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Comparison between HDPE and Galvanized Iron pipe system

Sr. HDPE pipe system Galvanized Iron Pipe system

1 Highly chemical resistance to rain water and to chemicals Unsatisfactory chemical
typically used for cleaning roof equipment. resistance to rain water and to
Refer Appendix 2 chemicals typically used for
cleaning roof equipment.
Refer Appendix 1
2 Standard materials available for drainage system Y branch, access tee not
including: available. GI pipes are not
- Y branch designed for drainage as a
- access tee (for clean-out) standard
3 Smooth interior profile at electrofusion joints, suitable for Threaded joints do not provide
drainage system smooth interior profile which
increases risk of clogging
4 Improved workmanship due to standardization of Threading in situ cut lengths of
electrofusion fittings and procedure. HDPE material is pipes. Galvanized paint touch
corrosion resistant in its entirety, i.e. any cut length does ups required - reduced
not require further corrosion treatment/paint effectiveness in corrosion
resistance as compared to hot
dip galvanizing
5 Existing supports can be used Weight of GI pipes and fittings is
higher than UPVC - existing
supports have to be changed
6 Size range covers requirements - upto 160 mm Standard GI catalogue provides
threaded fittings upto 50 dia. 65
dia and above are welded black
steel fittings which have to be
galvanized (not available as
7 Electrofusion couplings do not require corrosion 65 Dia and above welded fittings
treatment, inside or outside pipe surface require galvanizing, which can
be done on the outside after
joint weld. Galvanization cannot
be done on the inside of welded
pipes and fittings - high risk of
8 HDPE pipes can easily be repaired in case of mechanical Entire pipe section of GI pipes
damage. The damaged section can be cut off easily and need to be replaced in case of
new pipe can be inserted using electrofusion couplers mechanical damage
9 HDPE pipes are listed for use by International Plumbing GI pipes are not indicated for
Code and Uniform Plumbing Code, refer Appendix 3 and 4 use in storm drainage piping by
International Plumbing Code
and Uniform Plumbing Code,
refer appendix 3 and 4
Appendix 1: Chemical resistance of GI pipes system
13599-Technical Section 8/27/01 11:59 AM Page 10

Courtesy of Steven Engineering , Inc. ! 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ! Main Office: (650) 588-9200 ! Outside Local Area: (800) 258-9200 !

Technical Information

Technical Information
Chemical Resistance Chemical Resistance

Table 3. Specific Chemical Resistance Information Metals, Coated Metals And Fiberglass Materials Table 3. Continued
Fiber Steel Stainless Steel Fiber Steel Stainless Steel
Glass Polyester Urethane Galvanized Type Type Glass Polyester Urethane Galvanized Type Type
CHEMICAL Aluminum Polyester Powder Enamel 304 316 CHEMICAL Aluminum Polyester Powder Enamel 304 316
Acetyldehyde S U — — — S S Fluorine S U — — — M —
Acetic Acid (10%) L S U U U S U Formaldehyde S S — — — L S
Acetone S L L U L S S Formic Acid U S U U U M S
Aluminum Chloride (10%) U S U U U U M Fuel Oil (#2) S S M S S S M
Aluminum Sulfate (10%) L S U U U U S Gasoline S M — — — S S
Ammonia Gas L S — — — S S Glycerine S S — — S S S
Ammonium Chloride U S U U U S S Hydraulic Brake Fluid S S U U S S S
Ammonium Hydroxide (10%) S L U U U S S Hydraulic Oil S S S S S S S
Ammonium Nitrate (10%) M S U U U S S Hydrochloric Acid (10%) U M U U U U U
Ammonium Phosphate (10%) L M S L U S M Hydrocyanic Acid S U — — — S S
Ammonium Sulfate S S — — — S S Hydrofluoric Acid (20%) U U U U U U U
Aniline L U — — — S S Hydrogen Peroxide S M — — — L S
ASTM #1 Oil S S S S S S S Hydrogen Sulfide M S — — — L S
ASTM #3 Oil S S S S S S S Hypochlorus Acid U S — — — — —
Axle Grease S S S S S S S Isopropyl Alcohol S S M U S S S
Benzene S S — — S S S Kerosene S S S S S S S
Boric Acid (10%) M S U U U S S Lacquer Thinner S S L U S S S
Bromine U L U U U U U Lactic Acid M S — — — L S
Butyl Acetate M L — — — S S Lime M M — — — — —
Butyric Acid U S — — — S S Liquid Dish Soap (10%) M S U U U S M
Calcium Chloride (10%) L S U U U L S Lubricating Oils S S — — — S S
Calcium Hydroxide (10%) U S U U U S S Magnesium Chloride (10%) L S U U U S S
Calcium Hypochlorite (10%) L M U U U U M Magnesium Hydroxide (10%) L S U U U S S
Calcium Sulfate M S U U U S S Mercuric Chloride (10%) U M U U U S U
Carbolic Acid (25%) M L U U U S S Methyl Ethyl Ketone S L — — — S S
Carbon Disulfide S L — — — S S Methylene Chloride S S U U M S S
Carbon Tetrachloride S M U S S U S Milk S S — — — S S
Chlorine (dry) S S — — — S S Mineral Oil S S — — — S S
Chlorine (water) 5-10 ppm M L S U U U — Mineral Spirits S S S S S S S
Chlorobenzene S S — — S S S Motor Oil (10 weight) S S S S S S S
Chloroform L U — — — S S Nickel Salts L S — — — L S
Chrome Plating Solution U L U U U L L Nitric Acid (10%) U M U U U S S
Chromic Acid S S — — — U U Nitrobenzene S L — — — S S
Citric Acid (10%) U M U U U S S Oleic Acid S S — — — L S
Copper Sulfate U S — — — S S Perchlorethylene S S S U S S S
Creosote L L — — — S S Phosphoric Acid (25%) U L U U U S S
Cutting Fluid (5 Star) 10% S S U U U S S Phosphoric Acid (50%) U U U U U S S
Cutting Fluid (Castrol 980 H) S S S U U S S Pickling Solution U M U U U S M
Cutting Fluid (Norton 205) U S U U U S S Potassium Carbonate (10%) U S S S L S S
Cutting Fluid (Rustlick) 10% M S U U U S S Potassium Chloride (25%) L S U U U S S
Cutting Oil (Dark) S S S S S S S Potassium Hydroxide (25%) U U U U U M M
Diethyl Ether S S — — — S S Potassium Nitrate (10%) U S U U U S S
Ethyl Alcohol S S M U S S S Potassium Sulfate (10%) L S U U U S S
Ethylene Dichloride S L — — — — — Soap (Igepal) 10% L S S U U S S
Ethylene Glycol S S S S U S S Sodium Bicarbonate (10%) L S S S U S S
Ferric Chloride U S U U U S U Sodium Bisulfate (10%) U L U U U S S
Ferric Nitrate — S — — — S S Sodium Chloride (25%) L S U U U S S
Ferric Sulfate M S — — — S S Sodium Hydroxide U U U U U M M

