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Jose Abad Santos Campus

The Birth of Millennials:

Distinctive Characteristics
And Their Implications to Society

Research Paper

Arellano University JAS Campus Pasay City

Presented by:

Christelle Lu P. Tardo

Jeanne S. Repato

Stephanie D. Reinares

Regine Pastrana

Bibiana Jocelyn Cuasay, PhD.
Jose Abad Santos Campus


The millennial generation is an overused term associated with the youth. Though many

use is, most of them do not fully understand the scope of being a millennial. As the study

of generations continue to develop the sudden interest of the media towards the

millennials have cause people to wonder why this generation seems to be the most distant

to the generations before it. Because of the insufficient amount of study given towards

the millennials, numerous misconceptions have taken place causing the millennials to

gain a bad reputation among its peers. The mention of millennials had negative

connotations—lazy, sheltered, carefree individuals who are a primary source of trouble in

school and at work. But what does it really mean to be a millennial? Are they any different

from the past generations? What kind of generation will the millennials produce? What

particularly got the interest of the researchers of this research paper is the question of

what characterizes the millennial generation and what do these characteristics imply to

our society. The researchers now enter to survey what is the assessment of the students

who were born during the year 1980-2000 about the distinct characteristics of millennials

in terms of lifestyle, health, work ethic, religion, technology, retirement, marriage & family,

travel, values, economy, education and property. Added research is also a goal of the

researchers to further improve the paper, giving it wide use for everyone, students and

professors included. And lastly, to suggest a program that can further improve the

teaching strategies of the faculty.

Jose Abad Santos Campus

Table of Contents

Title Page………………………………………………………………………………………..


Chapter I: The Problem and its Background


Background of the study ……………………………………………………………….…….7-8

Objective of the Study………………………………………………………………………..…8

Conceptual Paradigm………...…………………………………………………………………9

Statement of the Problem……………………………………………………………..………10

Scope and Limitations....………………………………………………………………..…….11

Definitions of Terms……………………………………………………………………..…12-13

Theoretical Framework…………………………………………………………………....14-16

Significance of the Study…………………………………………………………………….17

Chapter II: Review of Related Literature

Relevance of Review Related Literature………………………………………….....………18

Foreign Literature…………………………...................................................................18-21

Local Literature………………………………………………………………………..…...21-22

Foreign Studies…………………………………………………………………………….22-24

Local Studies……………………………………………………………………………….24-26

Jose Abad Santos Campus

Chapter III: Research Methodology


Resea4ch Design………………………………………………………………………………28


Respondents of the Study…………………………………………………………………….29

Research Locale……………………………………………………………………………….29

Data Gathering Procedure……………………………………………………………………30

Statistical Treatment of Data………………………………………………………………30-32

Chapter IV: Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data...............................33

Chapter V: Summary, Conclusions and Recommendation

Summary of Findings.................................................................................................49-54



Program Proposal……………………………………………………………........................62



Curriculum Vitae……………………………………………………………………65-68

Survey Questionnaire……………………………………………………………...69-71

Jose Abad Santos Campus

Chapter 1

The Problem and its Background


Names have power. They can provide a title, definition, or identity. On the

other hand, they can be misleading, misrepresentative, or misguided if framed in

a way that differs from their true meaning. In the same way, generations have

been titled, defined and portrayed in ways that influence our understanding of

history. They are named after large events in history and their collective charisma,

influencing the ways in which they are defined and even understood by scholars

of all fields. Thus, generations have power. They are not only judged and

characterized by the assumptions their names bring, but they influence the ways

that history is studied and even understood. Their influence on history should not

be overlooked; if we understand the power of generations, we are able to discover

the power of change within our society. The study of generations is one that has

existed for a long time. Certain trends that emerge over time in specific groups of

people are used by scholars to identify generations. Many studies have already

been directed towards understanding the different phenomenon that has

contributed to each generation. These studies have led to a lot of interesting

observations and discoveries.

Jose Abad Santos Campus

One being that economic, social, and political backgrounds influence the

culture and create distinctive qualities unique to a specific generation. While each

individual is raised uniquely, generalizations rooted in the events that happened

during a specific period has become the bracket that divides and distinguishes

these years into particular generations. Generations are not only used for

studying trends or gathering data, but also as a vehicle by which older ones can

use to comment upon the changes to the society that the future generations will

bring. As the interest of studying generations began to increase, so did the

prejudices that accompany it. Demographers begin to coin the terms for people

within a certain age. The first generation that was given a name was the Baby

Boomers--those who were born from 1946 to 1964. The term came into existence

because of the sudden rise of childbirth after the World War II. People born during

this period are characterized as having strong work ethic, competitive, and

optimistic. The next generation known as the Generation X, who were born

between 1965 to 1980, whose name was popularized by journalists Hamblett and

Deverson. They were reffered to as “a generation of young people about whose

future there is uncertainty”. Because of the increased divorce rate during their

time, most of them are grew up having to take care of themselves.

Jose Abad Santos Campus

It was also a time where women were widely expected to work outside the

home. Because of their workaholic Baby Boomer parents, the Generation X

focused on a clearer balance between career and family. Finally, the birth of the

Generation Y or what we now commonly call as the Millennials born from 1981

to 2000. Sensibly, the generation after X would be named Y. However, more

writers and journalists began to prefer the word Millennials which led to it being

more widely used. The term millennials has been around since the early 1900s.

For most studies, the 9/11 terrorist attack was the crucial event that separated

the millennials from the next generation. The millennials are considered to be the

digital natives, growing up having to witness the beauty of the internet. They grew

up more sheltered as their parents were mostly products of divorce. Millennials

are characterized as sociable, innovative, and diversity-focused mostly rooted in

the presence of technology. However, as the millennial generation grew older,

occupying universities and the corporate world, they unexpectedly became the

subject to a lot of criticism. Magazine articles, blogs, and researches have zoned

in on the problem with the values and lifestyle of millennials focusing mainly on

their inadequacies like laziness and poor work ethics. Hence, the question, “What

will be the effects of this generation’s culture to the generations after them and

what does the society need to expect from the generation many people so

profusely condemn?”

Jose Abad Santos Campus

Background of the study

Studying the preceding generations have led to an understanding of the

kind of generation they produced. The factors that shape each generation is

highly reliant on the previous one. As much as it is interesting to study each

generation, much flack has been drawn towards the millennials. The internet is

flooded with articles that give an impression that millennials are the first

generation to be so different and yet we learn that the generations before us have

experienced the same judgement. The generation gap limits one from relating to

the other, which leads to each generation disapproving the one after them.

Over the course of time, the millennials has grown to be the most popular

generation. Having the largest population in most countries today, their unlikely

characteristics have drawn them much attention and criticism. Often seen as lazy,

irresponsible, and immature individuals, the millennials have been dubbed as a

“problematic generation”. The millennials possess values that hugely differ from

the previous ones, values that has caused a butterfly effect to the society.

Nowadays, being born in a certain period can mean a lot of things. Older

generations worry about the newer ones believing that it is doomed to drive the

society to collapse.

Jose Abad Santos Campus

Stereotypes attached to each generation has not only created an attitude

of exclusivity but has also provided an easy escape for people to act a certain

way. With the millennials stepping into the crucial stages of adulthood and

contributing to the society now more than ever, the heat over there role in shaping

the future generations must be addressed. Its future effects and implications will

be the focus of this research, as we aim to destroy the stereotypes linked towards

the millennials and discover how they will shape the course of history.

Objective of the study

This study formulates the following objectives:

1. To identify the different characteristics that defines the millennial generation and

how we can use them to address the issues associated with it.

2. To know the reasons behind such distinct characteristics.

3. To fully understand the implications of these characteristics to the society.

The goal of the study is to identify the distinct characteristics that are associated

with the millennial generation and whether it has a positive implication towards


Jose Abad Santos Campus

Conceptual Paradigm


1. Demographic Profile of the

2. Perception of the Respondents

3. Assessment of the respondent

evaluation on their characteristics as

1. Distribution of questionnaires

2. Observation analysis


Perception of Arellano University

Students on the Birth of Millennials: Distinctive

Characteristics and Their Implications to Society

Figure1. Conceptual Framework identified in the study of Evaluation of the

Characteristics of Millennials.

