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Understanding-Physics For-Jee-Main-And-Advanced Mehanics Part-2 Contents 9, Mechanics of Rotational Motion 1-85 941 Moment of eta a 92 AnguarVelocty YP oa 94 Rotation af Rigid Body about a Fixed Axis 9.8 Angular Momentum 9.6 Conservation of Angular Momemum 9.7 Combined Translational & Rotational Motion of a Rigld Body 98 Instantaneous Axis of Rotation 9.9 Uniform Pure Rolling 9.10 Accelerated Pure Roling 9.11 Angular impulse 912 Toppling 10. cravitation 87-140 10.1 Introduction 102 Newton's law of Gravitation 103 Acceleration Due to Gravity 304 Gravitational Feld 105 Gravitational Potential 106 Relation Between Gravitational Feld & Potential 10.7 Gravitational Potential Energy 108 Binding Energy 10.9 Motion of Satellites 10.10 Kepler's Laws 11. simple Harmonic Motion 141-208 ALA Introduetion ; 112 The Causes of Ostilation 113 Kinematics of SHM {£4 Force & Energy in SHM 11.5 Relation between SHM & Uniform Cirevar Mation 11.6 Basic Diferentil Equation of SHM 111.7 Method of Finding Time Period of SHM 11.8 Vector Method of Combining two oF more SHM in same Direction 11.9 Free, Forced and Damped Oscllations Resonance 12. Basticity 208-238 32.1 Introduction 122° tastiity 123 stress & Strain 124 Hooks'fiaw and the modulus of Elasticity 125 Thestress-Strain Curve 126 Potential Energyin a Stretched Wire ALT Thermal Stresses and Strains 13. riuid Mechanics 237-820 AL Dalen fF 12 Qwetyof ud > 133. pesueinarhid Presure ference in Aclrtg Fe prchimedes nce Flowet Pus perout Egon popexton tao erout's Equation tc Stole’ aw and Teil eee Stet ln Lamia an Turn ow es umber © Experimental Skilis 821-333 © Hints & Solutions 385-984 Syllabus of JEE Mains Rotational Motion m Basic concepts of rotational motion; Moment of 2 force, Torque, Angular momentum, conservation of angular momentum and its applications; Moment of inertia, Radius of gyration, Values of moments of inertia for simple geometrical objects, Parallel and Perpendicular axes theorems and their applications. Rigid body rotation, Equations of rotational motion, Gravitation ‘The universal law of gravitation. Acceleration due to gravity and its variation with altitude and depth. Kepler's laws of planetary motion. Gravitational potential energy; Gravitational Potential, Escape velocity. Orbital, velocity ofasatellte, Geo-stationary satelite. Properties of Solids and Liquids Elastic behaviour, Stress-strain relationship, Hooke's Law, Young’s modulus, Bulk modulus, modulus of rigidity, Pressure due to a fluid column; Pascal's law and its applications. Viscosity, ‘Stokes’ law, Terminal velocity, Streamline and turbulent flow, Reynofds number. Bernoulli's Principle and its applications. Surface energy and surface tension, Angle of contact, ‘Application of surface tension - crops, bbls and capillary ise Oscillations Periodic motion - period, frequency, displacement as a function of time. Periodic fnctions ‘Simple harmonic motion (S.H.M.) and its equation; Phase; Oscillation ofa spring restoring force and force constant; energy in S.H_M. Kinetic and potential energies: Simple peadulum— derivation of expression forts time period: Free, forced and damped oscillations, resonance. Experimental Skills + Simple Pendulurn-dssipetion of energy by ploting a graph between square of amplitude and time, Metre Scale-mass fa given object by principle of moments. ‘Young'smodulus of elasticity ofthe material ofametallc wre Surface tension of watcrby capillary rise and ffectof detergents. Co-efficient of Viscosity ofa given viscous liquid by measuring terminal velocity ofa given spherical body. J EE Advanced General Determination of g using simple pendulum. Young's modulus by Searle’s method. Gravitation Law of gravitation, Gravitational potential and field, Acceleration due to gravity, Motion of planets and satellites in circular orbits, Escape velocity. a Rotational Motion Rigid body, moment of inertia, Parallel and perpendicular axes theorems, Moment of inertia of uniform bodies with simple geometrical shapes, Angular momentum, ‘Torque, Conservation of angular momentum, Dynamics of rigid bodies with fixed axis ‘of rotation, Rolling without slipping of rings, cylinders and spheres, Equilibrium of rigid bodies, Collision of point masses with rigid bodies. Oscillations Linear and angular simple harmonic motions. Properties of solids and liquids Hooke's law, Young’s modulus. Pressure ina fluid, Pascal's law, Buoyancy, Surface ‘nergy and surface tension, capillary rise, Viscosity (Poiseuille's equation excluded), ‘Stoke's law, Terminal velocity, Streamline flow, Equation of continuity, Bernoulli's theorem andits applications. MECHANICS of ROTATIONAL MOTION Chapter Contents 9.1 Moment of Inertia 9.2 Angular Velocity 9.3 Torque 9.4 Rotation of a Rigid Body about a Fixed Axis 9.5 Angular Momentum 9.6 Conservation of Angular Momentum 9.7 Combined Translational & Rotational Motion 9.8 Instantaneous Axis of Rotation 9.9. Uniform Pure Rolling 9.10 Accelerated Pure Rolling 9.11 Angular Impulse 9.12 Toppling 2 Mechanics EEEY Moment of Inertia Like the centre of mass, the moment of inertia isa property of an object that is elated to its mass distribution. The momen of inertia (denoted by 1) an important quantity in the study of sytem of pailes that are rotating. The role ofthe moment of inertia in the study of rotational motion is analogous to that of sass i the study of linear motion, Moment of inca gives measurement ofthe resistance of a body toa changeinitsotational motion. I's body is atret, the larger the moment of inertia ofa body, the more dificult its to put that body ino rotational mation. Similarly, the larger the moment of inertia of «body, the more © Fig. 9.20 Suppose the given section is + th part of the disc, then mass ofthe dise will be mM Lae Sow ‘Sample Example 9.1. Tiree rods cack of mass m and length | are joined ’ ‘gether to form an equilateral triangle as shown in figure. Find the moment of inertia ofthe system about an axis passing through is centre of mass and perpendicular tothe plane ofthe triangle. Fig. 9.1 8 Nectanes ‘Solution Moment of inertia of rod BC about an axis perpendicular to plane of A tangle ABC and passing through the mid-point of od BC (Le, D)is nent ra From theorem of parle axes, moment of inertia of this od abou the asked isis x me t Ca ‘c Liew somo) 2 "8 Fig 9.22 Moment of neta ofall the the ods is 2) a pau, =3(%2) 2 (}s ‘Sample Example 9.2 Find the moment of inertia of a solid sphere of mass Mand | radius Raboutan als XX shown in figure Fig 93 Solution From theorem of parallel axis, | fey = Heou + Me? 2a? eve? =a Fa = 2a p 5 ra rip 944 Sample Example 8.3. Consider a uniform rod of mass m and length 2! with two particles of mass m each at lus ends. Let AB be a line perpendicular to the length of the rod and passing through its centr, Find the ‘moment of inertia of the system about AB. Solution Fan hig Tecan muy? mY + 2¢ni") 1 mitt CHAPTER 9 Mechanics of Rotational Motion ‘Sample Example 9.4. Find the moment of inertia of the rod AB aboutan axis YYas ”: 8 shown in figure. Mass ofthe rod is m and length is 1 a < ‘Solution Mass per unit length of the rod Mass of an element ’Q ofthe rod is, dm= (Je Perpendicular distance ofthis clemental mass aboutyy is r=xsin Moment of inertia ofthis small element ofthe rod (can be assumed asa! point mass) about yy i, r= iy? = (2 a) sin ay? "en? a de Moment of inet ofthe complet rd, Ans. Note) =oifa=0 Introductory Exercise ERG! 11. About what axis would a uniform cube have its minimum moment of inertia? 2. If; is the moment of inertia of a thin rod about an axis perpendicular to its length and passing through its centre of mass and /; the moment of inertia of the ring formed by the same rod about an axis passing through the centre of mass ofthe ring and perpendicular tothe plane of the ring. Then find the ratio 4. th ‘3. Find the radius of gyration ofa rod of mass m and length 2!about an axis passing through one ofits ends and perpendicular to its length. ‘4. There are four soli balls with their centres atthe four comers ofa square of side a. The mass of each sphere ism and radius sr. Find the moment of ineris ofthe syste about () one ofthe sides of the square (4) one ofthe diagonals of the square. ‘5. Anon-uniform rod AB has a mass M and length 2L The mass per unit length of the rod is mxat point of the rod distant x from A. Find the moment of inertia ofthis rod about an axis perpendicular to the rod (a) through A (b) through the mid-point of AB. 6. Acircular lamina of radius @ and centre has a mass per unit area of kx, where xis the distance from 0 ‘and kis a constant. Ifthe mass of the lamina is, find in terms of M and a, the moment of inertia ofthe lamina about an axis through O and perpendicular tothe lamina. 10 Mechanies-t 7+ ‘The uniform dise shown in the figure has a moment of inertia of 0.6 kg-m? around the ans that passes through O and is perpendicular to the plane of the page. Ifa segment is cut out from the disc as shown, what is the moment of Inertia ofthe remaining disc? Fig 9.18 8 Paricles of masses 18,2 ,3 8-1-1300 g are Kept at the marks Lom, 2m, 3.m, .-, 10cm respectively on a metre scale Find the moment of inertia ofthe system of particles about a perpendiclar bisector ofthe mere scale. ‘9. The radius of gyration ofa uniform disc about alin perpendicular tothe disc equals its radius R Find the distance ofthe line from the centre. 10. If two circular disks ofthe same weight and thickness are made ffom metals having diferent densities. ‘Which disk, if ether will have the larger moment of inertia about its central axis. [IEEY Angular Velocity ‘The term angular velocity (@)is defined for a particle about a point, ‘Suppose a particle P is moving with a velocity ¥, its position vector at some e nw moment of time «= iF with espect toa fixed point 0. Attimes=1 +a the mnius vector becomes F + df has been rotted an angle dDintimed, a Kg ‘Then the angular speed of particle P about point O, i, Gee aa ° a Thais to oq i tne component of velocity papendilar to 7 divided bythe dance of atic P from oat Oat atta, |In vector form the linear velocity, the angular velocity and the radius vector are related by, Veoxr “Thus, angular velocity may be represented as 8 vector quantity whose direction is perpendicular to the plane of motion given by the right hand rule. CHAPTER Mechanics of Rotational Motion 11 Important Points in Angular Velocity ‘+ Ifa partile is moving ina cirle itis in pure rotational motion about the centre of the circle, while for @ moment it may be in pute translational motion about some ‘other point. e Ifa particle P is moving in a circi@ its angular velocity about centre of the le (¢ )is two times the angular velocity about any point onthe circumference of the circle (9 ) or ¢ =209 Fig. 920 ‘This is because ZP’ CP = 2P" OP (by property of acirele) PCP Zor oe = + = ty re From these relations we ean see that ¢ = 209. + farigid body is rotating about a fixed axis with angular speed all the particles in rigid body rotate same angle in same interval of time, ie. their angular speed is same () They rotate in different circles of different radii. The planes of these circles are perpendicular to the rotational axis. Linear speeds of different particles ‘are different. Linear speed of a particle situated ata distance r from the rotational vere + pag wc tity nino mg ee In Joining any two points (say 4 and B) on the rigid body and any reference line (otted) as shown in figure. a Forexample AB is arod of length 4 m. End A is resting against a vertical wall OY and B is moving towards right with constant speed vy = 1Omv/s To Find the angular speed of rd at 8 = 30°, we can proceed as under rigs oB & a (*)- (aslat) a) asin or 10 sin 30° tsp sy ipa deeer icee(2) 12 Mechanics Sample Example 8.5 4 particle A moves along a circle of radius R = 10cm so that its radius vector relative to O rotates with constant angular velocity @=0.2rad/. Find the modulus ofthe velocity ofthe particle and modulus and direction of ts total acceleration. Fig 928 Solution Given thatay = 02 rads, (i) Modulus of velocity [¥| = Rog =(0.1K0.4) or (i= 0.06 ms or dems Gi) Modulus of total acceleration |= Roz or 1a |= (0.1404)? = 0.016 ms? or {l= 1.6 ems? (Gi) The direction ofits total acceleration (centripetal acceleration) will be towards centre C, [IEE] Torque ‘Suppose a force F is acting on # particle P and let ¥ be the position vector of this particle about some reference point 0. The torque ofthis free # about 0 is defined a, F Fig. 9.25 TaP KE out #86 any hing destin pero n Facing thereof ct Note Hem, ?