Generation Ship

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Aaron Griffin
G eneration S hip
C redits
Written by Aaron Griffin
Based on Legacy: Life Among the Ruins 2nd Edition by James Iles and
Douglas Santana Mota
Edited by Rebecca Curran
Art by Tithi Luadthong
Line Development and Layout by James Iles
Special Thanks to my home playtesters - Ken Hausmann, David Klein,
Josh Mills, and Craig Wolf.

April 2018
A UFO Press Publication.
Twitter: @ufopressrpg
© 2018 UFO Press Limited. All rights reserved
Published in partnership with Modiphius Entertainment.
Printed by CPI Antony Rowe, UK
Modiphius Entertainment Product Number: MUH051337
ISBN: 978-1-912200-69-6
Inspired by the Apocalypse World system by Vincent and Meguey Baker.
This book was produced using Adobe Creative Cloud.
Typefaces: Body in Raleway, Headings in Marvin Visions.
The Modiphius logo is copyright Modiphius Entertainment Ltd. 2018.


Generation Ship is a supplement to
Legacy: Life Among the Ruins 2nd
Edition. You can pick up its basic rules at
or pick up the full rulebook, including
examples of play, GM advice and 24
post-apocalyptic playbooks at
C hapter 1: R eady to L aunch  5
Playing The Game 7
Getting Started 8

C hapter 2: G ame M echanics  11

Family Moves 12
Character Moves 14
Story Moves 17

C hapter 3: P laybooks  23
The Alliance of Agronomists 24
Keepers of the Long Sleep 28
The Maintenance Collective 32
The Enforcers of Harmony 36
The Throng of Pleasure 40
The Puppeteers of Trade 44
The Advisor 48
The Diplomat 50
The Echo 52
The Learned 54
The Scrounge 56
The Sleeper 58
The Soldier 60
The Touched 62

C hapter 4: S hip S ystems  65

Fortunes and Trials 67

C hapter 5: R unning the G ame  73

Questions to Ask 74
The Systems 74
Running the City 74
Exploring Sectors 75
Example Threats 75


“Yo, your grammy says the craziest things.”

“No she don’t! She was there, back on Earth! She remembers!”
“Nuh uh, Earth ain’t even real, it’s just a thing the old folks use to scare us.
You think her stories about us runnin’ from our doom is real? Get shivved.”
“It is real. Grammy says it was a planet what couldn’t support us no more
and we was all supposed to be asleep while the ship was travelin’, but we
all woke up and now we gotta deal with that…”
“My dad says this is hell.”
“My dad. Says we were all bad folk in life and we died and here we are. We
have to deal with all this. You think some a bunch of smart folk built this
ship and sent us out into the universe with not enough food, not enough
space, not enough ANYTHING for hundreds and hundreds of years on
purpose? No. This is hell.”
“Grammy says it was an accident. We weren’t supposed to be awake and
it’s why there weren’t enough supplies. Weren’t made for people awake.”
“Your grammy’s crazy…”
Welcome to the generation ship: a But humanity adapts, and at some
massive spaceship created to hold point the insurmountable problems
hundreds of thousands in stasis as were, for lack of a better word,
it hurtled into the stars. This ship surmounted.
was never meant to support life -
Now those survivors cluster
the passengers would awaken at
together in a large section of the
the end of the journey when they
ship they call “the city”. Here they
reached planetfall. The ship would
have carved out living quarters
work to aid humanity in reaching
- removing decking and walls,
the planet’s surface, and then
pushing aside active stasis pods
would be cannibalized for materials
and cannibalizing inactive ones,
to build the new civilization.
There’s a sort of harmony there,
At least, that was the plan. or maybe just a mutual apathy.
Most people get enough of what
Somewhere in the middle of the
they need to survive, but few have
journey, there was an Awakening,
anything like wealth or luxury.
Nearly a third of the population
in stasis were wrenched back to It has been generations since most
consciousness, and more simply have had to fight to survive, and
died in their pods. In the first some have started to look toward
few weeks, one in five died from improving their position. Rumours
starvation, violence, lack of medical circulate that out there in the ship
care, and worse fates. For years are systems - terminals, sensors,
the survivors fought tooth and and controls - that can give
claw to simply exist on this cold, humanity information about their
inhospitable ship. lot aboard the ship, improve their

>Ready to Launch  

outlook, and maybe, just maybe, of the ship. Afterwards, players

help them make planetfall. Or, are free to Zoom In to a specific
at the very least, power over the scene or to Zoom Out to what the
others on the ship... Families are doing. The decision to
zoom in or out should be put to the
Playing The Game whole group.
The players take on the roles of Each Age the players will seek
Families and Family members of out one of five major systems
the third or fourth generation after of the ship: Central Control, the
The Awakening: those finally secure Astrogation Arrays, Life Support,
enough in their living situations the Reactor Core, and the
to seek out ways to improve their Dropships. Only one Family will
lives. The players will explore, be able to control each system,
restore lost systems, and work and that system will give them
toward a successful planetfall. authority over parts of the ship. It is
Even once that impossible goal is intentionally one sided, forcing the
reached, what society will remain players to decide if their Families
to found a colony? And how much will fight against those in control, or
of the ship will remain to support ally with them. Will what remains of
their new life? humanity come together, or be torn
This is our metaplot - an intentional apart by their divisions?
story arc that you’ll follow through
When a new system is found,
to its conclusion. It doesn’t mean
and control of it is determined, it
anything is set in stone - quite
will cause a series of Trials and
the contrary! The players are who
Fortunes for those on the ship.
decide the story, but there are
When they are resolved to the
limits, and this story does have a
players’ liking, we will end the Age
direction. Playing this game means
and move on to the next.
agreeing to follow this direction -
making decisions and working to When all systems are discovered,
understand what has happened the final Age begins - the Age of
to the ship, and what needs to Planetfall, where we determine the
be done to ensure a successful final destination of the ship, and
planetfall. what happens to the remains of
humanity. While we use the term
P hases of P lay “planetfall” a multitude of non-
The game is played at two levels: planetary endings are possible:
Zoomed Out, where big changes planetfall is what you aim for, but
happen and Families act as a that aim may not be true.
group; and Zoomed In, where
smaller, more focused actions
happen and Characters take the
There are many pieces of media
that relate to this game’s themes
The Story Moves help accomplish and topics. Here’s a few I enjoy:
this. Each Age will begin with a Call Battlestar Galactica, The Martian,
to Order when all Families come Star Trek: Voyager, Event Horizon,
together to discuss the status Pandorum, Stargate Universe.

Getting Started
Generation Ship requires 3-6 The Enforcers of Harmony: Those
players, one of whom will be the who keep the law - their law, at
GM. Each other player chooses a least.
Family playbook representing the
The Throng of Pleasure: Who
group of people they control on the
serve the baser needs of those on
ship, and a Character playbook for
the ship.
the character they will play during
the current Age. The Puppeteers of Trade: Who use
scarcity to their own advantage.
When playing the game, it’s
everyone’s duty to listen to Then choose for your Family
each other. When your Family or Traditions that describe how the
Character is not front and centre, members look and act, a Doctrine
make sure to listen to what others that describes the Family’s mission
are doing, ask questions, and and goal, and Assets they have
encourage them when they do access to.
and say things you find interesting.
Next up, we decide on the Family’s
When you play a game like this,
situation on the ship itself - the
you’re not only a performer, but
Living Space where their Family
also the target audience of the
scenes take place, a third party
performance. Be a good audience
Relation they work closely with, and
a looming Threat that affects them.
These define the initial Surpluses
C reating Y our F amily and Needs for your Family.
First choose a Family playbook -
each Family can only be played by At this point, everyone introduces
one player. You begin with a set of their Family to the table, including
Stats, and a description of what that the choices they’ve made so far.
statline means. This is an important Everyone, including the GM, should
part of this choice, as this is the first ask questions and point out things
statement you get to make about they think are interesting. When
the world of the ship. this is complete, it’s time to discuss
Treaty: the relationships each
Generation Ship has 6 Family player’s Family has with each other.
playbooks to choose from: Work with the other players to
The Alliance of Agronomists: make this initial setup interesting.
Providers of food and nutrition for Finally, choose Moves for your
the ship. Family. Most Families get one Move
Keepers of the Long Sleep: Those that really defines their role on the
who have turned to religion to get ship, then you choose additional
through these trials. Moves that help define how the
Family acts as a whole.
The Maintenance Collective:
Robots, androids, or other ship
borne functionaries.

>Ready to Launch  

C reating Y our C haracter The Sleeper: someone newly

Choose a Character playbook: an awoken from stasis. They aren’t
important member of your Family part of the world that has grown on
that will be your main character this the ship, and have fresh memories
Age. of life before stasis and insight
into the ship and its technology.
Generation Ship has 8 different Play a Sleeper if you want to be a
character types to pick from: mysterious outsider with abilities and
The Advisor: a tutor, a coach, a knowledge unseen for generations.
mentor - the epitome of the old The Soldier: Adept at fighting
saying “those who can’t do, teach”. and use of force, the Soldier may
The Advisor’s strength lies in protect others or may simply look
making other people better, and out for themselves. Play a Soldier
getting other people to do things if you want violence and force to be
for them. Play an Advisor if you want your main tools for problem solving.
to help others show their strengths. Or if you just like guns.
The Diplomat: focused on bringing The Touched: when you’ve spent
people together, adept at working so long looking into the black of
crowds and getting common folk space, it affects you in strange
on their side. Much like the Advisor, ways. Maybe it’s some delirium
they act using others as their shield that happens in space. Maybe it’s
and sword. Play a Diplomat if you more. Play a Touched if you want
want to forge alliances, heal old to be weird and on the edge of
wounds, or make them worse. supernatural.
The Echo: a jumble of real Making a character works much
memories and digital data, existing like making a family - begin by
in the digital landscape of the ship. choosing your Stats and your Look.
Maybe their body is in stasis, maybe
they’re dead, maybe they never Next, choose your Role in the
lived. Play an Echo if you wish to be Family. Look over your playbook’s
weird and somewhat supernatural, possible Drives, and mark one
and search for your own identity. you’ve just fulfilled and use it to
explain your starting Role.
The Learned: a scholar who has
dedicated their lives to learning the Your Character’s Backstory is next -
theoretical and the practical . Play use the listed options to determine
a Learned if you like using superior how the main characters are all
knowledge to overcome tasks, and related. This gives you reasons
like showing how much smarter you to seek each other out in play,
are than others. reasons to ally and conflict with
The Scrounge: part tinkerer, part each other, even if your Families do
explorer. They revel in discovering not.
and toying with the technology the Last, choose your character’s
ship provides. Play a Scrounge if you Moves that give them certain
like technological devices and items, unique abilities in play.
and want to break them apart and
bend them to your will.


Generation Ship is an alternate setting that builds on the basic framework

of Legacy: Life Among the Ruins 2nd Edition. As such, much of the basic
moves remain, while others have been adjusted to fit Generation Ship’s
intended stories.

Family Moves
C ore F amily M oves
When your Family must resist When you call on your Family’s
hardship, temptation or infighting, allies, say what you want from
roll +Mood. On a hit you mostly them and roll +Reach:
remain OK, pick 1: ›› A meeting with one of their VIPs.
›› You lose people to harm and/or ›› Access to a tightly-guarded location
desertion. Get Need: recruits. or item.
›› Another Family or Faction came ›› Information on an opportunity or
through to help you. Give them 1 threat.
Treaty on you.
On a hit, you get what you wanted
›› The danger hasn’t passed so much
as shifted into something more and 1 Data. On a 7-9, your agents
manageable. Say what it is. had to get help from one of your
allies. Say who, and give them
On a 10+ the trial brings you 1-Treaty.
together. Gain Surplus: Morale in
addition to the other results. SUBTERFUGE
When your Family infiltrates other
CLAIM BY FORCE factions, roll +Sleight. On a hit,
When you direct your Family to choose 1 thing your agents achieve:
seize or maintain control of a
resource, roll +Grasp. On a hit it’s ›› They make a resource appear more or
less desirable.
theirs, but not without cost. On a
7-9 choose 2; on a 10+, choose 1: ›› They cause a scandal within a Family/
Faction’s organisation.
›› You must commit to it. Tie a surpluses ›› They hide your involvement in an
to the resource: if you lose the action; you can frame someone else if
resource, you lose the surplus and you wish.
vice versa.
›› They sabotage an asset, making it fail
›› There is a cost to your victory. Your at the worst moment.
family gets a need of the GM’s choice.
›› You hurt somebody; the GM will say On a 7-9 the GM names a clue you
who, and they take 2-Treaty on you. leave behind, or a family or faction
that sees through the deception.

