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Teaching sequence 6th grade

Class 1

Context: Animals and me

Content: Animals
*Enable students to recognize vertebrates and invertebrates.
*Enable students to classify animals according to their main characteristics.

Language Practices:
*Recall previous knowledge about the topic
*Identify and classify animals.
*Select, compare and differentiate animals.

Learning Outcomes:
*Recognize, identify and label animals into vertebrates and invertebrates.
*Demonstrate understanding by classifying animals into mammals, reptiles, fish,
birds, amphibians and insects.
*Complete a power point presentation with the information learnt.

Linguistic exponents
 I hear a…….
 I think it´s a ……………
 In my opinion it´s a ……….
 The (horse) has got…….
 The (parrot) hasn´t got…….
 It has got…….
 What do you know about (horses)?
 Are they vertebrate or invertebrate?
 What else do you know? (Are they insects or mammals?)
 This is a vertebrate because it has (a backbone)
 This is an invertebrate because it hasn´t got (a backbone)
 This animal is a (mammal)
 The (snail/ Chamaeleon) is a/an (insect/reptile)
 The (fish) have (scales)
 It lives in the (water)
 I like this animal because….

The teacher starts the class making students hear animal sounds so that they can
recognize and name them, as they name the animals the teacher makes a mind map
on the blackboard with pictures of the animals and then starts asking questions like
What do you know about (horses)? Are they vertebrate or invertebrate? What else
do you know? (Are they insects or mammals?) As students reply the teacher
expands the mind map in the bb.
The teacher gives students the following text

The teacher asks students to highlight the words they understand and to look up in
the dictionary the words they don´t know.

Lay Eggs
The teacher uses a computer to make student do a matching about the text previously
Match the vocabulary from the text with the correct definition. (see matching
vocabulary(permitir complemento bloqueado para ver))

Core Task:
Option 1:

The teacher tells students they´ll play a game (on the computers the teacher have
ready to use) about the classification of the animals (mammal, reptile, bird, fish and
amphibian) and its characteristics. They´ll play the game in groups, as long as
students fill the bins they have to raise their hands and tell the teacher who writes
the name of the pair in the blackboard, the group who fill all the bins first wins.
Then the teacher asks them to add in their notebooks another bin with the
characteristics of the insects.

Option 2: The teacher brings images of the empty bins of the animal groups and
images of the different characteristics so that students can go to the front and put
the characteristics in the correct bin.
Then after all the bins are filled we check all together in the blackboard asking
students to name examples of mammals, reptiles, birds, fish and amphibians.
Then the teacher asks them to add in their notebooks another bin with the
characteristics of the insects.

Follow up:
Then the teacher asks random students:
* What´s your favorite animal?
*Is it vertebrate or invertebrate?
*Does it have feathers/scales?
*Is it a reptile?
*Why do you like this animal?

Option 1:
Students are asked to make a power point presentation in groups about an animal
they like most. They are given guidelines to follow: (see presentation 1)

1st slide: Put the image, gif or video of the animal they chose with its name.
2nd slide: Put the image of the animal and write if it´s vertebrate or invertebrate.

3rd slide: Put the image the group the animal belongs to.

4th slide Add the characteristics of the group the animal belongs to.
5th slide: Put the image of the animal you´ve chosen and write a sentence telling
why you like this animal.

Then the teacher joins all the presentation in the same file and prints it to put it in the
classroom so that students can see the classification of the animals they like most.

Option 2:

The teacher asks students to bring several pictures of their favorite animal and gives
them a4 sheets per group so that they can write the name of the animal, if it is
vertebrate or invertebrate, which group it belongs to, the characteristics of the group
and finally a sentence telling why they like that animal.

Then the teacher puts them in the classroom so that students can see the
classification of the animals they like most.
Sequence N°2

Context: Animals and me

Content: Animals
 Enable students to recognize and identify the different habitats of Argentina
and the animals which live there.
 Allow students to classify into vertebrates and invertebrates the native
animals from Argentina and describe them.

Language Practices:
 Recall information from the previous class about vertebrates and
invertebrates animals and their groups.
 Identify and classify the native animals of Argentina into vertebrates and
 Describe those native animals.
 Classify native animals according to the habitats they live.

