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Tectonophysics 372 (2003) 147 – 166

Seismic strain rates and distributed continental deformation in the

northern Andes and three-dimensional seismotectonics of
northwestern South America
Freddy Corredor
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Harvard University, 20 Oxford Street, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA
Received 23 July 2002; accepted 30 June 2003


The seismic strain rates and configuration in the northern Andes are estimated by summing the components of the Centroid
Moment Tensor (CMT) solutions for earthquakes with Mw>5.0 and are compared with those predicted by various models of
relative plate motions and GPS data. Moment tensor components are summed linearly in four different regions with similar
seismotectonics to infer changes in the regional strain patterns along the northern Andes and to retrieve strain rates and relative
plate velocities between this region and the stable South American plate. The Andean seismic strain rates are the result of east –
southeast-directed contraction due to the collision of the Nazca and Caribbean plates with the South American plate and the
collision of the Panama block against central Colombia, with a component of northeast-directed motion due to the obliquity of
the eastern boundary of the northern Andes with respect to the boundary of the Nazca and Caribbean plates, with the South
American plate along the Colombia trench and the Southern Caribbean Deformation zone, respectively, where the convergence
is normal. The present motion of the Central Andes towards the northeast does not require the plate boundary between the
Caribbean and South American plates to be along the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia and the Boconó Fault in Venezuela. The
seismic moment rates for the northern Andes are small compared to the total expected seismic strain rates calculated from plate
motion models and GPS data, suggesting that most of the strain is released aseismically and that is accommodated by folding,
fault creeping, rigid block translation or other undetermined processes. Finally, a three-dimensional model of the CMT solutions
and other seismicity in northwestern South America is presented, where major subducting slabs, including the Peru flat-slab and
the Ecuador and Central Colombia segments of the Nazca and Caribbean plates, become more evident and easier to interpret.
The Caribbean plate is interpreted to culminate at the location of the Bucaramanga ‘‘nest’’ offering an explanation to this swarm
of seismicity in the northern Andes.
D 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Seismic strain; Moment tensor; Tectonics; South America; Andes

1. Introduction publications (e.g., Case et al., 1971; Dewey, 1972;

Jordan, 1975; Pennington, 1981; Kellogg and Bonini,
The seismotectonics of northwestern South Amer- 1982; Toto and Kellogg, 1992; Freymueller et al.,
ica (Fig. 1) has been the subject of multiple studies and 1993; Van der Hilst and Mann, 1994; Kellogg and
Vega, 1995; Ego et al., 1996; Taboada et al., 2000,
E-mail address: (F. Corredor). Trenkamp et al., 2002). Northern South America is

0040-1951/$ - see front matter D 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
148 F. Corredor / Tectonophysics 372 (2003) 147–166

Fig. 1. Regional tectonic map of northwestern South America showing a gray scaled shaded relief, the Nazca, South American and Caribbean
plates, and the main tectonic features in the northern Andes.

deformed by the interactions of the South American, plate and block motions produces a broad zone of
Nazca and Caribbean plates (Fig. 1). According to continental deformation into the Colombian and Ven-
GPS data, with respect to the fixed South American ezuelan Andes that is characterized by an also complex
plate, the Caribbean plate motion is towards the east – pattern of northeast- and southeast-trending thrust and
southeast, while the Nazca plate motion is roughly strike – slip fault earthquakes, where the shallow seis-
towards the east, and the northern Andes motion is micity occurs on many separate faults that are distrib-
towards the northeast (Fig. 2). This complex pattern of uted over several hundreds of kilometers away from
F. Corredor / Tectonophysics 372 (2003) 147–166 149

Fig. 2. Plate velocity vectors according to GPS data and global kinematic models. Velocity values are in millimeters per year, and relative to a stable
South American plate, except for those from Kaniuth et al. (1998), which represent absolute horizontal velocity components of the GPS stations.

the accepted plate boundaries between the South for earthquakes with Mw>5.0 provided by the Harvard
American plate and the Nazca and Caribbean plates. Centroid Moment Tensor (CMT) catalogue. By using
The ratio of seismic to tectonic strain in the region is this method, it is possible to determine whether the
still a subject of controversy, as well as the role of the seismic deformation in this region reflects simply the
different plates in the resulting patterns of seismic accommodation, within a broad zone, of the relative
strain on the overriding South American plate. motion of the plates bounding the northern Andes, or
The aim of this paper is to analyze the seismic strain whether a significant amount of the deformation in-
in the northern Andes by summing the moment tensors volves velocity gradients parallel to the strike. Results
150 F. Corredor / Tectonophysics 372 (2003) 147–166

are compared to GPS data, now available in the region sentation of the seismic moment tensor (Dziewonski et
(Kellogg and Vega, 1995; Kaniuth et al., 1998, Pérez et al., 1981) allows the components of the moment tensor
al., 2001, Trenkamp et al., 2002), and plate tectonic to be summed linearly. The volume V of rock can be
models (DeMets et al., 1990), making possible for simply given by V = xyz, where xy is the surface area of
strain rates determined from actual plate motions to the zone and z is the mean earthquake depth in the
be compared to seismic strain rates. The difference region. The relationship in Eq. (1) can be extended
between satellite-measured and seismic strain rates further in order to calculate the average strain rate
indicates how much of the observed tectonic deforma- tensor as
tion in the northern Andes is aseismic. These results dėij 1 X N
also provide new insights into the role of the Nazca, ¼ Mij ; ð2Þ
dt 2lV s n¼1
South American and Caribbean plates in the kinematics
of this region and specifically on the seismic strain where s is the period of the earthquake record (26 years
along the Andean margin. A three-dimensional model for the Harvard CMT catalog). In order to constrain the
for CMT solutions of earthquakes in northern South compressional and tensional ( P and T) axis from the
America is also presented, and it is used as a constraint moment tensors, it is necessary to reduce the moment
for the thickness of the continental seismogenic layer tensor to a diagonal matrix D. Because the plate
required for the calculation of the seismic strain and the motions measured are approximately horizontal (over
interpretation of the tectonic elements that form this short ranges), then in order for these data to be
region. The delineation of subducted slabs and their compared to the seismic strain rate tensors, it is
tectonic interpretation is possible, thanks to the location necessary to consider the strain in the horizontal
of the CMT solutions around well-defined seismic (North, East) plane. The diagonal elements of D are
zones. This 3D model provides a helpful way to the eigenvalues of Mij, and the associated directions are
visualize and analyze the spatial relationships between the eigenvectors that represent the directions of the
the different tectonic elements that form northwestern main strain axis. In the case of a non-double couple
South America, and it helps to determine their role in source, for example, the diagonal elements of Mij in the
the seismotectonics of the region. principal axis system have three non-zero eigenvalues,
whose minimum absolute eigenvector gives the direc-
tion at the source of the tensional T-axis, the maximum
2. Methodology absolute eigenvector gives the compressional P-axis,
and the eigenvector associated with the intermediate
Centroid Moment Tensor data for earthquakes with eigenvalue gives the direction of the axis of interme-
moment magnitude Mw>5.0, from the Harvard CMT diate strain I. Finally, Eq. (2) becomes
catalog ( are used
dėij 1
to infer the strain rates and plate velocities in a regional ¼ Dij : ð3Þ
scale and compare with those obtain from GPS obser- dt 2lV s
vations and plate tectonic models. Kostrov (1974) Now, the relationship between average strain in a
showed that if all of the deformation in a volume is volume and the relative velocity between two plates
seismic, there is a relationship between the average can be considered. Jackson and McKenzie (1988) and
strain tensor eij of the region and the sum of the moment Ekström and England (1989) discussed this relation-
tensor of the earthquakes within the volume by, ship by considering the deformation of a volume V
(Fig. 2). The volume has rectangular faces and its two
1 X N
eij ¼ Mij ; ð1Þ ends in the x –z plane are within the rigid plates on
2lV n¼1 either side of the deforming zone. The y-axis is normal
where Mij are the components of the seismic moment to the average trend of the zone. In general, there is a
tensor for all the earthquakes, l is the shear modulus of difference in the average velocity vector of the material
rigidity of the rock, taken to be 3.3  1010 N m  2 between plates A and B as illustrated in Fig. 2. If the
(Stacey, 1992), n is the number of earthquakes, and V is mean velocity differences between these two plates in
the volume of the deforming region. The matrix repre- the x, y and z directions are vx, vy and vz with compo-
F. Corredor / Tectonophysics 372 (2003) 147–166 151