=# -%, = position vector of point where force is acting and ¥ = postion vector of point about which torque i required. See Sample Example 98 (CHAPTER 9 Mechanics of Rotational Nation 13 Torque of a force about a tine ‘Consider aigd body oaing about a xed axis AB. Let bea fore ecting onthe body a point P, Take the xii O sree on the ani of roan. The torque of bout O ie Fie 928 tata? a Tes component slong 48 scaled the torque of abou 8, Important Points in Torque + When a rigid body is rotating about a fixed axis anda fore is applied on it at some point then we are ‘concemed withthe component of torque ofthis force about the axis of rotation not with the net torque ‘+ The component of torque about axis of rotation is independent of the choice ofthe origin 0, so long as itis. chosen on the axis of rotation, Z., we may choose point O anywhere onthe line AB. ‘+ Component of torque along axis of rotation AB is zero if @ Fila (b) Fintersects 4B at some point + ifisperpeniularto AB, bat doesnot intrest i then component of true sbout lie AB = snagiinds of force Bx perpendicular distance of F from the line AB (called the lever arma or roenent arm) of this torque ‘+ If there are more than one force F,, F,...acting on a body, the total torque will be BaF, xR, +7 XE, +. But ifthe forces act on the same particle, one ean add the forces and then take the torque ofthe resultant force, or z Px(F ++. 14 | Mectanies-t ‘Sample Example 9.6 Find the torque of a force ¥ = (i +2}-3k) N about a point O. The position vector of point of application of force about O is ¥ = @i+3)-K)m i i,k Solution Torque aetxF=[2 9] 12-3] =i1(942)411+ +k 4-3) or G=Cri+sj+i Nm Sample Example 9.7. 4 small ball of mass 1.0 gis attached to one end ofa 1.0 m long massless string and the other end ofthe string is hung from a polit. When the resulting pendulum i 30° from the verte, what the magnitude of torque about the poin of suspension. [Take g = 10s") Solution Two forces are acting on the ball: {tension (7) (Gi) weight (mg) ‘Torque of tension about point 0 is zero, a it passes through O, Nag PHA, Here, OP =1.0sin 30° =0.5m ‘ ime x05) = (10X05) Fig. 927 =SN-m ‘Sample Example 8.8.4 force # = (21+ 3) AR) i acting at point (2,3 m, 6m) Find torque of thie force about a point whose position vector is (24 — 5+ 3k) m Solution tek xP Here, Pate Fy = Gi-3)+ 68) i- sis 3%) =(+3%)m bik Now, =7xF=|0 2 3] (CHAPTER 9 Mechanics of Rotational Motion 15 Rotation of a Rigid Body about a Fixed Axis ‘When a body is rotating about a fixed axis, any point locted inthe body travels along a cireular path. Before, analysing the circular motion of point P, we wil frst study the angular motion properties of a rigid body. Angular motion a Since «point is without dimension, it has no angular mation. Only lines or bodies undergo angular motion. Let us consider the angular motion of «radial liner located withthe shaded plan. “Angular position “The angular postion of ris defined by the angle 8, measured between a fixed reference line 04 andr “Angular displacement ‘The change in the angular postion, often measured as a differential d@ is called the angular displacement, (Finite angular displacements are not vector ‘quantities, although differential rotations d@ are vectors). This vector has a magnitude d® and the direction of d@ is along the axis. ‘Specifically, the direction of 4@ is determined by right hand rule; that is, the fingers ofthe right hand are curied withthe sense of rotation, so that in this case the thumb or 4 points upward. Angular velocity ‘The time rate of change in the.angular position is called the angular velocity @. Thus, o: 0) a Itis expressed here in scalar form, since is direction i always along the axis of lation, inthe sme dieetion asd feiss Angular acceleration ‘The angular acceleration @ measures the time rate of change of the angular velocity, Hence, the magnitude of this veetor may be written as, iy Itis also possible to express c.as, 16 Mechanics ‘The line of action of @ isthe same as thet ford, however its sense of direction depends on whether is ‘increasing or decreasing with time In particular, if is decreasing, @is called an angular deceleration and therefore, has «sense of direction which is opposite to Torque and angular acceleration for a rigid bady ‘The angular acceleration ofa rigid body is diretly proportional to the sum of the torque components slong the axis of rotation. The proportionality constant isthe inverse of the moment of inertia about that axis, ze T “Thus, for rigid body we have the rtationl ansog of Newion’s second law : rela i) Following two points are important regarding the above equation. () The above equation is valid only for rigid bodies. Ifthe body is not rigid like a rotating tank of water, the angular acceleration cis different for different particles, Gi) The sum Zr in the above equation includes only the torques ofthe extemal forces, because all the ermal torques add zero. Rotation with constant angular acceleration If the angular acceleration of the body is constant then Eqs. () and (jf) when integrated yield a set of, formulae which relate the body's angular velocity, angular position and time, These equations are similar to ‘equations used for rectilinear motion. Table given ahead compares the linear and angular motion with constant seceleration Table 9.2 Straightline motion with constant inst ecevaen ‘Fixed axis rotation wit constant angular acceleration tor =o) +00 +tor sage} sewsued Ont 0u+ sar 1 + 20-05) w+ 2ale 9) Here y and 4 ar the inital values of the body's angular position and angular velocity respectively Kinetic Energy of a rigid body rotating about a fixed axis Suppose a rigid body is rotating about fixed axis with angular speed. Then, kinetic energy ofthe rigid body willbe: HAPTER? Mechanics of Rotational Motion 17 (sm ‘Sometimes itis called the rotational Kinetic energy. Fig. 8.20 Sample Example 9.94 solid sphere of mass 2 kg and radius \ m is free to rotate abou! an axis passing, through its centre. Finda constant tangential force F require to rotate the sphere with 10 rad/s in2 8. Also find the numberof rotations made by the sphere in tht time interval. ( Solution ins the fee i constant the orve proves by it and he angular aceleraton g wil be constant. Hence, we can apply @=0, +0r ote 100+ (a2) “ a= Stadis Further, the force is tangential. Therefor, she perpendicular distance from the axis of rotation will be ssqual to the radius af ee sphere. aut. PR SF 72g? ink o F Substituting the value, we have pe CVS) _ 45 Farther, Anglerotied O~ 20t* ~4(5)@7 10nd 9s Rene [Number of rotations ‘Sample Example 9.10 The angular position of a point on the vim of a rotating wheel is given by 041-3? 1° where is in radians and is in seconds, What are the angular velocities at (@)t=20sand ()t= 408? (©) What isthe average angular acceleration for the time interval that Begins at t=2.0.s and ends at 12402 (€) What are the instantaneous angular acceleration at the beginning and the end!2f this time interval? 18 Mechanics Solution Angular velocity = 2 4 (4,4? 21) or 6438 (a) Ate=205, ~6x2+3127 or @=4 nds. % () Atr=405, o=4- 644368)" or 028 radis (©) Average angular acceleration Oy - 28-4 yah 4k or ay, = 12 radis? (@) Instamtaneous angular acceleration is, a, At 12208, A= 405, 646% 4=18 rads? Introductory Exercise 1. A body rotates about a fixed axis wich an angular acceleration 1 rad/s! Through what angle does it rotates during the time in which is angular velocity increases from S rad/s to 15 rad/s. 2. wheel sarting from rests uniformly accelerated at 4 rad/s? for 105, Iie allowed to rotate uniformly for the next 10 sand sfnally brought t0 rest in the next 10s. Find the total angle rotated by the wheel. ‘A fiyieel of moment of ier 5.0 kg ms rotated ata speed of 10 rad/s, Because ofthe fiction atthe ‘axis it comes to retin 10s, Find the average torque ofthe ftion. 4. ‘Avwhea of mass 10 kg and radius 0.2 m is rotating a an angular speed of 100 rpm, when the motion is ‘ued ff Neglecting the icon ah an cee he fre that mut be apie angel othe heel to bring itt rest in 10 rev. Assume wheel tobe aise. '5. ‘onli body rotates about a stationary ais according to che law 8 = 6e ~2¢3, Here, isin radian a in seconds Find (@) the mean values ofthe angulat velocity and angular acceleration averaged over the time interval between t =O and the complete stop, () the angular acceleration a the moment when the boy wpe = Pyar 6. A:solid body starts roasting about a stationary axis with an angular acceleration a = (2.0% 107) rad/s*, Seems Sepepmeninansstnn i arbitrary point of the body form an angle @ = 60° wit its velocity vector? CHAPTER 9 Mechanics of Rotational Motion 19 EEE] Angular Momentum ‘Amais moving in right line hay near momentum (#). When a mae rotates shout some pois, ‘there is momentum associated with rotational motion called the angular momentum (IL). Just as net externat force is required to change the lin of an object amet external torque is required to changs the anlar momentum of a Object Kein view the pots ake in JEE the angular momettum i classified in follwing des types. () Angular momentum of a particle about some point Suppose a pantcle/ of mass ie moving with inéar moenentum P=» sender momenta Labout point Os defined as: LePxBet x (md) = mF x9) Here, ? is the radius vector of particle 4 about O at that instant of time. The magnitude of Lis Lemvrsin 8= msn, Here, rn, =rsin 8 is the perpendicular distance of line of ection of -elocity ¥ from point 0. The direction of Lis same as that of ¥ x %, Fig. 9.31 Nols The angular momentum ofa particle aba line fay AB) i the component along AB ofthe angular ‘momentum the paricteabouteny Point (say 0} on thelne AB. This componant independent ofthe Choe of point O, for sits choson ont ie AB. Sample Example 9.111 A particle of mass m is moving along the line y = b, == Owith constant speed State wher the angular momentum of paricle about origin is increasing, decreasing or constant. Solution (Li=morsin 8 = mh ib |=constant asm vandal ae constants, Direction of 7 x¥ also remains the same. Therefore, angular ‘momentum of particle about origin remains constant with due course of Note In this probleme #| (increasing, @ is decreasing but rsin®, i.e, b Fig. 8.32 remains constant, Hence, the angular momentum remains canstont. 20 Mechanics Sample Example 9.12 4 particle of mass m is projected rom origin O with —¥ speed w at an angle ® with postive x-axis. Positive y-atts is in vertically ‘upward direction. Find the angular tomentum of particle at anytime t about ’ O before the particle strikes the ground again. A ht - rig 98 Solution Lom? x¥) Here, Raa + i= woos Ov + (utsin =e] and Woe 1+ v,] = (eeos Opi + (usin O— g0)} 1 i k F Pure rotation about J4OR passing through IC KE. 4 midou + 5 leon” = KE: Location of the IC Ifthe location ofthe /Cis unknown, it may be determined by using the fact thatthe relative positon vector extending from the C to a point is always perpendicular to the velocity of the point. Following three possibilities exist (1) Given the velocity of a point (normally the centre of mass) on the body and the angular velocity of the body If vanda are known, the (Cis located along the line drawn perpendicular toVat P, such thatthe distance from Pv ICis, ‘Note that {Cleon that side of? which eauses rotation about the (C, which i consistent with the direction of motion caused by a and ¥. CHAPTER 3 Mechanics of Rotational Motion 27 Sample Example 9.16.4 rating dsc moves in the postive direction of the svaxis. Find the equation (x) deseribing. the postion of the Instantaneous axis of rotation if he inital moment the centre c ofthe dise g} . ‘was located a the point O after which itmoved with constan velocity v while . the dise started rotting counterclockwise with constant angular acceleration The inital angular v@locity s equal to zero. = Fig. 9.46 Solution and ‘The position of MOR will be ata distance yak or a or ays Ss constant @ ‘This isthe desired x-y equation. This equation represents rectangular hyperbols (ti) Given the lines of action of two non-parallel velocities Consider the body shown in Figure where the line of action ofthe velocities, and are known. Dra ‘perpendiculars aA and & to these lines of action. The point of intersection ofthese perpendiculars as shown locates the Cat the instant considered. Fig. 9.48 (Git) Given the magnitude and direction of two parallel velocities ‘When the velocities of points 4 and 2 are parallel and have known magnitudes v, and vp then the location ofthe [Cis determined by proportional triangles as shown in figure. 26 Wechanics-t In both the cases, and In Fig. (a) and in Fig, () As aspecial case, ifthe body is translating, , = vp and the JC would be locsted at infinit o=0 which ease Sample Example 9.17 4 uniform thin rod of mass » anc length I is standing on @ smooth horlzomtal surface. A slight disturbance causes the dower end to slip om the smooth surface and the rod start falling. Find the velocity of centre of mass ofthe rod atthe instant when it makes an angle ® with horizontal. Solution As the oor is smooth, mechanical energy ofthe rod will remain conserved. Further, no horizontal foree ats onthe rod, hence the centre of mass moves vertically downwans in astaght ine, Ths velocities ‘of COM andthe lower end ae inthe dretions shown in figure. The location of IC a this instant can be found by drawing perpendiculas to %. and ¥y at respective points. Now, the od may be assumed tobe in pure rational motion about AOR passing through IC with anguler speed. 