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Established 1879 | Columbus, Mississippi

Sunday | February 16, 2020

Fear and resiliency

Chinese natives in Golden Triangle combat
coronavirus anxieties with hope, action


n a late-January flight back from Shanghai to
Starkville, Ronghua Wu lost sleep.
The woman sitting next to him wouldn’t stop
coughing. All passengers were wearing masks, including
him. The mask straps were pressed tightly against his face,
he recalled, leaving marks on his cheeks and causing pain
that he found hard to endure.
“The atmosphere on board was depressing,” Wu said. “I
wore that mask for about 24 hours and my ears were hurting
so much ... but I never dared take it off.”
Wu, a visiting scholar in agriculture at Mississippi State
University, had just returned home to China to spend the
Lunar New Year with his family in Fuzhou, Jiangxi, amid the
coronavirus outbreak. The virus, which broke out in Wuhan,
Hubei in late December, has now claimed more than 1,500
lives and sickened tens of thousands in China.
Wuhan, the center of the epidemic, is now under lock-
down. Other local governments have shut down highways,
delayed schools and imposed certain restrictions on local
When he landed in China, Wu rented a car to drive back
to his hometown. The highways were so empty, he said, that
he was often the only one he could see driving on them.
“It was the first time in my life that I’ve ever seen any-

Plane collides with hangar, bursts into Independent auditor

flames at Columbus-Lowndes airport finds paperwork
Pilot priming engine at deficiencies at LCSD
propeller when plane School board members debate
started unexpectedly, whether they were aware of $52K
rolled away buy-out to switch copier contract
COLUMBUS — A pilot suffered
minor injuries and a private plane COLUMBUS — The CPA handling
was destroyed when it struck Lowndes County School District’s fi-
an aircraft hangar at the Colum- nancial audit declared the district’s
bus-Lowndes County Airport and audit “clean” during the board’s reg-
caught fire Saturday morning. ular meeting Friday, but not without
The plane is a single-engine raising several examples of incorrect
experimental aircraft model RV- filing procedures and information
8A, manufactured by “kit aircraft missing from board meeting minutes
manufacturer” Van’s Aircraft of — the latter of which had board mem- Hughes
Oregon, according to a City of bers questioning Business Officer
Columbus press release. The pi- Kenneth Hughes as to whether he had presented
lot was attempting to prime the certain expenses to them at all.
plane’s engine by manually mov- The CPA, Charles L. Shivers of Ridgeland, said
ing the propeller when the engine he and a team went through six months worth of the
started unexpectedly. The pilot district’s Fiscal Year 2019 financial statements, par-
was not in the plane when it col- tially to prepare for the State Auditor’s Office, which
lided with the hangar. He refused has announced plans to audit every school district in
medical treatment. the state within the next four years.
“This was not an intention- Courtesy photo/City of Columbus Shivers noted a range of issues, from paperwork
al start of the engine,” Airport A plane rolled away from its pilot Saturday morning and crashed into errors like forms not being filled out properly, or
Manager Jared Rabren said in the a hangar at Columbus-Lowndes Airport. The pilot was priming the being filed too late, to information omitted from
engine at the propeller of the single engine aircraft when it started
press release. unexpectedly. The pilot was not seriously injured and reports indicate financial statements and board meeting minutes.
See CRASH, 3A the plane never left the ground. See LCSD, 6A


1 The United States observes Flag Day on Wednesday, Feb. 19 MEETINGS
which date — June 14, July 1 or July 4? ■ Table Talks: Friends of the Columbus-Lown- Feb. 17:
2 Self-portraits by which Mexican female Oktibbeha
des Public Library revives its Table Talk series at
artist sport a fierce unibrow and a slight County Board
mustache? 5 p.m. with author John Bateman of Starkville
discussing his book, “Who Killed Buster Spar- of Supervisors
3 What rather ornery “don’t care” animal
likes to snack on cobras and is the star of a kle?,” at the library at 314 Seventh St. N. Free. meeting, 5:30
YouTube video that went viral in 2011? Call 662-329-5300 for more information. p.m., Chancery
Shelby Norman
4 Which big retailer got rid of the star in its ■ Artist talk: Brent Funderburk of Starkville Courthouse
Fourth grade, Heritage
logo but added a giant starburst at the end presents an artist talk, “Stories from the Soul Feb. 18:

High 59 Low 47
A few showers
of its name in 2008?
5 In which state is Crater Lake, the deepest
in the U.S. at 1,943 feet?
House,” at 10 a.m. at the Oktibbeha County Her-
itage Museum, 206 Fellowship St., Starkville.
This Chit Chat Series program is free to the
Starkville Board
of Aldermen
meeting, 5:30
Full forecast on public. p.m., City Hall
Answers, 2D
page 3A. ■ The Orators: The Mississippi State Shack- Feb. 24: Public
ouls Honors College presents Denise James, hearing regarding
director of Women’s and Gender Studies at the Oktibbeha Coun-
INSIDE University of Dayton, with “The Poet Audre Lorde Clayton Creager will ty Lake, 5:30
Classifieds 1D Lifestyles 1C Goes to Mississippi: An Imperfect Person Called graduate from Mississippi p.m., Chancery
Comics 5D Obituaries 7B Hero” at 2 p.m. in the Griffis Hall Forum Room. A State University in May Courthouse
Crossword 2D Opinions 4A reception follows. For more information, contact with a degree in aerospace
Dear Abby 3C Scene & Seen 6C Donna Clevinger, 662-325-2522. engineering.


2A SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2020 The Dispatch •


Floods and Old Bridges

his past literally an island with fully five miles
week of water in every direction. ... The river
we have rose so rapidly that a great number of
seen another people were aroused from their slum-
Tombigbee bers by the rush of water through their
Flood and it homes.”
appears a loose Railroads were cut off and the
barge may Georgia Pacific had five miles of
have serious- track between Columbus and Waverly
ly damaged washed away. Columbus’ mayor and
Columbus’ 1928 the president of the board of supervi-
River bridge. sors telegraphed Sen. John Allen and
The current requested him to telegraph Washington
flood, though
Rufus Ward
and appeal for aid. On April 13, Secre-
bad, does not tary of War Stephen Elkins responded
compare with the catastrophic floods by directing that 300 Army tents be
of 1847, 1892, 1948 and 1973. And if dispatched to the Tombigbee to shelter
a barge did hit the 1928 bridge, that the homeless.
would not be the first time a vessel As the flood waters rose, rescue
struck a Columbus bridge. parties were sent out from Columbus
The first bridge at Columbus, a in every available boat. Col. Baldwin,
wooden covered bridge, was built the city attorney, manned one boat with
by African-American bridge builder William Johnson. They had rescued
Horace King in 1842. The Columbus Courtesy photo seven people when swift current over-
Democrat newspaper in the spring of The 1928 Tombigbee River bridge at Columbus is an old swing bridge that could open turned their boat. Baldwin, Johnson and
1846 referred to King as “a negro man to allow boats to pass. It is presently closed as a walkway due to damage that may have
been caused by being struck by a barge. four others were able to swim to trees
... who built our bridge here across the where they were rescued six hours later
Tombigbee and the new one across the Lowndes County on April 11, 1877. rise to an unprecedented height. ... All at midnight but the other three persons
Luxapellilah. He is one of the best me- By the early 1900s the Columbus the low lands have been submerged to drowned. The flood waters were said
chanics in his line in all the South.” bridge was showing its age and need- a frightful extent. From the foot of the to have reached up to Second Street at
The bridge came off the bluff at ed to be replaced by a larger, wider hill on Main Street a sheet, or rather Main Street. It was estimated that in
the end of Fourth Avenue South and bridge. The old bridges at Aberdeen miniature sea of water, is spread out Monroe and Lowndes counties more
was said to provide a 65-foot clearance and Columbus had been designed to to the view, unbroken except by the than 3,000 homes were destroyed.
above the river. Of course, at flood be only wide enough for two wagons or tall trees for miles to the west. ... The An article in the Aberdeen, South
stage, that was not true. buggies to pass each other and were not steamer Putman was able Wednesday Dakota, Daily News, datelined Aber-
On Feb. 17, 1851, the side-wheel designed for motor vehicles. morning to take a new route. The engi- deen, Miss, April 15th, reported that
steamboat Romeo attempted to pass un- neer turned the bridge on the west side the bodies of 150 Tombigbee flood
In 1926 construction began on the
der the Columbus bridge at flood stage and steering over the old field made a victims had been recovered and it was
new highway bridge at Columbus. The
and its pilothouse was knocked off by shortcut across the bend, into the main estimated that at least another 100
Tombigbee was still classified as a
the bridge. Smokestacks on steamboats stream some distance above the bridge. people had died. As the flood waters re-
navigable waterway and could not be
could often be lowered and there was Where the Putman ploughed its way ceded they left “a black desolate waste.”
obstructed so the new bridge was built
no mention that the steamer had lost through water ten feet was dry land the The account continued: “Thousands of
its stacks. Four days later, the steamer as a swing bridge. After its completion
in 1928, the bridge was opened to test week before. ... The Columbus Bridge people are rendered homeless and the
Jenny Lind sailed around the west end is shattered a little at the west end, but suffering is intense. A relief party has
of the bridge, over what is now The it, but accounts that it opened a couple
of other times are unverified. the damage can be easily repaired. The rescued a family of nine persons who
Island, to save 1,100 bales of cotton in a bridge east of the town over the Lux- had been adrift on a raft for six days
warehouse threatened by flood waters The worst floods on the Upper Tom-
bigbee were in 1847 and 1892. In the apalila has been swept off. We learn it without a mouthful of food. One of the
at West Port. Much of West Port had has floated down the stream and lodged party, a kid of 14 years, had become a
itself been washed away by the flood of flood known as “the Great Freshet of
1847” almost the entire town of Colbert against Maj. Blewett’s bridge, which gibbering idiot and devoured raw beef
1847. The bridge was removed by the has been in danger, if that too has not like a wild beast.”
mid-1850s. (just south of Barton Ferry in Clay
County), and much of the towns of West been carried off.” How bad was the 1892 flood? The
In 1871 construction of an iron swing The benchmark flood on the Tom- Tombigbee flood waters at Columbus in
bridge began at Aberdeen. The specifi- Port (where the Tenn-Tom channel cuts
old Highway 82 to make the Island) and bigbee was in April 1892. Accounts tell 1892 reached 13.6 feet above flood stage
cations for that bridge were published how after days of heavy rain, the Tom- on the old river gage. The current flood
in February 1871 and stated the bridge Nashville (on the river south of Colum-
bus), were washed away. bigbee at Columbus began rising by crested at 5.35 feet above flood stage. A
had to be constructed “in order that
The Columbus Democrat reported Wednesday, April 6, and then suddenly photo taken in 1892 while the river was
steamboat navigation may not be inter-
on Dec. 18, 1847: rose 14 feet the next night. On April 14, still rising showed houses at the present
rupted, the structure must be of that
the San Diego Union reported that: “By location of the Hitching Lot Farmers
kind known as the ‘swing bridge.’” “Unparalleled Freshet — Great Loss
Friday morning it was seven feet higher Market flooded to their roofs and water
A new iron bridge at Columbus was of Property &c — The immense quan-
than was ever known. The Black and already across Third Street North at
also planned in the mid 1870s. It too tity of rain which we have had recently,
Luxabilla creeks joined their waters Second Avenue North. It was bad.
was to be a swing bridge so as not to commencing on the night of Thursday
with the Tombigbee and Columbus was Rufus Ward is a local historian.
obstruct river traffic. The bridge was week last and ending the Sunday fol-
completed and officially accepted by lowing, has caused our water courses to

Courtesy photo
The 1877 bridge at the foot of Main Street during the 1892 Tombigbee flood which
crested at 42.6 feet on the old river gage.

If you don’t read The Dispatch, how are you gonna know?
The Dispatch • SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2020 3A


Mississippi braces for flooding amid cresting river

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Officials were bracing for gin slowly releasing water at
‘This is a historic, unprecedented flood.’ what could be the worst flood- 6 p.m. Saturday. WLBT-TV re-
JACKSON — Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves ing in Jackson since 1983. ported the move is an attempt
Mississippi Gov. Nicholas Fenner, a meteorolo- to keep flooding to a minimum
Tate Reeves de- Parts of Jackson and sub- distributed by Saturday. The gist with the National Weather downstream, and to allow ex-
clared a state of urban Ridgeland were under National Guard, the Highway Service in Jackson, said the tra time for residents to get to
emergency Sat- evacuation orders, and some Patrol and other high-water Pearl River crested at 43.2 feet higher ground.
urday amid pre- people had already filled rescue teams were on standby, on April 17, 1979 — its highest John Sigman, manager of
dictions that a trucks with furniture and other Reeves said. level. The second-highest level the Pearl River Water Supply
river running in belongings to get out. Reeves “Have a plan to protect your- occurred May 5, 1983, when District, had a phone confer-
the area around Reeves said more than 2,400 homes self and a plan to protect your the river got up to 39.58 feet. ence with the National Weath-
the state capi- and other structures in and loved ones,” Reeves said. He also said there was between
er Service and the Army Corp
tal of Jackson could burst its near Jackson could either be in- Although the sun was shin- $500 million and $700 million
banks and spark widespread of Engineers on Friday. They
undated or isolated by the ris- ing Saturday in central Mis- worth of damage in 1979, which
flooding. said that areas north of the
ing waters. That includes 1,925 sissippi, Reeves and Missis- saw 15,000 people evacuated.
Forecasters believe the structures in Hinds County, sippi Emergency Management The area is currently under main lake have crested and
Pearl River will crest at 38 feet 461 in Rankin County and 31 in Agency director Greg Michel blue skies, but Fenner warned were beginning to fall and de-
(11.6 meters) Sunday evening Madison County. said people in low-lying ar- residents against complacency. scribed that as good news.
to levels not seen in decades, “I cannot stress to you how eas should not be complacent “Even though the weather The crest at the reservoir is
following days of torrential important the next 24 to 48 about leaving because the river has improved, the water will now expected Sunday morn-
rains across the Southeast. hours is for the people who are was expected to crest at night be rising soon. Don’t get lulled ing. Officials told the television
Reeves said the state should going to be affected,” Reeves and remain high for days, with into a false sense of security,” station they are holding their
prepare for “the third worst said. He signed an emergency rain in the forecast for Sunday he said. outflow right now at 65,000
flood” in its history. declaration to speed up spend- and Monday. Meanwhile, the Ross Bar- cubic feet per second and will
“This is a historic, unprece- ing for flood response and “Do not wait until water gets nett Reservoir is approaching hold there for 48 hours, giving
dented flood,” Reeves said via recovery. More than 96,000 into your house to evacuate,” capacity, which led officials to people downstream time to get
Twitter. sandbags had already been Michel urged. announce that they would be- out.

