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November 28, 2019


Arellano Law School


Good day dean, I am writing you this letter to respectfully request for an opportunity to
take my finals examination in Remedial Law Review I, under Atty. Jesus Obra, at an earlier
time than that scheduled.

Sir, a few days later after the original final examinations schedule were posted at our
school’s bulletin board, wherein I had no examinations scheduled on the 8th day of
December, 2019, my wife and I had booked a venue to celebrate our son’s 1st birthday
party on said 8th day of December. However, due to class suspensions in relation to the SEA
Games, final examinations were re-scheduled at a different date. Consequently, my
Remedial Law Review I final examinations were moved to December 8, 2019 at 1:00-4:00
in the afternoon. Due to such re-scheduling of the examinations, I might not be able to
attend my son’s 1st birthday party.

Sir, if you would kindly grant my request, I would like to take my examinations in Remedial
Law Review I in the morning of December 8, 2019, preferably at 9:00am-12:00nn, earlier
than the scheduled time of examinations.

Sir, I understand that sacrifices, most commonly that of time spent with family, are part of
every law student’s travails. However, I would not want to miss the special moment to
celebrate the 1st birthday of my son. I would be truly grateful sir, should you grant my

Hoping for your kind consideration and wishing you and the Arellano Law Community the
very best.

Respectfully yours,



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