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Faculty Name : Mr. Dharm Raj
Name of student : Date:
System ID : Time: 30 minutes

Answer Table:

Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Total Marks Obtained (____) Signature of Examiner


1. The performance of an agent can be improved by __________

A. Learning B. Perceiving C. Observing D. None of the mentioned
2. External actions of the agent is selected by __________
A. Perceive B. Performance C. Learning D. Actuator
3. The action of the Simple reflex agent completely depends upon __________
A. Perception history B. Current perception C. Learning theory D. Utility functions
4. In LISP, the function returns the list that results after the first element is removed (the rest f the list), is
A. car B. last C. cons D. cdr
5. A.M. turing developed a technique for determining whether a computer could or could not demonstrate
the artificial Intelligence, Presently, this technique is called __________
A. Turing Test B. Algorithm C. Boolean Algebra D. Logarithm
6. A process that is repeated, evaluated, and refined is called __________
A. diagnostic B. descriptive C. interpretive D. iterative
7. Which search method takes less memory?
A. Depth-First Search B. Breadth-First search C. Optimal search D. Linear Search
8. Which is not the commonly used programming language for AI?
A. PROLOG B. Java C. LISP D. Perl
9. The Task Environment of an agent consists of ____________
A. Sensors B. Actuators C. Performance Measures D. All of the mentioned
10. Categorize Crossword puzzle in Fully Observable / Partially Observable.
A. Fully Observable B. partially Observable C. All of the mentioned D. None of the mentioned
11. Rational agent is the one who always does the right thing.
A. True B. False

12. Performance Measures are varying for all agents.

A. True B. False
13. An Artificial Neural Network Is based on?
A. Strong Artificial Intelligence approach C. Cognitive Artificial Intelligence approach
B. Weak Artificial Intelligence approach D. Applied Artificial Intelligence approach
14. The Face Recognition system is based on?
A. Strong Artificial Intelligence approach C. Cognitive Artificial Intelligence approach
B. Weak Artificial Intelligence approach D. Applied Artificial Intelligence approach
15. A completely automated chess engine (Learn from previous games) is based on?
A. Strong Artificial Intelligence approach C. Cognitive Artificial Intelligence approach
B. Weak Artificial Intelligence approach D. Applied Artificial Intelligence approach
16. Which of the following task/tasks Artificial Intelligence could not do yet?
A. Understand natural language robustly C. Construction of plans in real time dynamic systems

B. Web mining D. All of the mentioned

17. In which of the following situations might a blind search be acceptable?
A. real-life situation C. small search space
B. complex game D. all of the mentioned
18. What could possibly be the environment of a Satellite Image Analysis System?
A. Computers in space and earth C. Statistical data on image pixel intensity and histograms
B. Image categorization techniques D. All of the mentioned
19. Agents behavior can be best described by ____________
A. Perception sequence C. Sensors and Actuators
B. Agent function D. Environment in which agent is performing
20. Artificial Intelligence has its expansion in the following application.
A. Planning and Scheduling C. Diagnosis
B. Game Playing D. All of the mentioned

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