B.2.2353. Article Review Garlic

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JCBPS; Section B; November 2016 – January 2017, Vol. 7, No. 1; 009-021.

E- ISSN: 2249 –1929

Journal of Chemical, Biological and Physical Sciences

An International Peer Review E-3 Journal of Sciences
Available online atwww.jcbsc.org
Section B: Biological Sciences

CODEN (USA): JCBPAT Review Article

Garlic (Allium Sativum): A Source of Multiple

Nutraceutical and Functional Components
Siham Ourouadi, Hamid Moumene, Naima Zaki, Abdel-Ali Boulli,
Aaziz Ouatmane, Aziz Hasib*

Laboratory of Environment and Valorisation of Agro ressouces, Faculty of Sciences and

Technology, University Sultan Moulay Slimane, Beni Mellal, Morocco, B.P.523.

Received: 05 October 2016; Revised: 27 October 2016; Accepted: 04 November 2016

Abstract: Garlic (Allium sativum Linnaeus) is widely used as an obligatory part

in many cooked dishes. It is one of the ancient plants playing one of the most
important dietary and medicinal roles in human beings for centuries. Many
studies have evaluated the compositions and therapeutic value of garlic. The
major physiological role of garlic are its antimicrobial, anticancer, antioxidant,
antidiabetic, cholesterol lowering, anti-inflammatory and its potential role in
preventing cardiovascular diseases. Data indicated that the main pharmacological
effects of garlic are attributed to its organosulphur compounds such as
thiosulfinates and related compounds formed enzymatically from odorless
precursors when the plants are cut or crushed. Because of their instability, the
profile of organosulfur compounds need be analyzed in the order to access the
quality of garlic. This article reviews the current knowledge regarding the
chemistry composition, physiological role of garlic and the methods using for
determination of thiosulfinates main compounds of garlic.
Keywords: Garlic, Allium sativum, physiological role, organo sulphur
compounds, thiosulfinates.

9 J. Chem. Bio. Phy. Sci. Sec. B, November 2016 – January 2017, Vol. 7, No. 1; 009-021.
Garlic … Hasib et al.


Garlic is a perennial plant of the Alliaceae related to onions, chives, shallots, and leeks 1. It is an
indigenous herb of Western Asia and Mediterranean where it has been cultivated for centuries.
The major garlic growing countries includes Korea, China, India, USA, Spain, Argentina, and
Egypt, among which China is by far the largest producer 2. It is mainly used as a food flavoring
agent and condiment in various foods and spices such as kimchi, mayonnaise, salad dressing,
spaghetti, pickles, etc 1. Like other plants, garlic has an exquisite defense system composed of as
many different components boosting human immune system. In order to protect itself from
insects and fungi, garlic enzymatically produces allicin when injured 3. It is one of the world’s
oldest medicines and has been used not only for flavoring but also as a medicinal herb for its
prophylactic and therapeutic properties. Garlic and garlic supplements are consumed in many
cultures on account of their beneficial effects 4. It has also been known as a medicinal plant
applied as a medication for lowering blood pressure, reduction of serum cholesterol and
triglycerides and inhibition of platelet formation 5. The bioactive components of garlic are mainly
responsible for the healing properties 6.Data indicates that in 2007 at least 15.7 million tonnes of
garlic was produced worldwide 7. China and India are the largest producers of garlic, collectively
accounting for 60% of the production area and 69% of the world yield 8. However, different
batches of garlic vary significantly in the strength of flavor, therefore the ‘garlic flavor’ needs to
be quantified before appropriate amounts of garlic can be added during industrial-scale food
preparation 7.


The garlic plant is made up of fleshy edible cloves that are encased in a white or pink, thin coat. It
has leaves, stem, and flowers located on the head that are also edible. It is easy to grow and can
be grown all year round. The leaves are long, narrow and flattened (Figure 1, 2). It is cultivated
in temperate and tropical climates. Garlic plant grows well in well-drained soil and requires a
cool and moist period during growth and a relatively dry period as it matures. It is propagated
using cloves obtained from the bulbs and is ready for harvest when the top turns yellowish or
brownish. It is best stored in well ventilated room. Several botanical varieties of garlic are
described in the literature, including A. sativum var. sativum L., which rarely or never flowers; A.
sativum var. ophioscorodon (Link) Doll (the varietal name meaning “serpent garlic”), which
regularly flowers; and A. sativum var. pekinense (Prokh.) Makino, which rarely flowers, like A.
sativum var. sativum, but has wider, leaves 8.