S = superior resistance / L= limited resistance / some chemical attack M = moderate resistance / superficial U = unsatisfactory severe / chemical S = superior resistance / L= limited resistance / some chemical attack M = moderate resistance / superficial U = unsatisfactory severe / chemical
completely unaffected may be expected over time, exposure (aesthetic) effects only, example: attack in a relatively short time completely unaffected may be expected over time, exposure (aesthetic) effects only, example: attack in a relatively short time
under all conditions should be limited to fumes or occasional some loss of surface gloss or color under all conditions should be limited to fumes or occasional some loss of surface gloss or color
light splashing change may occur, but mechanical light splashing change may occur, but mechanical
properties (strength) remain unaffected properties (strength) remain unaffected
— = no data available — = no data available

TEC 9 TEC 10
For more information, contact the Rittal Technical Hotline 1-800-637-4425. Rittal Technical Hotline 1-800-637-4425.


For more information, contact the



13599-Technical Section 8/27/01 11:59 AM Page 12

Courtesy of Steven Engineering , Inc. ! 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ! Main Office: (650) 588-9200 ! Outside Local Area: (800) 258-9200 !

Technical Information

Technical Information
Chemical Resistance Chemical Resistance

Table 3. Continued Table 4. Continued

Fiber Steel Stainless Steel Gaskets Windows
Glass Polyester Urethane Galvanized Type Type Rigid Glass Neoprene Silicone Poly-
CHEMICAL Aluminum Polyester Powder Enamel 304 316 CHEMICAL PVC Nylon Rubber Rubber Urethane Acrylic carbonate
Sodium Hypochlorite U M U U U S M Calcium Hypochlorite (10%) S U U S U M S
Sodium Nitrate (10%) M S U U U S S Calcium Sulfate S U S S S S S
Sodium Phosphate (10%) L S U U U S S Carbolic Acid (25%) — — U U U U U
Sulfuric Acid (25%) U S U U U S S Carbon Disulfide U — U — — S —
Sulfurus Acid (10%) U U U U U S S Carbon Tetrachloride L S U U U S U
Tannic Acid ((10%) L S U U U M M Chlorine (dry) L — — — — — —
Tetrahydrofuran M L U U U S S Chlorine (water) 5-10 ppm L — L S S S S
Toluene S S L U S S S Chlorobenzene U S U U — L —
Trichloroethylene S U — — — L S Chloroform U U U U — U —
Trisodium Phosphate L M — — — — — Chrome Plating Solution — — U U U S S
Turpentine S M M U L S S Chromic Acid L U U M — U —
Vegetable Oils S S — — — S S Citric Acid (10%) S L U S U S S
Vinegar M S — — — S S Copper Sulfate S L S S — U —
Water, Industrial L S L L L S S Creosote — U U U — — —
Water, Rain L S S L L S S Cutting Fluid (5 Star) 10% — — U S S S M
Water, Sea L S U U U S S Cutting Fluid (Castrol 980 H) — — L S S S L
Water, Tap L S S L L S S Cutting Fluid (Norton 205) — — S S S S S
Xylene S S L U S S S Cutting Fluid (Rustlick) 10% — — S S S S S
Zinc Acetate S S — — — S S Cutting Oil (Dark) — — U S S S S
Zinc Chloride L S S U U M S Diethyl Ether U — — U — U —
Zinc Sulfate S S — — — M S Ethyl Alcohol S — L S S U M
Ethylene Dichloride U — U U — U —
Ethylene Glycol S — S S S S S
Table 4. Specific Chemical Resistance Information Ferric Chloride S U L S L S S
Gaskets Windows Ferric Nitrate S U S M — — —
Rigid Glass Neoprene Silicone Poly- Ferric Sulfate S U S M — — —
CHEMICAL PVC Nylon Rubber Rubber Urethane Acrylic carbonate Fluorine L — — U — — —
Acetyldehyde U — S S — — — Formaldehyde L U U M — S —
Acetic Acid (10%) L U U M L S S Formic Acid L S U L L U S
Acetone U S U S U U U Fuel Oil (#2) S — U U U S S
Aluminum Chloride (10%) S U S S S S S Gasoline S S U L — S —
Aluminum Sulfate (10%) S L U S S S S Glycerine S S S S — S —
Ammonia Gas — S S S — S — Hydraulic Brake Fluid — — U S U U U
Ammonium Chloride S U S S S S S Hydraulic Oil — — U S S S M
Ammonium Hydroxide (10%) S — L L S S U Hydrochloric Acid (10%) S U L L U S S
Ammonium Nitrate (10%) S U U S S S U Hydrocyanic Acid S — S M M — —
Ammonium Phosphate (10%) — L U S S S S Hydrofluoric Acid (20%) L U U U — S M
Ammonium Sulfate S U S S — — — Hydrogen Peroxide S U U M — S —
Aniline S L U U — S — Hydrogen Sulfide S — U M — — —
ASTM #1 Oil — — M S S S M Hypochlorus Acid — — — — — — —
ASTM #3 Oil — — U L S S M Isopropyl Alcohol — — S S S S S
Axle Grease — — L S S S M Kerosene S — U U S S M
Benzene U S U U — U — Lacquer Thinner — S U S L U U
Boric Acid (10%) L S S S S S S Lactic Acid S L L — — L —
Bromine U U U U U L U Lime — — S M — — —
Butyl Acetate U S U U — U — Liquid Dish Soap (10%) S — L S S S S
Butyric Acid U U U — — — — Lubricating Oils — — U U — S —
Calcium Chloride (10%) S U S S S S S Magnesium Chloride (10%) S S S S S S S
Calcium Hydroxide (10%) S — U S L S S
KEY : S = superior resistance / L= limited resistance / some chemical attack M = moderate resistance / superficial U = unsatisfactory severe / chemical
S = superior resistance / L= limited resistance / some chemical attack M = moderate resistance / superficial U = unsatisfactory severe / chemical completely unaffected may be expected over time, exposure (aesthetic) effects only, example: attack in a relatively short time
completely unaffected may be expected over time, exposure (aesthetic) effects only, example: attack in a relatively short time under all conditions should be limited to fumes or occasional some loss of surface gloss or color
under all conditions should be limited to fumes or occasional some loss of surface gloss or color light splashing change may occur, but mechanical
light splashing change may occur, but mechanical properties (strength) remain unaffected
— = no data available
properties (strength) remain unaffected
— = no data available

TEC 11 TEC 12
For more information, contact the Rittal Technical Hotline 1-800-637-4425. Rittal Technical Hotline 1-800-637-4425.