Jose Abad Santos Campus

Statement of the Problem

The researchers will focus on the study of the Birth of Millennials: Distinctive

Characteristics and Their Implications to Society. An assessment:

In general this research aims to answer the following sub-problems:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age

1.2 Gender

1.3 Course/major

1.4 Student status

1.5 Civil status

2. What is the respondent’s rate on the distinct characteristics of millennials

in terms of:

1.1 Lifestyle 1.7 Economy

1.2 Health 1.8 Values

1.3 Work Ethic 1.9 Religion

1.4 Education 1.10 Technology

1.5 Marriage and 1.11 Retirement

Family 1.12 Travel

1.6 Property

Jose Abad Santos Campus

Scope and Limitations

Subject: The research focuses on discovering the distinct characteristics

that define the millennial generation and its implications to the society.

Setting: The study will be conducted in Arellano University – Jose Abad


Respondents: To gather the most accurate data needed for this research,

this study will be composed of 100+ respondents from AU – JAS students.

Instrumentation: We will conduct a survey through questionnaires to

random respondents, and if possible, teachers as well to gather data from a wider

age range on what their distinct characteristics are as a generation and on its

implications to the society

Time Frame: This research will start in February and end in March 2017

Jose Abad Santos Campus

Definition of Terms

Generation – group of people born around the same time and present the

same characteristics, values and preferences. The word generate comes from

the Latin generāre, meaning "to beget". The word generation as

a cohort in social science signifies the entire body of individuals born and

living at about the same time, most of whom are approximately the same age

and have similar ideas, problems, and attitudes (e.g., Beat

Generation and Lost Generation).

Baby Boomers – refers to people born between the year of 1946 to 1964. The

phrase baby boom refers to a noticeable increase in the birth rate. The post-

war population increase was described as a "boom" by various newspaper

reporters, including Sylvia F. Porter in a column for the May 4, 1951, edition of

the New York Post, based on the increase in the population of the U.S. of

2,357,000 in 1950.

Gen X – refers to people born between the year of 1965 to 1976. The term

"Generation X" has been used at various times throughout history to describe

alienated youth. The term acquired its modern definition after the release

of Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated Culture, a 1991 novel written by

Canadian author Douglas Coupland.

Jose Abad Santos Campus

Millennials – refers to people born between the year of 1977 to 1995.

Authors William Strauss and Neil Howe are widely credited with naming the

millennials.[2] They coined the term in 1987, around the time children born in

1982 were entering preschool, and the media were first identifying their

prospective link to the new millennium as the high school graduating class of


Gen Z – refers to people born between the year of 1996 and later. The

name Generation Z was suggested, although journalist Bruce

Horovitz thought that some might find the term "off-putting". Some other

names that were proposed included: iGeneration, Gen Tech, Gen Wii, Net

Gen, Digital Natives, and Plurals.

Generation Gap - The sociological theory of a generation gap first came to

light in the 1960s, when the younger generation (later known as Baby

Boomers) seemed to go against everything their parents had previously

believed in terms of music, values, governmental and political views.

Sociologists now refer to "generation gap" as "institutional age segregation".

Jose Abad Santos Campus

Theoretical Framework

Strauss–Howe Generational Theory

The Strauss–Howe generational theory, created by authors William Strauss

and Neil Howe, describes a theorized recurring generation cycle in American

history. Strauss and Howe laid the groundwork for their theory in their 1991 book

Generations, which discusses the history of the United States as a series of

generational biographies going back to 1584.In their 1997 book The Fourth Turning,

the authors expanded the theory to focus on a fourfold cycle of generational types

and recurring mood eras in American history. They have since expanded on the

concept in a variety of publications.

Generational names are the handiwork of popular culture. Some are drawn

from a historic event; others from rapid social or demographic change; others from

a big turn in the calendar.

The Millennial generation falls into the third category. The label refers those born

after 1980 – the first generation to come of age in the new millennium.

Jose Abad Santos Campus

13th Generation covers people born from 1965 through 1980. The label long ago

overtook the first name affixed to this generation: the Baby Bust. Xers are often

depicted as savvy, entrepreneurial loners.

The Baby Boomer label is drawn from the great spike in fertility that began in 1946,

right after the end of World War II, and ended almost as abruptly in 1964, around

the time the birth control pill went on the market. It’s a classic example of a

demography-driven name.

The Silent generation describes adults born from 1928 through 1945. Children of

the Great Depression and World War II, their “Silent” label refers to their conformist

and civic instincts. It also makes for a nice contrast with the noisy ways of the anti-

establishment Boomers.

Jose Abad Santos Campus

The Greatest Generation (those born before 1928) “saved the world” when it was

young, in the memorable phrase of Ronald Reagan. It’s the generation that fought

and won World War II.

Strauss and Howe use the name "13th Generation" instead of the more

widely accepted "Generation X" in their book, which was published mere weeks

before Douglas Coupland's Generation X

New Silent Generation was a proposed holding name used by Howe and

Strauss in their demographic history of America, Generations, to describe the

generation whose birth years began somewhere in the mid-2000s and the ending

point will be around the mid-2020s. Howe now refers to this generation (most likely

currently being born) as the Homeland Generation.

Jose Abad Santos Campus

Significance of the Study

Companies: This study will help companies understand the millennials

who are dominating the working class and how they can gear their working set

up to best suit the millennials.

Businesses: This study will provide useful information for business of all

sorts on how to market their products towards the millennials who consists a

large percentage of today’s consumers.

Researchers: The findings of this study can serve as additional information

to the researchers on the distinct characteristics of millennials and its

implications to society.

Future Researchers: This study would provide future researchers with

insight and ideas on how the past generation and environment at that time

shaped the characteristics that define millennials. It will also serve as a

reference as to how the next generation came to be through the millennials.

Jose Abad Santos Campus

Chapter II

Review of Related Literature

Relevance of Related Literature

This chapter represents the related literature and studies from local and

foreign sources after the thorough and in depth search done by the researchers.

Review of Related Literature

Foreign Literature

Being Special

The most common and most significant theme found in literature about the

Millennial Generation is that they have been told since birth that they are each

unique and special, and that they embrace this specialness. Wholeheartedly. While

different authors interpret this generational characteristic in different ways, there is

no doubt that this is the defining trait of the cohort, and forms the foundation for

many of the other characteristics, strengths and weaknesses that authors ascribe

to this group.

Jose Abad Santos Campus

Howe and Strauss emphasize the emergence of the pro-child culture among

Baby Boomer adults as the catalyst for this characteristic, and Twenge supports

this idea, to a degree. With the emergence of widespread use of birth control, and

the growing availability of abortion through the 60’s and 70’s, Americans entered an

era in which fewer and fewer ‘unwanted’ babies were born (Sutherland &

Thompson, 2001). Parents became parents because they wanted children (or

increasingly a single child), not because childbearing was foisted upon them. This

era saw cultural adoption of the pro-child ethic in movies, books and the ubiquitous

‘Baby On Board’ bumper stickers. Institutions joined the bandwagon as well with

the adoption of official self-esteem curricula in schools and churches across the

nation (Twenge, 2006). And families, even as they grew more diverse in nature and

style seemed to merge in their approach to including children more than ever in

family decisions. Where researchers and authors seem to disagree on Millennial is

in the effect of their ‘specialness’. Howe and Strauss tend to describe neutral to very

positives outcomes for this generation. They describe Millennials as sheltered, and

expecting safety and support from society and its structures. They believe that

Millennials have translated their special status into confidence in themselves and

their ability to succeed both personally and in their goals for society. They will

accomplish these goals as team-oriented, community-minded citizens who believe

in, and tend to follow societal conventions.

