Animal Workshop

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Title of Workshop: In the Jungle

Date and Time of Workshop: 16th June 2010, 11am – 12am

Creative Disciplines used: Drama, movement, voice, visualisation

Aims for Workshop:

 To subtly introduce the participants to a variety of animals that they may
encounter at the zoo; however it is still freestanding.
 Develop characterisation skills using movement based activities, the voice
and facial expression.
 Explore the process of visualisation – this will stimulate the participants’
imaginations that will them during their characterisations.

Objectives for Workshop:

 Take part in a variety of activities that will allow participants to explore a
range of animals.
 Particular exercises will slowly develop characterisation skills – particular
activities will be dedicated to voice, movement and expression.
 Tell a story to the participants where they will complete the process of
imagining that they are a traveller in a jungle – this will be highly
Performance or Story: ‘The Wave’
 A highly descriptive story about a traveller walking through the
jungle coming across waterfalls and animals approaching them.
This will be told to the participants whilst they are sat down in a
circle with their eyes closed. We will ask them to imagine that
they are the traveller, and ask them to imagine the type of
animal they encounter on their journey in the jungle. This will a
pivotal starting point for characterisation.

Reasons for the story:

 Is a story for a visualisation process. It heightens the
participants’ imagination and gives them a starting point for
exploring characterisations of animals.

Warm Up:
Animal name game
 Stand in a circle and say your name aloud and then put a sound that you
think represents an animal. The rest of the group will repeat this back.
This introduces our overall theme for the workshop
Guess the animal
 Each participant will pick out a piece of paper and hold it above their
head. This piece of paper will say an animal on it. The individual will
not know what is written on the piece of paper.
 Other participants will describe the animal to the participant and they
have to guess what chosen animal they are. Every participant will get a
Main Activity:

Characterisation of animal
 Sit in a circle
 Ask them to produce a gesture for their animal
 Ask them to produce a facial expression for their animal
 Ask them to produce a sound for their animal
 Turn to the person next to you and show them what you have – can
they guess what animal you are?
 In pairs interact with each other as your chosen animal.


Where does your animal live?

 Each participant will have a chance to tell everyone what their
chosen animal is.
 As a group we will brainstorm the areas of the jungle (Lagoon,
Canopy, Rockery, and Mountain.

Mapping the jungle

 Place the locations around the room – the participants will go and stand
on the location that best fits their animal.
 A traveller will walk through the jungle and the participants will make
sounds of the animal – a sound scape will emerge.

Reflection or Development:
Flip Chart (Questions to the participants)
 Did you learn anything today?
 What did you like about today’s session?
 Will you take anything away from this?
 When you go to the zoo, do you think you’ll recognise the
different types of animals more clearly?

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