Figure 1: Garlic’s in the growth. Figure 2: All plant of garlic (root, leaves and bulbs)

10 J. Chem. Bio. Phy. Sci. Sec. B, November 2016 – January 2017, Vol. 7, No. 1; 009-021.
Garlic … Hasib et al.


Formerly classified in the lily (Liliaceae) family, garlic was at one time known as Allium
controversum, which hints at the problems classifying the herb. Most sources recognize one
major hardneck variety, A. sativum var. ophioscorodon, and one major softneck variety, A.
sativum var. sativum. One other little-known variety, A. sativum var. pekinense (Peking garlic)
also exists 9. It belongs to the genus Allium. Recent taxonomy revisions place garlic in the family
Alliaceae, which is made up of approximately 700 Species 2. A great number of species in this
genus are perennial plants with underground storage organs consisting of bulbs or rhizome 10. The
most common edible members include chives, (A.Schoenoprasum L.), leek (A.porrum L.), and
onion (A.Cepa L.) 2. It belongs to the species Sativum and has the scientific name Allium
Sativum L 2. Allium sativum is a diploid species (2n = 2x = 16) in the subgenus Allium of the
Alliaceae (formerly in the Liliaceae, and then the Amaryllidaceae). The other cultivated plants in
this subgenus are leek, usually tetraploid, or elephant garlic, usually hexaploid (both A.
Ampeloprasum L.). Leek and garlic have flat, folded leaves. Elephant garlic and garlic form a
bulb, but leek does not. Elephant garlic bulbs consist of 2 to 6 large cloves and several small
cloves, while garlic bulbs usually have more cloves of a relatively consistent size, especially for
bolting types. Bolting garlic, leek, and elephant garlic all have a solid scape, unlike the hollow
scape of the most economically important Allium, onion (A. cepa L.) 8.

Figure 3: Hardneck bulb (left), softneck bulb (right) and hardneck flower stalk (top) 9


Garlic comprises higher concentration of sulfur compounds which yield characteristic flavor and
taste and are also responsible for beneficial effects 11. The essential components of fresh garlic are
shown in the Table-1. Garlic cloves contain rather large amounts of vital minerals and trace
elements like calcium, phosphor, potassium, sodium, magnesium, aluminium, iron, copper,
manganese, chromium, molybdene, selenium, germanium and iodide 14. The concentrations of
other trace elements analyzed are shown in the Table-2. In addition to these, about 33 sulfur
compounds and 17 amino acids that include alanine, arginine, aspartic acid, asparagine, histidine,
leucine, methionine, phenylalanine, praline, serine, threonine, tryptophan, and valine have been
identified and isolated 15.One unique constituent group of allium plants is S Alk(en)yl– cysteine
sulfoxides(ACSOs) that are responsible for their typical odor and flavors 16.

11 J. Chem. Bio. Phy. Sci. Sec. B, November 2016 – January 2017, Vol. 7, No. 1; 009-021.
Garlic … Hasib et al.

These sulfoxides include S–Methyl–L–cysteine sulfoxide (Methiin), S–Allyl–L–cysteine

sulfoxide (Alliin), S–propyl–L–cysteine sulfoxides (propiin), S–propenyl–L–cysteine
sulfoxide(Isoalliin), S–Ethyl–L–cysteine sulfoxide (Ethiin) and S–n–Butyl–L–cysteine sulfoxide
(Butiin) 2. These compounds are shown in Figure 4.

Table-1: Chemical composition of fresh garlic g/100g 12-13

Components J.C.Favier S.W.Souci J.C.Favier S.W.Souci J.C.Favier S.W.Souci

Minerals (mg) Vitamines (mg)
(g) et al 12 et al 13 et al 12 et al 13 et al 12 et al 13
Water 63,7 64 Minerals 1,42 (g) C 30 14
Proteins 7 6,05 Na 17 B6 1,2
Starch 22,1 Mg 21 Folates 3
Fiber 3 P 134 136 edible proportion/waste 87 12
Glucides 24,5 28,41 K 446 Energy STD (kcal) 133 138
Sugar 2,4 Ca 38 38
Lipides 0,5 0,12 Fe 1,4 1,4

Allicin: Allicin is not present in the intact plant, but is formed upon crushing of garlic bulbs due
an enzymatic reaction between non-protein amino acid alliin, a precursor molecule and the
enzyme alliinase. These molecules are originally present in intact garlic but kept in distinct
compartments 17.