Jose Abad Santos Campus

That is, they tend to be rule followers because they believe in the rules that

brought them through their happy childhoods. Twenge, on the other hand, perceives

less optimistic outcomes for the Millennials, which she calls Generation Me. She

expresses concern that the overt emphasis on individual ‘specialness’, particularly

as carried out through both formal and informal self-esteem training in the home, at

school and at church, has resulted in a generation of people for whom the individual

is of ultimate importance. Twenge’s research, in contrast to Howe and Strauss, has

revealed a generation that is more individualistic, and more self-oriented than any

that have gone before. As a result, this generation is less likely to care about others’

opinions, and more likely to flaunt societies conventions.

Identity, Priorities and Outlook

Looking at themselves in relation to others, most Millennials say that theirs

is a unique generation. Six-in-ten (61%) say they think of their own age group as

unique and distinct from other generations; 37% do not. Millennials are not alone—

other generations also see themselves as unique in varying degrees. About half of

Gen Xers (49%) see their generation as unique as do 58% of Boomers and 66% of

Silents When asked to name some ways in which their generation is unique and

distinct, responses differ widely across age groups. Among Millennials who see their

generation as unique, technology use is the single most popular response.

Jose Abad Santos Campus

Roughly a quarter of those under age 30 (24%) say technology is what sets

their generation apart. Other ways in which Millennials see themselves as unique

include their music, pop culture and style (11%), and their liberalism and tolerance

(7%). Gen Xers also point to technology as a defining characteristic of their

generation—but just 12% name this as a way in which they differ from other

generations. In addition, 11% of Gen Xers say their work ethic sets them apart.

Local Literature

Who are they and what do they do?

Millennials in the Philippines are described as those who are social media-

dependent and also, the “selfie” generation. Many things describe what a millennial

is. According to The Week, millennials are usually spendthrifts. Millennials in the

Philippines are known to usually spend for luxury goods which leave their bank

accounts shaken—the reason why they are also described as “broke.” Millennials

are also described as narcissist, making them known as the “Me, Me, Me

Generation.” However, there are also good attitudes which millennials possess:

being politically and socially-engaged. Compared to other generations, millennials

have their say about issues and are more involved with politics. When it comes to

entertainment, millennials in the Philippines are usually seen spending time online,

watching YouTube videos.

Jose Abad Santos Campus

According to a Philippine Star article, millennials in the Philippines do not

usually read newspapers. Instead, they have Google for information or Waze for

road directions. Another set of description that best fits millennials are: upbeat, lazy,

narcissistic, materialistic, self-expressive, fun-loving and liberal. They also have a

short attention span. But if you talk to them about the things that interest them (e.g.

tattoos, trivia, gaming, movies and the likes), they’re really one to talk.

Foreign Studies

Relating to Other Generations

Whether in educational settings, work, church or the family, Millennials must

interact every day with members of the generations that preceded them. As they

move through their teens and twenties, into adulthood, the nature of the Millennials’

relationships with their elders are another theme found in recent literature.

Sutherland and Thompson describe how the changing makeup of the nuclear

family has, in many cases, led to a dynamic in which children are included in family

discussions and decisions to a greater degree than previous generations. Howe

and Strauss echo this sentiment in their discussion of the parent-child co-purchase.

As this dynamic blends with the message to special importance that millennial kids

have heard all their lives, the result is often a young adult who views his or her

relationship with older adults as a peer-to-peer relationship.

Jose Abad Santos Campus

This equality approach has implications in a variety of areas. Culturally,

Millennials believe that their individual opinions and styles are just as valid as

anyone else’s. Consequently, enthusiastic self-expression flourishes under the

perspective that everyone’s opinion of how they look or act is equally valid. Twenge

cites the explosion of tattoos and piercings as an example of this trend. In the

workplace, the idea of paying dues, and working up the corporate ladder is foreign.

Millennials expect their views to be valued from the beginning, and advancement to

Generation Me – Executive Summary Page 3 of 3 pages be rapid (Raines, 2002;

Twenge, 2006).

Education for Millennials

In education, Millennials are more than willing to challenge professors on

everything from opinions and conclusions to the very facts themselves, with no

conception that the instructor’s perspective is any more valid than their own

(Twenge, 2006). Generally speaking, what Millennials seem to seeking from other

generations is acceptance as equals (Aviles, Phillips, Rosenblatt & Vargas, 2005;

Windham, 2005). Millennials engage the ideas of diversity and equality in ways that

are similar to the ways in which they relate to other generations. Both Twenge and

Howe and Strauss agree that Millennials are more accepting of diversity, and view

people who are different from each other (whether race, gender, sexual orientation,

etc.) as equals.

Jose Abad Santos Campus

Howe and Strauss believe they hold these views due to their tendency

toward community, and team-orientation. Twenge feels that since they are less

likely to believe in moral absolutes, they are tolerant and accepting of diversity in all

its forms.

Local Studies

Understanding the Filipino Millennial Generation

In a bid to get a deeper insight on Filipino millennials, the Far Eastern

University Policy Center took the lead in conducting a pioneering study that

determines the impact of college experience on the learnings, beliefs, priorities,

opinions and values of today’s youth. The survey profiled young people aged 16 to

18 enrolled in FEU and the other universities that participated, namely Adamson

University, Baliuag University, Centro Escolar University, Emilio Aguinaldo College,

Jose Rizal University, Mapua Institute of Technology, National University, and the

Philippine Women’s University.

“Countless studies have been made in an effort to understand millennials,

but it is only now that particular focus has been given to the uniqueness and

intricacies of the Filipino youth,” said FEU professor and scholar in residence Dr.

Auxencia Limjap, the survey’s co-proponent.

Jose Abad Santos Campus

In the survey, 4,325 Filipino millennials in their freshman year were profiled

based on their high school backgrounds; the locations of their permanent residence;

their parents’ marital, economic, and educational status; their living arrangements

in college; the factors that determine their school of choice; their educational and

work aspirations, the activities they most frequently or never engage in; and their

life goals and what they want to get from their college education.

Among the insights that stood out in the survey is that Filipino millennials

seem to be an entrepreneurial generation, with 55 percent of the respondents

indicating success in owning their business as a value that most appeals to them.

According to the survey, millennials also tend to be concerned with the

environment, with 46 percent of the respondents citing “adopting green practices to

protect the environment” as another appealing value.

Interestingly, the survey showed that Filipino millennials seem to be

conservative as the respondents strongly opposed the legalization of divorce, yet

were also strongly in favor of reinstating the death penalty in the Philippines.

“In its initial iteration, the survey has already given some very thought-provoking

insights into what Filipino millennials are all about,” explained FEU president and

the survey’s lead proponent, Dr. Michael Alba.

Jose Abad Santos Campus

“What’s even more interesting is how their opinions, beliefs and values may

be correlated to their profiles – the environment they live in, economic status, family

background, high school education, and their own circle of influencers.

Cumulatively, this research will help us find out how their beliefs may change

or be reinforced as they go through college, one of the last major formative events

in a person’s life,” Alba added.

The four-year study will progress throughout the millennials’ academic years, with

surveys featuring similar questions to be conducted on the same students during

their sophomore, junior and senior years – and the results shall be compared to

provide indications on how millennials think. “The same students will be tested again

every academic year henceforth as they are promoted until graduation, with a fresh

batch of freshmen being added to the sample every time,” the FEU president

reiterated, admitting that there is “a need for more studies that will allow us to

understand the psyche of today’s generation.”

Jose Abad Santos Campus

Chapter III

Research Methodology

Research Method Used

The quantitative research method is considered as appropriate since the

process emphasize objective measurements and the statistical, mathematical, or

numerical analysis of data collected through polls, questionnaires, and surveys, or

by manipulating pre-existing statistical data using computational techniques.

