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290017 World Tour Rules World Tour Systern Dear World Tour Pilots, Bobw ie mts of generates and guielnes thal mist be observed while yng Work Tours Peete red ALL of them catty ond make sure you comply wih hm, ot ony a anaure your atistacton, bu every oar member a feton in thing our ous Due tothe nature of some tours, rules andlor schedules might be subject to change“ + WERT Realtime Mode Flights must be completed in reaine mode (tx ate) No oer medal permit on the NAO Network, + WER2 Real World Weather Fights mus! ge complstad onne using WA's Weather ora 3rd sary sofware capable of providing roabwonter, and times must be in UTC Format PIREP' must be ropote in UTC format and the Departure rival times aro frtared as Take-Of and Uanding' tes, + WTER4a -6 Minutes Rule - Departure Aiport ‘Aer connacing to the networks you alert must be stationary while onlne for ‘minimum of 6 min + WTER4D -6 minutos Rule -Arval Airport ‘Aa lancing and lt the apron oF gle, your arerat must be stationary hie nine fra minimum of 6 minutes + WERS Disconnect AterEach Log ‘Ate completing fight an nad walled 8 minutes as required, you must disconnect fom th network before staring your next ih [Amaximum disconnection tine of 20 minutes wis accptes due o FS er PC rash (you must report UTC times with a brie ext the tight ‘When reconnecting tothe network, your fight must be fad n athe than 2000 from the point f aconnecon, + WERT - Charts on board Poa are expected to have spprop rar charts on board + WERS -Comect Fight Pan before Takeott “Th pio response lo ensure the gh pln i corer before lake Fights wth te wrong Departure! Arival/ARemate Fight Rules Type or core Ara nfoation atthe moment of akeo will NOT be accepts + WERD- Valid Fight lan Route Fights win OCT andior OCTIGPS or VFR DCT a8 Fight Pan wl NOT be ccoted. ‘Your fg plan must inedud Ise plot rasposity to ensure a valid armvaarpor sInduded in your igh plan thal is sulabl for he acat type you are Tin, The Departure Airport il NOT be aecepted as an Atorate, An Atal Alport villonty be aceapies when hearing aor sremole and lated by round or waar (Desert or Onzant gh where:na otter aport woul! be appropri + WER -Sultable Alrrat Type ‘As Pin Command (IC), you must choos an cra thats eutble and ean operate safly and wshin mas for every avpor ofthe tour or s stated n ta log deseon ‘See te upidoun arows onherah of your sereen + WTERI2- MAX Speed Below 10,0008 250KIAS shoul! be observed below L100 (100008) ‘As por WAO's Rules & Regulations, WORLD TOUR pls must mont and aise thers of tet ntontons on UNICOM (122 8H) # not undar ATC con Plots must spond fers acts and contact ATC postions when eniring or ing through thee siepace vor fight must neude RNKWORLD TOUR in the romarks secon of your fight plan. No Tour Number ae alowed ‘Please Note™ uh wil disconnect om he network your temas section ha 120 many characters ploase ensue to remove long unnecessary remarks coated by td party applications (Ex. Aerosol PPR Click here for the World Tour Department's Contact list. ( asp?Id=w) % 1 acogpt the above wien rues. Word Tour system Version 1.0 hip ntivao aur 12 290017 World Tour Systern Q rsexsnnseebockcombageuvncigsseraaeey) itr sam iMOAee) spouts omiVAOpsbleltons) hip ntivao aur

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