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ISSN (Print) : 0974-6846

Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 9(21), DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i21/85014, June 2016 ISSN (Online) : 0974-5645

Investigation of UDP Bot Flooding Attack

Bijalwan Anchit* and Singh Harvinder
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Uttarakhand Technical University, Dehradun - 248007,
Uttarakhand, India;,

Background/Objectives: This paper presents the analysis of Bot flooding attack which leads to DDOS (Distributed Denial
of Service) using a lab experiment in a networked environment creating a real DDOS attack like scenario. Methods: To study
the DDOS attack through UDP (User Datagram Protocol) Bot flooding, a lab setup is done in a networked environment. A
UDP flood attack starts by sending a huge number of UDP packets from different IP addresses. The experimentation is
performed using NS2. The results generated are used as evidences to prove that a machine is victimized and is facing DDOS
attack. Graphical evidence is also presented for the DDOS attack using UDP packets flooding. Findings: The evidences
collected from the lab experimentation clearly show the demarcation between the normal network traffic and the traffic
containing UDP Bot flood. By making the comparison between normal and abnormal network traffic through the UDP flow
graph the possibility of DDOS is predicted.

Keywords: Botnet, Botnet Forensics,DDoS, Internet Security,Random UDP Bot Flooding

1.  Introduction particular computer system takes it to shut down process,

and hence its services are denied to the legitimate users.
In past few years we have witnessed a very fast paced Botnets are used for all DDOS (Distributed Denial
growth in Internet and its related services. It has revolu- of Service) attacks, Spam, click fraud, information theft,
tionized the lives of many people and it appears next to phishing attack, and distribution of other malware.
impossible to survive in its absence. The use of Internet on Random-UDP bot flooding attack1 is a kind of attack in
one hand has provided us with the beneficial services and which the strikerkeeps on sending multiple UDP data-
on the other hand given invitation to many challenging grams of distinct sizes at a time. This results in denial of
and troublesome situations. Some of the awkward situ- service to that computer system as well as its resources.
ations sometimes faced by the internet users are DDOS, A Botnet simulator is used to simulate DDoS flood
rootkits, viruses, worms, ransomwares and many more. attack in testbed, where to deploy easily the attacker may
Botnets are widely used as platforms for spreading use randomizer. The different sizes of datagram can eas-
different types of threats. A Botnet is a huge network of ily read the characteristics of UDP datagram and enter in
compromised computers which are remotely controlled by the users network to make them bot. The bot is continu-
a person with malicious intent called botmaster. Though, ously sending the UDP datagrams with different sizes and
a Botnet is responsible for performing different types of ­create tough situation for the users.
malicious activities but our main focus in this paper is on In2 proposed testbed framework for realistic DDoS
DDoS attack. attack from two way traffic generation named Botloader.
A Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attack is a In3segregated the IP spoofing for the flooding attack into
kind of cyber attack in which multiple compromised com- three categories that are as follows: 1. Random spoofing,
puters attack a single computer system as a target, which 2. Subnet spoofing and 3. Fixed spoofing. He proposed an
results indenyingits services for users of that particular easy and thorough method to find the presence of TCP
system. The ample number of messages coming to that SYN flooding attacks and its mitigation using ­different

