Lorie Short Stories

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A Birthday Party

Thea and Julea are having a birthday party in school. They both seven years old today.
Thea told her mother she would like a very special cake for her seventh birthday while Julea wanted to
have a special ice cream. They were very happy because Thea’s mother baked a cake with 3-layers, a
large layer on the bottom, a medium layer on the middle and a small layer on top. Julea’s mother
made a special ice cream with cheese on top. Their birthday was so much fun. Some of their classmates
gave a wonderful gifts. The one they loved the best was the slippers with a hello kitty designed that
their friend Jan Paulo gave to them. They plan to take a vacation when they goes to the beach. Julea’s
Tito came in school. He gave a doll as a birthday present to them. Tito Ramil loved the 3 layer cake and
an ice cream with cheese on top. He took pictures of it.

1. Who are having a birthday?

A. Tina and Julie
B. Thea and Julea
C. Tita and Jona
2. What was about special Thea’s cake?
A. Three layer cake
B. Four layer cake
C. Two layer cake
3. Where did they celebrate their birthday?
A. in school
B. At home
C. In their backyard
4. What was their favorite gift?
A. An umbrella
B. A shoes
C. A slippers
5. Who took pictures of a cake and an ice cream?
A. Tito Ronnie
B. Tito Ramil
C. Tito Rene
It was a beautiful sunny day. Today is a Mother’s Day, but Loraine forgot her a
mother present. Oh no! What is Loraine going to do?

What can Loraine buy for her mother. Loraine runs to her piggy bank to count her
coins. She has only Php 5.00 coins. “Is this enough to buy a present”, said Loraine

“Maybe I can make her a present”, thought Loraine. She ran t the closet and look for
her envelop contain a craft materials. Loraine got a colored paper, glue, scissor, marker, and glitters.

She created the most beautiful poem and a card for her mother named Loreta.
Loraine also picked white roses in their garden and put it in a pot.

Her mother said it was the best gift ever!

1. What would be a good title for the story?

A. Mother and daughter
B. The Best Gift Ever
C. A Mother ’s day
2. What is the problem in the story?
A. Loraine forgot her a mother present
B. Loraine created the most beautiful poem and a card
C. Loraine picked white roses in their garden
3. What gift does Loraine gave to her mother?
A. A beautiful card
B. A white roses
C. A beautiful poem and a card with white roses
4. What would you like to give your mother for Mother’s Day?
A. A flowers and chocolates
B. A dress
C. A beautiful card
5. If you were Loraine would you do the same?
A. No
B. Yes
C. Nothing


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