S-Allyl-L-cysteine-sulfoxide S-Propyl-L-cysteine sulfoxide
Aliin Propiin


S-Ethyl-L-cysteine sulfoxide
Ethiin S-n-Butyl-L-cysteine sulfoxide

S-Propenyl-L-cysteine sulfoxide S-Methyl-L-cysteine sulfoxide
Isoallin Methiin

Figure 4: Examples of sulfoxides that are present in allium vegetable. 2

12 J. Chem. Bio. Phy. Sci. Sec. B, November 2016 – January 2017, Vol. 7, No. 1; 009-021.
Garlic … Hasib et al.

Table-2: Trace elements of fresh garlic 14

Trace element Amount per 100 g fresh garlic

Sodium (Na) 8,0 mg ± 2%
Potassium (K) 373,0 mg ± 9 %
Calcium (Ca) 18,0 mg ± 3 %
Phosphorus (P) 64,0 ± 3 %
Iron (Fe) 2,2 mg ± 5 %
Magnesium (Mg) 8,0 mg ± 4%
Manganese (Mn) 1,3 mg ± 2 %
Zinc (Zn) 0,9 µg ± 5 %
Cobalt (Co) 0,9 µg ± 3 %
Selenium (Se) 77,1 µg ± 2 %
Fluorine (F) 22,0 µg ± 2 %
Iodine (I) 94 µg ± 4 %

Thiosulfinates: Within the garlic bulb, during storage, a part of the γ-glutamylcysteines convert
into the cysteine sulfoxides which are precursors of thiosulfinates (TS). Thiosulfinates are formed
during an enzymatic reaction catalysed by alliinase (alliinlyase, EC


Allylmethane-thiosulfinate propenethiosulfinate

Allyl-2-propenethiosulfinate Methyl-2-propenethiosulfinate

Methyltrans-1-propenethiosulfinate Allyltrans-1-propenethiosulfinate


Figure 5: Structure of thiosulfinates.

13 J. Chem. Bio. Phy. Sci. Sec. B, November 2016 – January 2017, Vol. 7, No. 1; 009-021.
Garlic … Hasib et al.

There are eight known dialk (en) ylthiosulfinates in crushed garlic: allyl-2-propenethiosulfinate
(allicin) is the most abundant (50–90% mol). The others are: allylmethane-TS (3–20% mol),
trans-1-propenyl-2-propene-TS (5–18% mol), methyl-2-propene-TS (1.5–8% mol), allyltrans-1-
propene-TS (1.5–2% mol), methylmethane-TS (1–2% mol), trans-1-propenylmethane-TS (1–2%
mol), methyl-trans-1-propene-TS (0.5% mol) 18 (Figure 5).
Organosulfur volatiles: Diallyldissulfide (DADS), diallyl sulfide (DAS), diallyltrisulfide (DTS)
and sulfurdioxide are formed by the decomposition of allicin. The major volatiles that are
identified from disrupted garlic and garlic essential oil are, DAS, DADS, DATS, methyl
allyldissulfide, methyl allyltrisulfidevinyldithiins and ajoenes. The major sulfide compounds of
garlic oil are DAS (5%), allylmethyl (37%), dimethyl (6%), mono-to-hexasulfides and a small
amount of allyl1-propenyl and methyl 1-propenyl di-tri-and tetrasulfides 6. These compounds are
shown in Figure 6.
Vinyldithiins: These are the thermal degradation products of allicin. It is formed by type of
mechanism involving diels alder dimerization of thioacrolein, which is obtained by the beta
elimination of allicin. The oil macerate of raw garlic is very rich source of 2-vinyl-4H-1,3dithiin6.



Figure 6: Structure of organosulfur volatiles compounds.

Alliin Allicin




Allylsulfi Ajoenes Vinyldithin

des s
Figure 7: Alliin is the substrate of the enzyme alliinase. Allicin, the product, quickly turns into
various groups of molecules according to the conditions and medium 19.

14 J. Chem. Bio. Phy. Sci. Sec. B, November 2016 – January 2017, Vol. 7, No. 1; 009-021.
Garlic … Hasib et al.

Ajoene: The structure comprise of E and Z isomers of 4, 5, 9-trithiadodeca-1-oxide and 6-11-

trienne-9-oxide. Another ajoene is E-4, 5, 9-tritiradeca-1, 7-diene-9 oxide which is an
organosulfur compound present in oil macerated extract of garlic 6.
Water soluble organosulfur compounds: The thiosulfinates formed during this reaction are
volatile and unstable: they quickly turn into a range of molecules depending on the conditions.
The main cysteine derivative in garlic is alliin, or S-allyl cysteine sulfoxide. Its reaction with
alliinase and the transformation of the resulting thiosulfinate, allicin, are described in Figure 7 19.