Quantitative research focuses on gathering numerical data and generalizing it

across groups of people or to explain a particular phenomenon. The goal in

conducting quantitative research study is to determine the relationship between one

thing [an independent variable] and another [a dependent or outcome variable]

within a population. The researchers used the descriptive type of quantitative

research. The descriptive type is valuable in providing facts which are scientific-

based. It provides essential knowledge about the nature of the objects and person.

Jose Abad Santos Campus

Research Design

The purpose of this questionnaire is to provide information as to the

characteristics of millennials and their thoughts regarding their action’s implications

to the society. This questionnaire also aims to evaluate the millennial’s opinion and

knowledge on their generation. Sampling technique is usually prepared to gather

data for samples that meet the prescribed criteria or characteristics. This type of

design is popular in the field of opinion research because it is done by merely

looking for individuals with the requisite characteristics.


1. Library Information: The researchers browse through books and references

in the library to gather facts that are needed. The internet is also used through

journals and websites that offer information intended for the study.

2. Questionnaire: In gathering the most precise data needed in the study, we

will conduct a survey to 100+ respondents, students or faculty of Arellano

University Jose Abad Santos Campus who were born from 1980-2000 or

considered to be from the millennial generation.

Jose Abad Santos Campus

Respondents of the Study

To gather the most accurate data needed for this study specifically the

frequency and percentage of the participants with their observation of the unique

characteristics of the millennials and who partook in the gathering of data. The

preferred students will be composed of 100 students of Arellano University born

from 1980-2000.

Research Locale

The school we have chosen is the school where the researchers are

currently enrolled in. This school is Arellano University – Jose Abad Santos

situated at Taft Avenue, Pasay City. The said school has quite a large population

due to the recent opening of admission for senior high school students.

Jose Abad Santos Campus

Gathering Data Procedure

The Researcher will conduct a survey which is related to the participant’s

observations to the unique characteristics of millennials and its implications to the


1. Researchers have visited library to gather detailed information and read

different materials to the study being conducted.

2. There was validation of questionnaire before distribution to the respondents.

3. Researchers distributed the questionnaire to the business administration of

Arellano University- Jose Abad Santos Campus.

4. There was retrieval of the instruments before evaluation and interpretation of


Statistical Treatment of Data

The data gathered from the respondents have been summarized in order to

have more accurate results to be used in the finalization stage of the study.

Jose Abad Santos Campus

The following are the formula used to analyze the data gathered:

Frequency: It is used to quantify the numbers of respondents by age, gender

and personal characteristics

Formula = Σ = 𝑤𝑓/𝑛

% = Percentage

∑ = Summation

Percentage: It will be used to measure the relation of the magnitude as a


Formula %=F/N x 100

%= Total percentage

F= Frequency

N= Total number of respondent

Jose Abad Santos Campus

Weighted Mean: It will be used to measure the respondent’s perception. It will be

completed by multiplying each value in the group by the appropriate weighted

factors to the products, where it is summed up and divided by the total number of


Formula = X Σ = 𝑤𝑓/𝑛

X = Weighted Mean

F= Frequency

N= Number of respondent

Σ = 𝑤𝑓/𝑛 = Summation

Jose Abad Santos Campus

Chapter IV

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

Gen Z


With an estimate of 3,000 college students enrolled in Arellano University, the

researchers projected the number of millennials to be about 1,700 students or 57% of its

total population. Using the Slovin’s formula, the researchers gave a margin of error of

90% that resulted in 94 number of samples. Among the 1,700 estimated millennials in

Arellano University – Jose Abad Santos Campus, 100 survey questionnaires were

distributed to determine the distinct characteristics that define millennials to determine its

implications to the society.

Jose Abad Santos Campus

Table 1 - Frequency and percentage distribution of respondents as to:

Age Frequency Percentage Ranking

18-19 30 30% 3

20-21 31 31% 2

22& above 39 39% 1

Total: 100 100%

Table 1 shows that out of 100 respondents representing 100%, there were 30 respondents
or 30% who were 18-19 years old, 31 respondents or 31% 20-21 years old and 39
respondents or 39% who were.22 years old and above.

Table 2 - Frequency and percentage distribution of respondents as to:

Gender Frequency Percentage Ranking

Male 27 27% 2

Female 73 73% 1

Total: 100 100%

Table 2 shows that our respondents were composed of 27 male respondents which is
equivalent to 27% while female’s equivalent was 73%.

Jose Abad Santos Campus

Table 3 - Frequency and percentage distribution as to:

Course Frequency Percentage Ranking

Business Administration 30 30% 1

Psychology 30 30% 2

Accounting Technology 11 11% 4

Medical Technology 1 1% 10

Elementary Education 2 2% 7

A.B. English 3 3% 5

Hospitality Management 16 16% 3

Information Technology 3 3% 6

Computer Science 2 2% 8

Political Science 2 2% 9

Total: 100 100%

Table 3 shows that out of 100 respondents representing 100% were from Business
Administration with 30 respondents or 30%, A.B. Psychology with 30 respondents or 30%,
Accounting Tech with 11 respondents or 11%, Medical Technology with 1 respondent or
1%, Elementary Education with 2 respondents or 2%, A.B. English with 3 respondents or
3%, Hospitality Management with 16 respondents or 16%, Information Technology with 3
respondents or 3%, Computer Science with 2 respondents or 2%, and Political Science
with 2 respondents or 2%.

Jose Abad Santos Campus

Table 4 - Frequency and percentage distribution of respondents as to:

Civil Status Frequency Percentage Ranking

Single 97 97% 1

Married 3 3% 2

Separated 0

Widow 0

Total: 100 100%

Table 4 shows that out of 100 respondents representing as 100%. Single respondents
were 97 or 97%; married were 3 or 3%; separated and widow is 0 respondents or 0%.

Jose Abad Santos Campus

Table 5 - Assessment of respondents on the Distinct Characteristics of Millennials in relation

to their lifestyle as perceived by students of Arellano University - Jose Abad Santos
Campus; Basis for Implications to society

Lifestyle Frequency/ number of Numerical Interpretation Ranking

Respondents Rating
4 3 2 1

Partying 0.68 0.81 0.68 0.22 2.39 Disagree 4

1.2 Sleeping
more than 6 0.84 1.32 0.66 0.02 2.84 Agree 3

Scheduling 1.00 1.47 0.52 0 2.99 Agree 2

1.4 Balancing
work/school 1.24 1.41 0.38 0.03 3.06 Agree 1
and life

Table 5 Shows the assessment of respondents on the Distinct Characteristics of Millennials

in relation to their lifestyle as perceived by students of Arellano University - Jose Abad
Santos Campus; Basis for Implications to Society. The highest rank is Balancing
work/school and life which gathered 3.06%. Followed by Scheduling Activities gathering
2.99%, next is Sleeping more than 6 hours every day with 2.84% and lastly Partying with

Jose Abad Santos Campus

Table 6 - Assessment of respondents on the Distinct Characteristics of Millennials in relation

to their health as perceived by students of Arellano University - Jose Abad Santos Campus;
Basis for Implications to society

Health Frequency/ number of Numerical Interpretation Ranking

Respondents Rating
4 3 2 1

Exercise 2.48 1.08 0.04 0 3.60 Strongly 1

Balanced Diet 1.04 1.32 0.60 0 2.96 Agree 2

1.3 Yearly
Check-ups 1.00 1.05 0.56 0.12 2.73 Agree 3

Vices 0.76 0.66 0.42 0.38 2.22 Disagree 4

Table 6 Shows the assessment of respondents on the Distinct Characteristics of

Millennials in relation to their health as perceived by students of Arellano University -
Jose Abad Santos Campus; Basis for Implications to Society. The highest rank is
Exercise which gathered 3.60% followed by Balanced Diet with 2.96%. Next is Yearly
Check-ups gathering 2.73% and lastly Vices with 2.22%

Jose Abad Santos Campus

Table 7 - Assessment of respondents on the Distinct Characteristics of Millennials in relation

to their work ethic as perceived by students of Arellano University - Jose Abad Santos
Campus; Basis for Implications to society

Work Ethic Frequency/ number of Numerical Adjectival Ranking

Respondents Rating Interpretation
4 3 2 1

Finishing 1.44 1.47 0.14 0 3.05 Agree 3
work on time
Submitting to 0.96 1.71 0.36 0.01 3.04 Agree 4

Working 1.32 1.74 0.18 0 3.24 Agree 2

1.4 Valuing
experience 2.04 1.17 0.20 0 3.41 Agree 1
over ability

Table 7 Shows the assessment of respondents on the Distinct Characteristics of

Millennials in relation to their work ethic as perceived by students of Arellano University -
Jose Abad Santos Campus; Basis for Implications to Society. The highest rank is Valuing
experience over ability with 3.41% followed by Working under pressure gathering 3.24%
next is Finishing work on time with 3.05% and lastly is Submitting to authority with a
percentage of 3.04.