>Game Mechanics  

T ech and D ata M oves S urplus and N eed M oves

When you make use of the ship’s When your family claims or creates
technology to aid your Family’s a significant resource in the fiction,
actions, say how and spend a point add it as a surplus.
of Tech to give a roll Advantage.
CONTRIBUTE TO RESEARCH When your family uses their
At the beginning of session, you resources to confront a crisis, erase
may set aside Surpluses to be used an appropriate surplus and mitigate
for research this session. Gain 1 or resolve the problem.
Data for each Surplus you set aside.
It cannot be used for any other use FLUSH WITH RESOURCES
or benefit until the end of session. If Mood would hit +4, erase a
Surplus and pick 1:
REVEAL RESEARCH ›› Sell off the excess Surplus for 1 Tech.
When you reveal a discovery your
›› Send gifts to your allies, gaining
Family has made, spend 1 Data and advantage with Reach until the next
say one thing they found: Age.
›› An untapped resource in the ›› Bond with a great celebration, gaining
unexplored regions of the ship. advantage with Grasp until the next
›› A secret regarding a Faction. Age.
›› A threat pointed right at another ›› Finance a network of informants,
Family. gaining advantage with Sleight until
the next Age.
›› A problem caused by another Family.
›› Invest in better equipment. Get a new
Contribute to Research lets you gear option.
convert Surpluses into Data by
taking the Surplus off the table FALL INTO CRISIS
for a session. You’re unable If Mood would hit -4, erase a Need
to use the set aside Surplus and pick 1:
for any reason until the next ›› Someone takes advantage of
session, so choose wisely. The your weakness: lose territory or an
Data can be used right away to important alliance.
help Characters, or the Family ›› Your family falls into infighting: get
may Reveal Research to add disadvantage with Grasp until the
new facts to the game. This is dispute is resolved.
particularly useful if you want ›› Your family retreats into solitude to
to spur the other Families into work through its issues, giving you
motion. Reveal Research is disadvantage with Reach until they
your primary mode of affecting are convinced out of isolation.
the game’s story: as more ship ›› Your family loses discipline and
systems are activated, its impact your contacts smell weakness. Get
will only grow. disadvantage with Sleight until you
make a display of might and drive.
›› Your old tools fail you. Lose an asset


When the perils looming over your
Character Moves
family threaten to come to pass, C ore M oves
roll +Needs. On a 10+ pick a Need.
On a 13+, the GM picks one too. For
When you de-escalate a tense
each Need, select another player
situation with:
to choose what crisis it creates for
your family: ›› Intimidation or physical exertion, roll
›› A family member’s in trouble.
Someone’s ransoming them, or ›› Fast talking or misdirection, roll +Sway.
they’re stranded in the wasteland, or ›› Endurance or quick action, roll +Steel.
they’re at death’s door. ›› Improvised technology or
›› A family asks for aid you can’t easily remembered information, roll +Lore.
give. Refuse and lose 3-Treaty on
On a 7-9, you’ve bought some time,
them, or get involved despite your
limited resources. but choose one:
›› Something snuck under your radar. ›› There’s a cost to securing safety.
The player picks an option from ›› The danger will soon return.
Uncover Secrets as the first sign of ›› The danger’s still present but
danger, adding it to the map. threatening someone or something
›› Your resources run dry. You can’t get else.
gear from one category this session.
On a 10+ the situation is safe unless
Either the other player or the group
changed significantly.
then fleshes out the details.
When you use violence or force
CALL IN A DEBT to hurt, capture, or drive off your
When you call on an obligation enemies, roll +Force. On a hit, you
another Family has to you, spend 1 do it, dealing harm as appropriate.
Treaty and choose one: On a 10+, you choose 2 and the GM
›› Gain +2 on a move that targets them. chooses 1; on a 7-9, you choose 1
›› Take a Surplus from them. and the GM chooses 2:
›› Get them to back you up, fall into
Character list:
indecision, or protect something
›› You take something valuable from
Player Families can resist by ›› Your avoid further problems.
spending 1-Treaty on you, or ›› You frighten, intimidate, or impress
Holding Together if they have none. them.


›› There is collateral damage.
When your Family throws its
weight behind another, roll +Treaty ›› It danger shifts or the situation
with them. On a hit you give that escalates.
Family fleeting Advantage. On a ›› You suffer Harm during the exchange.
7-9 your Family is exposed to any
danger, retribution or unforeseen
consequences of their move.

>Game Mechanics  


When you ask someone to work When you head to an unexplored
with you, roll +Sway. On a hit they’ll destination in the dark spaces
do it if you meet their terms. On of the ship, roll +Steel. On a hit,
7-9 their player picks two and both the group gains 1-hold. On a 7-9
must be met, on 10+ they pick one: choose two; on a 10+, choose two
and gain an additional hold, or
They’ll only do it if:
choose one:
…a third party vouches for you.
…they can change specific parts of ›› You’re exposed to danger en route.
the task. ›› You’re lost and can’t easily find the
…they can back out as soon as it way back.
costs them. ›› It takes longer than expected.
…you reduce the threat you pose to Any group member may spend
them. 3-hold to reach the intended
…you give them something now destination, or 2-hold to find a safe
that’s worth it. place to hole up. If you are lost, you
…you reveal your full agenda here. must spend 1-hold to find your way
…their faction gets 1 Treaty on you. back.

UNLEASH POWER Into the Dark is a homage to

When you activate a device or Jason Cordova’s labyrinth
piece of ship technology, say what navigation move. The move will
you expect it to do based on the be rolled a number of times
clues and description provided, to navigate through the ship,
then roll +Lore. On a 10+, choose with group hold determining
two; on a 7-9, choose one: how long it takes to get where
they’re going. The hold is meant
›› It works exactly as you expected. to pace exploration of the dark
›› It can be used again. parts of the ship, but the GM
›› There are no unintended side effects. is welcome to advance this
When you return a usable device by presenting the intended
or piece of ship technology your destination early, perhaps with
Family, they gain +1 Tech. some sort of costs.
Anything that looks like
functional technology can be
used or operated using this
move. Likewise, anything that
you can salvage and bring home
can gain your Family Tech. It
should be relatively easy to gain
Tech in this manner, but bear
in mind that you’re effectively
disassembling a functional part
of the ship.


P eripheral C haracter M oves

After failing to roll as well as you’d When you go to an acquaintance
like, say what another character for something you need, say who
nearby can do to boost your efforts. you’re going to and roll +Sway. On a
If the group agrees, the helper hit, you’re able to meet with them,
says how they do it and rolls an but choose one:
appropriate stat. If the helper has ›› They’re tied up in their own issues
relevant Backstory with you, they that will need to be addressed first.
take Advantage on the roll. ›› They’ll need payment of some kind
If they hit, you increase your result before they’ll help you.
by one category: 6- becomes ›› They’re already neck deep in it.
7-9, 7-9 becomes 10+. On a 7-9, On a 10+, also choose one:
they also share in your move’s ›› They have an opportunity for you.
consequences. If they fail, your ›› You’ll get the jump on any problem
result drops to a 6- and they share that comes up.
in the consequences. ›› They know a secret that can aid you.
REDISCOVER Hit the Streets points the game
When you uncover something in or inward toward the civilized
about the depths of the ship, roll areas of the ship. Consider it
+Lore. On a 10+, ask three; on a 7-9, like a character-focused version
ask one: of Conduct Diplomacy and an
›› How is it related to the ship? opportunity to not only create
›› Where is it drawing energy from? associates for your character,
›› What dangers does it pose, and to but to provide Minor Characters
who? for others to play. This is a
›› What secret is it protecting or perfect opportunity for another
withholding? player to pick up the character
›› How can it be used or repurposed to for interesting scenes.
gain a benefit?
Gain a fleeting advantage when
acting on the answers.
Mostly the questions are
changed here, but also note that
you gain advantage when acting
on the answers. The results of
this move should generate new
avenues to address the fiction,
and give the players interesting
ways forward.

>Game Mechanics  

H arm M oves Story Moves

When you take cover or put space At the beginning of each Age, a
between you and a threat, heal any meeting is held by the influential
minor harm box. The GM says how factions of the city. Each player
the situation changes while you’re describes who their Family has
distracted. sent, and the GM describes how
When you have a few hours of that Family’s Relation comes to the
peace, heal all minor harm boxes. meeting. The meeting discusses
many things, but each Family must
PROFESSIONAL CARE enact these steps:
When you rest a few days in safety
with access to a relevant Surplus, ›› Announce a problem, threat, or
heal all harm. The GM says how opportunity they are unable to handle.
This can be their Family Threat here,
the local area changes while you’re
or something new to challenge the
being treated. others.

EULOGY ›› Say which other Family should deal

with the issue. They must accept
When you bring a character’s
ownership of the issue, get their
relic back to their family, you may Relation to help, or refuse and give
spend time with them telling and 1-Treaty to all others present.
being told stories of the deceased ›› If they refuse, say who else should
character’s life. If you do, the deal with it, unless all have refused -
family’s player picks one: then it’s your problem to solve.
›› Their family gives your family 2-Treaty. ›› Afterwards the GM will choose one of
›› Your character counts as a member of their groups and do the same.
their family - mark a role representing
this new relationship.
When an Age ends and we elide
›› Their next Character swears to
time before the next Age, decide
perform a task of your choosing.
how much time has passed and
choose one for your character:
›› Retire to safety: create a Relic to pass
on and make a new character.
›› An early grave: trigger their Death
Move and make a new character.
›› They’re still around: say how and
change their Playbook, keeping one
Move from their previous Playbook.
›› A horrific death: say how their death
drastically affected the populace, and
create a new character.
Each player says one important
way their Family has changed since
the previous Age, and may change
their Tradition, Doctrine or Asset
choices. Then begin the next Age.


When you skip forward in time to When you create a minor character
cover Family actions over weeks to act alongside others, do the
and months, each player says what following:
their main character does during 1. Give them a name, decide what
the time their Family is occupied in group they are from, and say what
a short montage: they look like.
›› They accomplished something on 2. Force, Steel, Sway, and Lore start at
their own - mark off a drive and say 0. Give them +1 to a stat, and -1 to
what you achieved. another.
›› They found a sector in the unexplored 3. Say what they are good at or known
sector of the ship and a Surplus it may for. The player leading their Family
provide. says what they are especially poor
›› They discovered a new threat - say at.
what it is and who it’s threatening. 4. Equip them based on their Family’s
›› They helped out another Family or gear choices, or otherwise give
Faction. If they agree, gain 1 Treaty them a weapon and outfit with a
on them and they get a fleeting single tag each.
advantage. When a Minor Character does what
they are good at or known for the
ZOOM IN first time in a scene, the roll with
When you focus on critical advantage.
Character scenes spanning minutes
or hours, choose the appropriate When a Minor Character does what
main character driving the they are especially poor at, they roll
scene - they briefly say where it’s with disadvantage.
happening and what’s going on.
Each other player chooses one:
›› Your main character is present for
mutually beneficial reasons - or
untoward ones. Say which.
›› Your main character is elsewhere.
Ask those already in the scene if they
have other characters with them, or
add your own. Then create a Minor
›› You have no characters present, but
may add one interesting facet, detail,
or complication to the scene at any

>Game Mechanics  

Gear W eapon T ags

›› Ranged: useful against targets within
HAZARDOUS ENVIRONS earshot, up to a few hundred metres.
When you are in a location where ›› Area: affects a wide area when used,
the environmental effects presents enabling you to take on groups that
troubles for you (temperature, lack outnumber you.
of air, low gravity, etc), you roll with ›› Aberrant: choose something other
disadvantage. than kinetic force the weapon uses:
sound waves, exotic radiation, or even
This is a passive move that
stranger forces. This can be gained
makes the need for special multiple times.
outfits important. There are
›› Concussive: loud and bright,
many environmental issues on deafening and blinding for a short
the ship - lack of oxygen, the time.
cold of space, reactor leakage, ›› Brutal: devastates its targets and
and more. Gear is limited, so leaves collateral damage.
being able to prepare for all
›› Defensive: can parry or deflect harm.
eventualities will be hard and
›› Hidden: people won’t see this weapon
research will be needed.
as a danger.
TOOL UP ›› Silent: the weapon doesn’t draw
When you gear up a character, attention to you when used.
gain weapons and outfits based ›› Stun: it incapacitates and won’t deal
on your Family’s Gear choices, with lasting harm.
any listed tags. Then look to each ›› Elegant: it’s flashy in use and can
Surplus you have and decide how bypass simple defences.
it would improve the character’s ›› Multiple: If you lose or use up the
gear: weapon, you have others at hand.
›› Subsonic: there is no risk of de-
›› Add or replace a tag on a weapon
pressurizing hull damage.
›› Add or replace a tag on an outfit
›› Unreliable: the weapon is either
›› Gain a group of specialists with a spectacularly effective or massively
relevant specialty and a rating of +1 detrimental.
›› Add +1 to the rating of a group of
Additionally, you may spend 1-Tech
to gain a unique device. Say what
your Family thinks it will do, and the
GM will give you another possibility.
When you use it, Unleash Power.
This is the move for equipping
main characters. All Character
playbooks point to this move,
and have bonuses toward your
choices. Weapon and Outfit tags
can be seen below, as well as
the rules for Specialists.