Learning Outcomes: students will be able to:

 Recognize, identify and label native animals of Argentina into vertebrates and
 Recognize the different habitats of Argentina.
 Recognize and identify the native animals of Argentina
 Demonstrate understanding by classifying them according to the habitat they
belong to.

Linguistic exponents
 (horses) are vertebrates
 (snails) are invertebrates
 Because they (have/ don't have) a backbone
 (the blue whale) lives in the…
 Where do animals live?
 Do they live in the same place?
 What is a habitat?
 How many habitats do you know?
 Name them
 Which habitat do you like most?
 Why?
 Have you been there?
 Would you like to go?

To recall what students learnt in the previous class, the teacher shows them and
sticks on the bb six X-ray photographs of animals, also she sticks a poster with two
columns (vertebrates and invertebrates with the image of a backbone) and asks
students to classify those pictures “Which of these animals are vertebrates/
invertebrates?” Why? and as students answer the teacher put them in the right
To recall the classification of animals the teacher sticks on the bb pictures with the
main characteristics of each group and the names (jumbled), then she asks students
to match the names of the groups with the corresponding characteristics and finally
they have to name two examples of animals for each group




Sea turtle
Gold fish

The teacher tell students they will play a game to practice what they've learnt before.
She groups them and gives each group one card with an animal with clues to tell the
other students so they can guess which animal it is in the card.

Then the teacher asks students:

1_Where do animals live?

2_ Do they live in the same place?

3_What is a habitat? (We make a definition all together in the bb)

A HABITAT IS…. the natural

environment or home of an animal.
The place where it can meet all its
needs for food, water, shelter, air
and space.

4_How many habitats do you know?

5_ Name them (we make notes on the bb)

Then the teacher presents students the map of Argentina divided into 5 regions and
a pictures of native animals of Arg. And then gives students a computer per pair so
that they can complete a power point presentation applying all the information
previously worked. (See presentation 2)

Core Task:

Students will be given a dialog between two Argentinian animals discussing why they
like their habitats.

Students are asked some questions like

*Which habitat do you like most?
*Have you been there?
*Would you like to go?
Then students are asked to make a Venn diagram to find differences and similarities
between the toucan and the ñandú.

Follow up: Students are asked to choose one animal from Argentina and then write
reasons (weather, food, space, characteristics) why this animal likes to live in its
habitat. The teacher provides some animals they can choose or find new ones and
then all students will place their animal in the map in its correspondent habitat.

Teaching Sequence 6th grade
Class 3
Context: Animals and me
Content: Animals
 Enable students to recognize and identify all the characteristics previously
 Allow students to classify animals

Language Practices:
 Recall information from the previous classes about vertebrates and
invertebrates animals of Argentina and their groups, habitats, weather and
location on the map.
 Identify and classify the native animals of Argentina into vertebrate or
invertebrate, group, habitat, weather, feeding, and location on the map.
 Make sentences according to the animal they hear completing its

Learning Outcomes: students will be able to:

 Recognize, identify and label native animals of Argentina into their
 Interpret the information they hear to reorder jumbled sentences
 Demonstrate understanding by creating a new animal using the
characteristics learnt before.
 Apply the information learnt to make an awareness message.

Linguistic exponents
 Which animal do you hear?
 Is it vertebrate? Why?
 Is it a (reptile)?
 Is this animal herbivorous?
 What´s the weather like in its habitat?
 Now, let´s place it in the map
 What is it?
 Is it a habitat?
 Which animals live in the jungle?
 How many animals live in the jungle?
 What happened to the forest?
 Who destroyed it?
 Is it a habitat yet?
 What happened to the animals?
 What means destruction?
 What means change?
 Are all changes good?
 Why?
 What is habitat destruction?
 What if our habitat were destroyed?
 What can we do to protect habitats?
To recall what students have been learning in the previous classes the teacher tells
students they will listen to native animal sounds. Then the teacher draws on the bb
a chart with 6 columns (animal, vert or invertebrate, group, habitat, weather, eating
habits and region (the map of Argentina))

Pictures of animals, habitats and the weather will be placed in the bb for students to
have a reference. Students have to identify the animal sound and complete the chart.
Once the activity is explained the teacher makes an example.
The teacher asks questions like:
*Which animal do you hear?
*Is it vertebrate? Why?
*Is it a (reptile)?
*Is this animal herbivorous?
*What´s the weather like in its habitat?
*Now, let´s place it in the map

Preparation 2: Listening Activity (see “listening” file)

1_I´m Stephan the cougar. I live in the grassland. My favorite food is
meat. I´m carnivorous.

