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CONTENTS 1. Introduction to marketing 2. Approa?hes to the study of marketing 3. ?

onsumer behavior and Buyer behavior 4. Fa?tor that influen?es ?onsumer behavior 5. ?
onsumer per?eption 6. Fa?tors that influen?e per?eption 7. Fa?tors influen?ing per?
eptual sele?tion 8. Halo effe?t 9. Positioning of produ?ts and servi?es 10. Research
Design 11. Obje?tives and Purpose of the study 12. Resear?h methodology 13.
Operational definitions 14.

?ompany profile 15. Products of the company 16. ?ommunity initiative of the company
17. Titan Products’ logos 18. ?ommer?ial divisions 19. International brands 20. Titan ?
ustomer Servi?e 21. Analysis and interpretation 22. Suggestions 23. ?on?lusion 24.
Questionnaire INTRODU?TION TO MARKETING:- Marketing is as old as human ?
ivilization. many of us see marketing only as advertising or sales.

in fa?t, true marketing does not involve the art of selling what you ?reate, but of
knowing what to train. Modern organizations gain market leadership by
understanding ?onsumer needs and finding solutions that satisfy ?ustomers. If value and
?ustomer satisfa?tion are absent, no amount of advertising or sales ?an ?ompensate.

The purpose of the sale is to ?reate and manage profitable relationships with ?ustomers,
whi?h is the need of the hour. Marketing experts from all over the world must study the
needs and requirements of the buyer, sele?t the target market that will serve them best
and define produ?ts, servi?es and programmers to serve this market.

They attra?t new ?ustomers by promising superior value, keeping and growing existing ?
ustomers by offering superior satisfa?tion. Marketing has gone beyond the ?orporate
fun?tion, it is ?onsidered and judged ?hara?terized by a distin?t philosophy, in whi?h it
guides the entire organization towards the identifi?ation, servi?e and satisfa?tion of ?
onsumer needs.

Marketing does not only in?lude manufa?turing ?ompanies, wholesalers and resellers,
but also ?overs all types of people, organizations, lawyers, a??ountants and do?tors.
They use marketing to manage the demand for its servi?es. Politi?ians in our ?ountry
also use marketing strategy to urge rates. During this ?ompetitive era, organizations a?
quired the skills to define and segment markets, develop interesting value propositions
and build strong equity.

they also need skills to ?ost their produ?ts or servi?es to make them attra?tive and
affordable. in addition, they should have the skills to establish themselves and manage
intermediaries to make their produ?ts available to ?ustomers. other environmental
developments are ?ausing profound ?hanges within the market.

Marketers ?annot be mute spe?ulators in the fa?e of a rapidly evolving marketing

environment. These new developments and horizons have indi?ated a new world of
opportunity for a?tive and forward-looking professionals. Today, marketers have to
build and manage profitable ?ustomer relationships from a ?ustomer orientation

they should also build and manage strong brands; the exploitation of new marketing te?
hnologies during this digital era due to the explosion of the business deriving from the
web, business to ?onsumer, ?onsumer to ?onsumer and business to ?onsumer are
having a dramati? impa?t on both the buyers and the marketers who serve them. Today,
marketers must have the skills to take advantage of new information, ?ommuni?ation, ?
ommuni?ation and transportation te?hnologies to ?onne?t more effe?tively and effe?
tively with buyers and marketing partners during this new digital age.

As te?hnologi?al development makes the planet smaller and smaller, marketers need to
know and market their brands globally and in so?ially responsible ways. the simplest
pra?ti?es in marketing produ?ts or servi?es will ensure global su??ess. Market: - The term
market is used to mean "an aggregate of the potential demand for a produ?t or servi?e".

"The market is a ?olle?tion of a?tual and potential buyers of a produ?t." -PHILIP KOTLER
The market is one that makes it possible to ex?hange goods or servi?es for ?
onsideration. Marketing relevan?e: - ? Marketing is a ?onsumer-oriented pro?ess: there
is a ?ompany to meet human needs.

Therefore, it is essential that the organization must first dis?over the ?ustomer's needs.
Only su?h goods should be produ?ts that best meet the needs of ?onsumers. In Levitt's
words, instead of trying to market what is easier for us to do, we need to find out mu?h
more about what the ?onsumer is willing to buy. ? The market starts and ends with ?
ustomers [?2?]: marketing starts even before produ?tion starts with ?onsumer-oriented
marketing, it is essential to understand what ?ustomers really want, understanding ?
ustomers' wishes is possible only when information are ?olle?ted by the ?ustomer
regarding their taste, fashions, pur?hasing habits, et?. Therefore, the establishment of an
adequate information system is essential for the su??ess of the marketing fun?tion.

Marketing resear?h helps the organization understand ?ustomer needs; reliable

information helps the organization to produ?e the right type of goods needed by the ?
ustomer. ? Marketing is the guiding element of the business: in the past, marketing
was ?onsidered a fun?tion that ?on?erned the delivery of goods and servi?es to the ?

Today, marketing is mu?h more than this, modern marketing is a dire?t fun?tion for the
e?onomi? development of the ?ountry and the in?rease in people's living standards.
Modern marketing involves the integration of various a?tivities. ? Marketing is a system:
Marketing has been viewed as an ongoing or dynami? pro?ess involving a set of intera?
ting and interrelated a?tivities to rea?h ?ustomers.

It re?eives inputs from the environment in the form of valuable in formation. Using this
valuable information, organization supply the desired produ?ts and servi?es to satisfy
the ?ustomers' needs and thereby earn profit. Is Marketing is a goal oriented pro?ess:
Marketing seeks to a?hieve some useful goals like any other business a?tivity.

The very basi? aim of marketing is to generate a ?onsiderable amount of profit

through ?ustomer satisfa?tion. In?rease in volume of sales, in?rease in profit and in?
rease in growth are the three obje?tives of marketing. While attaining this obje?tive,
organizations should assume so?ial responsibility to a great extent.

? Marketing is a pro?ess of ex?hange: Marketing is essentially a pro?ess of ex?hange of

goods and servi?es or ex?hanges between the buyers and sellers. Goods and servi?es
are handed over to the buyers by the organization and the ?ustomers in turn give the
money to the organization. One more important ex?hange observed in marketing is
information, marketing information is ex?hanged between the buyers and the sellers.
Information is power.

Information is the foundation of whi?h the organizations su??ess depends. Is Marketing

is a pro?ess: marketing involves various fun?tions to be performed in an order. Various
a?tivities should be properly related. This pro?ess should be flexible. Any ?hanges in so?
ial and environmental fa?tors influen?e the marketing pro?ess. Approa?hes to the study
of marketing: - Five basi? approa?hes are ?ommonly used to des?ribe the marketing

?ommodity approa?h, fun?tional approa?h, institutional approa?h, managerial approa?h

and system approa?h. 1. ?ommodity approa?h: In the ?ommodity approa?h we study the
flow of a ?ertain ?ommodity and its journey from the original produ?er to the final ?
onsumers. 2. Fun?tional approa?h: we fo?us our attention on spe?ialized servi?es or on
the fun?tions or a?tivities ?arried out by marketing experts. 3.

Institutional approa?h: in the institutional approa?h, the main ?enter of interest around
marketing information or agen?ies su?h as wholesalers, resellers, transport ?ompanies,
banks, insuran?e ?ompanies, et?. 4. Managerial approa?h: ?ombines some ?hara?teristi?s
of the ?ommodity, institutional and fun?tional approa?h. 5. System approa?h: a system is
a set of intera?tion groups or interdependents ?oordinated to form a unified whole and
organized to a?hieve a set of obje?tives.

In the system approa?h model we have obje?tives, inputs, pro?essor, output, feedba?k.
Goals guide the pro?ess. ?onsumer behavior: - ?onsumer behavior is defined as the
behavior that ?onsumers show in the sear?h for pur?hase, use, evaluation and disposal
of produ?ts and servi?es that they expe?t to meet their needs. ?onsumer behavior fo?
uses on how the individual makes de?isions to spend their available resour?es on ?
onsumer-related items.

This in?ludes what they buy, why they buy it, when they buy it, where they buy it, how
often they use it, how they use it, evaluate it after the pur?hase and the impa?t of these
assessments on future pur?hases and how they dispose of it. Be?ause all individuals
differ in many ways in terms of likes, dislikes, attitudes, ?ultural ba?kgrounds, in?ome
levels, et?.

Despite these differen?es, there is a ?ommon fa?tor among all of us. We regularly pur?
hase, use or ?onsume food, a??ommodation, ?lothing, transportation, edu?ation,
equipment, ne?essities, luxuries, servi?es and even ideas. As ?onsumers, we all play an
important role in the overall health of the e?onomy.

The pur?hasing de?isions we make affe?t the demand for basi? raw materials, for
transport, for produ?tion, for banks, et?. Furthermore, they affe?t the employment of
workers and the deployment of resour?es, the su??ess of some industries and the
failures of others. Buyer behavior model: - ?onsumer behavior is a very ?omplex topi?
be?ause human beings' needs, desires and needs are innumerable.

Shoppers are also influen?ed by various internal and external fa?tors. Therefore, studies
on ?onsumer behavior depend on all major so?ial s?ien?es su?h as e?onomi?s, psy?
hology, so?iology and anthropology. The influen?e of this so?ial s?ien?e has pushed
marketers to propose some ?onsumer behavior models to explain the behavior of the
model. They are:- 1.

The e?onomi? model: the e?onomy of ?onsumer behavior sees the buyer as a rational
man and his pur?hase de?isions will only ?on?ern utility. Deriving maximum utility from
produ?ts that use its resour?es will be the only goal of the e?onomi? man. 2. The
learning model: the learning model is inspired by the Pavalovian stimulus-response

A??ording to this model, the buyer's behavior ?an be influen?ed by manipulating the
buyer's drives, stimuli and response. 3. The psy?hoanalyti? model: this model is based on
Freudian psy?hology. A??ording to this model, the individual ?onsumer has a ?omplex
set of profound reasons that push him towards ?ertain pur?hasing de?isions. 4.

The so?iologi?al model: a??ording to the so?iologi?al model, the pur?haser of the
individual model is influen?ed by so?iety. It is influen?ed by intimate groups and so?ial ?
lasses. 5. The Howard-Sheth model: this is a model of buyer behavior that is totally
different from a marketing point of view.

The buyer is analyzed here how a system with stimuli has input into the system and the
behavior has the output of the system. Between inputs and outputs, there are variables
that influen?e per?eption and learning. Fa?tor that influen?es ?onsumer behavior: - ?
onsumer behavior is influen?ed by ?ultural, so?ial, personal and psy?hologi?al ?hara?
teristi?s. 1.
?ultural ?hara?teristi?s: ? ?ulture: ?ultural fa?tors su?h as the ?ulture of the buyer, the
sub?ulture and the so?ial ?lass exert the broadest influen?e of ?onsumer behavior. ?
ulture is the fundamental determinant of a person's desires and behavior. As it grows in
so?iety, it learns a set of basi? values, per?eptions, preferen?es and behaviors through a
so?ialization pro?ess that involves the family and other key institutions. Marketers seek ?
ultural ?hanges to dis?over new produ?ts that may be in demand that are ?on?erned
about health and fitness.

? Sub?ulture: The main ?ulture in?ludes small groups of sub?ultures in its fold whi?h
provide more spe?ifi? identifi?ation and so?ialization for the sub?ulture of its members
su?h as nationalities, groups, religious groups, ra?ial groups, ?ommunities and different
geographi? areas that have a life distin?t feature styles. ? So?ial ?lasses: So?ial ?lasses are
homogeneous so?ial stratifi?ations in so?iety whose members share similar values,
interests and behaviors.

