than seventy porent (10) of tes led capacity as base or ward aecommodation: Provided, further, Tt private hott ae sequel t operte ot less than ten peront (10%) of thir bl expaciy as aso or wand fccommotation: Provided, finally, That all government Hospitals, specialty horptals and psvate bocptals shal roglany submit raport on te lltnent ot perootagy of heir bed espacty tn asi or wad asoommodstion to DOH, which hall ste the neoasary guidelines forthe immediate Implementation of thi promsen CHAPTER VL CGoemnaxce Axp AccountasitaTy Seo, 50, Heolth Promation.— Tao DOH, a che overall seward for heath cat, shall sepgthen national ets in Fovilingu comprehen nod condi spprch a ea ‘Eelpuene with expan sang up bea prmun aed ‘The DOH shall ranform its exiting Health Promotion sind Communication Sei ints falfsiged Bure, to be fatned aa th Health Promotion Butea, fo improve health Htoacy tnd mansttam health promotion and prteeton. ‘The Health Promotion Bureau shall formulate a feamawork strategy for hath promion which shall sve ab {he bn for DOM programs in neeasng eal ary With {bows on reducing non communicable diveaser,smplement poptlaionide health promotion programe and aces ‘hom sal tent of ah, ero py ton Othe framework srtegy an He popes, and promote and poide tachnsal support to lea maearh and dovelopment Programe and projects Prvided, That within two (2) years —— 20 from tho tivity of i At the cst of smplementing Heath promot proram shal te lest one erent (15) of the OWS total badger appropriation ‘The schools under the superinon of the Deparment of Eduction Depka) are hereby design belt setings far the purpose ofthis Act The Dep, im scordintion with DOH, sal frmtlate programs and module on health racy sd righ toe sategrated ito the exiting school eurinla to intonsfy the fight against the spread of communicable Alseares and increste i privalenst of noncommunicable Siseass through among others the effective promotion of hoalty hfestye.phyeicelachvity, proper autntion, and Prevention of smoking and slohol consumption among. dents The prorasn shall Ukewiee scqenint the sdents ‘on thir entiements, prveges and responsi under this ‘The DOH and Depa hal enbmit annual reports om he bleh promotion and ierscy programs they have rospeciely ‘plemented snclading an tesssnent of fhe impact there to tie Prosdont of the Philpinc, the Senate Prien, oi the Speaker af the Houeo of Representatives, ‘urtbormore, tho LGUs ae ala dete to ene stricter nana hat sengthen and boon exiting helt pbs the laws to the contrary notwithetnding, and inplement tffecive programs that promote health Ieracy and healthy Lele among ther conatuences to advance popultion heath and individual wellbeing, seduce the prevalene of Soncemmunsable daazes and thts ftir, partcaaly ‘ahoso and all ae, lower the ineienon of new into ‘ieenss,eddros mental health sauce ad improve alth {ndietors An annual report on the police adopted aad Dore uertaen aad a aaesnent ofthe apes thereat all te sobited by the LGUs to the DILG ‘to, 81, Budence- Informed Sectorol Policy and Panning for UHG. —(@) All puble snd private, national an acl heathreated omits chal be vegied to submit health snd eahrlated date to Phiflealty acting, smong other, sdminisention, public helth,tedcal. parancsuteal aad a health financing dat: Provided, That Phila chal oish {Ee DOH scm af the health date: Pronded farther, That those shall be tod for the purpso of generating information to guide rear tod poling: Praided, lly, That ‘ho DOM shal suengthen ke reeeareh capi by supporting bnath systems development nd reform snstntives trou ‘ly ad ystems research, and shal euppore he growth of feseareh conzortin inline with the vision of the Phippine National Health Research System, {&) The DOH and Department of Scions and Technalogy (DOST) shall develop cadre af policy syste researchers tet pets amen bY odin anee ers ‘hal be required to serve for atleast thre (3) all year {wer supervision and with compensation in DOH, Paiealch find olher relevant government agense: Provided further ‘That thowe Who will ave fr adtional two (2 yeas, shall 1 provided with additional incentives as detornnad by the gency concerned (© All health, nutstion and demographicrelated ‘aiminctrative and ervey data goneratd us pli unde ‘hall te considered pute reode and be made seco to {he public unless attrvine profited by lw Provided, That [any person who requets a cy of such public record may {erequred ty