4 Fig. 950 Applying conservation of mechanical energy. Decrease in gravitational potential energy of the rod = increase in rotational kinetic energy about JOR 1p ph noe nth} i Ami | mi? or 4 a-sinoye 2 {me 4 cos? a]? a Lmao ye] ( A At) CHAPTER'S Mechanics of Rotational Motion 29 = [2et=sn8) 11+ 300s? @) Now, Wel=(Jomo)o _[5itt=sin @)eos* @ (1+3cos? @) Introductory Exercise [EY 1. In sample example 9.16 find the equation y(x)ifat the initial moment the axisc ofthe dise was oeated at ‘the point © after which t moved witha constant linear acceleration dy (and the zero initial vlociy) while the dis rotates counter clockwise with a constant angular velocity @, a 2. uniform bar of length 1 scands vertically touching a wall OA, When A slightly displaced, its lower end begins to slide along the floor, Obtain an expression for the angulat velocity wof the bar asa function of Neglect frition everywhere, Solving this equation, we get Fig 9.51 EEE] uniform Pure Rolling ure rolling means no relative mation (or no slipping) . For example, considera disc of radius R moving with linear velocity v and angular velocity @ on 2 horizontal ground. The disci said to be moving without sipping i velocities of points Pand Q (chown ia figure b) are equal, i., © “ © — @ ® Fig. 952 pry o v-Ro=0 o v= Ro Iv» > vo orv> Rea, the motion issaid to be forward slipping and ifp < vg or v< Re, the motion is said she backward slipping (or sometimes called forward english), 30 Mechanics Thus, v= Reis the eondition of pureolting ona stationary ground, Sometimes itis simply sid rolling Suppose the base over which the dise in rolling, is also moving with some velocity (say vq) then in that case condition of pure rolling is different. For example, in the above figure, vA % or v-Ro= vy ‘Thus, inthis case v~ Re # 0,butv— Rev. By Uniform pure rolling we mean that vand a are constant They are neither increasing nor decreasing. Important points in Uniform Pure Rolling on Ground In case of pare rolling on stationary horizontal ground, following points ae important to note: * Distance moved by the centre of mass ofthe rigid body in one fill rotation is 2x ince shown inde snr an(28)-a0n eve sing sok (esa ssi png cae (Srcen + Insane ati aot 4 sg eon i ite pina ey. ‘Thus, the combined motion of rotation and translation can be assumed tobe pure rotational motion about bottommost point with same angular speed o. Fig. 9.55 CHAPTER 9 Mechanics of Rotational Motion 31 + Theapedofapointon the cicumfeeneof the boy heat shown in figure a fs 2vsin Sor 2Rosin® ic, 2vsin or 2 sin This ean be shown by following two methods. Method I: Fig. 987 > Wea + Me IWpl= et +0 + Devens (180° 8) ® = vain Method 2: Io|=(OP)@ se, on=2nsin® , “ ple IVP ls 3 = 2 sin Q) x =2vsin® 2 + From point number (3) we cam see that vy=0 as O=o" ve =V2v as 0=90° and Ye=2v as O= 180° Fig. 9.60 + The path ofa point on circumference isa eycloid and the distance moved by this point in one full rotation is 8. {tthe figure, the dotted ine isa eycloid and the distance Ay Ay ... As is 8, This can be proved as under. In figure 9.61 o= wr ‘According to point (3), speed of point 4 at this moment is, inion at feov, d= atose( a v4 =2R0 sin ig. 9.82 Therefore, toa distance moved in one fll rotation is ee o sf" 2Rosin (ar On integration we set, um f Fh forating=+ fora Sen! fraring= 5 fora die 2 =2 fora solid sphere 2 rast sph 2 for a hollow sphere ete, eK tent ny 0) iri ct we) Fecal cate: sd kph? HAPTER 9 Mechanics of Rotation! Motion 33 Sample Example 8.18. 4 cise of radius R start at time += Omoving along the y positive x axis with linear speed » and angular speed Find thes ond coordinates of the dottommost point at any time t. es = B o * Fig..63 respect tothe centre ofthe dise C, Sofution Attimes the botiommost point will rotate an angle @~ ex The centre C will travel a distance sv, In the figure, PO=Rsin@=Rsinor and CO= Roos 8= Reos ax Coordinates of point P at time fare, x=0M—PQ=w- Reinet and y=CM~CQ=R-Reosux wy) Rain wr, R~ R cos wr) Introductory Exercise EX! 4. A solid sphere of mass m rolls down an inlined plane a height h. ind to Asal plane a height h Find rotaonal kinetic energy ofthe (fines Mechanical energy wil remain conserved ‘A ring of radius R rolls on a horizontal round with linear speed v and angular speed w.For what value of 8 the velocity of poins Pisin vertical direction, (v Ra, then to support the angular motion Fig. 9.66 ~ Fig. 9.67 the force of fiction will act in backward direction. So, in this ease force o fiction will be either backward. forward or even zero also, I all depends on M, I and R. For calculation you can choose any direction of friction. Let we assume it in forward direction, Let, «linear acceleration, «= angular acceleration Fr +f then, eli) Fo pling tele, iy Solving Bs () pan (i, we wet f 2 (wy (ure) From Bq, (iv) following conclusions ean be drawn, CHAPTER'S Mechanics of Rotational Motion 35 @ir (eg, in case ofa ring) ‘.e, ifa force Fis applied on the top of a ring, the force of friction willbe zero and the ring will roll without slipping MTG ir < MA? (eg, inca of sad phere oraolow mere isos, L, feof ion wil bbe forward. a (iil) If > MR?, Fis negative, Le, force of friction will be backwards. Although under no condition > MR®.(Think why?) So force of friction is either in forward direction or zero. Here, it should be noted that the foree of friction fobtained in Eq. (iv) should be less than the limiting friction GuMg ) for pure rolling to take place. Further, we saw that if < MR? force of ition acts in forward irection, This because moe itis sma(a.=7) so appr the near main fre fio sin forward direction. ‘tion sid tht alg tn Iles than tes etn Mss because te fore of ction Caleltod by aquaon nanber (1) narmaly comes tc than te ing ton ty pd even ‘hatinas ts forand deco, Lal sapors tha mean, ‘There are certain situations in which the direction of friction is fixed. For example in the following situations the force of fiction is backward, Ne Fig. 9.68 Rolling on Rough Inclined Plane ‘As we sad earlier also, force of fiction in this case will be backward. Equations of motion are: Mgsin8—f 7 Ai) rid D 7 i) For pure rolling o take place, a=Ra Solving Eqs. i), (i) and (i), we get 36° Mechaties-I From Eq, (v), we can see that if solid sphere and a hollow sphere of same mass and radius are released from a rough inclined plane the solid sphere reaches the bottom first because Teta Aratow 98a wg cos © or tan 8> 1. “ The cylinder wil topple (mein) > (mg cos 8) Fa or a2 i sand i) Thus the condition of siding ian 8>} and condition f toppling itan @> Hence thecytinderwil slide before toppling if > ast (8) The eyinder will pple before siding if w>2! Introductory Exercise [EY a i aig mel tin i el ites cpa rm ssn cha engine tne he See Cae 2. Asolid sphere of mass M and radius Ris hit by a cue at a height h above the centre C. For what value of h the sphere will oll without slipping? Fig. 9.83 Extra Points * Wither a parila rnaatona maton, talons moto in both merely depends onthe reference point wih Sespect to which dh motion oth partis deere e088 ® ® 42. Mechanics. Forexample : Suppose a particle Pot mass m s moving ina sraight ine as shown in figures (e,(b nd ( Refer figure (a): With respect to point A, the particle is in pure translational motion. Hence, Kinetic cenorgy of th particle can be written a ke a eer figre(b): With respect to pint the pail sn pure tational motion. Hence, th knsie nore ofthe prt cant writen ae * Refer figure (¢}: With rospoct to point C, the particle can be assumed to be in rotational as well as translational motion, Hence, the kinetic energy of the particle can be waitien as mivcosoF + Let im(veos of + Lome ‘Thus, imall the three cases, the kinetic energy ofthe particle come nut tobe the same, ‘If Fis perpendicular to AB, but doesnot Intersect i, then component of tony about line AB = magnitude of force Px perpendicular distance off from the line AB called the lve sn or moment arm) ofthis toque. ‘+ Werk done by fiction in pure rolling ona stationary ground in zaroas the poof application ofthe force iat rest. Therefore, mechanical energy ean be conserved ial other desipative frees ae ignored, ‘ Incases where pulley is having some mass and friction is suficiont enough to prevent slipping, the tension on two sides ofthe pulley will be diferent and rotational motion ofthe pulley is alo to be considered. surface is smooth Af surface is rough but friction is sufficient to prevent slipping. (forward slipping wll take place) if pure rolling is taking place, ie, friction Is sufficient to prevent slipping CHAPTER 9 Wechanics of Rotational Motion 43 Solved Examples For JEE Main x Example 1 fuhe radius ofthe earch contract 0 half of ts present value without change in its mass, what will be the new duration ofthe day? Solution Present angular momentum of earth 6 =lo- IMR o New angular momentim becuse of change la aus -2u(8)'@ n-iule a external torque is zero then angular momentum must be conserved Example 2 A particle of mass mis projected with velocity v at an angle ® with the horizontal. Find its ‘angular momentum abet the point of projection whem itis atthe highest point of is trajectory. Solution At the highest point it has only horizontal velocity v, = veos ® Length of the perpendicular tothe horizontal velocity from ‘O isthe maximum highs, where Hye = ay’ sin? Bos Fig. 9.86 % Example 3 4 horizontal force F acts on the sphere at its centre ax shown. Coefficient of friction between ground and sphere is. What is maximum value of F, for which there is no slipping ? > ‘Angular momentum £= Fig 987 44 Mechanics Solution ® 2 1 2esume = Fst GF sume = Fs lume Example 4 A tangential force F acts atthe top ofa thin spherical shell of F ‘mass m and radius R. Find the acceleration ofthe shell if trolls without slipping. Fig. 9.88 Solution Let /be the force of fiction between the shell andthe horizontal surface. F For translational motion, Fs fama “ a For rotational motion, Fig. 9.29 [a= Ro for pure rolling) = «i ‘Adding Eqs, (i) and (i - [ra bel Example 5. 4 solid cylinder of mass mand radius rstarts rolling down an inclined plane of inclination @ Friction is enough o prevent slipping. Find the speed of ts centre of mass when its centre of mass has fallen a height Solution Considering the rwo shown positions of the cylinder. As it does not Slip hence total mechanical energy will be conserved. Energy at postion 1 is Ey =mgh Energy at position 2is B= mon + 3 foow 0 me Fa 990 NO ww and teow = he CHAPTER Mechanics of Rotational Motion 45; ” By =2 oo 4 From COE, E = £3 = Yeo = | eh x 3 Example 6 A dise starts rotating with constant angular acceleration of x radls® about a fixed axis perpendicular o its plane and through its centre. Find. (a) the angular velocity ofthe dise after 4 s. (0) the angular displacement of the dise after 4s and Solution Here a=nrad’s’, @y=Q 1=45 (@) Ogg =0+(nradis?) x45 =4nmadis, 0 B= 00x?) 0647) = Berl Example 7A small solid eyinder of rads ris reteased coaxially from point A > inside the fixed large cylindrical bowl of radius R as shown in figure. Ifthe friction ‘erween the small and the large cylinder is sufficient enough to prevent any sipping, then find. (a) What fractions ofthe total energy are translational and rotational, when the pg gay small eylinder reaches the Bottom of the larger one? (®) The normal force exerted by the small cylinder on the larger one when it is atthe Bottom. Solution (a) K (b) From conservation of energy, Now, A wheel rotates around a stationary axis so thatthe rotation angle ® varies with time as ? where a= 0.2rad8*, Find the magnitude ofnet acceleration ofthe point A at the ri at the moment 4125 sif the linear velocity ofthe point A at this moment is v= 0.65 mis Solution Instantaneous angular velocity at time ris on 8. Ha?) ad or = 2ar= 04 (es.a=02 radis*) Further, instantaneous angular acceleration i, dod Me 4 ogy aa") or 4 rads? Angular velocity at =25s i 4x25=10 rads Further, radius of the wheel R= or "Now, magnitude of total acceleration is, Here, 4, = Rw® = (0,651.0) =0.65 m/s? and 4, = Rar=(0.65)(04)= 0.26 ms? [o.ssy + (0267 o 220.7 ms? Example 94 solid ball of radius 0.2 m and mass | kg is given an insiantaneous sons {impulse of 0 N-s at point Pas shown. Find the number of rotations made by the ball ‘about its diameter before hitting the ground. The ball is kept on smooth surface intial > Fig. 993 Solution Impulse gives translational velocity Impulse Mase Ts time of fight of projectile _2asin_ 2 S00 60" _ z 10 long impulse = $0 mis CHAPTER 9 Mechanics of Rotational Mion 47 Impulse give angular impulse also on pulse xk T o on Rylan a ae Number of rotations, a Stel : ca For JEE Advanced Example } 4 solid ball rolls down a parabolic path ABC from a height ‘has shown in figure. Portion AB ofthe path rough while BC is smooth, 4 ce How high will the ball clio in BC? ° iin In cove of pure rolling mechanical energy is conserved. Solution At, dota kinetic energy = meh Here, ‘m= mass of ball ‘The tatio of rotational to translational kinetic energy would be, Ke Ky Im portion BC, friction is absent. Therefore, rotational kinetic energy will remain constant and ‘canslational kinetic energy will convert into potential energy. Henee, ibe the height to which bal limbs i» C.then Example 2 4 thread is wound around two discs om either ses, The pulleyand the fe dises have the same mass and radius. There is no sipping at te pulley and no fraction atthe hinge. Find out the accelerations of the rwo discs amd the angular scceleration ofthe pulley Fig. 9.95 48 Mechanics Solution Let R be the radius ofthe discs and 7; and 7; be the tensions in the lft and right segments of the