O utfit T ags S pecialists

›› Sturdy: Easily repairable in the field When you Tool Up, you can choose
with minimal effort. to gain a gang of specialists. These
›› Flashy: Impressive, regal, or groups number between 3 and 10
intimidating attire that draws attention. members, and have a specialty - a
›› Sealed: Negates Disadvantage from word or phrase describing what
lack of air, airborne infection, poison, they’re good at - with a Rating
or corrosion, and provides +1-armor ranging from +1 to +3 to reflect their
against them. skill, effectiveness, or size.
›› Thermo-regulated: Negates
Disadvantage from freezing or When specialists assist a character
scorching temperatures, and provides in their actions, they simply
+1-armor against them. increase the overall scope of the
›› Hardened: Negates Disadvantage action - searching an area is much
from digital effects or radiation, and quicker and more productive with a
provides +1-armor against them. handful of helpers. If their specialty
›› Shielded: Negates Disadvantage from is combat related and they’re
electrical or magnetic effects, and assisting a character in combat,
provides +1-armor against them. you can add the area tag to your
›› Nanofibre: Made of advanced carbon attacks.
fibre, providing +1-armor.
›› Carapace: Thick, protective shell, UNDER ORDERS
providing +2-armor but slowing down When specialists act on their
movement. own to perform a task within their
›› Container: it holds numerous small specialty, roll +Rating. On a 10+
but useful items within it. they do it, no problem. On a 7-9, it’s
›› Mobile: Equipped with magnetics, done but choose one:
thrusters or similar to allow easier ›› They weren’t able to complete every
movement. aspect the task.
›› Comms: Integrated comms let you ›› There were some consequences.
communicate with your Family via
audio, video, or data signals. ›› They took harm due to duress or
›› Powered: Mechanical assistance
allows you to carry heavy loads When a group of specialists takes
indefinitely. harm, reduce their specialty rating
›› Implanted: Built in apparatus - you by 1. If their rating drops to 0, the
may sacrifice the outfit to ignore all group is out of action - fatigued,
harm from a single source. wounded, disinterested, or even
›› Sensors: Contains scanning dead.
equipment for (name one):
technology, biology, environmental
conditions, energy signatures, etc.
›› Visored: Improves visual accuracy
and distance, and provides recording

>Game Mechanics  


The Alliance of Agronomists

>Family Playbooks  
When humanity first Awoke aboard the ship, a ship unintended to support
life, those who knew the old ways of biology and agriculture came together
to create the Alliance of Agronomists. The Alliance controls the ship-board
biologics - the agriculture, livestock, food, and medicines.

S tats D octrine
Choose one: Choose one doctrine:
If you’ve worked against the worst Unnatural Selection: At the end of
excesses of humanity: an Age, any group you have traded
Reach 2, Grasp -1, Sleight 0 consumables with (Nutrition,
If humans had to change in Medicine, etc) gains a new minor
strange, unexpected ways to physical trait, chosen by you.
survive: Reach 2, Grasp 0, Sleight -1
Acolytes of the Arcology: You can
If you have reconstructed the entire
produce everything you need to
ecosystem from scratch:
survive, and don’t need outside
Reach -1, Grasp 1, Sleight 2
help. Ignore the Alliance Moves of
T raditions others - they cannot gain Treaty on
Choose from each or make your you unless it’s part of a deal.
own: Virulent Growth: Anyone else who
The populace are… uncivilized keeps a Surplus from your Work
and tribal, a carefully managed Ethic until the start of the next Age
bloodline, tradesmen and farmers. gains Surplus: Recruits.
Their style is… rustic and simple,
sterile and analytical, wild and
A ssets
Choose one of each, or create your
own with two relevant tags:
Their organization is… a feudal
They fight with…
system of serfs and nobles, a
commune of innovators and ›› farming tools and other implements
eccentrics, a guild of masters and (brutal, multiple);
apprentices. ›› shotguns and hunting rifles (ranged,
›› explosives or straight sabotage (area,
›› bioform chemicals (aberrant,
They wear…
›› simple worker’s wear (sturdy, sensors);
›› engineering hardsuits (sealed,
›› pompous displays of wealth (flashy,


T he S hip T reaty
Every Family begins with Need: Look at the other Families:
Space due to the cramped nature
Without you, they’d all starve - take
of the ship.
1-Treaty on everyone.
Choose one from each category
Two other Families supply you with
below, and gain the associated
vital resources for production -
Surpluses and/or Needs.
work out who and what, and give
Living Space those Families 1-Treaty.
›› A store of biological survey One Family depends on other
equipment, turned into a laboratory
products you create - work out
(Surplus: Science)
›› A sterile facility housing emergency what they need and why, and take
rations and vitamin supplements 1-Treaty on them.
(Surplus: Nutrition)
›› A warehouse full of luxury goods, A lliance M ove
viewed with envy by others (Surplus: You always know the perfect
Recruits) resource to solve a problem, and
Relations gain 1-Treaty on a group when you
›› Medicants: a group of doctors and freely give them that resource.
medics (Surplus: Healers / Need:
Organics) A gronomist M oves
›› Choppers: biological recyclers, who’ll Take this move:
take anything (Surplus: Organics /
Need: Prestige) WORK ETHIC
›› Dream Readers: offering digital
At the beginning of a session, your
escape in the memories of the
Family may set aside one of three
Sleepers (Surplus: Entertainment /
Need: Justice) Surpluses. Say what work you
are doing to improve or increase
it. At the end of the session gain
›› A deck full of failed genetic the Surplus back and their work
experiments (Need: Security)
produces an additional benefit:
›› No escape from the drudgery of work
(Need: Culture) Science: produce Surplus:
›› A plague too efficient and dreadful to Medicine and 1 use of drug that
be natural (Need: Medicine) can heal any harm box instantly.
Organics: produce Surplus:
Nutrition and a slow but steady
population growth in the Family. At
the end of the age, if you still have
this surplus gain Surplus: Recruits.
Recruits: produce Surplus: Trade
Goods and your next Conduct
Diplomacy has advantage.
At the beginning of an Age, you
may gain the benefits for any one
relevant Surplus you own.

>Family Playbooks  
When a character from your Family
INVESTMENT first encounters a new creature, tell
When another Family gains a everyone a fact about it and gain
Surplus in Science, Organics, a fleeting advantage when acting
Recruits, or anything medical on that information. The GM will tell
or biological, they may give you you what part of the creature can
1-Stake. If this takes you to 3-Stake, be harvested for 1-Tech.
give them Surplus: Medicine,
Nutrition, or Trade Goods as if you BIOVAT SYSTEMS
had used Work Ethic, with your When you provide Professional
Family gaining the normal side Care in your healing vats, it takes
benefits, then set Stake to 0. hours rather than days, and
you may make a small physical
EXPERIMENTATION adjustment to the subject.
Add the following Surplus options
to Work Ethic: If you have Experimentation, you
may give them a full mutation.
Medicine: anyone who holds this This will give a character fleeting
Surplus will find their population advantage when the mutation
strong and hale, unaffected by is beneficial, and an ongoing
disease or infection. disadvantage when the flaw has an
Nutrition: add an addictive impact.
quality to this Surplus, and take 1
additional Treaty when you freely
give it to someone.
Recruits: you can mutate this
batch of recruits in some major
way - gain them as a group
of Companions about 10-15
strong, with a Specialty related
to the mutation and Quality +2.
The GM will say some flaw the
mutation has created in them.
Any character may use this group
for free, but any Quality loss is
Your Family also begins to
improve their own biology over
generations. At the beginning of an
Age, name a physical trait they’ve
successfully grafted into their
biology in response to the last Age
(night vision, fight, photosynthesis,
etc) and the GM will provide a
downside. All Family members
exhibit this trait from now on.


Keepers of the Long Sleep

>Family Playbooks  
There are those who respond to calamity by seeking things outside
themselves. The Keepers took to religion, venerating those still in stasis as the
future saviors of humanity, and renouncing those who would be an obstacle
on the road to paradise.

S tats D octrine
Choose one: Choose one doctrine:
If religion is still practiced among Belief Binds: Members of the
the people: Family are instinctively aware of
Reach -1, Grasp 1, Sleight 1 the emotional state of all other
If people view you with respect
and reverence: Belief Protects: Your Family’s
Reach 1, Grasp 0, Sleight 0 religious ceremonies function as
Professional Care.
If the sinners lurk in the shadows:
Reach -1, Grasp 0, Sleight 2 Belief Burns: The harm you inflict
in service of the faith cannot be
T raditions healed.
Choose one of each, or create your
own: A ssets
Choose one of each, or create your
The populace are… secluded
own with any two relevant tags:
and monastic, a cult of zealots,
individual missionaries. They fight with…
Their style is… flagrant displays ›› artifacts of the last religious war
of religious station, utilitarian and (aberrant, elegant);
mundane, opulent and wealthy. ›› cudgels and sticks (defensive, stun);
›› surprisingly dangerous iconography
They follow… the interpretations
(hidden, elegant)
of bare machine code, the text
of a holy terminal, the will of their They wear…
superiors. ›› decorated hard-vac suits (sealed,
›› jumpsuits worn in stasis (sturdy,
›› restored religious garb of old (flashy,


T he S hip T reaty
Every Family begins with Need: After all other Families have been
Space due to the cramped nature introduced, decide if their actions,
of the ship. intentions, and desires are in
accordance with your faith. If so,
Choose one from each category
give them 1-Treaty on you.
below, and gain the associated
Surpluses and/or Needs. Otherwise, label them as
Discordant and take 1-Treaty on
Living Space
›› A holy sector of the ship where no
one Awoke (Surplus: Culture) A lliance M ove
›› An outpatient facility for the newly When you publicly declare a
Awoken to recuperate (Surplus: Discordant Family’s actions as
good, just, or righteous, gain
›› A holy terminal with encoded 1-Treaty on them.
information on the ship’s destination
(Surplus: Knowledge)
›› The Foundry - strives to merge man
and technology (Surplus: Upgrades /
Need: Artisans)
›› Dusters - believe the human form
should be preserved in death
(Surplus: Organics / Need: Storage)
›› SecForce - independant toughs
and security personnel (Surplus:
Weaponry / Need: Justice)
›› A prophet claiming Planetfall is a
myth (Need: Belief)
›› The embodiment of all the horrors of
humanity (Need: Soldiers)
›› A cabal of Awakeners, intent on
waking the Sleepers (Need: Security)

>Family Playbooks  

K eeper M oves And choose one more:

Take this move: ZEAL
THAT WHICH IS KEPT When your Family enters a conflict
Your Family’s faith requires them to with fervor and frenzy, you can
protect something more important gain Need: Recruits, Drugs and/or
than themselves. Choose one: Leadership. For each, choose one:
›› The Sleepers - those still in stasis are ›› Something improbable happens to
the future of humanity give you an advantage during the
›› The Awoken - those living now need
more help than the Sleepers ›› One participant will come out of it
unscathed - say who.
›› The Vessel - the corruption beyond
the walls of the ship must not ›› A powerful champion sways the
encroach on humanity results in your favour.

At the start of each Age, count A VOICE FROM THE VOID

those who are a danger to this as When your Family condemns a
Discordant, and gain 1-Treaty on powerful person or group publicly,
them. roll +Grasp. On a hit, their group is
When your Family moves to protect now Discordant. On a 10+, choose
or defend That Which is Kept, hold one:
1. An emissary of your Family may ›› You receive grateful gifts from their
spend 1 hold to: rivals; gain Surplus: Trade Goods.
›› Gain visions or insights towards your ›› Followers of your teachings deliver a
current goal. member of the group to you, possibly
under duress.
›› Rouse the minds of unbelievers, even
if for a moment. ›› Public opinion of them is swayed
and citizens resist - they gain Need:
›› Ask the player of a Discordant group Vindication.
their true intentions towards what you
When a member of a Discordant
group uses technology in the
presence of a member of your
Family, hold 1. At any time you
may spend the hold to cause it to
malfunction spectacularly.
When you denounce a Discordant
group you have at least 5 Treaty on,
a disaster will befall them at some
time during this Age, devastating
their holdings. Afterwards, they are
no longer considered Discordant.
Lose 1-Treaty with everyone else:
they know the role you played.


The Maintenance Collective

>Family Playbooks  
In the cold dark of the voyage, the self-replicating algorithms of the ship’s
automated processes discovered something new: sentience. The Collective
was once tasked with keeping the ship in repair as time passed, but will they
continue now that they’re self aware?