te aca ene of reprucion aed ying of the requested pullie reo @ Participatory sction researches on costiffetive, highimpact interventions for health promotion end soi ‘oblzation shall form pat of the national health resasch ‘agenda of the Phikppine National Health Research System ‘which shal leo be mandated to provide adoquate funding Support for the conduct of thas researches ‘Sc 82, Maneing and Evaluation — a) To Philippine Statistic Authority (PSA) shal conduct the devant mae of household surveys annually during the fet tn (10) sere Gf the implementation, and thoreafterfllow ie replay ‘shed, —| (®) The DOH stall publish anna provinial burden of Aizasn estimate using internationally validated eotmation ‘ethade and besnaly wring ntl public and private sector daca fom elsctoni recone ad divas regition Uo cuppa UGe in rocking progress of rath eeomes ‘Sec, 38. Health InpactAsesomene (HLA). — HLA shall, be requ fr plies programs, and poets that sre esi In ataining better health cutcomes or those that may have fm impact on the eslth set, SEC. 84, Hath Technology Asssement (TA). — (a) The [HUA prose bal he netted a eae rangers Prony sting meshaniam that shall be recomiendatony to the DOH and Pilleath for the deveopnent of paises ad programs mulation, and the determination fs renge of ftiiements suck aa drugs, medicines, pharmaceutical procs nd ofher doves proceduns and savin ne pov for under tis Act: Provided, Tt investments a ny Health techasogy oF dovelopment af any banat package bythe DOH ‘pd Pleas Sal be bac onthe postive reestiendatons f the HTA: Proud futher, That despite having ndergone he ETA proses, all ath toile, inerenton se besa ‘eckage call stl be subjected to periodic review: Provided. Turthermore, Test health sechnsogy tenses tay be conducted an new evidence emersee which tay have ‘leant impact onthe nial coverage dco bythe DO (Phileas Proided, finaly, That the HTA process sal ‘tore to the principe of ec cannes, planted ‘referents regard fr tho undereerved, evidence need and Steptie defensibisty, traneparency and accountability icons, enforceability and vast of remedies, snd de prs (The following criteria mus be served in the conde of WTA. (0) Responiseness to Magitude, Severity, and Eau — theghentth intervontone snus addpess the op medicel ouditone tht place the eavist Marden the population Sntudng dimorsion of magnitude r the mamber of people tected ly 4 health proles, and sverity or health le by ‘individual a8 «ror of dicase, euch a death, Randi, ‘Eeabilly or pain, tnd conditions of the pooreet tnd moet ‘vulperabe population & Sofay ond Bifecivenes, ~ Bach intervention must uae snderroe Phase IV cline! tal an tomate ee hd metanales must be realy ara. The itrwentans ‘must also not pos any hava to the users and heal are rorders @ Household Finoncial Impact. ~The interventions ‘aust reduce outof pocket expenses Interventions ust hate economic eter end costutlinese siesta stay this (4) Coateftivenss, — The interventions sn provide overall Heth gin tothe health wystom and outweah the Cpportnity coats af funding deug 4nd technology aa (©) Mfordabitiy ond Vieilty. —The nerwntone must invdie sod the cost thereof mst be viable to the (© The HTAC, to be composed of health experts chal be created within the DOH snd supported by 2 Seeretaviat and a Teds Uni for Poley, Planing and Bvaluation with ‘lene generation std validation spac, ‘The HAC call G facilitate provision of financing andlor coverage recommen on health todusopes tobe Snaocl by DOM Sd Phlbeal (2) opera and cordate the ATA process ‘ethin DOH aad Phileatthy and @) review and aavoe ‘rsting DOH atl Philleathhene packages, Within Sve (©) Years ater the exiablahment and eficcve operation of the HITAG- it aball tanec into an independent entity eparts fom the DOH, attacked to DOST, @ The HTAC call ens tho TA in acadanes with the ponaples, teria and procures of his Act and eats ‘hat ie proton is Wanspavem, conducted with reasonble Dromplnee ad Ube rut te deliberations i mide pub ‘The HTAC'sball consist of a cote commister and scomatiten ‘The core committe, which shal cle from among themes Churn sal be cmon ie © wg ‘enbert ace 9 pune heals cpdcmikgie © helt ‘lone; an ec elie erent & soot {Ftucroplgat a inal iil or aceehsntode experts Wenig or evden tned nati exper 9 ‘sper ands public helt expert ‘The subcommittees be cnatted shall inte, among thers: Drugs, Vaccines, Clinieal Rguipment nd Device, Medial and Swreeal