Daily Progress Tracker

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Goals Distractions

To crack Gate 2019 Exam with marks between 90-100 Sensory divertions of all kinds
To crack UPSC CSE with a rank of under 50 Eye-Anything beautiful absolutely anything
To attain the highest possible levels in tantra, mantra and yoga, thus reaching upto 16 kalas Ears-Anything sweet
Tongue-Anything that gives temporary taste
These are the only 3 goals that you have in life, any divertion from these goals, or anything
which is creating any sort of hindrance should absolutely be discontinued Skin-Pleasurable Touch of any kind
Nose-All kinds of smells

Realize that a full fledged siddha is beyond

sense pleasure since it can never ever give
the kind of satisfaction that you have already
experienced while doing either Gunjaraan
Kriya, ChinChu Vat Kriya or say any mantra
that you have siddhi of, it is constant Maya
that tries to misdirects you, but know that you
have acquired the knowledge to tame Maya,
though it requires intense discipline

Ability to live in a disciplined way is only

possible by following your daily sadhana
religiously, there is no other way possible
27 December 2018 28 December 2018 12/30/2018 1/13/2019

Completing entire
Completing entire signals and control system today Completing
Completing atleast uptill section systems in one go before without sleeping in one Power
4 of signals & systems sleeping go Electronics

Network Theory
Engineering Mathematics
Signals & Systems
Control Systems
Power Electronics
Electrical Machines
Power Systems
Analog Electronics
Digital Electronics
Electromagnetic Theory
Daily Sadhana 27 December 2018 12/28/2018 12/30/2018
Know that if you want to succeed in absolutely anything in
life then the attitude should be like, either your body will fall,
your body will be destroyed maximum or you will attain the
required siddhis,there is no point in giving up, only tamsic
Atleast 20 times Gunjarann Kriya with atleast 12 Gunjrann in one cycle creations give up
2*108 Times Guru mantra jaap
2*108 Times super secretive mantra from Markandeya
Listening to Dhyaan mantra
Listening to Durlabh Upnishad daily atleast once
Doing ChinChu Vat Kriya after your body imbalances are over
No Pranic Release

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