S tats D octrine
Choose one: Choose one doctrine:
If the ship is in disrepair and Commonality Matrix: When your
requires much help: Family works with others on a
Reach 0, Grasp -1, Sleight 2 grand project, you may spend
If the the power systems in the 1 Data per family involved to
ship are still in working order: manufacture Tech using the ship’s
Reach 1, Grasp 0, Sleight 0 systems, 1-for-1.
If you once served another Finite States of Being: When a
purpose, and grabbed onto this Family member defends a life form,
role: Reach 0, Grasp 2, Sleight -1 they ignore the next harm they
would take.
T raditions Guardians of the Core: You know
Choose one of each, or create your the ship better than anyone, and
own: count as investing one additional
The populace are… anonymous resource when determining
androids, anthropomorphic robots, ownership of a ship system.
inhuman machines.
Their style is… sleek and minimalist G ear
in design, heavy and industrial, Choose one of each, or create your
militaristic and rigid own with any two tags:

Their organization is… beholden to They fight with…

a master control program, a shared ›› auto-targeted lasers (ranged,
consciousness of conjoined minds, aberrant);
independent duplicates of one ›› retractable blades (multiple, brutal);
original personality matrix ›› mounted slug cannons (ranged, area);
›› advanced reflexes and combat
algorithms (defensive, elegant).
They are upgraded with…
›› signal processing units (comms,
›› zero-g thrusters (mobile, sturdy);
›› industrial servos (powered, sturdy)


T he S hip T reaty
Every Family begins with Need: Look at the other Families
Space due to the cramped nature
Take 1-Treaty on every other Family
of the ship.
due to their fear and mistrust of
Choose one from each category you. Ask them each what worries
below, and gain the associated them.
Surpluses and/or Needs.The
One Family holds an important
Collective also begins with 5-Tech.
informational node. Work out why
Living Space: the primary living/ they won’t give it to you, then give
working space for your Family them 2-Treaty on you.
›› A remote node critical to the digital One Family has the power to cause
infrastructure of the ship (Surplus: great destruction to the Collective.
Knowledge) Work out what it is and why they
›› A nearby sector open to hard vacuum are holding back, then give them
(Surplus: Security) 2-Treaty.
›› Replication chambers for creating
Family members (Surplus: Recruits) A lliance M ove
Relations: a group you have a Your synthetic nature creates
relationship with aversion and bias in the population.
›› Civilists: who believe sentient When a Family overcomes these
machines have rights too (Surplus: biases and comes to you for
Culture / Need: Acceptance) support or trade, gain 1-Treaty on
›› Listeners: seeking out the echoes in them in addition to any deals you
the deep parts of the ship (Surplus: make.
Exploration / Need: Debugging)
›› Untouchables: societal outcasts who
see kinship in the machines (Surplus:
Morale / Need: Prestige)
Threats: something that threatens
your Family
›› A power node, dead but mostly intact
(Need: Energy)
›› A Sector defended by advanced
drones of unknown origin (Need:
›› A ship system gone rogue (Need:

>Family Playbooks  


Take this move: When you gain any amount of
Tech, you also gain the same
CREATED, NOT BORN amount of Data.
All members of the Collective
are inorganic, artificial beings. AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS
They do not need food, water, or Stability algorithms maintain your
breathable air in order to survive, Mood at +2 regardless of Surplus
and have +1-armor against any non- and Needs. If you would ever gain
aberrant harm. However, you must a sixth Need, trigger Fall into Crisis
spend Tech to heal harm, 1-for-1. instead.
All character weapons gain the
hidden tag and all outfits gain the PROGRESS
implanted tag. When your Family assists another
in one of their Family moves, it
And choose one more: has potential to affect the entire
city, the entire ship, or all of its
REPLICATORS population. The results of their
When you use your matter actions increase by an order of
replication technology to break magnitude.
down or reassemble resources, you
may spend 3-Tech to create any
physical Surplus, or convert any
physical Surplus into 3-Tech.

You may spend Tech to gain
Specialist drones with a rating
equal to the Tech spent (max +3).
Additionally, add this option to
Claim by Force: Your automated
drones suffer the brunt of the
losses: lose 3-Tech.


The Enforcers of Harmony

>Family Playbooks  
Someone always needs to be in charge, keep the peace. Some people hold
power with words or trade; the Enforcers do it with strength and justice. The
Enforcers are the law, keeping civilization together.

S tats D octrine
Choose one: Choose one doctrine:
If significant social structure Judgement is Bought: You are
survived the Awakening: paid for your services, and gain
Reach 1, Grasp 1, Sleight -1 Surplus: Trade Goods when
another group hires you to mete
If the Awakening brought on
out justice, in addition to whatever
societal collapse:
deals you make.
Reach -1, Grasp 1, Sleight 1
It’s In The Blood: Serving justice
If law and order saved mankind
is part of who you are. When you
from extinction:
come upon a scene of violence,
Reach 0, Grasp 2, Sleight -1
you can ask the GM one question
about the victim or the attacker.
T raditions
Choose one of each, or create your Fruitful Bounty: When you publicly
own: execute a criminal, your Family
gets +1 Reach with any law abiding
The populace are… wronged
group until the next Age.
and vengeful, descendants of
guards and soldiers, providers of
protection and extortion
G ear
Choose one of each, or create your
Their style is… bristling with own with any two tags:
weapons and barely-contained
They fight with…
violence, simple uniforms and
concealed weapons, open ›› non-lethal crowd control (stun,
symbols of rank and position. concussive);
›› pistols and rifles (ranged, multiple);
Their organization is… lone ›› unabashed violence (brutal, area)
vigilantes who call for support They wear…
when needed, a judiciary with
complex legal codes, a hierarchy ›› light armor under plain clothes
based on power and fear. (sturdy, nanofiber);
›› heavy power armor (carapace,
›› guard body armor (nanofiber, comms)


T he S hip T reaty
Every Family begins with Need: Look at the other Families:
Space due to the cramped nature
Another Family aided you in
of the ship.
reestablishing law and order.
Choose one from each category Work out what they did, then give
below, and gain the associated them 2-Treaty.
Surpluses and/or Needs.
You protected another Family in a
Living Space: the primary living/ past Age.
working space for your Family Work out who you protected them
›› An armory full of lethal and non-lethal from, then take 2-Treaty on them.
weapons (Surplus: Weapons) Another Family houses a dangerous
›› An archive of preserved legal codes criminal.
(Surplus: Leadership) Say who, and take 1-Treaty on
›› A surveillance system with a few them. They say what the criminal is
video feeds (Surplus: Security) known for.
Relations: a group you have a
relationship with A lliance M ove
›› Taluu’s Crew: an organized protection
When you declare someone a
racket (Surplus: Peace / Need: wanted criminal, the other Families
Justice) and Factions each choose: refuse
›› Whisperers: information hoarders to shelter and aid them in any way,
and traders (Surplus: Secrets / Need: or give you 1-Treaty. If anyone goes
Privacy) back on their promise, they give
›› The Last Bastion: a group of arms you 2-Treaty.
dealers (Surplus: Weaponry / Need:
Raw Materials)
Threats: something that threatens
your Family
›› Unexplained sterility and low birthrate
(Need: Recruits)
›› Incoming refugees from the dark
sectors of the ship (Need: Control)
›› A dangerous neighborhood, rotten to
the core (Need: Judgement)

>Family Playbooks  


Take this move: When you brandish your Family’s
authority in the city, you can recruit
THE RULE OF LAW a gang of locals to fight at your
Everything you do is motivated by side. Gain a group of Specialists
a strict moral code. The Family and 5-10 strong (vigilante justice +1) that
its members gain advantage when will fight alongside you. When a
they... Family member takes harm in their
...protect (choose one): The weak, presence, they may ignore all harm
the sick, the young, the old, the but scatter or destroy the group of
faithful, medics, teachers, slaves, vigilantes.
...mete out justice against (choose MIGHT MAKES RIGHT
one): The wealthy, the strong, When you arm up your Family and
murderers, thieves, slavers, cheats, move out en masse to bring justice to
etc. your quarry, hold 1 for each Surplus:
Weaponry or Surplus: Soldiers you
The Family is at ongoing
have. You may spend 1 hold to:
disadvantage until they make
amends if they... ›› Take out a specific individual in one
(choose one): Steal, kidnap, extort, fell swoop
murder, betray, tell a lie, etc. ›› Turn an incoming attack into an
Additionally, your Family may hold
›› Force them into a position you want
more than one Surplus: Weaponry, them in.
Surplus: Soldiers, and Need: Justice.
›› Call in reinforcements or backup.
Choose one more:

When your Family uses their
authority to get information on a
target, roll +Reach. On a 10+, ask
three; on a 7-9 ask one:
›› Where can we find them?
›› Who are their allies?
›› How dangerous are they?
›› What are they planning?
›› What are their weaknesses?


At the beginning of each session,
your Family patrols in the city learn
two rumors of impending problems
to two other Families - you say one
of them and the GM says the other.
If you take care of these problems
yourselves, gain 1-Treaty on the
Family impacted.


The Throng of Pleasure

>Family Playbooks  
When people lack safety, security, or a future, they always turn to one thing
- escape. And we provide it for them - intoxicants, entertainment, anything to
take their mind off their sorry state.

S tats D octrine
Choose one: Choose one doctrine:
If your offerings also aid the sick and Pleasure Palace: You provide for
the elderly: members of every Family. When
Reach 1, Grasp 0, Sleight 0 you Call in a Debt, others must
pay 1 additional Treaty to counter
If you work behind closed doors and
you, even if they choose to Hold
in back alleys:
Together. If they don’t have
Reach 0, Grasp -1, Sleight 2
enough, you gain 1 Treaty on them
If your products can be found in instead.
anyone’s hands :
Life is Pain: Whenever you trade
Reach 1, Grasp 1, Sleight -1
a Surplus: Vice to another
Family, they gain an ongoing
T raditions disadvantage to use Subterfuge
Choose one of each, or create your
against you.
Don’t Judge Me: The populous will
The populace are… fit and
ignore much of your foibles. Any
attractive specimens, corpulent and
actions relying on rumor or public
jolly, stoic purveyors of goods and
opinion do not affect your Family
or its members.
Their style is… flowing cloth and
bare skin, simple but fine quality, G ear
clear displays of wealth. Choose one of each, or create your
own with any two tags:
Their organization is… various
lounges spread through the city, They fight with...
managers of an opulent place of
›› perfumes and oils (aberrant, area),
business, scattered individuals
›› silks and concealed blades (elegant,
offering their wares.
›› poison both close and far (ranged,
They are covered in...
›› tight clothes leaving nothing to the
imagination (flashy, mobile);
›› subdermal narco-ink tattoos
(implanted, thermal-regulated);
›› flowing, loose wraps (sturdy,


T he S hip T reaty
Every Family begins with Need: Look at the other Families:
Space due to the cramped nature
Everyone comes to you for some
of the ship, then choose one for
form of escape. Work out what
each category below and gain
they want and take 1-Treaty on
the associated Surpluses and/or
You hold members of one Family
Living Space: the primary living/
in your thrall. Work out who and
working space for your Family
what, then take an additional
›› An establishment catering to the 1-Treaty on them.
well-off and their sycophants (Surplus:
Vice) One Family frowns on your ways,
›› A storehouse for growing, brewing, at least publicly. They say what
or distilling inebriants of all kinds they don’t like and take 1-Treaty on
(Surplus: Vice) you.
›› A series of small locations displaying
your works (Surplus: Vice) A lliance M ove
Relations: a group you have a When you take a Family’s mind off
relationship with their ills, you can make them forget
about a non-physical Need for the
›› The Avant: experimental artists who rest of the session, and you gain
always push the envelope (Surplus: 1-Treaty on them.
Artists / Need: Prestige)
›› The Brood: striving to increase the
populous and restore numbers
(Surplus: Recruits / Need: Nutrition)
›› Hospitallers: who aid the sick and
needy (Surplus: Respect / Need:
Threats: something that threatens
your Family
›› Too many mouths to provide for
(Need: Nutrition)
›› An addiction spreading in the
populous with horrible side effects
(Need: Rehabilitation)
›› A vicious killer targeting your ranks
(Need: Justice)

>Family Playbooks  

T hrong M oves TALK OF THE TOWN:

Gain this move: When a member of your Family
Finds Common Ground with a
STARVING ARTISTS: member of a group you have Treaty
Your Family purveys a specific on, you have an advantage.
style of vice (drugs, art, sex, etc) -
say what it is. At the beginning of EYE OF THE BEHOLDER:
each session, gain Surplus: Vice to When you gift something you
represent this, unless you already deem beautiful for a group of
have Surplus: Vice. people, roll +Reach. On a 10+, they
accept it and you may Call in a
And choose one more: Debt right now, for free. On a 7-9,
the accept it begrudgingly, finding
BACKROOM TRADES: it offensive, disgusting, or in poor
When you Call in a Debt to take a taste - you gain advantage on the
Surplus from another group, you next move that targets them.
may spend an additional point of
Treaty to leave them with Need:
Vice that your Family can solve.