For more information, contact the



Appendix 2: Chemical resistance of HDPE pipes system
HDPE Chemical Resistance Guide

70º F 140º F 70º F 140º F

Reagent (21º C) (60º C) Reagent (21º C) (60º C)

Acetaldehyde S O Barium carbonate saturated S S
Acetic acid (1-10%) S S Barium carbonate saturated S S
Acetic acid (10-60%) S O Barium hydroxide S S
Acetic acid (80-100%) S O Barium sulfate saturated S S
Acetic anhydride S S Barium sulfite saturated S S
Acetone S S Beer S S
Acids (aromatic) S S Benzaldehyde S O
Acrylic emulsions S S Benzene O U
Adipic acid S S Benzene sulfonic acid S S
Aluminum chloride concentrated S S Benzoic acid crystals S S
Aluminum chloride dilute S S Benzoic acid saturated S S
Aluminum fluoride concentrated S S Bismuth carbonate saturated S S
Aluminum sulfate concentrated S S Black liquor S S
Alums (all types) concentrated S S Bleach lye (10%) S S
Amino acetic acid S S Borax cold saturated S S
Ammonia (100% dry gas) S S Boric acid concentrated S S
Ammonium acetate S S Boric acid dilute S S
Ammonium bromide S S Brine S S
Ammonium carbonate S S Bromic acid (10%) S S
Ammonium chloride saturated S S Bromine liquid (100%) O U
Ammonium fluoride (20%) S S Bromochloromethane U U
Ammonium hydroxide S S Butadiene U U
Ammonium metaphosphate (sat.) S S Butanediol (10%) S S
Ammonium nitrate saturated S S Butanediol (60%) S S
Ammonium persulfate saturated S S Butanediol (100%) S S
Ammonium phosphate S S Butter S S
Ammonium sulfate saturated S S Butyl acetate (100%) O U
Ammonium sulfide saturated S S Butyl alcohol (100%) S S
Ammonium thiocyanate saturated S S Butylene glycol S S
Amyl acetate (100%) O U Butyric acid (100%) S S
Amyl alcohol (100%) S S
Amyl Chloride (100%) O U C
Aniline (100%) S U Caffeine citrate saturated S S
Anise seed oil O U Calcium bisulfide S S
Antimony chloride S S Calcium bromide S S
Aqua Regia O U Calcium carbonate saturated S S
Aromatic hydrocarbons U U Calcium Chlorate saturated S S
Arsenic S S Calcium hydroxide S S
Aspirin S S Calcium hypochlorite bleach S S
Calcium nitrate (50%) S S
Calcium sulfate S S

Legend: S = Satisfactory O = Some attack U = Unsatisfactory

1 of 5
HDPE Chemical Resistance Guide

70º F 140º F 70º F 140º F

Reagent (21º C) (60º C) Reagent (21º C) (60º C)

Camphor crystals S S Dextrose saturated S S

Camphor oil U U Dibutyl ether O U
Carbon dioxide (100% dry) S S Dichlorobenzene (ortho and para) U U
Carbon dioxide (100% wet) S S Diethylene glycol S S
Carbon dioxide cold saturated S S Dioxane S S
Carbon disulphide O U Disodium phosphate S S
Carbon monoxide S S
Carbon tetrachloride U U E
Carbonic acid S S Emulsions (photographic) S S
Carnauba wax S S Ether O O
Carrot juice S S Ethyl acetate (100%) O O
Castor oil concentrated S S Ethyl alcohol (35%) S S
Catsup S S Ethyl alcohol (100%) S S
Caustic soda S O Ethylbenzene O U
Cedar leaf oil U U Ethylene glycol S S
Cedar wood oil U U
Chlorine liquid O U F
Chlorobenzene O U Ferric chloride saturated S S
Chloroform U U Ferric nitrate saturated S S
Chlorosulfonic acid (100%) U U Ferrous ammonium citrate S S
Chrome alum saturated S S Ferrous chloride saturated S S
Chromic acid (10-20%) S O Ferrous sulfate S S
Chromic acid (50%) S O Fluoboric acid S S
Cider S S Fluorine S U
Cinnamon S S Fluosilicic acid (32%) S S
Cinnamon oil U U Fluosilicic acid concentrated S S
Citric acid saturated S S Formaldehyde (10-30%) S S
Citronella oil O U Formaldehyde (30-40%) S O
Cloves (ground) S S Formic acid (20%) S S
Coconut oil alcohols S S Formic acid (50%) S S
Cod liver oil S S Formic acid (100%) S S
Coffee S S Fructose saturated S S
Copper chloride saturated S S Fuel oil S U
Cooper cyanide saturated S S Furfural (100%) O U
Copper fluoride (2%) S S Furfuryl alcohol S O
Copper nitrate saturated S S
Copper sulfate dilute S S G
Copper sulfate saturated S S Gallic acid saturated S S
Corn oil S S Gasoline S U
Cottonseed oil S S Glucose S S
Cranberry sauce S S Glycerine S S
Cresols S O Glycol S S
Cuprous chloride saturated S S Glycolic acid (30%) S S
Cuprous oxide S S Grape juice S S
Cyclohexane U U Grapefruit juice S S
Cyclohexanone U U
D Heptane O U
Decalin S S Hexachlorobenzene S S
Detergents (synthetic) S S Hexane U U
Developers (photogenic) S S Hydrobromic acid (50%) S S
Dextrin saturated S S

Legend: S = Satisfactory O = Some attack U = Unsatisfactory

2 of 5
HDPE Chemical Resistance Guide

70º F 140º F 70º F 140º F

Reagent (21º C) (60º C) Reagent (21º C) (60º C)