*Author for correspondence

Investigation of UDP Bot Flooding Attack

types of spoofing methods. His simulation method shows sense the fake IP addresses without increasing the detec-
the mitigation of TCP based flooding attacks. In4 explores tion time. In14 proposed a detection strategy which uses
the energy distributions of Internet data traffic flow in SYN traffic forecasting to find out whether SYN flooding
frequency domain. Normal flow of TCP traffic presents attacks happen at the initial phase. In15 proposed SNMP
recurrence because of the vey behavior of protocol. He based algorithm for detection of data traffic that leads to
showed the comparison between normal TCP flows with flooding attacks which minimized the detection time,
malicious TCP flows as per their energy distribution vari- processing time and network overheads and also provide
ance difference that normal TCP flows can be differentiated high rate of detection. In16 surveyed on clustering algo-
from malicious flows as per the energy. In 5proposed the rithm characteristics for big data mining. In17 the author
defense method named FDIDS against denial of services is introducing the new threats that can be utilized by
attacks. Single failure can be avoided through FDIDS. malware developers as a persistence mechanism. In18 the
Flooding denial of service can be detected through traf- author elaborately discusses about seriousness of Botnet
fic matrices which can be built with the help of traffic problem and project the importance of online malware
tables. To reduce the overhead, local methods and global analysis in Botnet defense research. In19 the proposed sys-
methods for communication are suggested.In6showed the tem uses an algorithm in which the detection is based on
method to suppress the DDoS attack scenario through anomaly and based on signature mapped to AIS called
real time estimation. He set the method named ANN to “Generation of Detector (Genetic Algorithm)” to detect
find out the number of bot systems in DDoS assault. This DDoS attacks. Every time an attack is spotted, a new gen-
technique gave the flexibility in estimation either in low eration is summed up with the detectors dataset to detect
or high detection stability. In7 used the different queuing the invasion. In20 the authors have computed the valid-
algorithm for the efficiency on flooding attack on net- ity of available routing protocols against the malicious
work. He observed Stochastic Fair Queuing technique attacks and find the quality and effect of security improve-
(SFQ) is better than other queuing techniques for UDP ments and have suggested a dependable solution to deal
traffic. In8 proposed the webserver safety method against with DDoS attacks in MANETS. In21 effect of the DDoS
HTTP GET attacks. This method can efficiently discover attack on the cloud environment is thoroughly studied.
HTTP GET flooding attacks. It is applied in Gigabit Therefore, a framework for attack based on the DDoS
Ethernet secure Network Interface Controller (GEINIC) is prepared, and then authors have created imitation of
to ensure safety against DDoS attack. In9 presented Novel a cloud system on the experimental environment. The
Random Flow network model. This is a general and novel experiments show that the cloud environment is defense-
framework for preventing from distributed denial of ser- less to this kind of attack.
vice attack. Its hows the related nessamidst some metrics In this paper we have analyzed the attacking scenario
deduced from the model. Kumar et al. studied the distrib- using NS2 and generated flow graphs for the random
uted denial of services attack in which large number of UDP bot flooding attack. We have designed the algo-
packets created computational overhead. He distributed rithm to detect and analyze the UDP bot flooding attack.
these overheads into POPs of the ISPs. In10 the authors This includes three phases i.e. analysis of UDP Flooding
experimented their work on NS2 and indicated that the using NS2, UDP Flow graph under both normal & attack-
available bandwidth is comparatively more easily inun- ing scenario and comparison of traffic flow rate. In this
dated by UDP attack than by TCP attack. They introduce section we review the existing techniques including the
the concept of time of attack and intensity of attack. introduction. The rest of the paper is organized as follows:
In11 the author surveyed the spotting and extenuation The analysis of UDP Bot Flooding attack is presented
of denial of service assault. He created DoS Mitigation in section 2. The proposed framework and results are
Module (DMM) to provide the way for maintaining the explained in section 4. The work is concluded in section 5
components. In12 the author analyzed DDoS attack from along with scope for future work.
a few number of zombies using a web server. He sets up a
Botnet system to analyze the DDoS bot behavior in order
to test the strength against such attacks.In13 created the
2.  Traffic Flow Analysis
defense environment against the UDP flooding attack. It is mandatory to analyze the data whether it is normal
He showed, the defense system can effectively spot and traffic or infected data after identification of UDP bot

2 Vol 9 (21) | June 2016 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology
Bijalwan Anchit and Singh Harvinder

flooding attack. We traced ddos bot clues using BoNeSi in From the attack flow graph we can deduce that the
a test bed wired, collected through Wireshark. The curves packet queue is continuously increasing with respect
plotted are of Time to Packet Queue, Time is on the X axis to time. This means that the packets are arriving at the
and Packet Queue is on the Y Axis. There are 2 graphs ­system but the system is unable to process them (reached
provided, an attack flow graph and a normal flow graph. the bottleneck limit) and is now increasing the packet
queue over time rendering the system unusable and
2.1  Normal Traffic Flow thereby justifying that it’s a DoS/DdoS Attack. Contrary
Figure1 shows the normal flow where system obtained the to the attack graph.
result between TCP wait queue versus time. X axis depicts
the time and Y axis depicts queue length in terms of no. 2.3  Observation
packets. In normal attack no. of packets in buffer is 75. The normal flow was generated by getting the system to
When we look at the normal flow graph we witness the connect with multiple websites over a short period of
graph very different, there is too much entropy. The queue
time, with some of them being video streaming websites.
is unreliable; it increases with the increase in traffic and
this shows us a basic comparison between normal and
falls when the system has processed traffic. (Figure 1)
attack scenarios in case of a network attack, The queue
length is generally a good measure to detect if there is any
2.2  Under Attack Traffic Flow bottleneck or not, In case there is we need to develop pro-
Figure 2 shows attack flow ddos bot attack. Where graph cedures to remove the malware or useless packets from
shows linear increase in no. of packets. The number of the queue and free the server queue in case of these attacks
packets constantly increase and 160* 103 packets in peak and start monitoring incoming packets and remove them
position. In next snapshots shows the under attack sce- in a realtime environment.
nario with the help of network simulator2 are shown in We have collected the data from various attack
Figure 2. ­scenarios generating a large data pool, to which we will
be applying big data analysis and find the parameters
that change the most or can help us with identification
between legit and forced packets.
We are also looking into this to implement the IP
Spoofing detection to clean out traffic directly from
spoofed IP’s in a realtime environment.