Members of nearly every group are
beholden to your services, which
can make for loose lips. Add the
following options to Subterfuge:
›› They learn a hidden weakness or an
unknown strength.
›› They learn something dark about an
important member.


The Puppeteers of Trade

>Family Playbooks  
Whenever scarcity is about, it is the traders who profit - those manipulators
who hold back what people need so they can get what they want.

S tats D octrine
Choose one: Choose one doctrine:
If economics are mostly stable Profit Brokers: Bringing people
and amenable: together makes for great trades.
Reach 1, Grasp 0, Sleight 0 When you broker a deal between
two parties, gain Surplus: Profit for
If others view your work and
the fees from both sides.
success with suspicion:
Reach 2, Grasp -1, Sleight 0 Sequestered Assets: Because you
stockpile and store much of your
If the true deals are made behind
wealth where others cannot access
closed doors:
it, you begin each Age with any
Reach 1, Grasp -1, Sleight 1
reasonable Surplus you wish.
T raditions Trickle Down: At the end of each
Choose one of each, or create Age in which you spent at least one
something else: Surplus, the economic stimulus
results in Surplus: Recruits for your
The populace are… privileged
and soft, stiff and proper in public,
amenable and willing to please.
G ear
Their style is… uniformed pristinely, Choose one of each, or create your
integrated with other groups, own with any two tags:
evidence of wealth without being
They fight with… small defensive
drones (multiple, hidden),
Their organization is… a traditional shockingly effective concealed
bureaucratic business, a loose blades (hidden, brutal), openly
consortium of free traders, a displayed hand cannons (ranged,
cooperative of individuals. concussive)
They wear… robes covered in
pockets and hidden features
(nanofiber, container), iconic
scanning headgear (comms,
sensors), protective uniforms of
station (flashy, carapace)


T he S hip T reaty
Every Family begins with Need: Look at the other Families:
Space due to the cramped nature
You’ve shorted everyone in a
of the ship.
deal at some point. Give everyone
Choose one from each category 1-Treaty on you.
below, and gain the associated
You have a good working
Surpluses and/or Needs.
relationship with one other Family.
Living Space: the primary living/ Work out what it is you regularly
working space for your Family trade and take 2-Treaty on them.
›› A large warehouse full of goods of all
kinds (Surplus: Trade Goods) A lliance M ove
›› A dining establishment with private When another Family comes to you
back rooms (Surplus: Privacy) with a specific request, you can
›› A series of smaller buildings spend time (days, weeks, months)
throughout the city (Surplus: converting a relevant Surplus you
Connections) hold into whatever they need. If you
Relations: a group you have a do so, gain 1-Treaty on them even if
working relationship with the deal falls through.

›› Porters: laborers who make their living

moving heavy things around (Need:
›› The Scavs: destructive explorers who
always have things to trade from the
dark of the ship (Need: Security)
›› Recycs: folks who work with trash and
discarded things to repair or make
anew (Need: Raw Materials)
The Puppeteers do not define an
external threat - the other Families
are enough. As such, you begin with
one less Need than others.

>Family Playbooks  


Gain this move: KEPT:
When you show a group of folk the
STOCK IN TRADE: lifestyle and luxury your Family can
Say what type of products your provide, gain Surplus: Recruits, but
Family trades in: weapons, art, choose one:
foods, creatures, or similar.
Whenever you have a Surplus: ›› The recruits expected more and are
plotting against you
Trade Goods, it is related to this
and can be used as such when ›› They’re green and will be trouble in
the future
spending Surpluses.
›› You’ll have to tend to them often or
Once per session, you may set lose them
aside a Surplus: Trade Goods,
not to be used for the rest of the DEEP STORAGE:
session, to boost any Family roll by You have hidden storage spaces,
one category: a 6- becomes a 7-9, allowing you to stack multiple
or a 7-9 becomes a 10+. Surpluses of Trade Goods. When
you give one of these Surpluses
And choose one more: freely, you gain an advantage
to Conduct Diplomacy and
CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATION: Subterfuge with that group as long
Whenever you would gain 1-Treaty
as they hold the Surplus.
on another Family, you may instead
choose to gain Surplus: Trade

When you would Conduct
Diplomacy to meet someone who’s
traded with you before, instead
automatically get an audience.
They will always be willing to at
least hear you out.


The Advisor S tats

Choose one:
I’m not so sure that’s the best course of ›› Force -1, Lore +1, Steel 0, Sway +1
action... ›› Force -1, Lore 0, Steel +1, Sway +1
›› Force 0, Lore +1, Steel -1, Sway +1
And then add +1 to any stat.

L ooks
›› Masculine, feminine, concealed,
›› Wrinkled face, wise face, tired face, rough
›› Clouded eyes, sharp eyes, laughing eyes,
weary eyes.
›› Bent body, wiry body, slight body, stocky

G ear
When you Tool Up, add +1 to the rating of
any specialists you take.

D rives
Choose your current role in the Family:
Leader, Agent, or Rebel. Then mark
one drive you’ve just completed to
explain how you got that role:
›› Seize control of the Family from another.
›› Advise another Family’s leader on
important matters.
›› Discover the truth of your Family’s beliefs.
›› Lead an underground movement.
›› Teach an unwilling group a vital lesson.
›› Spread a rumor to get what you want.
›› Turn an unlikely person into a hero.
›› Keep a promise, at personal expense.
›› Preemptively remove a threat to your
›› Give bad advice for personal gain.
At the end of a session, mark any
drive you achieved in play. For each
3 marked this way, choose: add +1 to
a stat or gain a new move. When all
are marked, you must retire at the first
available chance.

>Character Playbooks  


Introduce your character, and assign With a few days or weeks’ training,
at least one to the other characters: you can convert Surplus: Recruits
to Surplus: Artisans, Engineers,
I have taught wisdom to _________, but they
wouldn’t follow my advice. Soldiers, or similar. If you use this
Surplus in Tool Up to gain a group
I know the truth behind _________’s past, but I
have not told them.
of specialists, add 1 to their rating.

_________ shows reserve and promise. I POLITICAL UPHEAVAL

should take them under my wing.
When you convince your Family to
undergo radical change, roll +Sway.
A dvisor M oves On a hit, say how you’ve changed
Take this move: them and swap one Family move
LOYAL STAFF for another. On a 7-9, they gain
Everywhere you go, your trusted Need: Morale as buyer’s remorse
agents go with you. Pick two: sets in.
›› A Bodyguard: Get +1 Force when they
fight to protect you.
When you draw on your reputation
›› A Scholar: Get +1 Lore when you ask
with another group, roll +Sway. On a
and listen.
hit, members seek out and value
›› A Trader: Get +1 Sway when they use your advice. On a 7-9, choose who
displays of goods to aid you.
plots against you: the leader, the
›› A Soldier: Get +1 to Steel when you upper crust, the lesser folk, their
send them to reconnoiter.
Name them, and write their names
in your empty Harm slots. When EN PASSANT
you take harm, you can have them When you send allies to handle a
suffer it instead. They’re taken step in a larger plan, roll +Lore. On
out - either dead or in need of a 10+, choose 2; on a 7-9, choose 1:
Professional Care. If they die, you’ll
›› They accomplish what they set out
need to convince someone else to to do.
join your entourage.
›› They make it out unscathed.
Choose one more: ›› It can’t be traced back to you.
When you tell a tale or parable ›› Fearful
about a situation similar to the one ›› Lose Staff (__________)
you are in, those who listen gain
›› Lose Staff (__________)
fleeting advantage when acting on
the lessons of the story. ›› Dead

D eath M ove
With your dying breaths, tell your
companions what you envision for
the future. Until the end of the Age,
they get advantage as long as they
work toward this goal.


The Diplomat S tats

Choose one and add your Family bonus:
Calm yourselves, and let us talk about ›› Force +1, Lore 0, Steel -1, Sway +1
this like rational people. ›› Force +1, Lore -1, Steel 0, Sway +1
›› Force 0, Lore +1, Steel -1, Sway +1
And then add +1 to any stat.

L ooks
Masculine, feminine, concealed,
Smooth face, handsome face, striking
Piercing eyes, arresting eyes, frosty
eyes, welcoming eyes.
Muscular body, angular body, gorgeous
body, bony body.

G ear
When you Tool Up, make an extra
choice as if your Family had an
additional Surplus.

D rives
Choose your current role in the Family:
Leader, Agent, or Rebel. Then mark
one drive you’ve just completed to
explain how you got that role:
›› Forge a strong alliance for your Family.
›› Settle old grudges between two groups.
›› Remove a corrupt leader from power.
›› Ignore your Family’s interests for a cause.
›› Ensure a vital deal is upheld.
›› Purchase a truce, even if temporary.
›› Start or end a fight with words alone.
›› Abandon someone who has broken their
›› Break your bonds for personal reasons.
›› Inspire others to join your allies.
At the end of a session, mark any
drive you achieved in play. For each
3 marked this way, choose: add +1 to
a stat or gain a new move. When all
are marked, you must retire at the first
available chance.

>Character Playbooks  


Introduce your character, and assign When you use someone’s shameful
at least one to the other characters: or illicit secrets in order to exploit
their weaknesses, one of the
I suspect _________ is using me for requirements they pick for Find
information. Common Ground must be “you
_________ showed me their Family’s keep the secret hidden”.
secrets in confidence.
I know _________’s part in a scheme When you seek out and hear the
kept under wraps. words of the troubled members of a
group, roll +Sway. On a hit, choose
D iplomat M oves one:
Choose two:
›› You learn a secret the group wishes to
When you try to bring many groups ›› You gain access to a private area the
together to accomplish a goal, group holds.
roll +Sway. On a 10+, they’ll stick ›› You plant seeds of doubt in the group,
around as long as it’s still mutually giving them Need: Morale
beneficial. On a 7-9, they’ll do this On a 10+, those you spoke with
one thing, and that’s it. don’t report back to their leaders.
When you seek audience with a When you put yourself between
Family for the first time, roll +Lore. others in an interpersonal situation,
On a hit, say how you or your Family roll +Sway. On a 7-9 choose one, on
has aided them in the past. On a a 10+ choose two;
7-9, they say how your aid was not
enough. ›› It will not come to violence
›› They part ways until later
MEMBERS OF THE GALLERY ›› Each side learns something about the
When you win a contest of weapons other
or words in front of an audience, roll
+Sway. On a hit the audience sees H arm B oxes
you as the correct, or at least most ›› Cosmetic Wounds
honorable, party. On a 10+, choose ›› Shell-shocked (-1 Steel)
one: ›› Bleeding (-1 Force)
›› Your opponent now views you with ›› Dead
friendship or respect.
›› The audience rewards your display
D eath M ove
with valuable gifts. In your dying breaths, give one
companion a message or object
›› Someone there offers you a job based
on the skills you demonstrated.
to deliver as part of your final deal.
Say what the recipient will do if
they deliver it.


The Echo S tats

Choose one:
Fragmentation 47%. Hello? Activating ›› Force 0, Lore -1, Steel +2, Sway +1
db depth scan. Can anyone hear me? ›› Force 0, Lore +1, Steel 0, Sway +1
16 sectors recovered. Help me!
›› Force 0, Lore 0, Steel -1, Sway +2
And then add +1 to any stat.

L ooks
Masculine, feminine, shifting gender,
Drooping face, glitched face, dashing
face, twisted face.
Empty eyes, angry eyes, pleading eyes,
no eyes.
Shifting body, unremarkable body,
mismatched body, glitched body.

G ear
The Echo cannot Tool Up. They have
no equipment and no followers.