iP > & ™ Fig. 8.96 Acceleration of ise 1, o Acceleration of dis 2, 4 “Angular acceleration of ds 1, «in Sil, angular acstratin of dise2, as = 2 6) Bothy anda are clockwise. a “Angular sccoleation of ply, f a o nh Foro siping, a, © Neat Solving these equations, we got erate Solution As both the dises are in identical situation, 7; =7; andor= 0 ie, each ofthe discs falls independently and identically. Therefore, this is exactly similar to the problem shown in figure Fig. 8.98 Example 3.4 hin massless thread is wound on a reel of mass 3 kg and ‘moment of inertia 0.6 kg-m?. The hub radius is R= \Oemand peripheral radius is2R = 20m The rel is placed on a rough table and the friction is enough to prevent slipping. Find the acceleration of the centre of ret and of hanging mass of | Fig. 9.98 CHAPTER 9 Mechanics of Rotational Motion 49 Solution Let, o, =avceleration of centre of mass of reel ‘ay = acceleration of | kg block = angular acceleration of rel (clockwise) T = tension inthe sting and f= force of frit Free body diagram of reels a shown below: (only horizontal forces are shown). Equations of motion are T-f=39, 0) ee eat LOR)A-TR 02f-air_f 7 “o r rT 06 6 Fig 9.100 Free body diagram of mass is, Equation of moon is, T l0-T=a; «ad For no slipping condition, Fy a)=2Ra or 2 4) and aya) RO oF =a4-0. AW) s0N Solving the above ive equations, we get Fig. 9.20% ‘4, = 0.27 ms? and 135 mis* Example 4 4 solid sphere of radius r t genly placed on a rough harizonal ground with an inltal angular speed and no linear velocity 1 the coeficien of fiction ts, find the time t when the slipping stops. In ‘addition, state the linear velocity v and angular velocity at the end of siping. Fig, 9.02 Solution Let me the mass ofthe sphere. Since it is acase of backward sipping, force of friction is . in forward direction. Limiting fition will act this ease ie Linear aceeeraton Fig 8.103 Angular retardation ‘Slipping is ceased when, 50° Mechanies- and ‘Mternate Solution ‘Net torque on the sphere about the bottommest point is zero, Therefore, angular momentum of the sphere will remain conserved about the bottommost point Peo mer) Exaile hob tay oregon shar tape a cat Thc hl brat nce ae es in ‘hie Thebes en hse yan efi Ipwad eo nar ppg tay sew ped Fr Sw et Fig. 9.108 here Ris the radius ofthe ball Solution Leta be the angular speed of the bal just after it leaves the cue, The maximum fretion acts in forward restin tithe sipping continues Let be the ner speed andthe angular speed when siping is e Given, “ i) ‘CHAPTER 9 Mechanies of Rotational Motion 51 Linear impulse ~ change in linear momentum F dt= my ii) Angular impulse = change in angular momentum tat = ly 2 or yFhat Applying, mR? oy iv) 3 Angular momentum about bottommost point will remain conserved. he, Lak, or Toay + mBvy = 19+ mR 2 gt gi 2mk? tag + ming = 3mm Go 3 ( mig coh Solving Eqs. ii), (iv) and (v), we get Example 6 Determine the maximum horizontal force that may be applied tothe plank of mass for which he solid sphere doesnot sip at ‘agin troll on the plank The sphere has ¢ mass M and radius R. The cofcent of ate and Kinetic fricuon Between the sphere and the plank sre and ty respectively Solution The free body diagrams of the sphere and the plank ate as shown below: i aM om ae @::. Fig. 9.107 ‘Writing equations of motion For sphere: Linearaceleruion a, = HME oy, .¢ =i) MER $1. ‘Angular acceleration ears we «iy 2 ae? 5 For plewk : Liaear acceleration a, HME i For ne sipping : 3-0 + Re ti) Sohn ebro epuon we as Pog (+2n) Tha, maximum vu of Fan be we (+2) 52 Wechanies-t Example 7-4 uniform de of radius ry Hes ona smooth horizontal plane A sinilar dsc pining withthe angilar velocity cel lowered onto the frst ic. How soon do bth dss spn wh the same near vlc the ton cofitentBerween hem i equa hs? Solution From the aw of conservation of angular omectum, Jo, <2 Here, memento neti of ech ds eve to common rotation axis oy 2 The angular velocity ofeach dise varies due tothe torque tof the friction forces. To calculate % let us take ‘anelementary ring with radii and + dr: The torque ofthe friction forces acting om the given ing is equal to, sree (E rar-(28) 2 * 8 ihr the ma of ach snorting thaw eto rbetwoen ad, wept una The angular velociy ofthe lower dine neeaes by ao over the time neva a ({)20-(24}a0 2) ue Integrating his equation with respect toc between 0nd SP we ind the desired time steady state angular velocity 2 BO Bue r EXERCISES For JEE Main Subjective Questions Moment of Inertia 1. Fourthin ods each ofmass and length are joined o make square Find moment of inertia ofall the four rods about any side ofthe square > 2. Amass of | kgis placed at (I m, 2m, 0 Another mass of 2 kg i placed at (3m, 4 m,0), Find moment of inertia of both the masses about =-axis, 3, Moment ofinriaofa uniform rod ofmass mand length ism abouts line perpendicular tothe ro. Find the distance of this line from the midale point ofthe rod 4. Find the moment of inertia ofa uniform square plate of mass Af and edge @ about one of its diagonals 5. Radius of gyration of a body about an axis ata distance 6 em from its centre of mass is 10 em. Find its radius of gyration about a parallel axis through its centre of mass. 6. Two point masses m, and m, are joined by a weightless rod of length r. Calculate the moment of inertia of the system about an axis passing through its centre of mass and perpendicular tothe rod. 7. Linear mass density (mass/length) of a rod depends on the distance from one end (say A) as 2, = (ax +B). Here, and 8 are constants. Find the moment of inertia of this rod about an axis passing ‘through 4 and perpendicular to the rod. Length of the rod is Angular Velocity 8. Find angular speed of second's clock. 9. A particle is located at (3 m, 4 m) and moving with v= (4i— 3}) m/s. Find its angular velocity about ‘rigin at this instant 10. Panicle P shown in figure is moving in ci angulr sped of particle about point 0. Je of radius R = 10cm with linear speed y= 2rm/s. Find the 11, Two points P and Q, diametrically oppasite ona dise of radius Rhave linear velocities v and 2vas shown, in figure. Find the angular speed ofthe dis. 12, Point A of rod 48 (I= 2m)is moved upwards against a wall with velocity y= 2m/s. Find angular speed of the rod at an instant when 0= 60°. Torque 13, A force F = (i+ 3] 2h) Niseting on a body t point (24m, 2m), Find torque ofthis free about igi, 14, A panicle of mass m= Lg is projected with speed w = 20/3 mys at angle @= 45° with horizontal. Find the torque ofthe weigh ofthe particle about the point of projection wes the particle fa he highest point 15. Point Cis the centre of mass ofthe rigid body shown in figure. Find the total torque ating onthe body about point C. 100N b= 25em. tftgetnaeaeointemampote tat wl CL) 90N CHMETER® Mechanics of Rotational Motion 55 Rotation of a Rigid Body About a Fixed Axis Uniform angular acceleration 17, Avwheel rotating with uniform angular acceleration covers 50 rev inthe fst five secon after the tart Fin the angular acceleration and th angular velocity atthe end of five seconds 18, A.wheel stating from rests unify accelerated witho.= rad/s? for Ss, is then allowed to rotate uniformly for te next two seconds and is finally brought to rest in the next 5 5, Ftd the total angle rotated by the wheel. 19. A wheel whose moment of inertia is 03 kg m*, is accelerated from rest to 20 rad/s ins. When the external torque is removed, the wheel stops in | min. Find (2) he sl re) el we 20. A body rotating at 20 rad/s is acted upon by a constant torque providing it a deceleration of 2rad/s*. At ha ne i ely hve nr he tal oe he tgue cnet? 2 om dco 20 tn nO can nm bom cs to oe tepid h Strep ers hn tl apes sey at ne 2 vn Fd mee fog Fete removed and the disc is brought to rest in seconds by a constant force of 10 N applied sangentilly at point on the rim of te dis, find 22, A uniform dise of mass m and radius R is rotated about an axis passing through its centre and perpendicular o its plane with an angular velocity @. tis placed on a rough horizontal plate with the axis of the disc keeping vertical. Coefficient of fiction between the disc and the surface is}. Find (a) the time when dise stops rolating (b) the angle rotated by the dise before stopping. Non-uniform angular acceleration 23. A flywheel whose moment of inertia about its axis of rotation is 16 kg-#o” is rotating freely ia its own plane about a smooth axis through its centre. Its angular velocity is 9 rads“ when a torque is applied to ‘bring itt rest in seconds, Find t5 if: (a) the torque is constant and of magnitude of 4 Nm, {(b) the magnitude ofthe torque after seconds is given by 24.4 sha is turing at 65 rads at time zero. Thereafter, angular acceleration is given by = 10 rad/s? —Srrad/s? ‘where #s the elapsod time. (a) Find its angular speed at = 3.05, (tb) How Sar does it turin these 387 25. The angular velocity of e gear is controlled according tow = 12~3¥? where, in radian per second, is. Positive in the clockwise sense and isthe time in seconds, Find the net angular displacement AG from. the time ¢= O10 r= 3, Also, find the number of evolutions through which the gear tums during the 38 25. A solid body rotates about a stationary axis according to the law @= at ~ bx°, where a= 6 ad!s and b=2rad/s?. Find the mean values of the angular velocity and acceleration over the time interval between f= Oand the time, when the body comes to rest. 56 Mochanics-t Angular Momentum 27. A paticle of mass 1 kg.is moving along a straight line y=x + 4. Botlx and yare in metres. Velocity of the particle is 2 ms, Find magnitude of angular momentum ofthe particle about org 228. A uniform rod of mass m is rotated chout an axis passing through point O as shown, Find angular ‘momentum af the rod about rotational axis, a wf 29. A solid sphere of mass m and radius R is rolling without slipping as shown in figure. Find angular ‘momentum of the sphere about 2-axis, y o * 30. A rodofmass mand length 28s Fixed slong the diameter ofa ring of same mass m and radius Ras shown in figure. The combined body is rollin without slipping slong x-axis. Find the angular momentum about y o x Conservation of Angular Momentum. 31, radius of earth is increased, without change init mass will he length of day(s y increase, decrease or remain same? ‘32. The figure shows a thin ring of mass M = 1kg and radius R= 04 m spinning about a ” vertical diamatr. (Take £= 1 MR?) A small bead of mass m=02 ky can slide " ‘without ftiction along the ring. When the bead is atthe top of the ring, the angular At velocity is 5 rad/s. What isthe angular velocity when the bead slips halfiay to = 45°. 33. A horizontal dsc rotating freely abouta vertical axis makes 100 rpm. A small pioce of wax of mass 10 g falls vertically on the dise and adheres to it ats distnce of 9 em from the axis. If the number of ‘evolutions per minute is thereby reduced to 90, Calculte the moment of inertia of die ‘CHAPTER 9 Mechanics of Rotational Motion 57 34, Aman stands the centre of a eirculr platform holding his arms extended horizontally with 4 kg bo in each han, He ist rotating abouta vertical axis at 0.5 rev. The moment of inertia ofthe man pis platform is 1.6 kg-m>, assumed constant. The blocks are 90 cm from the axis of rotation. He now pulls the blocks in toward his hody until they are 15 em fom the axis of rotation. Find (a his new aru ‘locity ami (b) the inital and final kinetic energy ofthe man and platform. (c) how muuch work mune the man dot pull inthe block 35. A horizontally oriented uniform dsc of mass M and radius roms freely about a stationary vertical axis passing throught centre The disc ha eda guide alone which can slide without fition asl} body of mast. A ight thread running down trough the hollow axe ofthe dsc ied to the bos Initally the Body was located a the edge ofthe disc and the whole system rotated with an ant! velocity @p, Then, by means of afore F applied othe lower end ofthe thread the body was sos pulled to the rotation axis. Find (@) the angular velocity othe system in ts final state (b) the wor performed by the force Pure Rolling > 36, Consider cylinder of mass M and radius lying on a rough horizontal plane. It hat zpiank lying on its top as shoven in figure. A force F is applied on the plank such thatthe plank moves and eauses the ‘ylinder to roll. The plank always remsins horizontat. There is no slipping at any point of contact, Calculate the acceleration ofthe eytnder and the frictional foreet atthe two contacts, '37. Find the acceleration of the eylinder of mass m and radius R and that of plank of mass M placed on ‘smooth surface if pulled with a force F as shown in figure. Given that sufficient friction is present between eylinder and te plank surface to prevent sliding of cylinder. 