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One of our Core Values is Persistence

There are a lot of things that require persistence, studying the word of God,
developing a fervent prayer life, and pursuing unity in the body of Christ.
Tonight, let me focus on one – Pursuing unity in the body of Christ.

There's no escaping our many differences –whether it has to do with

politics, music, fashion, personality—that’s what makes us unique. But having
differences can be difficult. We see it all the time in social media, people arguing
in the comments about who’s wrong or right, who’s better. And it’s also seen in
church. Conflict arise because of our differences in opinion or character. Even in
the body of Christ there’s no escaping differences, that’s why there is no
escaping conflict. It happens, as it does to any other group. But it doesn’t mean
that pursuing unity is impossible.
Though we have a lot of differences, in reality, we hold much in common
with our brothers and sisters in Christ.
 We are all sinners which can often make it difficult to live out our
calling to be unified.

 We also believe in the death and resurrection of Christ. We are all

brothers and sisters in the same family.

Conflicts inside the church have existed for thousands of years.

In 1 Corinthians 1:10 “I appeal to you, brothers and sister, in the name
of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree with one another in what
you say and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be
perfectly united in mind and thought.”
But why is it important?
Our lack of unity as Christians affects the world’s understanding of
the testimony about Jesus Christ. “One hope… One faith… One
baptism,” (Eph. 4:4-6)
When believers in the church body are divided, it communicates to
the world that the message of salvation in Jesus Christ is subject to

There is one body,” (Eph. 4:4) Imagine one head, but two
bodies. Counterproductive. When parts of the body refuse to follow the
revealed direction of the Head, the result is always catastrophic.

So how do we keep unity in the body?

Life would be boring if we all looked, thought, or behaved in the exact same
manner. Diversity can strengthen us, even when we view it as a problem.

“Just as our bodies have many parts and each part has a special function, so
it is with Christ’s body. We are many parts of one body, and we all belong to
each other” (Romans 12:4-5 NLT).

But sometimes it can be difficult to look beyond our differences. So what should
we do?
Look for Signs of Grace — Not Evidence of Sin or Weakness
Instead of hunting for sins in those with whom you disagree, search for
signs of grace. This may be difficult at first. In an increasingly negative
culture, we naturally seek out fault. If necessary, begin small. Recognize
and appreciate their positive qualities.
Be the First to Try for Reconciliation
Don't wait for somebody else to make peace.
Ephesians 4:5 encourages the church to not only continually
strive for unity, but be eager to do it. We should zealously pursue
this unity, seeking to bring peace within the body of Christ and
love each other well.
If we all took a passive approach to developing unity as Christians, we'd
never manage to gather as brothers and sisters in Christ.
Remember: You don't have to agree with others in order to accept them.
You may never arrive at a full understanding, but you can still appreciate
that, as humans, you and your 'adversary' hold quite a bit in common.

We can have unity without uniformity. We can walk hand in hand

together without seeing eye to eye. as a believer to commit to becoming an
agent of reconciliation in a world filled with conflict. Become a bridge
builder, not a wall builder. Look for ways to bring people together rather
than tear them up. If you are a follower of Jesus Christ, you have a ministry
of reconciliation.

Unity must be created intentionally in our culture. Our unity as believers —

even believers who disagree or share different characteristics — is a message to
the world declaring the goodness of God and the power of His Spirit. There is
strength in unity, not only for spreading the Gospel but for our own humility and
faith to grow. We love others better as a whole and make a bigger impact for the
Kingdom when we can move forward as one, unified in one cause, to serve
people in the name of God and glorify Him.

(Psalm 133:1)
How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in

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