Procedure, Preventive and Promote “Lats Series, and Tradtonal Medsane, Bach esbomte hall have a miesous of ove (1) and mamas of thre () on-roting members for ach ebsomtne. The HTAC may cll upen technical resource persons from the Phileas, Food and Drag Administstion (FDA, patient groupe atd clinical medicine experts ae ropula? Fesnurce persons and repreeentaives from the pve sector fd health cae providers as by-instation resours pesons (e) The HTAC' core committe and subcommittee smombors shall be appoited by the Secretary of Heath fora term of three (9) yeurs except fr the medicolegal expert, thie, and the sosogst or antnvpelepet who shall terve {ira teem of fur (0) yare Povded That no meter shall ferve fr ore than ihnee (3) consecutive tera Provided, farther, That the members ofthe HTAC shall recive an Shnorarum in accordance with existing poles Provided, {furthermore Tht the DOH sal promulgate Use nomination process for all HTAG members with a clear ast of {qualifications eredentiale and recommendation from the Sectors conrad: Powe, finaly, That the Secretasy of the DOST shall appein the members of the TAC spon ie ‘wapcition into an Usted agency under DOST, ‘SR. 28, Ric in Public Health Policy and Practice. — ‘The implementation of UHC shall be stzengihened by (Gnmjtnent of all tasoldre to abide by etal princes in public health practice: 2s (6) Confit of intro éolaration ae manager shall ‘we rouline in all pog-determising activites, and apoiable to all appointed docsion-makors,prlicymalers andthe sla All manufacturers of drugs, medical devices, inlpwal end medal nappies restated by the FDA shal Calle ae track all nmol sltionshie with eel cate Drfesorle and bealth care providers and report these to the ‘DOH, which rhall then make thie let publicly avalale Sn sccordance with exeing Ins (@) A publ bealth ethic committe shall be constinted as an advicory body to tho Sootetary of Health to ensue Compliance with th provson of thie nection ‘EC. 86, Hath Information Stem. — All health serie providers and innurers shall each maintain a health Infomation eyetem conaiting of enerpinewource planing, Iman resto information lesions health recrd, and 2 institutions shal undertake ads to valida ‘hd eluate the segment ofthis Act. These vabaton ‘idee and snnval reports, nthe pestormanen ofthe DOH fd Phillealth shall be submited tothe doit Congrestonal ‘rash Comante ‘The DOH and Philteaith shall allocte am adequate ‘nding for the purpore of cendosting those ste, ‘The Joint Congressional Oversight Comittee shall commiseion an independent study to evaluate the Smplemontation of this Ac SEC. 40, Performance Monitoring Division. - The DOH. shal establish « Performance Monitoring Divi W monitor find evaluate the proper and elective implementation of the provisions of thie Act. The office in charge of eld Innplementation perfrinanc ofthe DOH shall emprise the ‘ore peronoal ofthe ofc which sll be augmented bythe DOW Soewetary ee may be deemed neces ‘S86. 41, Transitory Frouxion,- (9) Within thirty (90) aye from the activity of thir An, the Preident of the Pinlppines shall appoint to new membore of the Beard and the Presdent of Fhfealth The exating board of dirciore shall serve ina holdover eapesty untl a fil and permanent ‘ond of dicor of Philfelth ie consid aed etionng 4) All oticors and personnel of Phileatth, except seesabers ofthe Boaed who skal be governed by the fet paragraph of thie section, call continue to perform their Alter end reeponsibtes and recive that coresponding Selon and benefit. The approval of thi Act abl mat cue fy demotion in rank or dininution of slay, benefits ad Sher pronleges ofthe incumbent ersnne of Pilleath ‘Proved That qualfed often aod persone may velotaely lect for seSiemont or soperation from carvice and chal be titled tothe Benfts under exiting Inws (©) Al alfa ofcore and porconel of th PCSO shall be aboarhed by the agency without demotion in rank or diminution of salary, befits and ether prvege: Provided, ‘That qualibed officers and. personnel of the agency may ‘oluntaely elect for tetivoment or separation from serie based on PSO Boardapproved Basly Retirement Incontve Program (BRIP), ubliing intemnally-generated funds, oF savings from its operating fun: Provided, finaly, That the etrement benefit package bal be reenable sd wth he bounds of exiting laws (@) le the Sent ix (6) yeas fom the enact of Ue ‘ct, the National Government shall provide techni) ad financial