38. In the igure shown a force F is applied atthe top ofa die of mass 4 kg and radius 0.25 m, Find maximum value of F for no slipping 58 Mechanics 39, In the figure shown a solid sphere of mass 4 kg and radius 0.25 m is placed on a rough surface. Find : (g=10ms?) 7 (2) minimum coefficient of friction for pure rolling to take place. (b) 1FW> Hg find linear acceleration of sphere. ton of cylinder. (©) tty =e, fnd tinear acceler 2 Here, ig is the value obtained in part (a). Angular Impulse 40. A uniform od 48 of length 2nd mass mi rotating in horizontal plane abouta vertical axis through A, ‘with angular velocity, when the mid-point ofthe rod strikes fixed nal and is brought immediately to rest, Find the impulse exerted by the nail 41, A uniform rod of length L rests ona frictionless horizontal surface. The rod is pivoted about «fixed {ictionless axis at one end, The rods intially atrest. A bullerwavelling parallel tothe horizontal surface and perpendicular tothe rod with speed v strikes the rod at its centre and becomes embedded init. The ‘mass of the bullet i one-sixth the mass ofthe rod. (a) Whar isthe final angular velocity of the rod ? (b) What is the ratio ofthe kinetic energy ofthe system aftr the collision to the kinetic energy of the bullet before the collision ? 42. A uniform rod 48 of mass 3m and length 21s lying at rest ona smooth horizontal table with a smooth vertical axis trough the end A.A particle of mass 2m moves with speed 2u across the table and strikes the rod at its mid-point C. I he impacts perfectly elastic. Find the speed ofthe particle after impact (@) it tikes the rod norm (©) its path before impact was inlined at 60° to AC. Objective Questions Single Correct Option 1. The moment of inertia ofa body does not depend on (a) mass ofthe body (b) the distribution ofthe mass in the body (6) the axis of rotation ofthe body (2) None ofthese 2. The radius of gyration ofa dise of radius 25 em is (@) Sem ©) 125em (©) 36cm (@ S0em 3. A shaft initially rotating at 1725 rpm is brought to rest uniformly in 20s, The number of revolutions that the shaft will ake during this time is (@) 1680 () 575 (©) 287 @ @7 4. A man standing on @ platform holds weights in his outstretched arms. The system is rotated about a ‘central vertical axis. Ifthe man now pulls the weights inwards close to his body, then () the angular velocity of the system wil increase (b) the angular momentum of the system will remain constant 10. ML. 12. CHAPTER 3 Mechanics of Rotational Motion §9 () the kinetic energy of the system will increase (@) Allof the above ‘The moment of inertia of a uniform semicircular dise of mass Mf and radius rabout line perpendicular to the plane of the dise through the centre is 3 i (a) Me? ©) ur ‘Two bodies 4 and B made of same material have the moment of inertia inthe ratio 4: y ofthe masses m,:m is given by iy 2 © tar ime 16:18. The () cannot be obtained &) 2:3 () tet @4as When a sphere rolls down an inclined plan, then identity the corret statement related tothe work done by friction force {oy Ta fen eed positional (0) The con fee does negate rettonl work (©) Then wast don by ficlon ze {@) Allormeabove a dir os sour vtal withn coes aase spn: Ase cn onthe tu able ith he anne coining ih cone of ble) nd rues whe bl Te tomo he sts coven aware se yar fine hale oben Tha otc wang The augue pee of besa 1 tenes © oon @ ome (Gay vedere epeding enc tao aye WE Rl he rd of eration of «by fac Mein nm fe ol oe si translational kinetic energy in the rolling condition is a R R os ) os @t ORS 7 # old phere down ve fet inte’ plans ofthe sam eg bt ities inion Ge toengea emcee oe Soro teen fl ogee (theses wl eae but in of descend wl be diferent (© the ods wl be diflent bu tine of descend wil be same (@) spontn and neo econ both wil be feet Forte sme tl ma which th flowing wl hv he agit en na sout in Pooling tugs ane sara pata ta pisary To) adocatvedeek (o)aumg efron (© cogwasemin of ie 28 {@ feurfodsomming a square o ide 28 ‘cis and sold sphere of ame mass an radius ol down an inlined plane, The rai ofthe tion fore acting nthe ise and sphere 2 ws 6 a 3 (@) depends on angle ofntination 2 60. Mechanics-t 13, A horizontal dse rotates freely with angular velocity @ about a vertical axes through its centre. A ring, ‘having the same mass and radiusas the dise, is now gently placed coaxially onthe disc, Aer some time, the two rotate with a common angular velocity. Then (a) no fiction exists between the dise and the ring (b) the angular momentum ofthe system is conserved () the final commen angular velo () Allofthe above 14. A solid homogencous spheres moving on a rough herizontlsurfce, pay rolling and partly sh During this kind of motion ofthe sphere (a) total kinetic energy of the sphere is conserved (©) angular momentum ofthe sphere about any point on the horizontal surface is conserved (6) only the rotational kinetic energy about the cette of mass is conserved {@) None ofthe above 15. A particle of mass m=3 kg moves along a straight line 4y—3e= 2 where xand yare in mete, with constant velocity v= Sms". The magnitude of angular momentum about the origin is (@) 2kgm's" (0) 60kg ms (0) 4Skg m's (@) 80% m 16. A solid sphere rolls without slipping on a rough horizontal floor, moving with a speed » It makes an clastic collision with a smooth vertical wall. After impact, (a) it will move with a speed vinitally () its motion will be rolling wit slipping initially and its rotational motion will stop momentarily at some instant (c) its motion will be rolling without slipping only after some time (@) Allofthe above 17, The figure shows a square plate of uniform mass distribution, 44” and £88" are the two-ares lying in the plane of the plate and passing through its centre of mass. IJ, isthe moment of inertia ofthe pate about then its ‘moment of inertia about the BB’ axis is @) 1, () 1, 008 é (© Theos? (@) None of these 18. A spool is pulled horizontally on rough surface by two equal and opposite forces as shown in the figure. Which of the following statements are correct? pos] (a) The centre of mass moves towards eft . (b) The centre of mass moves towards right —_— (c) The centre of mass remains stationary Foun (@) The net torque about the centre of mass of the spool is zer0 19. Two identical dses are positioned ona vertical axis as shown inthe figure. The bottom disc is rotating at angular velocity and has rotational kinetic energy K,y..The top @eeh Dy ise is intially at rest. It then falls and sticks tothe bottom disc. The change in the “ rotational kinetic energy ofthe system is (a) Kq/2 (0) = Kyi (b) ~Ky/2 (@) Kalt 20. ai. 22. 23, 26, CCHAPTER 9 Mechanics of Rotational Motion 1 ‘The moment of inertia of hollow sphere (mass Mf) of inner radius R and outer radius 2R, having material of uniform density, about a diametrc axis is (a) 314k? /70 () 43§MR?/90 (©) 19MR?/80 (@) None ofthese ‘A.rod of uniform cross-section of mass M and length Lishinged about an end to swing freely ina vertical plane, However, is dent is nour and vari near ming end the fe nd dubing its value, The moment of inertia‘ the rod, abou the rotation axis pasting through the hinge point is Ml? aM? TM? a) io) (© (4) None of these ot ot oOo” @ Let J, and J, be the moment of inertia of « uniform square plate about axes shown in the figure. Then the rato 1:13 is 2 1 2 a) et (by 1 @ bk; OLS 7 (12 (@) 1:7 Org @ Moment of inertia of s uniform rod of length Land mass M, about an axis passing through L/4 fin one ‘end and perpendicular to its length is 7 pe 7 ue NY ago ME wl dae Hat oi ox 5 o% on Anti icenesoans neared netlal ana sts wasins axis through B. The rod begins rotating from rest. The angular velocity w at angle is. ‘given as (S)meg © (B= © (2) ® {(G)= Two paricles of masses 1 kg.and 2kg are placed at distance ata distance of 3m, Moment of inertia ofthe particles about an axis passing through their centre of mass and perpendicular to the lie joining them is (inkg-m’), (a) 6 9 8 @ 2 bus: Find moment of inertia of a thin sheet of mass M in the shape of an equilateral triangle about an axis as shown in figure. The length of each side is (@) MEI. (b) M78 (©) ™E/8 (@) None ofthese A. squere is made by joining four rods each of mass M and length J. Its moment of P \nertia about an axis PQ, in its plane and passing through one of its comer es te (a) 6Me Saw? Sys oy : wo Sue ue i 3 5 i 62. Mechanics- 228. A.tin od of length 4, mass 4m is bent athe points. as showin the figure. What isthe moment of inertia ‘of the rod about the axis passing through O and perpendicular tothe plan ofthe paper? nt 10mi? ne a ot oe ot ot 29, The figure shows two cones Aand B withthe conditions : hy Pes tt Ry = Ry mz = My Wentify the correct statement about ther axis of symmety (@) Bath have sme moment of inertia (b) Aas greater moment of neta (©) Bias greater moment ofineria (6) Nothing canbe said “ 30. Lincar mass density ofthe two rods system, 4Cand CB ix Moment of inertia of two rods about an axis passing through 48 is at a @ a oe) E x x © T @ a For JEE Advanced Assertion and Reason Directions; Choose the carrect option. (a) Ifboth Assertion and Reason are true and the Reason is correct explanation ofthe Assertion. (6) Ifboth Assertion and Reason are true but Reason isnot the correct explanation of Assertion. (6) IfAssertionis true, bu the Reason is fase & Reason : Friction will onvert the pure rotational motion of he bal into pure rolling. (@ (Assertion is false but the Reason is rue. 1, Assertion : Moment of inertia of a rigid body about any axis passing throng its centre of mass is ‘Resson : From theorem of parallel axis, : Teg 4 MP 2. Assertion : A ball is released on a sough ground inthe condition shown in figure. It ‘will stat pure rolling after some time towards tet side. 13, Assertion : A sold sphere anda hollow sphere are rolling on ground with same total kinetic energies. If translational kinetic energy of solid sphere is K, then translational kinetic energy of hollow sphere ‘Snould be greater than K. ‘Reason : in case of hollow sphere rotational kinetic energy is less than its translational kinetic energy: 10. CHAPTERS. Wechanics of Rotational Motion 63 ‘Assertion : A smal alls released from rest from poim Aas shown. If bowl is smooth than ball wil exert more pressure at point B, compared othe station if bow! is rough. Reason: Linear velocity and hence, centripetal force in smooth stution is more. Assertion : A cubical block is roving on a rough ground with velocity v, During metion net nomal rein onthe block from ground will ot pss Lk through cenze of cube. It wll sift towards right Reason : Its to keep the block in rotational equilibrium Assertion : ring is rolling without slipping on a rough ground. It strikes clastcally witha smooth wall as shown in figure. Ring will stop after some om time while taveling in opposite direction Reason : Net angular momentum about an axis passing through bottommost point and perpendicular to plane of paper is zero, Assertion : There isa thin rod AB and a doted line CD. All the axes we are talking about are perpendicular to plane of paper. AS we take diferent axes moving from A to D, moment of ner ofthe od may first decrease then increase. Reason : Theorem of perpendicular axis eannot be applied here. J. Assertion : Iflinear momentum of a particle is constant, then its angular momentum about any axis will, also remain constant, ‘Reason : Linear momentum remain constant, if Fi, =Qand angular momentura remains constant if Assertion : In the figure shown, 4, B and Care three points onthe circumference 4 of adise. Let v,,vg and ve are speeds of these three points, then a v Reason : In case of rotational plus translational motion ofa rigid body, net speed ‘of any point (other than centre of mass) is greater than, less than or equal to th speed of centre of mass, Assertion : There isa triangular plate as shown. A dotted axis is lying in the plane of slab, As the exis is moved downwards, moment of ineria of slab will frst decrease then increase. e Reason : Axis is first moving towards its centre of mass and then i is receding ftom it, 64 Mechanics 11. Assertion : A horizontal force Fis applied atthe centr of solid sphere placed ‘over 8 plank. The minimum coefficient of friction between plank and sphere required for pure oling is, when plank is kept at rest andj. when plank an ‘move, then > r) rolls inside it without sliding. ‘The normal reaction exerted by the sphere on the hemisphere when itreaches the bottom of hemisphere is @) Gime () (917)me © G¥I)mg (@) (77) me 5. A uniform solid cylinder of mass mand radius fis placed ona rough horizontal surface. A horizontal constant force Fis applied atthe tp point Pof the cylinder Pe ichs so that it stats pure rolling. The acceleration of the cylinder is ge (@) F/B (0) 2F/3m, (©) 4F/3m (@) SF/3m 2 CHAPTER 9 Mechanics of Rotational Motion. 