2 Tupelo legends honored during Black History Month Exhibit

The legacy of Frank Dowsing and Sam Bell a crusader or an activist, really
bridged a lot of racial barriers
“... (He) appreciated the dignity
and honor of all people regard-
the Medallion Award for his
outstanding work in leadership
were recognized at the event on Feb. 6 both here and in Mississippi
State,” Toliver said.
less of race.”
Tupelo Mayor Jason Shel-
and involvement with several
organizations. For Bell, the
pionship team, but also went on While Toliver spoke of her ton noted how Dowsing played honor is mostly a surprise be-
to be involved with nonprofits brother’s athletic accomplish- a transformative part at both cause he never did any of his
TUPELO — It was a full
such as United Way, Big Broth- ments, she noted that her Tupelo and Mississippi State. work for recognition. He said
house at the Oren Dunn City
ers Big Sisters and others. He brother also accomplished oth- Rockey Felker, Mississippi he mostly likes helping people.
Museum Thursday (Feb. 6)
was a long-time treasurer for er firsts and was invested in the State University director of “I’m a people person, and
evening as Tupelo leaders, res-
Lane CME, and the first Afri- youth. There are two current Player Personnel and former what hurts me is when I run
idents and family and friends
can American to hold various scholarships in his honor, both teammate of Dowsing’s, spoke into a situation where a per-
gathered to honor the legacy of
jobs and state positions. of which she said would make about looking up to Dowsing
Frank Dowsing and Sam Bell. son needs help and I can’t help
Frank Dowsing’s sister, Vir- him proud because he was very not only for being a scholar ath-
Both honorees are credited them. It wears on me the most,
ginia Frances Toliver, was in concerned with the future. lete, but also for his reputation
for being community leaders but as long as I can help some-
attendance as the late Dows- Dowsing served as a support as a positive teammate who was
and breaking racial barriers body, that’s OK. I love it,” Bell
ing received the Tupelo Spirit for her own daughter while she always respectful.
through their service and ac- said.
Award and thanked the city of attended a predominantly white Former Daily Journal sports
complishment. Dowsing helped Bell said he was “speech-
Tupelo for choosing to honor institution, telling her to “know editor Gene Phelps also spoke
integrate Tupelo High School less” to receive the award.
her late brother. She said Tu- your own strength,” and how about Dowsing’s legacy, hav-
and, alongside Robert Bell, was pelo has been very good to her that is how he accomplished ing done a lot of research about “It’s one of the greatest. I
one of the first African Ameri- brother and seeing many of what he did. Dowsing following his death didn’t think this would ever hap-
can football players at Missis- Dowsing’s classmates, team- “He experienced a lot of big- and being part of efforts along- pen (and) hadn’t thought about
sippi State University. mates and friends from Pon- otry and racial discrimination, side former Tupelo mayor Jack it happening to me,” Bell said.
Sam Bell also saw athletic totoc, Tupelo and Mississippi but that did not define him be- Reed and others to honor Dows- “... For me being recognized, I
success as the quarterback of State showed the impact he had cause he knew who he was, and ing’s athletic legacy. just can’t believe it. I’m flying
the George Washington Carver on others. the important thing is to always City Council President Net- high right now. I’m hydroplan-
Blue Devils 1955 district cham- “Frank, without trying to be treat people right,” Toliver said. tie Davis presented Bell with ing.”

6 arrested in shooting torney who could speak Correctional Facility in call police.
on their behalf. Rankin County. The unnamed man
of Mississippi store Tutor said that Jaco- Vance had received a then fled in the woman’s
owner by O’Neal was already 25-year sentence in 2004 car, with officers chasing
PONTOTOC — Six in custody on charges of for two armed robberies. him until he wrecked. He
people have been arrest- second-degree murder The cause and man- ran away, but was arrest-
ed in connection with a in connection with the ner of Vance’s death are ed when an officer pulled
December armed robbery Jan. 28 fatal shooting of pending an autopsy. No over a car that had re-
and shooting of a store 17-year-old Tupelo High additional details were re- peatedly driven past the
owner in Mississippi. School senior Tiara Danc- leased. area and found him in-
Pontotoc Police Chief er. He also is awaiting tri- At least 17 Mississippi side. Sherrill Taylor, who
Randy Tutor announced al on 2019 charges in Pon- inmates have died since works at the gas station
the arrests Friday at a totoc County of armed late December, most of where the man was final-
news conference. robbery and aggravated them in outbursts of vio- ly caught Friday morning,
Three masked robbers assault. Jaylon O’Neal is lence. Most of the deaths told WREG-TV that about
entered the East Side also awaiting trial on the occurred at the Missis- 15 officers were in the
Quick Stop on Dec. 18 . same charges in the 2019 sippi State Penitentiary store’s parking lot when
One of them shot Omar indictment. at Parchman. Prison offi- he was arrested.
Fadhel in the leg and Tutor said all of the cials have attributed some The kidnapping victim
head, but he survived and arrests were the culmina- of the violence to clashes identified the man and he
was able to call 911, police tion of 57 days of non-stop between gangs. was jailed. No charges After-school fun:
said. investigation, evidence have been announced. Boys and Girls Club
collection and attention to
Four of the suspects — 244-7090
Jacoby O’Neal, 19, of Bel- detail. North Mississippi SOURCE: AP
don; Jartavis Penro, 30, of woman kidnapped after
Tupelo; Jaylon Ö’Neal, 19, Another Mississippi offering ride to man
of Tupelo and Peyton Bo- inmate dies; no foul BATESVILLE — A
gan, 19, of Tupelo — face
charges of armed robbery
play suspected man has been arrested
An inmate in Mis- after authorities say he
and attempted murder, sissippi died Saturday, kidnapped a north Missis-
news outlets reported. making him at least the sippi woman who offered
Bond for each was set at 17th inmate in the state’s him a ride.
$500,000. troubled prison system to Panola County Sheriff
Da’Von Davidson, 28, have died in less than two Shane Phelps tells local
of Pontotoc, was charged months. news outlets the wom-
with armed robbery. Her No foul play is suspect- an was kidnapped late
bond was set at $250,000. ed in the death of Bob- Thursday after spotting a
Jaron Roberson, 21, of by Lewis Vance, 54, the man with a broken-down
Pontotoc, faces a charge Mississippi Department car. The man forced the
of hindering prosecution of Corrections said in a woman to drive around
and rendering criminal news release. for about six hours before
assistance. His bond was Officials said Vance they stopped at a Bates-
set at $25,000. died at a hospital in Jack- ville gas station. The
It was unknown if any son. He had been housed woman entered the store
of the suspects had an at- at the Central Mississippi and asked employees to

Continued from Page 1A
The plane’s registered Rescue Chief Martin An- City Public Information
owner is Nicholas Ervin drews said the parking Officer Joe Dillon said SOLUNAR TABLE
The solunar period indicates

of Valdosta, Georgia, ac- brake was set but didn’t officials will have a better peak-feeding times for fish and game.
Sun. Mon.
Major 7:26a 7:37p
cording to the FAA’s web- hold. idea of the cost of repairs Minor 2:27a 3:23a
site. “The plane moved for- later this week. Major — 8:05a
Minor 1:21p
Officials have notified ward, turned to the right, “It could have been a Courtesy of Mississippi Department
of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks

the National Transporta- struck an electrical pan- lot worse,” Andrews said

The Dispatch
tion Safety Board. The el, then another airplane in the press release. “We
airport remains open. hangar building and are glad the pilot and no
City officials did not caught fire,” he said. “Re- one else was seriously in-
The Commercial Dispatch (USPS 142-320)
identify the pilot, other ports are the plane never jured during the accident. Published daily except Saturday. Answers to common questions:
than to say he is licensed left the ground.” The plane is destroyed, Entered at the post office at Columbus, Mississippi.
Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, MS Phone: 662-328-2424
by the Federal Aviation Firefighters contained and the building can be POSTMASTER, Send address changes to:
Administration and lives the blaze, but the hangar repaired, but safety for The Commercial Dispatch, P.O. Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703 Website:
in Columbus. suffered “major damage” human lives is most im- Published by Commercial Dispatch Publishing Company Inc.,
516 Main St., Columbus, MS 39703
Report a news tip:
Columbus Fire and the press release said. portant.”
PETER BIRNEY IMES Editor/Publisher
BIRNEY IMES III Editor/Publisher 1998-2018
BIRNEY IMES JR. Editor/Publisher 1947-2003

BIRNEY IMES SR. Editor/Publisher 1922-1947

ZACK PLAIR, Managing Editor

BETH PROFFITT Advertising Director
MICHAEL FLOYD Circulation/Production Manager

Life lessons from Uncle Bunky
ou put a message in a Patterson in an email wrote
bottle and toss it out she had not one of Bunky’s
to sea hoping the right crazy animal drawings, but a
beachcomber happens by. whole tablet of them.
Such was the case with “How Uncle Bunky drew
last week’s column about me so many is a touching
singer-songwriter Paul story,” she wrote. “I would be
Thorn’s longing for an Uncle happy to share one with Paul
Bunky crazy animal. Thorn.”
Paul, an avid collector of Dianne and her husband
ephemera that relates to his Jim were for about 15 years
childhood and music career, part of the Coleman Chil-
has been a lifelong fan of Birney Imes dren’s Ministry, an outreach
the late TV show host and of First Baptist Church.
children’s advocate. Once a month a group of volunteers
He said he especially liked how Uncle from the church would provide a morn-
Bunky drew a stool for the unfortunate ing program of games, art projects,
crazy creatures with legs of different playtime, a Bible story and lunch for the
lengths, e.g. one with an elephant’s front children of the Coleman neighborhood
legs and porcupine rear legs. in Sandfield.
Uncle Bunky (Williams), who died Vibrant Church has continued that
in 2015 at age 83, hosted Fun Time, a ministry in multiple locations, says
live, wildly popular kids show on WCBI Patterson.
TV from 1958 until 1976. Paul’s love Around 2012 church volunteers
for Bunky, beginning as a young child Dean and Peggy Green suggested the
glued to the TV continued into adult- ministry invited Bunky to entertain and
hood. speak to the children. Dean, who had
While Fun Time may be a vivid been an engineer at WCBI TV, was a
memory for a generation of kids who longtime friend of Bunky’s.
either appeared on or watched the Patterson says she wondered how
show, Bunky’s humanitarian work with Bunky, then almost 80 years old, would
children after Fun Time may be more be received by the children. He was
profound. just beginning to show signs of illness
After his TV career Williams, (cancer), she said.
through the Lowndes County Sheriff’s She shouldn’t have worried. The work to another. draw crazy animals.
Department, worked with abused and rapport was instant, she said. “He covered a lot of ground.” “He gave me a pad of drawings and
neglected children where his non-judg- “He loved it, and the kids loved him.” Easily the highlight of the Bunky told me to ‘use them as needed,’” she
mental love for children stood him in He warned the children about drugs visits, says Patterson, was the crazy said.
good stead. and alcohol; stressed the importance of animals. She’s given drawings from the pad to
According to local historian Rufus school and talked about identifying and “Goodness yes, they just loved it,“ children who seemed to be having diffi-
Ward, Fun Time was the first integrated responding to an abusive situation. she said. “They thought it was hilari- culties. And now one to Paul Thorn.
children’s TV show in the state. (A 1970 Not surprisingly, the children were ous.” “We all need to take a lesson of being
commission forbade the state’s public forthcoming with Bunky, much more Eventually, the progression of cancer generous,” said Patterson. “It doesn’t do
television station from airing Sesame so than they have been with the church ended Bunky’s monthly visits. Yet, he any good to have something if you don’t
Street at the show’s inception because volunteers, Patterson said. continued to contribute. give it away.”
of its integrated cast.) “He had this ease of conversation,” Occasionally he would pick up the Birney Imes (
On the day the column ran, Dianne she said. “He could start on a topic and pad now in Patterson’s possession and is the former publisher of The Dispatch.

Roses and thorns
A rose to the are used to help the kids enjoy national program called “Stop skills to help bleeding victims back College World Series
Starkville Parks the game. But the benefits go the Bleed.” Nettles is a certi- until emergency personnel appearances and with a No.
and Recreation far beyond the activity itself, fied trainer for the program, arrives on the scene. Often, the 10 national ranking have a
Department, providing kids an opportunity which was founded by The quick actions of citizens can legitimate chance to make it
which has kicked to play and learn together and American College of Surgeons mean the difference between three in a row. Obviously, the
off a program to giving parents an opportunity in the aftermath of the San- life and death. We thank Nettles Bulldogs’ success in attaining
make sure disabled kids aren’t to meet and develop friend- dy Hook Elementary School for his work and encourage so lofty a goal remains to be
left out of the fun. The first ships with other parents, who shooting in 2012. Nettles made other citizen groups to contact determined over a season that
annual Challenger Basketball themselves can feel isolated. We a presentation this week at the Nettles to arrange training. stretches through May. One
Program games were held predict the program will grow Columbus Rotary Club. While thing that is already certain,
at the Starkville Sportsplex, and flourish in meeting the the prospect of mass shootings A rose to the however, is the phenomenal
designed to introduce the game needs of this well-deserving yet has certainly raised conscious- Boys of Sum- support MSU enjoys. A crowd
to children with physical or under-served population. ness about the need for regular mer, which in of more than 9,500 turned
developmental issues, a group citizen to learn methods of stop- this case is the out for Friday’s 1 p.m. opener.
that had until then had few A rose to Joe ping blood loss, there are many Boys of Late That would be a record crowd
opportunities to participate Nettles, trauma instances where those skills are Winter. On a for all but a handful of college
in sports. Thirteen kids have coordinator at needed — including household cool, but sunny day Friday, baseball programs. That MSU
signed up for the program so Baptist Memorial accident, automobile accidents Mississippi State opened its could attract that sort of crowd
far and that number is likely to Hospital-Golden and on the job accidents. “Stop 2020 baseball season with a on a work-day afternoon tells
grow as the word spreads. Spe- Triangle, for his the Bleed” holds free training 9-6 win over Wright State at you all you need to know about
cial accommodations, including efforts in helping citizens learn sessions for groups of 10 or Dudy Noble Field. The Bull- how Bulldog fans support their
lower goals or even hoola-hoops life-saving skills through a more to equip them with the dogs are coming off back-to- baseball program.


