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Lesson plan written by: Andrés Reina and David Calderón

Lesson plan assessed by: Camilo Rodríguez

ASPECT YES NO Suggestions
Does the lesson plan have…
A date X
Number of students X
Lesson and pages to be covered X
Board objectives (communicative, language, strategy, task) X Perhaps, the slide could be
accompanied by an image to give a
better idea :).
Warm-up X Personally, I like that there is a
metacognitive reflection about class
A moment to check homework. X
All the required transitions. X Not always the transition needs to be
revolving around a question or a
sentence. Having said this, I want to
highlight that all the activities are
connected and are integrated.
The Type of interaction of activities X
A learning strategy X It is good that you recycled a learning
strategy to see if students can retrieve
Explicit training on pronunciation X I remark the fact that there is pre,
while and post for the pronunciation
A task X You forgot to fill in the information
(in the footnote) for this part in the
slides ;).
Rubrics to evaluate the task X
A conversation model for the task stage X Although I know that it is not
necessary, you can include a
conversational model that helps them
to develop the 'why' part of the task :)
Two assessment moments X
A peer-assessment moment X
A listening activity X
Lesson plan written by: Andrés Reina and David Calderón
Lesson plan assessed by: Camilo Rodríguez

Attachments of charts, graphics or any other extra material X

An explanation of how the grammar of the day is going to be presented X
Is the warm-up interactive, engaging and relevant? X
Is the warm-up 15 minutes or shorter? X
Are transitions coherent and solid? X
Are CALLA STEPS explicitly developed? X
Does the task have an outcome? X
Does the task have a communicative goal? X
Is the task related to the grammar and vocabulary of the lesson? X
Are conversation models stated according to the level of students?
Are grammar structures inferred by students? X
Are extra activities relevant, if any? X
Are there clear tasks for listening activities? X
Are there clear guidelines and models for written tasks if any?
Are there spelling or grammar mistakes? X
Is the explanation of the activities clear and detailed enough? (logistics and X

In general, your slides are complete and you explain thoroughly how you are going to develop each activity. I can see a big effort on trying
to connect activities and to try to insert every aspect following Colombo principles. My only concern was about time. You have activities
that consume a lot of time. I don't know if you would end up rushing up to go over all :(. However, I don't know the dynamics of the class.

Nice example of how a lesson plan should be developed.

FINAL GRADE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 X

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