nents (vxx, vxy, vxz), (vyx, vyy, vyz) and (vzx , vzy , vzz), respectively, vzz, etc., from the components of the seismic moment
then the relationship between strain rate tensor and the tensor Mij. Crustal shortening, for instance, is calcu-
velocity components is lated by multiplying the horizontal component of the
maximum compressive strain rate times the width of
2 3 the deformation zone in the direction of the maximum
2vxx vxy vyx vxz vzx
6 ; þ ; þ 7 compressive strain. In the case of the northern Andes,
6 l l a l t 7
the x – z faces between plates A and B that bound the
dė 1 6
vy 2vyy vyz vzy 7
¼ 6 yþ x; ; þ 7; ð4Þ zone of distributed deformation are not parallel, as
dt 26 l a a a t 7
6 7 shown in Fig. 1, where the eastern edge of deformation
4 vx vz vyz vzy 2vz 5
z that corresponds to the Eastern Cordillera thrust front is
þ x; þ ;
l t a t t at an angle with respect to the accepted plate bound-
aries between the South American plate and the Nazca
where l, a and t are the dimensions of the volume V and Caribbean plates along the Colombia – Ecuador
(Fig. 3A). Thus, it is possible to obtain values for vxx, vyy, trench and the Southern Caribbean Deformation zone.
This creates a condition where some relative motion is
accommodated by expulsion of material along the
strike of the deforming zone (Fig. 3C). This case can
be treated as the case for the cube in Fig. 3B, where the
faces in the x –z plane are parallel, with a velocity
vector oblique to the boundary between plates A and B.
This arrangement simplifies the calculation of crustal
shortening by choosing the length of the deformation
zone in the direction of the maximum compressive
strain to be the length of the blocks along the trend of
the northern Andes.
After showing that the summation method of Kos-
trov (1974) can be used to infer the tectonic deforma-
tion from localized events, it is now possible to estimate
strain rates and plate velocities from the summed
moment tensor data. Assuming that the relative plate
motion is totally accommodated seismically, the
expected moment rate is estimated by using the scalar
moment (M0) and the relative velocity between plates.
¼ lAv; ð5Þ
where l is the shear modulus, A is the fault area or in
this case the length of the deforming zone times the
thickness of the seismogenic crust, and v is the relative
velocity between plates. The seismic and tectonic
Fig. 3. Sketch of a deforming zone separating two plates A and B.
moment release rates are ways to describe the total
Modified from Jackson and McKenzie et al. (1988) and Ekström
and England (1989): (A) Relative plate motion normal to the energy release in a rock volume. Bowers and Hudson
boundary between two rigid plates is accommodated by homoge- (1999) show that the seismic moment rate tensor, for a
nous deformation. (B) Relative motion is oblique between the two region with negligible component of volume change
plates and is accommodated in part by homogenous deformation during deformation is
and expulsion of material along the strike of the deforming zone.

(C) Relative motion is normal to the boundary between the two rigid dM ij  dexx   deyy   dezz 
plates and the faces along the x – z plane are not parallel, and the ¼ 2lV  max    ;   ;   : ð6Þ
motion is accommodated like in B. dt dt   dt   dt 
152 F. Corredor / Tectonophysics 372 (2003) 147–166

