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Section 1 BSA-1
Group No. 1
Academic Year 2019-2020

Prepared by:

Alejandre, Cathryn Leia

Basallote, Jenina Pauline
Del Mundo, Humprhey Loius
Donato, Kimberly
Euraba, Francesca Agatha
Surio, Rose
Wenceslao, Janniña

Submitted to:

Atty. Narciso G. Reyes, Jr.

January 2020


Part I.

Introduction to Law……………………………………………………… p. 1

Chapter 1 Obligations: General Provisions (Articles 1156-1162) ………………………. p. 2

Chapter 2 Obligations: Nature and Effect of Obligation (Articles 1163-1178) …………. p. 3

Chapter 3 Obligations: Different Kinds of Obligation (Articles 1179-1230)

▪ SECTION 1. — Pure and Conditional Obligations (Articles 1179-1192)..…. p. 8

▪ SECTION 2. — Obligations with a Period (Articles 1193-1198)..…………. p. 11

▪ SECTION 3. — Alternative Obligations (Articles 1199-1206)…………….... p. 12

▪ SECTION 4. — Joint and Solidary Obligations (Articles 1207-1222)….……. p. 14

▪ SECTION 5. — Divisible and Indivisible Obligations (Articles 1223-1225)... p. 16

▪ SECTION 6. — Obligations with a Penal Clause (Articles 1226-1230)…….... p. 17

Part II.

Practice Questions…………………………………………………………………… p. 20

Key Answers …………………………………………………………………… p. 15

Bibliography …………………………………………………………………… p. 47





Promulgated by competent authority  Anti-Graft Court
 Sandiganbayan
 Court of Tax Appeals
Rule of Conduct
Common Observance and Benefit

Supreme Court
 State Law enforced by law
can be general(mass Regional Trial Court
obligatory) or specific
(legal rule in particular Metropolitan Trial Court/Municipal
statute) Trial Court/Municipal Circuit Trial
 Divine Law Law of religion and
 Moral Law Norms; what is right SOURCES OF LAW
and wrong Constitution Supreme/highest
 Natural Law Justice, fairness, Custom Habits and practices
Other Sources Use if absence of all
 Physical Law Regularity; physics sources
Legislation Enacted or statue
NG legislation
FORCE Administrative, Issued by
DIVINE God Lies on Religion/ regulations and administrative
LAW present and faith rulings officials, will be valid
future life if not contrary to law
NATURAL Divine Depends; no Always Judicial Decisions Decision of the court
LAW Inspiration law, no present
of Man sanction
LAW right legal sanction absolute As to its purpose
conduct Substantive Adjective
PHYSICAL Science none Physics  Creates,  Rights may be
LAW define and enforced
STATE Positive, With legal Only law regulates right
LAW municipal, sanction enforced and duty
civil law by state As to its subject matter
Public Private
Everyone is presumed to know the law,  Relationship  Relationship
any kind of excuse is not allowed. of state and of individuals
people to others

CHAPTER 1 *compliance in good faith - performance
according to terms of contract between
ART. 1156. An obligation is ART. 1160
a juridical necessity to give, to do
or not to do. Quasi-Contracts
*obligation - one is bound to render
something to another.
Voluntary Act
Requisites of obligation Quasi-Contracts
Passive Subject Debtor Negotiorum Voluntary
Active Subject Creditor Gestio Without Consent
Juridical Tie Binds or connect Solutio Indebiti Received by mistake
parties Return to the owner
Object Subject matter
Kinds of Obligation
ART. 1161
Real Personal
to give to do or not to do *criminal offenses - shall be governed by
(positive or negative) penal laws

ART. 1157 Civil Liabilities includes;

Restitution Returning the value
Obligation arises from: Reparation Paying damages cause
Law imposed by law Indemnification Paying other damages
Acts or Omissions criminal offenses
punished by law
Contracts base on agreement ART. 1162
Quasi-Contracts a juridical relation
resulting from lawful, *quasi-delicts - cause damages to others
unilateral and without contract.
voluntary act. Requisites of Quasi-Delicts
Quasi- Delicts arises from damages Fault or Negligence Direct Relation
Act or Omission No pre-existing
Sources are classified
Damaged Caused contract
 Law
 Private Acts
o Licit - contracts/quasi- CRIME QUASI-DELICTS
contracts Malicious intention Negligence
Purpose is Indemnification of
o Ilicit - delicts/quasi-delicts
punishment offended party
o Affect public interest Concerns private
ART. 1158 Criminal and Civil Civil Liable
Law Demandable/Not Cannot be settle by Comprised by civil
Demandable party themselves liability
Assumed/Expressed Demandable Guilt of accused must
Not Assumed Not Demandable be approved

ART. 1159

Has its force of law
All essential elements are present
Breach of contract/Violation

CHAPTER 2  from law, quasi-contracts, delicts and
OBLIGATIONS Natural Fruits Industrial Civil
- spontaneous Fruits Fruits
ART. 1163. products of soil - produced - derived
and young of the by land by virtue
It is an incidental duty to preserve a thing
animals; without through of
with ordinary care (diligence of a good father
the intervention human juridical
of a family) to ensure the delivery of an
of the human cultivation or relation
obligation and prevent negligence of the
labor labor
debtor. Furthermore, parties can stipulate
another standard of care.
*extraordinary care- highest standard of care
observed by the common carriers and banks. Ex.

Law imposed the standard of care, therefore, parties A scientist extracted the egg of the female
cannot stipulate that there should be no standard of eagle and injected to the male.
care because obligation will become useless since there is The fruit is called a natural fruit because it is
no obligatory force. a young of an animal. Consider only human
intervention or cultivation if it is a product of
Specific/ Generic/
the soil.
Determinate Indeterminate
has sufficient class or genus Personal Right Real Right
particularity right or power of right or interest of creditor
cannot be substituted can be substituted creditor enforceable over a specific thing
against a particular without definite passive
subject; enforced directly
person or a passive
Debtor is not liable if failure to preserve the thing is against the world
due to a fortuitous event.
Exception: Law does not apply to obligations with
generic thing because standard of care is useless
since debtor can always substitute the thing of the same Ex.
kind, which follows the general rule Genus Piolo in a form of an agreement will give a gift
nunquam perit or genus never perishes. to Retes a pet dog on Dec.25.
On Dec. 23 Blacky gave birth to the puppies
Ex: A bought a Rolex watch from B.
and the neighbours were interested on the
However, at the time of delivery, the watch
was stolen from B (fortuitous event - act of
Retes can retrieve the puppies since the
man). The debtor is liable and obliged to
obligation arises from Dec. 23, ownership is
deliver the Rolex watch since it is a generic
transferred during the perfection of the
ART. 1164. Therefore the fruits will be in the ownership
of Ms. Retes already, and the creditor is
Real right is what acquired upon delivery, while entitled to deliver the fruits of the thing under
ownership is transferred from the perfection of the the Civil law principle "Accessory follows the
contract. principal." When the obligation has been
perfected, the ownership was transferred
Civil Law Principle: Accessory follows the Principal. from the seller (obligor) to the
The obligation to deliver fruits arises buyer(obligee)
3 essential requisites on the perfection of
 time of the perfection of the contract the contract:
1. Consent
 obligation is subject to suspensive
condition 2. Object

 Contract of Sale 3. Payment of consideration

Ex: X sold car to Y where assuming sale b. creditor cannot force the debtor to make
transpires on Nov.23. the delivery but can ask for performance of
Note: Once the car is delivered to Y, Y acquires real
right. Prior to delivery X to Y acquires personal right. c. can recover damage in case of breach
Ex: When the contract of sale was executed General Rule: If the thing is lost or destroyed
on Nov.23 but delivery transpires on Nov.24 due to fortuitous event the obligation is
when the contract was signed and paid then extinguished.
contract has been perfected because there is
payment of consideration. If the car produces Ex. Mr. Garcia to deliver Blacky to Ms.Retes
a fruit a civil fruit after letting the car be used upon fortuitous evnt, before time of delivery
with a rent payment. Y can demand for rental Blacky get into an accident wherein he was
to X from Nov.23 because Y becomes now striken by a lightning (an act of God) then
the owner from the time the contract was the obligation to deliver is extinguished.
Exceptions to general rule:
Remedies of non-compliance:
Ex: Rolex watch to deliver from A to B.
a. recovery of ownership
Delay Promise to Generic
b. specific performance Ex. deliver the Thing
If A delays the same to 2 Ex.
Ex. If X did not deliver the car to Y, Y has delivery which is or more A to deliver
the remedy of specific performance because supposed to be persons of a Rolex
ownership has already been transferred to him made on Nov. different watch to B
therefore you cannot ask for a recovery if you 24 but A did not interests. was forcibly
have already the possession of the thing. Y deliver the Ex. took from
acquires the personal right to demand for a Rolex watch, on If A also A.
fulfillment of obligation against X as a Nov.25 while he promised to Rolex
remedy. was walking deliver to C watch being
down the street the same a generic
In case of double sale a snatcher watch, then thing does
forcibly took the obligation is not
Ex: X delivered the car to Z remedy of Y
wrist watch not extinguish
against Z is the recovery of ownership
from A and so it extinguished the
because by the virtue of execution of his deed
was rendered even in obligation
of sale the ownership is transferred from X to
beyond fortuitous of A just
recovery, theft event. because of
Two contract of sale executed, remedy is the recovery of (act of man- he
ownership because of the acquisition of ownership from fortuitous event) happening
the time the contract has been perfected. A is liable of a
because he fortuitous
already acquired event,
delay. because he
ART. 1165. can deliver
Remedies of creditor in real obligation (obligation to any Rolex
deliver a thing) watch as
long as of
Specific Real Obligation can demand: the same
kind as a
a. specific performance of obligation + replacement
b. rescission + recovery of damage
c. payment of damage
Generic Real Obligation
a. can be performed by third person

ART. 1166. Kinds of delay or default

Accessions Accessories (1) Mora solvendi - fault of the debtor

- fruits or additions or - thing included to
improvements the principal for (2) Mora accipiendi - fault of creditor
ex. Air - better use or (3) Compensatio morae - Both have fault
conditioner in a car, completion
trees on the land, ex. Key of the car, No delay in negative personal obligations.
shares on stock frame of a picture
When both parties are already in delay, there is no
General Rule: Accessory follows the
principal Requisites of delay by the debtor:

ART. 1167.  failure to perform on the date agreed upon

 demand may be either juridical or
This article is about the breach of a personal extrajudicial
 failure to comply w/ such demand
Specific performance is not applicable since this would
ART. 1170.
be violative of the debtor’s constitutional right against
involuntary servitude. 4 Grounds of Liability (TIP: When the law
distinguishes two concepts, who have to take note of the
Obligations not to do: and the obligor does it, the
distinctions. Because there are different treatment given
creditor may have it undone at the expense of the
to each concept.)
1. Fraud (deceit or dolo) - deliberate or
ART. 1168. When the obligation
intentional evasion of the normal
consists in not doing, and the obligor does
fulfilment of an obligation.
what has been forbidden him, it shall also
be undone at his expense. a) Dolo causante (causal fraud) - Fraud
upon perfection or commencement of
ART. 1169.
the contract.
In reciprocal obligations, neither party incurs in delay
if the other does not comply or is not ready to comply
in a proper manner with what is incumbent upon him. X (debtor) obliged himself to deliver a
From the moment one of the parties m fulfills his car to D (creditor) but in reality X has no
obligation, delay by other begins. (Compensatio car. There is nothing to deliver.
Remedy of the creditor:
No demand, no delay.
Annulment or cancelation of the contract.
b) Dolo incidente (incidental fraud) -
(1) When the OBLIGATION or LAW so Fraud in the performance of the
provides. Ex. Payment of taxes obligation.
(2) TIME is a controlling motive. It is of the Example:
essence. Ex. Delivery of a wedding cake
X (debtor) obliged himself to deliver a
(3) When demand would be USELESS. Ex. Gucci bag to D (creditor). But instead of
When the object of the obligation is lost or delivering a Gucci bag X delivers a
destroyed through the fault of the debtor. Jansport bag to D.
*delay (mora) - failure discharge of duty on Remedy of the Creditor:
due date and time
Ask for payment of damages.
Ordinary delay Legal delay
- failure to perform - delay that results in 2. Negligence (fault or culpa) - voluntary
an obligation on time- breach of contract act or omission, there being no bad faith or
no punishment

malice, which prevents the normal fulfilment 3. Criminal negligence (culpa criminal) -
of an obligation Crime committed by negligence.
3. Delay (mora) Note: Under the ART. 365 of the
revised penal code the law punishes culpa
4. Contravention of the terms of the criminal
obligation- covers all form of violation
Penalty: Imprisonment and payment
(Additional Information: Article 1170 of damages.
pertains to dolo incidente.)
(Additional Information: An act no
ART. 1171. Responsibility arising matter how wrongful would not amount a
from fraud is demandable in all crime in absence of a law defining such
obligations. Any waiver of an action for act as a crime.)
future fraud is void. (1102a)
ART. 1173.
Waiver for future fraud is void.
If the contract is silent the diligence
It allows the performance of fraud in which is to be observed in the
the side of the debtor. performance, that which is expected of a
good father of a family shall be required.
Waiver for past fraud is valid.
It is an act of generosity and
magnanimity from the part of the creditor. 1. The thing is genus.
(Note: only incidental fraud - contract is 2. The thing needs an extraordinary
still demandable) care. Example: Common Carrier.
ART. 1172. ART. 1174
Waiver arising from negligence is valid. Requisites of a fortuitous event
When: 1. Independent of a human will or at least
of the debtor’s will
1. the standard of care is the ordinary
2. The event could not be seen, or if
care or the proper diligence of a good
foreseen, is inevitable
father of the family.
3. Impossible for the debtor to comply with
Exception: his obligation in a normal manner
4. there is no concurrent negligence on the
1. If the stipulation requires another part of the debtor
standard of care or an extraordinary care.
GENERAL RULE: Obligation is
Example: Common carrier. extinguished if the loss of the thing is due
to a fortuitous event
Kinds of negligence according to source
of obligation (Note: remember the Latin  Except: 1.When expressly specified by
word) law
a) Debtor is guilty of voluntary breach of
1. Contractual negligence (culpa contract
contractual) - negligence in contracts b) Debtor has promised to deliver the same
resulting in their breach. determinate thing to two or more persons
Remedy of the Creditor: He can who do not have the same interest
seek for payment of damages from the debtor. c) Obligation to deliver a specific thing arises
from a crime
2. Civil negligence (culpa aquiliana) - d) The thing to be delivered is generic
negligence which by itself is the source of 2. Declared by the stipulation of the
an obligation between the parties not so contractual parties
related before by any pre-existing 3. When the nature of obligation requires
contract. Example: Quasi - delicts. the assumption of risk

Penalty: Payment of damages

ART. 1175
Requisites for recovery of interest
1. payment of interest is expressly stipulated
2. written agreement
3. the interest must be lawful

Central Bank Central Bank Circular No.

Circular No. 905
when there is free to stipulate any amount
no stipulated of interest as long as it is not
interest, the considered “iniquitous or
legal interest unconscionable”-Article
shall be 6% 1229

ART. 1176
 The presumption will be only applied if;
1. The prior installments have been paid
2. Only if the receipt indicates which month
the payment is being made for.
 It is presumed that the prior instalments
are already paid even without its receipts
even there are later installments.

ART. 1177
Remedies available to creditors for the
satisfaction of their claims
1. Exact fulfillment with right to damages
2. Pursue the debtor’s leviable property
3. Exercise all the right and bring all the
actions of the latter for the same purpose
Ex. Right to subrogation
4. Impugn the acts
ART. 1178
GENERAL RULE: All rights are
1. Prohibited by law
2. Prohibited by the parties’ stipulation

CHAPTER 3 stand as if the conditional obligation
had never existed.
DIFFERENT KINDS OF 2. Loss of rights already acquired –
OBLIGATIONS obligations subject to a resolutory
condition, the happening of the condition
SECTION 1 – Pure and Conditional
produces the extinguishment or loss of
rights already acquired.
ART. 1179
ART. 1182
*Pure Obligation - not subject to any
*Potestative Condition – a condition
condition, no specific date, and immediately
suspensive in nature and which depends upon
the sole will of one of the contracting parties.
*Conditional Obligation – effectivity is
1. Suspensive Condition depends upon
subordinated to the fulfillment or non-
the will of the Debtor
fulfillment of a future and uncertain event or
upon a past event unknown to the parties. - Condition is void but obligation is valid if
the obligation is pre-existing
*Condition – a future and uncertain or - Both condition and obligation is void if
past event upon the happening of which, the the obligation still does not exist
effectivity or extinguishment of an obligation 2. Suspensive Condition depends upon
or right subject to it depends. the will of the Creditor
- Both condition and obligation is valid
Principal Kinds of Condition 3. Resolutory Condition depends upon
the will of the Debtor
Suspensive Resolutory
- Both condition and obligation is valid
Condition Condition
When the Extinguishedthe *Casual Condition – the suspensive
fulfilled obligation obligation condition depends upon chance or upon the
arises will of a third person, the obligation is valid
obligation is a mere possibility of
hope termination *Mixed Condition – the suspensive
An obligation is demandable at once if condition depends partly upon chance and
partly upon the will of a third person, the
1. It is a pure obligation obligation is valid
2. It is subject to a resolutory condition
3. It is subject to a resolutory period ART. 1183

ART. 1180 This article refers to suspensive conditions wherein it

applies only to cases where the impossibility already
Duration of the period depends upon the existed at the time the obligation was constituted
will of the debtor
Kinds of Impossible Conditions
a. The debtor promises to pay when his
mean permit him to do so – becomes 1. Physically– in nature of things, cannot
obligation with a period. exist or cannot be done.
b. If both parties cannot agree as to the 2. Legally– contrary to law, morals, good
specific time for payment, the court shall customs, public order, or public policy.
fix the same on the application of either
party. – Article 1197
Effect of Impossible Condition
ART. 1181
1. the condition and obligation are void
Effect of the happening condition 2. if the condition is negative, not to do an
impossible thing, the condition is
1. Acquisition of Rights – obligations disregarded and the obligation is valid
subject to a suspensive condition, it 3. if the obligation is divisible, only the
depends upon the happening condition. affected obligation is void and those that
- If the suspensive condition is certain are not affected by the impossible
to be not fulfilled, the parties would conditions shall be valid

4. if the obligation is pre-existing, the *Retroactive - refers to extending the scope
condition is void but the obligation is still or effect to matters that have occurred in the
valid past
ART. 1184 1. An obligation to give subject to a
suspensive condition – once the
*Positive (suspensive) Condition is the condition is fulfilled; its effects shall
happening of an event at a determinate time, retroact because the condition is only an
the obligation is extinguished: accidental element of a contract. The
obligation can exist without being subject
1. As soon as the time expires without the
to a condition.
event taking place
2. In obligations to do or not to do - the
2. As soon as it has become indubitable that
courts shall determine the retroactive
the event will not take place although the
time specified has not expired.
Retroactive effects as to fruits and
 If no time is fixed the circumstances shall be interests in obligation to give
considered to arrive at the intention of the parties
1. In reciprocal obligations – no
ART. 1185 retroactivity
2. In unilateral obligations – usually no
*Negative Condition is an event will not
retroactivity effect because they are
happen at a determinate time. The obligation
shall become effective and binding:
ART. 1188
1. From the moment the time indicated has
elapsed without the event taking place Rights pending fulfillment of suspensive
2. From the moment it has become evident condition
that the event cannot occur, although the
time indicated has not yet elapsed. 1. Rights of creditor – may take or bring
 If no time is fixed the circumstances shall be appropriate actions for the preservation of
considered to arrive at the intention of the parties his right
2. Rights of debtor – can recover what has
ART. 1186 been paid by mistake prior to the
happening of the suspensive condition.
Constructive fulfillment of suspensive condition
(solution indebiti)
Requisites for the application of this
ART. 1189
This article only applies if:
1. The condition is suspensive.
2. The obligor actually prevents the 1. The obligation is a real obligation
fulfillment of the condition 2. The object is determinate
3. The obligor acts voluntarily 3. The obligation is subject to a suspensive
Except: if the act of the obligor is against the
4. The condition is fulfilled
law and if it is in the exercise of right
5. There is loss, deterioration, or
Constructive fulfillment of resolutory improvement of the thing during the
condition pendency of the condition

 This article also applies to obligation Kinds of Loss

subject to a resolutory condition with 1. Physical – a thing perishes
respect to the debtor who is bound to 2. Legal – a thing goes out of commerce or
return what he has received upon the a thing heretofore legal becomes illegal
fulfillment of the condition. 3. Civil – a thing disappears in such a way
ART. 1187 that its existence is unknown or if
known, it is impossible to recover,
Retroactive effects of fulfillment of suspensive condition whether as a matter of fact or of law

Rules in case of loss, deterioration, or effect of the fulfillment of the resolutory
improvement of thing during pendency of condition
suspensive condition
ART. 1191
1. Loss of thing without debtor’s fault –
obligation is extinguished Kinds of Obligation according to the
2. Loss of thing through debtor’s fault – person obliged
debtor is liable for the damages
1. Unilateral – only one party is obliged to
3. Deterioration of thing without debtor’s
comply with a prestation.
fault – the creditor will bear the
2. Bilateral – both parties are mutually
bound to each other (may be reciprocal or
*a thing deteriorates when its value is reduced or non-reciprocal)
impaired with or without the fault of the debtor. a) Reciprocal Obligations – those which
arises from the same cause and in which
4. Deterioration of thing through each party is a debtor and creditor of the
debtor’s fault – the creditor may choose other
between the rescission or cancellation of b) Non-reciprocal Obligations – those
the obligation or the fulfillment of the which do not impose simultaneous and
obligation with indemnity for damages correlative performance on both parties
5. Improvement of thing by nature or by c) Remedies in reciprocal obligations
time – the improvement shall be inure to 1. If one of the obligors does not comply
the benefit of the creditor with what is incumbent upon him, the
aggrieved party may choose between:
*a thing is improved when its value is increased or a) Action for specific performance of the
enhanced by nature or by time or the expense of the obligation with damages
debtor or creditor. b) Action for rescission of the obligation
with damages
6. Improvement of thing at expense of
2. If there is non-compliance by one of the
debtor – the debtor will have the right to
contracting parties – breach of contract
a usufructuary
Court may grant guilty party term for
*Usufruct - is the right to enjoy the use and
fruits of a thing belonging to another
 the court shall order the rescission
ART. 1190
claimed unless there should be just cause
Effects of fulfillment of resolutory for granting the party in default a term or
condition period for the performance of his
1. In obligations to give - the obligation is
extinguished and the parties are obliged to Remedies are alternative
return to each other what they have
received under the obligation.  the aggrieved party may only choose one
a) The effect of the fulfillment is retroactive of the remedies except he may also seek
(return to the status quo) rescission after he has chosen fulfillment
b) If the thing to be returned is legally in the if the latter should become impossible
possession of a third person who did not Limitations on right to demand rescission
act in bad faith, the remedy of the party
entitled to restitution is against the other  the right to rescind by the injured party is
c) The obligation of mutual restitution is not absolute
absolute and it applies also to the fruits 1. Resort to courts – the rescission
and interests. mentioned in this article is judicial
d) In obligations to give subject to 2. Power of court to fix period – par 3
suspensive condition, the retroactivity 3. Right of third person – rescission is not
admits exceptions according as the available as a remedy
obligation is bilateral or unilateral.-Article 4. Substantial violation – GENERAL
1187 RULE: Rescission will not be granted for
2. In obligations to do or not to do – the slight breaches of contract
courts shall determine the retroactive 5. Waiver of right