Voice of the people

City announces projects Facebook page and also distribute First responders deserve Doyle has always run a tight ship and
it to the press. I will share these like his men he volunteers his time.
This past Thursday, the City
presentations two departments at a more appreciation These are the men that want to help
Council, Mayor, department heads, I have been traveling for business
and staff from the City of Columbus time due to a large amount of ma- the citizens by saving lives and prop-
terial. Anyone desiring a copy via the last couple of weeks, so I am a erty. They don’t have to do this. These
spent a full day together in a city little behind on the actions of local
planning session. The day was a email can send a request to jdillon@ firemen would save Mr. Brooks’ life government. It is always nice to travel or property if called upon, despite his
huge success, and I want to share the roads in other cities and states
with you the details of the event. I encourage our citizens to read attitude toward them. The radios are a
these plans as we work together to where they actually enforce litter laws. lifeline to keep these first responders
The needs that are important to To an outsider one would assume you
our city were discussed in great de- continue to make Columbus a great and citizens safe and should not be an
get fined in Columbus for not throwing
tail. These items ranged from litter place to live, work, and raise a fam- issue for Mr. Brooks. I’m sure if it was
trash out of your automobile.
pickup to electrical codes to paving ily. a $15,000 taxpayer donation for his
I understand our newly rewired
and road repair. Five of our City Robert Smith, Sr. “pet” festival he would have no issue
amphitheater has flooded again as it
Council members, representatives Columbus Mayor with it at all. We under pay our first
will many times in the future at our
from Neel-Schaffer Engineers, J5 responders and the volunteers receive
expense. I witnessed the electricians
Project Management, all 16 depart- In praise of theater group putting in a new panel three weeks ago
no pay at all. It is time to start show-
ments, our City Attorney, and Public What a great story on your front ing them some respect and gratitude.
when I saw the generic camera system
Information Officer from our city all page about our young people and their I’m grateful for our first respond-
that was installed in the control room.
participated in wide-ranging discus- teacher, Chelsey Petty and their story ers.
I saw where Supervisor Brooks
sions. about grat theater in Columbus. These had an issue with the Volunteer Fire Kerry Blalock
The sessions were filled with prac- young people from our high school and Departments needing additional Columbus
tical, real-life projects that included their teacher have done so much to radios. From what I have been able
projects for each department and further theater in our town. Thank you to gather, Fire Chief Wayne Doyle Israel and NASCAR
also how we can achieve those goals. to your writer for giving us a look at followed the chain of command by With all the negativity printed in
Each department prepared support them , and it is my hope that they will going to his supervisor and then to the Dispatch lately about the presi-
documents to outline details on the raise enough money to go even further Ms. Lawrence. I’m not understanding dent, I’ve one positive statement to
steps needed for completion. in their theatrical pursuits. It was a why Mr. Brooks felt like he needed to make. Anyone that love the nation
In all, there were over 140 pag- great to see the superintendent Cherie call the chief overbearing and indig- of ISR AEL and NASCAR can’t be all
es of material presented in this Labat, voice her support of their effort nant. Anyone who has followed Mr. that bad. Let’s Keep America Great!
meeting. Beginning today, Sunday, too. We are so proud of them! Brooks’ long and colorful tenure with God Bless America!
February 16, I will post these doc- Brenda Caradine the board could possibly use those Lee Roy Lollar
uments on the city’s social media Columbus very words to describe him. Chief Columbus
The Dispatch • SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2020 5A


Sanders’ bond with Latinos gets first test of many in Nevada

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS vada Democrats in early January

LAS VEGAS — When the

found Sanders had stronger sup-
port among Latinos than among Diversity test: 2020 Democrats seek their fortunes in Nevada
Bernie Sanders for President whites in the state, tying Biden
campaign set up shop in Las Ve-
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobu- its allies is still referred to as
for the lead among the group.
gas last July, its first move was to char, it’s a chance to prove the “Reid Machine,” and many
But the first real test of the LAS VEGAS — As the
open an office in the city’s east her third-place finish in New of his former staffers hold key
strategy is Nevada’s caucus on Democratic presidential race
side, the heart of the Latino com- Hampshire wasn’t a fluke. roles on the presidential cam-
Feb. 22, the third contest on the hurtles toward Nevada, candi-
munity. Staffers decorated the Candidates are making a paigns.
presidential nominating calendar dates in the still-crowded field
stark space with brightly colored get-out-the-vote push Satur- The 80-year-old former
and the first with a sizable popu- are jumping into their first test
paper banners known as “papel day morning as early voting senator, who retired in 2016
lation of Latino voters. Following in a racially diverse state with
picado” and threw an office open- starts, and they plan to attend and has been battling cancer,
quickly are California and Texas, solid union muscle and shaky
ing party with a mariachi band a Saturday night fundraising has repeatedly said he won’t
states that are 40% Hispanic and plans for a presidential caucus.
and appearance from Sanders gala for the Las Vegas-based endorse before Nevada’s cau-
represent nearly half the dele- Nevada has no obvious
himself. gates up for grabs on so-called Clark County Democratic cuses. His decision not to back
front-runner, though Vermont Party. Several candidates are a candidate in the still-volatile
Three times a day canvassers Super Tuesday on March 3. Ari- Sen. Bernie Sanders heads
spill out of its doors to walk the zona and Florida vote two weeks making the hourlong flight field has been echoed by many
into the contest on strong foot- up to Reno, a city newly flush of Nevada’s top elected offi-
streets, knocking on doors, call- later. Strength among Latino ing. The state has received
ing out at neighbors in Spanish voters could serve as a solid foun- with tech money and Califor- cials, including the governor,
only a sliver of the attention nia transplants, and are due two Democratic senators and
and talking up Sanders — or as dation of support that helps Sand- of the first two states on the
he is known to some Latino sup- ers rack up delegates deep into back in Las Vegas on Wednes- two of three Democratic mem-
primary calendar, Iowa and
porters, “Tio Bernie.” the nomination process. day for the ninth Democratic bers of the House.
New Hampshire. Looking at
A self-declared socialist from Leslye Olivas and her fiance, debate. The state’s most powerful
the jumbled field, the state’s
Vermont, Sanders is sometimes Miguel Jaramillo, stood holding This year, with the results union also decided not to en-
most powerful union decided
pigeon-holed as the hero to white signs reading “Families Belong of Iowa’s caucuses muddled dorse. The 60,000-member ca-
to take a pass on endorsing a
college students and lefty boom- Together” at a Sanders rally Sat- by technology and reporting sino workers’ Culinary Union
candidate, rather than make
ers. But his campaign believes urday in a high school gym as a problems, Nevada is under announced Thursday it would
a divisive choice or risk pick-
his outreach to diverse voters, quartet of guitarists played mari- ing a loser. Most of the state’s pressure to pull off a prob- work instead to get out the
especially Latinos in places like achi music to warm up the crowd. most prominent officials have lem-free caucus. The Nevada vote and defeat President Don-
east Las Vegas, will be the secret Olivas, 25, who works as an office stayed neutral. State Democratic Party aban- ald Trump in 2020. The deci-
to his success. administrator at a casino, said The open race has every doned its original plans to use sion was a particular blow to
That focus was clear Saturday, her support of Sanders comes Democrat spending much of an app like the one that caused Biden, who has long-standing
as early voting kicked off in Ne- from “his consistency and he’s the next week searching for trouble in Iowa and has scram- ties to the union and needed
vada. Sanders’ campaign hired a persisted. He has a lot of track fortunes in the state’s work- bled to come up with a new an extra boost heading into
truck with an electronic billboard record of wanting to help minori- ing-class neighborhoods, system to tabulate results. Nevada.
on the back to drive around east ties and help everyone.” union halls, casino conven- The state party said this While no candidate has
Las Vegas, encouraging Sanders The affection has been some- tion halls and stuccoed sub- week that it will try to use sim- earned its backing, the union
supporters to go cast early cau- what surprising for some Latinos urbs. For Sanders and former pler technology and a backup hasn’t been shy about discour-
cus ballots. activists who were frustrated South Bend, Indiana, Mayor paper record, though election aging support for Sanders and
Four years ago, Sanders’ fail- with Sanders after he helped kill Pete Buttigieg, it’s a chance experts have warned that de- Warren, whose “Medicare
ure to muster enough support a 2007 immigration bill, warning to prove their staying power ploying new technology and For All” plans would move to
from minority voters was partly it would drive down wages. But after strong finishes in Iowa processes without sufficient a government-run insurance
to blame for his losing the Dem- for many Latinos, like other vot- and New Hampshire. For for- training can cause problems. system. The union, which
ocratic nomination. This time ers, their knowledge of Sanders mer Vice President Joe Biden The party has been fortified prizes the health care plans its
around, he has transformed his starts with the 2016 run, when and Massachusetts Sen. Eliza- and professionalized over the members bargained hard for
outreach to Hispanic voters, hir- he championed immigrant rights beth Warren, it could be a life years by former Senate Major- over the years, said its insur-
ing high-level Latino advisers, and promised an economic revo- preserver to rescue their bids ity Leader Harry Reid. The or- ance would be doomed under
beefing up Spanish-speaking lution. after disappointing starts. For ganizing force of the party and Medicare for All.
canvassing and digging deep “I just feel he’s very fair, what
into Latino neighborhoods to he’s running for and how he’s state it competed, albeit some- cruited high-profile surrogates
find voters open to his populist running,” said Eloisa Sandoval, a “Almost every parent’s
dream, especially immigrants, times narrowly, said Chuck like New York Rep. Alexandra
message. college student in Las Vegas who Rocha, a senior Sanders strate- Ocasio-Cortez — who held a
There are signs that Sanders’ recently welcomed Sanders can- is for their children to access
higher education. It represents gist. It decided to build on that Spanish-language town hall
work has begun to pay off. In vassers to her yard and signed a foundation.
social mobility, social econom- in Nevada late last year — and
Iowa, Sanders won two-thirds of card pledging to caucus for him. In his 2020 announcement
ic mobility and it’s a part of the San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulin
the roughly 1,000 votes at cau- She said Sanders’ proposal for
American dream,” she said. speech, he stressed his impov- Cruz. It marshaled Latino sup-
cus locations in majority Latino free college “would be fantastic.”
It wasn’t enough for Sanders erished parents’ immigrant porters from around the coun-
areas, according to a study by Sanders’ emphasis on good
professors at the University of jobs, single-payer health care and to win Nevada in 2016. In its roots to draw a connection with try to send text messages in
California-Los Angeles. While free college comes up constantly post-defeat autopsy, Sanders’ Latino voters only a generation Spanish to Latinos in Iowa, New
reliable polling on Latinos is with voters, said Susana Cervant- campaign found it had won the or two away from the immigrant Hampshire, Nevada and South
scarce, a Fox News survey of Ne- es, his Nevada field director. votes of Latinos in almost every experience. The campaign re- Carolina, the four early states.
6A SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2020 The Dispatch •


Trump doesn’t heed Barr’s request to cool tweeting on DOJ

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Flynn has pleaded guilty ity to direct him to open an in- White House not authorized to air his frustrations with the
to lying to the FBI during vestigation. to speak publicly about private president while word was sent
WASHINGTON — Un- its probe of ties between the In many cases yes, such as discussions. to the White House just a short
bowed by a public rebuke from Trump campaign and Russia, “terrorism or fraud by a bank or The president angrily de- time before it aired.
his attorney general, President but his sentencing has been something like that,” Barr said. nounced the decision not to On Friday, Trump quoted
Donald Trump says he has the postponed several times after However, “If he were to say, charge Comey to aides and one of Barr’s comments in the
“legal right” to intervene in he complained he was misled you know, go investigate some- berated Barr over it, according interview: “The president has
criminal cases and sidestep the during his questioning. The body because — and you sense to the officials. Aides expected never asked me to do anything
Justice Department’s histor- U.S. attorney in St. Louis, Jeff it’s because they’re a political the decision not to charge Mc- in a criminal case.” A.G. Barr
ic independence. At the same Jensen, is working with Bran- opponent, then an attorney gen- Cabe could produce a similar — and then Trump added in his
time, it was revealed federal don Van Grack, a member of eral shouldn’t carry that out, angry reaction. tweet — “This doesn’t mean
prosecutors have been ordered Mueller’s team, to review the wouldn’t carry that out.” Trump has also repeatedly that I do not have, as President,
to review the criminal case of Flynn case, a Justice Depart- Still, Barr has proven to be a complained about FBI Direc- the legal right to do so, I do, but
his former national security ad- ment official said. largely reliable ally and defend- tor Christopher Wray in recent I have so far chosen not to!”
viser. As president, Trump tech- er of presidential power. That months, saying that Wray has Stone is to be sentenced by
A day after Attorney Gener- nically has the right to compel includes his preemptive fram- not done enough to rid the bu- a federal judge next week. His
al William Barr said the presi- the Justice Department, an ex- ing of the results from special reau of people who are disloyal lawyers filed a motion Friday
dent’s tweets were making it ecutive branch agency, to open counsel Mueller’s Trump-Rus- to him. evening seeking a new trial,
“impossible for me to do my investigations. But historical- sia investigation last year in An administration official though details of the motion re-
job,” Trump declared he had ly, when it comes to decisions a manner favorable to Trump acknowledged there has been mained under seal.
the right to ask the agency to on criminal investigations and when Mueller pointedly said some tension between Trump House Democrats frustrat-
intervene in cases but so far has prosecutions, Justice has func- he couldn’t exonerate the pres- and Barr in recent weeks, but ed over the Senate’s acquittal
“chosen not to.” It was a rare tioned independently, unmoved ident of obstruction of justice. said Trump still has confidence of Trump on impeachment
public flare-up of tensions, sim- and unbound by political sway. Trump has publicly and in his attorney general. charges want answers from
mering for weeks at the upper And that reputation is import- privately threatened payback The official, who spoke on Barr about what they see as his
echelon of the Trump admin- ant to Barr, as he made clear in in the form of investigations condition of anonymity in order
efforts to politicize federal law
istration, as Barr marked one an interview Thursday on ABC against his perceived enemies to discuss private conversa-
enforcement. House Judiciary
year on the job Friday. News. including former FBI Direc- tions, said Trump also knows it
While Barr complained that Committee Chairman Jerrold
“I’m happy to say that, in fact, tor James Comey and former would be risky to remove Barr
Trump’s tweets undermine the Nadler said Barr will testify be-
the president has never asked FBI Director Andrew McCabe, ahead of the 2020 election and
department’s perception as fore the panel March 31.
me to do anything in a crimi- whom prosecutors said Friday that it is highly unlikely he
independent from political in- The Justice Department in-
nal case,” Barr said. “However, they would not charge with could find a suitable replace-
terference, he has proven to be sisted the decision to undo the
to have public statements and lying about leaking. He’s also ment before then.
eager to deliver on many of the tweets made about the depart- pressed for investigations into Earlier this week, the Jus- sentencing recommendation
president’s investigative priori- ment, about our people ... about political rival Joe Biden and his tice Department overruled its was made Monday night — be-
ties — often laid out by Trump cases pending in the depart- son Hunter, especially follow- own prosecutors — who had fore Trump blasted the recom-
for all to see on Twitter. ment, and about judges before ing Trump’s impeachment ac- recommended in a court filing mendation on Twitter as “very
The attorney general whom we have cases, make it quittal over a phone call where that Trump’s longtime ally and horrible and unfair”— and
stepped in this week to alter impossible for me to do my job he asked Ukraine’s leaders to confidant Stone be sentenced prosecutors had not spoken to
the sentencing recommenda- and to assure the courts and the investigate the Bidens. to 7 to 9 years in prison — and the White House about it.
tion that Trump had denounced prosecutors in the department And Flynn’s case has be- took the extraordinary step of Barr joined a roster of
as too harsh for his ally Roger that we’re doing our work with come something of a cause for lowering the amount of prison high-level aides who have pub-
Stone. Also, Justice Department integrity.” Trump supporters, who have time it would seek. The entire licly criticized Trump, though
prosecutors are reviewing the The attorney general has re- seized on the former Trump trial team of prosecutors quit the rest left their jobs first. For-
handling of the federal investi- peatedly shared the same sen- aide’s assertion that he was the case after the amended fil- mer national security adviser
gation into Trump’s former na- timent in private conversations somehow ambushed by the ing, and one quit the DOJ alto- John Bolton is to publish a book
tional security adviser Michael with the president in recent FBI during an interview at the gether. next month detailing his time
Flynn, a person familiar with weeks, telling Trump he was White House. Barr faced intense criticism in the White House, including
the matter told The Associated frustrated with the president’s As for Comey, Trump has over the decision, which fol- criticism of Trump actions such
Press on Friday. And Barr has public comments and tweets tweeted scores of times that lowed just hours after Trump as his decision to withhold mil-
appointed a U.S. attorney who about Justice Department cas- he should be charged with tweeted his displeasure about itary assistance while seeking
is conducting a criminal inves- es, a person familiar with the crimes. Trump was particularly the harsher recommendation. a political favor from Ukraine.
tigation into the origins of the matter told the AP. The person incensed that no charges were Trump greeted the reversal And former chief of staff John
FBI’s probe of the 2016 election was granted anonymity to dis- filed over the former FBI direc- with another tweet congratu- Kelly, who has largely kept a
that morphed into special coun- cuss the private conversations. tor’s handling of memos about lating Barr for taking action, low profile since leaving the
sel Robert Mueller’s investiga- Barr was directly asked in his interactions with Trump, ac- which proved to be a tipping White House, has grown more
tion of possible Trump-Russia the ABC interview whether he cording to a White House offi- point for the attorney general. open about his unflattering as-
cooperation. believed Trump had the author- cial and Republican close to the He opted for a public interview sessments of the president.