Jose Abad Santos Campus

Table 8 - Assessment of respondents on the Distinct Characteristics of Millennials in relation

to religion as perceived by students of Arellano University - Jose Abad Santos Campus;
Basis for Implications to society

Religion Frequency/ number of Numerical Adjectival Ranking

Respondents Rating Interpretation
4 3 2 1

Going to 1.56 1.23 0.32 0.04 3.15 Agree 2

1.2 Service 1.12 1.11 0.60 0.05 2.88 Agree 4

1.3 Donating 1.08 1.29 0.46 0.07 2.90 Agree 3


1.4 Prayer 1.52 1.53 0.18 0.02 3.25 Agree 1

Table 8 Shows the assessment of respondents on the Distinct Characteristics of

Millennials in relation to religion as perceived by students of Arellano University - Jose
Abad Santos Campus; Basis for Implications to Society. The highest rank is Prayer with
3.25% followed by Going to church with 3.15%. Next is Donating money with 2.90% and
lastly is service with 2.88%.

Jose Abad Santos Campus

Table 9 - Assessment of respondents on the Distinct Characteristics of Millennials in

relation to technology as perceived by students of Arellano University - Jose Abad Santos
Campus; Basis for Implications to society

Technology Frequency/ number of Numerical Adjectival Ranking

Respondents Rating Interpretation
4 3 2 1

Buying the
latest 0.80 0.51 0.82 0.22 2.35 Disagree 4

1.2 Following
social media 0.84 0.87 0.66 0.17 2.54 Agree 3

1.3 Sleeping
with phone 1.48 1.14 0.34 0.08 3.04 Agree 1
next to them

1.4 Spending
more than 5 1.16 1.23 0.40 0.10 2.89 Agree 2
hours on

Table 9 Shows the assessment of respondents on the Distinct Characteristics of

Millennials in relation to technology as perceived by students of Arellano University -
Jose Abad Santos Campus; Basis for Implications to Society. The highest rank is
Sleeping with phone next to them gathering 3.04%. Followed by Spending more than 5
hours on gadgets with 2.89% next is Following social media trends with 2.54% and lastly
is Buying the latest gadgets gathering 2.35%.

Jose Abad Santos Campus

Table 10 - Assessment of respondents on the Distinct Characteristics of Millennials in

relation to retirement as perceived by students of Arellano University - Jose Abad Santos
Campus; Basis for Implications to society

Retirement Frequency/ number of Numerical Interpretation Ranking

Respondents Rating
4 3 2 1

Saving money 1.24 1.38 0.40 0.03 3.05 Agree 3
for retirement

1.2 0.52 1.47 0.56 0.10 2.65 Agree 4

Striving for

1.3 Sustaining 1.12 1.65 0.28 0.03 3.08 Agree 2


1.4 Living
comfortably in 1.36 1.50 0.26 0.03 3.15 Agree 1
the future over
secured today

Table 10 Shows the assessment of respondents on the Distinct Characteristics of

Millennials in relation to retirement as perceived by students of Arellano University - Jose
Abad Santos Campus; Basis for Implications to Society. The highest rank is Living
comfortably in the future over being financially secured today gathering 3.15%. Followed
by Sustaining lifestyle with 3.08% next is Saving money for retirement with 3.05% and
lastly is Striving for early retirement which has 3.43%

Jose Abad Santos Campus

Table 11 - Assessment of respondents on the Distinct Characteristics of Millennials in

relation to marriage and family as perceived by students of Arellano University - Jose Abad
Santos Campus; Basis for Implications to society

Marriage and Frequency/ number of Numerical Adjectival Ranking

Family Respondents Rating Interpretation
4 3 2 1

Marrying 1.16 1.35 0.44 0.04 2.99 Agree 2
between 25-
30 yrs. old

1.2 Valuing 0.56 1.26 0.70 0.09 2.61 Disagree 4

marriage over

1.3 Strong 1.64 1.56 0.14 0 3.34 Agree 1

family ties

1.4 More time

for work over
family in 0.72 1.29 0.56 0.11 2.68 Agree 3
order to
provide their

Table 11 Shows the assessment of respondents on the Teaching Strategies in relation

to marriage and family as perceived by B.A students of Arellano University - Jose Abad
Santos Campus; Basis for Enhancement program. The highest rank is the Strong family
ties which gathered 3.34%. Followed by Marrying between 25-30 yrs. old gathered
2.99% next is More time for work over family in order to provide their needs with 2.68%
and lastly is Valuing marriage over career gathered 3.43%.

Jose Abad Santos Campus

Table 12 - Assessment of respondents on the Distinct Characteristics of Millennials in

relation to travel as perceived by students of Arellano University - Jose Abad Santos
Campus; Basis for Implications to society

Travel Frequency/ number of Numerical Adjectival Ranking

Respondents Rating Interpretation
4 3 2 1

Saving 0.96 1.59 0.40 0.03 2.98 Agree 2
money for

Travel will 1.44 1.53 0.26 0 3.23 Agree 1
help with

other 0.84 0.99 0.64 0.14 2.61 Agree 4
expenses for

1.4 Valuing
experience 0.92 1.59 0.40 0.04 2.95 Agree 3

Table 12 Shows the assessment of respondents on the Teaching Strategies in relation

to travel as perceived by B.A students of Arellano University - Jose Abad Santos
Campus; Basis for Enhancement program. The highest rank is the Travel will help with
well-being which gathered 3.23%. Followed by Saving money for travel with 2.98% next
is Valuing experience over ownership with 2.95% and lastly is Sacrificing other expenses
for travel with 3.43%

Jose Abad Santos Campus

Table 13 - Assessment of respondents on the Distinct Characteristics of Millennials in

relation to values as perceived by students of Arellano University - Jose Abad Santos
Campus; Basis for Implications to society

Values Frequency/ number of Numerical Adjectival Ranking

Respondents Rating Interpretation
4 3 2 1

Respecting 3.12 0.66 0 0 3.78 Strongly 1
the elderly Agree

1.2 Favoring
same-sex 1.24 0.78 0.56 0.15 2.73 Agree 3

1.3 Doing the

right thing Strongly
even when no 2.40 0.96 0.12 0.02 3.50 Agree 2
one is

1.4 Favoring 0.88 1.02 0.54 0.17 2.61 Agree 4


Table 13 Shows the assessment of respondents on the Teaching Strategies in relation

to values as perceived by B.A students of Arellano University - Jose Abad Santos
Campus; Basis for Enhancement program. The highest rank is Respecting the elderly
with 3.78%. Followed by Doing the right thing even when no one is looking gathered
3.50% next is Favoring same-sex marriage with 2.73%and lastly is Favoring divorce with

Jose Abad Santos Campus

Table 14 - Assessment of respondents on the Distinct Characteristics of Millennials in

relation to the economy as perceived by students of Arellano University - Jose Abad Santos
Campus; Basis for Implications to society

Economy Frequency/ number of Numerical Adjectival Ranking

Respondents Rating Interpretation
4 3 2 1

Paying taxes 0.88 1.80 0.26 0.05 2.99 Agree 4

1.2 Buying
products 1.24 1.59 0.30 0.01 3.14 Agree 2

1.3 Living
within means 1.24 1.80 0.16 0.01 3.21 Agree 1

1.4 Putting
savings in 1.36 1.26 0.46 0.01 3.09 Agree 3
the bank

Table 14 Shows the assessment of respondents on the Teaching Strategies in relation

to the economy as perceived by B.A students of Arellano University - Jose Abad Santos
Campus; Basis for Enhancement program. The highest rank is Living within means with
3.21%. Followed by Buying local products over imported goods with 3.14% next is
Putting savings in the bank gathered 3.09% and lastly is Paying taxes with 2.99%.