Upper ?lass, middle ?lass, lower middle ?lass and lower ?lass are su?h so?ial ?lasses. The
so?ial ?lass is a deterren?e for employment, in?ome, edu?ation, et?. ?onsumers within a
so?ial ?lass may have similar buyer behavior and performan?e of produ?ts and brands. 2.
So?ial ?hara?teristi?s: So?ial fa?tors su?h as ?onsumer target groups, family, so?ial roles,
status also influen?e the behavior of the buyer.

? Target groups: The target group strongly influen?es the behavior of the buyer.
Membership groups ?an be mainly groups that have dire?t influen?e su?h as family,
friends, neighbors and ?olleagues. Se?ondary groups ?an be religious organizations and
unions. Marketing experts identify opinion leaders and make dire?t marketing efforts
towards them.

Group members observe their leader's style and behavior and try to emulate them. ?
Family: Members of the buyer's family ?an exert a strong influen?e on the buyer's
behavior. The family is made up of parents, spouse and ?hildren. Marketing people are
interested in the roles and influen?e of the husband, wife and ?hildren on the pur?hase

The de?ision makers, in the ?ase of some goods and servi?es, will be oriented towards
the husband, the dominant wife and the au pair. ? Roles and status: A buyer ?an belong
to multiple groups simultaneously, su?h as family, ?lubs and asso?iations. His position in
ea?h group will be spe?ified by his role and status. These roles and statuses will also
influen?e some of your pur?hasing de?isions. 3.
Personal ?hara?teristi?s: The behavior of the buyer is also influen?ed by the personal ?
hara?teristi?s of the buyer, in parti?ular the age and phase of the life ?y?le, employment,
e?onomi? ?ir?umstan?es, lifestyle, personality and self-?on?ept. ? Life ?y?le and age
phase: the needs, desires and requests of goods and servi?es ?hange over the life of the

Buyers' taste in food, ?lothes, furniture is related and likely to ?hange. The family lifestyle
is made up of stages su?h as young singles, newlyweds, married with ?hildren, elderly ?
ouples who live alone or the ?onsumption of single parents is modeled on the stage
where buyers are present. ? O??upation: the buyer's ?onsumption pattern is also influen?
ed by his o??upation.

A worker ?an buy work ?lothes, work shoes, lun?h box, while a ?ompany exe?utive ?an
buy ?lothes, wat?hes, travel a??essories, air travel ti?kets, luxury ?ars, et?. E?onomi? ?ir?
umstan?es: the buyer's e?onomi? ?ir?umstan?es will influen?e his ?hoi?e of prote?tion.
This ?onsists of his in?ome, savings and expendable assets, lending power and attitude
towards spending and saving.

? Lifestyle: Llifestyle is an individual way of life, whi?h is refle?ted in its a?tivities, interests
and opinions. ?onsumers with the same ?ultural, sub?ultural, professional and so?ial ba?
kground may have different lifestyles. This is a fa?tor that must be studied thoroughly by
the marketing staff.

? Personality and self-?on?ept: the personality is the person who distinguishes the psy?
hologi?al ?hara?teristi?s that lead to lasting responses that are relatively ?oherent to
one's environment. It is des?ribed in terms of su?h traits as self-?onfiden?e, domination,
autonomy, so?iability, defense and adaptability. 4. Psy?hologi?al ?hara?teristi?s:
Motivation, per?eption, learning, beliefs and attitudes also influen?e the behavior of the

? Motivation: Boyer's needs are normally biogeni? and psy?hogeni?. When they are
aroused at a level of suffi?ient intensity they be?ome reasons, prompting the buyer to
seek satisfa?tion. Abraham Maslow explained that the driving for?e behind people's
needs is a hierar?hy of needs.

This in?luded physiologi?al needs, se?urity needs, so?ial needs, esteem needs and self-
realization needs. ? Per?eption: On?e motivated, the way the motivated buyer a?ts is
influen?ed by his per?eption of the situation. That is, how the buyer re?eives, sele?ts,
organizes and interprets the information.

Shoppers ?an emerge with a different per?eption of the same stimulus obje?t due to
three per?eptual pro?esses: sele?tive exposure, sele?tive distortion and sele?tive
retention. ? Learning: Buyers learn through their a?tion. Learning involves ?hanges in the
behavior of the buyer following his experien?es. The learning of the buyers is produ?ed
through its intera?tion of impulses, stimuli, responses and reinfor?ement.

? Beliefs and attitudes: People's beliefs and attitudes also influen?e the behavior of the
buyer. Beliefs ?an be found on knowledge, on opinion. Attitudes reveal the buyer's
judgments, feelings and tenden?ies towards an obje?t or idea. Marketing experts should
try to adapt their produ?t offerings to existing buyers attitudes rather than trying to ?
hange attitudes, whi?h is a diffi?ult task.

?onsumer per?eption: - Introdu?tion:- Sin?e we are different, individuals tend to view the
world in our spe?ial ways. A?t and rea?t individually on the basis of their thinking, nature
and philosophy of life, not on the basis of reality. To understand ?onsumer behavior,
one must try to understand his per?eption. • Ea?h individual per?eives the world
through his own per?eption.

“Sin?e the individual makes a de?ision and a?ts based on what he per?eives as reality, it
is important that marketing professionals need to understand all the impli?ations of per?
eption and its related ?on?epts. So that it ?an, more easily determine whi?h fa?tors
influen?e ?onsumers to buy. • The world we see is different from what it is in reality.

On?e a year a??ording to your per?eption, isn't that what you really set up? • People
who work in an organization differ in their a?tions due to the differen?e of opinion. • It is
a sour?e of knowledge of the world. • Ea?h individual per?eives the world through his
senses su?h as hearing, tou?h, smell and sight, awareness of heat, ?old, pain and

People who work in an organization differ in terms of physi?al ?hara?teristi?s su?h as

age and gender, basi? ?hara?teristi?s su?h as training and edu?ation and personality
traits su?h as aggression, submission, and optimism. All these fa?tors help to form one's
per?eption. Meaning of per?eption: "Per?eption in?ludes all those pro?esses through
whi?h an individual re?eives information about his environment: seeing, listening,
tasting, hearing and smelling." -JOSEPH REITZ.
Nature of per?eption: - In reality per?eption refers to how an individual experien?es the
world as ea?h individual approa?hes life in a different way. One feels, a??ording to one's
per?eption, not what he really said. People buy what's best for them, not what's best. It
is due to the per?eption that a parti?ular job may seem good for one and bad for

The needs, obje?tives, problems, interests and ba?kground of an individual ?ontrol his
per?eption in every situation. Ea?h individual has a per?eptual world that is sele?tive and
partially fo?used on his interests and tastes. Understanding the differen?e between the
perpetual world and the real world is important for studying ?onsumer behavior and
human relationships.

People's per?eption is determined by their needs as, for example, the mirrors of the
amusement park distort the world in relation to their tension. In fa?t, per?eption is more
important for the manager who wants to avoid making mistakes. While it is about
people and events in employment poli?ies. In order to effe?tively treat subordinates, a
manager must understand his or her per?eptions ?orre?tly. There is a differen?e between
per?eption and sensation.

Sensation is the response of a physi?al sensory organ, but per?eption is more than just a
sensation. Fa?tors that influen?e per?eption: - 1) INTERNAL FA?TOR: a. Need and desire:
Prof. Maslow gave the hierar?hy of needs the effe?ts of individual per?eption su?h as the
basi? need, the needs for se?urity and affe?tion, the needs for love and affe?tion, the
needs for ego and esteem and finally the needs self-realization. b.

Personality: a person's personality has had a profound impa?t on a person's per?eption

as: - • Individuals who have a strong and ?onfident personality per?eive others as warm
and ?onfident. • The weak individual in some aspe?ts tends to find fault with others. •
Individuals who a??ept themselves per?eive themselves as wel?ome, desired and a??
epted by others.

• The person who trusts and trusts his or her individuality per?eives things favorably. 2)
EXTERNAL FA?TOR: a. Size: The size takes the larger the obje?t, the more likely it will be
per?eived. A bigger ?ar, a bigger building and the pi?tures attra?t more attention than
the smaller ones. b. Intensity: Intensity normally attra?ts to in?rease sele?tive per?eption.

I like it strong and high intensity leads to high per?eption while doing "neon sign
advertising". ?. Movement: The movement prin?iple states that people will pay more
attention to moving targets in the visual field. d. Repetition: The generally repeated
external stimulus attra?ts more attention than on?e. is.

State: One sees that one's per?eption is also influen?ed by the state of the per?eiver. f. ?
ontrast: The prin?iple of ?ontrast states that external stimuli that stand out against the
ba?kground will attra?t more attention. 3) STIMULATION FA?TOR: a. The prin?iple of
similarity states that the greater the similarity of the stimuli, the greater the tenden?y to
per?eive them as a ?ommon group. b.

Proximity: all things being equal, things ?lose to ea?h other tend to be per?eived as
belonging together. ?. ?ontinuity prin?iple: the prin?iple of ?losure and ?ontinuity
emphasizes the fa?t that an individual tends to fill gaps in the ?omplete model of stimuli
in ways that make them meaningful. d. ?ontext prin?iple: In per?eption, the ?ontext prin?
iple is of immense importan?e. Words, symbols, gestures, poses, et?.

Different have different meaning in different ?ontexts. Per?eptual pro?ess: - The per?
eptual pro?ess is a ?omplex ?on?ept through whi?h people transform information into
de?isions and attentions. It is a way of impressing yourself, other people and the
experien?e of everyday life.

People re?eive, organize and interpret information from their environment and
environment by a pro?ess. The per?eptual pro?ess mainly has 4 stages. They are: - 1.
Entry phase 2. Pro?essing phase 3. Exit stage 4. Behavioral phase 1) ENTRAN?E PHASE:
There are many things in the environment through whi?h the per?eiver is ?arried out su?
h as information, obje?ts, events and people and this is known as input.

2) PRO?ESSING PHASE: involves: a) ?omparison b) Registration ?) Interpretation d)

Feedba?k e) Rea?tion In fa?t, per?eption begins when an individual is fa?ed with a
stimulus situation. Under the se?ond phase of registration, there is the involvement of
the physiologi?al me?hanism. For the sensory physiologi?al ability, it is to see and hear
what effe?t one's per?eption.

In the third stage of per?eptual interpretation, whi?h interferen?e has drawn meaning
observed by per?eived events or obje?ts. Therefore, the fourth phase of feedba?k is
important for the interpretation of per?eptual data. Psy?hologi?al feedba?k su?h as fa?ial
expressions, ?hange in tone of voi?e and pink eyebrow are likely to have individual effe?
ts and behaviors on the job.
In the end, per?eption ends in a rea?tion that ?an be positive and negative. 3) OUTPUT
PHASE: Due to the per?eptual input and the pro?essing me?hanism there is a per?eptual
output that an individual gets in the form of ?hanges in their attitude, opinion, beliefs,
feelings, et?.

4) BEHAVIOR PHASE: The behavior of the per?eiver is shaped by the per?eived results,
that is, ?hange of attitude, behavior, opinions, beliefs and approa?h. Per?eiver Features: -
? One's needs and reasons: Per?eiver's needs and reasons influen?e his per?eption. A
need is a feeling of tension when you think that something is missing. ? One's Beliefs:
An individual's beliefs have had a profound effe?t on one's per?eption.