Hydrochloric acid (10%) S S Methylene chloride (100%) U U

Hydrochloric acid (30%) S S Methylsulfuric acid S S
Hydrochloric acid (35%) S S Milk S S
Hydrocyanic acid S S Mineral oils S U
Hydrocyanic acid saturated S S Molasses S S
Hydrofluoric acid (40%) S S Mustard (prepared) S S
Hydrofluoric acid (60%) S S
Hydrofluoric acid (75%) S S N
Hydrogen (100%) S S Naphtha O U
Hydrogen bromide (10%) S S Naphthalene S U
Hydrogen chloride dry gas S S Natural gas (wet) S S
Hydrogen peroxide (30%) S O Nickel chloride saturated S S
Hydrogen sulfide S S Nickel nitrate concentrated S S
Hydroquinone S S Nickel sulfate S S
Hypochlorous acid concentrated S S Nicotinic acid S S
Nitric acid (0-30%) S S
I Nitric acid (30-50%) S O
Inks S S Nitric acid (70%) S O
Iodine crystals O O Nitric acid (95-98%) U U
Isobutyl alcohol S S Nitrobenzene (100%) U U
Isopropyl alcohol S S Nitroglycerine O U
Isopropyl ether O U
K Octane S S
Kerosene O O Oleum concentrated U U
Olive oil S S
L Orange juice S S
Lactic acid (10%) S S Oxalic acid dilute S S
Lactic acid (90%) S S Oxalic acid saturated S S
Lanolin S S Ozone O O
Lard S S
Lead acetate saturated S S P
Lead nitrate S S Palm oil S S
Lemon juice S S Paraffin oil S O
Lemon oil O U Peanut butter S S
Lime juice S S Pepper (fresh ground) S S
Linseed oil S S Peppermint oil O U
Perchloric acid (50%) S O
M Perchloroethylene U U
Magnesium carbonate saturated S S Petroleum ether U U
Magnesium chloride saturated S S Petroleum jelly S S
Magnesium hydroxide saturated S S Phenol S S
Magnesium nitrate saturated S S Phosphoric acid (0-30%) S S
Magnesium sulfate saturated S S Phosphoric acid (30-90%) S S
Margarine S S Phosphoric acid (over 90%) S S
Mercuric chloride S S Photographic solutions S S
Mercuric cyanide saturated S S Phthalic anhydride S S
Mercurous nitrate saturated S S Pickling baths S S
Mercury S S Hydrochloric acid S S
Methyl alcohol (100%) S S Sulfuric acid S S
Methyl ethyl ketone (100%) U U Sulfuric-nitric S U

Legend: S = Satisfactory O = Some attack U = Unsatisfactory

3 of 5
HDPE Chemical Resistance Guide

70º F 140º F 70º F 140º F

Reagent (21º C) (60º C) Reagent (21º C) (60º C)

Pine oil O U Sodium benzoate (35%) S S

Plating solutions Sodium bicarbonate saturated S S
Brass S S Sodium bisulfate saturated S S
Cadmium S S Sodium bisulfite saturated S S
Chromium S S Sodium borate S S
Copper S S Sodium carbonate concentrated S S
Gold S S Sodium chlorate saturated S S
Indium S S Sodium chloride saturated S S
Lead S S Sodium cyanide S S
Nickel S S Sodium dichromate saturated S S
Rhodium S S Sodium ferricyanide S S
Silver S S Sodium ferricyanide concentrated S S
Tin S S Sodium fluoride saturated S S
Zinc S S Sodium hydroxide concentrated S S
Potassium bicarbonate saturated S S Sodium hypochlorite S S
Potassium borate (1%) S S Sodium nitrate S S
Potassium bromate (10%) S S Sodium nitrite S S
Potassium bromide saturated S S Sodium perborate S S
Potassium carbonate S S Sodium phosphate S S
Potassium chlorate saturated S S Sodium sulfide (25% to saturated) S S
Potassium chloride saturated S S Sodium sulfite saturated S S
Potassium chromate (40%) S S Sodium thiosulphate S S
Potassium cyanide saturated S S Soybean oil S S
Potassium dichromate (40%) S S Stannic chloride saturated S S
Potassium ferri / ferro cyanide S S Stannous chloride saturated S S
Potassium nitrate saturated S S Starch solution saturated S S
Potassium perborate saturated S S Stearic acid (100%) S S
Potassium perchlorate (10%) S S Styrene U U
Potassium permanganate (20%) S S Sulfuric acid (0-50%) S S
Potassium persulfate saturated S S Sulfuric acid (70%) S O
Potassium sulfate concentrated S S Sulfuric acid (80%) S U
Potassium sulfide concentrated S S Sulfuric acid (96%) O U
Potassium sulfite concentrated S S Sulfuric acid (98% concentrated) O U
Propane gas S S Sulfuric acid (fuming) U U
Propargyl alcohol S S Sulfurous acid S S
Propyl alcohol S S T
Propylene glycol S S Tannic acid (10%) S S
Pyridine S O Tartaric acid S S
Tea S S
R Tetrahydrofuran O O
Rayon coagulating bath S S Toluene U U
Resorcinol S S Tomato juice S S
Transformer oil S O
S Trichloroethylene U U
Salicylic acid S S Trisodium phosphate saturated S S
Seawater S S Turpentine O U
Shortening S S
Silicic acid S S U
Silver nitrate solution S S Urea S S
Soap solution concentrated S S Urine S S
Sodium acetate saturated S S

Legend: S = Satisfactory O = Some attack U = Unsatisfactory

4 of 5
HDPE Chemical Resistance Guide

70º F 140º F
Reagent (21º C) (60º C)

Vanilla extract S S
Vaseline S S
Vinegar (commercial) S S

Wetting agents S S
Whiskey S S
Wines S S

Xylene U U

Yeast S S

Zinc chloride saturated S S
Zinc oxide S S
Zinc sulfate saturated S S

Note: The proceeding information concerns general chemical resistance only. Since other factors
such as permeation, ESCR and container design are involved, full compatibility testing is

Product inquiries:
Marina View Headquarters Battleground Manufacturing
2600 South Shore Blvd. Complex
Suite 500 1230 Independence Parkway South
League City, Teas 77573 La Porte, Texas 77571
Telephone: 281-535-6600 Telephone: 713-307-3000
Fax: 281-535-6764 Fax: 713-307-3521
Customer Service: 800-527-5419 Technical Center: 800-338-0489

Technical information contained herein is furnished without charge or obligation and is given and accepted at recipient’s sole risk. As conditions of use may vary and
are beyond the control of INEOS Olefins & Polymers USA, no representations or warranty, express or implied, are made with respect to the accuracy, reliability, or
completeness of the this information. This information in no way modifies, amends, enlarges, or creates any specification or warranty, and ALL WARRANTIES,
HEREBY EXCLUDED. INEOS Olefins & Polymers USA shall not be responsible for any damage or injury resulting from abnormal use, from any failure to follow
appropriate practices, or from hazards inherent in the nature of the product and/or material, nor for toxicological effects or Industrial Hygiene associated with
particular use of any product described herein. This information relates only to the specific product and/or material designated and may not be valid for such product
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by INEOS Olefins & Polymers USA.