2_My name is Elizabeth, i´m a toucan. I live in the jungle of Misiones, I

eat fruits because I am herbivorous.
3_ Hello! My name is Daisy. I live in the cold and dry mountains and
i´m a carnivorous animal. I'm a harpy eagle.

4_ I live in the water. I'm the biggest animal in the world and my name
is Maggie. Hello!! I´m the blue whale.

5_My name is Richard, i'm a tatú carreta and I live in the hot and dry
weather of the desert.

6 _Hi kids! My name is Charly the Llama. I like the hot weather of the
desert. And I love my hair.

7_I live in the water, in the Argentine Patagonia. I am a mammal and I

eat fish, mmm delicious! Hello I’m Laura the Orca.

8_ I like cold and dry weather. I have feathers and i fly in the mountains.
I´m Carlos, the Andean condor

The teacher gives pairs of students slips of paper where there are sentences with
the information below. Students in pairs have to re order the information. Then pairs
share the information with the rest of the class and finally we check the informacion
with the text.

After this exercise students will have to create their own imaginary animal with this
information. The teacher will provide materials and images to create it and then
they'll have to explain their animal´s characteristics. (Name, characteristics, group,
habitat, eating habit, etc.)
The teacher shows students this image and asks students

*what is it?
*Is it a habitat?
*Which animals live in the jungle?
*How many animals live in the jungle?
After students reply these questions the teacher shows students this image
*What happened to the jungle?
*Who destroyed it?
*Is it a habitat yet?
*What happened to the animals?

Core Task:
Students are given a text about what habitat destruction causes to animals
Then students have to reply some questions based on the text to check their
*What means destruction?..........................................................................................
*What means change?................................................................................................
*Are all changes good?...............................................................................................
*What is habitat destruction?......................................................................................
*What if our habitat were destroyed?..........................................................................
*What can we do to protect habitats?.........................................................................

Follow up:
Students are asked to select relevant information from the text and publish a
message on Facebook with the importance of caring animal habitats.
Teaching Sequence 4
Context: Animals and me
Content: Animals
 Enable students to recognize endangered animals of Argentina
 Allow students to identify animals in different conditions.

Language Practices:
 Recall information from the previous class about animals and their habitats
 Identify the animals of Argentina that are endangered
 Describe what animals in captivity and in freedom can do.
 Describe and contrast different situations

Learning Outcomes:

Students will be able to:

 Recognize and identify the different conditions of animals (wild and locked up)
 Recognize endangered animals of Argentina
 Demonstrate understanding by explaining the existing differences between those

Linguistic exponents
*Is the cougar in its habitat?
*Where is it?
*Is it happy?
*Is the cougar thin or fat?
*Where can he run?
*Can it hunt in captivity?
*Does it eat lot of food?
*What does it eat to live?
*The cougar is (thin/fat)
*The cougar can/can´t (run/hunt)
*The cougar (eats/doesn´t eat) lot of food

Teachers show students photos of an animal in captivity to make them predict the

And then starts asking questions like:

*Is the cougar in its habitat?
*Where is it?
*Is it happy?
Then the teacher tells students that like the cougar there are other animals in the
same situation. The teacher asks students what other animals they know (native
animals) that are in these conditions (we write on the blackboard their contributions)
Then the teacher shows with the image of the cougar in captivity an image of the
cougar in its habitat

and then the teacher asks students what differences they can see (we ask many
questions to make them participate)

*Is the cougar thin or fat?

*Where can he run?
*Can it hunt in captivity?
*Does it eat properly?
*What does it eat to live?

Then students have to complete the drawings with the actions the cougar is
performing when it´s free and then make sentences with what the cougar cannot do
in captivity.

And then they place the sentences in the right column

Core task: In pairs students are given a photograph of the same animal in two
situations: one in its habitat and one out of the habitat so that they can make
sentences describing the different situations.
Follow up:
The teacher tells students they´ll play the dominoes game, there are pictures of
animals endangered and non-endangered. Students will go to the front after being
called up to play altogether in the bb.
Teaching Sequence 5
Context: Animals and me
Content: Animals
 Enable students to be aware of the consequences that hunting and
deforestation have on earth.

