A Mixture of Exercises Gerunds and Passive

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1 Kids! Please stop noise. I am trying to concentrate. MAKE

2 Ezgi: I have a terrible headache.
Zeynep: Why don't you try ? REST
3 I will never forget that terrible accident. SEE
4 Do you remember your best friend for the first time? MEET
5 I regret to you, but you've failed your English exam. TELL
6 You should stop her. She is a great liar. SEE
7 Last night Melike tried hard the car, but she couldn't. START
8 Don't forget bread on your way home. BUY
9 Let’s stop a drink. I know a good pub on the corner. HAVE
10 I clearly remember her. She looked great in her suit. SEE
11 Why don't we stop homework and play some computer games? DO
12 If you see Nazlý, remember her to the party. INVITE
13 I can't make a cake.I remember one many years ago. It was as hard as a rock.
14 You should try your best. I know you can do much better. DO
15 I don't remember Hicran. She is a total stranger to me. SEE
16 When we arrived in Venice, we stopped Sinem. She was so glad to see us. SEE
17 Onur tried hard the exam, but he couldn't. WIN
18 We stopped some souvenirs, but no shops were open. BUY
19 Now she regrets my proposal, but it's too late. NOT ACCEPT
20 Yes Sevde, you may go to your friend's house. But try late. NOT BE
21 He stopped and started wrestling. SMOKE
22 I always remember the door when I go out. LOCK
23 It is a very busy restaurant. Don’t forget . BOOK
24 Oh my god! I forgot the cat. FEED
25 Ilyas: I can't sleep.
Duygu: You should try sheep. COUNT
26: I tried my wallet everywhere, but I couldn't. FIND
I remember __________ the Queen in London. (meet)
Did you remember ___________ the letter? (send)
I'm not used __________ up this early. (wake)
I used _____________ to the cinema a lot when I was a teenager. (go)
I regret ____________ Mary about the wedding. (tell)
Mrs. Jones, I regret __________ you that your credit limit has been exceeded. (tell)
Stop ___________ this terrible noise at once! (make)
I wanted to stop ___________ some presents, but we didn't have enough time. (buy)
1. Sometimes the truth can be difficult. (tell)
2. I don't understand why you have so much. (swear)
3. Don't forget the lights when you leave the room. (turn off)
4. You need your hair. It's getting very long. (cut)
5. Stop him and let him finish saying what he wants to say. (interrupt)
6. Do you want to the movies tonight? (go)
7. Hey, how about to see a movie tonight? (go )
8. I'm not interested in an expensive car. (buy)
9. It's true that English can be fun. (learn)
10. I suggest a vacation. (take)

Put the following sentences into the passive.

1. Few people have climbed this mountain before
2. They performed his opera for the first time last Saturday.
3. Young people will organize the exhibition.
4. We will give the students reports in June.
5. They don't serve alcoholic drinks before 6 o'clock.
6. He disappeared and no one has seen him again.
7. They have proved all his calculations wrong
8. They will never forget it.
9. They announced the arrival of the plane over the loud-speakers.
10. Were the police checking driving licenses last Saturday?
11. They were still helping him.
12. Did they give you the money?
13. I will post this letter tomorrow.
14. No one has polished the floor yet.
15. You don’t have to pay this bill until next week

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