Continued from Page 1A
He raised as an example that Board member Brian Clark nate this contract?’”
donated food items from the asked whether that expense Board members Wesley Bar-
Department of Agriculture had come before the board at rett and Jane Kilgore both said
weren’t on the books, and that all. they would have liked to know
in one instance of the board “The way I recall, the pre- about the cost to the district
approving the purchase of ca- vious superintendent did push when approving switching con-
reer-technical equipment, the for a new copier company, but tracts.
vendor’s name was missing I was never informed of a con- “If someone’s going to bring
from the minutes. tract buy-out from a previous something before the board
Among the findings, Shivers copier company,” he said. about an offer to go to a new
noted the district paid $52,000 Hughes said the expense contract, it would be nice if we
for a contract buy-out for copi- was on the claims docket ap- were informed it was going to
ers last year when it switched proved by the board, and point- cost the district this much,”
from RJ Young to Novatech. ed out the board had also ap- Barrett said. “... Just having all
However, auditors found no proved switching companies. the information about the impli-
documented evidence the But that was not enough for cations of stopping the existing
school board ever approved the board member Jacqueline Gray. thing and choosing the next
buy-out. “Did you know prior to us one. I’m just thinking that infor-
“The school district paid actually approving the new mation would have been good
$52,000 and some change for vendor that we would have to to be provided, I think.” Isabelle Altman/Dispatch Staff
a contract buy-out for copy pay $52,000 to RJ Young?” she In answer to a question from CPA Charles Shivers gives the Lowndes County School District school
machines and reproduction asked, and when he said yes, Clark, Shivers said he would board a report on the district’s audit at the Central Office Friday.
services,” Shivers said. “There added, “Why did you not pres- work with the district’s busi- Though the audit was clean, Shivers noted several examples of items
was no formal documentation ent that to the board? Was it ness office to correct errors. missing from financial statements or board minutes that needed to
that was provided to us from presented somewhere else? “I think if you look at the re- be corrected.
the vendor and agreed to by Was it presented to the super- sponses that have been made, responsibilities of the auditor dits — both by Shivers and by
the school board with regard intendent?” you’re going to see that ei- on future engagements is to fol- the state — are designed to
to that buy-out. We did not see “I’m not an attorney,” Hughes ther the controls have been or low up on your response to see “find something.”
any documentation in the min- answered. “I did not know he they’re in the works to be put that it has been implemented.” “It’s nothing that we can’t
utes to support that particular was going to ask to say, ‘Where in place to overcome these de- Hughes told The Dispatch fix or haven’t fixed already,”
transaction as well.” is this board approval to termi- ficiencies,” he said. “One of the after the meeting that the au- Hughes said.
The Dispatch • SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2020 7A


Candy, cheese soar to space station to satisfy crew cravings

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS taking flight at 3:21 p.m. Periodic supply runs Wallops Island launch rence, an Air Force major, Three other astronauts
— an auspicious 3-2-1. by Russia, Japan and NA- pad halted last Sunday’s was chosen in 1967 as an returned to Earth earlier
CAPE CANAVERAL, “Awesome launch,” SA’s two private shippers, countdown for the Antar- astronaut for a classified this month.
Fla. — A cargo ship rock- Joel Montalbano, NASA’s Northrop Grumman and es rocket, then bad weath- military space program Until astronaut launch-
eted toward the Interna- deputy space station pro- SpaceX, usually provide er moved in. Dangerously known as the Manned Or- es resume from Florida —
tional Space Station on
gram manager, said once more than experiments, high wind scuttled Fri- biting Laboratory. He was possibly by SpaceX this
Saturday, carrying candy
the capsule reached orbit. equipment, clothes and day’s attempt. killed five months later in spring — the station crew
and cheese to satisfy the
Besides the usual ex- freeze-dried meals. The This was the compa- a plane crash and never will be limited in size to
astronauts’ cravings.
Northrop Grumman periments and gear, the capsules also bring fami- ny’s 13th space station flew in space. three. NASA astronauts
launched its Cygnus cap- capsule holds cheddar ly care packages, as well delivery for NASA. The The space station is now launch on Russian
sule from the Virginia and manchego cheeses, as fresh food to offset the Cygnus capsules get their now home for Americans rockets from Kazakhstan.
seashore. The nearly fresh fruit and vegetables, run-of-the-mill station name from the Swan Con- Jessica Meir and Andrew Boeing, NASA’s other
4-ton shipment should chocolate and three kinds grub. stellation. Morgan and Russian Oleg commercial crew pro-
arrive at the orbiting lab of gummy candy express- This latest delivery This particular Cygnus Skripochka. Morgan has vider, is struggling with
Tuesday. It took three ly requested by the three should have arrived well has been christened the been up there since July software problems in its
tries over the past week station astronauts: Skit- before Valentine’s Day. SS Robert H. Lawrence and the two others since astronaut capsule. A De-
to get the Antares rocket tles, Hot Tamales, and But last-minute equip- in honor of America’s September; they’ll re- cember test flight was
off the pad, with it finally Mike and Ike’s. ment concerns at the first black astronaut. Law- main on board until April. marred by coding errors.

14-year-old charged ing, “Help me! I’m being three-week trial in which
robbed!” prosecutors said Avenatti
with Barnard College Weaver said Majors threatened to use his me-
student death was “hanging onto her dia access to hurt Nike’s
NEW YORK — A phone” when he tried to reputation and stock price
14-year-old has been ar- take it, according to the unless the company paid
rested in the fatal stab- complaint. him up to $25 million.
bing of a Barnard College Officials said they The convictions for
student in a park during have evidence from vid- attempted extortion and
a robbery in December, eotapes, witness identifi- honest services fraud
a crime that rattled New cation and DNA evidence carry a combined poten-
York City residents, au- from Major’s fingernail tial penalty of 42 years in
thorities said Saturday. clippings linking Weaver prison.
Rashaun Weaver has to the crime. Avenatti glared at the
been indicted by a grand The attack, two days jurors as the verdict was
jury and was taken into before the start of final being announced but said
custody Friday night exams at the women’s nothing.
without incident, New school, troubled city Afterward, he shook
York City Police Commis- residents because of its hands with his lawyers
sioner Dermot Shea said proximity to campus and and told them “great job”
at a news conference. its apparent randomness. before he was led back
Weaver, charged with Barnard is part of the Ivy to the cell where he has
second-degree murder League’s Columbia Uni- been held since a judge
and robbery, is the second versity.
found he had violated his
teenager to be charged in “This arrest is a major
bail conditions.
the attack on 18-year-old milestone on the path to
His lawyer, Scott Sreb-
Tessa Majors in a Man- justice for Tessa Majors,”
nick, said he would appeal
hattan park. said District Attorney Cy
the conviction. A judge
“We are confident that Vance.
set sentencing for June.
we have the person in cus- A 13-year-old who was
arrested Dec. 13 and SOURCE: AP
tody who stabbed her,”
Shea said. “And that per- charged as a juvenile
son will face justice in a with felony murder told
court of law.” detectives he was at the
The Associated Press park with other youths
is naming the juvenile but wasn’t the one who
defendant because of the stabbed Majors.
seriousness of the crime Vance said his office
and the police are “in ac-
and because he has been
tive investigation in terms
charged as an adult.
of other suspects, and
Weaver’s attorney, Elsie
that will continue.”
Chandler, did not imme-
Majors, of Charlottes-
diately return a call to
ville, Virginia, played in a
Neighbor Defender Ser-
rock band and had told an
vice of Harlem seeking
editor from a newspaper
internship in high school
“He’s a 14-year-old
that she planned to take
child and he’s presumed journalism classes in col-
not guilty,” Chandler told lege.
the New York Post after
Weaver’s bail hearing Sat-
urday, at which he was or- Michael Avenatti is
dered held without bail at convicted of trying to
a juvenile facility until his extort Nike
arraignment Wednesday. NEW YORK — Mi-
Majors was stabbed chael Avenatti, the com-
as she walked through bative lawyer who gained
Morningside Park early fame by representing
the evening of Dec. 11. porn star Stormy Daniels
She staggered up a flight in lawsuits involving Pres-
of stairs to street level and ident Donald Trump, was
collapsed in a crosswalk. convicted Friday of trying
A criminal complaint to extort sportswear giant
released Saturday de- Nike.
scribed Majors as strug- The verdict was re-
gling on a landing with turned by a federal jury
three people and scream- in Manhattan following a

Shelter for the animals

To help, call 327-3107
8A SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2020 The Dispatch •

Continued from Page 1A
ues to plague China, he said, “When someone in the home have altered their produc-
the church decided to cancel it. group chat suggested that we tion line to make masks instead,
“With everyone worried donate resources to doctors in Chen said.
about their family back home,” China, we hit it off immediate-
Sun said, “I don’t think a joyful ly,” Chen said. “Many of us had
the idea; we just didn’t know
‘You have to think about it
celebration fits in that picture.
...We prayed for them and their how to realize it.” seriously’
More than half the group As of now, Chen said, her
families instead.”
members are doctors who family in Jiangmen, Guang-
understand what is needed the dong is doing just fine. It has
Amid the crisis, a sense of most on the frontline, Chen been more than a week since
unity and hope said. Many have been assigned there was any new case con-
Saijuan Chen, a visiting or have volunteered to go to Hu- firmed in her hometown, she
scholar in poultry science at bei to treat patients, she said. said.
MSU, worried for her family’s “They tell us what they need “All eyes are on that number
safety when the virus first and we buy them from abroad,” right now,” she said. “And our
broke out. Chen said. “We’ve bought emotions fluctuate with that
But, Chen said, she’s not that hazmat suits and N95 masks, number. (My family’s) state of
anxious anymore. because those are of the high- mind is very peaceful now.”
Instead, she said she is est demand. Fei Yu, associate professor
Yue Stella Yu/Dispatch Staff excited to be part of a volunteer “(One of us) is bringing back at MSU, said he is not too
Ronghua Wu, a visiting scholar at MSU, just finished his two-week group made up of 176 Chinese worried about his sister and
self-quarantine after returning to the U.S. from China. Reflecting on 300 hazmat suits (from the
his experience back home with his family for the Lunar New Year, he scholars and doctors both at United Kingdom),” she added. his parents in Wuhan. Despite
said he had to cancel plans to visit his own parents due to the threat home and abroad. The group “She set aside her personal having to stay at home most of
of the virus. “I think none of the Chinese really enjoyed the New Year has been buying supplies and belongings just to make room the time, the family has close
this time,” he said. sending them back to China for them.” access to the several grocery
where resources are needed the Yibin Wang, a PhD student stores within walking distance,
thing like this,” he said. “Some- firmed in Mississippi, but most, she said. in industrial engineering at he said.
times drivers from Hubei are Wu still stayed home for two A teacher at Hebei Agricul- MSU, said his friends in Boston Even with more than 1,000
not allowed to exit the high- weeks as soon as he arrived tural University, Chen said her told him that the city is running deaths in Wuhan, he said, the
ways. … (I’ve heard that) some in Starkville. During the research focuses on animal out of masks. death rate is still rather low in
truck drivers have wandered self-quarantine, he said, he viruses. Most of the group “I think people might have the city of roughly 10 million
on the highways for 20 days or video chatted with his family members attend the Excellent bought all of them to mail back people.
so. They couldn’t easily get off every day. Jiangxi province is Going Abroad Expert’s Train- home,” Wang said. “I don’t think you have to
the road, so they had to survive among the provinces in China ing Program in Hebei Province Meanwhile, faced with a be scared of it too much,” Yu
on ramen packages.” most affected, he said, and as she does, an initiative of the high demand for masks, some said. “But of course you have to
Restricted traffic wasn’t the there was one case confirmed Hebei government, she said. of the car manufacturers back think about it seriously.”
only problem. Those who live in the town of Qingni where he
in rural China are generally used to live.
less informed of the severity of “I think none of the Chinese
the virus, Wu said, and re- really enjoyed the New Year
sources are particularly scarce this time,” Wu said.
in those areas. For his family, Zhan “Samson” Sun, pastor
he said, it was difficult to buy at the Starkville Chinese
masks. Christian Church, said the
“There are 12 people in my church has seen fewer people
family,” Wu said. “We had only gathering since the coronavi-
two masks ... for whoever went rus outbreak.
out and bought groceries.” “We used to have 30 or 40
attendees each time,” Sun said.
A time of prayer and worry “Now it’s around 20.”
The sense of urgency The spread of the virus
followed Wu back to the U.S. made everyone wary of the
The virus has led international gatherings, Sun said.
governments to implement “The first question we
travel bans and advise travelers normally ask any newcomer
who recently visited China to is, ‘How long has it been since
self-quarantine for 14 days. As you’ve returned to the U.S.
of Friday, 15 cases of coronavi- from China?’”
rus have been confirmed in the The church used to have an Yue Stella Yu/Dispatch Staff
U.S., according to the Centers annual celebration of the Lunar Saijuan Chen (left) and Yibin Wang (right) chat with each other about the impact of the coronavirus in their
for Disease Control and Pre- New Year, which usually draws hometowns. Chen, a visiting scholar at MSU whose research focuses on animal viruses, said many in
vention. a crowd between 300 and 400, China and from abroad have donated medical supplies to Hubei and other provinces at the center of the
No case has been con- Sun said. As the virus contin- epidemic to help people through the crisis.


Jim Lytle/Special to The Dispatch

Mississippi State’s Rowdey Jordan gets a base hit during the first inning Friday against Wright State at Dudy Noble Field in Starkville.