65 6. Im the above question, the frictional force om the cylinder is ss (@) F/Stowards right (6) F/3 towards tet (¢) 2F/3towards right (d) 2F/3 towards left 7. A small pulley of radius 20 em and moment oFinertic 0.32g-m? is used to hang a 2 ky. ina wih he ep of mass ie. the look ene, on ping conden aceeleration ofthe block will be (eo 2mist i (0) 4mis? " (© 1m? (3s? 8. A uniform circular dit of rai Ris placed on asmooth horizontal surice with 2 it plane horizontal and hinged at circumference through point Oa shown. An impulse P is applied at a perpendicular distance h from its centre C. The value of ‘30 that the impulse due to hinge is zero is (@R (b) Ri2 a © RS (Ria 9. A rods supported horizontally by means of two strings of equal length a3 sage age shown in figure. Ione ofthe string is eut, Then tension in other string at the same instants) (e) remain unaffected (b) increase (6) decrease (@) become equal to weight of the rod 10. The Figure represents two cases. In first case a block of mats fis utached to a string which is tightly Wound on a disc of mass M and radius R. In second case F = Mg. Initially, the disc is stationary in cach ease. the same length of stringy by LR, is unwound from the dise, then {a) same amount of work is done on both dises (©) angular velocities of both the dises are equal wT peu () both the discs have unequal angular accefrations (8) Allof the above 11. A uniform cylinder of mass Af and radius fis released from rest on a rough inclined surface of inclination 6 with the horizontal us shown in figure. As the “Eggs cylinder rolls down the inclined surface, the maximum elongation inthe spring otis i ue ian Main (a 3Men8 (by 2Masin® ; tte k 2 Mest (8) None ofthese 12, A uniform rod of mass m and length / rotates in a horizontal plane with an angular velocity © about 3 ‘ertca! axis passing through one end, The tension inthe rod ata distance x from the axis is Vat Lat * tot Ole [e2) co tmfi-z) eo fawn Vt () bmo?x 13, 14, 15. 16. 7 18, 19, Mechanics ‘A rod of length 1m rotates in the xy plane about the fixed point Q in the 7 anit ema soni gu wth wsty = 048 whee 7D) a JOrads™! and = Srads~2. The velocity and acceleration of he point} Ant (0) +105 ms and + Sis 0) +10] ms“! and (~ 1004+ i) (6) ~ to} and (1001+ Syms“? 10} and ~ Sj Aring of reius roll on horizontal surface with constant acceleration aof ecm of man shown ih fgue Io's he atin wguar Swe velocity ofthering, then thenet acceleration ofthe point oF contact oF hr. que SS with ground is (a) zero (b) oR @©a (@) ya? +(@*Ry The density ofarod 4B increases incarly from Ato Bs midpoint is and itscente of massisatC Four axes ass through 4.8, and C. all perpendicular tothe length a he rd. The moments of inertia ofthe rod about these axes are 7. and Ie respectively. Then a> ls ©) tesla torte (@) Allorthese ‘The Figue shows a spool placed at est ona horizontal rough sure. A tightly would string on the inne cylinder pulled horizontally witha force Fenty the eomest. Ee alternative related 0 the Ftion force f acting on the spool z a) facts leftward with fc F y (@) acs leftward but nothing canbe sad about ts magnitude (©) /t ‘A racing car is travelling along a straight track at a constant velocity of +40 m/s A fixed TV camera is recording the event as shown in figure. In order uniform rod Od of length resting on smooth surface is slightly distributed from its vertical position. P is a point on the rod whose locus is a circle during the a subsequent motion ofthe rod. Then the distance OP is equal to @ (2 (b) U3 vy Pp © M {@) there sno such point In the above question, the velocity of end O when end A hits the ground is (a) zero (©) along the horizontal () along the vertical (@) at some inclination tothe ground (# 90° ) 2 oo 4 mee steve question, the Velocity of end at the instant it hits the ground is we et ©) ide to See (8) None of these 43. A solid sphere of mass mand radius Ris getly placed en a conveyer belt moving with constant velocity pf coefficient of Friction between belt and sphere (s 2/7, the distance traveled by the centre ofthe ‘sphere before it stars pure rolling is ® ra a ¥ oi x a fy 22 ) Me @) ( oF oe oF 3 Passage: (0. No. 44 to 47) ‘A uniform rod of mass mand length / is pivoted at point 0. The rod is initially in vertical position and touching a block of mass Mf which i at rest on a horizontal surface. The rod is given a slight jerk and it stars coating shout point 0. This causes the block to move forwacd as shown, "The rod lases contact withthe block at ©= 30°, All surfaces are smooth [Now answer the following questions, 44. The value of ratio M/n is wes 0) 3:2 was ae 4. Tel of ak ho es conta wi tlc is is ie et wi wo oF @ 46, Thaelmon of ne of mas of when iss coc with he ek is 0 4 2 Oe (8 47. Thetng nason Oe er whenes con wiht ls Mie ("i o (8)! o Barb Passage: (0. Ho. 4810 50) ‘Consider @ uniform dise of mass m, radius» rolling without slipping on a rough surface with linear acceleration a and angular acceleration c.due to an external fore F as shown inthe Figure. Coefficient oF fiction isu 48. The work done by the fictional fonce atthe insant of pene rong is ote gm? ume 49. Te sagt of etiaal Frc acting on the diss is @ ma () pme oF (a) 2et0 (CHAPTER 9 Mechanics of Rotational Motion 71 12 Wechanies-t 50. Angular moment ofthe i wl be conserved aot 3. A unfom cea rng als witout sipping on horizontal sufi. At any (a) centre of mass. instant, its position is as shown in the figure. Then ' (b) point of contact - {a) section ABC has greater kinetic energy than section ADC L (©) a point at a distance 32/2 vertically above the point of contact {(b) section BC has greater kinetic energy than section CD i (4) a point at a distance 42/3 vertically above the point of contact (c) section BC has the same kinetic energy as section DA i annie |e (8) the secons CD and ave he bane et me ‘eons ting foes rol ow hehe dreving Ate endofiehiltbetallecones__ Acyidrfras stall wha sping between ops shown > inde teue Then airborne, leaving at an angle of 37° with respect to the ground. Treat the ball asa thin-walled spherical , (@) angular velocity ofthe eyinderis counterclockwise shell (©) angular velocity of the ytinder is clockwise ee” (© velocity of centre of mass of the eylinder is vtowards let ja (d) velocity of centre of mass ofthe eylinder is 2v-towards right 51. The velocity of projection » 5. A uniform rod of mass m=2 kg and length /= 0.5 mis sliding along ) Pah "eek © fe 52, Maximum beight reached by ball aboveground is oh 1 a) (oy 1 oe OF Os oF > ‘so mutually perpendicular smooth walls with the two ends P and Q | hhaving velocities v» =4 m/sand vy = 3 mVsas shown. Then (a) The angular velocity of rod, «= 10 rad/s, counterclockwise (b) The angular velocity ofrod.@= S.0rad/s, counterclockwise “073 ™™5 (€) The velocity of centre of mass of rod, vy = 2.5 105 2 (4) The tot kt energy of & = 2S jou 53. Range x ofthe ball is mn 4 wy a oS 6. A whoo is rling withou slipping ona horizontal plane with velocity vand $ acceleration af conte of massa shown in figure. Acceleration at (a) 4s vorcaly upwards is More than One Correct Options (©) Bimay be vericllydownvards Opa (6) Ceamot be horizon 1 Amis oti on Recay wit ayy wih rar spe Kens pa (Cea erm ttm ee bse gen by 2 7. uniform od of length /and mass 2m rests ona smooth horizontal able. A int mass. moving haiznlaly aight angles wo the od with velocity vellides (2) the body is identified to bea dise ora solid cylinder aA ee en en (b) the body is a solid sphere , (bythe body isa solid sph (0 anu vl fhe sem ar etson i * (9 mon fire nytt i fon so? ( angular velocity of the system after collision is (@) moment of inertia ofthe body bout instantaneous ans of rotation is 2 m7* 2. Fouridenical rods ach of mass mand eg are joined o form agi squeame. The ames in Esther lieicsaninal ianetrennntieermiiatieretioor then lane, wiht cee athe origin athe ie aaa heady aks einen ibe ; (d) the loss in kinetic energy of the system as a whole asa result ofthe collision is 2" : 2 is2a : A nonunion ball of ais and rie of gyration about geomet cnte = 8/2 is Kept on freionles sur. The geometric cn coinier wih he cee of mas. ‘The ball sce horny wih sharp impulse J The po of sppcaton ie npulse eat ght abe te surface Then (2) the al ith pon saris foal cses (th bl wil purely if = {© thal vill rolfprlyith= 38/2" (8) thew emo aon k= R (@) the ax 4 in (bythe sais is mi (0 mej wt lig eo cei 2 Sap? (@) one side is $m! CHAPTER 9 Mechanics of Rotational Motion 73 9. hollow spherical ball is given an initial push up an incline of inclination angle. The ball rolls purely Coefficient of static friction between ball and incline =. During its upwards journey (@) friction acts up along the incline (6) Qtanay/5 (6) fiietion acts down along the incline (@) @rnay7 10. A uniform dise of mass m and radius R rotates about a fixed vertical exis passing through its cenre with angular velocity ©. particle oftame mass m and having velocity of 28 towards centre ofthe dise collides withthe dise moving horizontally and sticks to is im. (a) The angular velocity of the dsc wil become o/3 (b) The angular velocity ofthe disc will become 50/3 at (6) The impolse on the particle due to dise (4) The impolse on the particle due to disc is 2maxk 11. The end B ofthe rod 4B which makes angle@ with the floor is being pulled ‘hsm vouly ys show Thelen of ea A a ves ul 0 wy doen ao iy 4, awd ; (6) ALO 37 anger vetaciy oan (ch Agr vlan afr is soot ol ee (@) Velocity of end 4 is constant Match the Columns 1. A solid sphere, a hollow sphere and a disc of same mass and same radius are released from a rout inclined plane. All of them rolls down without slipping. On reaching the bottom of the plane, match the ‘wo columns, Column 1 ~~ Calassn TE (2) time aken to reach the botom —_(p)_ maximum for solid sphere (8) total Knoticenerey {q)_ maximum for hollow spe {)_toatonal Kinetic energy (9) maximum for die (4) translational kinetic energy __(S)_same forall 2. A.solid sphere is placed on a rough ground as shown. E i the centre of sphere and DE > EF. We have to apply a linear impulse either at point A, BoC. Match the following two columns. 4 Columa Column It 7 (2) Sphere will sequire maximum (p) A i! angular speed itimpulseisapplied (©) Sphere will seguire maximum (q) B Iinear speed it impulse is applied ()_ Sphere can roll without siping if (2) C ‘impulse is applied (@) Sphere can roll with forvand (s)_atany point A. B slipping iFimpulseisappliod ator C 14 Mechanies-t 13. The inclined surfaces shown in column are sufficiently rough. In column I direction and magnitudes of frictional forces are mentioned. Match the two columns. ‘Column 1 Ww Rolling upwards WZ ‘Kept in rotating postion v © a (@) downwards (2) asin fietion wi ct Kept in tanlational postion (6) requted vale of fction will (@) Radius of gyration about axis (6) Radivs of gyration about axis-2 (©) Radius of gyration about sxis-3 (@) Radi of gyration about axie-4 (6) None 5. A smal solid ball rolls down along sufficiently rough surface from | to 3a shown in figure. From point-3 onwards it moves under sravity. Match the following two columns. CHAPTER Mecha of Rettonal Motion 75 (2) Rotation kin energy (p) + mah ofall at point2 (0) Teansatioat kinetic (@) Zach of tall at point 3 (6) Rotational kinetic enerey(-) mh ofall a point (@) Taansational kinetic) None cvergy ofall at point 6. A uniform dis of mass 10 kg radius 1m is placed on a rough horizontal surface. The co-efficient of friction berween the dise and the surface is 0.2. A horizontal time varying force is applied on the centre of the dise whose variation with time is shown in graph. ) (4) Dise rolls without sipping (p) at (©) Dise rolls with sipping (@)_at¢=38 () Disc starts sipping at) at (8) Friction force is ON at (8) None 7. Match the columns. ‘Column I Column (9 Moment of ania of « cute) ME disc of mass M and radius R about a 1 tangent parallel to plane of dse (0) Moment of inca of soli) Zar! ‘sphere of mass M and radius s Seti (0) Memento ena of eat (ey Su? Moret dros Rent catty ae vane (6) Momeat fine of acyinder of 6) Sa0™ mass Mf and radius about its axs 18 Wechanies-it Subjective Questions 1. Figure shows thre identical yo-yos initially at rest on a horizontal surface For each yo-yo the string is piled in the diretion shown. In each case there is sufficient friction forthe yo-yo to roll without slipping. Draw the fce-body diagram foreach yo-yo In what direction will each yo-yo rotate ? 4 é 2. A uniform rod of mass m and length is eld horizontally by two verti hy suing of negligible mas, as shown in the figure. (@) Immediately afer the right sng is cut, what isthe linea acceleration ofthe fre end a the rod? (6) Ofte middle ofthe rod? (©) Determine he tesion in the ef strng immediately fe the ight sting 3. Asolid disks rolling without slipping on a level surface et constant speed of 2.00 ms. How fir ean it ‘oll up a 30° ramp before it stops? (Take g = 9.8m/s?) 4. A lawa roller i the form ofa thinovalled hollow eylnder of mass Mis pulled horizontally with a ‘constant horizontal force F applied by a handle attached to the axle. If it rolls without slipping, find the acceleration and the fietionfoee 5. Ductosliping, points d and Bon the rimof the disk have the velocities shown. Determine the velocities ofthe cent point C and point Fat this instant. ie fr nS mis 6. Auniform cylinder of mass Mand radi & hasastring wrapped around, The string is held fixed and the eylinder falls vertically, as in figure. (@) Show thatthe acceleration of the cylinder is downward with magnitude 2 (b) Find the tension inthe sting. 7. A uniform diss of mass Mand radius is pivoted about the horizontal axis through centre CA point mass m is glued tothe dise at its rim, as shown in figure. Ifthe system is released from rest, find the angular velocity ofthe disc when m reaches the bottom point B. ‘CHAPTER S Mechanics of Rotational Motion 77 8. A dise of radius R and mass m is projected on to a horizontal floor with « backward spin such that its centre of mass speed is v, and angular velocity isa. What must be the minimum value of so thatthe disc eventually retums back? 9. Aball of mass m and radius rolls along a circular path of radius R Its speed at the bottom (@= O° ofthe ‘path is vp. Find the force of thepath on the ball as a function of 8 10. A heavy homogeneous cylinder has mass m and radius R. It is aceslerated by a force F, which is applied through a rope wound ‘around a light drum of radius r attached tothe cylinder (igure). The ‘coelfcien of static fiction is sufficient forthe cylinder to rll without slipping. (@) Find the fiction force. (b) Find the acceleration @ ofthe centre of the cylinder, (6) Isit possible to choose so that ais greater than? How ? (@) What is the direction ofthe friction force in the circumstances of part (c) ? 