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Behavior of Sound in different liquids

Presented by:
Aliyah Rossa Llanes
Diane Mykaila Retirado
Lorenz Francis Zapanta
Lizbeth Esther Alina
Qjuin Dominic Salvador
I. Focus Question

How can different viscosity of liquids affect the quality and speed of

II. Objectives

The objectives of this experimentation are the following:

 To determine what kind of liquid can affect the quality of

 To determine the effects of different viscosities of liquids to the
quality and speed of sound.
III. Hypothesis

The hypothesis for this experimentation is:

If the liquid has higher viscosity then the quality of sound will be

IV. Materials and Resources

 2 phones

 Sound Meter

 Source of sound

 Cornstarch solution

 Water

 Plastic container
V. Procedures

 Prepare a big plastic container and pour in the liquid.

 Wrap the source of sound (cellphone) with a plastic tightly to
avoid liquid getting inside the phone.
 Place it on the container filled with liquid.
 Play a sound with constant beat and turn on the sound meter to
measure the intensity of the sound.
 Jot down all data and observation.
VI. Data and Results
We were able to do three trials and we presented the average of
all the trials:
 32.4 dB- no sound to be heard at all
 50.3 dB- played the sound from the phone but it is not submerged
into the water yet.
 36.0 dB- when the source of sound was submerged in the water.
 34-35 dB- when the source of sound was submerged in a
cornstarch solution.
VII. Discussion

We submerged the cell phone into the container with water and the
sound meter measured the intensity to be 36.0 dB which is more
intense than the cornstarch solution (34-35 dB). It is also said that
the higher the viscosity the liquid has, the slower sound travels. And
the cornstarch solution is more viscous than the water, therefore the
speed of sound travels slower. Although the intensity of the
cornstarch solution is supposed to be higher than the water, but
according to our data, the cornstarch solution’s intensity is lower
than the water. It is because of the temperature of the cornstarch
solution, as we dilute the cornstarch into the water, the temperature
gets higher. And it is said that the higher the temperature, the lower
the intensity, and that explains the intensity of the cornstarch

VIII. Conclusion

Taken from the experimentation, we have concluded that the

higher viscosity a liquid is, the slower the liquid travels but the
higher the intensity. But our data did not come out like that
because our cornstarch solution is diluted and the temperature

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