Friday: Mississippi State 9, Wright State 6 Saturday: Mississippi State 6, Wright State 2
BY BEN PORTNOY — we’d been waiting for outs a season ago as he BY BEN PORTNOY of focus.” veball from the same arm that ball all day long.” watched Haught deliver Making his MSU de- slot fooled the Raiders
After MSU’s offense three straight balls be- but following a bout with throughout the afternoon.
STARKVILLE — As slogged through the fore he found the zone for STARKVILLE — Con- an undisclosed illness “I saw the same guy
familiar techno tones game’s first half, Lemo- a strike. cluding the fifth inning of last season that forced that’s been showing up
rang across Dudy Noble nis’ bunch earned a lead Stepping into the next No. 10 Mississippi State’s him to spend much of the really the last two years,”
Field on Friday after- (2-0) 6-2 win over Wright second semester at home Foxhall said Saturday.
it wouldn’t give up by way pitch, the Huntsville, Al-
noon, junior centerfield- State (0-2) Saturday, red- in Huntsville, Alabama, “He had a tough break
of a six-run sixth inning. abama, product flipped
er Rowdey Jordan stood shirt freshman pitcher MacLeod was quietly and didn’t get to play last
Following a double a ball over the shortstop
perched upon first base. Christian MacLeod casu- and historically efficient year and that was really
from junior Josh Hatch- and into right field as
Standing on the bag ally strolled off the hill at as he struck out 11 of the hard. You always pull for
er, a single from fresh- Jordan and sophomore
following his sixth-in- Dudy Noble Field. 17 batters he faced in five all your players but some
man Kamren James and designated hitter Landon
ning, game-tying, two- Heading into the dug- innings of work — giving you pull for a little more
run single, Jordan turned a walk by sophomore Jordan rounded the bags
out following the fifth him four more strike- than others and, man,
to the crowd along the Landon Jordan — one and crossed home. inning, the 6-foot-4-inch
of two he earned on the outs in his inaugural ap- he has battled through
first base line and waved Sophomore junior left-hander was silent as pearance than reigning some adversity last year.
his arms skyward in cel- day — Rowdey Jordan’s college import Brandon he stared into the turf National Freshman of For him to go out there in
ebration. single through the hole Pimentel capped off the inches in front of his feet, the Year and teammate his first start at Dudy No-
One batter later, class- between first and second frame with a dribbler to- before stepping over the JT Ginn’s seven in his ble and have that perfor-
mate and four-hole hitter base drew the Bulldogs ward shortstop. Corral- foul line and disappearing mance, it’s a chill bump
first career start against
Justin Foscue delivered and Raiders even. ling the ball, Wright State into the dugout. kind of moment.”
Youngstown State Feb.
the finishing blow with a “The report was that infielder Damon Dues “Getting out there, 16, 2019. As impressive as Ma-
slapped two-run double he likes his fastball, airmailed first base, giv- getting on the mound Speaking with the me- cLeod’s ability to keep
to left field as Mississip- heavy fastball guy,” he ing junior Tanner Allen you see everyone in the dia in late January, MSU hitters guessing pitch-to-
pi State (1-0) outlasted said of Wright State re- and Foscue ample time to backdrop and it’s some- pitching coach Scott pitch was the Huntsville,
Wright State (0-1) 9-6 in liever Tristan Haught. “I reach the plate and grant thing you’ve never seen Foxhall said MacLeod’s Alabama native’s devas-
Friday’s season opener in think it was a 1-1 count, the Bulldogs a four-run before,” MacLeod said three pitch mix of fast- tating accuracy. Throw-
Starkville. and I knew he was going lead. of the 11,006 fans in at- ball, changeup and curve- ing 77 pitches on the day,
“I thought he was go- to come back with it, so I “We had some pretty tendance. “You’re kind of ball was as good as any on he found the strike zone
ing to get it earlier in the was sitting on it.” productive innings early, like ‘Wow’ — it’s pretty the 2020 squad. Saturday, with 51 of them — giving
game, but he’s a gritty On the ensuing at-bat, and we didn’t really take cool to experience, but it looked the part. Setting him a strike on 66.2 per-
player,” coach Chris Lem- Foscue flashed the pa- advantage of them, so to when the batter gets in up Wright State’s lineup cent of his throws, while
onis said of Jordan. “That tience that earned him get that going was huge,” the box and everything it with his fastball, Ma- he reached as high as 93
ball kind of got us going 30 walks to just 32 strike- See OPENER, 6B (takes) a whole other level cLeod’s devastating cur- See MACLEOD, 6B


Ado saves the day for Bulldogs with last-second putback at Arkansas
BY GARRICK HODGE the putback with .6 sec- onds remaining, stealing
a road win from Arkan-
Abdul Ado hadn’t even sas. It was Ado’s only two
scored all day when the points of the game.
final seconds of Missis- “I heard Coach say
sippi State’s crucial road
to just make a play at
matchup with Arkansas
the basket,” Carter told
on Saturday ticked down.
The Dispatch. “I knew if
The 6-foot-11 center
I missed it, there was a
was inserted into the con-
great chance it was going
test with a minute and 30
to get tipped in, and that’s
seconds remaining for de-
fensive purposes, yet his what happened.”
biggest contribution of MSU (16-9, 7-5 SEC)
the day came on the offen- picked up its second
sive end. Quadrant One victory of
With Mississippi State the season and what could
trailing by one with six eventually be remem-
seconds remaining, Tyson bered as a season-saving
Carter drove to the basket victory, taking down the
and put up a contested Razorbacks (16-9, 4-8) at
layup. The shot was off, Bud Walton Arena, 78-77.
spinning around the rim, “It was an unbelievable
with the Bulldogs’ NCAA last play,” MSU coach Ben
tournament hopes hang- Howland told The Dis-
ing around the rim with it. patch. “Tyson did a great
With two Arkansas job getting downhill and
defenders focused on to the basket, they had to
Carter, the MSU center come help, and it allowed
Nelson Chenault/USA TODAY Sports
had the space to clean up Abdul to be all over the Mississippi State forward Reggie Perry celebrates with teammates after a score against Arkansas on Saturday at
Carter’s miss, converting See ADO, 6B Bud Walton Arena in Fayetteville, Arkansas.
2B SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2020 The Dispatch •


Men’s College Basketball
Stevenson leads Southern Miss to victory
HATTIESBURG (AP) — Tyler Stevenson had 22
Peal, Teague star as CCA boys down Tunica Academy
points and 11 rebounds as Southern Miss beat Florida BY THEO DEROSA know where he is at all beat Tunica Academy shots to push their lead out the Rams’ strong
International 75-67 on Saturday. times.” 59-49 in its own home back into double digits. zone defense — his
Stevenson made 10 of 13 shots while the Golden
Eagles shot 28 of 51 from the field (54.9 percent) as Streaking toward the gym. Teague and fellow “They came back a team gave its best per-
STEENS — Jona-
a team. hoop, Peal delivered a senior Lawson Stud- little bit, and then we formance on that side
LaDavius Draine had 19 points for Southern Miss than Peal had an open
no-look dish to Teague dard scored 17 points, just stepped it up again,” of the ball this season,
(9-18, 5-9 Conference USA). Gabe Watson added 14 lane to the basket. Will
points, 11 assists and eight rebounds. Artur Konontsuk as the senior cut toward and Peal added 12 as Teague said. “We have in his opinion. Tunica
had 10 points.
Teague had an even
the rim. Teague laid the Columbus Christian a mindset that we’re Academy scored just
Florida International totaled a season-low 24 first- clearer one.
half points and made just 23 of 58 field goal attempts ball in easily, extending opened up a big lead not gonna lose: We just seven points in the first
Peal, a junior at Co-
(39.7 percent).
lumbus Christian Acad- Columbus Christian’s early on and never gave have to win.” quarter and 18 in the
Devon Andrews had 24 points and seven rebounds lead to 23-10. it back. The Rams had al- first half as Columbus
for the Panthers (17-10, 8-6). Antonio Daye, Jr. scored a emy, eschewed looking
season-high 21 points. Trejon Jacob had 11 points. for his own shot early “He’ll see you when “It felt good, because ready clinched a spot Christian held a 37-18
in the second quarter of you’re open,” Teague then we had a little bit in the state tournament halftime lead.
Women’s College Basketball Friday’s MAIS Class 2A said of Peal. “It just of cushion, so we didn’t by reaching the north “They played with a
Southern Miss wins at Florida International north state semifinal flows out there. It’s have to worry about it state semifinal round, lot of defensive intensi-
The Southern Miss women’s basketball team won just natural since we’ve too much,” Teague said. but with a win over ty,” Williams said.
a Conference USA road game in Florida for the second
against Tunica Acade-
time in three days, taking down Florida International my. Instead, he trusted been playing so long to- The Blue Devils Rossville Christian on He also credited the
58-53 on Saturday in Miami. the senior teammate gether. It just happens, made a game of it in the Saturday, they can cap- work of assistant coach
The Golden Eagles (13-11, 5-8 C-USA) beat and we don’t really even fourth quarter, cutting ture the north state title KC Cunningham, who
Florida Atlantic on Thursday and followed it up with a he’d been playing with
solid victory Saturday. since seventh grade. think anything about the Rams’ lead to as lit- and the No. 1 seed. Williams said has been
Respect Leaphart led Southern Miss with 16 “Me and Will, we’ve it.” tle as nine points with a “We’re a really good an integral part of the
points, and Daishai Almond had 13.
“This game, I think it shows some growth for us,” got chemistry,” Peal The smooth play just few minutes to go. But team,” coach Jason Wil- Rams’ success.
head coach Joye Lee-McNelis said in a news release said. “I’m always look- another example of the Columbus Christian liams said. “I’m proud “He’s been with us
from Southern Miss. “With 4:57 to play, they have the ing for Will out of the duo in action Friday as still refused to worry, of them.” every step of the way,”
ball and we’re down six, and we have to get a defensive
stop and then things begin to happen for us. I’m so corner of my eye. I Columbus Christian sinking a pair of foul Williams pointed Williams said.
proud of them. It’s an unbelievable opportunity for us to
kind of gain some confidence, and that’s what we talked
about in the locker room after the game.”
Southern Miss will play at Louisiana Tech at 6:30
p.m. Thursday in Ruston, Louisiana.
College Baseball
Ole Miss splits first two with No. 1 Louisville
The Ole Miss baseball team is 1-1 on the season
Hughes hits game-winner as New Hope
boys beat Columbus for district title
after two games against No. 1 Louisville in Oxford.
The Rebels lost 7-2 in Friday’s season opener but
rebounded with an 8-6 win Saturday.
Junior Cael Baker went 4 for 4 with a double and
two home runs Saturday, driving in four runs for Ole
Miss. Braden Forsyth closed out the victory for the
Rebels after the tying run reached base against Austin New Hope 62, tian in Jackson. 3 tournament title on Friday in
The Rams and Eagles will
both play in the MAIS Class
Miller in the ninth.
On Friday, the Cardinals scored four runs in the Columbus 60 Heritage Academy boys 76, No statistics were available
for Starkville.
2A tournament next week at
Sylva-Bay Academy in Bay
sixth inning and three more in the ninth to blow past
the Rebels. BY THEO DEROSA
Bayou Academy 41, Friday The Yellow Jackets will re- Springs.
For Ole Miss, Anthony Servideo went 2 for 3 on ceive a first-round bye in the
Friday, and Justin Bench went 2 for 4. tage Academy boys beat Bay-
Ole Miss wraps up the series at noon today in
GRENADA — DJ Hughes ou Academy 76-41 on Friday in
Class 6A playoffs. Marvell Academy (Ark.)
hit the winning shot with 2.7 Senatobia to reach Saturday’s
Germantown girls 55, girls 49, Columbus Chris-
Southern Miss beats Murray State twice seconds left, and the New north state final.
No statistics were available Starkville 41, Friday tian Academy 42, Friday
Hope boys edged Columbus STEENS — The Columbus
The Southern Miss baseball team beat Murray for Heritage Academy. STARKVILLE — The
State on Friday and Saturday to clinch a series win in its 62-60 in Friday’s MHSAA Christian girls lost Friday’s
opening series of 2020. Class 5A, Region 2 tourna- Starkville girls lost to Ger- north state semifinal to Mar-
Gabe Shepard and Ryan Och combined to one-hit
the Racers as the Golden Eagles (2-0) posted a 6-0
ment final in Grenada. West Lowndes boys 53, mantown 55-41 in the Region
3 championship game Friday
vell Academy 49-42 in Steens.
shutout victory on Friday in Hattiesburg.
Caleb Parr led the Trojans Ethel 40, Friday in Starkville.
Morgan Whitten had 15
On Saturday, Walker Powell pitched seven with 16 points, Jaylen Smith MCADAMS — The West points to lead the Rams.
and LJ Hackman had 14, No statistics were available Emerson scored eight,
scoreless innings, Charlie Fischer went 3 for 4, and Lowndes boys team beat Eth-
Southern Miss squeezed out a 3-2 win. Murray State Hughes had 10, and RL Mattix for Starkville. Taylor Tipton had six, Cayden
el 57-37 on Friday to capture The Yellow Jackets will
closed the gap on a two-run homer by Ryan Perkins in had eight. Harding and DeVos each had
the ninth inning. the Class 1A, Region 5 tourna- host DeSoto Central in the
Southern Miss closes out the series at 1 p.m. today New Hope, the district’s ment title. five, and Lilly Barlow had
No. 1 seed, will receive a first- first round of the Class 6A three.
at Pete Taylor Park in Hattiesburg. Albert Plair scored 18 playoffs Monday.
round bye in the Class 5A play- points to lead the Panthers.
EMCC drops doubleheader at Shelton State offs. Darrell Brooks scored 13, and
Leake Academy girls 52, Lee Academy (Ark.) girls 57,
Mattix was named the dis-
The East Mississippi Community College baseball
team was swept in Saturday’s season-opening trict’s most valuable player,
Jherquaveus Sanders had 10.
West Lowndes coach Donta Starkville Hebron Christian 40, Friday
doubleheader at Shelton State Community College in STEENS — The Hebron
and he, Smith, Parr and Hack-
Tuscaloosa, Alabama.
man were all named to the
Yates, who was the head coach Academy 49 Christian girls lost Friday’s
EMCC’s comeback from a six-run deficit in Game 1 at West Point from 2016 to SENATOBIA — The north state semifinal to Lee
fell short as the Lions lost 8-6. all-district team. Hughes was 2018, was named the district’s Starkville Academy girls Academy (Arkansas) 57-40 in
In the nightcap, Shelton State went up 8-1 after four named to the all-tournament coach of the year, and Brooks
innings and cruised to a 10-1 win. team lost 52-49 to Leake Steens.
team, and Smith was named was named best offensive play-
The Lions (0-2) will play Mississippi Gulf Coast Academy in the third-place Katelyn Hill had 12 points
tournament MVP. er.
Community College, Dyersburg State Community Col- game of the MAIS Class 4A to lead the Eagles.
lege and Bossier Parish Community College at noon, 3 New Hope coach Drew Mc- The Panthers had a player north state tournament at Parrish scored eight, Elisha
p.m. and 5 p.m., respectively, Feb. 21, in Decatur. Brayer was named coach of from each grade level named Magnolia Heights in Senato- Carter had seven, and Amber
the year. to the all-district team: Sand- bia on Saturday. Wedel had six.
College Softball Jaquarius Williams had 23 ers, a senior; junior Melvin Three players did all of the
points for the Falcons, and Crawford; sophomore Ja-
Ole Miss falls to California Baptist scoring for the Volunteers: Houston boys 79, Noxubee
The Ole Miss softball team dropped to 1-7 on the Gabe Williams had 14. taquist Brown; and Brooks, a Lillee Alpe had 19 points,
season with a 4-2 loss to California Baptist at the Puerto Blake Burnett, Tre Dis- freshman. Meri Laci Archer had 18, and County 77, Friday
Vallarta College Challenge in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. muke and Gabe Williams were HOUSTON — The Noxu-
West Lowndes will host Caroline Wood had 12.
Both teams scored all their runs in the second all named to the all-district
inning. Stringer in the first round of Alpe and Archer were bee County boys lost to Hous-
With a 4-2 lead, Cal Baptist set down Ole Miss’ final team, and Jaquarius Williams the Class 1A playoffs at 7:30 ton 79-77 in the Class 3A, Re-
named to the all-tournament
seven hitters to secure the victory. was named to the all-tourna- p.m. Tuesday. gion 4 tournament final Friday
Ole Miss also won an exhibition with the Mexican ment team. in Houston.
National team 4-1 on Saturday and played Texas late The Vols will play in the
Columbus will host Provine
Saturday night.
in the first round at 7:30 p.m.
West Lowndes girls 57, MAIS Class 4A tournament No statistics were available
for Noxubee County.
Tuesday. Ethel 37, Friday next week at Hillcrest Chris-
tian in Jackson. The Tigers earned the No.
EMCC, MUW split doubleheader in Columbus MCADAMS — The West 2 seed in the district and will
The East Mississippi Community College and Lowndes girls beat Ethel 57-37
Mississippi University for Women softball teams split a New Hope girls 35, Colum- on Friday to remain undefeat- Pillow Academy girls 47, host a first-round playoff game
doubleheader on Friday in Columbus.
EMCC counted the results on its regular-season
bus 34, Friday ed and capture the Region 5 Starkville Academy 45,
against Byhalia on Tuesday.
schedule; the games were exhibition contests for MUW. GRENADA — The New title.
Madelyn Wilkes and Lily Ramsey each drove in Hope girls eked out a 35-34 Tydajasha Hood led the
Friday Noxubee County girls 61,
three runs for EMCC in the first game, an 11-5 win for win over Columbus in the Re- SENATOBIA — The Choctaw County 45, Friday
the Lions. A five-run seventh inning stretched EMCC’s
Panthers with nine points. Ca-
gion 2 final Friday in Grenada. Starkville Academy girls lost HOUSTON — The Noxu-
lead from one run to six. mara Brewer, Averi Sanders
DJ Jackson had 14 points for to Pillow Academy 47-45 in bee County girls beat Choctaw
In the second game, MUW scored in the second, and Roslyn Rice each scored
third, fourth and sixth innings for a 6-2 win. No stats Columbus. Friday’s north state semifinal County 61-45 in the consola-
were available from the Owls for the doubleheader. Seniors Aniya Saddler, Bri in Senatobia. tion game of the Region 4 tour-
West Lowndes coach Ta-
EMCC (2-2) will play Parkland College (Illinois) and Smith, Nitirah Barry and Ser- Archer led with 14 points, nament Friday in Houston.
Central Alabama Community College at 9 a.m. and 1 keea Bozeman was named
cora Tate were named to the Wood scored 13, Alpe had 12,
p.m., respectively, in Meridian on Feb. 21. coach of the year in the district No statistics were available
all-district team, and Saddler and Fallon Parker had six.
MUW will host Judson College (Alabama) for a for her team’s 22-0 record. for Noxubee County.
doubleheader at 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. Tuesday. was named the district’s play- Senior Marvaysha Seals Noxubee County earned
SOURCE: From Special Reports
er of the year. was named the district’s most Rossville Christian (Tenn.) the No. 3 seed in its district
Columbus coach Yvonne valuable player, and Sanders boys 95, Columbus Chris- and will be on the road at Inde-
Hairston was named coach of
CALENDAR the year.
was named best defensive
tian Academy 72 pendence on Monday for the
first round of the playoffs.
For New Hope, Imoni Har- STEENS — The Colum-
Today ris and Juquala Sherrod were
Seals, Hood, Sanders and bus Christian Academy boys
Women’s College Basketball
named to the all-tournament
junior Nenah Young were all lost Saturday’s MAIS Class Oak Hill Academy boys 56,
named to the all-district team.
Mississippi State at Kentucky, 4 p.m. team. Harris and Reed Mc- West Lowndes will host
2A north state tournament Lee Academy (Miss.) 48
Arkansas at Ole Miss, 2 p.m. Glothin were named to the final to Rossville Christian LEXINGTON — The Oak
College Baseball Stringer in the first round at 6 Academy (Tennessee) 95-72
all-district team. Hill Academy boys team beat
Wright State at Mississippi State, 1 p.m. Tuesday. in Steens.
With the win, New Hope Lee Academy (Mississippi)
p.m. will receive a first-round bye Lawson Studdard had 37 56-48 in Saturday’s MAIS
Louisville at Ole Miss, Noon in the Class 5A playoffs. Pontotoc boys 67, Caledo- points, Will Teague had 15, Class 3A north state tourna-
Murray State at Southern Miss, 1 p.m. Columbus will host Provine nia 42, Friday and Jonathan Peal had 11. ment third-place game at Cen-
College Softball in the first round at 6 p.m. FULTON — The Caledonia The Rams will play in the tral Holmes Christian in Lex-
Mississippi State vs. Tennessee State Tuesday. boys team lost to Pontotoc 67- MAIS Class 2A tournament ington.
next week at Sylva-Bay Acad-
in Bulldog Kickoff Classic, 1:30 p.m. Magnolia Heights boys 56, 42 in the title game of the Class
4A, Region 2 tournament Fri- emy in Bay Springs.
Daniel Harrington scored
29 points for the Raiders in the
ON THE AIR Heritage Academy 50 day at Itawamba Community victory.
SENATOBIA — The Heri- College in Fulton. Columbus Christian The Raiders will play in the
Today tage Academy boys team lost
AUTO RACING to host Magnolia Heights 56-
Cooper McCleskey scored
20 points for the Confederates,
Academy girls 63, Hebron MAIS Class 3A tournament
next week at Canton Academy.
1:30 p.m. — NASCAR Cup Series: The 50 in Saturday’s final of the and Jarvis Leigh had 10.
Christian 35
MAIS Class 4A north state STEENS — The Columbus
Daytona 500, Daytona Beach, Fla., FOX
Caledonia will host Leake
Christian girls beat Hebron Marshall Academy boys 57,
Central in the first round of
Noon — Indiana at Michigan, CBS Jared Long had 20 points to the Class 4A playoffs Tuesday.
Christian School 63-35 in Oak Hill Academy 49, Friday
COLLEGE BASKETBALL (WOMEN’S) lead the Patriots, who held a Saturday’s north state third- LEXINGTON — The Oak
32-30 halftime lead. place game in Steens. Hill boys lost Friday’s semi-
2 p.m. — Arkansas at Ole Miss, SECN
4 p.m. — Mississippi State at Ken- Long, Acker and Trey Starkville boys 80, Green- CC DeVos led the Rams final game against Marshall
tucky, ESPN2 Naugher were all named to the ville 43, Friday with 17 points. Kylie Emerson Academy in the MAIS Class
NBA BASKETBALL all-north state team. STARKVILLE — The scored 14, and Audrey Fore- 3A north state tournament in
7 p.m. — NBA All-Star Game, Chicago, The Patriots will play in the Starkville High School boys man had 10. Lexington, 57-49.
TBS/TNT MAIS Class 4A tournament team beat Greenville 80-43 to Mattie Parrish led Hebron No statistics were available
next week at Hillcrest Chris- capture the Class 6A, Region Christian with 10 points. for Oak Hill.
The Dispatch • SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2020 3B