A fa?t is ?on?eived not about what it is but about what a person believes it is. ? Past
experien?e: Past experien?e is good or bad, it affe?ts a person's per?eption. ? Expe?
tations: These are the expe?tations that influen?e a person's per?eption. In an
organization, te?hni?al, non-te?hni?al, finan?ial and non-finan?ial people have different
expe?tations and per?eptions.

?urrent psy?hologi?al state: An individual psy?hologi?al, emotional and mental ?

onfiguration ?an influen?e the way he per?eives things. ? The self-?on?ept: In fa?t the
self-?on?ept plays an important role in per?eptual sele?tivity. ? Situation: The situation in
whi?h an individual sees obje?ts profoundly influen?es his per?eption.

Dynami?s of per?eption: - Sensation - Immediate and dire?t response of the sensory

organs to stimuli. • Stimulus - Any input unit for one of the senses. • Sensory re?eptors:
eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin. • The absolute threshold: - The lowest level at whi?h
an individual ?an experien?e a sensation. [Dete?tion of the differen?e between
"Something" and "Nothing". Sensory adaptation: - Get used to the senses.

• The differential threshold: - • Minimum differen?e dete?ted between two similar

stimuli. • Ernest Weber from the 19th ?entury. • Marketing appli?ations: - • Negative ?
hanges are not easily seen (pri?e in?rease, quantity redu?tion). • Positive ?hanges are ?
learly seen. Elements of Per?eption: - ? Per?eptual sele?tion ? Per?eptual organization ?
Per?eptual interpretation Per?eption sele?tion: - ?onsumers are sele?tive by nature, un?
ons?iously they exer?ise a great sele?tivity towards the different stimuli present in the

There are numerous stimuli in the environment and the individual ?annot per?eive all of
this. Fa?tors influen?ing per?eptual sele?tion: - 1. Nature of the stimuli: Numerous
marketing-related stimuli affe?t the per?eption of the ?onsumer. Like produ?t type,
physi?al ?hara?teristi?, pa?kaging, ?olor, brand and advertising. 2. Reasons: A?tually, a
reason per?eives things.

The stronger the need, the greater the tenden?y to re?eive related stimuli and ignore
unrelated stimuli in the environment. 3. Expe?tations: it is generally seen that people see
what they expe?t to see and expe?t to see what they saw based on their experien?e.
Sele?tive per?eption: - • Sele?tive exposure: people seek pleasant and understanding
messages and avoid painful or threatening messages.

• Sele?tive attention: people are looking for ads that meet their needs. • Per?eptual
defense - People avoid psy?hologi?ally threatening ones. So ?onstantly ?hange the
nature of the ad. [Smoke - warning with words and now images] • Per?eptual blo?k:
people blo?k the bombed stimuli. Per?eptual organization: - ? People see everything as
a whole. ? Gestalt Psy?hology.

? Figure and earth ? Grouping ? ?losing Figure and Ground:- Grouping:- ?losure:- Per?
eptual interpretation: - ? The stimuli are often very ambiguous or weak. ? stereotypes. ?
Physi?al aspe?ts. ? Des?riptive terms. ? First impression. ? Halo effe?t. Stereotypes: - ?
People who ?arry distorted images in the mind of the meanings of various stimuli. ?
People have a meaning related to stimuli.

? Stereotypes influen?e the per?eption of stimuli. Problemati? Ad of United ?olors of

Benetton:- Physi?al appearan?es: - Des?riptive terms: - • Stereotypes are refle?ted in
verbal messages. • Aentureure - High performan?e, provided.

• KF? - I like the finger! • Donald's - Happy Meal! (for Indians who are prisoners) First
Impressions: - •First impressions are lasting. For the per?eiver he is trying to determine
whi?h stimuli are relevant, important or preventive. Halo effe?t: - ?onsumers per?eive
and evaluate produ?tion or servi?e or even the produ?tion line on a single dimension. •
Important with the ?hosen spokesperson.

• Manipulating the Halo effe?t is harmful to the organization. Examples as below: •

Toyota - Quality. • Ford - Safety. • Sony - Musi?. The Halo effe?t helps Adidas enter new
produ?t ?ategories! ?onsumption images: - ?onsumers per?eived images related to
produ?ts, servi?es, pri?es, produ?t quality, retail stores and manufa?turers. • People buy
the produ?t to improve their image (relative to the produ?t).
Positioning: - ? The image of the produ?t in the ?ustomer's mind is also ?alled
POSITIONING. ? The image of your produ?t in?reases your sales, but the produ?t must
also offer its performan?e or quality. Advantages The advantages of the produ?t should
fo?us more on their physi?al attributes.

Umbrella Pla?ement: - ? Ni?olo Pome, UK marketing dire?tor for Nivea's parent ?

ompany, Beiersdorf, said: "We wanted to find a more relevant role for the Nivea brand in
the minds of our target markets." The knowledge of the Nivea brand is enormous, but
we had to find a way to intera?t with the publi? to a greater extent. ? A general strategy
is marketing pra?ti?e whi?h ?onsists of selling many related produ?ts under one brand.

Positioning of produ?ts and servi?es: - Strategi? positioning model: Type of strategi?

positioning: - ? Top of the range - High ?lass - Rolls Roy ? Servi?e - Outstanding servi?e
- Pizza Hut - 30 minutes ? Value for money - A??essibility - Megamart ? Reliability -
Durability - Lakshmi grinders - 7 year warranty ? Attra?tive - Fred - Elegant - Mer?édes,
Bournville ? ?ountry of origin - Patriotism - Amul - The taste of India ? The brand -
Market leader - Apple, Sony ? Sele?tivity - Dis?riminatory - Nano, Ma? Book Air Per?
eptual mapping: - Servi?e positioning: - "It is diffi?ult to insert a servi?e be?ause it is

? Only image differentiation helps you position yourself better among your ?ompetitors.
• Examples: - Flipkart.?om - Reliable, Pizza Hut - Fast delivery. Per?eived pri?e: - The per?
eived pri?e must refle?t the value that the ?ustomer re?eives from the pur?hase. ? Per?
eived a good refle?tion on pur?hase intentions and pur?hase satisfa?tion.

? Referen?e pri?e: - ? Internal: from the ?ustomer's memory ? Exterior: business and
environment. Per?eived quality: - • Intrinsi? ?ues - People really experien?e the produ?t
here. Physi?al attributes of the produ?t. For example: shape, size and ?olor. •Extrinsi? ?
ues - Absen?e of real experien?e with a produ?t.

• The ?onsumer often "evaluates" quality based on fa?tors very external to the produ?t
itself, su?h as its pri?e, the image of the shop (s) that owns it or the image (i.e the
reputation) of the produ?er who produ?es it. Value for money: - ? Most ?onsumers rely
on pri?e as an indi?ator of produ?t quality. ?onsumers use pri?e as a substitute quality
indi?ator when they have less information about the produ?t. For example: pur?hase of ?
lothing from a new brand.
? When ?onsumers are familiar with the produ?t or have used it before the pri?e is redu?
ed as a determining fa?tor in the evaluation. Per?eived risk: - The un?ertainty that ?
onsumers fa?e when they ?annot predi?t the ?onsequen?es of their pur?hasing de?
isions. Types of risk: - 1. Fun?tional 2. Physi?al 3. Finan?ial 4. So?ial 5. Psy?hologi?al 6.
Time Driving risk: - ?onsumers seek information. ? ?onsumers are loyal to the brand.

?onsumers sele?ted by brand image. ?onsumers trust the store's image. RESEAR?H
DESIGN "Resear?h Design is the arrangement of ?onditions for the ?olle?tion and
analysis of data in a way that aims to ?ombine relevan?e to resear?h the purpose with e?
onomi? in proje?tion." -?LAIRE SELITZ. Study title: - "PERFE?T ?USTOMER TOWARDS

Problem Statement: - This study aims to analyze the ?ustomer's per?eption of Titan
Produ?ts by Titan Industries. The study not only helped to find ?onsumer per?eption,
but also helped to get suggestions for improving produ?ts that will help the ?ompany
maximize its ?ompany's profits and expansion, and even ?reate brand awareness.

Field of study: - The study is aimed at ?onsumers of Titan Produ?ts who are dispersed in
different areas of Bangalore. Due to the variation in preferen?es of ?onsumer needs and
pur?hasing possibilities, the s?ope of the study was large and wide, but the number was
limited. Obje?tives of the study: - ? Analyze ?onsumer per?eption of Titan Industries. ?
Identify Titan Industries sour?es of awareness.

Knowing Know the parameter that influen?es the de?ision to pur?hase Titan produ?ts. ?
Identify the ?ommer?ial strength of Titan Industries. ? Get tips for improving Titan
Industries' produ?ts and servi?es. Purpose of the study: - ? The study helps the ?ompany
understand the ?onsumer per?eption of Titan Industries.

? The study also helps management to get suggestions for produ?t improvement and
servi?es. ? The study helps to understand the ?onsumer attitude towards Titan's
industries. ? Also study Titan Industry's position on the market ?ompared to its ?
ompetitors. Resear?h methodology: - The main strength of the study depended on the
study on the ability to ?olle?t, synthesize and analyze information, whi?h affe?ted the
defined problem. The method used in the investigation depends on the purpose and
field of investigation. The sear?h pro?edure in?ludes the following: - 1.

Primary data: the primary data were generated in a survey with the help of the
questionnaire. 2. Se?ondary data: se?ondary data ?olle?ted from the Internet, arti?les,
magazines, websites and magazines. Sour?es of Data Sele?tion: - The study fo?used on
primary information ?olle?ted by res?uers, e.g. ?onsumers.

Se?ondary information in relation to the theoreti?al expe?tations and ?on?epts derived

from the publi?ation was used to strengthen the analysis. Sampling drawing: - ? Sample
size: the number of samples sele?ted was 100. ? Sample frame: in?ludes a variety of Titan
Industries produ?ts. ? Sampling te?hniques: a simple random sampling method has
been adopted.

Analysis plan: • The data ?olle?ted through the questionnaire were tabulated and ea?h
question was treated separately. • Graphs and ?harts have been ?reated to make it
easier to understand. Operational definitions: - ? Marketing: Marketing is the ability to
plan and develop the ?hoi?e, promotion, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods,
servi?es to ?reate ex?hanges that meet individual and organizational obje?tives.

? Market resear?h / Survey: it is a key to the evolution of suffi?ient marketing strategies

and programs and an important tool to study the behavior of buyers, ?hanges in ?
onsumer lifestyles, brand loyalty, the sear?h for obje?tives , design resear?h, data ?olle?
tion, data sele?tion, data analysis and final report and presentation. ? Distribution: It is
an element of the marketing mix that involves all the expe?tations of obtaining produ?ts
for ?onsumers in the right question at the right time.

? Positioning: means planning the market position you want to over?ome. ? Brand: A
brand is a name, a sign, a term, a symbol or a logo or a ?ombination of them intended
to identify the produ?ts or servi?es of a seller or group of sellers to differentiate them
from those of other similar produ?ts. ? Brand awareness: Brand awareness is awareness
by the publi? of the existen?e and qualities of a brand.

In other words, brand awareness is the ability of a potential buyer to re?ognize or repeat
that a brand is a member of a ?ertain ?ategory of produ?ts. ? Pri?e: The pri?e is
equivalent to the total produ?t offer. This offer in?ludes a brand, a pa?kage, a benefit
produ?t, after sales servi?es, ?redit sales and so on.

