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Term Paper

"Performance Appraisal of United Commercial Bank Ltd."

Submitted To:
Prof. Dr. Md. Alauddin
Head of the department
Department of Management
Dhaka College, Dhaka

Submitted By:
Al Amin Khan
MBA (Final)
Class Roll: 260012
Session: 2015-2016
Department of Management
Dhaka College, Dhaka

University of Dhaka

Submission Date: 17th February, 2019


My sincere thanks to department head Prof. Dr. Md. Alauddin whose able
guidance and kind cooperation I was able to complete the term paper titled
"Study of Performance Appraisal System of MBL". All those employees of
United Commercial Bank Ltd. deserve special thanks for their cooperation and
help in the collection of necessary and relevant material for this work. Also, I do
thank and remember my friends for their effort and helping hand. Every effort
has been made to enhance the quality of work.

The Performance Appraisal System (PAS) is a very significant PAS

system within all types of organizations. Performance appraisal includes
performance review vis-à-vis short term and long term goals/targets and
sincere implementation of this process itself plays a very crucial role in
effective management of organizations, particularly in today’s competitive
world of work and business. Despite the very importance of PAS, several
organizations are however having a fresh look at the whole process of
employee appraisals, by focusing on the historical performance appraisal
methods and while taking the current environmental context into account,
attempt to periodically review and recast the appraisal systems in the
context of changing business needs and work models.

It is also well understood that the Performance Appraisal System (PAS)

is a very important HRD sub system within any organization. It is not only an
important tool for review and appraisal of individual performances, but it
helps a great deal in identification and appraisal of future potential as
well. If designed well and implemented efficiently, the whole process of
PAS, in fact, contributes greatly towards overall development of
employees within an organization, which in turn contributes to the
combined and continued growth and development of the organization itself.

In the overall and current management discussions /practices, it is rightly felt

that to achieve the objectives of employees’ development and organizational
improvement, organizations should move to a larger and broader frame of
performance management and development system, making it compulsory to
make a periodic review and bring in needed changes from time to time,
apart from ensuring total efficiency in the implementation process of this
system. Performance management is after all a joint process where both the
supervisors and the employees identify common goals, which correlate to the
higher goals of the organization. For all this purpose, there is a justified
need and scope for full research on the subject, particularly in the context of
Indian public sector banks where we see high level of technology
adoption, rising customer needs and expectations, a lot of business competition
and change, both from the employees’ and customers’ perspective. It is keeping
in view, all these factors and considerations that this researcher has attempted
this research study on PAS.
Name of the Chapter Page No
Chapter-1 : Introduction
1.1 Introduction 01
1.2 Background of the study 02
1.3 Need for the study 03
1.4 Scope of the Study 04
1.5 Objectives of the Study 05
1.6 Limitations of the study 06
Chapter-2 : Review of Literature
2.1 Introduction 07
2.2 Review of Literature 07-8
2.3 Conclusion 08
Chapter-3 : Conceptual Frame Work
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Meaning of Performance
3.3 Meaning of Appraisal
3.4 Conclusions
Chapter- 4 : Methodology of the Study
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Sources of Data 12
4.3 Sample Selection 12
4.4 Methods of data analysis 12-13
4.5 Conclusions 13
Chapter-5 : Profile of United Commercial Bank Limited
5.1 Introduction 15
5.2 Background of United Commercial Bank 15-16
5.3 Vision of United Commercial Bank: 16
5.4 Mission of United Commercial Bank 16
5.5 Objectives 16
5.6 Corporate Culture of MBL 17
5.7 Management hierarchy of MBL 17-18
5.8 Social Responsibility of MBL 18-21
5.9 Conclusions 21-22
Chapter-6 : Analysis and Findings
6.1 Introduction 24
6.2 SWOT Analysis 24-26
6.3. Findings of the Study 27

Chapter-7 : Conclusions and Recommendations

7.1 Introduction 28
7.2 Recommendations 29
7.3 Conclusions 30
Bibliography 32

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