Now, it is possible to compare the seismic moment ing from regional east –southeast-directed compres-
release rates with the expected tectonic release rates sion in the Ecuador block, to east –northeast-directed
that are calculated from plate tectonic models or GPS dextral transpression in the Southern Colombia block,
data. The short-term scale of the Harvard CMT catalog, to east – southeast-directed compression in the Central
as well as the contribution of small earthquakes not Colombia block, to east – northeast-directed transpres-
included in the catalog could represent a problem when sion in the Maracaibo block. In general, the resulting
trying to extrapolate long-term strain rates. However, seismic strain rates are small compared to tectonic
Jackson and McKenzie (1988) showed that a few strain rates for all the regions. The discrepancies
decades of data coverage were in good agreement with between the strain rates obtained from GPS data,
long-term deformation rates. Here, I adopted an esti- tectonic models and seismic moment tensors can be
mate of 2 for the uncertainty in all the long-term explained by aseismic release of the strain by rigid
moment release rates according to the discussion in translation of the northern Andes towards the NE, or
Ekström and England (1989). under-sampling of large earthquakes in the CMT
catalog due to the relatively short time interval over
which observations are made. However, as pointed out
3. Results and discussion in Ekström and England (1989), the uncertainties in
the strain rates calculated from the summed CMT
Full moment tensors and hypocentral parameters solutions, given the short period of the seismic record
are listed in Appendices A.1 – A.4 for all the earth- and the contributions from smaller earthquakes are
quakes included in this paper. Fig. 4 shows the relatively small, suggesting that the small strain rates
location of all the CMT solutions used in this study obtained are due to aseismic release of the strain by
with the best-fit nodal planes and P- and T-axis. fault creeping, folding, tectonic escape or some other
Moment rate tensors for the interval 1976 –2002 are undetermined processes.
calculated using the full moment tensors listed in
Table 1. Fig. 5 shows the division of the study area 3.1. Northern Andes
into four subregions based on the similar seismotec-
tonics and regional structural styles inside the regions A northeast-trending fold and thrust belt of shallow
as discussed later. These regions are located east of a seismicity between 200 and 600 km wide covers most
major suture zone between oceanic and continental of the western margin of northern South America (Fig.
basement rocks (The Romeral fault) where most of the 4), and it is the region where most of the convergence
shallow distributed continental seismicity occurs and takes place between the Nazca, South American and
are used to obtain the volume V needed for the Caribbean plates since the Paleocene. The northern
estimation of the seismic strain rates. Fig. 6 shows Andes are characterized by a complex pattern of
the resulting summed moment tensors for the northern deformation. The seismicity and active tectonics of
Andes as a whole and the four studied subregions the northern Andes are attributed to compression and
(Ecuador, Southern Colombia, Central Colombia and under-thrusting due to the oblique convergence of the
Maracaibo blocks), the best-fit nodal planes for the Nazca and Caribbean plates with South America
CMT solutions and the P –T axis. The results from the (Pennington, 1981). The summed moment tensor
summed moment tensor elements for the northern obtained in this study for the northern Andes as a
Andes and all the subregions are summarized in Table whole (Table 1; Fig. 6) represents regional east –
1 and Appendix B. southeast-directed compression with a small compo-
The overall pattern of deformation obtained from nent of north –northeast-directed strike –slip motion.
the summed moment tensors in the northern Andes can The eigenvalue of 1.30  1020 (Table 1; Appendix B)
be described as the result of east – southeast-directed corresponds to the axis of maximum compressive
compression with a small northeast-directed compo- strain and a strain rate value of 1.3  10 9 year 1.
nent of strike –slip motion (Fig. 6). It is also clear from The resulting P-axis has an azimuth of 102j, which is
the summed moment tensors for the four subregions consistent with the azimuth of the vector of relative
that the seismic strain in the northern Andes is chang- convergence between the Caribbean plate and the
F. Corredor / Tectonophysics 372 (2003) 147–166 153

Fig. 4. Seismicity of northwestern South America showing the CMT solutions, best-fit nodal planes, P-axis (black dots) and T-axis (white dots)
for shallow earthquakes (< 40 km) with Mw>5.0. CMT data has been taken from the Harvard CMT catalogue. CMT solutions plotted as lower
hemisphere projections where black and white shaded regions correspond to compressional and dilational arrival quadrants.

South American plate obtained from GPS measure- to a stable South American plate, with velocities of up
ments (Trenkamp et al., 2002). The estimated seismic to 6 F 2 mm year 1 (Trenkamp et al., 2002). The
moment rate using the summed moment tensor for the components of the summed moment tensor result in a
northern Andes as a whole is 4.37  1019 N m year 1, seismic strain rate of 1.23  10 10 year 1 parallel to
and the calculated crustal shortening rate is 2.62 mm the boundary between the Andes and a stable South
year 1. GPS data suggests that the entire northern American plate, and a relative motion of 2.12 mm
Andes are moving towards the northeast with respect year 1 in the same direction, which is equivalent to 1/
154 F. Corredor / Tectonophysics 372 (2003) 147–166

Table 1
Summed moment tensor elements for the northern Andes, the Ecuador, Southern Colombia, Central Colombia and Maracaibo blocks
Northern Andes summed moment tensor
Eigenvalues  1.30  1020 0.123  1020 1.18  1020
Scalar moment 4.81  1020 N m
Plunge P-axis 14.01 Azimuth P-axis 102.01
Plunge T-axis 70.59 Azimuth T-axis 237.08
Plunge null axis 13.17 Azimuth null axis 8.67
Block area 1.398  1012 m2 L 2.150  106 m
T 4.0  104 m Volume 5.592  1016 m3
SMR 4.37  1019 N m year1 TMR 1.72  1020 N m year1

Ecuador block summed moment tensor

Eigenvalues  0.496  1020 0.097  1020 0.399  1020
Scalar moment 1.83  1020 N m
Plunge P-axis 10.73 Azimuth P-axis 121.08
Plunge T-axis 67.99 Azimuth T-axis 239.04
Plunge null axis 18.98 Azimuth null axis 27.35
Block area 8.49  1010 m2 L 3.6  105 m
T 4.0  104 m Volume 3,396  1015 m3
SMR 1.83  1018 N m year1 TMR 1.17  1020 N m year1

Southern Colombia block summed moment tensor

Eigenvalues  1.19  1020 0.065  1020 1.12  1020
Scalar moment 3.18  1020 N m
Plunge P-axis 70.32 Azimuth P-axis 250.01
Plunge T-axis 15.85 Azimuth T-axis 107.48
Plunge null axis 11.37 Azimuth null axis 14.21
Block area 1.356  1011 m2 L 9.2  105 m
T 4.0  104 m Volume 5.424  1015 m3
SMR 3.18  1018 N m year1 TMR 1.17  1020 N m year1

Central Colombia block summed moment tensor

Eigenvalues  0.922  1019 0.184  1019 0.738  1019
Scalar moment 3.41  1019 N m
Plunge P-axis 13.23 Azimuth P-axis 311.33
Plunge T-axis 76.76 Azimuth T-axis 129.92
Plunge null axis 0.31 Azimuth null axis 221.25
Block area 2.058  1011 m2 L 6.9  105 m
T 4.0  104 m Volume 8.232  1015 m3
SMR 3.41  1017 N m year1 TMR 2.01  1019 N m year1

Maracaibo block summed moment tensor

Eigenvalues  2.46  1018  0.3276  1017 2.79  1018
Scalar moment 1.041  1019 N m
Plunge P-axis 18.9 Azimuth P-axis 99.1
Plunge T-axis 55.4 Azimuth T-axis 218.9
Plunge null axis 27.8 Azimuth null axis 358.7
Block area 2.079  1011 m2 L 6.9  105 m
T 4.0  104 m Volume 8.316  1015 m3
SMR 1.04  1017 N m year1 TMR 1.49  1019 N m year1
SMR corresponds to calculated seismic moment rate from summed moment tensors, and TMR corresponds to expected seismic moment rates
from plate motions.
F. Corredor / Tectonophysics 372 (2003) 147–166 155

Fig. 5. Division of the study area into four main regions of similar seismotectonics and bounded by major active fault zones (see Fig. 1 for
names of major tectonics features): (I) Ecuador block, (II) Southern Colombia block, (III) Central Colombia block and (IV) Maracaibo block.