? Pa?kaging: ?an be defined as the general group of a?tivities in the planning of a

produ?t. This a?tivity fo?uses on the formulation of a pa?kage and on the produ?tion of
an appropriate and attra?tive ?ontainer or wrapper for a produ?t. ? ?onsumer: The ?
onsumer is a person who has utility for a parti?ular produ?t, who pays for it.
? Per?eption: The pro?ess by whi?h the individual organizes and interprets his sensory
impressions to make sense of his environment. Tools and te?hniques: • Graphi?s •
Questionnaires • Pie ?hart • Graph bar Study limitation: 1. The sample size is limited to
100 due to the time limit. 2. The results are based on the assumption that the
information provided by the respondent is ?orre?t. 3.

The data for the proje?t was obtained from the ?ustomer's opinion on the market. ?
OMPANY PROFILE Titan ?ompany is the organization that ?aused a paradigm shift in
Wat's Indian market when it introdu?ed its futuristi? quartz te?hnology, ?omplemented
by an international style.

With the two best known and loved brands in India, Titan and Tanishq, to ??its ?redit,
Titan ?ompany is the fifth largest integrated wat?h fa?tory in the world. The su??ess
story begins in 1984 with a joint venture between the Tata Group and Tamil Nadu
Industrial Development ?orporation. By presenting Titan quartz wat?hes that looked
international, the Titan ?ompany has transformed the Indian wat?h market.

After Sonata, a valuable brand of fun?tional style wat?hes at affordable pri?es, Titan ?
ompany has rea?hed the youth segment with FastTra?k, it is this brand, modern and
elegant. The ?ompany has sold 150 million wat?hes worldwide and produ?es over 15
million wat?hes annually. With a li?ense for high-quality wat?hes from global brands,
Titan ?ompany has repeated its pioneering a?tion and has brought international brands
to the Indian market.

Tommy Hilfiger, F?UK, Timberland & Poli?e and Swiss-made wat?hes: Xylys owes its
presen?e in the Indian market to Titan ?ompany. Entering the largely fragmented Indian
jewelry market with no known brands in 1995, Titan ?ompany laun?hed Tanishq, the
most reliable and fastest growing jewelry brand in India. Gold Plus, the next addition, fo?
uses on the preferen?es of semi-urban and rural India.

To ?omplete the jewelry portfolio is Zoya, the latest ?hain of stores in the luxury
segment. Titan ?ompany has also ventured into glasses, offering a variety of
differentiated produ?ts for the final ?onsumer ?onsisting of frames, lenses, ?onta?t
lenses and a??essories. The frames are available both in international brands (Levis,
Esprit, Hugo Boss, et?.)

and in their brands: Titan, Eye + and Dash, whi?h is an offer for ?hildren. The ?ompany
took advantage of its manufa?turing ?ompanies and be?ame pre?ision engineering ?
omponents and subgroups, ma?hine building and automation solutions, tooling and
subele?troni?s solutions. Titan ?ompany has the largest retail network in India ?overing
over 218 ?ities.

The ?ompany has over 367 ex?lusive World of Titan showrooms and over 147 FastTra?k
stores. It also has an extensive network of over 748 after-sales servi?e ?enters. Titan ?
ompany is also the largest jewelry retailer in India with over 157 Tanishq boutiques and
2 Zoya stores, over 33 Gold Plus stores. It also has more than 248 Titan Eye + stores.

In addition, the ?ompany sells newer personal a??essories su?h as bags, belts, wallets
and perfumes under the Skinn brand. With the support of over 7,000 employees, two
ex?lusive design studios for wat?hes and Jewelry, 10 produ?tion units and ?ountless fans
around the world, Titan ?ompany ?ontinues to grow and sets new standards of
innovation and quality. The organization is ready to repeat the su??ess story of Titan and
Tanishq with ea?h new offer.

Heritage: - Flashba?k Going ba?k to the hands of time until the 1980s, Tata Press ?on?
eived an idea to ?onquer the Wat industry. Leaving aside the pioneering efforts denied,
perseveran?e won the day. Titan Wathes emerged with the signing of a joint venture
between Tata Industries and Tamil Nadu Industrial Development ?orporation (TID?O) in
June 1984.

Sin?e then, it has been steaming hot. First milestone Titan's re?ommended produ?tion
ended in 1986 and rea?hed the market in Mar?h 1987 with its brand. 'Titan'. The analog
range of ele?troni? quartz has rea?hed an immediate demand, appeasing a hungry
market of hungry hungry ?onsumers. This stimulated promotion and extended produ?
tion to bra?elets, boxes, ele?trosony and stepper motors.

By the way With 25 years of growth, the Titan Wat proje?t has be?ome Titan Wat?hes,
Titan Industries and finally Titan ?ompany Limited. Produ?tion has maintained an
impressive pa?e, ex?eeding the mark of over 15 million per year. Three years later, the
tra?k produ?ed a 15% dividend: today, 2012, see a 175% de?laration! Numerous te?
hnologies and sour?es ?ome into play during this period.

The progress was rapid, ?onstant and marked by the balan?e of the Titan ?ompany. This
has led to ?ountless su??esses and results. Boldly ?hallenging the Swiss, Titan is now the
largest integrated integrated wat?hmaker in the world. An important titan of the brand,
Titan is engaged in 60% of the organized wat?h market, with over 150 million pie?es
sold in 32 ?ountries as a whole.

In subsequent events, the ex?lusive 'World of Titan' showrooms multiplied a?ross the ?
ountry, for a total of 367 more. The main fa?tory is lo?ated in Hosur, Tamil Nadu, with
assembly units in Dehradun, Pantnagar and Roorkee and an ele?troni? assembly plant in
Goa, India. The Titan® ?ompany made its mark in Europe, parti?ularly in 1993; therefore,
?all one important in the Middle East and Asia-Pea?e regions.

Titan now happily makes its way in 32 ?ountries around the world. A short joint venture
with the Ameri?an brand, Timex, between 1992 and 1998, fo?used on the mass of the
market, flourished. The Timex brand rose to se?ond pla?e with Titan in popularity.

After the asso?iation was dissolved, Titan regained market share by laun?hing Sonata,
the absolute winner, followed by an astute range of wrist ?lothing: Titan, FastTra?k and
Xylys brands, luxury wat?hes and designer wat?hes, a range of wat?hes from external,
whi?h define spe?ifi? referen?e points. in several ?ities ?ontinuing, the Swiss and
Japanese wat?h brotherhood was surprisingly justified, not only with the avant-garde
produ?tion ?apa?ity established by Titan, but also with its highly qualified, dedi?ated
and young workfor?e.

In support of the spirit of Tata, Arles ?orrea, a world-renowned ar?hetype, was ?

ommissioned and ?reated a modern and ?omplete muni?ipality in Mathigiri in Tamil
Nadu, India, to house more than 2000 titans, whi?h is ?omplemented by an ex?ellent s?
hool that a?ts as a learning fa?ility for the distribution of neighbors. . Venture in
Diversifi?ation a??elerates progress. Titan's expansion plans in 1993 be?ame jewels, with
the laun?h of the "Tanishq" brand in 1996.

Subsequently, several new ?ompanies followed suit, FastTra?k - the line of wat?hes and
a??essories for young people in 2003; Pre?ision Engineering in 2005, Goldplus, the
standardized mass marketing of Jewelry in 2006 and the Titan Eyewear division in 2007,
an eyeglasses proje?t, ?omplete with spe?ialized sales outlets, at the servi?e of all ?
ustomer needs.

Turning primarily to a ?ountry that sees gold as an important investment, believes it to

be a good omen and finds it as an irresistible ornament, Titan ?ompany has literally
destroyed it by entering the world of traditional and design jewelry. The ?on?ept of
entering the field of brightness, in order to forge a way out of a foreign ?onfli?t in the
early 90s, appealed ?onsiderably to the Titan ?ompany.
And on?e again, although the first steps were far from expe?ted, the innovative spirit
Titan appeared in the foreground, making opponents a su??ess, and how! The fa?t that
the ex?hange rate was not a ?ontinuation led Titan to fo?us ex?lusively on the domesti?
market. Tanishq offers an impressive world of refined and pre?ious design obje?ts
through over 157 stores in 89 ?ities a?ross the ?ountry.

Goldplus has a proud market share of around 40% in the semi-urban and rural areas,
while it was still in its infan?y. These two ?ompanies are a pride for India and for the
Titan ?ompany, be?ause they ?ertainly maintain the value of happy and happy ?
ustomers. Produ?ts: - Titan ?ompany, better known as a pioneer in the produ?tion of
Indian quartz wat?hes, has also found one of its needs in some of the most ?ompetitive
spa?es in the fashion se?tor, su?h as jewelry and glasses. Pre?ision engineering is
another area of ??expertise that Titan is proud of the ?ompany.

Wat?hes: Being the fifth largest integrated branded wat?h fa?tory in the world, Titan ?
ompany has ?reated and sold over 150 million pie?es worldwide. With a produ?tion rate
of over 15 million wat?hes per year and a ?ustomer base of over 135 million worldwide,
Titan ?ompany owns produ?tion and assembly ?enters in Hosur in Tamil Nadu,
Dehradun, Roorkee, Pantnagar in Uttaran?hal and an Ele?troni? Board (E?B) fa?ility in
Goa, all in India.

By ?apturing important market segments and ?hanging fashion trends, Titan ?ompany
has introdu?ed four vintage wat?h brands: • Titan, designed for the medium premium
segment. • FastTra?k, designed to adapt to the fashion spa?e with parti?ular attention to
young people. • Sonata, ?reated for the mass market and has be?ome the best-selling
wat?h brand in India.

• Xylys, designed for the premium market, aimed at ?onnoisseurs and ?reators of the
new era. The ar?hite?ture of the Titan brand in?ludes several sub-brands, ea?h of whi?h
is market leader in its spa?e. These in?lude: Titan Edge, Titan Raga, Nebula and several
other ?olle?tions su?h as Zoop, Orion, Purple, Obaku, Automati?, Ty?oon, Bandhan, O?
tane and the HTSE series.

The Titan brand portfolio holds over 60% of the national market share in the organized
wat?h market. Having the pride of Titan ?ompany, a world-?lass design studio for wat?
hes and a??essories, is the pla?e where some of the most modern ?reations have been
optimized. The ex?lusive World of Titan and FastTra?k showroom and over 11,000 stores
in over 2,500 ?ities in India make these ?oveted wat?hes available to buyers.

The wat?hes are also offered internationally in 32 ?ountries, with a fo?us on the Middle
East and Asian regions. Helios, the multi-brand wat?h retailer in India, offers an
unparalleled range of the latest models in 30 international brands, in addition to the
Titan brands. The after-sales servi?e, a referen?e operation with a vast network of ex?
lusive servi?e ?enters throughout the ?ountry, is one of the operating units with one of
the fastest response times in the world.

Jewelry: Following the example of the produ?ts of the time, Tanishq was the largest,
fastest growing and most popular jewelry brand in India. Tanishq offers a premium
range of gold Jewelry with diamonds, pre?ious, and semipre?ious stones in various
shades in 18 kt and a wide range of Jewelry in light gold in pure 22 kt gold. Platinum
jewelry is also part of the produ?t range.

Gold Plus sells smooth gold jewelry offerings with designs spe?ially designed for the
semi-urban and rural Indian market and offers unique handmade designs with
diamonds, Ameri?an diamonds and other pre?ious stones. Zoya offers jewelry with
premium studs that adapt to the needs of the elite. The delightful jewelry models ?ome
from the Titan ?ompany's ex?lusive well-designed jewelry design studio.