Rescission without previous judicial AS TO does not has a
decree RETROACTI- have any retroactive
VITY OF retroactive effect
1. Where automatic rescission expressly EFFECTS effect
stipulated unless
2. Where contract still executor – there is stated
no performance yet by both parties but
one is willing to comply with what is
incumbent upon him while the other is *retroactivity - if the obligation is fulfilled, it
not, the willing party may rescind the will retroact from the perfection or
contract without previous judicial commencement of the contract as if the time
decree of rescission and it is not is still the same
necessary that it must be stipulated.
However, if the other party does not Stages of a Contract:
agree, he may resort to judicial action and
1. perfection - birth
let the court decide whether the rescission
was proper or not. 2. performance - consummation
ART. 1192 Kinds of Period According to Effect:
Where both parties are guilty of breach 1. suspensive period - gives rise to an
obligation and is not demandable upon
1. First infractor known – liability of the first commencement, just on the arrival of the
infractor should be equitably reduced. period
2. First infractor cannot be determined - the
contract shall be extinguished and each Eg. I will give you a gift on your birthday.
shall bear his own damages.
2. resolutory period - extinguishes the
obligation and is immediately demandable
SECTION 2. - Obligations with a Period
Eg. I will stop giving you allowance on your
ART. 1193 next birthday.
*obligation with a period - effects or ART. 1194. In case of loss,
consequences are subjected to the expiration deterioration or improvement of the thing
or arrival of said period or term before the arrival of the day certain, the
rules in articles 1189 shall be observed. (n)
*period - future and certain event which
ART. 1195
arises or extinguishes an obligation
This article is about the payment or delivery before the
DIFFERENC PERIOD CONDITIO arrival of the period which depends upon the awareness
E N of the debtor.
AS TO certain uncertain
AS TO TIME Future past and ARRIVAL
future AWARE can recover intentional
AS TO fixes time arises or only fruits and
INFLUENCE for the extinguishes interest
efficacious an obligation UNAWARE can recover unintentio-
-ness of everything nal
the along with the
obligation fruits and
AS TO empowers invalidates the interest
EFFECT, the court obligation
WHEN LEFT to fix the If the debtor is aware and nevertheless pays, he is
ON obligation knowledgeable and is considered intentionally paying
DEBTOR’S thereof in advance.

If the debtor is unaware, it is considered as a quasi- A solvent person could be illiquid at the same time
contract – solution indebiti - paying by mistake. because he could be able to pay his liabilities with his
assets but not easily convert it into cash.
This article does not apply to personal
obligations because service cannot be recovered and *guarantor (substitute or replacement) - a
you cannot undo what has been done. Because of person who will be held liable in case of non-
impracticality, it only applies to real obligations. payment
ART. 1196 *security - a property constituted as a
mortgage when the debtor just has more
This article states that the period is presumes to benefit liabilities but still has assets
both the creditor and the debtor.
Types of Securities:
*interest - payment for the interest of money
1. real estate mortgage - security for real
Eg. A owes B Php 10 000.00 payable within property
10 days with 2% interest per day. Assuming A
has paid after two days and C paid her Php 8 2. chattel mortgage - security for personal or
000.00 a day after, could A compel B to moveable property
accept her payment in advance?
3. contract of pledge - security for jewelries
Ans: A could not compel B to accept her
payment in advance because the debtor could Giving guaranty or security means the debtor can still
not modify the contract - the source of their pay even if he failed to do so according to the
agreement. In a contact of loan with interest, agreement; it can answer the said failure.
the creditor is already entitled to the whole
The obligation becomes pure and immediately
demandable if the debtor loses the right to use the
If there is no interest for the loan, the debtor could period.
compel the creditor because the contract is gratuitous in
the first place.
This article states that the court can only fix the period THE RIGHT TO USE THE PERIOD.
if the parties intended a period in the first place.
This is the only rule in the Law of Obligations and
The court cannot substitute its decision and interfere Contracts that makes the debtor liable for a fortuitous
with the contract because it is the law of the parties. event aside from the exceptions.
ART. 1198
Circumstances: SECTION 3. - Alternative Obligations

I - insolvency unless the debtor gives a ART. 1199

guaranty or security
Kinds of Distributive Obligation:
G - guaranty 1. alternative obligation - several prestations
are due but the performance of one is
I - impairment unless the debtor gives new ones
equally satisfactory
2. facultative obligation - only one
V - violation prestation is due but the debtor may
This article is about the circumstances that will make
substitute another
theAdebtor lose the right to use the perio
- abscond
ART. 1200
General Rule: The right to choose the
*liquidity - ability to convert assets into cash
prestation belongs to the debtor.
*solvency - ability to pay liabilities with assets

1. if the prestation is impossible, unlawful ART. 1205
and not the object of the obligation
Before the creditor makes the selection, the debtor
2. only one prestation is practicable cannot incur delay.
Communication of Notice that a Choice 1. THROUGH A can choose from
has been Made: FORTUITOUS among the remainder
1. effect of notice - until the choice is made EVENT
and communicated, the obligation remains (SOME)
alternative 2. THROUGH may claim another
DEBTOR’S item with right to
2. proof and form of notice - the law does FAULT damages
not require any particular form regarding the (SOME)
giving of notice which may be orally or in 3. THROUGH may demand payment
writing, expressly or implied DEBTOR’S of any item with right
FAULT (ALL) to damages
Effects of Notice:
4. THROUGH A obligation is
1. obligation becomes simple FORTUITOUS extinguished
2. irrevocable and cannot be changed EVENT (ALL)
without consent
Rules are also applicable to personal obligations.
General Rule: All rights may be waived.
The responsibility of debtor to damages depends if it
ART. 1202
was due to his fault or not.
If only one prestation is practicable, the obligation is
ART. 1206
converted into a simple one.
*facultative obligation - only one prestation
ART. 1203. If through the creditor’s
has been agreed upon but the obligor may
act the debtor cannot make a choice
render another in substitution
according to the terms of the obligation,
the latter may rescind the contract with LOSS EFFECT EFFECT
damages. (n) (PRINCI- (SUBSTI-
*rescission - creates the obligation to return
BEFORE If through a If through a
the things which were the object of the
SUBSTITU- fortuitous event, fortuitous
contract together with their fruits, and the
TION obligation is event,
price with its interest
extinguished. debtor is
ART. 1204 If through the not liable.
debtor’s fault, If through the
LOSS EFFECT debtor is liable. debtor’s fault,
1. SOME If through his fault, debtor debtor is
OF THE is not liable. not liable.
OBJECTS If through a fortuitous event, AFTER If through a If through a
debtor is not liable. SUBSTITU- fortuitous event, fortuitous
2. ALL OF If through his fault, debtor TION debtor is not event,
THE is liable. liable. obligation
OBJECTS If through a fortuitous event, If through the is extin-
debtor is not liable. debtor’s fault, guished.
debtor is not If through the
In case of disagreement, the creditor must prove such liable. debtor’s fault,
value, thing last disappeared or service last became debtor is
impossible. liable.

Once the substitution is made, the obligation is

converted into a simple one to deliver or perform the
substituted thing or prestation. The substitution

becomes effective from the time it has been Actions of is to be each one of
communicated. creditor/ demanded the creditors
obligee to proportionate has a right to
DIFFERENCE ALTER- FACULTA the ly by the demand entire
NATIVE -TIVE obligation different compliance
NUMBER OF several only one creditors. with the
PRESTATION prestations prestation is prestation.
S are due due but
but debtor is
complianc allowed for General Rule: Collective obligation
e with one substitute presumed to be joint.
sufficient Kinds of Solidary Obligation
RIGHT OF debtor, debtor only
CHOICE creditor,  Passive Solidary
third  Active Solidary
person  Mixed Solidary
LOSS does not extinguishes
Solidaries have different application in
THROUGH A extinguish the
Obligations and contract. They differ in many
FORTUITOUS the obligation
ways such as:
EVENT obligation
LOSS debtor is If things are
THROUGH not liable lost with his
FAULT OF (some) fault, he is According Passive Active Mixed
THE DEBTOR if the right of liable to the solidarity solidarity solidarity
choice if the parties
belongs to substitute is bound:
the creditor, lost before
Solidarity solidarity solidarity
debtor is substitution,
in the on the on the
liable debtor is
part of part of part of
(some) not liable
the the the
debtor. creditors, debtors
SECTION 4. - Solidary and Joint Any of where and
Obligations the anyone of creditors,
debtor them can where
ART. 1207 - 1208. can pay demand each one
or fulfill the of the
Kinds of Obligation the fulfillmen debtors is
obligation t of the liable to
Individual Collective
(many entire render,
obligation obligation
debtors, obligation and each
Number of One Two or only one (one one of
Obligee more creditor). debtor,ma the
Number of One Two or ny creditors
Obligor more creditors). has a
right to
Kinds of Collective obligation demand,
Joint Solidary complian
Obligation Obligation ce with
Actions of paid or each one of the
debtor / fulfilled the debtors is obligation
obligor to proportionate bound to .
the ly by the render
obligation different payment or
debtors fulfillment of
the obligation

According Legal Conventi Real that in a solidary obligation, the subject
to source: solidary onal obligatio matter may be divisible or indivisible.
solidary n
Solidary Solidary is imposed ART. 1211
imposed agreed by the Solidary Obligation Not affected by
by law upon by nature of diverse stipulations
the the
Uniform Parties bound with
parties obligation
same stipulations
. Ex.
Non-uniform/ Parties are not subject
Varied to same stipulations
ation Law ART. 1212
Solidary creditor may act beneficial to others
Solidarity not presumed. The presumption, but not act prejudicial because it can result to
where there are two or more persons in the same extinguishment of the obligation but can cause
obligation, is that it is joint. damages to others.
ART. 1209. ART. 1213
This article speaks of a joint indivisible obligation. Solidary Creditor cannot just assign his
rights without the consent of others, if the absence of
It is joint as to liabilities of the debtors or rights of the
others happens he cannot assign his rights to the third
creditors but indivisible as to compliance. This
obligation constitutes the middle ground between a
joint obligation and a solidary obligation. ART. 1214
ART. 1210. The debtor can pay to any solidary creditors
unless the judicial demanded to pay to a certain
Indivisibility distinguished from
Applicable only to an active solidarity.
● Indivisibility refers to the prestation, while
solidarity refers to the juridical or legal tie ART. 1215
that binds the parties;
In case of novation, compensation, confusion or
● In indivisible obligations, only the debtor remission caused by a solidary creditor that caused the
guilty of breach of obligation is liable for extinguishment of the obligation, he shall be liable to
damages (Arts. 1209, 1224.), thereby the others for their corresponding shares
terminating the agency, while in solidary
obligations, all of the debtors are liable for
the breach of the obligation committed by
a co-debtor (Art. 1221.), for solidarity Any cause of modification or extinction does not
among them remains; modify or extinguish the obligation except to creditor
or debtor affected.
● Indivisibility can exist although there is
only one debtor and one creditor, while in ART. 1216
solidarity, there must be at least two
The solidary creditor has the choice to determine
debtors or two creditors
against whom he will enforce the collection. It can be
● In indivisible obligations, the others are either;
not liable in case of insolvency of one
1. Any one of the solidary debtors
debtor, while in solidary obligations, the
2. Some of the solidary debtors
others are proportionately liable.
3. All of the solidary debtors
Note: The first sentence of Article 1210
*so long as the debt has not been fully collected
simply means that the liability in an
indivisible obligation may be either joint
or solidary. The second sentence means