The name and logo INEOS are trademarks of the INEOS Group and its affiliated companies and businesses.

INEOS Olefins & Polymers USA February, 2012

Legend: S = Satisfactory O = Some attack U = Unsatisfactory

5 of 5
Appendix 3: Listed Piping materials for drainage
Uniform Plumbing Code Abu Dhabi
Materials for Drain, Waste and Vent Pipe and Fittings
Material Underground Above ground Building Referenced Referenced
Drain, Drain, Waste Sewer Standard(s) Standard(s)
Waste and and Vent Pipe Pipe and Pipe Fittings
Vent Pipe and Fittings Fittings
and Fittings

ABS (Schedule 40) X X X ASTM D1527, ASTM D2661,

ASTM D2661, ASTM D26801
ASTM D26801
Co-extruded ABS X X X ASTM F1488 ASTM D2661,
(Schedule 40) ASTM D26801

Polyolefin X X X ASTM F1412, ASTM F1412,

(Schedule 40) CSA B181.3 CSA B181.3

Polyvinylidene X X X ASTM F1673 ASTM F1673

Flouride (PVDF
Schedule 40)

PVC (Schedule 40, X X X ASTM D1785, ASTM D2665,

Type DWV) ASTM D2665, ASTM F7941,
ASTM F7941, ASTM F1866

Co-extruded PVC X X X ASTM F1488 ASTM D2665,

(Schedule 40) ASTM F891 ASTM F7941,
ASTM F1866
For Building Sewer applications.
intervals or less and the maximum length of any or within 60cm (2 ft.) above or below the offset
vertical drainage pipe of a given size shall be in where such horizontal offset is located exceeding 4
accordance with Table 7-4. branch intervals below the top of the stack.
703.5 For alternate method of sizing drainage
Stacks for More Than Three Branch Intervals. The piping, see Appendix L.
703.4 Size of Horizontal Branches and Vertical

maximum number of drainage fixture units allowed

on a vertical stack, branch interval and total for
stacks exceeding three branch intervals shall be in 704.0 Fixture Connections (Drainage).
accordance with Table 7-4. Vertical stacks shall be 704.1 Drainage piping shall be provided with
sized, based on the total accumulated connected load approved inlet fittings for fixture connections,
at each story or branch interval. correctly located according to the size and type of
703.4.1 Horizontal Stack Offsets. Horizontal fixture proposed to be connected.
stack offsets shall be sized in accordance with 704.2 Two fixtures set back-to-back, or side-by-side,
Table 7-4 as required for building drains. within the distance allowed between a trap and its
703.4.2 Vertical Stack Offsets. Vertical stack vent shall be permitted to be served by a single
offsets shall be sized in accordance with Table 7-4 vertical drainage pipe, provided that each fixture
as required for vertical stacks, based on the total wastes separately into an approved double-fixture
accumulated connected load for stacks exceeding fitting having inlet openings at the same level.
three branch intervals. 704.3 Pot sinks, scullery sinks, dishwashing sinks,
silverware sinks, commercial dishwashing machines,
Branch Connections. Horizontal branch connec- silverware-washing machines, and other similar
703.4.3 Horizontal Stack Offsets and Horizontal

tions shall not connect to a horizontal stack offset fixtures shall be connected directly to the drainage

Appendix 4: Listed Piping materials for storm drainage
International Plumbing Code
 

 

        

           
              
              
           
         
         
 
               
       
 
        
                  
             
 
       
           
       
        
 
       
       
               
      
        
                  
          
      
                  
           
        
         
      
          
  
          
                 
           
            
    
                
                 
                
     
  
       
 
       
           
       
 
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       
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        
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         

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                  
                 
                     
                     
                   
                
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     
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                 
           
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                
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 
   
 
            
      
       
          
     
            
                   
                    
      
    
 
 
        
     
         
        
         
         
        
 

    

Appendix 5: Galvanized iron fittings overview
| %  

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™* ™7 €N 92 94 €* €q €7 €™ #NN #N#

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"$q 329 ""N 331 332 ""* ""q ""™ "\N 341 342

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\7# *$q *$€ *"# *"\ *"* *"q *"7 *€* *€q *€€ €N# 933 933a

Appendix 6: HDPE fittings overview
12. Product list Product List d1 di S1 L A cm 2 Pipes
920 002 32 26,0 3,0 5000 5,3
920 003 40 34,0 3,0 5000 9,0
920 005 50 44,0 3,0 5000 15,2
920 007 63 57,0 3,0 5000 25,4
920 008 75 69,0 3,0 5000 37,3
920 009 90 83,6 3,5 5000 54,1
920 010 110 101,6 4,2 5000 81,0
920 011 125 115,4 4,8 5000 104,5
920 013 160 147,6 6,2 5000 171,1
920 015 200 187,6 6,2 5000 276,4
920 017 250 234,6 7,7 5000 432,0
920 019 315 295,6 9,7 5000 686,0

From Ø 75 to Ø 160 pipe series S12,5
From Ø 200 to Ø 315 pipe series S16
Nominal diameters according to EN 1519

Hepworth PME standard pipes are supplied in standard 5 meter lengths. d1/d2 X1 X2 H
Concentric reducer
920 508 40/132 30 30 80
920 516 50/140 30 30 80
920 525 63/140 30 30 80
920 526 63/150 30 30 80
920 530 75/140 30 30 80
920 531 75/150 30 30 80
920 533 75/163 30 30 80
920 535 90/140 30 30 80
920 536 90/150 30 30 80
920 538 90/163 30 30 80
920 539 90/175 30 30 80
920 542 110/140 30 30 80
920 543 110/150 30 30 80
920 545 110/163 30 30 80
920 546 110/175 30 30 80
920 547 110/190 30 30 80
920 550 125/150 30 30 80
920 552 125/163 30 30 80
920 553 125/175 30 30 80
920 554 125/190 30 30 80
920 555 125/110 30 30 80
920 558 160/110 32 29 100
920 560 160/125 32 32 100
920 562 200/160 100 100 250
920 564 250/200 120 120 270
920 566 315/250 130 130 325