In recent years, natural plant products are gaining popularity in preventing various diseases.
Garlic is one of the most extensively researched products for investigating its beneficial effects.
Potential health benefits of allium vegetables, in particular garlic (Allium sativum) has its origin
in antiquity. It has acquired a reputation as a formidable prophylactic and therapeutic medicinal
agent in the folklore of many cultures, over the centuries. The bioactive components of garlic are
mainly responsible for the healing properties 6. Main pharmacological effects of garlic are
attributed to its organosulphur compounds, and allicin is the chief biologically active component
of garlic 17.
Antioxidant: Several researches reported that garlic showed antioxidant properties. Therefore, S-
Allyl cysteine (SACS) showed an antioxidant activity 19. This compounds was also used for
treatment of alloxan diabetics rats 20. Alliin has been reported to have antioxidative activity also
. Another study investigated antioxidant properties of garlic compounds representing the four
main chemical classes, alliin, allyl cysteine, allyl disulfide, and allicin and indicated that those
compounds exhibited different patterns of antioxidant activities as protective compounds against
free radical damage 23.
Anticancer: Subsequent studies have shown other activities of garlic; diallyl sulfide, a flavor of
garlic, inhibits dimethylhydrazine-induced colon cancer 24. In addition, garlic is potentially an
effective therapy of bladder cancer 25. A number of studies have demonstrated the
chemopreventive activity of garlic due to the presence of organosulfur compounds in garlic. In
addition, some organosulfur compounds derived from garlic, including S-allylcysteine, have been
found to retard the growth of chemically induced and transplantable tumors in several animal
models 26.
Cholesterol lowering: Garlic has also a characteristic to inhibit cholesterol 27-28. Of the lipid-
soluble compounds, diallyl disulfide (DADS), diallyltrisulfide (DATS), and dipropyl disulfide
(DPDS) depressed cholesterol synthesis by 10 to 25% at low concentrations 28. In the recent
study, the combination of garlic and tea resulted in significant reductions of total-LDL- and HDL-
cholesterol 29.
Antimicrobial: Garlic is regarded as a natural antibiotic, effective against a wide number of
microorganisms. Allicin in its pure form was found to exhibit antibacterial activity against a wide
range of gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, including multidrug-resistant
enterotoxicogenic stains of Escherichia coli, antifungal activity, particularly against Candida
albicans, antiparasitic activity, including some major human intestinal protozoan parasites such as

15 J. Chem. Bio. Phy. Sci. Sec. B, November 2016 – January 2017, Vol. 7, No. 1; 009-021.
Garlic … Hasib et al.

Entamoeba histolytica and Giardia lambia, and antiviral activity 30. In mixed culture studies of
Lactobacillus acidophilus and Escherichia coli, garlic prevented the establishment of E. coli,
although the final outcome of competition was not affected 31. The antibacterial effect of aqueous
garlic extract (AGE) was investigated against Helicobacter pylori 32. The combination of garlic
and omeprazole appeared a synergic effect against Helicobacter pylori 33.
Antidiabetic: Several studies have shown the hypoglycemic effect of garlic, it was suggested that
garlic reduces lipid synthesis 34-35. Furthermore, S-allyl cysteine sulphoxide (SACS), a sulphur
containing amino acid of garlic which is the precursor of allicin and garlic oil, has been found to
show significant antidiabetic effects in alloxan diabetic rats 36. The combination of garlic with
typical antidiabetic remedy has shown to improve glycemic control in addition to
antihyperlipidemic activity, and garlic may be a good addition in the management of patients with
diabetes and hyperlipidemia 37. Moreover, S-allyl cysteine SAC may be considered as an effective
therapeutic agent for the treatment of diabetes mellitus 38. Garlic alcoholic extract decreased
serum glucose, triglycerides, cholesterol, urea, uric acid, AST and ALT, while increased serum
insulin levels in treated diabetic rats as compared with control diabetic rats 35.
Anti-inflammatory: By inhibiting Th1 (cell-mediated T-hepler 1) and inflammatory cytokines
while up regulating IL-10 production, treatment with garlic extract may hepl to resolve
inflammation associated with IBD (inflammatory bowel disease) 39. Recently, four anti-
inflammatory sulfur-containing compounds from garlic were identified and their chemical
structures were identified also as Z- and E-ajoene and oxidized sulfonyl derivatives of ajoene 40.
Other data indicated that garlic treatment significantly attenuated inflammation and injury of the
liver induced by E.papillata infections 41.