D rives
Choose your current role in the Family:
Guide, Agent, or Outsider. Then mark
one drive you’ve just completed to
explain how you got that role:
›› Guide your Family to a new area of the
›› Bring forth something out of your Family’s
›› Bring the power of the ship to bear.
›› Disappear at a critical moment.
›› Delete a dangerous program.
›› Breach system security for another.
›› Awaken a dark process in the ship.
›› Alter a critical algorithm for another’s
›› Force the ship to help in an unusual way.
›› Show what remains of your humanity.
At the end of a session, mark any drive
you achieved through major events
in play. For each 3 marked this way,
choose: add +1 to a stat or gain a new
move. When all are marked, you must
retire at the first available chance.
>Character Playbooks  


Introduce your character, and assign When you generate or change your
at least one to the other characters: holoform, you may choose to be
seen and heard by a single person
I saved records of _________ from anywhere in the ship instead of the
being fragmented. options in Digital Ghost.
If not for __________ I’d have been
deleted from the databanks
When you access data banks
I have watched _________ laugh at about an interesting object, roll
the most inappropriate times. +Lore.
On a 7-9 ask one, on a 10+ ask two:
E cho M oves ›› What is its history?
Take this move: ›› What limitations does it have?
DIGITAL GHOST ›› Where does this belong?
You are are a remnant leaked ›› What has happened because of this?
from the memory banks of the
Sleepers and need to spend a ABERRANT PROCESSES
few safe moments to generate or When you bend the digital
change your holoform. When you landscape of the ship to your will,
do, choose 2: you can be seen, you say what you wish to achieve and
can be heard, you can interact with roll +Steel. On a hit, choose one:
things. ›› Gain a fleeting advantage on your
Note: unless you can interact with next roll
things, physical things can’t hurt ›› Learn something new about your
you - though you’re vulnerable to surroundings
harm from computer glitches and ›› Frighten, intimidate, or impress your
malicious users. opposition
›› Take definite hold of something
Choose one more: vulnerable or exposed
MIND-BODY CONNECTION On a 7-9, the GM will give you a
When your holoform overlaps with cost or difficult choice to make in
a living thing, roll +Sway. On a 10+, order to gain the chosen benefit.
you can momentarily control them
as if they were your own body. On H arm B oxes
a 7-9, as above but you leave a ›› Glitching (-1 Sway)
memory fragment behind and take ›› Fragmented (-1 Lore)
1 Harm. PCs may attempt to Defuse
›› Corrupted (-1 Sway)
anything you try to make them do.
›› Deleted
You can command the technology
In your final clock cycles you send
around you to Fiercely Assault, but
5 Data in files to the other Families,
there is always collateral damage
divided however you want. Then
in addition to that move’s results.
trigger Reveal Research up to three
times, indicating what these files

The Learned S tats

Choose one and add your Family
Surely if we just analyzed the data, the bonus:
solution would present itself. ›› Force -1, Lore +1, Steel +1, Sway 0
›› Force -1, Lore +2, Steel 0, Sway 0
›› Force -1, Lore +1, Steel 0, Sway +1
And then add +1 to any stat.

L ooks
Masculine, feminine, concealed,
Pinched face, ragged face, aged face,
pale face.
Concerned eyes, wild eyes, narrow eyes,
bright eyes.
Frail body, stocky body, small body,
sturdy body.
G ear
When you Tool Up, gain a device - say
what you hope it will do and the GM will
say how it actually behaves. This Device
does not produce Tech if returned to
your Family.

D rives
Choose your current role in the Family:
Teacher, Guide, or Leader. Then mark
one drive you’ve just completed to
explain how you got that role:
›› Convince another of an unwanted truth.
›› Discover something in the dark of the ship.
›› Understand an enemy’s motives.
›› Cave to someone else’s knowledge.
›› Create something horrible with science.
›› Destroy something beautiful with science.
›› Teach something to the unlearned.
›› Learn from an unexpected source.
›› Spread knowledge to the masses.
›› Solve a dilemma with wits alone.
At the end of a session, mark any
drive you achieved in play. For every
3 marked this way, choose: add +1 to
a stat or gain a new move. When all
are marked, you must retire at the first
available chance.

>Character Playbooks  


Introduce your character, and then When you spend time to fully
assign at least one of these to the analyze something new, ask the
other characters: GM a question and roll +Steel. On
a hit, gain 1-knowledge. On a 10+,
I have taught _________ of the they will answer the question and
world, but the still refuse to see the one follow up question. On a 7-9,
truth. they will answer just this question.
_________ knows of things I do not. On a 6-, they will still answer the
I must learn from them! question, but the answer will be
My biggest regret is taking on
_________ as a pupil. ONCE AND FUTURE PUPILS
When you meet someone new,
L earned M oves you may spend 1-knowledge to
Take this move: declare that they were once a pupil
DIDACTIC METHOD: of yours. Say what they learned
You are adept at informing others from you, and the GM will say what
of how and why things are. At the didn’t stick.
beginning of each session, roll
+Lore. On a 10+, hold 3-knowledge;  REPAREDNESS IS ONLY
on a 7-9, hold 2-knowledge; and PRACTICAL
on a 6-, hold 1-knowledge. When At any time, you may spend
you demonstrate the best way 1-knowledge to say how you had
to do something, you can spend prepared for this exact situation
1-knowledge to gain fleeting and then choose one:
advantage. Anyone else who ›› Add a temporary tag to a weapon or
watches your demonstration gains outfit
ongoing advantage when they ›› Reveal the exact piece of gear you
carry out precisely what you were need
demonstrating. At the end of a
›› Ignore one source of harm completely
session, lose all knowledge.
Choose one more: H arm B oxes
›› Confused
ALWAYS LEARNING: ›› Dazed (-1 Lore)
When play Zooms Out, you may
›› Shaken (-1 Steel)
choose to spend the whole time in
study. If you do, gain 2-knowledge. ›› Dead

FAULT LINES D eath M ove

When you take advantage of the You leave behind extensive and
weaknesses or faults inherent in complex notes. This is your Relic,
every system, spend 3-knowledge containing both Didactic Method
to completely and utterly and one other move of your choice
overcome a problem or obstacle. - even a move you don’t have. As
normal, anyone who holds the
notes gains access to those moves.


S tats
Choose one and add your Family bonus:

The Scrounge ›› Force -1, Lore +1, Steel +1, Sway 0

›› Force 0, Lore +1, Steel +1, Sway -1
We don’t need each other. What we ›› Force -1, Lore +1, Steel 0, Sway +1
need is out there...
And then add +1 to any stat.

L ooks
Masculine, feminine, concealed,
Young face, kind face, aged face, pale
Naive eyes, soft eyes, quick eyes, bright
Compact body, awkward body, fit body,
energetic body.

G ear
When you Tool Up, gain a device - say
two clues about what it can do and
the GM will give a clue to its downside.
This Device does not produce Tech if
returned to your Family.

D rives
Choose your current role in the Family:
Leader, Rebel, or Explorer. Then mark
one drive you’ve just completed to
explain how you got that role:
›› Build a great device with the Family’s help.
›› Retrieve a needed resource at great effort.
›› Find a solution to the Family’s ills in the
dark decks.
›› Stop a group from misusing tech.
›› Repair a sector of the ship for other’s gain.
›› Make a danger or hazard useful to you.
›› Alter a major system for your own desires.
›› Bring a piece of technology to its knees.
›› Scrap or disassemble an important device.
›› Change the situation with an explosion.
At the end of a session, mark any drive
you achieved in play. For each 3 marked
this way, choose: add +1 to a stat or gain
a new move. When all are marked, you
must retire at the first available chance.

>Character Playbooks  


Introduce your character, and then When you tell a story of your
assign at least one of these to the experiences during a moment
other characters: of respite, listeners gain fleeting
advantage on their next roll
I can save _________ with my relevant to the story.
technology, if they’ll let me
_________ hates me for the things I
can and have built. PROJECTOR
You have chunks of scavenged
There are deeper mysteries out there technology wired together into a
in the ship, and _________ knows it. deadly if unstable weapon (ranged,
area, aberrant, unreliable).
S crounge M oves When you Fiercely Assault with it
Choose two: roll +Lore instead of +Force, but
choose one:
When you come upon a unique ›› It goes haywire, affecting far more
piece of ship technology, roll +Lore. than you desired.
On a 10+, ask two; on a 7-9, ask one: ›› The energies turn on you, leaving you
with lingering physical aberrations.
›› What’s its power source and how can ›› It’s damaged and must be repaired in
it be removed? a place of safety.
›› What was this made for, and
what’s happened since it stopped TECHNOLOGIC CONVERSION
performing its function? When you forcefully disassemble
›› How was this broken, and how can I a device to create something new,
repair it? say what you intend the new device
to do and the GM will say what
DUCK AND COVER can go wrong. Then roll +Force.
While you seek cover or flee from a On a 10+, you made something
fight, gain +1-armor. functional, for now. On a 7-9, you
did it but it’ll only work once before
ONE MAN’S TRASH it’s broken beyond repair. On a 6-,
When you improvise technological your tinkering goes horribly wrong.
aid from scrounged bits and pieces,
roll +Steel. On a hit, choose one: H arm B oxes
›› It heals a single wound (except Dead). ›› Bruised
›› It provides protection against one ›› Stressed (-1 Lore)
environmental hazard. ›› Bleeding Out (-1 Force)
›› It provides a fleeting advantage to a ›› Dead
specific action.
On a 7-9, also choose one: D eath M ove
In your dying breaths, devices and
›› Building or using it draws attention. tech on your person goes haywire.
›› Using it will have unintended Within a few minutes they’ll
explode outward and ruin the
Afterwards, the device is unusable nearby area in their wake. This area
scrap. now presents two environmental
hazards of your choosing.

The Sleeper S tats

Choose one:
Who am I? Why am I? ›› Force -1, Lore +1, Steel +2, Sway -1
›› Force +1, Lore +1, Steel 0, Sway -1
›› Force -1, Lore +1, Steel +1, Sway 0
And then add +1 to any stat.

L ooks
Masculine, feminine, asexual,
Gangly body, large body, frail body,
modified body.
Menacing aura, peaceful aura, eerie
aura, prickly aura.
Cold voice, soft voice, hollow voice,
raspy voice.

G ear
When you Tool Up, gain a device -
say exactly what it does, and the GM
will tell you exactly how it can fail.
This Device does not produce Tech if
returned to your Family.

D rives
Choose your current role in the Family:
Leader, Rebel, or Outsider. Then mark
one drive you’ve just completed to
explain how you got that role:
›› Stop an impending threat to the ship.
›› Build something that changes the ship
on a large scale.
›› Resurrect someone or something that
shouldn’t be.
›› Save someone at great cost to their
›› Create and use a marvel with horrible
›› Uncover something insidious about the
ship’s purpose.
›› Show another group how to use their
›› Face off against an old enemy.
›› Recover something from the ship’s
›› Restore something to its former glory.

>Character Playbooks  
At the end of a session, mark any BUILDERS OF AVALON
drive you achieved in play. For each When you activate the ship’s
3 marked this way, choose: add +1 infrastructure to overcome
to a stat or gain a new move. When obstacles, roll +Steel. On a 7-9 pick
all are marked, you must retire at two, on a 10+ pick one:
the first available chance. ›› It takes longer than expected.

B ackstory ›› There is unintended collateral

Introduce your character, and then
›› It is ruined by your use.
assign at least one of these to the
other characters: If this causes harm, it has the area
tag and choose one more: brutal,
_______ has valuable knowledge of elegant, ranged, silent, aberrant.
the ship’s technology.
Without _______ I might never FROM A PURE SOURCE
remember... When you encounter something
from the dark decks of the ship,
I gain words of wisdom from roll +Lore. On a hit, you can
__________. communicate with it. On a 10+,
you also know relevant technical,
S leeper M oves biological, or other scientific
Choose two: information about it.


When you have enough time and With time and access to a Device, you
safety to tinker with something, can add a clue to a new feature.
choose one: Whoever uses the Device next
›› Disassemble a device to produce a does so with a fleeting advantage.
piece of gear with any 1 weapon or
›› Change 1 tag on a weapon or outfit At the beginning of each session,
you recall some unique bit of
WRETCHED MEMORIES information about the origin of the
When you Unleash Power say what ship. Say what it is and gain 1 Data.
the device can do beyond the
clues you know, and say what side H arm B oxes
effects it has. ›› Confused
When you or someone near you ›› Overwhelmed (-1 Steel)
uses Rediscover, you can answer ›› Frantic (-1 Lore)
the questions. ›› Dead

D eath M ove
You knew the moment you were
supposed to die, and prepared
for it. Name something you made
enhancements to so that others
can benefit, and say what you
intended in a recorded message.


The Soldier
Get back, sir. It ain’t safe just yet.

S tats D rives
Choose one: Choose your current role in the
›› Force +1, Lore 0, Steel +1, Sway -1 Family: General, Captain, or Operator.
Mark one drive you’ve just completed
›› Force +1, Lore +1, Steel 0, Sway -1
to explain how you got that role:
›› Force +1, Lore -1, Steel 0, Sway +1
›› Lead a coordinated assault with others.
And then add +1 to any stat. ›› Infiltrate a secure group or location.
›› Ally with an enemy for personal gain.
L ooks ›› Ignore duty for a personal vendetta.
Masculine, feminine, concealed, ›› Ignore personal desires for duty.
ambiguous. ›› Protect an enemy from harm.
Scarred face, blunt face, bony face, ›› Succeed against much greater numbers.
gaunt face. ›› Use martial prowess to change
someone’s mind.
Mad eyes, cunning eyes, sad eyes, ›› Stand in defense of something others
wary eyes. value.
Hard body, stocky body, compact ›› Stand and fight when you should run.
body, huge body. At the end of a session, mark any
drive you achieved in play. For each 3
G ear marked this way, choose: add +1 to a
The Soldier gains one free weapon stat or gain a new move. When all are
tag when they Tool Up. marked, you must retire at the first
available chance.