ART. 1217 ART. 1220. The remission of the whole
obligation, obtained by one of the solidary
Effects of payment by a solidary debtor: debtors, does not entitle him to
reimbursement from his co-debtors. (n)
1. Between the solidary debtors and
creditor(s) – full payment made by one This is because the remitted debtor pays
of the solidary debtors extinguishes the nothing to the creditor.
contract but the creditor has the right to
choose which payment to accept if two or ART. 1221
more solidary debtors offer to pay (in full)
2. Among solidary debtors – after the full 1. WITHOUT obligation is
payment of the debt, the paying solidary FAULT extinguished
debtor can demand reimbursement from BEFORE
his co-debtors for their proportionate DELAY
shares with the interest only from the time 2. DUE TO A all debtors are
of payment wherein the obligation SOLIDARY liable for price
becomes joint. If one become insolvent, DEBTOR and damages but
he shall be liable for his share. can recover
from the
3. Among solidary creditors – the negligent debtor
receiving creditor is jointly liable to the 3. WITHOUT all debtors are
others for their corresponding shares FAULT now liable for
AFTER DELAY everything
ART. 1218
As far as the creditor is concerned, the fault or delay of
When the solidary debtor pays after the obligation has
one solidary debtor shall be the fault or delay of all
prescribed or become illegal, he is no longer entitled to solidary debtors.
reimbursement from his co-debtor as well as he cannot
recover what he has paid or delivered. If the creditor recovers the price and damages from the
negligent debtor, the negligent debtor cannot claim
ART. 1219 reimbursement from the others because he alone was at
1. BEFORE obligation is If the thing to be delivered belong to the negligent
REMISSION extinguished debtor, only he is liable to damages and interest.
2. AFTER solutio indebiti
REMISSION arises ART. 1222
Defenses available to a solidary debtor:
It is necessary for the debtor to prove the remission to (1) Defenses derived from the nature of the
the payment to release him from responsibility towards obligation.
his co-debtors. (2) Defenses personal to, or which pertain to
share of, debtor sued.
This is to prevent fraud whereby the creditor remits the (3) Defenses personal to other solidary
share of a particular debtor. debtors.
This secures the equality and justice to the paying
debtor inasmuch as the payment benefits his co-debtors.

BEFORE liable if the paying
REMISSION debtor paid in full SECTION 5. - Divisible and Indivisible
AFTER not liable if the paying Obligations
REMISSION debtor paid in full
WHEN A CO- liable only for the co- ART. 1223
DEBTOR debtor’s share (1) Divisible Obligation - the object is
BECOMES capable of partial fulfillment.
INSOLVENT (2) Indivisible Obligation- the object is not
capable of partial fulfillment.

Obligations not to do
Kinds of Division:
(1) Qualitative Division - based on quality, Indivisible Divisible
not on number or quantity of the things
which are the object of the obligation. Continuous Forbearance is not
fulfillment as to given continuous.
(2) Quantitative Division - based on period.
quantity rather than on quality.
(3) Ideal or Intellectual Division - one SECTION 6. - Obligations with a Penal
which exists only in the minds of the parties. Clause
Kinds of Indivisibility: ART. 1226.
(1) Legal Indivisibility. - specific provisions
of law declared as indivisible, obligations Principal Obligation Accessory Obligation
which are divisible in nature. Validity and Attached to principal
existence depends obligation.
(2) Conventional Indivisibility. - will of the upon another
parties makes as indivisible. obligation.
(3) Natural Indivisibility. - the nature of the
object or prestation does not admit of *Penal clause - accessory undertaking
division. attached to obligation for the purpose of:
ART. 1224. 1. As an obligatory force deterrent
If any one of the debtors does not comply with his against breach.
undertaking in the joint obligation, then it is converted 2. Substitute a penalty for indemnity and
into one for damages. payment of interests.

Effects of non-compliance Penal Clause Condition

Constitutes with an Does not constitute
1. Obligation converted into one for obligation. with an obligation.
damages. Demandable Not demandable
2. Creditor cannot ask for specific
performance or rescission.
Kinds of Penal Clause
Note: Only the debtor who fails to comply
will be responsible for the damages, if any. As to Origin: Legal - Conventio
provided -nal -
The above provision has already been explained under by law stipulatio
Article 1209. n of
ART. 1225. As to its Purpose: Compensat Punitive -
ory - take punishmen
Indivisible Divisible Obligation the place of t of breach
Obligations damage
1.Definite things 1. Execution of certain As to Subsidiary Joint
number of work days. Demandability/E /Alternativ /Cumulat
2.Not susceptible 2. Accomplishment of ffect e - Penalty ive - can
of Partial work by metrical units. can only be enforce
Performance enforced. principal +
3.Law 3. Susceptible of penalty
partial performance.
4.Intended by Recovery of Damage and interests:
1. Stipulated by parties.
2. Recover legal interest upon refusal to pay
penalty by the debtor.
3. Recover damages caused by fraud.
ART. 1227. 3. Penalty is contrary to good morals or
good customs
A debtor cannot evade from payment of his principal 4. Both parties are guilty of breach of
obligation by choosing to pay the penalty stipulated, contract
except when the debtor is EXPRESSLY granted 5. Breach of contract by the creditor
with the right to substitute the penalty for the principal 6. None of the parties committed any
obligation. – An obligation with penalty clause cannot willful or culpable violation of the
be turned to facultative obligation unless expressly agreement
stipulated in the contract.
ART. 1230. The nullity of the penal clause
The creditor cannot demand the stipulated fulfillment does not carry with it that of the principal
of the principal obligation and the penalty at the same obligation. The nullity of the principal
time, except obligation carries with it that of the penal
1. when the creditor was clearly given
the right to enforce both the principal  Because the penal clause is only an
obligation and penalty; accessory to the principal obligation, it
2. when the creditor has demanded cannot exist alone.
fulfillment of the obligation but
 If the penal clause is void, the
cannot be fulfilled due to the
principal obligation remains
a. debtor’s fault – creditor may
demand for penalty
b. creditor’s fault – he cannot claim
the penalty
c. fortuitous event – principal
obligation and penalty are
ART. 1228. Proof of actual damages
suffered by the creditor is not necessary in
order that the penalty may be demanded.
Applicable only to the general rule in Art 1226 and
not to the exceptions.
ART. 1229.
1. Principal obligation – partly
complied with by the debtor (but not
in indivisible obligation, because it is
tantamount to non-compliance)
2. Principal obligation – complied not
in accordance with the tenor of the
3. Penalty – iniquitous or
revolting to the conscience or common sense;
grossly disproportionate to the damages
1. Impossible performance of principal
obligation due to fortuitous events
2. Creditor prevented the debtor from
fulfilling the obligation




1. The source of obligations which is a rule of 6. The person in whose favor the obligation is
conduct, just and obligatory, promulgated by constituted
legitimate authorities for common good,
benefit and observance A. Obligor

A. Contracts B. Obligee

B. Quasi-contracts C. Passive subject

C. Delicts D. Debtor

D. Law
7. Synonymous to obligee

2. A juridical necessity to give, to do or not to 1. Creditor 3. Debtor

2. Active subject 4. Passive subject
A. Civil obligation
A. 1 and 2
B. Natural obligation
B. 1 and 4
C. Moral obligation
C. 2 and 3
D. Social obligation
D. 3 and 4

3. They give a right of action to compel their

8. The person who has the duty of giving,
doing or not doing
A. Civil obligation
D. Obligee
B. Moral obligation
B. Obligor
C. Natural obligation
C. Active subject
D. Social obligation
D. Creditor

4. The obligee has a right to enforce, the

9. Synonymous to obligor
obligation against the obligor in a court of law
1. Creditor 3. Debtor
A. Civil obligation
2. Active subject 4. Passive subject
B. Moral obligation
A. 1 and 2
C. Natural obligation
B. 1 and 4
D. Social obligation
C. 2 and 3
5. This is based on equity and justice
D. 3 and 4
A. Civil obligation
C. Natural obligation
10. The object or subject matter of the
B. Moral obligation
D. Social obligation
A. Prestation
B. Vinculum

C. Active subject Second answer: no, the payment extinguished
the natural obligation.
D. Passive subject
C. Only the first is correct
11. The efficient cause or juridical tie why the
obligation exists D. Only the second is correct:
A. Active subject A. Both answers are correct
B. Passive subject B. Both answers are wrong
C. Prestation
D. Vinculum 16. The duty to pay taxes and to support one's
family are obligations arising from
B. Contracts
12. The duty not to recover what has
voluntarily been paid although payment was D. Delicts
no longer required
C. Quasi-contracts
D. Juridical obligation
A. Law
B. Natural obligation
C. Moral obligation
17. The obligation of husband and wife to
A. Civil obligation render mutual help and support arises from
A. Contract
13. The following are sources of obligations B. Law
derived from law, except
C. Quasi-contract
B. Quasi-contracts
D. Quasi-delict
L. Quasi-delicts
C. Delicts
18. A supports B, a minor because B's father
A. Contracts refuses to support B. The father is obliged to
reimburse a. The source of obligation is
D. Contract
14. Cannot be enforced by court action and
depend exclusively upon the good conscience B. Quasi-contract
of the debtor.
C. Delict
A. Civil obligation
D. Quasi-delict
D. Social obligation
B. Natural obligation
19. A juridical relation resulting from a lawful,
C. Moral obligation voluntary, and unilateral act and which has for
its purpose the payment of indemnity to the
end that no one shall be unjustly enriched or
benefited at the expense of another
15. A owes B P1,000. A, knowing that the
debt has prescribed nevertheless, still pays b. A. Contract
Can A be able to recover what he voluntarily
paid? B. Quasi-contract
First answer: yes, because b has no right to C. Delict
demand the payment effected by a

D. Quasi-delict A. Quasi-contract
20. When a person voluntarily takes charge of B. Quasi-delict
another's abandoned business or property
without the owner's authority where C. Negotiorum gestio
reimbursement must be made for necessary
D. Solutio indebiti
and useful expenses.
A. Quasi-contract
25. Omission of the diligence which is
B. Quasi-delict
required by the circumstances of person, place
C. Negotiorum gestio and time

D. Solutio indebiti A. Ignorance

B. Negligence

21. When something is received when there is C. Impotence

no right to demand it, and it was unduly
D. Insanity
delivered through mistake, the recipient has
the duty to return it.
A. Quasi-contract. 26. Unless the law or the stipulation of the
parties require another standard of care, every
B. Quasi-delict
person obliged to give something is also
C. Negotiorum gestio obliged to take care of it with the proper
D. Solutio indebiti
A. Of serving utmost care
B. Observing extraordinary care
22. - a quasi-contract is an implied
contract C. Of a father of a good family