Jose Abad Santos Campus

Table 15 - Assessment of respondents on the Distinct Characteristics of Millennials in

relation to education as perceived by students of Arellano University - Jose Abad Santos
Campus; Basis for Implications to society

Education Frequency/ number of Numerical Adjectival Ranking

Respondents Rating Interpretation
4 3 2 1

Getting high 1.08 2.01 0.12 0 3.21 Agree 1
projects on 1.00 1.89 0.24 0 3.13 Agree 2

1.3 Never
missing class 0.60 1.02 0.86 0.08 2.56 Agree 4

1.4 Acquiring
masters or
doctoral 1.24 1.41 0.40 0.02 3.07 Agree 3

Table 15 Shows the assessment of respondents on the Teaching Strategies in relation

to education as perceived by B.A students of Arellano University - Jose Abad Santos
Campus; Basis for Enhancement program. The highest rank is Getting high grades with
3.21%Followed by Submitting projects on time with 3.13% next is Acquiring masters or
doctoral degree with 3.35% and lastly is Never missing class wtih 2.56%.

Jose Abad Santos Campus

Table 16 - Assessment of respondents on the Distinct Characteristics of Millennials in

relation to property as perceived by students of Arellano University - Jose Abad Santos
Campus; Basis for Implications to society

Property Frequency/ number of Numerical Adjectival Ranking

Respondents Rating Interpretation
4 3 2 1

Owning a car
over using 1.32 1.68 0.20 0.01 3.21 Agree 2

1.2 Owning a
house before 1.64 1.47 0.20 0 3.31 Agree 1
the age of 30

1.3 Living with

parents while 1.36 1.44 0.32 0.02 3.12 Agree 4
still single

1.4 Only
buying things 1.64 1.26 0.28 0.03 3.21 Agree 3
that are

Table 16 Shows the assessment of respondents on the Teaching Strategies in relation

to property as perceived by B.A students of Arellano University - Jose Abad Santos
Campus; Basis for Enhancement program. The highest rank is Owning a house before
the age of 30 with 3.31% followed by Owning a car over using public transportation with
3.21%. Next is Only buying things that are needed with 3.21% and lastly is Living with
parents while still single with 3.12%

Jose Abad Santos Campus

Chapter V

Summary of Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations

This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusion and recommendations

of the study entitled The Birth of Millennials: Distinct Characteristics and their Implication

to Society.

The respondents were students of Arellano University – Jose Abad Santos who

were born from 1980 to 2000. 100 questionnaires were used to gather data to assess

the characteristics that best define their generation and to find out these characteristics’

implications to our society. The inquiry was conducted during the school year 2017-18.

Summary of Findings:

Based on the data gathered the following findings are revealed:

1. According to Age: Based on the survey, out of the 100 respondents, there

were 39 percent who are in the age bracket of 22 years old and above, 31

percent are from ages 20-22 years old, and the remaining 30 percent falls

under the age bracket of 18-19 years old.

Jose Abad Santos Campus

2. According to Gender: Based on the survey, out of the 100 respondents,

females comprised of 73 percent, and 27 percent comprised of the male


3. According to Course: Based on the survey, out of the 100 respondents, 30

percent of which comes from Business Administration, another 30 percent

comes from Psychology. 16 percent comes from Hospitality Management, 11

percent from Accounting Technology, 3 percent comes from A.B English and

Information Technology respectively. 2 percent of which comes from

Elementary Education, another 2 percent comes from Computer Science, and

2 percent comes from Political Science.

4. According to Civil Status: Based on the survey, out of the 100 respondents, 97

percent are single and 3 percent are married.

5. The survey results showed that respondents’ assessment on their lifestyle is

3.06 percent value the balance of work and school life, 2.99 percent agreed

that scheduling activities is also one of their priority, 2.84 percent showed they

sleep more than 6 hours every day and 2.39 percent did not see themselves

partying. Millennial likes to enjoy their lives, most of it by relaxation.

Jose Abad Santos Campus

6. The survey results showed that respondents’ assessment on their health is

3.60 percent strongly agrees that exercise is very important, 2.96 percent

agreed on having a balanced diet, 2.73 percent agreed on having yearly

checkups. 2.22 percent did not see themselves involve in vices. Millennial

generation value health a lot, because they are active beings and likes to be

on the go, and thus they stay away from anything that can harm their health

like vices.

7. The survey results showed that respondents’ assessment on their Work Ethics

is 3.41 percent agrees that experience is far more important than skill, 3.24

percent agrees on being able to work under pressure. 3.05 percent agrees

they can finish their work on time. The remaining 3.04 percent submits to the

authority. It shows that they are flexible, they can do whatever the job it is,

because they are after experience, they also respect their bosses.

8. The survey results showed that respondents’ assessment on their religion is

3.25 percent sees the importance of prayer, 3.15 percent goes to church every

Sunday, 2.90 percent donates money to their church, and 2.88 percent serves

in church. It is evident that they have this relationship with our God, and they

still feed their spiritual needs.

Jose Abad Santos Campus

9. The survey results showed that respondents’ assessment on technology is

3.04 percent sleeps with their phone next to them, 2.89 percent agrees on

spending more than 5 hours on their gadgets, 2.54 percent follow social media

trends, 2.35 percent does not see themselves buying the latest gadgets. The

digital natives as they call it, smart phones are glued to their hands.

10. The survey results showed that respondents’ assessment on their retirement is

3.15 percent agrees on living comfortably in the future over being financially

secured today, 3.08 percent said they can sustain their lifestyle upon

retirement. 3.05 percent saves money for their retirement, 2.65 percent are

striving for an early retirement. Since they value rest and relaxation, fun time,

they think more about the future, work harder now for the future.

11. The survey results showed that respondents’ assessment on marriage and

family is 3.34 percent have strong family ties, 2.99 percent agrees on marrying

between 25-30 years old. 2.68 percent saw themselves having more time for

work over family in order to provide for their needs, and 2.61 percent disagrees

on valuing marriage over career. Meeting family needs are important, at the

same time their own needs as well, some prefer to build themselves up with

their careers, having stability and marriage also is something they want to


Jose Abad Santos Campus

12. The survey results showed that respondents’ assessment on travel is 3.23

percent agrees that travel will help their well being, 2.98 percent saves money

for their travel, 2.95 percent agrees on valuing experience over ownership and

2.61 percent sacrifices other expenses for the sake of travelling. There is a

different kind of feeling of satisfaction and healing that travelling can give, it

has this hunger to explore the different sights and taste the different culture. It

is very important for them to see places.

13. The survey results showed that respondents’ assessment on their values is

3.78 percent strongly agrees that we need to respect the elderly, 3.50 percent

strongly values integrity, 2.73 percent are in favour of same sex marriage and

2.61 percent are in favour of divorce. The generation now shows how open

their minds are in divorce, and same sex marriage, but they still keep the

traditional values of integrity and being able to respect the elderly people.

14. The survey results showed that respondents’ assessment on economy is 3.21

percent agrees on living within their means, 3.14 percent buys local products

over imported goods, 2.09 percent have a savings account, and 2.99 percent

agrees on paying taxes properly. These people know how to budget; they save

more and avoid being short in money.