The proportions of all thiosulfinates are variable and depend on cultivation and storage 42. In
order to assess the quality of a garlic product accurately, the profile of sulphur compounds need
to be analyzed. Hence, various methods have been developed for quantitation of allicin and
thiosulfinates in general. Most of these methods include gas chromatography, HPLC procedures
and spectrophotometrie method.
Gas chromatography: Gas chromatography (GC) involves the separation of components of
vaporized sample as a result of partitioning between a gaseous mobile phase (called carrier gas)
and a liquid or solid stationary phase. The liquid stationary phase is a non-volatile liquid bonded
to the inside of the column or to a fine solid support. The solid stationary phase is used in gas-
solid adsorption chromatography in which the analyte is adsorbed directly on solid particles of
stationary phase. The essential elements of gas chromatography include a regulated supply of
carrier gas, a device for vaporizing the sample (injector), a thermostatted oven in which the
column is housed, a detector, and a data processor 2. Gas chromatography and gas
chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS) have been widely used in the characterization of
allium volatiles. Gas chromatography determination (GC-FPD) of alliin in garlic and garlic
products was first elaborated by Saito et al. in 1989. Their method involved derivatizing alliin
with trifluoroacetic acid anhydride (TFAA) followed by GC analysis using a short packed
column. Saito and his co-worker found out that the trifluoroacetic derivative was unstable and

16 J. Chem. Bio. Phy. Sci. Sec. B, November 2016 – January 2017, Vol. 7, No. 1; 009-021.
Garlic … Hasib et al.

consequently decomposed after it was exposed to sunlight for 15 minutes. This was thus, a major
limitation of their method. Another limitation that was also reported was poor column resolution
that renders the method unsuitable for routine work 2. Moreover, it has been claimed that the
identification of the compounds primarily responsible for the characteristic flavor of freshly cut
Allium spp. is impossible by traditional GC, because of thermal decomposition or artifact
formation, and that on-column cold injection was needed 43.
High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC): High performance liquid chromatography
has been used widely in analysis of diverse varieties of samples since. Therefore, the
development of methods for determination of OSCs in garlic is apparently great importance for
evaluating the biological quality of garlic and garlic products. It has been previously reported that
these bioactive OSCs in garlic were analyzed using high performance liquid chromatography
(HPLC) 44. A suitable HPLC method was proposed for the quantification of alkyl thiosulfinate in
garlic as well as in other Liliaceae. 45. The HPLC method coupled with MS detector was applied
to determine the true Allium odours in garlic. The analysis show only thiopropanal S-oxide,
thiosulfinates and related compounds (zwiebelanes, cepaenes) in minor quantities and no
disulphides or other rearrangement products 46. In the other hand, liquid chromatography coupled
with atmospheric pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometric was used to determine the
organosulfur compounds in ramp (Allium tricoccum) homogenates, and it was revealed that the
thiosulfinates were major components in extracts of onion juice and the amount of allicin in ramp
bulb homogenates ranged from approximately 10% to 50% of that found in extracts of aqueous
garlic homogenates 47. Moreover, another method based on using HPLC-UV and HPLC-ED with
post-column photochemical reactor was proposed for determination of allicin. This method
allowed to extend the selectivity and sensitivity of electrochemical detection to the analysis of
this molecule. Using a post-column photochemical reactor has the advantage of avoiding the loss
of time 48. A few years later, HPLC method was used, to determine four sulfoxides and three γ-
glutamyl peptides in garlic. Alliin, isoalliin, methiin, cycloalliin, and ç-L-glutamyl S-methyl-L-
cysteine were determined by normalphase HPLC using an aminopropyl-bonded column. ç-L-
Glutamyl-S-(2-propenyl)-L-cysteine and ç-Lglutamyl-S-(trans-1-propenyl)-L-cysteine were
separated on an octadecylsilane column 49. Recently, HPLC coupled with UV detection was
carried out for determination of bioactive sulfur compounds in garlic bulbs. In conclusion, 8
OSCs and allicin in garlic bulbs were successfully analyzed by liquid chromatography with UV
detection on a Hypurity Elite C18 column and silica gel column, respectively, with linear gradient
mobile phase conditions 50. The table-3 summaries the conditions used for HPLC method.
Spectrophotometric method: Low resolution and the necessity of using external standards limit
the applicability of GC and HPLC methods 18. Aside these methods, the first method were
developed for analysis of volatiles of onions and garlic based on a rapid spectrophotometric
determination 2. The proposed method enables determining the total concentration of
thiosulfinates, not only of allicin and it has the advantage of not requiring an allicin standard for
quantitative determination of allicin or total thiosulfinates. Two kinds of compounds may be
applied: directly or indirectly allowing to determine thiosulfinates content in a UV-Vis range. The
first group includes thiols (compounds with sulphydryl groups -SH), e.g. NTB and 4-MP. These
compounds react with a disulfide bond of thiosulfinates 51-52.