- a defendant who is acquitted in a D. Observing ordinary diligence

criminal case is no longer liable civilly
A. True, true
27. Ordinary diligence is
B. True, false
A. Diligence of a good father of a family
E. False, true
B. Extraordinary diligence
D. False, false
C. Diligence required by law
D. Diligence of a father of a good family
23. Tort or culpa aquiliana is
A. Quasi-contact
23. The creditor has a right to the fruits of the
B. Quasi-delict thing

C. Negotiorum gestio A. From the time the obligation to deliver it

D. Solutio indebiti
B. From the time the fruits have been
24. A fault or act or omission of care which C. From the time there is meeting of the
causes damage to another, there being no pre- minds
existing contractual relations between the
parties D. From the perfection of the contract

29. From the time the fruits have been 34. A possessor of a thing as an owner retains
delivered, the creditor shall require possession no longer as an owner, but in
some other capacity
A. Real right
A. Traditio simbolica
B. Personal right
B. Traditio longa-manu
C. Moral right
C. Traditio brevi-manu
D. Natural right
D. Traditio constitutom possesium

30. If a sells to b a fountain pen, the giving by

a to b of the fountain pen is 35. The opposite of brevi-manu
A. Actual tradition A. Longa-manu
B. Constructive delivery B. Simbolica
C. Symbolical tradition C. Constitutom possessorium
D. Traditio longa-manu D. Quasi-tradition

Items 31-35 a kind of constructive delivery 36. If a thing is capable of particular

whereby: designation
31. There is delivery when the keys of a A. Generic
warehouse are given
B.. Specific
A. Traditio simbolica
C. Indeterminate
B. Traditio longa-manu
D. Indeterminable
C. Traditio brevi-manu
D. Traditio constitutom possessorium
37. If a thing refers to a class, to a genus and
cannot be pointed out with particularity.
32. There is delivery by mere consent or the A generic
pointing out of the object.
B. Specific
A. Traditio simbolica
C. Determinate
E. Traditio brevi-manu
D. Indeterminable
B. Traditio longa-manu
D. Traditio constitutom possessorium
38. A wife was about to deliver a child. Her
parents brought her to the hospital. Who
should pay the expenses for medical
33. A possessor of a thing not as an owner, attendance?
becomes the possessor as owner
Answer 1- the husband, because it is his duty
A. Traditio simbolica to support his wife and support includes
medical attendance.
B. Traditio longa-manu
Answer 2- the parents, because they were the
C. Traditio brevi-manu
persons who brought the "wife" to the
D. Traditio constitutom possessorium hospital

A. Both answers are correct Answer 2-if there is a term or condition, then
from the moment the term arrives or the
B. Both answers are not correct condition happens
C. Only the first is correct A. True, true
D. Only the second is correct B. True, false
C. False, true
39. The following are kinds of fruits of an D. False, false
obligation, except
B. Industrial
44. A is obliged to give B 16 kilos of sugar.
A natural Which of the following is not correct
C. Civil A. B can demand that a obtain the sugar and
deliver it to him
D. Penal
B. B can just buy 10 kilos of sugar and charge
the expenses to a
40. Spontaneous products of the soil and the
C. A can insist on just paying b damages or
offspring and other products of animals
the monetary value of the sugar
A. Natural
D. B may require another person to deliver
B. Industrial the sugar and charge the expenses to a

C. Civil
D. Penal 45. Where demand by the creditor shall be
necessary in order that delay may exist
A. When time is of the essence of the contract
41. Products of the soil through cultivation or
intervention of human labor. 5. When demand would be useless

A. Natural C. When the obligor has expressly

acknowledged that he is in default
B. Industrial
D. When the obligor requested for an
C. Civil extension of time
D. Penal

46. Debtor's default in real obligation

42. Fruits arising out of contracts-like rental A. Mora accipiendi
B. Mora solveudi ex-re
A. Natural
C. Mora solvendi ex persona
B. Industrial
D. Compensatio morae
C. Civil
D. Penal
47. Debtor's default in personal obligation
A. Mora accipiendi
43. When does the obligation to deliver arise?
B. Mora solvendi ex-re
Answer 1-if there is no term or condition,
then from the perfection of the contract C. Mora solvendi ex persona

D. Compensatio morae 53. Damages awarded to set an example
A. Exemplary
48. Default on the part of the creditor B. Liquidated
A. Mora accipiendi C. Nominal
B. Solvendi ex-re D. Moral
C. Mora solvendi ex persona
D. Compensatio morae 54. When the exact amount of damage cannot
be ascertained
A. Exemplary
49. Default on the part of both parties
B. Lıquidated
A. Mora accipiendi
C. Temperate
B. Mora solvendi ex-re
D. Moral
C. Mora solvendi ex persona
D. Compensatio morae
55. Damages predetermined beforehand
A. Temperate
50. A borrowed money from B payable on
Dec. 10, 2006. If a failed to pay on due date. B. Liquidated
Will A be in delay?
C. Actual
A. Yes, because there is stipulation as regards
the due date. D. Moral

B. Yes, if the obligation is in writing.

C. No, because demand has not been made by 56. A obliged himself to deliver to b the
b. following:

D. No, if A has the money to pay b. 1) 2007 slng-it Yamaha organ

2) Malagona passenger jeepney with engine
no. 69 and chasis no. 88
51. Damages awarded for mental and physical
anguish First statement- in case a failed to deliver the
2007 Yamaha organ, the court may compel a
A. Moral to deliver the 2007 Yamaha organ plus
B. Exemplary
Second statement-in case a failed to deliver
C. Nominal the jeepney, the court may compel a to deliver
the jeepney plus damages
D. Temperate
A. True, true
B. True, false
52. Damages awarded to vindicate a right
C. False, true
A. Liquidated
D. False, false
B. Actual
C. Nominal
D. Exemplary

57. I. If a person obliged to do something fails A. If the obligation is subject to a suspensive
to do it, the same shall be executed at his cost. condition, the obligation to deliver arises from
the moment the condition happens.
II. Those who in the performance of their
obligations are guilty of fraud, negligence, or B. If the obligation is subject to a suspensive
delay and those who in any manner period, the obligation to deliver arises upon
contravene the tenor thereof, are liable for the expiration of the term or period
C. If there is no condition or term for its
A. True, true fulfillment, the obligation to deliver arises
from the perfection of the contract or
B. True, false creation of the obligation
C. False, true D. If the obligation arises from a contract of
sale, the vendor has a right to the fruits of the
D. False, false
thing from the time the obligation to deliver

58. I. Responsibility arising from fraud is

demandable in all obligations. Any waiver of
61. A is obliged to deliver his only car to B on
an action for fraud is void.
November 20, 2007. If a does not deliver, and
II. If the law or contract does not state the on November 22, 2007, a typhoon destroys
diligence which is to be observed in the the car
performance of an obligation that which is
A. A is not liable because the obligation is
expected of a father of a good family shall be
B. A is liable because he is in delay
A. True, true
C. A and B will divide the loss equally
B. True, false
D. A's obligation is converted into a monetary
C. False, true
D. False, false

62. I. When what is to be delivered is a

59. I. The receipt of a later installment of a determinate thing, the creditor may compel
debt without reservation as to prior the debtor to make the delivery and if the
installments, shall give rise to a rebuttable debtor refuses, the creditor may ask that the
presumption that such installments have been obligation be complied with at the expense of
paid the debtor.

II. If a taxpayer pays his income tax liability II. The obligation to give a determinate thing
for the current year, there is a presumption includes that of delivering all its accessions
that tax liability for the previous year has been and accessories, even though they may not
paid. have been mentioned.

A. True, true A. True, true

B. True; false B. True, false

C. False, true C. False, true

D. False, false D. False, false

60. With regard to the right as to the fruits of 63. What is the basis of the liability of a
the thing, which is not correct? school when a student is stabbed inside the
campus by a stranger in the school?

A. Contracts A. Accion reinvindicatoria
B. Quasi-contracts B. Accicn pauliana
C. Delicts C. Accion subrogatoris
D. Quasi-delicts D. Accion quanti-minoris

64. The following except one, are included in 69. A borrower agreed, that in case of non-
civil liability. The exception is payment of his debt, to render services as a
servant. Which of the following is not
A. Restitution correct?
B. Reparation A. If the services will be rendered in
satisfaction of the debt, the stipulation is
C. Indemnification D. Starvation
B. If the services will be "for free", the
65. The thing itself shall be restored, as a rule stipulation is void for being contrary to law
and morals.
A. Restitution
C. If the services will not be gratuitous,
B. Reparation specific performance of the service will be the
proper remedy in case of non-compliance.
C. Indemnification
D. Should there be a valid stipulation as
D. Starvation regards the rendition of services, an action for
damages should be brought in case of non-
66. The court determines the amount of
damage taking into consideration the price of
the thing and its sentimental value to the 70. A ordered b, a 10 year old boy to climb a
injured person high and slippery mango tree with a promise
of giving him part of the fruits. B was
A. Restitution
seriously injured when he fell while climbing
B. Reparation the tree. Is A liable?

C. Indemnification A) first answer - no, because no person shall

be respensible for fortuitous events.
D. Starvation
B) second answer - yes, because a was
negligent in making the order without taking
due care to avoid a reasonable foreseeable
67. The consequential damages suffered by injury to b.
the injured person and those suffered by his
family or third person by reason of the act B. True, false
A. Restitution A. True, true
B. Reparation C. False, true
C. Indemnification D. False, false
D. Starvation

71. A pays for B's transportation fare, without

b's knowledge and later discovers that b was
68. Action to impugn or rescind acts or entitled to half- fare. Which is not correct?
contracts done by the debtor to defraud the
creditors A. A can recover the half-fare from B

B. A can recover the half-fare from the carrier B. True, false
C. A can recover ½ from b and ½ from the C. False, true
D. False, false
D. A can recover half-fare from B only

75. A sold a half -interest in his specific car to

72. A borrowed P100, 000 from B. The loan B. It was agreed that the price to be paid by B
was secured by a mortgage of A's land in would be used in installing a new engine on
favor of B. Without the knowledge of A, C the car. Later, the car was destroyed by a
paid B the sum of P100, 000 for A's debt. As fortuitous event. Is B's obligation to pay the
a result price extinguished?
A. C may foreclose the mortgage on A's land 1st answer yes, there is no more use of
if A cannot pay installing a new engine since the car has
already been destroyed by a fortuitous event.
B. C cannot claim reimbursement from A in
as much as the payment was made without 2nd answer no, B must still pay because his
the knowledge of A obligation to pay is generic.
C. C can recover the amount from B in case A B. True, false
refuses to reimburse C
A. True, true
D. The obligation of A to B was extinguished
but A should reimburse c the amount of C. False, true
p100, 000 because he benefited from the
D. False, false