Language Practices:
 Recall previous knowledge about the topic
 Identify what should and shouldn´t be done to protect animals
 Compare animals in different conditions

Learning Outcomes:
 Recognize and identify in different living conditions
 Demonstrate understanding by making sentences with the appropriate verbs
 Complete a dialogue with the information learnt.
 Use the information learnt to transfer the point of view of the writer.
Linguistic exponents
 “I am endangered” what do you imagine it is about?
 Which words are related to HUNT, PROTECT and LIVE?
 Why do people hunt these animals?
 Why does he hunt?
 What for?
 Is it funny?

To introduce the animals endangered teacher provides students a poem about an
animal endangered.

The teacher asks students to highlight the words that they understand and to look
up in the dictionary the words they don´t know.
Then we make students to focus on the verse”I am endangered” to ask them what
they imagine it is about.
Then we ask which words are related to HUNT, PROTECT and LIVE

And with the words students say we complete a chart previously drawn on the
blackboard so that student can use those words to write messages using Don't
for ex: DON´T KILL ANIMALS or positive messages for example: SAVE ANIMALS
Then the teacher asks students :why do people hunt these animals?
expected answers: because of their fur, meat, bones, feathers, their corpses.
Teacher writes their contribution on the bb.

Role play
The teacher ask students to invent short dialogues between endangered Argentinian
animals and the hunter. We provide sts the animals and the situations.
Situation: Student A is a hunted animal, Student B is the hunter. The animals asks
the hunter reasons why he hunts animals and the hunter provides them.

Follow up
Point of view transfer.
Teacher asks students to borrow the pattern of the poem to write a similar one, from
the point of view of the Hunter. (Guide questions: why does he hunt? what for? is it
Teaching Sequence 6

Context: Animals and me

Content: Animals
 Enable students to be aware of the impact that hunting and deforestation have
on animals and on ecosystems.
 Enable students to propose various solutions to different environmental

. Language Practices:
 Recall previous knowledge
 Make predictions
 Identify different environmental problems
 Provide solutions to different problems
 Agree /disagree about different solutions

Learning Outcomes:
 Identify what should and shouldn´t be done to protect animals
 Identify what should and shouldn´t be done to protect forests
 Use the information learnt to create a poster about possible solutions to
hunting and deforestation problems to create awareness on people.
Linguistic exponents
 Why are animals endangered?
 Which is the cause?
 Which other causes of animal extinction do you know?
 Animals are endangered because…..
 Deforestation is one cause of animal extinction
 I think the forest is….
 The story is about….
We start the class by recalling what they saw the previous class by asking
 Why are animals endangered?

 Which is the cause?

 Which other causes of animal extinction do you know?

(Expected answers :) pollution (air, water, soil) and deforestation (reasons for
it: because of fires, buildings, wood for construction and papers)
Teacher writes their contribution on the bb. After that they have to do a matching,
with the words they mention (vocabulary) and the images the teacher provides.
Matching vocabulary

Preparation 2
To make students realize the importance of animals and ecosystems for the planet,
teacher tells students she will read a story about a yaguarete who lived in the forest.
And that she will stop several times to make them some questions. Teacher starts
reading only the first paragraph, stops and asks the students “What do you think the
story is about?” Can you describe the forest?” Teacher continues reading the second
paragraph and asks students “What happened to the forest?” Who destroyed the
forest? Why? She continues reading paragraph three and four, stops and asks “what
happened to the animals of the forest? Why did they leave? Why the yaguarete was
thin, weak? How do you think the story will end? After that the teacher finishes
reading the story

Core task:
“What can we do to STOP hunting and deforestation? “
Students will provide different solutions or different ways to combat deforestation
and hunting. (Examples: recycle, plant trees, buy recycle products, prohibit hunting,
and create strict policies about hunting, fine illegal hunters)

Follow up
Final outcome

Students will create an “Awareness Campaign” by completing a web and a brochure

to make people aware of the importance that animals and ecosystems have for the
planet, and some considerations to take care of them.

The following are the models students have to complete. We took borrowed the
design of a web page.

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