3.  Results and Findings

Our experiments on DDoS bot attack behaves like the
normal flow. For this purpose we use randomizer func-
Figure 1.  Normal Flow analysis through NS2. tion. These results and findings are based on further
investigation of authors work. The flow graph presents
the connection start procedure between the server and
the client. Once the connection is constituted, the data
frames begin to flow. The necessary features of a frame
are shown in the flow graph. We can clearly observe, for
example, the time of transmission, the size of the frame,
the sequence number of the frame and the TCP ports
used for the constituting the connection. The viewer can
also go through the graph from starting to the end and
observe if finds any re-transmits because of packet loss
Figure 2.  Under attack Flow Analysis through NS2. or timeouts.

Vol 9 (21) | June 2016 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology 3
Investigation of UDP Bot Flooding Attack

The flow graph property can give a fast and effective

way for checking of connections between a client com-
puter and a server computer. It can also show if there
are any problems with a TCP connection. The various
­problems may be: 1. Timeouts, 2. Re-transmitted frames
and 3. Dropped connections.
Here two flow graphs are presented, One containing
the captures when the attack was running and other con-
tains flow graph under normal flow. The segregation has
been done to the protocols for easy read and analysis, as
most of the time UDP and ICMP activity is almost zero
under normal circumstances.

3.1 Investigation of Flow Graph under

Attack Scenarios
Investigation of flow graph under attack scenario shows
the denial of services bot attack. Figure 3 shows the
bot infected web server throws many of packets from
different IP’s to the user’s system which cause floodin-
Figure 4.  Analysis of Normal UDP Flow Graph.
gattack. Hence user is unable to perform other activity
(Figure 3).

3.2  Investigation of Normal Flow Graph

Investigation of flow graph under normal scenario shows
the communication of the user to the respective system.
Herein Figure 4 and in Figure 5, user’s communicated IP
and responds IP. This shows the two way communica-
tion. First image depicts the request and communication
of the sender and in second image depicts the response
and communication of receiver (Figure 5).

Figure 5.  Analysis of Normal UDP Flow Graph.

Figure 3.  Analysis of UDP Flow Graph under attack

scenario. Figure 6.  Average Flow Graph.

4 Vol 9 (21) | June 2016 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology
Bijalwan Anchit and Singh Harvinder

3.3  Investigation of Average Flow Graph The main features to look here are the packet size,
which is considerably lower in the attacking scenario
Figure 6 depicts the average flow graph of UDP bot in
when compared to normal scenario.
which communication is from both side (Figure 6).
This also causes the average. Bytes per second to drop
down when compared with the normal scenario.
3.4 Comparison between Vital Elements
Related to Network Traffic
Here we can see that the difference between attack
4.  Conclusion
and normal flow isn’t that much significant. The simu- This paper gives the implementation of UDP bot flooding
lation algorithm used is pure efficient due to the use through different tools such as NS2 and wireshark. We
of randomizer that there are not much differentiating implemented two different scenarios for NS2 and for the
parameters between normal and attack flow. It’s very Wireshark. We used RED script and made a clone simi-
hard to come up with an algorithm to differentiate this lar to BoNeSi script and used it in NS2. We showed the
on a single use case basis. It is why we require to imple- comparison between normal scenario and attack scenario
ment big data and machine learning in this to optimize after the analysis of random bot flooding attack.
the efficiency in packet separation (malicious) to pre- We can implement an HPC (High Performance
vent the denial of service bot attack to become an issue Computing) cluster for big data collection for analysis in
(Figure 7). future. The cluster is created on a Linux kernel using the
From the values above we can compare that majority PelicanOS on multiple hardware machines.Since the data
of the packets falls into the 40-79 packet length category, to be computed is so large, a single system would be inef-
the only differentiating parameter being the rate which fective against it. This cluster will provide us with data
is much lower when compared to the normal scenario which can lead to develop machine learning algorithms
(Figure 8). to be applied to filter out the unwanted traffic from a net-
Here we can see the average information between the work. In future, we need to apply forensics that is post
various scenarios, as it would be expected. The DDoS bot mortem or investigation process to the obtained results
algorithm makes sure not to flag out the avg. Packets/sec and work in the direction to mitigate the problem.
parameter, when compared to the attack scenario it is
lower than that of normal scenario which is really not the
case with the non-randomized simulators.
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