11, Aman pushes acylinder of mass m, withthe help ofa plank of mass m, as shown. There sno slipping at ‘any contact. The horizontal component ofthe force applied by the man is F. Find (a) the acceleration ofthe plank and the centre of mass ofthe eylinder and () the magnitudes and directions of frictional forces ut contact points, 12, For the system shown in igure, M = Tk m Calculate: (g = 10s? ) (@) the linear acceleration of hoop, () the angular acceleration ofthe hoop of mass M and (c) the tension inthe rope. 2kg, r= 0.2m, Smooth | Nole Treat hoop o the rng. Assume no slipping between string and hoop. 13. A cylinder of mass m is kept on the edge ofa plank of mass 2m and a length 12 m, which in turn is kept on smooth ground. Coefficient of fiction between the plank and the cylinders 0.1. The cylinders given SAE] an impulse, which impars it a velocity 7 mvs but no angular velocity Find the time after which the cylinder fll ff the plank. (g = 10mis? ) -—tam—t 78 Mechanics 14, The 9kg cradleis supported as shown by two uniform disks that rol ‘without sliding a ll surfaces of contact. The mass of each disk is ‘m= 6kg andthe radius of each disk is r= 80mm. Knowing thatthe system i initially at rest, determine the velocity ofthe cradle after it A la has moved 250 mm. a 15. The ise ofthe radius is confined to rol without slipping at 4 and B. Ifthe plates have the velocities shown, determine the angular velocity ofthe dis 16. A thin uniform rod 42 of mass m= kg moves translationally with acceleration a = 2m/s® due to two antiparallel forces F, and F, The distance between the points at which these forces are applied is equal to/= 20cm, Besides, itis known that F, = SN. Find the length ofthe rod. 17, The assembly of two discs as shown in figure is placed on a rough horizontal surface and the front disc is given an initial angular velocity ‘@o. Determine the final linear and angular velocity when both the dises start rolling. Its given that friction is sufficient to sustain rolling in the ‘ear wheel from the stating of motion ‘A horizontal plank having mass m lies on a smooth horizontal surface. A sphere of same mass and radius ris spined to an angular frequency (5 and gently placed on the plank as shown in the figure. If coefficient of friction between the plank and the sphere ist. Find the distance moved by the plank til the sphere starts pure rolling on the plank. The plank is long enough. 19. A ball rolls without sliding over a rough horizontal floor with velocity Y= 7i\s towards a smooth vertical wall Ifcoefficient of restitution between the wall and the ball is = 07, Caleulate velocity v ofthe ball long after the collision 20. A uniform rod of mass mand length / ests ona smooth horizontal surface. One of the ends of the od is struck ina horizontal direction at right angles tothe rod. As a result the od obtains velocity vp. Find the foree with which one-half ofthe rod will act onthe other inthe process of motion, o® ‘CHAPTER 9 Mechanics of Rotational Motion 73 21. A sphere, a disk and a hoop made of homogeneous materials have the same radius (10 em) and mass (@ kg). They are released from rest tthe top ofa 30° incline and roll down without slipping through a vertical distance of 2 m. (g = 98m/s?) (a) What ate their speeds atthe bottom ? (©) Find the fritional focce Figeach case (6) Ifthey start together at = at what time does each reach the bottom ? 22. ABCisatriangular framework of three uniform sods each of mass m and length 2/ Is free to rotate in its ‘own plane about smooth horizontal axis through A which is perpendicular to ABC. Ifitis released from rest when ABishorizontal and Cis above AB, Find the maximum velocity of Cin the subsequent motion. 23. A uniform stick of length L and mass M hinged at one end is released from rest at an angle @y withthe vertical, Show that when the angle with the vertical is@, the hinge exertsa force F, along the stick and F, perpendicular w the stick given by Mg (Seos®~3c088,) and F, = Mgsin® a 24. A uniform rod AB of mass 3m and length 4, which is fre to tur in a vertical plane about smooth horizontal axis through 4 is released from rest when horizontal, When the rod first becomes vertical, point Cof the rod, where AC = 3, strikes a fixed peg. Find the linear impulse exerted by the peg on the rodif {a} the vod is brought to rest by the peg, og (b) the rod rebounds and next comes to instantaneous ret inclined tothe downward verical at an angle = radian, 3 25, A uniform rod of length 4/ and mass m i fee to rotate about a horizontal axis passing through a point istant {from ifs one end. When the rod is horizontal, its angular velocity is as shown in figure, Calevlate (a) reaction of axis at this instant, (b) acceleration of centre of mass ofthe od at ths instant, . {) reaction of axis and acceleration of centre mass of the rod when rod becomes vert time, (a) minimaum value of w , so that centre of rod can complete cireular motion 26. A stick of length ies om horizontal table. It has a mass M and is free to move in any way on the table. A ball of mass m, moving perpendicalarly tothe stick ata distance d from ts centre with speed v collides clastially with its shown in figure. What quantities are conserved inthe collision ? What must be the ‘mas of the bal, so that it remains at rest immediately afte collision? forthe First 27. A rod of length | forming an angle @ with the horizontal strikes frictionless Noor at A with its centre of 29. 31 32. ‘mass velocity vp and no angular velocity. Assuring that the impact at 4 is perfectly elastic. Find the angular velocity of the rod immediately ater the impact. ‘Thrce particles A, Band C, cach of mss m, reconnected to eachother bytes massless rigid rods o form aigid, equilateral wiangular body of side This body is placed ona horizon ftonless able ey plane) Apes ands hngedto athe point Asta tean move without ction aout the vorical axis through (se figure). The body is et into rotational a ‘motion onthe table sbout d witha conta angular velacty 2 (a) Find the magnitude of the horizontal force exerted by the hinge on the body. ' (by Atime 7; when the side BC is poral to the was a force Fis Ee applied on 2 along BC (as shows). Obtain the s-component and the yrsomponent of the force exerted by the binge on the body, ‘mediately ater tine 7. A somicirulartrack ofradus = 62Semiseutina block, Mass ofblock, having track, is M=1kg and rests over a smooth horizontal flor. A cylinder of radius r= 10cm and mas = 0.Skg is hanging by thread such that axes of cylinder and track are in same level and surface of cylinder is. F in contact with the track as shown in figure. When the thread is burnt, ‘lings lars to move down the tack. Suicient tin exists between Surface of elinder and track, tht cylinder doesnot sip. Calculate velocity of axis of cylinder and velocity ofthe Block when it reaches bottom of the tack, Also find force appli! by lock on the lor : at that moment. (g = 10m/s?) ‘A uniform circular eylinder of mass m and radius ris given an intial angular velocity, and no inital ‘translational velocity. Its placed in contact with a plane inclined at an angle cto the horizontal. I there is. eneflicent of iiction 1 for sliding between the cylinder and plane. Find the distance the cylinder moves up before sliding stops. Also, calculate the maximum distance it travels up the plane. Assume > tan a. ‘Show that if rod held at angle @1o the horizontal and released its lower end will ot sip if he friction coat tenet pd gain (One-fourth length ofa uniform rod of mass m and length fis placed on a rough horizontal surface and its held stationary in horizontal position by means ofa light theead as shown in the figure. The thread is then burnt and the rod start rotating about the edge. Find the angle between the rod and 33, 34, 35. 36. CHAPTER 9 Mechanics of Rotational Motion 81 the horizontal when itis about to slide on the edge. The coefficient of friction between the rod and the surface is. In figure the eylinder of mass 10 kg and radius 10 em has a tape wrapped round it. The pulley wei 100 N and has a radius $ em. When the system is released, the 5 ky mass comes down and the cylinder rolls without slipping. Calculate the acceleration and velocity ofthe mass asa function of time. nd I fo= ; = He ‘Accylinder is sandwiched between two planks. Two constant horizontal forces F and 2F are applied on ‘the planks as shown. Determine the acceleration of the centre of mass of cylinder and the top plank. if there is no slipping atthe top and bottom of cylinder. Aring of mass m and radius r has a particle of mass m attached to it ata point 4. The ring can rotate about a smooth horizontal axis which i tangential to the ring ata point B diametrically opposite to 4. The ring is released from rest when AB is horizontal, Find the angular velocity and the angular acceleration ofthe body when AB has turned through an angle © Ke deceleration c= 5 rads*. Also, its centre asa velocity of vg = Svs and a deceleration ay Determine the magnitude of acceleration of point 2 at this instant 82 Mechanics. 37. A boy of mass m runs on ice with velocity vg and steps on the end ofa plank oflength and mass M which is perpendicular to his path () Deseribe quantitatively the motion ofthe system after the boy ison the plank. Neglect friction with the ice (&) One point on the plank is at rest immediately after the collision. Where isi? 38, A thin plank of mass M and length fs pivoted at one end. The plank is released at 60° from the vertical. ‘What is the magnitude and direction of the force on the pivot when the plank is horizontal? 2B 1 CHAPTER 9 Mechanics of Rotational Motion 3 Answers Mill! Introductory Exercise 9.1 1. About a diagonal, beceuse the mgss is more concentrated about a digonal 8 iat amt Gy St 6 a? © iw 62m 4 Snes 2m? we sc) 2m® te 6 2m 7. 05 kgm? 8, 043kgm* «5 10. The one having the smaller density Introductory Exercise 8.2 1. 100red 2. 800rad 3. 5N-m 4. 087N 5. (a) 4radsl —6rae-s? (0) - 12rads 6.75 Introductory Exercise 8.3 1 2. dmv 3, 248 mv 2 a Maco sina 7 > 28 a Introductory Exercise 8.4 1, #2! _ 2. Duration of day-night incerease 3. True Wom Introductory Exercise 8.5 Introductory Exercise 8. 1 Engh 2. oe Introductory Exercise 8.7 1. @) gane-pecne rate a tamvards rae 8 22M z ame =T 6. im, can make the body move 7. False Fo Sua.coso Introductory Exercise 98 1 @wer Got 22R For JEE Main ‘Subjective Questions 5 1 Smit assem? a4 Me we fe 6. 1=w?, wherep = 71 is called the reduced mass of two masses. mem ran(tett) 5. Bem foras.s* rads ex 12 2rad/s Ones! 10, 10mds' Mex f 12 2rd 30 84 Mechanics 13. €2i-230Mm 14, 400/Nem perpendicular to the piane of motion) 18. 271Nm 16. S2Nm 17, @x}rad-s" WOxyrad-s"! 18, 70rad 19. (@)001Nem (0)019Nm 20. 20 s @ia 368 cea)? 20 xmas 22. (0) SF cm SH 23, a Brmes 22.038 (SE (w= 1250046 @)12TS ad 28. Grad. 143 $26. v,,= 4124/5, a4, = 6.0 rads? N2ig-mist 28. mit 28. Lat) 20.-(2me)i atime 32. 2nos! cou-(2+ 22Joy 04 mabe- 22) 4F cos INF cos MFcOS® gy F 24, 2 33, 7.29% 104 kgm? 34. (a) 14.31ad-s"'e 227rev's (0) E,= 3994, Ey = BLY (2) ILI * B+ Bm’ SM aman em 38. RN 2.0% Bast OB wine aX ot 2m 20% o% Ove turns 1@ 2@ 30 4@ 50) 60) 70 8 9%) 10% 1.@) 32@) 12) IAG) 380) 6G) 17) RO) 19.0) 2A) 2. BW) WO) WE) WE) WO) MO WO) We) Ww) For JEE Advanced Assertion and Reason 1@ 20 36 4@ 50) 6a) 70 BO) 90) 100) 1.) (Objective Questions 1@ 20 30) 40 5 6) 7% 80) 96) 104) 110) 2O 126) WO) BO 6 70) BOE we we © BOQ WO WO BO WA WO) wo Wa we 3.0) BO BO) HO BO BQ 7G BO 9G MC) 41. (@) AZ) ARG) 4A) 45.) 48) 47.) AB) 4.6) 5.60) 51 @) 52) 58.0) More than One Correct Options Led 20) Babs) 4 Cab) Sled Gal) 7.@2) Bed 8b We) an) Match the Columns L@9 4s Wa WP Z@+p Was Cap War 2 @sps WMopr sar Wer 4@+9 sr @ar oP SK @+a O45 CP Ws Bar +p as @+q L@+r (+g Ws Wp CHAPTER 9 Mechanics of Rotational Motion 85 Subjective Questions 5. 8. 10. n, 1, 15. 18, 2. (a) #=2 (1) F assuming / opposite to F (b) 2 . (a) = 3 (5 AF 1g f opposite to F (b) In each case in clockwise direction 2. (2) 36/2, (6) 38/4 (©) ma/4 3.0612m 4, (b 3974 (6) ma omiiiccnt srl 7 oth 75 me 1.98 me 1 4 . 240 Eg 8 2 ng sine, N= 28 07 coso-Mo)+ 6 Bgens, we arcane Days ris greater than 2 +0) yes. iris greater than 1 (€) Fin same airection as F —* a B+ Bm’ Sm+ Bm ©) 52 _(eetmeen plank and cylinder) =" between ender and ground) Ime amy 3 By (@) 1.43 ms (6) 7.15 rads? (c) 143N 13. 2.255 14, 0.745 ms” (rightwards) > (enlace) 16.1m 17, 2 80 ar 66 = tebe 19, v= 15 ms 20, 208 Bing 21 (@) Sphere, 5.29 ms" disk 5.11 ms" hoop 4.43 ms" (@) Sphere 4.2N, disk 4.9, hoop 7.36 N (©) Sphere, 1.61 5 disk 1.56 s boop 1.81 s ie ms [a8 @ (8m 4 {Gail + ae 24, co (5m) Emi.) Sm VERT 2+ 0) Fmt « Farce o) 4 ma i= (29) ey (28) = da8® (23 mar mia*). (88 + a2) co f orfmefi RE) o Y= 0 co (Boerne) (Fem) 0 a oe to(_ coe mF aoe St Sean) (mia?) F= FF = VE ma? 20ms! 15m! 1667 N qu Tedtcosa— sine) Pod d.c2s0~sina) "2a corsa}? Again GH cora- sina) eter! 23. 