3 of Trenkamp et al.’s estimate. Suarez et al. (1983), in the value obtained in this study. It is clear from these
southern Colombia, Peru and Ecuador, estimated a calculations that most of the strain in the northern
principal value of compressive strain rate of 6  10 9 Andes is release aseismically, and most of the defor-
year 1, oriented at about 95j west of north, and mation is accommodated as rigid translation of this
crustal shortening rates of the order of 1.4 – 2.1 mm region with respect to a stable South American plate.
year 1. This means, from their calculations, that just The calculated P-axis from the summed moment
1% of the strain is seismic compared to the total strain tensor for the northern Andes is parallel to the vector
rates calculated from plate motions, which is similar to of relative motion between the Caribbean and Nazca
156 F. Corredor / Tectonophysics 372 (2003) 147–166

3.2. Ecuador block

This region is located in the southernmost portion

of the study area and is bounded to the north and west
by the right-lateral Pallatanga Fault, and to the east by
the eastern thrust front of the eastern Andes. This
block is characterized by northeast-trending thrust
fault earthquakes with P-axis directed to the east –
southeast (Fig. 3). The strain in this region has been
interpreted as the result of SE-directed compression
due to the convergence of the Nazca plate with respect
to the South American plate and the onset of the
Carnegie Ridge (Ego et al., 1996; Gutscher et al.,
1999). The summed moment tensor obtained for the
Ecuador block represents regional east –southeast-di-
rected compression, with a small component of
strike – slip motion. The eigenvalue of 0.469  1020
(Table 1; Appendix B) corresponds to the axis of
maximum compressive strain, a strain rate value of
8.2  10 9 year 1 and a crustal shortening rate of
0.2 –0.4 mm year 1. The resulting P-axis, from the
summed moment tensor, has an azimuth of 121.1j
(Fig. 6), which is consistent with the direction of the
relative motion between the northern Andes and a
Fig. 6. Summed seismic moment tensors for the (*) northern Andes
as a whole, the (I) Ecuador, (II) Southern Colombia, (III) Central stable South American plate obtained from GPS
Colombia and (IV) Maracaibo blocks. Moment tensor solutions measurements (Trenkamp et al. 2002) at the location
plotted as lower hemisphere projections where black and white of the Ecuador block. The expected tectonic strain rate
shaded regions correspond to compressional and dilational arrival for this block is 3.2  10 7 year 1, given a conver-
quadrants, respectively. Black dot and white diamond represent P-
gence rate of 11.6 mm year 1 between the northern
and T-axis, respectively. Numbers next to the CMT solutions
correspond to the moment magnitude multiplied by (1020 N m). Andes and the South American plate (Trenkamp et al.,
2002). It is clear from these estimates that most of the
strain in the Ecuador block is release aseismically. The
plates with respect to the South American plate, calculated P-axis is at an angle of 21j with respect to
suggesting that most of the seismic strain is the result the estimated vector of relative motion between the
of the accommodation of the strain across a broad zone Nazca and South American plates obtained by Tren-
of continental deformation produced by the normal kamp et al. This difference has been explained as the
convergence between these three plates along the result of strain partition along the Dolores – Guayaquil
Colombia trench and the South Caribbean deformation megashear zone, produced by the onset of the Carne-
front. The strike –slip faulting events and the actual gie Ridge along the Ecuador trench (Gutscher et al.,
small component of northeast-directed motion in the 1999).
northern Andes with respect to the rest of a stable
South American can be explained using a kinematic 3.3. Southern Colombia block
model similar to the one shown in Fig. 3C, where the
broad zone of deformation is bounded by non-parallel This region is characterized by northeast-trending
faces forcing the volume of rocks between the plates to strike – slip fault earthquakes (Fig. 4), and it is bounded
escape outward in a direction oblique to the plates to the south by the Pallatanga fault, to the north and
margins, while the plate motion between the plates is west by the Romeral suture zone and the Ibague
close to normal to the plate boundary. transfer zone and to the east by the eastern margin of
F. Corredor / Tectonophysics 372 (2003) 147–166 157

the eastern Andes of Colombia and Ecuador. The strain Colombia and to the north by the left-lateral Bucar-
in this region has been interpreted as the result of the amanga strike –slip fault. The shallow seismicity in
northeast-directed transfer of motion from the oblique this block has been interpreted as the result of the
subduction of the Nazca plate further to the south along ESE-directed collision of the Panama block with the
the Ecuador trench (Pennington, 1981; Gutscher et al., northern Andes, which has been active since the
1999; Trenkamp et al., 2002). The summed moment Miocene (Pennington, 1981; Kellogg and Vega,
tensor obtained in this study represents regional north- 1995; Trenkamp et al., 2002). The summed moment
east-directed transpression. The eigenvalue of tensor obtained in this study represents regional
1.19  1020 (Table 1; Appendix B) corresponds to the southeast-directed compression with nodal planes par-
axis of maximum compressive strain, a strain rate value allel to the strike of the deforming region in the central
of 8.91  10 9 year 1 and a crustal shortening rate of Andes of Colombia. The eigenvalue of 0.922  1019
0.25 –0.5 mm year 1. The resulting P-axis, from the (Table 1; Appendix B) corresponds to the axis of
summed moment tensor, has an azimuth of 250j (Fig. maximum compressive strain. The P-axis has an
6), which is consistent with the direction of the northern azimuth of 311.3j (Fig. 5) that is consistent with the
Andes –South America relative motion obtained by direction of convergence between the Caribbean and
Trenkamp et al. (2002). The expected tectonic strain South American plates (Webber et al., 2001; Tren-
rate for the Southern Colombia block, given a conver- kamp et al., 2002). The expected tectonic strain rate
gence rate of 4– 5 mm year 1 for the northern Andes for the Central Colombia block, given a convergence
with respect to the South American plate at the location rate between the northern Andes and the South
of the Southern Colombia block (Trenkamp et al., American plate of 10 mm year 1 (Trenkamp et al.,
2002) is 5.4  10 8 year 1. GPS data suggests that 2002) is 1.92  10 7 year 1. The estimated seismic
the Southern Colombia block is moving northeastward strain rates using the summed moment tensor for the
with respect to the stable South American plate at 6 F 2 Central Colombia block along the direction of the P-
mm year 1 (Kellogg and Vega, 1995; Trenkamp et al., axis is 6.28  10 10 year 1. The calculated crustal
2002). Again, it is clear from these estimates that most shortening rate with respect to the South American
of the strain is release aseismically in the Southern plate is 0.05 mm year 1, which is very small com-
Colombia block. The calculated P-axis is oblique with pared to the relative motions obtained for this region
respect to the Nazca –South America vector of relative using GPS data, which are in the order of 6 –19 mm
convergence. This seismic strain is interpreted as the year 1 (Trenkamp et al., 2002). Like the Ecuador and
result of northeast escape of this block in a similar way Southern Colombia blocks, and given the amount of
than the kinematic model shown in Fig. 3C where the shortening (90 – 180 km) that has occurred across this
broad zone of deformation is bounded by non-parallel region since the Miocene and the amount of topo-
faces, while the plate motion is normal to the main plate graphic relief in the northern Andes, it is clear from
boundary, in this case, the Colombia trench. This model these estimates that most of the total strain is released
explains the distribution of the seismic strain without aseismically in the Central Colombia block. The
any northeast-directed transfer of motion from the calculated azimuth of the P-axis for the summed
oblique convergence between the Nazca and South moment tensor suggests that the seismicity in this
American plates along the Ecuador trench farther to block is the result of the convergence between the
the south. Caribbean plate, including the Panama block and the
South American plate along the Southern Caribbean
3.4. Central Colombia block Deformation zone. The calculated seismic strain can
be also explained using the kinematic model shown in
This region is characterized mainly by northeast- Fig. 3C, where the normal convergence between the
trending thrust fault earthquakes and a few southeast- two plates and the non-parallel boundaries of the
trending strike –slip fault earthquakes (Fig. 4). This volume where the strain is accommodated, produce
block is bounded to the south by the Ibague transfer a broad zone of deformation that results in the
zone, to the west by the Romeral suture zone, to the expulsion of material along the strike of the deforming
east by the eastern margin of the Eastern Cordillera of volume. This model is also consistent with the veloc-
158 F. Corredor / Tectonophysics 372 (2003) 147–166