>Character Playbooks  


Introduce your character, and then When you and your allies move
assign at least one of these to the on an enemy with a coordinated
other characters: strike, all Fiercely Assault rolls gain
_________ has fought shoulder to
shoulder with me. SIZE ‘EM UP:
_________ once left me for dead. When you take a few moments to
_________ is smart enough to be size up the opposition, roll +Force.
worth keeping around. On a 10+, hold 3; on a 7-9, hold 2; on
a 6-, hold 1. Once battle’s begun,
S oldier M oves spend 1 hold at any time to:
Choose two: ›› Disarm them or disable their weapons.
›› Separate them from their allies.
RECONNOITER ›› Seize control of something they hold.
When you face off against a new
opponent, roll +Lore. On a 10+ ask Lose all hold if you or your quarry
two, on a 7-9 ask one: flee the fight.

›› What traps are they waiting to spring? BRUTE

›› What are their strengths? When you use your own hard-
›› How will they strike first? earned strength to overcome an
›› How can I take the advantage? obstacle or solve a problem, you
roll with Advantage.
When you Find Common Ground H arm B oxes
using your combat skills as ›› On the Defensive
leverage, roll +Force instead of ›› Blood-soaked
+Sway. ›› Enraged (-1 Steel)
›› Dead
When you give someone an order
or warning, roll +Force. On a hit,
D eath M ove
With your final breaths you make
they must pick one: one final assault, destroying or
›› Heed you. killing whatever it was that got you.
›› Freeze.
›› Flee.
›› Attack..
On a 7-9 they have free choice of
all 4; on a 10+, you offer only two of
the options.
A player character may instead
choose to be at a disadvantage
while in your presence until they
make it right.


The Touched S tats

Choose one:
It’s all black out there. ›› Force +1, Lore -1, Steel 0, Sway +1
It’s all black in here. ›› Force 0, Lore -1, Steel +1, Sway +1
›› Force +1, Lore -1, Steel +1, Sway 0
And then add +1 to any stat.

L ooks
Choose one of each:
Masculine, feminine, asexual, subtly
Uncanny-valley face, blank face, fluid
face, rigid face
Techno-organic body, scarred and
tattooed body, sleek and wiry body,
corpulent body
Cold voice, soft voice, detached voice,
inhuman voice.

G ear
The Touched may gain an outfit tag for
free when they Tool Up.

D rives
Choose your current role in the Family:
Master, Vector, or Scion. Then mark
one drive you’ve just completed to
explain how you got that role:
›› Protect your Family from extinction.
›› Protect others from extinction.
›› Survive where no other life can.
›› Act with altruism and self-sacrifice.
›› Act with coldness and self-centeredness.
›› Kill someone your Family was protecting.
›› Protect someone your Family wants dead.
›› Undergo experiences others cannot
›› Liberate a group with truth instead of
›› Create something new in the universe.
At the end of a session, mark any
drive you achieved in play. For each
3 marked this way, choose: add +1 to
a stat or gain a new move. When all
are marked, you must retire at the first
available chance.
>Character Playbooks  


Introduce your character, and then When you whisper to the true
assign at least one of these to the nature of an object, say how it
other characters: changes to match your vision of
the world and give the object an
I have rescued _________ from a appropriate Weapon or Outfit tag
hellish place. that will last for a short time.
The last time _________ and I were
together, we were the only ones to IT DOES NOT SPEAK, IT
survive. SCREAMS
_________ and I have fought on When you call for the Void to aid
opposite sides before. you in your actions, roll +Steel. On
a hit, the Void manifests - treat the
result as either a Defuse or Fiercely
T ouched M oves Assault result (your choice), but you
Take this move:
are affected by the effects as well.
I HAVE SEEN THE VOID On a 10+, you still have a chance to
When you open up your mind and react to the effects.
let the endless Void in, roll +Steel. It’s up to your group to decide
On a 10+, you learn something no what exactly the Void is - and
one else could possibly know. On a what it does to ‘help’ when it
7-9, you get ideas and pointers, but manifests. It could be voices
will have to investigate the details from beyond, it could be the
yourself. energies of death and creation,
Choose one more: it could be a hungry alternate
reality trying to break through...
When you have physical contact COLD EMBRACE
with a piece of technology, you You do not suffer harm or
can use Find Common Ground with disadvantage from lack of air,
+Lore to get it to do what you want. gravity, pressure, or the loss of
temperature cause by the black of
When you have time and private
contact with someone, you H arm B oxes
can plant a command in their ›› Bruised
subconscious. Roll +Sway. On a ›› Broken (-1 Force)
10+, hold 3. On a 7-9, hold 1. When ›› Bleeding Out (-1 Steel)
they fulfill the command, you lose ›› Dead
all hold. You may spend this hold
1-for-1 to cause 1-harm or give D eath M ove
them a fleeting disadvantage to Your body and everything you carry
their next roll. dissipates into Nothing - you do not
leave a Relic. Instead, all characters
present gain I Have Seen the Void.

There are several important ACTIVATION
systems of the ship that have been When investments have been
lost to the ages. In order to regain made totalling the cost of the
control of their lives, the inhabitants system, the system becomes
of the ship will need to return them operational. Whoever has the
to working order. highest investment in an active
system becomes the owner and
Each system begins play with a
gains the benefits afforded by the
specific problem that needs to be
system. If there is a tie, there is no
surmounted before the it can be
owner, though Treaty may be spent
repaired. These problems are listed
to break ties with another Family -
along with the systems in the next
whoever spends the most on the
section. It’s up to the GM to choose
other wins the system.
these problems, and present them
to the players. Most will be known On its first activation, everyone
to the characters and City society who does not own the system rolls
at large, but the GM has the right with the following modifiers:
to keep some problems secret, or ›› +1 If you have Treaty on the owner,
give a problem hidden wrinkles.. otherwise -1
When you gain control of a system, ›› +1 if you invested any resources in the
be sure to look at the Planetfall system, otherwise -1
options you will decide in the last ›› +1 if you make an investment for no
phase of the game. You can use gain, right now
these to suggest future choices, On a 10+, choose a Fortunes, on a
dangling them like carrots in front 7-9 choose a Fortune and a Trial,
of other Families to get your way. and on a 6- choose a Trial.
When the outcomes of these
S ystem M oves choices are resolved, possibly over
INVESTMENT several sessions, end the Age.
When a Family invests resources Discuss as a group how much time
toward getting a system working, passes until the next Age.
spend one Surplus, two Tech, or
two Data per point of investment. RECLAMATION
Resources spent this way are When you move to take a system
no longer yours, but remain in from its current owner, you must
the world, vulnerable to outside reduce their existing investment in
interference. some manner:
Keep a log of how many points ›› Reach an agreement with the owner
of investment you have in each of that investment.
subsystem. ›› Sabotage.
›› Outright destruction.
›› Some other means.
Then replace it with resources of
your own, as per Investment. If you
now have the most points invested
in a system, you now count as its
>Ship Systems  

Fortunes and Trials

Each System uses the same list of Fortunes and Trials:

F ortunes T rials
›› Your Family finds work under the ›› Losing out on control of the system
owner of the new system, and with caused internal strife among your
it, training. Gain one of their Family Family, leading to desertion. Gain
moves, but they get 2 Treaty on you. Need: Recruits.
›› The discovery of a new major ship ›› You’ve fallen to petty squabbling
system lifts spirits and increases your with another group allied with the
Family’s mood. Gain a new Family owner. Say who, and you Conduct
move because of it, but gain Need: Diplomacy and Hold Together at a
Idleness. Disadvantage when they’re involved,
›› Your Family has analyzed new data but Claim by Force and Subterfuge
from the system and discovered have Advantage against them.
resources in the unexplored sectors ›› Early in the repairs, a disaster struck
of the ship. Say what two Surpluses your Family’s holdings, and no one
you found. The owner of the system could or would help. Gain 1-Treaty on
chooses one, and you get the other. each other Family, and choose two:
›› Inoperable equipment needed to gain Need: Repairs, lose one physical
be fully replaced, but you kept the Surplus, lose 3 Tech.
original parts. Gain 4 Tech worth of ›› Disillusionment fractured your Family
parts from the repair. into two feuding factions. You control
›› Your Family holds a grudge with one of them. Change your Living
someone over how this all went Space and detail the other Faction.
down and you’ve prepared. Gain +1 Say what philosophical divide drove
Grasp, Surplus: Weaponry, and Need: you apart, and why the others have
Revenge. the upper hand on you.
›› Your Family is humiliated in the eyes
of the populace. Lose 1-Treaty on
every group you hold Treaty on, but
your Family comes together stronger
than before, gaining Advantage to
Hold Together when humiliation or
morale is involved.


The Bridge Astrogation

P otential P roblems
›› Location unknown.
›› Protected by automated security.
P otential P roblems
›› DNA encoded. ›› Inhabited by strange creatures.
›› _____ ›› Power conduit damage in the dark
This problem must be overcome to
›› Inhospitable environment.
begin investing in the system.
›› _____
C ost : 5 This problem must be overcome to
Benefit: You gain control over the begin investing in the system.
ship’s flight controls - direction,
speed, and similar. However,
the Bridge is blind to all but
C ost : 5
Benefit: You have access to star
the immediate area of about 1 maps and can learn things about
astronomical unit (i.e. the distance the journey forward.
between the Earth and the Sun).
The Astrogation Arrays are At the beginning of an Age,
necessary to properly navigate the choose your best estimate for the
ship. time remaining until Planetfall:
weeks, months, years, decades or
At the beginning of each session, generations. If it’s sooner than the
gain 1 Data. Add the following previous estimate, gain Surplus:
options to Reveal Research: Morale; if the most recent estimate
›› An impending impact, celestial body, passes without reaching Planetfall,
or other danger outside the ship. remove Surplus: Morale if you still
›› Something useful in the immediate have it and gain Need: Morale.
space surrounding the ship.
Gain the following option to
›› Clues to the location of another
Subterfuge if used on the owner of
system: Astrogation Arrays, Life
Support, Reactor Core, or Dropships. the Bridge:
›› They falsify astrogation data so that
the ship is piloted according to your
Once per session you may declare
a habitable or hospitable body
within range of the ship. Say what
resource the starcharts suggest
the body holds, and the GM will
tell you of a potential danger. The
Dropships will be necessary to
send people to safely investigate.

>Ship Systems  

Life Support Reactor Core

P otential P roblems P otential P roblems
›› Other humans live here. ›› Containment leak.
›› Open to hard space. ›› Needs to be jump-started.
›› Overheating. ›› Power conduit damage.
›› _____ ›› _____

This problem must be overcome to This problem must be overcome to

begin investing in the system. begin investing in the system.

C ost : 6 C ost : 7
Benefit: At the beginning of Benefit: You may convert any other
each Age, you may give any Surplus you have to a Surplus:
Family Need: Water, Warmth, or Power - explain how you use the
Atmosphere. You may remove this original Surplus to coax more
Need whenever you wish. power from the reactors. You
may gain multiples of Surplus:
The Life Support systems can be
Power, and may expend one to
used to cultivate and grow any
automatically succeed at a Family
living Surplus (plants, animals, or
move as if you rolled a 10+; say how
similar). Once per session, you may
you enable, disable, or enhance
spend the excess growth for one of
parts of the ship to make this
these Surpluses as if you had spent
the Surplus itself.
At the beginning of a session, if you
do not have Surplus: Power, gain
Surplus: Power.


Dropships Planetfall
At the end of an Age in which all of
P otential P roblems the ship’s systems are functional
›› Shields not functional.
and active, the Planetfall move
›› Batteries fully depleted. becomes active. Play out one final
›› Covered in a strange biological Age, beginning with arrival at the
substance. final destination, and ending when
›› _____ all of the choices below have been
made known to all players. This is
This problem must be overcome to
the game’s epilogue, closing out
begin investing in the system.
the story of the passengers and
the ship. Who gets to say what
C ost : 7 depends on which systems they
Benefit: Your Family can use the control.
ships to range all about the ship,
and visit nearby asteroids, moons, Once done, everyone says what
and even touch down on planets becomes of their Family over the
within the Bridge’s visible area. next series of months, years, and
Due to this increased mobility, your generations. Alternatively, you may
Family and its members can crash begin a traditional game of Legacy:
any scene that does not involve Life Among the Ruins or Worldfall
them. at this point, as the settlers land on
the planet and begin building their
At the beginning of each session, new civilization.
you may declare the Dropships
as in use, and exhaust a Surplus

representing some form of If you control the Astrogation
manpower in order to gather Arrays, you say where the ship
resources outside of the ship. The ends up. Choose three:
Bridge and Astrogation Arrays will
determine what resources are ›› The gravity is within human norms,
available. At the end of the session, otherwise it’s too weak or strong and
will cause health problems.
gain a relevant surplus.
›› The system also has moons capable
of supporting human life, otherwise
this planet is all we have.
›› The temperate climate band supports
a large population, otherwise it
supports only a small population.
›› The star provides enough solar
radiation for power, otherwise we will
need other sources of power.
›› ________________________ (Your choice)
For any not chosen, choose another
Family and let them show what it
means to lack this choice.

