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YAP, Clint Mczeb S.

Seat No: 37

1) Using arrows (↑) or (↓), complete the table below that summarize the changes
observed in respiratory & metabolic acidosis & alkalosis.

Condition pH pCO2 [HCO3]

Respiratory Acidosis ↓ ↑ ↑
Respiratory Alkalosis ↑ ↓ ↓
Metabolic Acidosis ↓ ↓ ↓
Metabolic Alkalosis ↑ ↑ ↑

2) Hyperventilation is observed in what two conditions? What treatment goes w/

which condition? Why?
Hyperventilation could be observed in conditions namely respiratory alkalosis
and metabolic acidosis. In times of respiratory alkalosis, paper bag is used in
order to rebreathe the CO2 that was exhaled by the person or the patient so that
the blood carbon dioxide level could go back to normal. Moreover, for metabolic
acidosis, the addition of base to counter high level of acids could help. Like the
Intravenous (IV) treatment with sodium bicarbonate.

3) In which condition is hypoventilation part of the problem rather than a cure?

Hypoventilation occurs when the ventilation in the lungs is insufficient to perform
the required gas exchange. It could cause a decrease of carbon dioxide in the
blood. This could make a patient feel dizziness, rapid heartbeat or even shortage
in breathing.
4) In which condition is hypoventilation the body’s way of helping itself? Explain.
During metabolic alkalosis, hypoventilation help the body in coping up with the
increase of pCO2 and HCO3-
5) In respiratory & metabolic acidosis, in what way are these two conditions the
same? In what way are they different?
Respiratory acidosis occurs when the lungs fail to discharge excess carbon
dioxide in the bloodstream during respiration while metabolic acidosis occurs
when the digestive and urinary system fail to breakdown and maintain the
sufficient level of acid in the blood. Both acidosis may cause a decrease in the
level of pH of the bloodstream.
6) Explain the ff. situations:
a) hyperventilation in hysterics causes alkalosis
Alkalosis may be caused by a decrease in carbon dioxide level in the blood
by a rapid intake of oxygen which results to high alkalinity of the blood and
high level of pH.
b) emphysema leads to acidosis
Emphysema cause breathing shortage due to over inflation of the alveoli.
With this, acidosis happens when the excess carbon dioxide shifts to
equilibrium that favors forward reaction.
c) prolonged vomiting leads to alkalosis
Vomiting could cause alkalosis by losing gastric secretions which has
hydrochloric acid. It causes loss of unbuffered hydrogens. A rise in pH and
HCO3- caused by the reduction of hydrogen ion results to alkalosis.
d) uncontrolled diarrhea can cause acidosis
Uncontrolled diarrhea may cause bicarbonate to deplete and lower the level
of pH in the blood that may result to acidosis.

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