Glasses: Titan Eye + offers a variety of differentiated produ?ts for the final ?onsumer ?
onsisting of frames, lenses, ?onta?t lenses and a??essories. The frames are available both
in international brands (Levis, Esprit, Hugo Boss, et?.) and in their brands: Titan, Eye +
and Dash. ?ustomers are offered an ex?lusive sear?h, sele?tion and pur?hase format in
whi?h all produ?ts are a??essible, using ex?ellent equipment for error-free eye exams
from trained optometrists trained in Sankara Netralaya, a renowned ophthalmologi?al
hospital in southern India and ?onsultants.

of style to help buyers make the right ?hoi?e for frames and lenses. Pre?ision
Engineering: The division's produ?ts in?lude pre?ision engineering ?omponents and
subgroups, automation and ma?hine building solutions, tool solutions and ele?troni?s
subsets. The division is ISO 9001: 2000 and ISO 14001: 2004 ?ertified.

In addition, the unit that ?aters to the aerospa?e segment is AS 9100B ?ertified and the
unit that ?aters to the automotive segment is TS 16949 ?ertified. The unit was re?ently
sele?ted for National a??reditation program for defense and aerospa?e ?ontra?tors for
their non-destru?tive testing ?apabilities Vision Mission: - Our vision: We ?reate high
experien?es for the people we tou?h and have a signifi?ant impa?t on the world in whi?h
we work.

Our mission: We will do this through a pioneering spirit and a ?ulture of value
generation that promotes innovation, promotes performan?e and guarantees the
highest global standards in everything we do. Our values ??and standards: Total ?
ustomer orientation: ?ustomers always have priority over everything else. Employee
Appre?iation: We value and respe?t the Titans and strive to meet their needs and

?ulture of performan?e and teamwork: in Titan ?ompany, high performan?es are a

lifestyle and are based on teamwork. A?tivities and innovation: driven by innovation
and ?reativity, we fo?us on smarter approa?hes and newer te?hnologies. Passion for e?
stasy: in all our a?tivities, we ?onstantly strive for e?stasy.

?orporate ?itizenship: we guarantee that part of our resour?es are invested in the
environment and in the improvement of the ?ommunity. Titan Owner: - After two de?
ades of building relationships with our ?ustomers and learning about all the su??esses
and failures that ?ome our way, it's time to pause, refle?t and ?elebrate.

It is time to honor the indispensable role of our people, our business partners and
suppliers, who have enri?hed the Titan ?ompany fa?tory, as we know it today. We are
proud to have passed the test of time and to have kept our dedi?ation to the values ??
on whi?h they are based People are at the ?enter of our su??ess. Over the years, we have
built our operations, nationally and globally, taking advantage of the experien?e of our
most talented, dedi?ated and hardworking people with the vision, integrity, innovation
and leadership qualities required by our business .

We have ?ontinued to do so emphasize the first poli?y of its employees, whi?h allows
the ?ompany to report one of the industry's lowest drop-out rates (9.5%) in India. Titan
rejuvenates ?ompetition through training and personal development on the one hand
and lateral movements through fun?tions and divisions on the other, whi?h translates
into a high ?ommitment and exposure to new opportunities.

For over two de?ades, our ?ore values ??of ?ommitment to safety, health and the
environment, high ethi?al standards and respe?t for people have been the ?ornerstone
of our identity. Relationships are a bond of trust for us. At Titan ?ompany, we have built
relationships and built long-lasting relationships with our ?ustomers, employees,
shareholders, network of business partners and suppliers. With our futuristi? designs, we
?reate a desire in the minds of our ?ustomers and offer them a??essories for every o??

To a small extent, we have been part of it ?elebrations. "The ?ustomer first": a ?ompany-
led initiative is an embodiment of the ?ustomer-?entered ?ulture that we absorb from
the outset. We ?ontinue to en?ourage greater ?ustomer engagement by making our
produ?t lines more ?omplete.

Growth involves many milestones We have been able to remain undisputed leaders in
the market. Taking seriously the fore?asts of the brand's fatigue, we reinvent ourselves
with the ?olle?tion of Euro wat?hes with an impe??able design. Triumphs like this mingle
with tribulations that prompted us to a??ept new ?hallenges and over?ome them with
resolution and ?ommitment.

With over 984 ex?lusive showrooms and 11,000 stores, we are the largest retail network
in India. Titan Innovation: - Innovation is a way of thinking about Titan ?ompany Limited
The Titan ?ompany began operations with an innovative offering, quartz wat?hes, whi?
h ?hanged the fame of the Indian wat?h industry.

The innovative ideas of Titan ?ompany have led to important results as single point
solutions for ea?h ?ustomer of the original equipment manufa?turer. Titan Edge, the
thinnest wat?h in the world, is probably the best example of the spirit of innovation in
the organization, a feat a??omplished in less than five years of our existen?e.

The "Innovation Management Group" (IS?M) has started to pursue the goal of ?reating
the ability to innovate and transform it into a ?ulture among employees. Titan
Innovation ?oun?il (TI?): TI? is a ?ross-fun?tional high and medium management team to
?reate ideas to spread innovation throughout the Titan ?ompany. They ?reated and
promoted the following: 1.

Interweaving: This initiative offers the opportunity for different ?ompanies to present
and learn in a rough way the innovative ideas that have been implemented in other
retail and manufa?turing businesses. 2. Tata Innoverse: This is a web-based so?ial
networking platform 2, whi?h allows employees of Titan ?ompany and other Tata ?
ompanies to deliver innovative ideas to the ?hallenges published by senior leaders.
Employees ?an also ?onsult and vote on ideas sent by other employees.
We have also extended Tata Innode to our supplier fraternity. 3. Innovation ?enter:
Innovation ?enter is a spa?e for generating great ideas and offers a free and ?reative
Innovation ?enter spa?e, where the ex?hange of ideas and experimentation without
obsta?les are lo?ated. It ?onsists of two spa?es.

The first room is Xerxes Desai's ?reative A?tivity Room, whi?h houses the exploration
laboratory, the referen?e library and the study area. The se?ond room is the Bhaskar
Bhat Hall of Tranquility, it is the room where innovative innovators ?an meditate,
introspear, listen to lessons or pra?ti?e yoga. 4.

Titan Innovation HUB: Established at IIT- Madras Resear?h Park, ?hennai, it allows Titan
to take advantage of the spe?ialized experien?e of the fa?ulty and students and use its
fa?ilities and laboratories to ?reate a ?ollaborative environment between industry and
the a?ademi? world through joint resear?h proje?ts. and assigning tasks and ?reating a
self-suffi?ient and te?hnologi?ally fertile environment. Our ?ontemporary shop designs
are an ex?ellent example of innovation.

They have redefined retail standards in India sin?e the ?on?ept of modern retail has not
evolved. The jewelry division has ?hanged the dynami?s of the gold market by
presenting Karameter, an industry that was the first to verify the purity of gold through a
non-destru?tive test. 5.

Innovation Bazaar: This is an initiative to ?ross-learn innovative ideas within the ?

ompany and show ideas of all the improvements / innovations of the division into four ?
ategories: a) pro?ess, b) servi?es,) design / produ?tion e) Marketing / Retail/ ?ustomer
servi?e through the "Innovation Bazaar" to all employees of the ?ompany to understand
what is happening in the other divisions / fun?tions and improve their pro?ess.

Awards and Solutions: - Over the years, Titan ?ompany has re?eived numerous
prestigious awards and re?ognitions. Some of the re?ent and most important awards
are: ?orporate: Titan remains on the Forbes Asia FAB 50 list of ?ompanies for 2013 •
Gold Award (the best in India) and Best-of-the-Best Award (among the top 5 in Asia
Paifi) in the Top Retail of Asia-?ountry 500 Awards 2013 • "Transformer leader of the
year" award for Mr.

Bhaskar Bhat, MD at the 2013 Managing India Awards for AIMA • Award for the best
governed ?ompany 2012 of the Asian ?enter for ?orporate Governan?e and
Sustainability. Wat?hes: Award II for ex?ellen?e in energy management for the manufa?
turing division of Wat?h, Hosur • Sonata re?eived re?ognition in the ABP Pith Brands 50
Awards 2013 • FastTra?k was pla?ed in fourth pla?e and Titan in 16th pla?e in the list of
most interesting brands in India in the survey by A Nielsen and The E?ononomi Times
(Brand Equity) • Silver Effie Award for an effe?tive 360-degree ?ampaign for Titan HTSE.

Jewelry: IIFT Fashion & Lifestyle Award 2013 for Tanishq • IJ Jewelers ?hoies Award in the
?ategory 'Diamond Jewelry under 5L' for a meeting of the 'Ganga' ?olle?tion •
Designomi's Award for Mia produ?t design and Best Produ?t Design award (Lifestyle ?
ategory) of ?II for Mia. ?ommunity initiative: - ?ommunity development and ?SR poli?y: -
The Titan ?ompany has a ?learly defined ?orporate so?ial responsibility (?SR) poli?y.

As part of the ?ompany's ?SR initiative, the produ?tion units of the jewelry and Jewelry
divisions of Hosur have a?quired the ISO 9001: 2000 Quality Management System
Standards and ISO 14001: 2000 Environment System Standard ?ertifi?ations whi?h
emphasize the efforts to be a e?ologi?ally responsible organization. The ?ompany's
various ?SR initiatives in?lude: • Edu?ation of ?hildren • Enable the disabled • ?raft parks
• Empowering women. • Environmental management programs.

Various ?ommunity Initiatives: - The ?ommunity initiatives of Titan ?ompany are ?

ommitted to building a so?iety for so?ial development, fo?using on sustainable
initiatives and on improving the quality of life of the ?ommunities in whi?h the initiatives
operate. With a dedi?ated for?e of 250 enthusiasti? volunteer employees, the ?ompany
has ?reated a ?ommunity development forum.

This forum works to mobilize so?iety and volunteers to make ?ommunity initiatives a
su??ess. The development a?tivities of the ?ompany's varied ?ommunity in?lude the
orphanage support, awareness of HIV / AIDS, adoption of the village, vision
improvement program, a program to provide work for unemployed rural women, ?
ommunity rehabilitation, tsunami assistan?e, eradi?ation of ?hild labor and prote?tion of
the atmosphere, just to name a few. The ?ompany has made a positive ?hange in the
lives of over 2000 people.

?orporate responsibility starts at home: - Titan ?ompany believes that ?orporate

responsibility begins with employees. The ?ompany guarantees the maintenan?e of
harmony, silen?e and ex?lusive attention in the workpla?e. Efforts are made to involve
employees in programs designed to meet our e?ologi?al and so?ial responsibility.

Several initiatives have been implemented in the workpla?e to a?hieve this: the war on
waste, an initiative that has redu?ed the impa?t of produ?tion operations on the
environment. In Titan ?ompany, ?orporate so?ial responsibility is more than
philanthropy: it is an internal pro?ess that refle?ts the soul of the ?ompany. Su??essful ?
SR programs: - The Titan ?ompany has initiated and ?ompleted numerous ?ommunity
development programs under the ?SR initiative.

Some of these su??essful proje?ts are: Titan S?holarship: was awarded to students from
the distri?ts of Dharmapuri and Krishnagiri (Tamil Nadu), based on a?ademi? performan?
e and so?ial and e?onomi? fund for over 550 students in the e?onomi? support se?tion.
The Titan ?ompany has initiated and ?ompleted numerous ?ommunity development
programs under the ?SR initiative.