ity vectors obtained from GPS data (Trenkamp et al., seismic strain rates are much lower than the expected
2002) that have a strong component of northeast- tectonic strain rates, suggesting that most of the strain
directed motion with respect to the South American is released aseismically. The resulting summed mo-
plate, which decreases towards the east. The Ibague ment tensor for this block can be explained in differ-
transfer zone plays a strong roll in the way strain is ent ways: (1) the east – southeast-directed transfer of
distributed across the Central and Southern Colombia motion from the Caribbean plate with a component of
blocks, as this boundary marks a strong contrast in the northeast-directed motion produced by the non-paral-
type of seismicity in these regions. lel boundaries of the deforming region as in Fig. 3C;
(2) the northeast-directed transfer of motion from the
3.5. Maracaibo block Nazca plate convergence with the northern Andes
along the Colombia –Ecuador trench (Trenkamp et
This region is characterized by a complex pattern al., 2002); and (3) the relatively high coupling be-
of southeast-trending thrust fault earthquakes and tween the Maracaibo block and the Caribbean plate
northeast-trending strike – slip fault earthquakes (Fig. resulting in a northeastward directed drag of the
4). This block is bounded to the west and south by the Maracaibo block. In the southern portion of this
Bucaramanga fault, to the east by the eastern margin region, the P-axis of earthquakes rotate from a
of the Mérida Andes and to the north by the right- NW – SE direction in the western margin of the
lateral Oca strike – slip fault. Large earthquakes in this Mérida Andes to a SW – NE direction in the eastern
region are restricted to the northern end of the Eastern margin. This rotation can be explained using the
Cordillera of Colombia, and the Mérida Andes. The kinematic model in Fig. 3C where the Boconó fault
strain in this region has been interpreted as the result represents the face that is oblique to plate boundary
of escape tectonics towards the northeast resulting between the Caribbean and South American plates,
from the northeast-directed subduction of the Nazca which corresponds to the South Caribbean Deforma-
plate beneath South America along the Ecuador trench tion zone, where the convergence of the Caribbean
(Trenkamp et al., 2002). This zone has also been plate with respect to the northern Andes is normal.
hypothesized to be the boundary between the South
American and Caribbean plates (Schuber, 1982). The
eigenvalue of 2.46  1018 (Table 1; Appendix B) 4. Three-dimensional seismotectonics
corresponds to the axis of maximum compressive
strain, and the eigenvalue of 2.79  1018 corresponds In order to analyze the kinematics of the subduct-
to the axis of maximum tensional strain. The P-axis ing slabs and the seismogenic crust of northwestern
has an azimuth of 218.9j (Fig. 6) that is consistent South America, a three-dimensional model for the
with the relative motion of the northern Andes with regional seismicity and CMT solutions for earth-
respect to the South American plate (Trenkamp et al., quakes with M w >5.5 was developed using the
2002), while the T-axis has an azimuth of 99.1. The Gocadk software. Fig. 7 shows the three-dimensional
strain rate for the Maracaibo block, given the south- model and four cross-section views. CMT solutions
east-directed convergence with a stable South Amer- from the Harvard CMT catalog, as well as all the
ican convergence rate of 20 F 1.0 mm year  1 earthquakes from the IRIS catalog (small dots) are
(Trenkamp et al., 2002), is 3.02  10 8 year 1. The plotted. CMT solutions are plotted as spheres where
strain rate for the Maracaibo block, given the north- blue shaded regions correspond to compressional
east-directed motion of this region relative to the arrival quadrants, while the yellow-shaded regions
South American plate at a rate of 11.5 F 0.5 mm correspond to dilational arrival quadrants.
year 1 (Trenkamp et al., 2002), is 2.02  10 8 Several features are clearly identified using this
year 1. The estimated seismic strain rate, along the three-dimensional model, including the northeast-dip-
direction of maximum compressive strain, using the ping Peru ‘‘flat-slab’’ beneath northern Peru and Ecua-
summed moment tensor for the Maracaibo block is dor, the Ecuador and Central Colombia segments of
1.75  10 10 year 1, yielding a calculated crustal the Nazca plate, and the Caribbean plate. The seismic-
convergence rate of 0.1 mm year 1. Again, the ity of the northeast-dipping Peru ‘‘flat-slab’’ is repre-
F. Corredor / Tectonophysics 372 (2003) 147–166
Fig. 7. Three-dimensional perspective view of CMT solutions in northwestern South America and cross-section views. Location of the sampling boxes for the cross-sections is indicated.
Section A – AV, cross-section across the Peru ‘‘flat-slab’’segment of the Nazca plate. Section B – BV, cross-section across the Ecuador Segment of the Nazca plate. Section C – CV, cross-section
across the Central Colombia segment of the Nazca plate, the overlapping Caribbean plate and the overlap fault zone with the Ecuador Segment of the Nazca plate. Section D – DV, cross-

section across the Caribbean plate. CMT solutions plotted as 3D spheres where blue and yellow shaded regions correspond to compressional and dilational arrival quadrants, respectively.
160 F. Corredor / Tectonophysics 372 (2003) 147–166