17 J. Chem. Bio. Phy. Sci. Sec. B, November 2016 – January 2017, Vol. 7, No. 1; 009-021.
Garlic … Hasib et al.

Table-3: Table summarizing the conditions used for HPLC method.

HPLC Dimension Flow injection Wave Mobile phase Internal Reference

column of column rate volume length standard

HPLC Chromsep 5 μm, 250 × 1.8 10 μL 254 nm n-hexane (A), Benzyl M. Yoo
system with 4.6 mm mL/min and 2-propanol alcohol et al. 50
UV-2075 (B)
plus detector

Si- HPLC Rainin 5 μm, 250 1.8 254 nm 2-propano/ Benzyl E. Block
analyses Microsorb mm x 4.6 mL/min hexane alcohol et al. 45
columns mm with a 1.6
silica gel 15 mm x 4.6 mL/min
mm guard

Reversed column, 5 μm, 150 0.8 10 μL 205 nm 50 mM M.

Column Symmetry mm x 3.9 mL/min phosphate buffer Ichikawa
HPLC C18 mm (pH 2.6) et al. 49
(85:15, v/v)

LC-MS YMC 250x2,0 H2O/MeCN E.M.

J'sphere mm, S-4 Calvey
ODS-M79 μm, 80 A et al. 47

HPLC C18 150mm×4.6 0.5 254 nm MeOH:H2O P.

column mm i.d. ml/min Bocchini
5μm particle et al. 48

For indirect spectrophotometric determination, disulfide acid compound 5, 5’-dithiobis (2-

nitrobenzoic acid) (DTNB) was used and this assay is based on the reaction of thiosulfinate with
excess of cysteine. The residue of cysteine reacts with the disulfide acid. As a result of the
reaction, a colored compound absorbing in the UV-Vis range is formed. This method is based on
the fact that one molecule of thiosulfinate reacts with two molecules of cysteine to form two
molecules of S-alkenyl or S-alkylmercaptocysteine. The drop of cysteine content is measured
spectrophotometrically at 412 nm in the form of 2-nitro-5-thiobenzoic acid obtained in a reaction
with DTNB. Residual concentration of cysteine was determined also by the reaction with DTDP,
followed by the measurement of 2-mercaptopyridine concentration at 343 nm 53. In 2012, a study
was conducted to compare all these methods based on the employ of chromogenic thiol for
quantitative thiosulfinates determination in fresh garlic extracts and supplements. On the basis of
the research, the authors postulated that almost every chromogenic thiol is applicable, and it is
only necessary to record the thiol UV-Vis spectrum. Knowing its λ max it is possible to monitor
the course of its reaction with thiosulfinates and to determine the rate constant of the reaction 18.
Spectrophotometrie method enables determining the total concentration of thiosulfinates, not only

18 J. Chem. Bio. Phy. Sci. Sec. B, November 2016 – January 2017, Vol. 7, No. 1; 009-021.
Garlic … Hasib et al.

of allicin. The proposed method is best suited for the determination of medicinal properties of
given garlic supplement 53.


As shown previously, numerous studies revealed that garlic has many health benefits and its
medical properties are mainly attributed to organosulfur compounds which are formed by
enzymatic, chemical and thermal transformations of S-allyl-L-cysteine during crushing, drying or
processing the bulb. Various methods have been developed for quantitation of allicin and
thiosulfinates in general. Most of these methods include gas chromatography, HPLC procedures
and spectrophotometrie method. The comparison of these methods will allow us to take the
easiest and most convenient way to determine the quality of garlic during storage.


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*Corresponding author: Aziz Hasib;

Laboratory of Environment and Valorisation of Agro ressouces, Faculty of Sciences and

Technology, University Sultan Moulay Slimane, Beni Mellal, Morocco, B.P.523.

21 J. Chem. Bio. Phy. Sci. Sec. B, November 2016 – January 2017, Vol. 7, No. 1; 009-021.

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