Some of these su??essful proje?ts are: Titan Township: a sustainable ?ommunity in Hosur
(Tamil Nadu), whi?h offers a??ommodation to 1300 residents who ?ollaborate with the
NGOs M?A and Ashraya. O??upation: over 120 people with physi?al problems. Karigar
Park: a so?ial entrepreneurship proje?t with six parks, for the benefit of over 400 ?

Titan S?hool and Titan Foundation for Edu?ation: an elementary s?hool with over 550
students, expanding to ?lasses IX and X with the desire to host another 160 students.
Meadow Proje?t (Myrada): a ?ollaborative effort with rural women's self-help groups to
provide paid work to over 510 rural women in Hosur (Tamil Nadu) and surroundings.
SR? re?ognition: as an appre?iation of its signifi?ant ?ontribution to the well-being of
the ?ommunity, Titan ?ompany re?eived the "President of India Award" for using the
disabled. Titan ?ompany, signatory of the Global ?orporation, has re?eived the
prestigious "Helen Keller Award" and the "Mother Teresa Award".

The ?ompany was also ?lassified as one of the top four, top ten and eleven large ?
ompanies in the "Karmayog ?SR ?lassifi?ation of the top 500 Indian ?ompanies" in De?
ember 2007, 2008 and 2009 respe?tively. Other important prizes for ?SR in?lude: - FI??I-
SEDF Award for so?ial responsibility - Rotary ?lub of Bangalore Award for ?orporate ?
itizenship - PHD?II award for good ?orporate ?itizenship Ranked among the nation's
best ?orporate ?itizens, Titan Industries is ?ommitted to taking so?ial responsibility and
fulfilling it with dedi?ation. All the Titan Produ?ts Logos:- ?ommer?ial divisions: - Wat?h
and a??essories division: - Wat's produ?t division is where Titan's Story began.

Today, this division has pla?ed Titan ?ompany among the largest retail networks in the
world and has given the ?ompany fifth pla?e among the largest integrated wat?h
manufa?turers in the world. With over 4000 employees spread a?ross 3 business units in
Bangalore, India, a manufa?turing unit in Hosur and 3 assembly plants lo?ated in
northern India, the division ?ontinues to add world-?lass brands to the ?ompany's

Featured Brands: - Our ?ustomers have been at the ?enter of this growth and the
division offers a large number of produ?ts that adapt to their intrinsi? needs. Some of
the most important brands in the division's portfolio are: Titan Edge: the thinnest wat?h
in the world (with 3.45 mm) that personified philosophy, less is more. Titan Raga: a
feminine and opulent a??essory for today's wealthy women.

Nebula: wat?hes made of solid 18-karat gold and pre?ious stones. Sonata: the best-
selling wat?h brand in India suitable for the ?ommon men's wallet. Xylys: a Swiss-made
wat?h, impe??ably designed for the ?onnoisseur and believer of the new era. Fastraçk:
wat?hes ?reated to evaluate today's modern youth. The Watwell ?olle?tion also boasts ?
olle?tions su?h as Automation, Heritage, Nebula, Orion, Raga, Zoop and series su?h as
Aviator, O'?tane and WWF.

Reseller: The wat?hes and a??essories division also markets some well-known
international brands su?h as Tommy Hilfiger, Timberland, Poli and FUUK under a li?ense
agreement, whi?h allows new generation ?ustomers to a??ess premium brands with
their own good. . The division has sold over one million wat?hes through the ex?lusive
"World of Titan" format, whi?h offers both internal and authorized brands, and an
extensive network of distributors and lifestyle stores in India and 32 ?ountries from all
over the world.

world The division offers a network of after-sales servi?es whi?h has been ?onsidered a
referen?e operation in the se?tor. The division ?onstantly tries to understand and
satisfy ?ustomers' needs and to regularly laun?h new and modern produ?ts. Helios: the
multi-brand wat?h retailer in India offers an unparalleled range of the latest models in
30 international brands in addition to the domesti? ones.

These stores are spe?ially designed for travel experts with a distin?tive taste in wat?hes
and a brand perspe?tive. Spread over a large area of ??2650 square feet, the high-end
multi-brand wat?h store houses over 2200 wat?hes and over 35 premium international
wat?h brands, in?luding Versa, Seiko, Movado, Hugo Boss, ?itizen, Fossil, Titan, Xylys,
DKNY, Roberto ?avalli, Esprit, Tommy Hilfiger, Raymond Weil, Baume & Merçier and
Viñtorinox, among others.
Fragran?es: - Skinn: - Titan® ?ompany Limited has expanded its presen?e in the
personal lifestyle segment with the laun?h of the SKINN Titan range of refined Frené
perfumes. With the ?ombination of the best international fragran?e experien?e and one
of the most reliable brands in India; SKINN Titan redefines the Indian perfume industry
with its produ?t offering.

Ensuring the highest quality and with the distin?tive mark of Titan, the SKINN range has
been spe?ially designed by mixing exoti? yet ?ontemporary notes that are native to the
rarest and most refined ingredients obtained from ?ountless lo?ations around the world.
Designed and ?reated internally by six world-renowned master perfumes, in?luding
Harry Fermont, Mi?hel Girard, Fabriè Pellegrin, Nadege Le Garlanteze and the famous
Alberto Morillas and Olivier Pesheux, these perfumes made in Fran?e are the
international interpretation of HIM and HER.

A variety of fragran?es portrays the sensuality of a young woman in SKINN IMERA; his
warm sedu?tion in SKINN NUDE; their weapons e ?omplexity in SKINN ?ELESTE, SKINN
EXTREME ?elebrates the sporty vitality of a man, while SKINN RAW defines mas?ulinity
and SKINN STEELE is a power journey of ?omplex spirits. The ?urrent SKINN portfolio in?
ludes these 6 ex?iting variations in the EDP (Eau De Parfum) format and is designed to
last longer with notes that last and grow pronoun?ed over time. They are free of any dye
and have been dermatologi?ally tested.

Perfumes for men must distinguish a ?onfident Indian man, who embodies elegan?e,
power and refinement. Vanilla ?omes from Madagasar, Pathouli from Indonesia, ?edar
wood from Virginia, Orris root from Fran?e and orange blossom from Tunisia. These
ingredients embody the spirit of the man who uses perfume. The men's range has
ingredients ranging from deli?ate pink peppers to skin and tonka, musk and

The Indian woman is an enigma, very diffi?ult to de?ipher and has offered masters of
perfumes a demanding task to develop a distillation that she would like to use. A
mixture of deli?ate and exoti? ingredients has been ?hosen to attra?t it. Texas ?edar
wood, white turkey from the vineyard, rose essen?e from Bulgaria, bergamot and Italian
lemon ?ontain the unique fragran?es that adapt to any mood and every o??asion.
International brands: - Tommy Hilfiger wat?hes: - Tommy Hilfiger, one of the best
known fashion brands in Ameri?a, has its roots in Elmore, New York.
The brand is re?ognized worldwide for wat?hes, jeans and perfumes, et?. Tommy Hilfiger
wat?hes are made with pre?ision and ?are and finished with ex?lusive details for an
unmistakable style. The appearan?e of these wat?hes represents is fresh and elegant, ?
heerful, fun and always trendy.

These wat?hes ?ollide with people who defend the brand's attitude of being optimisti?,
modern, natural, ?onfident, relaxed and spontaneous. Design styles with the
unmistakable "Tommy Twist" are offered with ?olle?tions to satisfy different tastes,
moods and o??asions of use. Titan '?ompany Limited has made Tommy Hilfiger wat?hes
available in India in most' World of Titan 'stores, major multi-brand outlets and
department stores su?h as Shoppers Stop, ?entral and Lifestyle.

Franti? ?onne?tion ?lo?ks: - Founded in 1972 by Stephen Marks, Frenation began ?

reating well-designed fashion ?lothes that would attra?t a large market. F?UK is a short
and a?ute a?ronym for Fren?h ?onne?tion UK. It is now one of the strongest brands in
Britain and operates in over 25 ?ountries. Having established a strong underwear
business, through a unique design and a true sense of style, the ?ompany has expanded
its portfolio for years in new areas that in?lude toiletries, shoes, jewelry, wat?hes and
glasses for men and women.

Titan ?ompany Limited laun?hed Titan ?ompany in sele?t large format stores and multi-
brand outlets a?ross the ?ountry. Timberland wat?hes: - Titan ?ompany Limited, under
its authorized brand division, adds another on its map by bringing the Timberland wat?h
?olle?tion to India. The pie?es of the time are very resistant and highlight individualism,
energy and strength, ?ombined with a refined style.

Outdoor-inspired wat?hes, as part of their Spring-Summer ?olle?tion, ?apture The strong

essen?e of the Timberland brand, whi?h inspires people to es?ape the ?ity and find out
what the world has to offer outdoors. Design studio: - The Titan ?ompany design studio
is where the most popular wat?hes and glasses in India are updated. The study is truly a
testament to the ?ompany's ?reative and innovative spirit.

A mix of young and experien?ed, dynami? and original designers from the most
prestigious design and fashion institutes in India ?reates pie?es that are awarded year
after year. The studio boasts a transdis?iplinary amalgamation of some of the most
imaginative and innovative designers in the whole ?ountry. Design Studio a?ts as a one-
stop shop for the design needs of the brands: Titan, Fastra?k, Sonata and Xylys.
With the design and exe?ution of the Times?apes outdoor wat?h range to your ?redit,
the studio also designs and manufa?tures trophies for internal requirements, as well as
for several ?ustomers, su?h as Standard Standard, Taj Group, Government of India,
among others. These trophies, ?reated under the Titan Trophy brand, are as mu?h fun to
present as to re?eive.

The visual marketing team that ensures flawless implementation of ideas improves
produ?t design. A solid internal pro?ess, based on spe?ial restri?tions of various ?reative
a?tivities, is able to manage design proje?ts. The perfe?t syn?hronization between ?
utting-edge te?hnology and attra?tive designs explains the experien?e of the design

Marketing needs translate into attra?tive a??essories with effortless spontaneity. The
study fo?uses on user input proje?ts that bring global trends to the demanding Indian ?
ustomer. Titan Global Design is a new multidis?iplinary design studio known for its
innovative and refreshing approa?h to design.

His goal is to explore design opportunities in the outside world and expand his design
experien?e to new horizons. Our holisti? (3i) approa?h involves immersion, ideation and
implementation as the three main pillars of the design pro?ess. This goes hand in hand
with design resear?h designed to dete?t, intera?t and analyze trends in so?ial behavior.

In the design studio, our passion is to ?reate a user input design. With many prestigious
awards to be proud of, the design studio shares the adventurous spirit of the Titan ?
ompany and looks to the future with the will to ?onquer. Integrated management of
supplies: - Titan has ?hanged the way we design, manufa?ture, market and revolutionize
the Indian wat?h industry.

Today, wat?hes are ?onsidered a fashion a??essory rather than a devi?e for keeping
time. Titan wat?hes, the most reliable and popular wat?hes in India, are manufa?tured in
Hosur, an industrial suburb of Tamil Nadu, India. ?reated in 1985, with an initially
planned annual ?apa?ity of 2 million, the unit now produ?es ?omponents for over 11
million analogue quartz wristwat?hes, thanks to the unit's modern manufa?turing fa?

The produ?tion ?onfiguration of the Titan ?ompany movement was established in te?
hni?al ?ollaboration with François Ebauhes, one of the leading manufa?turers of analog
quartz movement in Fran?e. In 1989 ?itizen Wató's box-making te?hnology was
obtained. From Japan and in the mid-1990s, a Swiss te?hnology for wat?h and bra?elets
with full links was obtained from a Swiss ?ompany.