Jose Abad Santos Campus

15. The survey results showed that respondents’ assessment on their education is

3.21 percent make sure they get high grades, 3.13 percent submit their

projects on time, 3.07 percent likes to acquire a masters or doctoral degree,

2.56 percent never misses their classes. The people who value learning and

achievements, they want to be successful by doing great in school and earning

that degree.

16. The survey results showed that respondents’ assessment on property is 3.31

percent wants to own their house before the age of 30. 3.21 percent prefers

having their own car than using public transportation, and only buying things

that are needed. 3.12 percent lives with their parents while they are still single,

since it is also part of our culture. This group values comfort and convenience

since they are sheltered individuals, they would also like something they

bought on their own.

Jose Abad Santos Campus


Based on the preceding findings of the study, the following conclusions are set.

1. The assessment of the respondents on their lifestyle imply that they manage their

time well when they are given tasks and can balance their social life and

work/school well enough to be able to enjoy both. Thus, the society can greatly

rely on millennials to be able to get the job done without sacrificing their personal

life as well.

2. The respondents’ view on health imply that majority of them have learned from the

mistakes of previous generations. They value a healthy lifestyle and believe that

they can maintain it through physical enhancement as well as avoiding vices.

Accordingly, the society can count on millennials to be advocates of wellness to

the succeeding generations, finding more creative ways to encourage others to

take care of their bodies.

3. In terms of work ethic, the respondents’ assessment imply that they place

importance on a good work ethic. They pride themselves on being able to work

under pressure and avoiding procrastination. Their belief that experience is more

important than skill implies that they would rather look at someone’ years of

experience more than the innate skills or talents of an individual to measure his/her

qualifications for a job.

Jose Abad Santos Campus

4. The survey results with regards to millennials’ view on religion imply that they have

continued to place value on their faith and believe that prayer and going to church

on Sundays is still a vital part of life. However, they do not see the need in

expressing their faith through monetary help or serving in church. Thus, society can

expect that even though most millennials would be less involved in religious

activities, faith will still be an essential aspect of their life.

5. Dubbed as the “digital natives”, the millennials proved in their assessment that

technology is a vital part of their everyday lives. They rely on gadgets most of the

time for ease of work and for entertainment. Only a few see gadgets as a status

symbol which implies that millennials do not let material things such as gadgets to

dictate their value. Hence, technology will be more of a strength that millennials can

play to their advantage. The future of innovation will continue to evolve as

millennials push the boundaries of technology in order to make everything more


6. According to the survey results, millennials have become more aware of the

consequences of not preparing for retirement. They choose to be thrifty and work

hard now to be able to enjoy life later rather than to live in the moment. This means

that more millennials will invest in life insurance. It implies that this generation cares

not only for their future but also their children’s—thinking ahead for their well-being.

Jose Abad Santos Campus

7. Based on the respondents’ assessment, millennials have done a good job in

protecting our culture and values as a nation by maintain strong family ties. The

results also show that they find it important to establish themselves first before

creating a family and that sacrifices must be made in order for them to build a better

future for their children. This means that the society will be full of career-driven

millennials who are willing to set aside personal agenda and responsible adults who

prepare to become parents by achieving financial stability.

8. As the results suggest, millennials have come to see travel as an important key to

mental health. They have become aware of the benefits of traveling. This implies

that millennials are taking care of themselves by taking time off in order to be more

productive. It also means that our society can count on millennials to aid in

promoting the beautiful places in our country unknown to many people.

9. In terms of values, the millennials continue to practice respect towards elders and

pursue a life of integrity. However, as the world continues to evolve, so does the

millennials perception on things life same-sex marriage and divorce. It implies their

open-mindedness and awareness towards such issues. The society can expect

millennials to be more involved and assertive in promoting their values, even with

issues we once considered taboo.

Jose Abad Santos Campus

10. Based on the results, the millennials have been exposed to the issues regarding

our economy. Their assessment suggests that they have become more involved in

little ways to help boost the economy of our country. This implies that our

government can rely on them to help in our country’s development by spreading

awareness on economic agendas.

11. The respondents’ assessment on education shows how the previous generation

instilled the importance of education. Their results imply that when it comes to

academics, they will strive for excellence. However, their lack of consistency in

going to classes while still submitting projects on time show that achieving high

grades have become more important than actually coming to class to learn.

12. When it comes to property, survey results show that acquiring a house and car is

what millennials are prioritizing. Their decision to live with their parents while they

are still single implies that they would rather save money than use it to pay for their

own apartment. For these reasons, we can say that millennials are prudent when it

comes to where to spend their money.

Jose Abad Santos Campus


The respondents assessed the distinct characteristics of millennials in terms

of lifestyle, the researchers recommend that the millennials should play on their

strengths in school and work so that they can grow in both their abilities and

relationships. It is also recommended that schools/teachers do not give excessive

amounts of projects and assignments in order for students to be able to have a

social life as well.

In terms of health, the researchers recommend that more ways of

maintaining a healthy lifestyle should be developed and taught in schools.

Businesses aimed towards health should find ways wherein working millennials will

still be able to fit exercise to their busy schedules. The government should also

promote the importance of having check-ups.

In terms of work ethics, the researchers suggest that companies should build

their environments based on the characteristics of millennials who occupy a huge

percentage of the working class. It is also recommended that they place equal

importance on experience and skill—not discriminating applicants who have few

years of experience and not easily promoting those who have been working in a

company for a long time over those who are more skilled.

Jose Abad Santos Campus

In terms of religion, the researches recommend that, as a Christian nation,

values based on the Bible should be taught in schools to help shape the moral

standards of children.

While in technology, the researchers recommend that our government

utilized the brilliant minds of the millennials in thinking of technological innovations

for our country. Parents should be made aware of the negative effects brought by

technology to the millennials and use this as a warning to not indulge their children

in gadgets at a very young age.

In terms of retirement, many are still not convinced of the positive benefits of

preparing for retirement. The researchers recommend that saving and investing for

the future must be emphasized by companies and the government to the


In marriage and family, the researchers recommend that parents should be

educated to balance their work and time with family in order to create an

environment that will allow their children to grow up not lacking affection.

In travel, the researchers recommend that travel businesses aim their focus

towards millennials who are fond of traveling. Companies are recommended to also

consider this by giving their employees privileges to travel and distress.

Jose Abad Santos Campus

In terms of values, schools are recommended to openly discuss issues like

same-sex marriage and divorce in order for students to have proper knowledge

regarding these issues and to avoid misconceptions.

In economy, the researchers recommend that the government fervently

educate millennials as well as other generations to ways in which we, citizens, can

help the growth of our economy

In education, the researchers recommend that schools emphasize the value

of learning over high grades. Teachers should make sure that students not only

pass the test but that they will carry with them valuable learning lessons from the

subject. Millennials should also be reminded that their academic achievements do

not necessarily mean they will succeed later in life.

Lastly, in properties, the researchers recommend that businesses in housing

and cars focus on appealing to millennials who prioritize such assets. Accustoming

to their wants will aid businesses to prosper. When it comes to other belongings like

gadgets and accessories, millennials opt for cheaper items that can do the same

job as expensive ones. They also opt for convenience in shopping therefore selling

online is also recommended for businesses to thrive in the millennial’s world.

Jose Abad Santos Campus

Program Proposal

The final matter that the researchers wanted to implicit with the affirmed research is

recommending a program that the millennial students can hold, or partake into to discover

their potentials and how they can utilize them. The researchers wanted the proposed

program to be a seminar. So that it could be conducted with ease within the school and to

be engagement to the eyes of the professors.