38 39
Product list Product List d1/d2 X1 X2 H Eccentric reducer d1 X1 Elbow 45°

920 608 40/132 125,5 125,5 65 921 232 32 25
920 616 50/140 35 37 80 921 234 40 40
920 625 63/140 35 37 80 921 254 50 45
920 626 63/150 35 37 80 921 274 63 50
920 630 75/140 33 30 80 921 284 75 50
920 631 75/150 35 37 80 921 294 90 55
920 633 75/163 35 37 80 921 304 110 60
920 635 90/140 30 34 80 921 314 125 65
920 636 90/150 31 34 80 921 334 160 100
920 638 90/163 31 38 80 921 354 (short radius) 200 160
920 639 90/175 31 43 80 921 374 (segment welded) 250 165
920 642 110/140 31 34 80 921 394 (segment welded) 315 230
920 643 110/150 31 34 80
920 645 110/163 35 37 80 d1 X1 Elbow 60°
920 646 110/175 31 36 80
920 647 110/190 35 37 80 921 502 40 45
920 653 125/175 35 30 80 921 510 50 55
920 654 125/190 35 32 80 921 546 110 80
920 655 125/110 36 36 80 921 566 160 120
920 671 160/110 35 37 80
920 672 160/125 35 37 80

920 675 200/110 110 60 325

920 676 200/125 110 70 310
920 678 200/160 110 90 270 d1 X1 Elbow 88 1/2°
920 690 250/200 130 110 325 921 238 40 60
920 698 315/250 150 130 395 921 258 50 70
921 519 (long radius) 63 80
921 528 75 75
921 298 90 80
921 548 110 95 d1 X1 r Elbow 15˚ 921 558 125 125
921 542 110 15° 45 80 921 568 160 180 d1 X1 Elbow 90°

921 013 160 140 segment welded
921 015 200 250
921 017 250 335
921 019 315 370 d1 X1 Elbow 30˚

921 500 40 35
921 508 50 40
921 516 63 45
921 544 110 55
Elbow 90°
921 554 125 60 d1 X1 X2 r
921 562 160 80 921 002 32 100 30 30
920 920 (segment welded) 200 115 921 003 40 150 30 30
921 005 50 180 40 40
921 007 63 210 50 50
921 008 75 210 70 70
921 009 90 240 90 90
40 921 010 110 270 103 100
921 011 125 200 110 110
Product list d1/d2 X1-X2 r Reduced elbow 90° d1/d2 X1 X2-X3 H Branch 45°
921 716 50/40 50 50
922 005 32/ 32 35 70 105
921 726 63/50 50 50
922 008 40/ 32 45 90 135
922 009 40/ 40 45 90 135
922 016 50/ 40 55 110 165
922 018 50/ 50 55 110 165
922 025 63/ 40 65 130 195
922 026 63/ 50 65 130 195
922 028 63/ 63 65 130 195
922 030 75/ 40 70 140 210 d1 X1 X2 U-bend 180°
922 031 75/ 50 70 140 210
921 843 40 35 70
922 033 75/ 63 70 140 210
921 845 50 49 100
922 034 75/ 75 70 140 210
921 846 63 63 128
922 035 90/ 40 80 160 240
921 847 75 75 148
922 036 90/ 50 80 160 240
921 849 90 90 176
922 038 90/ 63 80 160 240
921 850 110 103 198
922 039 90/ 75 80 160 240
922 040 90/ 90 80 160 240
922 042 110/ 40 90 180 270
922 043 110/ 50 90 180 270 d1/d2 X1 X2 X3 H Airy branch 88 1/2°
922 045 110/ 63 90 180 270
922 280 110 170 140 100 270
922 046 110/ 75 90 180 270
922 047 110/ 90 90 180 270
922 048 110/110 90 180 270
922 050 125/ 50 100 200 300
922 052 125/ 63 100 200 300
922 053 125/ 75 100 200 300
922 054 125/ 90 100 200 300
922 055 125/110 100 200 300
922 056 125/125 100 200 300 d1/d2 X1 X2-X3 H Double branch 45°
922 071 160/110 125 250 375
922 336 90/150 80 160 240
922 072 160/125 125 250 375
922 342 110/140 80 180 260
922 074 160/160 125 250 375
922 343 110/150 80 180 260
922 075 200/110 180 360 540
922 348 110/110 80 180 260
922 076 200/125 180 360 540
922 350 125/110 100 200 300
922 078 200/160 180 360 540
922 079 200/200 180 360 540
922 086 250/110 220 440 660
922 087 250/125 220 440 660
922 089 250/160 220 440 660 d1/d2 X1 X2 Y-branch 30°
922 090 250/200 220 440 660
922 816 50/140 55 110
922 092 250/250 220 440 660
922 818 50/150 45 95
922 093 315/110 280 560 840
922 826 63/150 70 130
922 094 315/125 280 560 840
922 828 63/163 45 95
922 095 315/160 280 560 840
922 836 110/190 35 140
922 096 315/200 280 560 840
922 848 110/110 90 120
922 098 315/250 280 560 840
922 099 315/315 280 560 840