sented mostly by normal fault earthquake events (Fig. Central Colombia slab segments correspond to Pen-
7, Section A –AV). These normal faulting earthquakes nington’s Cauca and Bucaramanga segments, respec-
show that the subducting slab is under extension, tively. The Caribbean plate is being subducted beneath
probably due to plate bending beneath Ecuador. The northern Colombia at a shallower angle compared to
Ecuador segment of the Nazca plate is relatively the Central Colombia segment of the Nazca plate (Fig.
aseismic probably due to its high dip angle and 7, Section D –DV), and it is interpreted to culminate at
possible decoupling from the overlying continental the location of the Bucaramanga ‘‘nest’’ of seismicity.
crust of northwestern South America. However, a zone The culmination of the Caribbean plate slab at this
of small-magnitude earthquakes defines the geometry location offers a viable explanation to this swarm of
of this slab (Fig. 7, Section B – BV). The Central seismicity in northern Colombia. A three-dimensional
Colombia segment of the Nazca plate dips at a shal- model showing all the tectonic elements described
lower angle compared to the Ecuador segment, and above is shown in Fig. 8. The model is the result of
several southeast-trending, high-angle reverse fault the interpretation of the subducting slabs using tomo-
earthquakes with a component of dextral strike –slip graphic sections (van der Hilst and Mann, 1994;
motion define an overlap fault zone that separates the Taboada et al., 2000) and the three-dimensional distri-
two segments (Fig. 7, Section C –CV). The Ecuador and bution of the seismicity in the region.

Fig. 8. Three-dimensional model of oceanic subducting slabs beneath northwestern South America. The Peru ‘‘flat slab’’, Ecuador segment and
Central Colombia segments of the Nazca plate, and the Caribbean plate are shown. The Bucaramanga ‘‘nest’’ of seismicity is located at the
southernmost end of the Caribbean plate.
F. Corredor / Tectonophysics 372 (2003) 147–166 161

5. Discussion Panama block against central Colombia, across a broad

zone of continental distributed deformation bounded
Using seismic tomography, van der Hilst and Mann by non-parallel faces. The component of northeast-
(1994) showed that the Caribbean plate was subduct- directed motion on the northern Andes is the result of
ing beneath northern Colombia at a shallower angle the obliquity of the eastern boundary of the northern
than the Nazca plate and located the overlap between Andes along the Eastern Cordillera thrust front with
these two plates north of the Bucaramanga ‘‘nest’’ of respect to the plate boundary between the Nazca,
seismicity. Taboada et al. (2000), also using seismic Caribbean and South American plates along the Ecua-
tomography, suggested that there is an overlap be- dor – Colombia trench and the Southern Caribbean
tween the Nazca plate and a completely subducted Deformation zone, where the convergence is close to
segment of the paleo-Caribbean plate attached to the normal. The obliquity of the faces that bound the
Panama block and located the overlap south of the northern Andes creates a condition where the strain
Bucaramanga ‘‘nest’’, close the boundary between the is also accommodated by relatively aseismic rigid
Ecuador and Central Colombia segments of the Nazca motion of the northern Andes towards the northeast
plate of this study. Based on the location of deep high- with respect to a stable South American plate. Thus,
angle reverse fault earthquake events between the the seismic strain rates, localized seismicity and ori-
Ecuador and Central Colombia segments of the Nazca entation of P and T-axis in the northern Andes do not
plate (Fig. 7, Section C –CV), I interpret Taboada et al.’s require the plate boundary between the Caribbean and
slabs overlap as an overlap fault zone between two South American plates to be located along the Eastern
segments of the Nazca plate beneath central Colombia Cordillera and Mérida Andes. The large differences
(Fig. 8). The location of the overlap zone between between the expected tectonic rates and the calculated
these two segments correlates well with the northern seismic rates can be explained by the aseismic release
limit of volcanism in central Colombia. The shallow of the strain by fault creeping, folding, rigid translation
angle of subduction of the Central Colombia segment or some other undefined processes.
of the Nazca plate and the overlap of the shallower The three-dimensional modelling and visualization
dipping Caribbean plate above it could explain the lack of CMT solutions for northwestern South America
of volcanism along northern Colombia. Additionally, I reveal well-defined seismic zones that correspond with
propose that the Caribbean plate extends farther to the large-scale tectonic features. The Caribbean slab and
south beneath northern Colombia (Fig. 7, Section D – three segments of the Nazca subducting slab are clearly
DV) and culminates at the location of the seismic cluster identified. An overlap fault zone that separates the
of the Bucaramanga ‘‘nest’’. Ecuador and Central Colombia segments of the Nazca
slab is interpreted and is consistent with seismic and
geologic features present in the upper crust. Finally,
6. Conclusions The Caribbean slab is interpreted to extend farther to
the south beneath northern Colombia than originally
The seismic strain rates for northwestern South proposed and culminates at the location of the seismic
America, calculated from the sum of CMT elements, cluster of the Bucaramanga ‘‘nest’’ offering a kinematic
are very small compared to those calculated from plate explanation for this cluster of seismicity.
tectonic models and GPS data. The pattern of seismic
strain in the northern Andes changes from ESE direct-
ed compression in the Ecuador block, to ENE-directed Acknowledgements
transpression in the Southern Colombia block, to ESE-
directed compression in the Central Colombia block, The author acknowledges the financial support for
to ENE-directed transpression in the Maracaibo block. this work from the Department of Earth and Planetary
This pattern is explained as the result of the accom- Sciences, Harvard University. The author also
modation of the strain, produced by the east – southeast acknowledges Dr. G. Ekstron, Dr. J. Kellog, and Dr.
normal convergence of the Nazca and Caribbean plates A. Taboada for their comments and suggestions that
with the South American plate and the collision of the helped to improve the manuscript.
162 F. Corredor / Tectonophysics 372 (2003) 147–166