76. I. A commits the crime of theft and is

73. When the debtor of a debtor is ordered
asked to return the car to its owner B. If
not to pay the latter so that preference would
before the car delivered to b is destroyed by a
be given to the latter's-creditor.
fortuitous event, is A's liability extinguished?
A. Garnishment
II. Using above statement, A had previously
B. Interpleader asked the owner to accept the car, but the
owner without any justifiable reason refuses
C. Injunction to accept the car, and it is destroyed by a
fortuitous even. Is A's liability extinguished?
D. Attachment
A. No, yes
C. Yes, no
74. A obtained a loan from B bank. The loan
was embodied in several promissory notes. As A. Yes, yes
security the borrower executed a chattel
mortgage on his standing crops. The said D. No. No
crops were however subsequently destroyed
by typhoon "rosing". Is A still liable for the
loan despite the destruction of the crops by a 77. I. There is no delay in an obligation not to
fortuitous event? do something
1st answer yes, the obligation of A was to II. Solutio indebiti and negotiorum gestio are
deliver, a generic thing-money. implied contracts
2nd answer no, the obligation was to deliver A. True, true
determinate things-the standing crops.
B. True, false
A. True, true
C. False, true

D. False, false A. Civil obligation
B. Natural obligation
78. I. Consent of the parties is required in C. Moral obligation
D. Conditional obligation
II. The creditor acquires real rights over the
thing from the time the obligation to deliver
83. If A pays a debt that has prescribed:
A. True, true
1. Not knowing it has prescribed, a can
B. True, false recover on the ground of undue payment

C. False, true 2. Knowing it has prescribed. A cannot

recover for this would be a case of natural
D. False, false obligation
A. Both 1 and 2 are true
79. The creditor has a right to the fruits of the B. Only t is true
thing from the time
C. Only 2 is true
A. The thing is delivered
D. Both i and 2 are false
B. The fruits are delivered
C. The obligation to deliver the thing arises
84, on June 24, 2007, A is obliged to give B
D. The sale is perfected his specific car. There was no delivery until
June 30 when the garage of the car collapsed
due to heavy rain and strong winds of
typhoon pining, and the car was totally
80. The buyer has the right to the fruits of the
destroyed. Is a still liable?
thing from the time
A. No, even if A was in default, he could
A. The thing is delivered
plead impossibility of performance
B. The fruits are delivered
B. Yes, because the contract is perfected
C. The obligation to deliver the thing arises
C. No, because there was no demand by B to
D. The sale is perfected deliver the car
D. Yes, the obligation to deliver the car is
changed to pay the equivalent value because B
81. Which is not considered as quasi-contract? is in legal delay
A. Solutio indebiti
B. Negotiorum gestio 85. This obligation is demandable at once
when it
C. When the third person with the knowledge
of the debtor, pays the debt A. Has a resolutory condition
D. Reimbursement due the person who saved B. Has a suspensive condition
property during fire or typhoon without the
knowledge of the owner C. Is with a term ex-die
D. Has a period

82. No longer enforceable by court action but

is binding on the party who oblige with it in
conscience is

86. When the debtor binds himself to pay D. Of third persons
when his means permit him to do so, the
obligation shall be deemed to be with a
A. Resolutory period B. Suspensive condition 91. This is a valid obligation
C. Potestative condition D. Period
A. A will give B P100,000 if B will kill C
B. A will give B P1,000,000 if B will agree to
87. A promised to give B his Volvo car if B be the mistress of A
passes the CPA board exams. Pending the
A. A will give B P10,000 if B can make C rise
results of the exams the car is destroyed by a
from the dead
fortuitous event without any fault on the part
of A. As a result D. A will give B P1,000 if B will not pose
nude in a painting session.
A. The obligation of a is extinguished
6. The obligation of a is converted into
monetary obligation 92. Where two or more prestations have been
agreed upon but only one is due, the
C. The obligation of a will be equitably
obligation is
A alternative
D. A will have to give a another car of
equivalent value B. Facultative
C. Conjoint
88. A period with a suspensive effect D. Solidary
A. I will support you beginning January 1 of
next year
93. Using the preceding number, the right of
B. I will support you until January 1 of next choice belongs
B. To the creditor
C. I will support you if a dies of tb
D. To third person
D. I will support you if a marries b
C. To both debtor and creditor
A. To the debtor
89. A period with a resolutory effect
A. I will support you beginning January 1 of
next year 94. A is obliged to give B, at A's option either
object no. I, object no. 2, or object no. 3. If all
B. I will support you until a dies object were lost through A's fault, which is
C. I will support you if a dies
A. The value of the first thing lost plus
D. I will support you if a dies of TB
damages must be given to B.
B. The value of the last thing lost plus
90. Whenever in an obligations period is damages must be given to B.
designated, it is presumed to have been
C. The value of any of the things lost plus
established for the benefit
damages must be given to B.
A of both the creditor and debtor
D. The obligation is extinguished
B. Of the creditor only
C. Of the debtor only

95. I. Using the preceding number, if objects 99. Lu facultative obligations, if substitution
nos. 1 and 2 were destroyed by a fortuitous has been made, which of the following is
event and later object no. 3 is destroyed by false?
A's fault, A would still be liable.
A. The obligation is extinguished
II. Using the preceding number, if objects
nos. 1 and 2 were destroyed by A's fault and B. The loss of the original prestation is
later object no. 3 is lost by a fortuitous event, immaterial
A would still be liable.
C. The obligation is converted into a simple
A true, true obligation

B. True, false D. The obligation ceases to be facultative.

C. False, true
D. False, false 100. Using the preceding number, and the
substitute is lost by a fortuitous event, which
is true?
96. A is obliged to give B either objects no. A. The obligation is extinguished
Or no. 2 or no. 3 at B's option. Before B
communicated his choice to A, object no. 1 B. The debtor is liable for damages
had been destroyed, thru A's fault and object
C. The original prestation must be given
no. 2 had been destroyed by a fortuitous
event. B may D. The debtor must give another object
which is equally satisfactory
A. Demand object no. 3 only as it is still
B. Demand the price of object no. 1 only plus 101. Using the preceding number, but the
damages because it was destroyed by a's fault substitute is lost due to debtor's fault, which is
C. Demand the value of object no. 2 as the
right of choice belongs to B A. The obligation is extinguished
D. Demand either obiect no. 3 or the price of B. The debtor is liable for damages
object no. 1 plus damages
C. The original prestation must be given
D. The debtor must give another object
97. Any of the debtors is bound to render which is equally satisfactory
compliance of the entire obligation.
A. Alternative
102. Instances where the law imposes solidary
B. Facultative liability, except
C. Joint A. Obligations arising from tort
D. Solidary B. Obligations of bailees in commodatum
C. Liability of principals, accomplices and
98. In a joint obligation, joint means any of
the following, except D. Liability of partners arising out of a
A. Pro-rata
B. Proportionate
103. This will result to a solidary liability
C. Mancomunada simple
A. Vitiated consent on the part of one of the
D. Individually and collectively

B. Insolvency of one of the debtors 108. A and B are joint debtors of C and D,
solidary creditors to the amount of p1,000. C
C. Default on the part of one of the debtors can demand
D. Quasi-delict committed by one of the A. P1,000 from A or P1,000 from B
partners acting in the ordinary course of
business B. P500 from A or P500 from B
C. P500 from A and P500 from B
. Where only one prestation has been agreed D. P250 from A and P250 from B
upon, but the obligor may reader another in
substitution the obligation is
A. Alternative 109. A and B are joint debtors of C and D.
Joint creditors, to the amount of P1,000. C
B. Facultative can demand
C. Conjoint A. P500 from A or P500 from B
D. Solidary B. P250 from A or P250 from B
C. P250 from A and P250 from B
105. Where two or more prestations have D. P500 from A and P500 from B
been agreed upon, and all of them must be
pertormed the obligation is:
A. Alternative 110. This is synonymous to joint obligation

B. Facultative A. Joint and several

C. Conjoint B. In solidum

D. Solidary C. Individually and collectively

D. Mancomunada simple

106. A and B are solidary debtors of C and D.

Solidary creditors, to the amount of P1,000. C
111. This is synonymous to solidary obligation
can demand
A. Pro-rata
A. P1,000 from A or P1,000 from B
B. Mancomunada
B. P1,000 from A and P1,000 from B
C. Proportionate
C. P500 from A or P500 from B
D. Juntos o separadamente
D. P500 from A and P500 from B

112. A, b and c are joint debtors of d for

107. A and B are solidary debtors of C and D.
p3,000. If a is insolvent, how much should b
Solidary creditors, to the amount of P1,000. C
pay d?
can demand
A. P1,000.
A. P1,000 from A or p1,000 from B
B. P1,500
B. P500 from A or p500 from B
C. P2,000
C. P500 from A and p500 from B
D. P3,000
D. P250 from A and p250 from B

113. In 2007, A, B and C bound themselves in 117. A, B and C are solidary debtors of D in
solidum to give D p9,000 subject to the the amount of P3,000 but A was incapacitated
following to give his consent as he was a minor. If D
sues B, how much will B be liable for?
Conditions: A will pay in 2007, B, if D passes
the 2008 CPA board exams and C will pay in A. P3,000
2009. In 2007, how much can D demand
from C? B. P2,000

A. P9,000 C. P1,000

B. P6,000 D. P0

C. P3,000
D. P0 118. A is indebted to solidary creditors B, C,
and D for P90,000. Without the knowledge of
B and C, d remitted the obligation of a as a
114. A, B and C are solidary debtors of D for
p3,000. D remitted C's share. A therefore paid A. The obligation of a to pay P90,000 is
later extinguished
P2,000. A can recover reimbursement from B 6. The obligation is not extinguished because
in the amount of there is no consent from band C
A. P1,000 C. The obligation is extinguished only up to
B. P1,500
D. The obligation is extinguished up to
C. P500 P60,000
D. P0

119. A, B and C borrowed P6,000 from D and

E, payable in 3 months with a giving in pledge
115. Using the preceding number, if B is
her diamond ring as security for the amount
insolvent. A can recover from c the amount
borrowed. How much can E collect from C?
A. P1,000
A. P1,000
B. P2,000
B. P1,500
C. P3,000
C . P500
D. P6,000
D. P0

120. A is obliged to give B her college ring. If

116. A, B & C are solidary debtors of d in the
she fails to do so, she must give P10,000. This
amount of p1,000. D remitted the entire
obligation when A offered to pay. A can
demand reimbursement from B in the amount A. Alternative obligation
B. Facultative obligation
A. P1,000
C. Conjoint obligation
B. P500
D. Obligation with a penal clause
C. P333
D. P0

121. Where the penalty takes the place of C. The contract is valid because the condition
indemnity for the damages and for the is mixed
payment of interest
D. The contract is valid if B is willing to
A. When there is stipulation to the effect that vacate the premises
damages or interest may still be recovered,
despite the presence of the penalty clause
B. When the debtor refuses to pay the penalty 125. I. The condition that some event
imposed in the obligation happens at a determinate time shall extinguish
the obligation as soon as the time expires or it
C. When the debtor is guilty of fraud or dolo become indubitable that the event will not
in the fulfilment of the obligation take place.
D. When there is breach of the obligations II. The condition that some event will not
happen at a determinable time shall render the
obligation effective from the moment the
time indicated has elapsed, or it has become
122. This is an obligation with a resolutory
evident that the event cannot occur
A. True, true.
A. I'll give you P10,000 if you pass the 2006
CPA board examination b. True false
B. I'll give you my car now, but should you C. False, true
fail in any of your subjects, your ownership
will cease and it will be mine again D. False, false
C. I'll give you P10,000 on December 31,
126. I. A father promised to give his son a car
D. I'll give you P10,000 if a dies of TB if the son will marry B this year. If by the end
of the year, B is already dead or the son has
not married B, the obligation to give a car is
effective and demandable.
123. I. If the condition is potestative on the
part of the debtor, the obligation is void. II. A father promised to give his daughter
a car if the daughter will not marry her
II. If the condition is potestative on the
boyfriend earlier than December 31, 2006. If
part of the creditor the obligation is valid.
by December 31, 2006, the daughter has not
A. True, true yet married her boyfriend, or if prior thereto,
her boyfriend has died, the obligation is
B. True, false extinguished.
C. False, true A. True, true
D. False, false B. True, false
C. False, true
124. A owns a house rented by b. A sold the D. False, false
house to C where C agreed to pay the balance
of the purchase price as soon as B leaves the
promises. It was further agreed that c will take
127. I. Obligations with a resolutory period
care of seeing to it that B vacates the house.
take effect at once, but terminate upon arrival
Which is correct?
of the day certain.
A. The contract is void because it is
II. Obligations with a resolutory condition
potestative on the part of C
take effect at once, but terminate upon
B. The contract is void because the consent of happening of the condition.
B was not obtained
A. True, true