42 43
Product list Product List d1/d2 X1 X2-X3 H Branch 88 1/2°

Spherical branches,
922 205 132/132 150 150 100
2 stubs
922 208 140/132 175 155 130
922 209 140/140 175 155 130
922 216 150/140 190 160 150
922 218 150/150 190 160 150
922 225 163/140 105 170 175
922 226 163/150 105 170 175
922 228 163/163 105 170 175
922 230 175/140 105 170 175
922 231 175/150 105 170 175
922 233 175/163 105 170 175 Type A - 180°
922 234 175/175 105 170 175
922 235 190/140 120 180 200 d1/d2-d3 X1 X2-X3 H
922 236 190/150 120 180 200 922 443 110/150 100 120 200
922 238 190/163 120 180 200 922 445 110/163 100 120 200
922 239 190/175 120 180 200 922 446 110/175 100 120 200
922 240 190/190 120 180 200 922 447 110/190 100 120 200
922 242 110/140 135 190 225 922 448 110/110 100 120 200
922 243 110/150 135 190 225 922 450 125/150 100 125 200
922 245 110/163 135 190 225 922 453 125/ 175 100 125 200
922 246 110/175 135 190 225 922 455 125/110 100 125 200
922 247 110/190 135 190 225
922 248 110/110 135 190 225
922 252 125/163 150 100 250
922 253 125/175 150 100 250
922 254 125/190 150 100 250 Type B - 90°
922 255 125/110 150 100 250
922 256 125/125 150 100 250 d1/d2-d3 X1 X2-X3 H
922 271 160/110 210 140 350 922 517 110/150 100 120 200
922 272 160/125 210 140 350 922 519 110/163 100 120 200
922 274 160/160 210 140 350 922 520 110/175 100 120 200
922 275 200/110 180 180 360 922 521 110/190 100 120 200
922 276 200/125 180 180 360 922 522 110/110 100 120 200
922 278 200/160 180 180 360 922 523 125/150 100 125 200
922 279 200/200 180 180 360 922 526 125/175 100 125 200
922 286 250/110 220 220 440 922 528 125/110 100 125 200
922 287 250/125 220 220 440
922 289 250/160 220 220 440
922 290 250/200 220 220 440
922 292 250/250 220 220 440
922 293 315/110 280 280 560 Type C - 135°
922 294 315/125 280 280 560
922 295 315/160 280 280 560 d1/d2-d3 X1 X2-X3 H
922 296 315/200 280 280 560 922 567 110/150 100 120 200
922 298 315/250 280 280 560 922 569 110/163 100 120 200
922 299 315/315 280 280 560 922 570 110/175 100 120 200
922 571 110/190 100 120 200
922 572 110/110 100 120 200
922 573 125/150 100 125 200
922 576 125/175 100 125 200
922 578 125/110 100 125 200

44 45
Product list Product List

Spherical branches, d1/d2 X1 X2 X3 H Access fitting 45°

3 stubs 920 709 90/ 90 80 200 160 240
920 711 110/110 90 230 180 270
920 712 125/110 100 250 200 300
920 716 160/110 125 300 250 375

Type D - 135° d1/d2 X1 X2 X3 H Access fitting 88 1/2°
920 863 40/ 40 75 70 50 125 d1/d2-d3-d4 X1 X2-X3-X4 H
920 865 50/ 50 90 85 60 150
922 667 110/150 100 120 200
920 867 63/ 63 105 80 70 175
922 670 110/175 100 120 200
920 868 75/ 75 105 90 70 175
922 671 110/190 100 120 200
920 869 90/ 90 120 100 80 200
922 672 110/110 100 120 200
920 870 110/110 135 125 90 225
922 673 125/150 100 125 200
920 871 125/110 150 130 100 250
922 676 125/175 100 125 200
920 873 160/110 210 150 140 350
922 678 125/110 100 125 200
920 875 200/110 180 170 180 360
920 877 250/110 220 190 220 440
920 879 315/110 280 210 280 560

Type E - 90° d1/de t H Floor mounted toilet
923 021 90/132 60 90 connector d1/d2-d3-d4 X1 X2-X3-X4 H
923 031 110/132 60 90
922 617 110/150 100 120 200
922 620 110/175 100 120 200
922 621 110/190 100 120 200
922 622 110/110 100 120 200
922 623 125/150 100 125 200
922 626 125/175 100 125 200
922 628 125/110 100 125 200 d1/de t H Floor mounted toilet

923 006 90/120 95 125 connector, long
923 016 110/120 95 125

Type F - 90° Spherical branches,

4 stubs d1/d2-d3-d4-d5 X1 X2-X3-X4-X5 H
922 717 110/150 100 120 200
922 720 110/175 100 120 200
922 721 110/190 100 120 200
922 722 110/110 100 120 200
922 723 125/150 100 125 200 d1 X1 X2 Constant diameter
922 726 125/175 100 125 200
923 097 110 300 180 toilet elbow 90°
922 728 125/110 100 125 200

46 47
Product list Product list d1 X1 X2 Connecting
921 139 190 270 50 elbow 90° - smooth d1/d2 de X1 X2 t H Long-spigot toilet
921 140 110 300 60 926 010 190/40 120 270 180 120 160 elbow with double stub
926 011 190/50 120 270 180 120 160
926 012 110/40 120 300 150 140 185
926 013 110/50 120 300 150 140 185

Ø 190 with notch

Ø 110 with asymmetrical junction d1/de X1 t H Toilet elbow 88 1/2°
923 072 190/132 270 60 120 Type A
923 082 110/132 300 55 120 d1/d2 de X1 X2 t H Long-spigot toilet
923 107 110/40 120 300 150 140 185 elbow with 4 stubs
923 108 110/50 120 300 150 140 185 d1/de X1 t H Toilet elbow 88 1/2°

923 057* 190/120 270 120 160 extended - Type B
923 067 110/120 300 120 185

*with notch d Type of connection Floor mounted toilet

308 020 120 Toilet elbow - Type B connection gasket
308 010 135 C elbow - Type A - C
308 107* 107 Floor mounted elbow d1/de X1 t H Universal toilet * Allows the connection between the toilet discharge fitting and
923 087 110/132 300 120 185 elbow Type C the long toilet elbow. d1/di de t H Wall mounted toilet

924 227 190/190 110 28 38 connector
923 204 110/190 110 25 30
924 228 110/110 131 28 38 d1/d2 de X1 X2 t H Long-spigot toilet
926 002 190/40 120 270 180 120 160 elbow with right stub
926 004 190/50 120 270 180 120 160
926 006 110/40 120 300 150 140 185
926 008 110/50 120 300 150 140 185 d1/di de X1 t H Wall mounted toilet connector elbow 90°
Ø 190 with notch 923 281 190/190 110 225 34 75 for hanging toilets
Ø 110 with asymmetrical junction 923 280 110/190 110 225 34 75
923 285 110/110 131 300 33 75 d1/d2 de X1 X2 t H Long-spigot toilet

926 001 190/40 120 270 180 120 160 elbow with left stub
926 003 190/50 120 270 180 120 160
926 005 110/40 120 300 150 140 185
926 007 110/50 120 300 150 140 185

48 Ø 190 with notch 49

Ø 110 with asymmetrical junction
Product list Product list d1/di de X1 t H Wall mounted double toilet connector d1 X1 H Trap "Firenze"
923 358 110/110 131 195 28 270 elbow 90°
929 992 110 580 200
929 993 125 720 250 d1/di t H Outlet connectors