Appendix A

A.1 . Ecuador block earthquakes

Date Longitude Latitude Depth Moment tensor elements Nodal planes Ms exp
Year Month Day M11 M22 M33 M12 M13 M23 /1 h1 k1 /2 h2 k2
1982 4 11  78.52  3.48 15 3.85  3.25  0.61  4.26  0.57  2.49 39 26 56 256 68 106 6.11 23
1988 12 9  78.31  2.36 15 0.11  0.07  0.05  1.14  0.64  0.42 2 11 29 243 85 100 1.36 24
1995 10 8  78.05  2.99 38  0.2 1.42  1.23 0.09 0.32  0.7 240 80  170 148 80  10 1.54 24
1995 10 4  78.02  2.77 33  1.75 4.75 3 2.07 5.38  8.6 262 65  163 164 75  26 11.1 23
1995 10 7  77.99  3.03 15 3.15 0.01  3.16 1.97 3.8 0.15 161 22 53 20 73 104 5.3 24
1995 10 5  77.88  2.95 42 3.63 3.05  6.68  0.09  3.54  6.02 69 59 167 166 79 32 8.54 23
1990 11 25  77.79  2.7 25 1.11 0.11  1.23  0.03  0.46  0.38 20 35 98 190 55 84 1.3 24
1995 10 3  77.77  2.88 15 2.48 2.06  4.54 0.17 2.93  3.05 243 45 157 349 74 47 5.38 25
1995 10 3  77.53  2.55 25 3.06  0.67  2.39 0 1.51  2.38 234 39 120 18 57 68 3.91 26
1995 10 29  77.11  2.41 42 0.3  0.02  0.28  0.26  3.05  3.5 89 48 178 181 88 42 4.64 23
1988 4 12  76.84  3.1 43 5.91 1.43  7.34  2.75  2.57  1.12 346 37 54 208 60 114 7.78 23
Summed moment tensor elements 3.3616  0.443  2.918 0.020 1.828  2.720 223.4 38.1 121.8 15.14 58.4 67.55 11.6 26

Ms corresponds to scalar moment in dynes centi- multiplied (10exp) to yield the value in newton meters.
meter; exp corresponds to the value by which scalar /, h and k correspond to strike, dip and rake,
moment and moment tensor elements should be respectively, for best-fit nodal planes.

A.2 . Southern Colombia block earthquakes

See Appendix A.1 for definitions.

Date Longitude Latitude Depth Moment tensor elements Nodal planes Ms exp
Year Month Day M11 M22 M33 M12 M13 M23 /1 h1 k1 /2 h2 k2
1996 3 28  78.66  1.19 15 5.46 0.4  5.85  0.07  6.22  0.51 8 21 96 182 69 88 8.42 24
1987 9 22  78.24  0.89 15 2.2 1.62  3.82  1.51 1.81  0.41 218 42 147 334 68 53 4.07 25
1987 9 22  78.24  0.98 19 8.21 1.76  9.97  4.59 2.4 1.33 197 42 129 330 59 61 10.66 24
1990 8 11  78.15 0.01 15 6.96 3  9.96  1.67  2.08 3.06 323 45 53 190 55 122 9.45 23
2000 10 8  78.07 0 15 5.33  0.3  5.03 0.22  0.61 1.68 342 42 90 162 48 90 5.49 23
1996 8 25  77.99  1.12 15 1.39  0.28  1.1  0.74  0.28 1.06 172 48 130 300 55 54 1.83 24
1992 12 26  77.92  1.15 15 1.18 3.34  4.51  5.72 0.07 2.2 200 46 166 300 80 45 7 24
1987 3 6  77.84  0.06 15 5.03  0.12  4.91 0.26 3.85  0.97 195 27 98 7 64 86 6.37 26
1987 3 6  77.77 0.1 15 2.78 0.14  2.93  1.04 3.84  0.18 198 20 118 348 73 81 4.9 25
1987 3 6  77.73 0.31 15  2.75 8.8  6.05  6.61 5.68 0.98 226 40  166 125 81  51 11.73 24
1985 4 10  77.21 1.94 47  6.57 7.58  1.02 1.67 1.31 3.18 81 38  76 244 53  100 7.91 23
1983 5 19  76.63 0.11 23 6.11  1.05  5.07 1.95  2.18  5.05 60 49 129 189 54 54 8.1 23
1994 6 6  75.94 2.93 15  0.05 1.46  1.41  0.61  0.1 1 206 76 170 299 80 14 1.84 26
Summed moment tensor elements 5.624 1.665  7.29  0.780 4.328 0.024 189.5 28.7 104.8 352.6 62.3 82 11.6 26
F. Corredor / Tectonophysics 372 (2003) 147–166 163

A.3 . Central Colombia block earthquakes

See Appendix A.1 for definitions.

Date Longitude Latitude Depth Moment tensor elements Nodal planes Ms exp
Year Month Day M11 M22 M33 M12 M13 M23 /1 h1 k1 /2 h2 k2
1999 1 25  75.75 4.58 28  0.4  0.5 0.9  0.99  0.46  1.5 8 65  21 107 71  153 2.01 25
1999 1 25  75.74 4.31 34  0.48  0.94 1.41 1  0.37  1.27 17 67  23 116 69  155 2.07 24
2001 9 8  74.83 8.58 34 0.62 4.97  5.6  0.86  1.03 0.91 310 75 2 220 88 165 5.53 23
1979 5 21  74.07 7.27 24 1.46 0.37  1.83 0.95 0.06  0.84 170 48 45 47 59 128 2.1 24
1982 1 17  74.05 5.97 35 0.78 7.38  8.16  6.64 1.11  2.72 329 68 23 230 68 157 10.27 23
1991 6 25  72.9 5.76 15 0.64 7.34  7.98 0 0  0.4 227 90  180 317 90 0 7.67 23
1995 1 20  72.89 5.21 33 3.66 0.89  4.56 3.24 4.46  1.39 170 24 50 33 72 106 7.03 23
1995 1 22  72.88 5.01 15 2.56  0.88  1.68  0.54 2.34  1.73 243 36 136 10 66 62 3.7 24
1995 1 19  72.85 5.16 16 6.43  2.15  4.28  1.35  2.56  3.07 38 33 95 212 57 87 7.07 25
1995 4 23  72.27 5.1 33 6.44  1.97  4.47 2.2  2.31  6.72 68 52 133 191 55 48 9.28 23
Summed moment tensor elements 6.505  2.609  3.897  2.419  2.794  5.057 41.8 31.8 90.6 221.1 58.2 89.6 1.925 25

A.4 . Maracaibo block earthquakes

See Appendix A.1 for definitions.