B. True, false D. False, false
C. False, true
D. False, false 131. A obliged himself to pay B P100,000 in
30 days plus a penalty of P10,000. If A fails to
128. A borrowed money from b and pledged Obligation in due time. A failed to pay the
her ring as security. It was agreed that A was obligation in 30 days, B can demand from A
to pay the money loaned with interest at the
end of our year. Before the expiration of the A. The principal of P100,000 plus P10,000
one-year period penalty
A. A may compel B to accept her payment B. The principal of P100,000 plus P10,000
penalty plus legal interest
B. A may be allowed to pay B, if B consents
C. The principal of P100,000 plus P10,000
C. A may compel B to accept her payment penalty, plus legal interest, plus damages
because the period is deemed for the benefit
of A D. The principal of P100,000 plus legal
interest, plus damages
D. B may refuse A's payment as the period is
deemed for the benefit of B
132. The creditor is entitled to recover
damages and interest in addition to the
129. The debtor shall lose every right to make penalty stipulated
use of the period, except
A) when the debtor refuses to pay the penalty
A. When after the obligation has been
contracted, he becomes insolvent, unless he B) when the debtor is guilty of fraud in the
gives a fulfillment of the obligation
Guaranty or security for the debt A. True, true
B. When he does not furnish to the creditor B. True, false
the guaranties or securities which he has
promised C. False, true

C. When through fortuitous events or by his D. False, false

own acts the guaranties or securities have
Impaired, unless he immediately gives new 133. Which of the following is a civil
ones equally satisfactory obligation?

D. When the debtor violates any undertaking A. X obliges himself to pay Y P10 000 on
in consideration of which the creditor agreed October 30, 2009.
to the period.
B. A is a debtor of B for P20 000 due on
September 30, 1995.
130. I. "we promise to pay" when there are
C. The obligation of a husband and wife
two or more signatures- joint liability
to observe fidelity.
II. "I promise to pay" when there are two
or more signatures- solidary liability D. The obligation of a catholic to hear
mass every Sunday.
A. True, true
B. True, false
C. False, true

134. Specific performance may not be C. Symbolical tradition
possible in this civil obligation
D. Traditio longa-manu
A. A, a painter, obliges himself to paint
the portrait of B on April 9, 2009

B. C, a farmer, obliges himself to give his 138. A wife was about to deliver a child. Her
only cow to D on February 14, 2009 parents brought her to the hospital. Who
should pay the expenses for medical
C. E, a veterinarian, obliges himself to attendance?
give one of his dogs to F on May 1, 2009
Answer 1 – The husband, because it is his
D. G, a registrar of deeds, obliges himself duty to support his wife and support includes
to effect registration of H’s parcel of land on medical attendance.

February 28, 2009. Answer 2 – The parents, because they were

the persons who brought the “wife” to the
135. A owes B P 1000. A, knowing that the A. Both answers are correct.
debt has prescribed, nevertheless, still pays B.
Can A recover what he voluntarily paid? B. Both answers are not correct.

First Answer Yes, because B has no C. Only the first is correct.

right to demand the payment effected by A.
D. Only the second is correct.
Second Answer No, the payment
extinguished the natural obligation.

A. Both answers are correct. 139. A is obliged to give B 10 kilos of sugar,

which of the following is not correct?
B. Both answers are wrong.
A. B can demand that A obtain the sugar
C. Only the first is correct. and deliver it to him.

D. Only the second is correct. B. B can just buy 10 kilos of sugar and
charge the expense to A.

C. A can insist on just paying B damages

136. A supports B, a minor, because B’s or the monetary value of the sugar.
father refuses to support B. The father is
obliged to reimburse A. The source of D. B may require another person to
obligation is deliver the sugar and charge the expenses to
A. contracts C. delicts

B. quasi-contracts D.quasi-delicts 140. A borrowed money from B payable on

December 10, 2008. If A failed to pay on due
date, will A be in delay?
137. If A sells to B a fountain pen, the giving A. Yes, because there is stipulation as
by A to B of the fountain pen is regards the due date.
A. Actual tradition B. Yes, if the obligation is in writing.
B. Constructive delivery C. No, because demand has not been
made by B.

D. No, if A has the money to pay B. Second Answer Yes, because A is
negligent in making the order without taking
due care to avoid a reasonable foreseeable
141. A obliged himself to deliver to B the injury to B.
following: A. True; true
1) 2008 Sing-It Yamaha Organ B. True; false
2) Magalona passenger jeepney with C. False; true
engine No. 69 and chasis No. 88
D. False; false
First Statement In case A failed to deliver the
2008 Yamaha Organ, the court may compel A
to deliver the 2008 Yamaha Organ plus
damages 144. A pays for B’s transportation fare,
without B’s knowledge and later discovers
Second Statement In case A failed to that B was entitled to half-fare. Which is not
deliver the jeepney, the court may compel A correct?
to deliver the jeepney plus damages.
A. A can recover the half-fare from B.
A. True; true
B. A can recover the half-fare from the
B. True; false carrier.

C. False; true C. A can recover the ½ from B and ½

from the carrier.
D. False; false
D. A can recover half-fare from B only.

142. A is obliged to deliver his only car to B

on November 20, 2009. If A does not deliver, 145. A borrowed P 100 000 from B. the loan
and on November 22, 2009, a typhoon was secured by a mortgage of A’s land in
destroys the car. favor of B. Without the knowledge of A, C
paid B the sum of P 100 000 for A’s debt. As
A. A is not liable because the obligation a result
is extinguished.
A. C may foreclose the mortgage on A’s
B. A is liable because he is in delay. land if A cannot pay.
C. A and B will divide the loss equally. B. C cannot claim reimbursement from
D. A’s obligation is converted into a A in as much as the payment was made
monetary obligation. without the knowledge of B.

C. C can recover the amount from B in

case A refuses to reimburse C.
143. A ordered B, a 10 year old boy to climb
a high and slippery mango tree with a promise D. The obligation of A to B was
to give him part of the fruits. B was seriously extinguished but A should reimburse C the
injured when he fell while climbing the tree. Is amount of P 100 000 because he was
A liable? benefited by the payment.

First Answer No, because no person

shall be responsible for fortuitous events. 146. A obtained a loan from B bank. The
loan was embodied in several promissory

notes. As security the borrower executed a refuses to accept the car, and it is destroyed
chattel mortgage on his standing crops. Said by a fortuitous event, Is A’s liability
crops were however subsequently destroyed extinguished?
by typhoon “Rosing”. Is A still liable for the
loan despite the destruction of the crops by a A. Yes; Yes
fortuitous event? B. No; Yes
1st Answer Yes, the obligation of A was to C. Yes; No
deliver a generic thing – money.
D. No; No
2nd Answer No, the obligation was to
deliver determinate things – the standing
149. If A pays a debt that has prescribed
A. True; true
1) Not knowing it has prescribed, A can
B. True; false recover on the ground of undue payment.

C. False; true 2) Knowing it has prescribed, A cannot

recover for this would be a case of natural
D. False; false obligation.

A. Both 1 and 2 are true

147. A sold a half-interest in his specific car B. Only 1 is true
to B. It was agreed that the price to be paid by
B would be used in installing a new engine on C. Only 2 is true
the car. Later, the car was destroyed by a
D. Both 1 and 2 are false
fortuitous event. Is B’s obligation to pay the
price extinguished?

1st Answer Yes, there is no more use of 150. On June 24, 2009 A is obliged to give B
installing a new engine since the car has his specific car. There was no delivery until
already been destroyed by a fortuitous event. June 30 when the garage of the car collapsed
due to heavy rain and strong winds of
2nd Answer No, B must still pay because
Typhoon Ondoy, and the car was totally
his obligation to pay in generic.
destroyed. Is A still liable?
A. True; true
A. No, even if A was in default, he could
B. True; false plead impossibility of performance.

C. False; true B. Yes, because the contract is perfected.

D. False; false C. No, because there was no demand by

B to deliver the car.

D. Yes, the obligation to deliver the car is

148. I A commits the crime of theft changed to pay the equivalent value because B
and is asked to return the car to its owner B. is in legal delay.
If, before the car is delivered to B it is
destroyed by a fortuitous event, Is A’s liability
151. A promise to give B his Volvo car if B
II Using above statement, A had passes the CPA Board Exams. Pending the
previously asked the owner to accept the car, results of the exams, the car is destroyed by a
but the owner without any justifiable reason

fortuitous event without any fault on the part 155. A is obliged to give B, at A’s option
of A, As a result either object No. 1, Object No. 2, or Object
No. 3. If all objects were lost thru A’s fault,
A. The obligation of A is extinguished. which is correct?
B. The obligation of A is converted into A. The value of the first thing lost plus
monetary obligation. damages must be given to B.
C. The obligation of A will equitably B. The value of the last thing lost plus
reduce. damages must be given to B.
D. A will have to give B another car of C. The value of any of the things lost
equivalent value. plus damages must be given to B.

D. The obligation is extinguished.

152. A period with a suspensive effect.

A. I will support you beginning January 1 156. I Using the preceding number, if
of next year. objects nos. 1 1and 2 were destroyed by a
B. I will support you until January 1 of fortuitous event and later object No. 3 is
next year. destroyed by A’s fault, A would still be liable.

C. I will support you if A dies of TB. II Using the preceding number, if

objects nos. 1 1and 2 were destroyed by A’s
D. I will support you if A marries B. fault and later object No. 3 is destroyed by
fortuitous event, A would still be liable.

A. True; true C. False; true

153. A period with a resolutory effect.
B. True; false D. False; false
A. I will support you beginning January 1
of next year.

B. I will support you until A dies. 157. A is obliged to give B either objects No.
1 or No. 2 or No. 3 at B’s option. Before B
C. I will support you if A dies.
communicated his choice to A. object No. 1
D. I will support you if A dies of TB. had been destroyed, thru A’s fault and object
No. 2 had been destroyed by a fortuitous
event. B may
154. This is a valid obligation. A. Demand object No. 3 only as it is still
A. A will give B P 100 000 if B will kill C.
B. Demand the price of object No. 1
B. A will give B P 1 000 000 if B will
only plus damages because it was destroyed by
agree to be the mistress of A.
A’s fault.
C. A will give B P 100 000 if B can make
C. Demand the value of object No 2 as
C rise from the dead.
the right of choice belongs to B.
D. A will give B P 1000 if B will not pose
D. Demand either object No. 3 or the
nude in a painting session.
price of object No. 1 plus damages.