923 603 32/46 25 35 d1/di de X1 X2 t H Wall mounted toilet offset connector elbow
923 606 40/46 25 35
923 327 110/110 131 310 100 28 95 90° for horizontal assembly, right-handed
923 612 50/46 25 35 d1/di X1 t H Outlet connector

923 623 32/46 60 20 50 elbow
923 626 40/46 60 20 50
923 632 50/46 60 20 50 d1/di de X1 X2 t H Wall mounted toilet offset connector elbow

923 317 110/110 131 310 100 28 95 90° for horizontal assembly, left-handed

Universal type Rubber gasket d d1
308 042 46 1” - 1 1/4”
308 044 46 1 1/2” d1/di de X1 X2 t H Wall mounted double connector elbow 90°

923 337 110/110 131 340 100 28 270 for horizontal assembly d1/di t H High rinse box
923 565 40/46 21 77 drainage
All fittings are supplied with gasket and protection cap. d1 de X1 t H Lavatory pan trap

923 558 190 132 45° 330 60 145 (toilet) 0° - 45° - 90°
923 559 190 132 90° 285 60 145
923 551 110 132 0° 290 60 165
923 552 110 132 45° 380 60 165
923 555 110 132 90° 330 60 165
50 51
Product list Product list d1/di de t H Expansion socket with

Universal type (WAVIDUO) Electro-fusion
924 103 40/ 40 57 170 235 gasket and cap d1 de H coupler
910 104 40 54 52 924 105 50/ 50 67 170 235
910 105 50 64 52 924 107 63/ 63 80 175 235
910 106 63 77 52 924 108 75/ 75 92 179 240
910 107 75 90 52 924 109 90/ 90 110 175 240
910 109 90 104 54 924 110 110/110 130 178 255
910 111 110 124 64 924 111 125/125 148 180 255
910 112 125 143 64 924 113 160/160 188 190 285
910 116 160 180 63 924 115 200/200 225 200 345
924 117 250/250 280 250 405
To be welded with: 924 119 315/315 350 250 405
Electro-fusion welding box Code 700020, or other universal welding machine for
electro-fusion couplers Ø 40 to Ø 160. The expansion sockets with Ø from 40 to 315 mm absorb the expansion and the con-
traction of a 5000 mm long pipe. 10°C temperature difference = 2 mm expansion
or contraction per meter. Expansion socket
Wavin type (WAVISOLO) On the expansion socket the push-in depth of the pipe at a room temperature of 0°C Ø 110 mm d1 de H and + 20°C is mentioned.
910 004 40 54 54
910 005 50 64 54 Push-fit depth in mm
910 006 63 77 54 Ø -10° 0° +10° +20°
910 007 75 90 54 40 - 160 70 80 90 105
910 009 90 103 56 200 - 315 170 180 190 205
910 011 110 122 58
910 012 125 137 67 The expansion socket with Ø 110 has an external ring for fixed-point bracket.
910 016 160 181 95
910 020 200 231 150
910 025 250 286 150 d1 de h H Complete screw
910 031 315 352 150 924 303 40 64 30 50 connection
924 306 50 74 34 58
Only to be welded with: 924 310 63 87 36 63
Electro-fusion welding box Type Wavin Code 701315 for electro-fusion couplers 924 311 75 103 42 65
Ø 40 to Ø 315. 924 312 90 125 46 82
924 313 110 145 57 90 d1/di de t H Push-fit socket with d1 X1 H Bushes
924 202 32/132 47 35 50 gasket and cap
924 203 40/140 57 50 85 924 363 40 29 62
924 205 50/150 67 50 85 924 366 50 33 70
924 207 63/163 79 52 85 924 370 63 37 79
924 208 75/175 92 65 100 924 371 75 38 81
924 209 90/190 110 70 105 924 372 90 48 101
924 210 110/110 131 70 105 924 373 110 52 110
924 211 125/125 150 75 115
924 213 160/160 190 93 140 d1 de H Complete closing cap

924 443 40 64 45
924 446 50 74 55
924 450 63 87 40
924 451 75 103 45
924 452 90 123 45
924 453 110 145 50
52 53
Product list Product list d1 H Weld cap d1 de h H Bushes to be welded

924 622 (short version) 32 5 926 521 50 88 17 60
924 623 40 38 926 522 63 102 19 65
924 625 50 38 926 523 75 122 21 70
924 627 63 38 926 524 90 138 22 70
924 628 75 38 926 525 110 158 24 80
924 629 90 40 926 527 125 158 24 80
924 630 110 45 926 526 125 188 24 80
924 631 125 46 926 528 160 212 24 85
924 633 160 48 926 529 200 268 24 140
926 519 250 320 27 145
926 520 315 370 27 145 d1 H Protection cap for
929 004 40 30 pipes and fittings
929 005 50 30 d1 di de S Flat gaskets for blind
929 006 63 30 309 250 250 252 328 4 flanges
929 007 75 30 309 251 315 302 378 4
929 009 90 31
929 011 110 33 N.B. for diameter 50-200 mm, use the gasket EPDM out of the
929 012 125 36 Wavin HDPE80-HDPE100 product range. Please see below.
929 016 160 36

Flange connections d1 de S
904 402 132 170 3
904 403 140 182 3
904 404 150 192 3
904 405 163 107 3
904 406 175 127 3
904 407 190 142 3
904 408 110 162 3
904 461 140
904 462 160 218 3
904 463 200/225 273 4
904 467 280 d1 di de K S bolts no. thread Flanges

309 121 150 162 150 110 16 14 M16 d1 G H Brass nut connections
309 122 56-63 178 165 125 16 14 M16 924 734 40 3/4” 60
309 123 175 192 185 145 16 14 M16 924 735 40 1” 60
309 124 190 108 200 160 18 18 M16 924 736 40 1- 1/4” 60
309 125 110 128 220 180 22 18 M16 924 737 40 1- 1/2” 60
309 127 125 135 220 180 22 18 M16 924 739 40 2” 67
309 126 125 158 250 210 22 18 M16 924 743 50 3/4” 75
309 128 160 178 285 240 24 18 M20 924 755 50 1” 60
309 129 200 235 340 295 26 18 M20 924 756 50 1- 1/4” 60
309 119 250 288 395 350 28 12 M20 924 757 50 1- 1/2” 60
309 120 315 338 445 400 28 12 M20 924 758 50 2” 60
924 760 63 2” 82

54 55

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