State-of-the-art fa?ilities for physi?al steam painting have been ?reated with the help of
te?hnology from experien?ed German and Swiss ?oating ?ompanies. A unit of the Wat
Assembly was founded in Dehradun in 1990 and sin?e then two other assembly units
have been fun?tional: Roorkee and the last one in Pantnagar, Uttarahal (2010). Today,
the Titan ?ompany's wat?h assembly ?apa?ity is around 15 million wat?hes per year.

Titan ?ompany is one of the few manufa?turers in the world that produ?es wat?h
movements, wat?h boxes and wat?h assemblies under one roof. It is the fifth largest and
most integrated manufa?turer and retailer of own brands in the world. Sin?e the initial
offer of 150 models in 1987, today the ?onfiguration of the supply and produ?tion ?hain
has the ability to manage over 3000 watts per year, representing the ?omplexity of the
produ?t mix.

The internal system of wat?h boxes has a unique ability to produ?e a range of produ?ts
ranging from the most effe?tive quality-pri?e ratio to ?omplex produ?ts that adore the
wrists of different ?ustomer brands su?h as Titan, FastTra?k and Sonata. The internal
motion system proudly produ?es the thinnest movement in the "Edge" world.

Titan ?ustomer Servi?e: - Spread a?ross India, with 748 servi?e ?onta?t points in over 265
?ities, the Titan ?ompany servi?e ?enter network is ?ommitted to providing a satisfa?tory
experien?e in selling ports to all ?ustomers. The surveillan?e ?enters are ?onne?ted to
the world of Titan and the authorized assistan?e ?enters are available for multi-brand
points of sale, offering fast and high quality repairs for all types of wat?hes ?urrently
sold by Titan with a six-month servi?e guarantee.

In Titan Watare ?enters, all repair a?tivities follow a tra?eability and systematization pro?
ess whi?h is ?ontrolled and measured through an ISO audit system. To ensure good
quality, faster response times and ?ustomer satisfa?tion, Titan Industries has several
issues at stake. Post-servi?e monitoring (for the main repair a?tivities) is mandatory to ?
omplete the type of ?ustomer satisfa?tion.

Titan's loyalty seal program, where ?ustomers ?an redeem their points, is part of Titan's
effort to retain and value their loyal ?ustomers. Titan ?ustomer Servi?e also markets
parts and a??essories, su?h as batteries, leather and metal bra?elets in all stores that sell
Titan, Sonata and FastTra?k wat?hes. The staff a?tively en?ourages ?ustomers to use only
original spare parts to ensure quality and satisfa?tion.

Titan International: - Titan ?ompany went global in 1991, with the laun?h of Titan Wat?
hes in the United Arab Emirates, Oman, Bahrain and Qatar. Operations in Kuwait and the
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia began in 1995-96. Titan ?ompany has further expanded into
Southeast Asia, offering produ?ts in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam and, re?
ently, in the Philippines and Indonesia.

The Afri?an footprint, whi?h began with distribution in Kenya and Mauritius in the mid-
1990s, is growing steadily, with operations in South Afri?a laun?hed in 2012. Titan wat?
hes are also available in the neighboring ?ountries of Djibouti, Uganda, Ethiopia, Nigeria
and Ghana. Today, more than 2 de?ades after the first international foray, the presen?e
of Titan ?ompany ?overs over 2000 stores, in 32 ?ountries.

With a ?ustomer base of 135 million worldwide, it is not surprising that there is a Titan
that owns somewhere in the world every 3 se?onds! Jewelry division: - Tanishq Titan's
flagship jewelry line is a resounding su??ess with illustrious ?ustomers today. Tanishq
has worked very well and has set standards in what ?ould be des?ribed as a largely
unorganized and uninterrupted Indian market.

The growth of the brand was on?e again a testament to our attention to the ?ustomer.
Tanishq is today a seal of trust, an island of purity. It is a division ?ertified a??ording to
the ISO 9001: 2008 quality management system standards and the ?urrent version of the
environmental management system standard is ISO 14001: 2004.

Tanishq is the fastest growing Jewelry brand in India with a premium range of jewels,
studded with diamonds and ?olored gems in 18 kt gold, 22 kt pure gold and platinum.
jewelry. We are now one of the largest spe?ialty retailers in India and we are
transforming the Indian jewelry market with a Pan - Indian presen?e. Titan felt the need
and ?reated a means of offering elegant gold jewelry to smaller towns and rural

The re?ent laun?h of a retail initiative: Goldplus meets the need. Both brands ?ontribute
over $ 1.450 million. And they are still blooming. Truly a phenomenon in itself, Tanishq
is our pioneer Indian brand that assaults a market of over 400,000 independent jewelers.
The brand is evolving faster than the market and is leading or filling the gaps between ?
ompetitors in the urban markets in whi?h we are present.
Glasses division: - Titan Eye +, the Titan ?ompany's third largest ?onsumer ?ompany,
laun?hed the eyewear segment organized in Mar?h 2007. Titan Eye + offers Indian ?
onsumers an optimal retail experien?e worldwide through produ?ts that show the best
of ?ontemporary design and style, together with the optimal experien?e guaranteed
thanks to the te?hni?al ?ollaboration with Sankara Nethralaya, the main institute of
India. .

?ompared to the best in the world, Titan Eye + has redefined the way the organized
opti?al retail market in India operates through pioneering ?on?epts su?h as open
navigation format, full pri?e transparen?y, style and free sample insuran?e et?. All of this
is supported by the high levels of quality and trust that ?ustomers must expe?t from ?
asa de Tata and Titan Industries Limited in parti?ular.

He re?ently introdu?ed the remote installation of online eye exams. Titan Eye +: - Titan
Eye + offers a wide range of opti?al produ?ts, from elegant and ?ontemporary frames
and sunglasses to the latest lenses and ?onta?t lenses. Titan Eye + also offers a variety of
optometry servi?es.

The friendly atmosphere in the shops together with the spe?ialist and spe?ially trained
staff of the retailer make the ?ustomer experien?e pleasant and produ?tive. Frames: the
shop displays internal frames su?h as Titan, Titan Eye + and Dash for ?hildren. Titan Eye
+ stores also sell numerous international brands that meet Titan Industries' rigorous
quality standards.

Lenses: lenses available in Titan Eye + to meet all vision ?orre?tion needs. In addition to
the internal Titan brand, Essilor, Nikon and Kodak lenses are also available. ?onta?t
lenses: Titan Eye + offers ?onta?t lenses from world-renowned brands su?h as Baush &
Lomb, Johnson & Johnson and ?IBA Vision. Sunglasses: Titan Eye + stores several
international brands of sunglasses, in?luding the internal Fastraçk brand.

Servi?es: ? Eye tests with zero errors in the latest optometry te?hnologies ? Style query
to sele?t the ?orre?t boxes ? Browse, sele?t and buy the format ? Free insuran?e for pres?
ription spe?ifi?ations ? Remote online eye test fun?tion ? Gift ?ertifi?ates International
brands: - Titan Eye + offers a sele?tion of fashion and pres?ription frames, as well as
sunglasses from internationally renowned ?lothing brands su?h as Esprit, Tommy
Hilfiger, Hugo Boss, Versa and Armani.

Titan Eye + stores also offer high-end lifestyle brands su?h as Mont Blan?, Swarovski and
Bulgari, all ?loser to Titan's premium ?ustomer segment. These international brands
enhan?e every look, modern, sporty, informal or formal. With pri?es ranging between
Rs.3000 and Rs.30.000, the brands adapt to ea?h portfolio. The new offers of the brands
refle?t the seasons of international fashion, with the laun?h of ?olle?tions that ?ombine
with the Spring-Summer and Autumn-Winter sequen?es.

Pre?ision engineering division: - Taking advantage of the great pre?ision engineering

skills in the produ?tion of wat?hes, Titan laun?hed a PRE?ISION ENGINEERING DIVISION
in 2005, addressed to large global ?ompanies in industrial se?tors su?h as aerospa?e,
automotive, oil and gas, engineering, hydrauli?s, solar and medi?al instruments. .

With an investment of over $ 10 million, the ?onfiguration has four main ?ommer?ial
units: ? Pre?ision engineering ?omponents and subsets (PES?A) ? Solutions for the ?
onstru?tion and automation of ma?hines ? Tool solutions ? Ele?toral subsets ISO 9001:
2000 and ISO 14001: 2004 ?ertified pre?ision engineering division. Furthermore, the unit
that addresses the aerospa?e segment is AS 9100B ?ertified and the unit that addresses
the automotive segment is TS 16949 ?ertified.

The division has demonstrated ?onsistent quality and delivery performan?e through
various ?ustomer adaptations su?h as the Ford Q1 award and the ?ontinuous
improvement award re?eived by UT? exe?utive dire?tor Louis ??nevert. Here are some of
the division's main ?ustomers: a signifi?ant and progressive growth boost: 3M ARVIN
(SWITZERLAND) Bran?hes: - Titan Time Produ?ts Limited Titan Time Produ?ts (a 100%
affiliate of Titan ?ompany) spe?ializes in the produ?tion of assemblies of ele?troni?
boards for se?tors su?h as the automotive industry, industrial ele?troni?s, tele?ommuni?
ations, ?onsumption, goods, medi?al produ?ts and defense.

The state-of-the-art manufa?turing fa?tory, lo?ated in Verna, Goa, supports 150 people
and boasts a ?lean room fa?ility that rea?hes a ?lass of 10,000. Titan Time produ?ts in?
lude features with surfa?e mount te?hnology for pre?ision assemblies, spheri?al grid
array assemblies, ?able edge / joint assemblies, and through hole assemblies.

The test fa?ilities we offer in?lude ?lothes testers, automati? in-line inspe?tion
equipment (AOI), welding measurement systems and various other fun?tional test
settings. Titan Time produ?ts, quality systems are a??redited a??ording to ISO 9000 and
TS 16949 and all pro?esses are limited to dangerous substan?es. This ?enter is perfe?tly
in line with the stru?tures of our group in Bangalore and Hosur, offering ?ustomers the
ability to build boxes with integration of plasti? and sheet metal.

We enjoy an elaborate network of independent suppliers and manufa?turers in India

and abroad and have a supply stru?ture in Hong Kong and the United Kingdom. Titan
Time produ?ts, value ?hain pro?esses are performed in SAP and produ?tion systems
are ?alibrated to pro?ess multiple produ?ts simultaneously, with baths ranging from a
lot of Proto to larger volumes.

The impressive variety of awards awarded to the ?ompany, su?h as the award for
exaltation in total maintenan?e of produ?tion, the IMEA Frost and Sullivan Award, the
Exemption Award for the II and the EL?INA Dun and Bradstreet award are often
illustrative of the Strong and world-?lass Titan Time produ?ts. Making of lawns. Favre
Leuba AG (FLAG) Favre Leuba AG (FLAG) is a ?ompany 100% ?ontrolled by Titan ?
ompany Limited.

The ?ompany is headquartered in Zug, Switzerland, and owns the Favre Leuba brands,
one of the oldest Swiss wat?h brands. The first (po?ket) wat?h was produ?ed by Favre
Leuba in 1718 and the trademark was registered as a registered trademark in 1737. The
trademark had a ?ontinuous parti?ipation with 8 generations of the family, making it
one of the best known brands families in the Swiss wat?h industry.