MSU suffers first loss of season, rebounds at Bulldog Kickoff Classic
BY THEO DEROSA nior designated player Carter Spexarth kansas, gave up two hits and two walks going to need down the stretch.” brought home Leilua on a single and an and struck out five hitters during her Offensive support helped the Bull-
error by the Lions. dominant performance. dogs back Willis and beat the Lions.
The Mississippi State softball team Sophomore Grace Fagan pitched the In the bottom of the inning, fresh- Leilua doubled home Denis in the
responded well to its first loss of the sea- first four innings, and junior Emily Wil- man Brylie St. Clair pinch ran for senior first inning, and Denis smacked a two-
son. liams struck out six batters in two hit- second baseman Lindsey Williams and run homer to score senior center fielder
After the Bulldogs struggled to score less innings. Williams loaded the bases stole second base. Senior Candace De-
in a 2-1 loss to Tulsa on Friday afternoon Christian Quinn in the third.
in the fifth on two walks and an error but nis, at designated player in the contest, In the sixth, sophomore right fielder
in their first game in the Bulldog Kickoff escaped. drove in St. Clair with a single to center
Classic at Nusz Park in Starkville, they Chloe Malau’ulu drove in Leilua with a
Davidson hit a solo shot in the bot- field to break the scoreless tie. After Da-
righted the ship for the rest of the week- single, sophomore pinch-hitter Anna
tom of the fifth, and freshman shortstop vidson flied out and Denis stole second,
end. Kate Segars scored Kennedy with a
Madisyn Kennedy followed with her sec- Leilua crushed a two-run homer to left
Mississippi State (8-1) shut out North ond three-run homer of the week inside to give the Bulldogs a 3-0 lead. base hit, and Quinn scored junior third
Alabama 6-0 on Friday night, beat Ten- the left-field foul pole. Williams got the save with a 1-2-3 baseman Montana Davidson with an
nessee State 3-0 on Saturday and booked In the sixth, Davidson homered seventh inning, striking out the Tigers’ RBI single.
a spot in Sunday’s championship game again, clubbing a two-run shot to left to final hitter.
with a 9-1, six-inning victory over North
Alabama on Saturday night.
end the game. Tulsa 2, Mississippi State 1, Friday
Mississippi State will face Tennessee
“It was good to see the offense show Mississippi State 6, Tulsa plated runs on a sacrifice fly
up for game two,” head coach Saman-
State, which outlasted Tulsa 2-1 in 10 in- tha Ricketts said in a news release from
North Alabama 0, Friday and a wild pitch in the third inning, and
nings in Saturday’s other semifinal, in Troy transfer Annie Willis pitched a the Bulldogs could never muster a come-
Mississippi State. “We talked a little to-
the final at 1:30 p.m. Saturday. complete game with 11 strikeouts as the back.
wards the end of game one about being
Here’s a look at the Bulldogs’ four Bulldogs blanked North Alabama on Fri- Mia Davidson’s fifth-inning solo shot
more aggressive and attacking early in
games so far this weekend. day. halved the deficit for Mississippi State,
the count. That’s more of our game plan
The junior allowed six hits and a walk but the Bulldogs missed a big chance in
and what we like to do as hitters. I really
for her team’s first complete game of the
Mississippi State 9, liked what I saw out of the pitching staff.
season, and Mississippi State scored in
the sixth inning and went down 1-2-3 in
the seventh.
It’s nice to get everything rolling on all
North Alabama 1, six innings cylinders.”
the first, third and sixth innings to re- Spexarth led off the sixth with a walk,
Mississippi State’s bats got it go- bound from a loss to Tulsa earlier in the
North Alabama got its run in the third and Segars took a free pass with two out,
ing late to gain some breathing room day.
inning on a solo home run by Emma but Quinn smacked a hard liner directly
against North Alabama, and the Bull- “I was disappointed with the energy
Latham. to the center fielder, ending the inning.
dogs beat the Lions for the second time that we came out with the first game,”
in two days. Ricketts said. “We challenged the girls With the top of the order up in the
Four runs in the bottom of the fifth Mississippi State 3, to come back in game two, and I thought bottom of the seventh, Denis popped up,
and two in the bottom of the sixth did Tennessee State 0 they did a much better job of coming out Mia Davidson grounded out, and Leilua
the trick for Mississippi State, which Kenley Hawk pitched six scoreless and being locked in from pitch one. It was caught looking to end the game.
scored three runs in the first inning but innings, and the Bulldogs’ offense came helps when Annie pitches the way that Fagan took the loss after pitching 4.1
was quiet for the next three frames. through late to help Mississippi State she does. She is doing a really good job innings and allowing two runs. Senior
In the first, senior catcher Mia David- blank Tennessee State in Saturday’s of getting herself out of jams. That is the Alyssa Loza followed with two scoreless
son doubled in a run, senior first base- first game. first time we had the pitcher throw out innings, and Emily Williams pitched a
man Fa Leilua singled her home, and ju- Hawk, a freshman from Palestine, Ar- all seven, and that is something we are scoreless seventh.


No. 12 Kentucky edges Ole Miss for fourth straight win

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS this team and came up
with one of the biggest
LEXINGTON, Kyv. — (plays) of the game. He
Stringing baskets togeth- got it out to me, and I just
er was only half the chal- tried to make a play.”
lenge for Kentucky, which
also had to counter-punch
its way past Ole Miss.
Big picture
Ole Miss: The Reb-
The lead traded hands els shot just 37 percent
nine times in the final five before halftime but were
minutes before Nick Rich- lifted by several 3s from
ards ultimately gave the Tyree, who had aver-
No. 12 Wildcats the need- aged 33.7 points the past
ed edge at the foul line. three games. The Rebels
Richards had 16 points, tried to dribble down for
including two go-ahead the final shot, but Shuler
free throws with 1:11 missed badly from deep
remaining, and Imman- and late fouls put Ken-
uel Quickley and Keion tucky on the line. They
Brooks Jr. each made two finished 6 of 17 from long
more in the closing sec- range. Davis also received
onds to help No. 12 Ken- a technical foul early in
tucky escape against Ole the second half.
Miss 67-62 on Saturday. Kentucky: Missed
The Wildcats (20-5, shots hurt the Wildcats
10-2 Southeastern Confer- in the first half as they
ence) shot just 39 percent went 1 of 13 from deep
overall but made 48 per- and 9 of 30 overall (30
cent in the second half to percent). They made just
erase a seven-point deficit Mark Zerof/USA TODAY Sports 2 of 22 from long range
and create a back-and- Ole Miss guard Blake Hinson passes the ball against Kentucky guard Ashton Hagans in the second half Saturday but worked the ball inside
forth game for the final at Rupp Arena in Lexington, Kentucky.
the arc and especially to
eight minutes. Richards gutsy dive and scramble 29.8 seconds left. Devon- seconds later and added three in a row. The Rebels the lane, drawing fouls
followed two free throws by EJ Montgomery for a tae Shuler dribbled time two from the line with 6.6 dropped their 11th con- and converting 19 of 24.
with 2:11 left with two loose ball that he eventu- off the clock but airballed left before Brooks sealed secutive series game to Quickley’s second-half 3
more a minute later to put ally fed to Tyrese Maxey a 3-pointer out of bounds the win with two more. the Wildcats. was huge, helping Ken-
Kentucky up 63-62. for a go-ahead layup. Free with nine seconds left. “This was a rock fight tucky’s 7-0 spurt that
“It shows that we have throws certainly helped “It sure didn’t look and a great win,” Ken- Hustling eventually tied the game
a winning mentality, a the Wildcats, especially right,” Ole Miss coach tucky coach John Calipari Montgomery had four at 47.
will to win,” said Rich- with the Rebels answer- Kermit Davis said. “We said. fouls when he dove on
ards, who overcame a ing with a clutch basket of wanted to run a little Maxey had 14 points the floor in a scrum for Up next
slow start to finish 6 of 10 their own and poised for stack play and take some while Montgomery had Maxey’s missed 3-point- Ole Miss: Visits Mis-
from the field with seven one more. time off the clock. I real- eight rebounds as Ken- er. Somehow he came up souri in the first of two
rebounds. “I wasn’t my And that’s where Ole ly didn’t care who took it tucky beat the Rebels 41- with the ball and found meetings over 15 days.
best in the first half and Miss fell short with its fi- (the shot). There were 8 33 on the glass. Maxey for a critical layup The Rebels host the Ti-
in the post. I wasn’t really nal chances. or 9 seconds left on the Breein Tyree had 19 with 1:21 left. gers on March 4.
my best the entire game, Breein Tyree missed clock. I would have liked points, while Blake Hin- “He works hard on the Kentucky: Visits LSU
but we still came out and the first of a 1-and-1, but for them to have reset it.” son and KJ Buffen each offensive glass,” Max- on Tuesday with a one-
found a way to win.” Maxey’s turnover gave Quickley, who had 17 had 13 for Ole Miss (13- ey said of Montgomery. game lead on the Tigers
Kentucky needed a the Rebels the ball with points, was fouled a few 12, 4-8), which had won “He’s very important to for the SEC lead.

