Retdem1 Sadicon

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Illness: Stomachache

Nurse: Hi sir! Good morning. May I ask for your complete name sir?
Mark: My name is Mark Dadula.
Nurse: Okay sir, may I call you Sir Mark if that is okay to you?
Mark: Yeah, sure!
Nurse: Okay sir Mark, I am Frank Sadicon, you may call me Nurse Frank and I will be
assessing your complaint for today. So, I’m gonna be asking series of questions regarding
your chief complaint and other related things to it so that we may know the cause of your
complaint. Don’t worry Sir Mark because the information that you will be sharing to me is
confidential and our hospital abide for the law and standards so you don’t need to worry
about this because all of this information is for medical purposes only.
Mark: Okay Nurse Frank.
Nurse: So, sir this interview may only consume 4-5 minutes of your time, is that okay with
you sir?
Mark: Yes, yes sure!
Nurse: Thank you sir, so, before we start, I just want to remind you sir that we both need
an honest answer from you so that we can identify or know what is behind your complains.
Mark: Of course, Nurse Frank.
Nurse: So, sir, may I know your age and date of birth?
Mark: I’m 19 years old and birthday is on February 28, 2000.
Nurse: How about your address sir?
Mark: I live in ___________________.
Nurse: So, sir if you don’t mind, are you single or married?
Mark: I am single.
Nurse: Okay thank you Sir Mark. So, sir, may I ask what is your reason for seeking for
medical assistance or your complain?
Mark: Nurse, the reason why I am here is that I have been experiencing stomachache
since yesterday.
Nurse: Okay sir, so again the ache started yesterday right sir? At what time exactly sir?
Mark: Maybe around 1:30 in the afternoon sir.
Nurse: Okay sir, from 1 – 10, and 10 as the highest, kindly rate the pain that you have
been experiencing?
Mark: Maybe around 6 or 7.
Nurse: Okay sir, so may I ask for the food that you have eaten or drunk the day that
incident happened?
Mark: The day before yesterday, the food that I ate is fried fish, rice and a can of soda.
Nurse: Okay sir, how about the food yesterday morning and at lunch?
Mark: As far as I can remember, I ate cereals for breakfast, and I drunk a can of soda
again. And then for lunch, I ate pork sour soup and a can of soda again.
Nurse: Okay sir, is there any food or drink you remember that having that day?
Mark: Hmmmm, I think those were the only food that I ate and drink.
Nurse: Okay sir, so have you already taken any medication/s?
Mark: I just drink 1 tablet of diatabs yesterday cause aside from stomachache I have a
monstrous bowel movement. I have been going to the comfort room like almost every
Nurse: Oh, okay sir, so let us now talk about your bowel movement. How many times did
you went to eliminate waste yesterday?
Mark: I think eliminated like 4 times plus 1 earlier this morning.
Nurse: Okay sir, can you describe your waste sir?
Mark: It is very watery and yellowish too.
Nurse: Okay sir, do you feel uncomfortable when eliminating?
Mark: I don’t feel any pain or what Nurse Frank.
Nurse: Okay, thank you for the information sir Mark. May I ask for other things that you
think may contribute to the pain that you are experiencing?
Mark: I think I have given you all the information needed Nurse.
Nurse: Okay sir I think we are done with the interview. But before that, here is the
summary of your complain.
So, sir Mark, you have been experiencing stomachache since yesterday at 1:30 in
the afternoon. And then, common to the food and drink that you have been drinking every
after meal is soda. Also, you have an irregular bowel movement and you have been
eliminating since yesterday and once today. You have taken 1 tablet of diatabs since you
felt the pain.
That is the summary of the important information that you have shared sir. Do you
have any questions that you think I might help?
Mark: No, I don’t have anymore question Nurse.
Nurse: Okay sir. It seems that we have to observe the things that causes your
stomachache and you may come back to us if this concern keep on going. But I think sir
that you have to watch the food and drink that you are taking and of course lessen the
amount of soda that you have been drinking everyday.
Mark: That is noted nurse Frank.
Nurse: Okay thank you so much sir Mark for your cooperation and for your honesty. I am
hoping for your fast recovery. Take care!
Mark: Thank you Nurse!

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