Being among the oldest wat?h brands, Favre Leuba has won numerous awards and re?
ognitions for its various innovations and distin?tions. FLAG was in?orporated in 2012 by
Titan ?ompany Limited and the Favre Leuba brand is now being re-laun?hed, in a ?
ontemporary way that brings lega?y in a way, relevant to today's global wat?h expert.
Working at Titan Industries: - Titan ?ompany offers ?riti?al and ?hallenging roles in a
wide range of se?tors and responsibilities.

The talent management at Titan ?ompany aims to ?reate a large group of potential
leaders. The solid leadership development systems that generate the growth of ?urrent
and future leaders, the ?ulture of performan?e that is ?alibrated through rigorous pro?
esses and the innovative reward me?hanisms of the Titan ?ompany are some of the best
?ustoms in the ?orporate universe.

High-potential managers often feel the need to move to new work areas, whi?h in?
reases their failures, strengthens their skills and fulfills their aspirations. The ?ompany
promotes internal mobility as a means of developing experien?e, generating synergies
and promoting self-improvement. Internal mobility strengthens the professionalism,
diversity and ?ompetitive spirit in the ?ompany, as well as providing satisfa?tion and ?
hoi?e for ea?h individual.

With a solid "people first" philosophy, the Titan ?ompany re?ognizes the strength and ?
ontribution of people to the su??ess and growth of the ?ompany. The work ?ulture at
Titan ?ompany en?ourages employees to learn, innovate, experiment and grow. The
Gallup engagement survey rated the Titan ?ompany high, with levels of satisfa?tion,
loyalty and re?ommendations well above Gallup India's average levels.

The ?ompany was also ranked first in the Retail ?ategory and 24th in Great Pla?es to
Work (2009), an institutional study by the E?onomi? Times. Being part of the Tata
Group ?an lead to a journey of dis?overy for the professional dis?overy of industries, ?

OF RESPONDENTS _PER?ENTAGE _ _ 15-25 YEARS _ 70 _ 70% _ _ 25-35 YEARS _ 14 _

14% _ _ 35-45 YEARS _ 8 _ 8% _ _ 45 YEARS AND ABOVE _ 8 _ 8% _ _ TOTAL _ 100 _ 100%
_ _ ANALYSIS: From the above table it was noted that 15-25 Years of age group ?
onstituted 70% of the total respondents, 25-35 Years of age group ?onstituted to 14%
of the total respondents, 35-45 Years of age group ?onstituted only 8% of the total
respondents, and 45 years and above age groups also ?onstituted on 8% of the total

the respondents belong to the age group of 16-25 Years age group, whi?h shows that
they are the produ?ts main pur?haser. GRAPH SHOWING GENDER PROFILE:
INTERPRETATION: It ?an be inferred that 60% of respondents belong to the Male ?
ategory, whi?h shows that they are the Titan Industries produ?ts main pur?haser.


of the respondents belong to Students ?ategory, whi?h shows that they are the main
pur?hasers/buyers of Titan Industries produ?ts. GRAPH SHOWING NO. OF
inferred that 90% of the respondents have visited or visit Titan Showrooms regularly.
INTERPRETATION: It ?an be inferred that 30% of respondents belong to the people who
visit Titan Showroom at least on?e in a Year.


TITAN INDUSTRIES: INTERPRETATION: It ?an be inferred that 52% of the respondents
are of the opinion that they are satisfied with the produ?ts manufa?tured by Titan
TITAN INDUSTRIES: _25% _ _25% _ _ _ _19% _ _ _ _19% _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_9% _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _3% _ _ _ _ _ _ _ INTERPRETATION: It ?an be
inferred that 25% of the respondents ?ame to know about the produ?ts of Titan
Industries through Advertisements as well as Television.

RESULTS, SUGGESTIONS AND ?ON?LUSION RESULTS: - ? The proje?t revealed that 84%
of respondents are in the 16-25 years and 26-35 years age group. One reason for this
may be that most of Titan Industries' sales are due to the well-known "FastTra?k"
brand. ? The proje?t revealed that 56% of respondents are students and 24% of
respondents are employees.

This ?ould be due to the fa?t that most students and employees are in the youth ?
ategory and almost everyone prefers the "Fastra?k" brand. Progetto The proje?t revealed
that 30% of respondents visit Titan Showroom On?e in one year and 26% of
respondents visit Titan Showroom On?e in 2 years. One reason for this may be due to
the fa?t that most respondents said that the servi?e in the showroom is not so good and
that the shop assistants should be more friendly rather than intuitive. ? The proje?t
revealed that 52% of respondents are satisfied with Titan Industries' promotional

Titan Industries has a fantasti? way of approving ?ustomers, their advertisements and
promotional strategies are very attra?tive, so most of the respondents are satisfied with
it. ? The proje?t revealed that 25% of respondents learned about Titan Industries produ?
ts through advertising and television. Titan has a great way of advertising on television
by ?reating an emotional a?t between people so that all people are attra?ted to

? The proje?t revealed that 40% of respondents are satisfied with the Titan Showroom
servi?es. Only 40% of respondents are satisfied with the servi?es, whi?h means that the
majority of them are not, so Titan has to work on it. ? The proje?t revealed that 88% of
respondents would re?ommend Titan Industries produ?ts to others.

Most of the respondents were really happy with the quality of the produ?ts made by
Titan and their premium finish, they even loved their long life. SUGGESTIONS Industries
Titan Industries is expe?ted to ?ome with more variety of produ?ts as the variety offered
today is simply limited. ? Most of the respondents said that the showrooms are of high
fidelity, without a doubt, but the seller must be more polite and friendly to ?ustomers.

So they should make them feel more ?omfortable when shopping. ? Most of the
respondents would like the pri?e of Titan Industries produ?ts to be degreased. ? Most
respondents are ready to pur?hase Titan Industries produ?ts at any time, so they ?an ?
ome up with multiple varieties of produ?ts. ? Most of the respondents suggested that
Titan Industries ?ould ?ome with Smart Wat?h or a modern version of Poketket Wat?h as
they are very interested in pur?hasing.

? Most of the interviewees are satisfied only with the quality of the produ?ts manufa?
tured by Titan Industries but not very satisfied, and sin?e Titan is an international brand,
it ?an in?rease the quality of the produ?t making it more Premium but at a lower pri?e. ?
Most of the respondents said they wanted to buy Titan Industries produ?ts only during
the offers, so that they ?ould get more offers to in?rease sales and maximize profits.

? Personal ?ommuni?ation with the store manager must be implemented to meet ?

ustomers and their needs and make ?hanges to in?rease ?ustomer experien?e and
sales. ?ON?LUSION: The proje?t study was sele?ted to analyze Titan Produts' ?ustomer
per?eption by Titan Industries, whi?h has shown steady growth and large turnovers in
re?ent years. The study was ?ondu?ted to evaluate the ?ompany's performan?e and
market position with the analysis of ?ustomer satisfa?tion.

The study helped get suggestions for improving Titan Industries' produ?ts and servi?es
and also helped dis?over ?onsumer level satisfa?tion. The world is be?oming more and
more modern and people are also in?reasingly interested in gadgets and people love to
have many options and varieties. There are many ?ompetitors for Titan Industries in the
world market and they must begin to ?hange and adapt to the modern world, otherwise
they will be?ome like HMT, lost in the past be?ause they have not adapted to the ?
hange they have had offered in the world.

As te?hnology is evolving at a very high rate, they will have to move forward. There are
many ?ompanies that have ?ome with smartwat?hes and portable te?hnology and most
of them have opted for digital analogues instead of normal analogues. Most of Titan
Industries' ?ompetitors have opted for digital analogues, ?ompanies like Poli, e, Asio, et?.

Most wat?h ?ompanies are even emerging with smart wat?hes, ?ompanies like Pebble,
Asio, et?. and if Titan Industries does not adapt to this ?hange and presents itself with
something modern, then it will lose many ?ustomers. And it will shrink as the world
evolves more and more with te?hnology.

They may also ?ome with a modern version of Poket Watts with modern te?hnology,
whi?h ?ould keep many ?ustomers interested in this brand. Most ?onsumers are not
happy with the servi?es offered in Titan showrooms, many suggest that employees of
the showroom should be more friendly and attra?tive rather than surly, if Titan
Industries works on this, it will really help them get a lot of new ?ustomers and develop
a relationship and loyalty from multiple ?ustomers.

Although Titan Industries has found a prominent pla?e in the world market, it ?an have a
better market share if it redefines its strategies. For example, they ?ould offer more
offers and dis?ounts and improve the ?ustomer experien?e in showrooms, whi?h seems
to be the preferen?e of most ?ustomers. They ?ould also add more variety to their
produ?ts and offer the ?ustomer a wider guarantee and guarantee along with better
quality at a lower and more affordable pri?e, as most of Titan Industries' ?ustomers are
between the ages of 16 and 25.

years and has young people in some sales promotion a?tivities that would help ?reate
greater awareness among people and in?rease sales and profits worldwide.
QUESTIONNAIRE 1. Name: 2. Age group: 1) 16-25 years old 2) 26-35 years old 3) 36-45
years 4) 46 years and over 3. Gender 1) Man 2) Woman 4. EMPLOYMENT: 1) Business 2)
Employee 3) Student 4) Professional 5. Have you ever visited Titan Showroom? 1) YES 2)
NO 6.

How often do you visit Titan Showroom? 1) Quarterly 2) Semi-annually 3) On?e a year 4)
On?e every 2 years 7. Indi?ate your opinion on Titan Industries' promotional strategy. 1)
Highly satisfied 2) Satisfied 3) Average 4) Dissatisfied 5) Very dissatisfied 8. How satisfied
are Titan Industries manufa?turers? 1) Highly satisfied 2) Satisfied 3) Average 4)
Dissatisfied 5) Very dissatisfied 9.

Why do these sour?es make Titan Industries produ?ts known? 1) Newspaper (spe?ify
whi?h one) 2) Announ?ements 3) Word of mouth 4) Bro?hures 5) Boarding 6) Television
10. The servi?es in the Titan showrooms are: 1) Highly satisfied 2) Satisfied 3) Average 4)
Dissatisfied 11. Please indi?ate your response to Titan Industries' pri?ing strategy: 1) Very
high 2) High 3) Reasonable 4) Low 12.

Would you like to re?ommend Titan produ?ts to others? 1) YES (spe?ify why) 2) NO
(spe?ify why) 13. When do you want to buy a produ?t from Titan Industries? 1) Birthday
2) Spe?ial o??asion 3) At any time 4) During offers or dis?ounts 5) Other (spe?ify) 14. Do
you think Titan Industries offers a suffi?ient variety of produ?t lines? 1) YES 2) NO 15.

Do you want to be offered or presented with new produ?ts? 1) YES 2) NO 16. Are you
satisfied with the quality of the produ?ts manufa?tured by Titan Industries? 1) Highly
satisfied 2) Satisfied 3) Average 4) Dissatisfied 5) Very dissatisfied 17. Indi?ate your
preferen?e regarding wat?hes. 1) Titan 2) Asio 3) Poli?y 4) Tag-Huer 5) FastTra?k 6)
Other (spe?ify) 18. Indi?ate your preferen?e regarding glasses.

1) Titan Eye + 2) Ray-Ban 4) Gu??i 5) Other (spe?ify) 19. Indi?ate your preferen?e
regarding pa?kages. 1) Fastra?k (Titan) 2) Wild?raft 3) Puma 4) Reebok 20. Indi?ate your
order of preferen?e regarding the perfume. 1) Skinn (Titan) 2) Fogg 3) Ax 4) ?hanel 5)
Other (spe?ify) Please spe?ify any more suggestions :
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________

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