158. A and B are solidary debtors of C and A. P 1000 C. P 2000
D, solidary creditors, to the amount of P 1
000. C can demand B. P 1500 D. P 3000

A. P 1000 from A or P 1000 from B

B. P 1000 from A and P 1000 from B 163. In 2007, A, B and C bound themselves
in solidum to give D P 9000 subject to the
C. P 500 from A or P 500 from B following conditions: A will pay in 2007, B, if
D passes the 2008 CPA board exams and C
D. P 500 from A and P 500 from B will pay in 2009. In 207, how much can D
demand from C?

159. A and B solidary debtors of C and D, A. P 9000 C. P 3000

joint creditors, to the amount of P 1 000 – C B. P 6000 D. P0
can demand

A. P 1000 from A or P 1000 from B

164. A, B and C are solidary debtors of D for
B. P 500 from A or P 500 from B P 3000. D remitted C’s share. A therefore
C. P 500 from A and P 500 from B paid later only P 2000. A can recover
reimbursement from B in the amount of
D. P 250 from A and P 250 from B
A. P 1000 C. P 500

B. P 1500 D. P0
160. A and B joint debtors of C and D,
solidary creditors, to the amount of P 1000 –
C can demand 165. Using the preceding number, if B is
A. P 1000 from A or P 1000 from B insolvent, A can recover from C the amount
B. P 500 from A or P 500 from B
A. P 1000 C. P 500
C. P 500 from A and P 500 from B
B. P 1500 D. P0
D. P 250 from A and P 250 from B

166. A, B and C are solidary debtors of D for

161. A and B are joint debtors of C and D, P 1000. D remitted the entire obligation when
joint creditors, to the amount of P 1000 – C A offered to pay. A can demand
can demand reimbursement from B in the amount of

A. P 500 from A or P 500 from B A. P 1000 C. P 333

B. P 250 from A or P 250 from B B. P 500 D. P0

C. P 250 from A and P 250 from B

D. P 500 from A and P 500 from B 167. A, B and C are solidary debtors of D for
P 3000 but A was incapacitated to give his
consent as he was a minor. If D sues B, how
162. A, B and C are joint debtors of D for P much will B be liable for?
3000. If A is insolvent, how much should B
A. P 3000 C. P 1000
pay D?

B. P 2000 D. P 0 172. This is an obligation with a resolutory

A. I’ll give you P 10 000 if you pass the

168. Using the preceding number, if D sues 2009 CPA board examination.
A, how much will A be liable for?
B. I’ll give you my car now, but should
A. P 3000 C. P 1000 you fail in any of your subjects, your
B. P 2000 D. P 0 ownership will cease and it will be mine again.

C. I’ll give you P 10 000 on December

31, 2009.
169. A is indebted to solidary creditors B, C,
and D, for P 90 000. Without the knowledge D. I’ll give you P 10 000 if A dies of TB.
of B and C, D remitted the obligation of A, as
a result,
173. A owns a house rented by B. A sold the
A. The obligation of A to pay P 90 000 is house to C where C agreed to pay the balance
extinguished. of the purchase price as soon as B leaves the
B. The obligation is not extinguished premises. It was further agreed that C will take
because there is no consent from B and C. care of seeing to it that B vacates the house.
Which is correct?
C. The obligation is extinguished only up
to P 30000. A. The contract is void because it is
potestative on the part of C.
D. The obligation is extinguished up to P
60 000. B. The contract is void because the
consent of B was not obtained.

C. The contract is valid because the

170. A, B and C borrowed P 6000 from D condition is mixed.
and E, payable in 3 months with A giving in
pledge her diamond ring as security for the D. The contract is valid if B is willing to
amount borrowed. How much can E collect vacate the premises.
from C?

A. P 1000 C. P 3000 174. I A father promised to give his son if

B. P 2000 D. P 6000 the son will marry B this year. If by the end of
the year, B is already dead or the son has not
married B, the obligation to give a car is
effective and demandable.
171. A is obliged to give B her college ring. If
she fails to do so, she must give P 10 000. II A father promised to give his daughter
This is a car if the daughter will not marry her
boyfriend earlier than December 31, 2009. If
A. Alternative obligation
by December 31, 2009, has not yet married
B. Conjoint obligation her boyfriend, or if prior thereto, her
boyfriend has died, the obligation is
C. Facultative obligation extinguished.
D. Obligation with a penal clause A. True; true C. False; true

B. True; false D. False; false

175. A borrowed money from B and pledged 178. A delivered his van to B for the latter’s
her ring as security. It was agreed that A was use for one week without any compensation.
to pay the money loaned with interest at the The cause of the contract is
end of one year. Before the expiration of the
one-year period. A. The van of A

A. A may compel B to accept her B. The generosity of A

payment. C. The period of one week
B. A may be allowed to pay B, if B D. The delivery of the van

C. A may compel B to accept her

payment because the period is deemed for the 179. A sold to B his cow for P 5000. No date
benefit of A. is fixed by the parties for the performance of
their respective obligations. The obligation of
D. B may refuse A’s payment as the A is
period is deemed for the benefit of B.
A. To deliver the cow immediately as
there is a perfected contract.
176. A oblige himself to pay B P 100000 in B. To deliver the cow within the
30 days plus a penalty of P 10 000 if A fails to reasonable time from the perfection of the
pay the obligation in due time. A failed to pay contract
the obligation in 30 days, B can demand from
A C. To deliver the cow upon the payment
by B of P 5000
A. The principal of P 100 000 plus
P10,000 penalty. D. To rescind the contract as there is no
time fixed for the delivery and payment.
B. The principal of P 100 000 plus P 10
000 penalty plus legal interest.

C. The principal of P 100 000 plus P 10 180. A owes B P 10 000 due on March 10,
000 penalty, plus legal interest, plus damages. 2010. A owes B P 8000 due on March 11,
2010. A obliged himself to deliver to B a cow
D. The principal of P 100 000 plus legal valued at P 6000 on March 12, 2010. On
interest, plus damages. March 13, 2010, a paid B P 10 000. If A
makes an application of payment,

177. A delivered his bracelet to B for B’s A. The P 10 000 should be applied to the
necklace. No written agreement was signed by first debt only
the parties. Which of the following is B. The P 10 000 should be applied to the
appropriate description of the contract second debt only
between A and B?
C. The P 10 000 may be applied either to
A. Onerous and bilateral the first debt or second debt
B. Bilateral and innominate D. The P 10 000 may be applied to the
C. Bilateral and innominate first debt, or to the second debt or to the
third debt
D. Aleatory and nominate

181. A sold his land to B. The sale was made c. Casual Condition
orally. B paid the agree price. B wanted to
have the registered but he needs a public d. Resolutory Condition
instrument. Which is correct?

A. B may sue A for the return of his 185. Lessor A leased his apartment unit to
money as no one shall be unjustly enriched at Lessee B. In the contract of lease, it was
the expense of another. stipulated therein that for failure of he lessee
B. B cannot demand the return of the B to pay his rentals for two (2) consecutive
purchase price because the sale is months, A may validly eject B, without resort
unenforceable. to court. Upon B’s failure to pay 2 monthly
rentals he was ejected from the premises, B
C. B may compel A to execute the public now goes to court for Damages for his alleged
instrument because the sale is valid. failure to exercise his day in court since he
was ejected from the premises without a court
D. B may only occupy and use the land as hearing. Decide.
buyer in good faith
A. B’s contention is valid because the contract
between vests reciprocal obligations, hence he
182. A is the guardian of B, a minor. B sold must have his right to seek judicial recourse
A’s land in writing to C valued at P1M for B. B’s contention is valid because it must be
P.7M. The sale is (stage in the life of a proved that he indeed failed to pay 2
contract) installments;
A. Rescissible C. Unenforceable C. A’s action is right because the injured party
B. Voidable D. Void has the right to rescind the obligation

D. A’s action is correct because A’s non resort

to judicial action is expressed in the contract;
183. A, B and C are jointly liable to D in the
amount of P 9000. D assigns the entire credit
to A. In this case 186. If the obligation of the debtor is "I will
A. The obligation is extinguished because pay you my debt after I have arrived from
of confusion abroad," this is

B. B and C will not be liable to A a. Unenforceable

C. a becomes the new creditor and may b. With a Period

demand from B and C P 4500 each c. Void
D. A’s share in the obligation is d. Conditional
extinguished because of confusion.

187. Through insidious words or

184. "A sells to B his lot and house in the city machinations, A was able to induce B to enter
if A decides to transfer and live in the into a contract which without them B would
countryside" is an example of: not have agreed to it. There is:
a. Mixed Condition a. Undue Influence
b. Potestative Condition b. Fraud

c. Mistake 192. Rescission of contract can take place in
this case
d. Misrepresentation
a. When the thing which is the object of the
contract is legally in the possession of a third
188. "A sells to B his lot and house in the city person who acted in bad faith
if A decides to transfer and live in the b. When he who demands rescission can
countryside" is an example of: return whatever he may be obliged to restore
a. Mixed Condition c. When the party seeking resolution can
b. Potestative Condition perform only as to part and as to remainder

c. Casual Condition d. When the seller cannot return the

installments paid to him by the buyer
d. Resolutory Condition

189. Contracts entered into in a state of

drunkenness or during a hypnotic spell are:

a. Void

b. Valid

c. Voidable

d. Legal

190. This contract is without effect unless


a. Marriage between first degree cousins

b. Contract of sale between two insane


c. Contract of sale between husband and wife

d. Donation between husband and wife

191. Which of the following contracts is not

void ab initio?

a. Those whose object is outside the

commerce of men

b. That whose object did not exist at the time

of transaction

c. That which contemplates an impossible


d. That which is undertaken in fraud of


1. D 35. C 69. C
2. A 36. B 70. C
3. A 37. A 71. D
4. A 38. C 72. D
5. C 39. D 73. A
6. B 40. A 74. B
7. A 41. B 75. C
8. B 42. C 76. B
9. D 43. B 77. B
10. A 44. C 78. D
11. D 45. D 79. C
12. B 46. B 80. D
13. A 47. C 81. C
14. B 48. A 82. B
15. D 49. D 83. A
16. A 50. C 84. C
17. B 51. A 85. A
18. B 52. C 86. D
19. B 53. A 87. A
20. C 54. C 88. A
21. D 55. B 89. B
22. D 56. A 90. A
23. B 57. A 91. D
24. B 58. D 92. A
25. B 59. B 93. A
26. D 60. D 94. B
27. A 61. A 95. B
28. D 62. C 96. A
29. A 63. A 97. D
30. A 64. D 98. D
31. A 65. A 99. B
32. B 66. B 100. A
33. C 67. C 101. B

102. D 136. B 170. A
103. D 137. A 171. D
104. B 138. C 172. B
105. C 139. C 173. C
106. A 140. C 174. D
107. B 141. A 175. B
108. C 142. A 176. A
109. C 143. C 177. A
110. D 144. D 178. B
111. D 145. D 179. C
112. A 146. B 180. C
113. C 147. C 181. C
114. A 148. B 182. B
115. C 149. A 183. D
116. D 150. C 184. B
117. B 151. A 185. D
118. A 152. A 186. D
119. A 153. B 187. B
120. D 154. D 188. B
121. D 155. B 189. C
122. B 156. B 190. B
123. C 157. D 191. D
124. C 158. A 192. B
125. A 159. B
126. D 160. C
127. B 161. C
128. C 162. A
129. B 163. C
130. C 164. A
131. A 165. C
132. A 166. D
133. A 167. B
134. A 168. D
135. D 169. A








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