Date Longitude Latitude Depth Moment tensor elements Nodal planes Ms exp
Year Month Day M11 M22 M33 M12 M13 M23 /1 h1 k1 /2 h2 k2
1981 10 18  72.81 8.45 26 1.67 3.47  5.15  0.07 6.62  4.97 251 43 173 347 85 47 9.16 24
1978 1 21  72.75 6.54 15  0.32 0.73  0.41  0.27 1.42 0.64 94 35  12 194 83  124 1.59 24
1980 11 26  72.64 7.96 40  0.09 6.51  6.42 3.87  2.41  3.69 57 64 170 151 81 26 8.59 23
1980 5 2  72.34 7.71 15 6.11 1.43  7.54  4.42 9.38  3.2 226 28 147 345 75 66 12.85 23
1994 5 31  72.12 7.83 21 1.31 0.03  1.34 0.48 0.47 0.6 137 45 54 2 55 120 1.6 24
1994 5 31  72.03 7.62 15 8.4 0.22  8.63 0.36 7.44 5.16 133 32 54 354 65 110 12.37 24
2000 1 17  71.94 6.87 31 2.03  0.12  1.92 0.04 1.74 0.56 154 26 71 355 65 99 2.69 24
1994 11 9  71.73 7.53 21 1.29 0.13  1.42  0.36 0.18 0.53 178 42 113 329 52 71 1.5 24
1979 5 5  71.56 9.09 22 0.37 0.92  1.3 0.06 0.95 0.58 119 53 4 26 87 143 1.52 24
1988 7 12  71.52 9.28 15  2.52  0.14 2.66 1.69 6.78 2.64 59 16  47 194 78  101 7.83 23
2001 12 21  71.11 8.4 23 0.26 2  2.25  1.74 0.71  0.82 230 60 164 328 76 31 2.88 24
2001 6 28  70.41 11.4 32  0.72  1.88 2.61  9.57 3.45  4.02 14 24 6 109 88  114 11.18 23
1999 12 2  70.22 11.03 15  0.09  0.2 0.29  0.01 0.88  1.64 274 62  180 184 90  28 1.88 24
1999 3 30  70.21 10.83 15  0.52 0.03 0.49  0.61  0.92  4.69 92 78  172 0 82  12 4.84 24
1995 12 29  69.94 9.98 15 0 0.57  0.57  1.06  1.72  3.7 88 70  167 354 78  21 4.19 24
1995 12 31  69.91 9.86 15 0.01 0.63  0.63 0.03 0.43  1.2 257 74  175 166 86  16 1.42 24
1991 8 17  69.83 9.74 15 0.31 1.18  1.48  0.15  0.22  2.19 344 86 3 74 87  176 2.58 24
1984 6 14  69.78 10.05 18  1.19 5.75  4.57  3.57  2.87  7.47 340 65  11 75 80  155 10.21 23
1997 4 15  69.63 10.69 15 0.19  5.43 5.24 1.48  5.47  4.91 109 65 163 206 75 26 8.86 23
1977 12 11  69.61 10 18 2  0.38  1.62 0.15 0.45 0.12 170 38 83 359 52 95 1.87 24
1986 7 18  69.24 10.84 15 1.6  1.11  0.49  0.09  0.4  1.01 64 41 106 223 51 76 1.78 24
1989 5 4  68.42 10.96 15  0.36  1.42 1.79  0.93  0.9 0.54 145 51  174 51 85  39 2.13 24
1989 4 30  68.08 10.88 15  0.83  4.39 5.22  5.28 0.75 6.79 166 62  168 70 79  29 9.83 24
Summed moment tensor elements 1.7308 0.291  2.02  1.05 1.876  0.67 220.7 31.8 140.5 345.7 70.5 64.5 2.6241 25
164 F. Corredor / Tectonophysics 372 (2003) 147–166

Appendix B . Summed moment tensors The diagonalized moment tensor is

B.1 . Summed moment tensor elements for the 2 3

earthquakes in the northern Andes 0:496 0 0
6 7
6 7
Dij ¼ 6
60 0:097 0 7  1020 N m:
2 3 4 5
0:981 0:111 0:606
6 7 0 0 0:399
6 7
Mij ¼ 6
6 0:111 0:099 0:327 7 20
7  10 N m:
4 5
From Eq. (3), the strain rate tensor is
0:606 0:327 1:08

2 3
The diagonalized moment tensor is 0:496 0 0
6 7
dėij 1 6 60
2 3 ¼ 0:097 0
0:130 0 0 dt 2lV s 6
6 7
6 7 0 0 0:399
Dij ¼ 6
60 0:0123 0 7  1021 N m:
4 5  1020 year1
0 0 0:118 2 3
8:196 0 0
6 7
From Eq. (3), the strain rate tensor is 6 7
60 1:603 0 7  109 year1 :
4 5
2 3
0:130 0 0 0 0 6:593
6 7
dėij 1 6 60
¼ 0:0123 0
dt 2lV s 6
5 B.3 . Summed moment tensor elements for the
0 0 0:118 earthquakes in the Southern Colombia block

 1021 year1
2 3 2 3
1:304 0 0 0:562 0:078 0:433
6 7 6 7
6 7 6 7
¼60 0:0123 0 7  109 year1 : Mij ¼ 6 0:002 7 20
5 6 0:078 0:167 7  10 N m:
4 5
0 0 0:184 0:433 0:002 0:729

B.2 . Summed moment tensor elements for the

earthquakes in the Ecuador block The diagonalized moment tensor is

2 3 2 3
0:336 0:002 0:183 0:861 0 0
6 7 6 7
6 7 6 7
Mij ¼ 6
6 0:002 0:044 0:272 7 20
7  10 N m: Dij ¼ 6
60 0:157 0 7  1020 N m:
4 5 4 5
0:183 0:272 0:292 0 0 0:704
F. Corredor / Tectonophysics 372 (2003) 147–166 165

From Eq. (3), the strain rate tensor is B.5 . Summed moment tensor elements for the
2 3 earthquakes in the Maracaibo block
0:861 0 0
6 7 2 3
dėij 1 6 60
0:173 0:105 0:188
¼ 0:157 0 6 7
dt 2lV s 6
5 6 7
Mij ¼ 6
6 0:105 0:029 0:067 7 19
7  10 N m:
0 0 0:704 4 5
 1020 year1 0:188 0:067 0:202
2 3
8:908 0 0 The diagonalized moment tensor is
6 7
6 7 2 3
60 1:624 0 7  109 year1 :
7 0:282 0 0
4 5 6 7
6 7
0 0 7:284 Dij ¼ 6
60 0:024 0 7  1019 N m:
4 5
B.4 . Summed moment tensor elements for the 0 0 0:306
earthquakes in the Central Colombia block
From Eq. (3), the strain rate tensor is
2 3 2 3
0:651 0:242 0:280 0:282 0 0
6 7 6 7
6 7 dėij 1 6 60
Mij ¼ 6
6 0:242 0:261 0:506 7 19
7  10 N m: ¼ 0:024 0
4 5 dt 2lV s 6
0:280 0:506 0:390 0 0 0:306
 1019 year1
The diagonalized moment tensor is 2 3
1:903 0 0
2 3 6 7
0:922 0 0 6 7
6 7 ¼6
60 0:162 0 7  1010 year1 :
6 7 4 5
Dij ¼ 6
60 0:184 0 7  1019 N m:
4 5 0 0 2:065
0 0 0:738

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