Program Title: Discovering the Millennial’s Potential

Program Description: A discovery program within the school boundaries that welcomes

the body of the millennials of Arellano University – Jose Abad Santos campus in joining to

correlate with one another to discover their potentials through their characteristics and how

they can use utilized these potentials to benefit them. The seminar will be composed of

sectioned talks by an outside Doctorate professor that has a background in generational

study, and by the end of the program, it is expected that the seminar will conduct activities

that participants of the program will partake into with the purpose of knowing their true

effectiveness inside the classroom and assessing each participant on how to improve their


Program Setting: The seminar would be set at the Multipurpose hall of Arellano University

Program Participants: Millennial Students of Arellano University Jose Abad Santos


Jose Abad Santos Campus


Wieck, L. (2008) Managing the Millennials. 12th Nurse Leader , volume 6 issue 6

Howe, N., Strauss, W. Millennials rising: the next great generation, Jan 1st 2000

Tanner, L. Who are the Millennials Dec 1st 2010

Bátiz-Lazo, B. About Millenials, New Technology and Researching Business

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Jose Abad Santos Campus

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Jose Abad Santos Campus

Address: 123-A Ignacio St. Pasay City
Contact Number: 09997295943
Email Address: romerorhej07@gmail.com

Objective: To obtain a position that will enable me to use my organizational skills,

educational background and my ability to work well with people.


Date of Birth : January 20, 1997

Place of Birth : Pasay City
Age : 21 Years old
Sex : Female
Civil Status : Single
Height : 4”11’
Weight : 50 kg
Religion : Roman Catholic
Mother’s Name : Gina R. Pastrana
Occupation : Housewife
Father’s Name : Ricardo C. Pastrana
Occupation : Unemployed
Language : Tagalog and English


Tertiary : Arellano University Campus, Jose Abad Santos

S.Y. 2017–2018

Secondary : Northeastern Institute of Dasmarinas, Cavite City

S.Y. 2010-2013

Primary : Estefania Elementary School

S.Y. 2004-2010


Company : Kentucky Fried Chicken

Position : Restaurant Team Member
1 year & 3 months

Jose Abad Santos Campus

Name: Christelle Lu P. Tardo
Address: 533 Cementina St., Libertad Ext,, Pasay City
Cell Phone: 09219458460
Email: cltardo2124@gmail.com


To enhance my knowledge and capabilities by working at a dynamic organization that

prides itself in giving substantial responsibility to new talent.

Date of Birth: May 24, 1994
Place of Birth: Pob. Magpet, North Cotabato
Citizenship: Filipino
Gender: Female
Civil Status: Single


Music Teacher Church Secretary & Youth Minister and

Pasay Alliance Christian Music Director Kinder Teacher
School Inc. S.I.R. Matina Alliance Mintal Alliance Evangelical
Libertad, Pasay City Church Church
Sandawa Rd., Matina, Mintal, Davao City
Davao City


Tertiary: Bachelor of Religious Education

Mt. Apo Alliance Bible College
New Bulatukan, Makilala, North Cotabato
S.Y. 2010-2015

Secondary: Mt. Carmel Development Academy

Kinuskusan, Bansalan, Davao del Sur
S.Y. 2006-2010

Elementary: Mt. Carmel Development Academy

Kinuskusan, Bansalan, Davao del Sur
S.Y. 2002-2006

Jose Abad Santos Campus

Jeanne S.Repato

Seeking a responsible job with an opportunity for professional challenges and To use my
skills as best possible way to achieve company’s goals.


Manila Southern Associates 2000-2006

Alabang Zapote Road Pillar Village Elementary School
Almanza Uno Las Pinas City Roxas Blvd. San Carlos City
August 9 2010-December 9 2010
Sales Associates 2006-2009
High School
Proquest Manpower Services Speaker Eugenio Perez National
8289, Dr. Arcadio Santos Avenue, Agricultural School
San Antonio Valley 1, Parañaque City College
July 6 2011-September 6 2014
Sales Associates 2015-present
Arellano University Pasay City
Conins Coffee World Inc.
2753 Park Avenue Pasay City
September 7 2014-present

● Good oral and written communication skills
● Good organizational skills
● Can do multitasking
● Computer literate
● Ability to work cooperatively with others


Ms.Claudine Rodriguez Ms.Girlie Frias

Brand Manager Management Trainee
Alessi /Coffeelab Conlins Elements
Bldg 5 Bonifacio Highstreet Bonifacio Greenbelt 5 Ground flr. Makati City
Global City
Taguig City

Jose Abad Santos Campus


I am currently looking for a full time position in an environment that offers
increased benefits for me and my family, and the opportunity to help the company advance
efficiently and productively.


RainMaker Asia - 4th flr. Alphaland Southgate Mall 2258 Chino Roces Ave, Makati, Metro
Manila-Aug 2010 to Dec 2010
Customer Service Representative (Citibank)

Affiliated Computer Service (ACS) – 7th Flr., One E-COM Center Bldg. cor. Harbor Drive and
Sunset Ave., Mall of Asia Complex Pasay City – Jan 2011 to January 2016
Customer Service Representative (CLAIMS SPECIALIST) – BCBSFL
Assists customers by acting as a liaison between customers and the company. Provides
effective customer service by using excellent, in-depth knowledge about the products and
services, resolve issues in regard to products and services, and assists customers with
complaints, orders, errors, account questions, billing, cancellations, and denied claims.

Intercontinental Hotel Group (IHG) - 27th-29th floor Tower II Ayala Avenue cor. Gil Puyat Ave.
Makati City-- Feb 2016 to May 2016
Customer Service Representative (IHG Rewards Club)

UnitedHealth Group (UHG) - Science Hub Tower 1, Campus Avenue Corner Turin Street,
McKinley Hill Taguig--May 2016 to Oct 2016
Electronic Eligibiliy Analyst

Cloud English Training and Teaching – January 26 2017 to present

Online English Teacher


2017-present Arellano University

2007-2009 Far Eastern University Morayta, Manila (B.S Psychology)
2001-2005 St. Mary’s Academy Pasay City

SKILLS: ● Ability to work cooperatively with others

● Good oral and written communication skills ● Can safeguard confidential information
● Good organizational skills
● Can do multitasking Available upon request.
● Computer literate

Jose Abad Santos Campus

Dear respondents, we would like to find out the millennial’s distinct characteristics
and its implication to our society. Please help us by answering this survey. Please
indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements by
putting a check in the appropriate circle.

Age ____Gender _____Course/major/year ________________Civil status _________

Strongly Strongly
Agree Agree Disagree Disagree
1. I party every weekend.
2. I sleep for more than 6 hours everyday.
3. I always schedule my activities.
4. I can balance work/school and life well.

1. Exercise is important.
2. I have a balanced diet.
3. I go to the doctor for yearly check-ups.
4. I drink and smoke.

1. I finish my work on time.
2. I always submit to authority.
3. I can work under pressure.
4. Experience is more important than ability.

1. I go to church every Sunday.
2. I faithfully serve in church.
3. I donate money to the church.
4. I always spend time in prayer.

Jose Abad Santos Campus

1. I always buy the latest gadgets.
2. I follow the latest trends in social media.
3. I sleep with my phone beside me.
4. I spend more than 5 hours on my gadgets

1. I save money intended for my retirement.
2. I strive to have an early retirement.
3. I can sustain my lifestyle when I retire.
4. I save money to live comfortably later
more than being financially secured today


1. My goal is to get married between
2. Marriage is more important than career.
3. I have strong family ties.
4. It is acceptable to have more time for work
than family in order to provide for their needs.

1. I save money for travel.
2. Traveling to other places will
help my well-being.
3. I am willing to sacrifice other expenses
in order to travel.
4. I value experience over ownership

Jose Abad Santos Campus

1. I respect the elderly.
2. I am in favor of same sex marriage.
3. I always do the right thing
even when no one’s watching.
4. I am in favor of divorce.

1. I pay my taxes.
2. I prefer buying local products
over imported goods.
3. I live within my means.
4. I put my savings in a bank account

1. I make sure to get high grades.
2. I submit my projects on time.
3. I never miss a class.
4. I plan to acquire a masters/doctoral degree

1. I would rather own a car than use
public transportation.
2. I should have my own house
by the age of 30.
3. I prefer living with my parents
while I’m still single.
4. I only buy things that I need.


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