support to selected LGUs that commit to provinseride integration, rabjet to farther review ater the Inpoo of sx (6) years: Provided, That in the fat theee @) {ear fom the enactment ofthis Act, the provinge-wile ae ‘Styovide ayeiene ahall exhib managerial integration Provided, further, That within the next tree (3) 36 ‘oveafe, he provide apd cy wie tems al eet financial integration: Provided, finally, That upon osve ommenation bya sdependont stay cominnaned Wy he ‘hint Congressional Oversight Committe op Univeral Health ‘Care ofthe overall nei of province inaration and he positive reommendation of tho Seretary of Health al Joes health eyes shall be integrated a prescribed by Section 19 of thor Act hough Uh oruance of an Beaute Order By the President (@ I tho first ton (10) yeare from the enactment of ‘hie Aa, health may sutaours certain fnctons ta ent pertunal efficiency and towards the fllment of thi Ace Provided, That any osteourcing shal. comply with the provisions of Republic Act No JS, othervae knows ae the ‘Government Procurement Reform Act and ie TER. © Tn the fie thos @) years fom the enactment of this Act, Phillfeaith end DOH shall provide reasonable nancial and lcnsing incentives to contracted health are Seite to form heath care provider networkn. Therein ‘hese inntves chal be withdrawn and providers shall be fully eulject to the provinone of Sechon 10 of thi Act. @ The HTAC undar the DOH shall be established vith one Q) yest tom the effectivity ofthis Ack Prevded ‘That the eiaing health benefit package eal be ronalioed suthip two (2) Year om the etsbluhisent ofthe HAC. (Within three (5) years fom the eflocsvity of this ‘Act all pivate insurance companied HMOs, together th DOH and Phiflesith, shall have developed a tyetem of co-payment that complement Phileas benefit packages (© Within ten 10) soar om oh fiction At nly thos who have bees cartifed by the DOH and PRC to ‘be capable of providing primary care wil to eligible to bo a primary care prover For the fst two @ years fom the effi of thie ‘ct the PESO shall tansfor at leat ity percent (8) of ‘he forty percent (408) of the charity fund. per Year, in cordance with Section 39 of hs Act to enable the PCSO to conclude ant Igsidat te Individual Medical Assistance Program At-Souceang Procesing UMAP-ASAP) cations See. 42. Interpretetion. ~All doubts inthe lmplementatio and interpretation of thie Ac. induding ste Te sal be meslved im lav of upholding the rhs nd lnceests of every Pipi to quality, assed afrdable health ere. Nothing in thie Aot shall be consid to ciminate of fn ony way diminish Progra banat being enjoyed atthe Aime of promaleation of this At Se, 43, Implamenting Rules and Regulations (RR). — ‘The DOH snd thr Pilea, n onmliaton and aodinaton seth appropriate national goverament agencies el eocty Grganuatione, nongovernmont crgnizations, private sear Toprcentatves and other staksbalery, shall promulgate the ‘ecarry rules and eplations fr te ellos implemontaon ff Os Act no ler chan ope hundred eighty (150) days upon the efectaty of thie Act ‘Sho. 44. Stpaodilty Clause. — IF any part o provision of this Act ie eld Snel or neonatal, the semsinng part or provisions not acted hall rma i fal Free end ie ‘SEC. 45, Repealing Clause. ~ The portinen provisions cf the flowing lowe tre hereby amended scaring (6) Steions 6.7, 10,12, 18,18, 19,25, 26, 27,28, 44, 45,46, 4748 and 54 of Repub Act No. 7875, terse [now the “National Health Insuran Act of 19657 ‘tmcnded ty Repu Act No 924 and Rape Act No 108 Section 849) of Republic Act No. 10851, otherwise non as the “Sin Tax Reform Law (Presidential Dow No. 1868, othrwite now a2 the PAGCOR Charter, ax amended: and @ Republic Act No, 1109, otherwise known a the O80 Charter, ar amended, wih roxpet tothe provision of Srction 37 of this Ace ‘All ober Inws,desross executive orders and rales and thie Act are hero repealed or amended accordingly SEC. 46. Byjetcty, — Tie Act shall take effect Geen (28) days afer te puesto in th Official Gace orm any newspaper of general cvalation Speaker of the House Preston of the Seate (of Represeraee “Thi Act which i constitution of Senate Bil No. 1896 and Houso Bil No. 5784 waa paso by the Sonate aod the House of Represetativer on December 10.2018, IMALING _MyRX MARIE D. ViLLAtICA Score General” Seta of ie Senae Hovde of Reprsetaes Approved: FEB 2 0 2089 | CERTIFIED COPY j | — ih noo erno-2uo

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