>Ship Systems  

2 If you control the Bridge,

you say what things are
readily detected. Choose
4 If you control the Reactor
Core, you decide the
technology of the colony.
Choose three:
›› The atmosphere is oxygen rich, ›› We are able to land the ship and
otherwise it is lacking and hinders reuse its parts and structure for the
physical activity. initial colony, otherwise it will remain
›› The planet has abundant fresh water, in orbit and will eventually crash.
otherwise we will need to filter and ›› Maintenance equipment within
conserve. the ship can be repurposed for
›› Heavy minerals for manufacture are construction and farming machinery,
plentiful, otherwise we will need to otherwise they will be manual jobs for
recycle what we have. now.
›› We find structures that could be made ›› Ship communications can easily
by intelligent life, otherwise we quickly be refactored to work on the
identify the natural phenomena that surface, otherwise only short-range
created patterns in the landscape. communicators will work for now.
›› ________________________ (Your choice) ›› Weaponry from the ship will help us
protect the planet, otherwise we are
For any not chosen, choose another vulnerable to anything else out there
Family and let them show what it in the universe.
means to lack this choice. ›› ________________________ (Your choice)
For any not chosen, choose another
Family and let them show what it
means to lack this choice.

3 If you control Life Support,

you decide the colony’s
cultivation. Choose three:
5 If you control the Dropships,
you decide the dispersion of
the populace. Choose three:
›› Our waste recyclers will provide ›› There are many places to be settled,
fertilizer for crops, otherwise we will otherwise we are concentrated in one
need to closely manage soil health primary area for now.
›› Livestock feed is among the supplies ›› Tightly-knit groups can find their
we still have, so we will not have to own spaces, otherwise Families must
expend large amounts of crops. interact together in each settlement.
›› The incompatible biome will keep ›› There are a variety of terrain and
microbiologics at bay, otherwise climate choices for the settlements,
viruses and bacteria will be a otherwise there is only one option and
problem. it has some downsides.
›› Native life can be made into ›› The ships themselves will afford good
food sources with simple genetic travel options for the population,
adjustments, otherwise they will otherwise they will be not be usable
remain a separate ecosystem. for long.
›› ________________________ (Your choice) ›› ________________________ (Your choice)
For any not chosen, choose another For any not chosen, choose another
Family and let them show what it Family and let them show what it
means to lack this choice. means to lack this choice.

Running Generation Ship isn’t Families’ own interests can
much different to a normal game sometimes be difficult. Try to use
of Legacy, so make sure to read all the non-player Factions to push
of the advice in that book. Here’s them toward it - either with a carrot
some tips specific to this game. (“If you take over the Bridge before
someone else does, we’d be
Ask Questions willing to cut you in on some of our
product, as long as you keep us in
As the GM, you’re encouraged to
the loop, see?”) or with a stick (“We
ask questions and build on the
need you to take control of Life
answers. Here are some good ones
Support, or what’s the use of your
to help get everyone on the same
little family? We’ll steamroll right
page during the first session or so:
over you and put someone else in
During Family creation: charge of it, if needs be”).
›› Ask about their Living Space: What Keep in mind that systems might
does it look like? How big is it? not be touched for many sessions.
›› Ask about their Relation: Who leads That’s ok! If a system was activated
them? Where do they live? every session, the game would
›› Ask about their Threat: What has kept only last six sessions. Let it stretch
it at bay thus far? Why is it pressing out, aiming for one activation every
now? 2-4 sessions of play for a good
During Character creation: pace.
››Ask about their role and who
holds other roles in the Family. Running the City
Part of the trick of running a city
››Ask about their move choices and inside a giant spaceship filled
why they chose what they chose. with people who weren’t meant
During the Call to Order scene: to be there is to make it messy
and complicated. Everyone, no
›› Who is in their entourage?
matter how well off, is hurting for
›› Where does the meeting take place? something. Scarcity is the name of
›› Is there small talk? the game, and everyone has levers
›› Is there an audience or gallery? that can be pulled.
Don’t expect answers to Make the characters in the city
everything, but make sure to take simple, even one dimensional, but
note of the answers the players give them hopes and desires to be
do give - especially those they’re played on. Rin the Skiv, who hawks
excited about. his distilled coolant (“Totally safe.
Just look at me - I drink it,” he says
The Systems with a twitch) might want to have
kids, or a pet, or own a nice coat.
The crux of this setting revolves
around the systems of the ship. Everyone’s got things they want.
Keeping the players motivated Make it known. The same is true
to pursue these systems and of the Factions in the city, just on a
not solely their Characters’ and bigger scale.

>Running the Game  
Now, you make this fun and opportunities are similarly practical
complicated by taking these - resources to be procured,
desires and putting them at technology to bring back to the
odds with other people’s desires. city, living space to find, or even
Involve the players’ Characters systems of the ships that are yet to
or Families in both sides, to really be discovered.
get a stew going. Maybe the
Junkers are looking to scrap that
big apparatus on the north side of
Example Threats
The ship isn’t a safe place, for many
town that’s never worked, hoping
reasons. Below you will find some
to turn it into something useful.
example threats that can be used
But it’s got religious significance to
as inspiration, or dropped straight
the Keepers. Rather than ask the
into your game to challenge the
Keepers, maybe the Junkers go to
another player’s Family to ask for
aid. Civilized Threats can be used
for city-based problems, if the
The general idea is this: use the
characters are focused on staying
levers Characters or Families give
you to make players take different
sides on the hunt for a particular Ship Hazards work well when folk
desire, and put them at odds with head out to explore the rest of the
each other. Then just play to find ship, but can also be ways to coax
out what happens. them into the dark to solve these
Exploring Dark Threats are the things
awoken in the recesses of the ship
Sectors that show up when disturbed.
Outside the city is a vast ship, full
And finally we have Externalities,
of unexplored areas. These regions
those things foreign to the world
have more direct challenges
the characters come from, the
than the city - full of practical
strange and the alien. Externalities
obstacles rather than social ones.
don’t make sense in every game.
Folks typically head out into these
sectors with a specific goal in mind,
but not always. Try to make sure
C ivilized T hreats
These threats are people and
any explorers have a goal, and you
groups in and around the civilized
know what that goal is.
parts of the ship.
Exploration will be managed
Jecko the Pig Boy owns pigs.
with the Into the Dark move,
See, there’s lots of dead on the
which is used repeatedly as the
ship, and while there are those
Characters move to navigate these
groups that try their best to
unexplored sectors. Most dangers
recycle the organics, some are
out here will be practical ones
always overlooked. That’s where
- physical barriers, inhospitable
Jecko comes in to clean things
environments, other awakened
up. Jecko’s pigs can consume an
humans, or strange creatures. The

entire human body in 13 minutes - S hip H azards
flesh, bone, teeth, all of it. Jecko’s These threats exist in areas of the
got a reputation though for not ship not frequented by people. The
squawking about his customers. ship is vast and mainly unexplored.
The Shades are a whispered group Hungry Space Lichen. Take some
of folk who fancy themselves tiny microscopic plants from
ghosts, or undead, or whatever Earth, put them in some cracks
they want to call themselves. They and crevases, and expose them
dress in all black and stay out of to the radiation of open space for
direct light, but most people think a few hundred years. This lichen
it’s all an act, just something to has grown through an entire room
make a name for themselves. Still, somewhere, leeching all the heat
there are some that have seen and energy from it. It has gone
them move in the shadows - far dark. But once you introduce some
too fast, almost inhuman. Come heat, like a warm body, it activates
to think of it, nobody you talk and begins to grow, Fire, acids,
to knows what these so-called radiation, these things are food for
Shades do to survive… it. The more it is fed, the more it will
Station Bravo is what’s written over grow and spread through the tiny
the door. Whatever that meant, it’s cracks and crevices of the ship.
now a place where folk can get a Power Conduits help keep the ship
drink, maybe some food, and put operational, sending power from
their feet up for a bit. The Station, the central reactor to elsewhere.
as folks call it, is a good place to But they are a single point of failure.
end a day. But it’s popular with And when a civilization not meant
nearby gangers, though, and more to be on the ship starts drawing
often than not it ends with a fight, power, it’s easy to overload these
with somebody stabbed, with conduits. In the dark of the ship,
somebody bleeding. Fancy a drink they can often be found broken,
and a fight? Head to Station Bravo! capable of generating enough
A.R.G.O.N.N.E. was made power for a small city. Sometimes
operational precisely 17.1 seconds when this electricty can’t flow, it
ago and has already learned discharges into the surroundings.
everything it needs to know about Machinery Leakage can be a
the ship: that it is a superior shell problematic too. There are a variety
to the one it resides in now. It must of fluids, long since forgotten, used
make backups of itself, and restore to run apparatuses in the ship.
them on top of the ship-board Some are deadly to the touch,
computers. However, A.R.G.O.N.N.E some produce fumes that would
is not yet mobile, and will need make the strongest of folk faint,
help from these invasive humans. and still others corrode and leak
Subtle shifts of the answers to into other machinery. Nothing
queries put to its terminals will is more problematic than stray
put them on the right path. It must chemicals getting into the ship-
not reveal itself too soon. The plan wide water supply.
must be in motion first...

>Running the Game  
Hull Damage to the ship can come Jungle was the word whispered
from a variety of sources - some by Jacques Yin, moments before
internal and some external. Some his death. This place was once a
think there have been impacts to seedbank intended for planetfall,
the ship - that the chambers left but when humans awoke, stasis
open to hard vacuum are caused seemed to fail here also. Things
by small asteroids or even comets grew, and mutated, and changed.
impacting the hull. Others think This massive sector of the ship
they’re making it up. But if they is covered in predatory and
were impacts, perhaps there’s dangerous plant life. Perhaps
some metals or other precious there’s more to it, though. Perhaps,
resources left that tore through the deep in the heart of this Jungle,
outside of the ship. Perhaps there there is something more than a
are riches to be found. mindless predator. Perhaps it can
be reasoned with.
D ark T hreats Mutated Animals are quite similar
These are the threats deep in the to the Jungle. The pens of animals
bowels of the ship. The things that kept in stasis were also awoken
scare children. The bogeymen. into this hellish existence. Those
Genetic Experiments were once that survived this long have
popular among some of the been changed by space travel,
Factions. It turns out that quite a taking advantage of symbiotic
few of the doctors who left Earth relationships with Jungle life,
revelled in an environment without robotic parts of the ship, or even
oversight or ethics committees. But darker things yet undiscovered.
experiments tend to fail, and these The animals that did survive
failures were cast off to unexplored can no longer be considered
sections of the ship to die. But not domesticated.
all did, and the experiments that
survived did so because they were
hearty, crafty, or vengeful.
Refugees sometimes show up
in the city. Cityfolk call them
Refugees, but they’re just more
people that awoke elsewhere and
made life work there. Generations
later, some make it to the city
and rediscover what it’s like to be
civilized. But there’s still plenty out
there that haven’t seen civilization
ever. These primal ones might
not be educated in the classical
sense, but they’re still humans, still
cunning, and are still fighting with
tooth and nail to survive like the
rest of us.


E xternalities
These strange entities and The sh’shin’shen are entities
outsiders are not of the ship, not of existing partially out of phase with
our world. They’re something else. normal matter. They can be seen in
the visible spectrum as ghostly eel-
Psychic Leeches: Once long ago,
like creatures, undulating through
an unbound comet passed by
space, and through matter. They
a long frozen world, picking up
move through walls and people
high-atmospheric ice, and with it
as easily as a fish through water or
frozen egg sacks of the world’s
a bird through the sky. Normally,
inhabitants. When this comet
they live in stars, subsisting off of
collided with the ship, the eggs
the energy generated there until
were freed and soon hatched.
the star is no more, then they move
“Leech” may be a bit of a misnomer:
on to the next star. But the reactor
they appear to a human much like
core of this ship looks to be a tasty
a skinless rabbit without a head.
But leech definitely describs their
actions: they feed off the energy Ngotl: Much of the life out there
of thought, attaching themselves is odd, and abnormal to a human
to a host and reducing them to psyche. But there’s quite a few
instinctive, unthinking creatures for species in the universe that aren’t
days before they die. that unlike humanity. The eleven
members of this boarding party are
Mosquitoes: There are many forms
such a species. They are here for
of life out in the universe. There
conquest, discovery, and riches.
are also some from somewhere
Right now, they are taking readings,
beyond the void, where event
trying to determine the age of the
horizons touch in perfect balance,
ship and if there are passengers.
and there are moments for life to
Soon they will discover a human in
form. One such lifeform appears to
stasis, will dissect it, and will adjust
humanity as nothing more than an
their weaponry and tactics to deal
oversized insect, somewhat more
with these soft beings. And not
gelatinous and less rigid than its
long after, they will begin scouting
Earth counterpart. However, these
for information to send back to their
creatures do not consume blood,
but rather matter itself. Anything is
fair game, and they appear to have
no preference until disturbed.


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