No. 1 Baylor tops No. 14 WVU, ties Big 12 mark

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS two Baylor players averaging in going to win turning it over 22 The Mountaineers were final eight weeks in 1968. It’s
double figures. times.” coming off a 58-49 loss to No. sure to reach five weeks after
WACO, Texas — Jared But- “I told myself that I can’t Matthew Mayer had a flying 3 Kansas when they led by sev- a blowout of the team that beat
ler said he wasn’t trying to change my game,” said Butler, dunk off a nifty spin move on en midway through the second Baylor a day after it reached No.
make up for the absence of who was 8 of 11 overall and 5 of the baseline and finished with half. West Virginia, which got 1 for the first time in January
Baylor’s second-leading scorer 7 from long range. “I can’t try 13 points and eight rebounds 11 points and 12 rebounds from 2017.
behind him as the top-ranked to force shots now that he’s not for the Bears, who matched freshman Oscar Tshiebwe,
Bears chased the Big 12 record playing. I didn’t try to change Kansas’ record run in the Big
for consecutive wins. my game, but luckily it just 12. The Jayhawks started 22-0
hadn’t lost consecutive games Countdown to Kansas
this season before Saturday. The Jayhawks won 87-70 at
Maybe it just seemed that worked out that way.” in 1996-97, the league’s first
way when the junior guard con- Oklahoma, which should set
Baylor led by 19 in the first season.
nected on a 3-pointer just 21 half and answered a scoreless Davion Mitchell scored 13
Big picture up a 1 vs. 3 showdown in Waco
seconds in and hit three more stretch of nearly four minutes points with a game-high nine West Virginia: An 8-0 run next Saturday. Before then, the
from long range before half- before halftime by starting the assists — two more than West to finish the first half gave the Bears visit the Sooners while
time. second half on a 20-3 run for its Virginia had as a team — as Mountaineers a sliver of hope, Kansas is home against Iowa
Butler scored 16 of his 21 biggest lead at 53-25. Baylor extended the longest but they missed their first 11 State. No. 2 Gonzaga plays at
points in the first half, and Bay- Taz Sherman scored a sea- winning streak in school histo- shots after halftime to ruin any Pepperdine on Sunday in the
lor never trailed while matching son-high 20 points for the ry. The Bears won their 12th chance of getting back in the only other game that could
Kansas for the longest winning Mountaineers (18-7, 6-6), who consecutive conference game, game. When they finally start- change the current rankings.
streak in the Big 12 at 22 games had 11 of their season high-ty- topping the 1945-46 team’s ed making shots, the Mountain- “First and foremost, we’ll
with a 70-59 victory over No. 14 ing 22 turnovers in the first 12 mark from the old Southwest eers were down 28 points with concentrate on our next game,”
West Virginia on Saturday. minutes and shot 35 percent in Conference. 10 minutes to go. Drew said. “But when the
The Bears (23-1, 12-0 Big a third consecutive loss. “I think it’s a tribute to the Baylor: The Bears have a weekend comes, I don’t know
12) cruised without MaCio “We have this incredible fas- players, their belief,” coach nation-leading six wins without if there’s a better honor out
Teague, a junior whose streak cination for dribbling the ball,” Scott Drew said. “And we’ve a loss against Top 25 opponents. there for a university than to
of 90 consecutive games ended coach Bob Huggins said. “I hav- been operating under joy ... fo- Their four-week run atop the have College GameDay for foot-
because of a right wrist injury. en’t seen a game yet where you cusing one game at a time and poll is the longest for a Texas ball and basketball in the same
Butler and Teague are the only get points for that. You’re not we’ll keep doing that.” school since Houston over the year.”
4B SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2020 The Dispatch •


Bryant casts shadow as NBA’s best meet Bridges, Williamson

lead U.S. over World in
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ry, ranks second with 18 win, get my first All-Star have the nine stars since

selections and took game
MVP honors a record-ty-
(win),” Antetokounmpo
said. “I’m 0-3 so far. But
players will be wearing
the numbers 24 and 2. Rising Stars Challenge
Bryant always seemed to ing four times, including at the end of the day, I’ve “He was the Michael
be in top form when he on his home court in 2011 just got to keep a smile
Jordan of our genera-
stepped onto the court for when he dazzled with 37 on my face because we’ve York led the World with
tion,” Antetokounmpo
the NBA All-Star Game. CHICAGO — Miles 27 points, and Memphis’
points and 14 rebounds. got to put on a show for said. “He was one of those
The league’s current best the people.” Bridges soared like his Brandon Clarke scored
Bryant scored 20 or more guys that gave back to
will try to match his effort seven times. boss in Chicago. Zion 22.
the game so much, gave
Williamson delivered his The annual showcase
when Team LeBron and
Team Giannis meet on
“The whole thing of New rules back to the players. A lot
share of punishing dunks, of the top rookies and sec-
paying respect to Kobe The league announced of people when they’re so
Sunday. is awesome, so I think even damaging the rim. ond-year players helped
major changes to the All- great, they don’t do that.
The All-Star festivities it’s going to be fun,” said There was a quote that It all added up to a kick off the first All-Star
Star format last month,
returned to Chicago for Toronto’s Kyle Lowry, said that talent is worth- high-flying start to the weekend in the Windy
turning quarters into
the first time since 1988 making his sixth straight mini-games. less if you’re not willing All-Star weekend. City since 1988, when
when Michael Jordan All-Star appearance. “I’m The scores will be to share it, right? And Bridges scored 20 Jordan dazzled the home
beat Dominique Wilkins hoping it’s really, really reset to 0-0 prior to the he was one of those guys points and took MVP hon- crowd at the old Chica-
in a slam dunk contest intense. Hopefully, we’ll second and third quar- that was sharing his tal- ors, Eric Paschall added go Stadium. Back then,
that remains the stan- give the fans one of the ters, then be reinstated ent with us. He’s going to 23 more and the U.S. beat His Airness edged Dom-
dard and scored 40 points best All-Star Games for the fourth. The All- be definitely missed.” the World 151-131 in the inique Wilkins in a slam
to lead the East over the ever.” Star game winner will be Rising Stars Challenge dunk contest that argu-
West. Here are some things on Friday night. ably remains the stan-
But Bryant is casting to know:
determined by a target
score, set by the com-
Homecoming Bridges has been a dard and scored 40 points
Davis, a Chicago prod-
a huge shadow over the bined point total the team bright spot for Charlotte to lead the East over the
uct, won’t be the only
events this weekend, just The matchup in the lead had in the first player in familiar territo- in a difficult season. The West in the game.
weeks after he and his James is looking to go three quarters plus 24 — Hornets are 11th in the
ry. Butler will be playing
13-year-old daughter Gi- 3-0 as an All-Star cap- a nod to Bryant, who wore Eastern Conference at 18- Jamming
where his career began.
anna were among nine tain, after his team beat that number over the fi- 36. But the second-year Williamson continued
Unheralded as a late
people killed when their the one picked by Gold- nal decade of his career. pro put on a show in own- to dazzle after his highly
helicopter crashed into first-round pick, he
en State’s Stephen Curry That’s just one of multiple er Michael Jordan’s old anticipated debut for New
the side of a mountain emerged as an All-Star
in 2018 and topped the tributes to him over the home and was presented Orleans got pushed back
near Los Angeles. and one of the league’s
one Milwaukee’s Giannis weekend. the MVP trophy by Hall three months because of
“We know that he’s best two-way players in
Antetokounmpo selected The teams are also of Famer and Chicago
his six seasons with the right knee surgery. Av-
watching over us,” the last year. James had the playing for Chicago-area product Isiah Thomas.
Bulls before getting dealt eraging 22.1 points in 10
Lakers’ LeBron James No. 1 overall pick for the charities, with at least “We wanted to come
to Minnesota in a 2017 games for the Pelicans,
said. “It’s our responsi- starters round because $500,000 going to local out and play hard in the
organizations. draft day trade. the No. 1 pick was un-
bility to just represent he received the most
“Man, this city’s done Rising Stars and show aware he bent the rim. It
the purple and gold not votes from the fans and
a lot for me,” Butler said. what Charlotte is about — happened late in the first
only for him but for all the took teammate Anthony Paying tribute “To me, kids are so im- me, Devonte’ (Graham) half, on an alley-oop off
greats, everybody that’s Davis. The support for Bry- portant, and I love this and P.J. (Washington),” a between-the-legs feed
ever come through the Antetokounmpo used ant and his daughter is city. So every time I come Bridges said. “And that’s from Ja Morant.
Lake Show. I really don’t his first pick on Philadel- uniform.
want to sit up here and back, I try to do as much what we did. I didn’t have “Went into halftime
phia’s Joel Embiid. Team Giannis will
talk about it too much. as I can with them.” any extra motivation, re- and my teammates start-
The Clippers’ Kawhi wear No. 24 on its jerseys
It’s a very, very sensitive ally, I wouldn’t say that. ed telling me about it,” he
Leonard, Houston’s and Team LeBron No.
subject, but he’s with us James Harden and Rus- 2 for Gianna, a promis- International flair But MJ putting Chicago said. I don’t know which
every day.” sell Westbrook, and Dal- With eight non-Ameri- on the map, it definitely dunk it was on, but I don’t
ing player who wore that
Bryant played on las’ Luka Doncic were number. cans suiting up, the game plays a big part, though.” think it was me.”
five NBA championship among the players joining All participants in the will have an international Cleveland’s Collin Sex- As impressive were
teams, won a league Davis on James’ team. Rising Stars Challenge flair. Greece (Antetok- ton had 21 points, Atlanta two misses near the end
MVP award and two scor- Toronto’s Pascal on Friday and 3-point, ounmpo), Slovenia (Don- All-Star Trae Young add- of the game.
ing titles in a career that Siakam, Boston’s Kemba slam dunk and skills cic), Serbia (Nikola Jok- ed 18 and Chicago prod- Williamson attempted
spanned 20 seasons and Walker, Atlanta’s Trae competition on Saturday ic), Lithuania (Domantas uct Kendrick Young of a 360, only to have it go
has him poised to enter Young and Miami’s Jim- wore patches showing Sabonis), Australia (Ben Miami chipped in with 16. flying off the rim. Given a
the Hall of Fame after he my Butler helped round the numbers 24 and 2 and Simmons), Cameroon Williamson scored 14 and do-over as players on both
was announced Friday as out Team Giannis. nine stars to commemo- (Joel Embiid, Pascal had the baskets inside teams stood and watched,
one of eight finalists. “I’m just competitive, rate the victims of the he- Siakam) and France the United Center shak- he went between his legs
He was the youngest and I’m just going to try licopter crash. The patch- (Rudy Gobert) will be ing whether he made or and off the glass only to
All-Star in league histo- to go out there and get a es worn Sunday will only represented. missed. miss again.

Jones outlasts Gordon to win NBA Slam Dunk Contest

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS windmill jam with his left memorable dunk contest shooting about 39 percent four balls worth one point with former Heat star
hand, drawing a 48 from to Zach LaVine in 2016. from 3-point range. each plus a multi-colored Dwyane Wade after ac-
Miami Heat forward the panel of five judges. Washington’s Davis two-point ball. The other cepting the trophy.
Derrick Jones Jr. celebrat-
ed his 23rd birthday by
After a short discus- Hield wins 3-point Bertans opened the sec- had nothing but money- Adebayo eliminated
sion with Hall of Famer ond and final round with balls. 2018 champion Spencer
winning the All-Star Slam Shaquille O’Neal, Gordon
contest a 22 before Booker elimi- There were also two Dinwiddie and Raptors
Dunk Contest, edging Sacramento Kings
brought out 7-foot-5 Bos- nated him. green balls worth three star Pascal Siakam in the
Orlando Magic forward guard Buddy Hield made
ton Celtics rookie Tacko Defending champion points set up six feet be- first two rounds on the
Aaron Gordon in a mem- a late surge to win the
Fall and positioned him Joe Harris of the Brook- hind the 3-point line. obstacle course. Sabonis
orable showdown that NBA 3-Point Contest.
near the basket. He then Hield nailed a two- lyn Nets and Chicago’s advanced with victories
required two tiebreaker
jams. took the ball from Fall’s point money ball from Zach LaVine were elimi- Adebayo wins skills over defending champion
Jones and Gordon each hands on his way to a the corner to finish with nated after they failed to challenge Jayson Tatum and Mil-
got a perfect 50 on both of thunderous dunk. 27 points, edging Phoe- crack the top three in the Miami’s Bam Adebayo waukee’s Khris Middle-
their dunks in the final. The United Center nix Suns All-Star Devin first round. has won the All-Star skills ton.
Then they got two more gasped as the courtside Booker by one in the final Five racks with five challenge. The 22-year-old Ade-
perfect scores on their NBA stars celebrated. round. balls each were set up Adebayo narrowly de- bayo is in the middle of
first jam in the dunk-off. But Gordon was awarded Hield is one of the few around the perimeter — feated Indiana’s Doman- a breakout season, aver-
Jones then took off a 47, giving the victory to bright spots for strug- two in the corner, two on tas Sabonis in the final aging 15.8 points, 10.4 re-
from just inside the foul Jones. gling Sacramento, aver- the wings and one up top. in a matchup of All-Star bounds and 4.9 assists in
line and threw down a Gordon also lost a aging 20.4 points while Four of those racks had big men. He shared a hug 54 games for the Heat.