36me?, St far 1 26m 26H (Gav, 38 ms? (ee3.28 36621 © Zremevy 38 FE, Sp a= ton(2) F 2 10 GRAVITATION Chapter Contents 10.1 Introduction 10.2 Newton's Law of Gravitation 10.3 Acceleration Due to Gravity 10.4 Gravitational Field 10.5 Gravitational Potential 10.6 Relation Between Gravitational Field & Potential 10.7 Gravitational Potential Energy 10.8 Binding Energy 10.9 Motion of Satellites 10.10 Kepler's Laws 88 Mechanics! EGET Introduction ‘Why are planets, moon and the sun all neatly spherical? Why do some earth satelites circle the earth in ‘90 minutes, while the moon takes 27 days forthe trip? And why don’t satellites fall back to earth? The study of _ravitation provides the answers for these and many related questions, Gravitation is one ofthe four clases of interactions @und in nature. These are (]) the gravitational force (Gi) the electromagnetic fore (ii) the steong nuclear force (also called the hadronie forces) (iv) the weak nuclear forces. ‘Although, of negligible importance in the interactions of elementary particles, gravity is of primary ‘portance in the interactions of large objets. It is gravity that holds the universe together. In this chapter we will lear the basic laws that govern gravitational interactions. ERE] Newton’s Law of Gravitation “Along wi is three laws of mation, Newton published the lw of gravitation in 1687. According to him; “very particle mater inthe universe attrac ever ether particle with aforce that ie diretly proportional tothe product of the masses of the parcles and inversely proportional tothe square ofthe distance between ter “Thus, he magnitude ofthe gravitational farce Fetwen wo pariclsim andi placedatadistanceis, Fathi i ac re G isa universal constant called gravitational constant whose magnitude is, G= 6.67% 10" Nem hkg? Here ‘The direction of the force F is along the line joining the two particles. Following three points are important regarding the gravitational force i) Unlike the electrostatic force, itis independent ofthe medium between the particles. Wis conservative in nature. (Gi) Ttexpresses the force between two point masses (of negligible volume). However, for external points of spherical bodies the whole mass can be assumed to be concentrated at its centre of mass. Gravity In Newton’s law of gravitation, gravitation i the foree of attraction between any two bodies. fone ofthe ‘bodies is earth then the gravitation is called ‘gravity’. Hence, gravity isthe force by which earth attracts a body towards its ceatee Its a special case of gravitation. Sample Example 10.1. Spheres of the same material and same radlus rare touching each other. Show that gravitational force between them is directly proportional to Solution m= m, = (volume) Gensiy) CHAPTER 10 Gravitation 89 Id a Fig. 10.1 or Hence proved. ( EEE) Acceleration due to Gravity ‘When «boy is dropped from a certain height above the ground it begins ofall towards the earth under rity, The acceleration produced inthe body due to gravity s called the acceleration due to gravity. Is denoted by g.. Its value close to the earth’s surface is 9.8 m/s?, ‘Suppose tha! the mass of the earth is. its radius is then the fore of attraction ating ona body gf mass im close tothe surface of earth is Mm contig to New’ sce aw the asdenton duo gravity pebuom mR? ‘This expreson ef fromm. Ito bodies of iferet tes ar allowe ofl fey they wil have the sme senemon Lei hey ae lowed fll Bom th same helght they wil fue te earth alec. Variation in the value of ¢ Thevalueof varies fom lace place onthe surface oar. alo varie as we goaboveorbelow the utes ofcn Tos, value of dzpends on following fcr. @ Shape of the earth Thee act « prot sphere Hie somewhat Hat tte tw pols. The tc a seproninmaly 21 tm more nthe pla rds Ad since ot e 1 = rk R “The value of is minimum atthe equator and maximum atthe poles. Height above the surface ofthe earth ™ Teboacentyermdtftetnamitskighibowtvartisctenti, | | GM F ea @ Acceleration due to gravity at this height will be, ‘90 Mechanies-It om m (Rhy ‘This can alt be writen 35 —oM_ et £ or wot os (v3) R ‘Thus, ass ‘ce. the value of acceleration due to gravity g goes on decreasing as we go above the surface of earth, Purther, wna(t4) * heck or rea(i (ii) Begth below the surface ofthe earth Let an object of mass mis situated ata depth h below the earth's surfuce. Its distance from the centre ofeathis(R ~ A). This mass is situated at the surface of the ier solid sphere and lies inside the outer spherical shell. The gravitational force of attraction on 2 mass inside a spherical shell is always zero. Thesefore, the object ‘experiences gravitational attraction only due to inner solid sphere. “The mass ofthis sphere is, M_)a 9 +(atee ee vane o ae and Substituting the values, we get roel he, vce Nola We can so from this equation that =0 at h= Re, acceleration due to gravity is aro at the centre of the cath. “Thus, the variation inthe value of g with r (the distance trom the centre of earth is a follows : For rs, CHAPTER 10 Gravitation $1 For r>R, or Fig. 10.4 (iv) Axial rotation of the earth Letus considera particle Pat rest onthe surface of the earth in latitude ¢ Ten the pseudo force acting on the particle is mre in outward direction, The true acceleration g is acting towards the centre O of the earth. “Thus, the effective acceleration g is the resultant of g and ra” or y 2 Ye? + (70) + 2e(r0* Joos (180-6) =e? + Pot ~ 2gr0? cos 6 i) Here, the term a" comes out to be too small as 2x ___2% __saaisis small. Hence, this term can be ignored. Also, T 24x3600 Fig. 105 += Reos Therefore, Eq, (i) can be written as g'=(g? =2eR0? cos? 6)" Thos, Following conclusions ean be drawn from the above discussion (i) The effective value of gis not truely vertical (ii) The effect of centrifugal force due to rotation of earth is to reduce the effective value of g. i) At equators Therefore, sod at poles Therefore, ‘Thus, at equator is minimum while at poles gis maximum, 92 Wechanics-t Sample Example 10.2 Assuming earth 10 bea sphere of uniform mass density, how much would a body weigh half way down the centre ofthe earth, fit weighed 100 N om the surface? Solution Given, mg =100N Sample Example 10.3. Suppose the earth increases its speed of rotation. At what new time period will he eight ofa body on the equator becomes zera? Take g = lO ms? and radius of earth R = 6400 km Solution The weight will become zero, when or go (on the equator = g ~ Re?) Substituting the values, fe. or r-i4h “Thus, the new time prio shouldbe Lh instead of 24h forthe weigh ofa body tobe zero onthe Introductory Exercise [J equator. 41. Caleulate the change in the value of g at altitude 45", Take radis ofearth= 6.97% 10? km 2. Determine the speed with which the earth would have orotate ont ais, othata person onthe equator ‘Would weigh 2 as much as at present. Take R = 6400 km ‘3. At what height from the surface of earch will the value of g be reduced by 3686 from che vale atthe surface? R = 6400 km ‘4. The distance between two bodies A and B is r. Taking the gravitational force according to the law of inverse square ofr, the acceleration ofthe body’ isa Ifthe gravitational force follows an inverse fourth ‘power law, then what wil be the acceleration ofthe body A? Find the force of attraction ona particle of mass m placed at the centre ofa semicircular wire of length L and mass M, CHAPTER 10 » Gravitation 93 [EDM] Gravitational Field "The space around body in which any oter body experiences force of atacton is called the ravitional fd ofthe it body. ‘The force experienced (both in magnitude and direction) by a unit mass placed at a point in a gravitational fel is called the gravitational ld strength or intensity of gravitational Geld a hat point. Usually tis denoted by E, Thus, ? #F In Arcl 103 we have sen that aceeraton dt gravity Bis ako F sence, forte earth's gravitational field and # are same, The E Verna (ie distance from the cent of erth graph are seas that of preaacee al e106 (i) Field due to a point mass ‘Suppose, a point mass M is placed at point O. We want to find the intensity of gravitational field Eat a point P, a distance r from O. Magnitude of force F acting on a particle of mass m placed at Pi, = z é my 2 ‘The direction of the force F and hence of Eis fiom P to O as shown in Fig. 10.7. (ti) Gravitational field due to a uniform solid sphere Field at an external point ‘A uniform sphere may be treated as a single particle of same mass placed a its centre for calculating the ‘gravitational field at an external point. Thus, oe oe for r2R Bes 1 or Fons Here, ris the distance ofthe point from the centre ofthe sphere and 2 the radius of sphere 94 Mechanics Field at an internal point ‘The gravitational field due toa uniform sphere at an intemal points, ‘proportional tothe distance ofthe point from the centre of the sphere. At the centre itself itis zero and at surface itis ©! where Ris the radius of Zz the sphere. Thus, BR Er) = for rR Fig. 10.8 7m oe EW=r Hence, E versus r graph is as shown in Fig. 108 (tif) Field due to a uniform spherical shell ‘Atan external point Foran extemal point the shell may be treated as single particle of same mass placed at its centre, Thus, at ‘an external point the gravitational field is given by, For r2R a (the surface of shell) and otherwise ‘Man intornal point ‘The fleld inside a uniform spherical shell is zero. Fig. ‘Thus, E versus r graph is as shown in Fig. 109. (jv) Field due to a uniform circular ring at a point on its axis Field strength at point Pon the axis ofa circular ing of radius R and mass Mis, sven by, Gar B= (O° GPF Fig. 10.10 * CHAPTER 10 Gravitation 95 ‘Tus diet toward he cane ofthe ring to te centef the sng nd maximum r= B (end ctinty puting =, ta, apis esovnin 10.1 ‘The, maximum value is E pax = War® Note Equivalent Gauss theorem for gravitational field is as follows: §Bd8 =-sx00m) Hers, merase mass {EQ Gravitational Potential Ifa body is moved in a gravitational field from one place to the other either work is done against the gravitational attraction oF iti obtained “The work done in bringing a unit mass from infinity to a point in the gravitational field is called the “gravitational potential” at that point. This work is obtained (not done) by the agent in bringing the mass. The gravitational potentials denoted by F, So, let I” joule of work is obtained in bringing a test mass m from infinity to some point then gravitational potential at that point will be yak Since, work is obtained, it is negative. Hence, gravitational potential is always negative. (1) Potential due to a point mass Suppose @ point mass M is situated at a point O. We want to find the = oM —, op _sravitational potential due to this mass ata point Padistancerfrom@.Forthislet © {snd work downing th tas fom Pint This be, e302 [Pedra POM den Hence, the work done in bringing unit mass from infinity to P will be - 2! hus, the gravitational potential at P will be, Dee v 96 Mechanics (ti) Potential due to a uniform solid sphere Potential at an external point ‘The gravitational potential due to @ uniform sphere at an extemal point is same as that due to a single particle of same mass placed at its centre. Thus, At the surface, Potential a internal point ‘At some intemal point, potential at a distance r from the centre is given by, Mase -0s?) rsx while at Fig. 10.13 4, at the centre ofthe sphere the potential is 1.5 times the potential at surface. The variation of V versus r sraph is as shown in Fig 10.13. (fit) Potential due to a uniform thin spherical shell Potential at an external point To calculate the potential at an extemal pont, uniform spherical shell may be treated as «point mass of same magnitude at its centre, Thus, potential at a distance ris given by, Vv PR at r=R, Potential at an internal point ‘The potential due to a uniform spherical shell is constant throughout at * any point inside the sell and hii equal to — SM Thus, vor graph fora spherical shell is as shown in Fig. 10.14, CHAPTER 10 Gravitation 97 (iv) Potential due to a uniform ring at a point on its axis, “The gravitational potential at a distance r from the centre on the axis of ring ‘of mass Mand radius R is given by, ou ve Osrse Ie? * wert Fig. 10.15, atr=ay=- S41, athe conse ofthe ring gravitational potential in ~ So ‘The Ver graph is as shown in Fig, 10.16. ou * a Fig. 10.16 | QW Relation between Gravitational Field and Potential ‘Gravitational potential is a field function. Jt depends on the position of the point where potential is Sesired. Gravitational field and the gravitational potential are related by the following relation. “ Here, 22 — partial derivative of potenti fenton Pw. Le, so be cost 1) eanbe rite in llowing dient fms 69 £=-£rviionl fd isan dirs only Ba, Hoe, d?=di+ajeak mi Bakive,j+e.k ifferentiate Vw.rt.xassuming yand Ga Sample Example 10.4 Two concentric spherical shells have masses m, and my and radii rand ry (r,>r). What is the force exerted by this sysiem on a particle of mass my ifit is placed at a distance iy << 1% )from the centre?

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