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Name: __________________________________________________ Date: __________

American Dream: Reality, Promise, or Illusion?

Write 3 pieces of James Truslow Adam’s quote that can help us define the “American Dream”




Directions: Visit each station and complete the questions as assigned.

You may need to use your phone for some stations, but not others. Be mindful of
the BYOD policy.
STATION 1: Buzzfeed Privilege Walk

What things helped people move forward (towards the “American Dream”)?

What things made people move back (away from the “American Dream”)?

How did this influence your thinking about the American Dream?

Evaluate this activity as a symbol for the American Dream. How accurate is it? Does it truly represent
the possibility of achieving the American Dream?

Does Buzzfeed portray the American Dream as reality, promise, or illusion? How/why?
STATION 2: Political Cartoons: Pick 4
STATION 3: 60 Minutes/Vanity Fair Poll: The American Dream

Dream Personified:
Who do you think embodies the American Dream? (It can be someone from the graph, or someone else.)

How to Achieve It
What do you think is the most important factor to achieving the American Dream? Why?

Generation Gap
Do you think you have a better life than your parents? Why or why not?

Define the Dream

What do you think the American Dream means today?

Dream Date
What year do you think the American Dream came closest to its peak? Why?

Write 3 phrases describing data you can gather from the graphics from this survey:




Do the results of this survey portray the American Dream as reality, promise, or illusion? How/why?
STATION 4: “Teenagers are Losing Confidence in the American Dream”

Write 3 different opinions shared by teenagers in this article regarding their view of the American




Which opinion do you agree with most? Why?

Do the opinions shared in this article portray the American Dream as reality, promise, or illusion?
STATION 5: “10 People Living the American Dream”

Write 3 different people living the American Dream according this article and HOW/WHY




Do these stories portray the American Dream as reality, promise, or illusion? How/why?
STATION 6: The American Dream in Film and Music

Choose two of the following videos and explain how each one portrays the American Dream. Consider
the questions What does the media say about the American dream? You may make an inference
Is the American dream (AD) positive or negative?
Is the AD achievable? How does one go about achieving it?
Is the AD healthy for people? Is it fulfilling?



Do these stories portray the American Dream as reality, promise, or illusion? How/why?

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