Silver: NBA, USA Basketball still may play in China in 2020

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Hong Kong,” referencing pressing them. It’s a deci- tions have expanded to Kobe Award changes he has wanted
several months of pro-de- sion that is outside of cer- cities with a total of 60 mil- The NBA is imme- — including an in-season
CHICAGO — The NBA mocracy demonstrations tainly our control and I’m lion people in the broad- tournament — are viable
diately renaming the
and USA Basketball are in the semi-autonomous often not even sure where est anti-disease measures possibilities.
All-Star MVP trophy in
still considering playing Chinese territory. that decision lies.” ever imposed. Restau- The NBA was targeting
in China later this year, honor of Kobe Bryant,
The tweet wasn’t up for The NBA and Chinese rants, shops and other adding such a tournament
though the complexities the 18-time All-Star who
long. The fallout was mas- officials have been talking, businesses nationwide in 2021-22, the league’s
of both the political rift — along with his daugh-
sive and continues. A pair or at least were talking un- were ordered to close. 75th anniversary year.
caused by a tweet last fall ter Gianna and seven
of preseason games be- til much of the Chinese Through Friday, China But plans for an April vote
and the ongoing health others — died in a heli-
tween the Brooklyn Nets resources were redirect- reported a total of 66,492 on such a change were ta-
concerns in the world’s copter crash in Southern
and Los Angeles Lakers in ed toward dealing with cases of the virus, official- bled weeks ago, and the
most populous country are California last month.
China were played days af- COVID-19, a disease stem- ly saying it was respon- timetable is uncertain.
making those plans seem All-Star weekend has
ter Morey’s tweet, though ming from a new form of sible for 1,523 deaths. Ja- “I may have been a lit-
decidedly uncertain. taken on a somber tone
without the support of coronavirus. pan -- which will play host tle naive in thinking that
NBA Commissioner this year, largely because
several sponsors and Basketball, understand- to this summer’s Tokyo for the 75th anniversary,
Adam Silver said the dis- of multiple tributes for
with both teams playing ably, has been pushed Olympics -- reported about we could say let’s make
cussions in both cases — Bryant and NBA Com-
in silence — none of the aside while the Chinese 259 cases through Friday, all these changes,” Silver
pre-Olympic games for missioner Emeritus Da-
customary pre- and post- deal with a massive crisis. with one death. said. “We’ll sort of see
USA Basketball and the vid Stern, who died Jan.
game media availabilities “This game of basket- International competi- what happens in the 75th
preseason games for the were held. The Chinese ball is a huge game, and tions in at least 14 different 1. anniversary, and we’ll go
NBA — are ongoing, and Basketball Association I’ve been blessed and for- sports have been affected “I know it will be es- from there.”
said the decisions are not suspended its relationship tunate enough to travel to by the virus and the re- pecially meaningful to All-Stars polled by The
necessarily linked. It’s with the Rockets, Chinese China a number of times,” sultant concerns. Tokyo that player that wins the Associated Press earlier
possible the U.S. may play media giant Tencent and All-Star Chris Paul of the Olympic organizers and first Kobe Bryant MVP,” Saturday about the poten-
there this summer and the Chinese state television Oklahoma City Thunder, the International Olympic Silver said. “So I’m sure tial of schedule changes
NBA does not send teams pulled some NBA broad- who also is president of Committee have insisted there will be other hon- were largely supportive
this fall, Silver said. casts and Silver said the the National Basketball that there are no plans ors as well, and as I of the notion, though the
“Those are issues that NBA quickly began expe- Players Association, said to cancel or relocate the mentioned, there are majority also said they do
haven’t been decided yet,” riencing significant finan- on Saturday. “A friend of games. other things that we will not know enough about
Silver said Saturday night cial losses. mine, Pooh Jeter, plays “It’s impossible to be discussing with our the plans to have a strong
at his annual All-Star Silver said it’s possible over in China, and I actu- predict which direction board, the NBA board, opinion.
weekend news confer- the NBA could lose as ally wrote ‘Wuhan’ on my this epidemic will take,” when they meet in April “I don’t know. I mean
ence. much as $400 million in shoes the other night in said Tedros Adhanom to honor David. But this our season is already
Things are not back revenue this year because a game in New Orleans. Ghebreyesus, the direc- one seems so appropri- long,” said Portland
to normal for the league of hits to the China mar- (But) this isn’t just a Wu- tor-general of the World ate here at All-Star be- guard Damian Lillard,
when it comes to rela- ket. han problem. It’s an every- Health Organization. cause nobody embodied who is missing the All-
tions with China. The “Our games have not one problem.” It also makes it impos- All-Star more than Kobe Star Game with an injury.
strain started Oct. 4, when returned to CCTV, the Wuhan is the city at the sible to predict when mat- Bryant.” “I think if we’re playing
Houston general manag- government broadcaster,” center of the outbreak. ters between the NBA and for something that would
er Daryl Morey tweeted Silver said. “My sense is China’s government sus- China return to normal. Schedule changes count, I can see it being
an image that read “Fight they will at some point pended most access to In other matters Silver Silver said he remains OK, but there’s a price for
for Freedom. Stand with in the future. We are not Wuhan on Jan. 23. Restric- addressed Saturday: optimistic that schedule everything.”
The Dispatch • SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2020 5B

Caledonia senior forward Bergstrom signs to play

soccer at Northwest Mississippi Community College
BY THEO DEROSA freshman year of high school, would Another point in the school’s favor out. He received interest from Christian also be the collegiate destination of was the friendship between Northwest Brothers University in Memphis, but go-
New Hope senior midfielder Ellis Clark. coach Mark Hogan and former Cale- ing to a school where he wouldn’t know
A former coach and an unlikely alli- Bergstrom played with Clark on the Co- donia coach Louis Alexander. It wasn’t anybody didn’t appeal to him.
ance are bringing Caledonia forward lumbus United club team, and though hard for Bergstrom to see the likeness
Garrett Bergstrom to Northwest Missis- Instead, Bergstrom will join Clark
the two attend rival schools, they’ve between the two coaches.
sippi Community College. and take his talents to Senatobia. One of
been friends for a long time. “His coaching style is a lot similar to
Bergstrom, a 6-foot-6 senior for the his goals is to have an undefeated season
“I like the way he plays, and I’ve Coach A’s from last year, so I just feel
Confederates boys soccer team, was un- known him for a while,” Bergstrom like it would be a good fit for me,” Berg- during his with the Rangers, but he has
decided on his college choice until the said of Clark. “I guess just the fact that strom said of Hogan. other plans, too.
’Feds hosted rival New Hope on Dec. 14. I know people who are going there and Bergstrom wanted to join fellow Cale- “Hopefully I can just get better and
Bergstrom found out that Northwest, I know how they play, I figured out I’d donia senior Wes Rollins at Itawamba develop as a player and prepare myself
which had been recruiting had since his enjoy it the most.” Community College, but it didn’t work for the next level,” Bergstrom said.


Trump’s Daytona: NASCAR fans revved for presidential visit

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS to the track. One guy standing in a food and last October awarded the Presiden- we all should be proud of. Whether you
line wore a T-shirt with Trump’s image tial Medal of Freedom to motorsports support him or not, it doesn’t matter. It
DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. — Stroll superimposed over a “Sons of Anarchy” giant Roger Penske. shows the unity in our sport and how big
through the Daytona infield and fans homage, tattooed arms folded and smil- Former NASCAR Chairman Brian our sport really is.”
can grab a seat next to President Donald ing as part of the 2020 MAGA Chapter. France in 2015 tried to ban the flying Had Trump toured the track this
Trump and get a sweet taste of impeach- Two others in a golf cart stopped in front of Confederate flags at race tracks, a weekend, he might have spotted one
ment. of a makeshift bar in Trump/Pence proposal too broad to enforce and one driver in NASCAR’s second-tier series
Debi Ringhaver is mixing cocktails shirts, getting shoutouts from fellow that angered stock car racing’s fan base in a Trump/Pence 2020 paint scheme:
for curious NASCAR fans who stop in revelers. in the Deep South. Later that summer, Joe Nemechek’s Chevrolet was spon-
their tracks at the sight of her lifesize Matt Mansfield, lounging in the then-candidate Trump was critical of
sored by The Patriots PAC of America.
mannequin of Trump, chilling on a lawn infield in nothing but a pair of athlet- Mexican immigrants and Marcus Lemo-
chair, holding a book titled “The Truth The Daytona 500 is a sellout for the
ic shorts and camouflage Crocs, was nis, the Lebanese CEO of the title spon-
Behind Trump” and wearing a red “Don- fifth consecutive year, the booze, the fly-
pumped for the president. sor of NASCAR’s Truck Series, lashed
ald Trump 2020” baseball cap. “I don’t know if he’s a NASCAR fan,” out at the remarks. NASCAR canceled overs, the celebrities, the flutter of the
Hundreds have stopped by her RV Mansfield said of Trump. “I think it’s its season-ending awards ceremony flags all part of the pageantry for more
this week for a selfie or a chat or a sip more for the voter base. Get some more scheduled for Trump’s Doral property in than 100,000 fans at the kickoff of NA-
of “The Impeachment,” a blend of peach votes. ‘Oh yeah, Trump’s here, woo South Florida. SCAR’s season.
vodka, champagne and peach nectar. hoo!’” Months later, France recruited sev- Daytona fans were more absorbed
The “Subpoena Colada” also is in the Fan after fan asked about Trump’s eral drivers to attend a Georgia rally for with hitting the next party than debat-
blender, but Ringhaver concedes “it’s presence were thrilled he was attending the candidate. France, Chase Elliott and ing politics as the race approached. The
just a pina colada with a better name.” the race. Kristi Bodnaruk, who has at- Hall of Famers Mark Martin and Bill El- tailgating feast at one stop was fit for a
Ringhaver placed a book in Trump’s tended every Daytona 500 since 2005, liott spoke from the stage in support of president who served fast food at the
grip because so many of her friends sat was one of the few dissenters in the in- Trump as they flanked the candidate. White House to college football cham-
on his lap when she kept him at her Flor- field. France later that week penned an pions: deep fried honey buns and deep
ida home, they broke his hands. “I’m annoyed,” she said. “It’s Trump. email to the entire NASCAR organiza- fried Oreos were on the dessert menu
“They get real enthusiastic,” she Eh. It’s all show. They’re Republicans. tion saying his endorsement was person- — or maybe it was dinner? — and cheap
said, laughing. “They get kind of excited They’re all from the Midwest. It makes al and he was not speaking on behalf of domestic beers easily slipped into NA-
about having Donald at the ranch.” sense. But, eh.” NASCAR. SCAR koozies.
NASCAR fans are ecstatic about the Trump is the second sitting presi- Two Cup Series champions, Martin Trump’s supporters have hunkered
real deal crashing the Daytona 500 this dent to attend the Daytona 500, joining Truex Jr. and Joey Logano, have been down at Daytona, comforted by the fact
weekend. George W. Bush in 2004. honored at the White House. Kyle Bus- that while their favorite drivers may be
When Trump arrives Sunday at Day- Trump’s dip into sports has been ch, the reigning series champion who
different, their love for the president is a
tona International Speedway to deliver mixed. He has tangled with some of the visited the White House and President
deep tie that binds.
the command for drivers to start their biggest names in sports over social jus- Barack Obama following his 2015 title,
engines, the race’s grand marshal might tice protests during the national anthem, said he would go again if invited by “We’re a different group of people,”
as well be at one of his campaign rallies. racial issues and White House visits for Trump. Logano said it was “amazing” said Georgia native Scott Gregory, at-
High above banners flying for NASCAR champions. He was booed at the World Trump was attending “The Great Amer- tending his fifth straight Daytona 500.
stars like Chase Elliott and Kyle Larson, Series in Washington, but cheered at the ican Race.” “When you walk around and talk to all
Trump flags wave atop row after row of Army-Navy game as well as the national “The leader of our country is coming these folks, we’re all pretty much of the
flashy RVs. championship game between Clemson to the Daytona 500. How cool is that?” same mind of what we think of the U.S.,
NASCAR, which has a complicated and LSU. Logano said. “That kind of solidifies leadership, our president, and we’re all
relationship with politics and social is- Auto racing is a completely different what our sport is. It’s a huge event. We’re pretty much in line as far as that think-
sues, doesn’t dare sell the kind of mer- ballgame: Trump has hosted previous a big sport, and to be able to have the ing. I don’t think it’s true of other sport-
chandise the president’s loyalists wear NASCAR champions at the White House president come here, that’s something ing events.”


War of words on Astros scandal Baker to MLB: Tell teams to

now involves a partial tattoo ‘stop the comments’ on Astros
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS said. “In most instances Outfielder George
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS in LA’s clubhouse. rea’s Astros beat Bell- in life you get kind of rep- Springer declined to
Los Angeles closer inger’s Dodgers in the WEST PALM BEACH, rimanded for when you speak with the media be-
WEST PALM BEACH, Kenley Jansen, for one, World Series. Fla. — Dusty Baker have premeditated any- fore Saturday’s workout.
Fla. — The verbal spar- is growing tired of hear- “Cody didn’t have a wants action from Major thing.” Altuve was not in the club-
ring between the Hous- ing about the whole thing good World Series. So for League Baseball: End the Los Angeles pitcher house during the time
ton Astros and others and would rather just him to be talking about criticism of the Astros Ross Stripling indicated it was open to the media
around the majors over forget what happened in us ‘stealing that champi- from across baseball over he might intentionally but through a spokesman
the team’s sign-stealing 2017. onship,’ don’t talk about sign stealing, and take throw at Houston batters. also declined to comment
scandal is reaching new He called what the it,” Correa said. “You steps to ensure pitchers “We don’t start noth- on Bellinger’s remarks.
levels of absurdity — Astros did worse than should not be talking don’t throw at his players. ing,” Baker said. “This is Position players don’t
from accusations of illit- baseball’s steroids and about it. You should have “It’s not good for the kind of the slogan of my begin their first official
eracy to claims about a gambling scandals of the done something about it.” game, it’s not good for team: We don’t start any- workouts until Monday.
player’s partial tattoo. past and offered up a sug- Last season, the As- kids to see it, so I think thing — not intentionally. Verlander is concerned
Yes, really. gestion for a way Major tros lost in the Fall Clas- both,” the new Houston Guys are going to be get- about the respect the As-
And spring training is manager said Saturday. ting hit intentionally and tros have lost around the
League Baseball could sic to the Washington
only a few days old. Imag- “Stop the comments and unintentionally. If you league. However, he ex-
have penalized Houston. Nationals, whose gener-
ine what things might be also stop something be- say you are going to drill pects more revelations
“Let them play the sea- al manager, Mike Rizzo,
like once the Astros start fore it happens.” somebody and all of the about sign stealing by
son,” Jansen said, “but said Friday he hadn’t
playing games. Baker spoke in re- sudden you drill them, other teams to emerge.
ban them for the postsea- heard a proper apology
Houston shortstop sponse to a wave of harsh
son this year.” from Houston. you can’t say, ‘I wasn’t “Yeah, it bothers me,”
Carlos Correa took his comments during spring
And round and round One of Correa’s points trying to hit them,’ you he said. “But like I said,
turn escalating the situ- training about the Astros’
it goes. Saturday was that Altuve know what I mean?” (Bellinger’s) entitled and
ation to something a pro- use of video to steal signs
On Friday, Bellinger — along with teammates Houston ace Justin everybody else is entitled
fessional wrestling fan in 2017 and 2018. Los An-
said the Astros “were Josh Reddick, Tony Kemp Verlander expects the to their own opinion. I
might appreciate, going geles Dodger first base-
cheating for three years” — did not want help from commissioner’s office to think facts are still com-
after Los Angeles Dodg-
and called out second the noise made by hitting man Cody Bellinger said severely punish retalia- ing out, information’s still
ers star Cody Bellinger
baseman José Altuve in a trash can. Friday the Astros “stole” tion. coming out, and I don’t
on Saturday for the reign-
particular. Another point? That the 2017 World Series ti- “The game has think this is going to be
ing NL MVP’s recrimina-
“I think what people Altuve didn’t want his tle from them and adds changed,” Verlander said. something that’s done —
don’t realize is Altuve teammates to rip off his that Jose Altuve did like- “I think the commission- not even for us. There’s
In an interview with
stole an MVP from (Yan- jersey after a walk-off ho- wise with the MVP, deny- er has made it very clear going to be information
MLB Network, Correa
responded to Bellinger’s kees outfielder Aaron) mer against the Yankees ing the Yankees’ Aaron in the past few seasons that’s going to continue
barbs from a day earlier Judge in ‘17. Everyone in the 2019 ALCS for two Judge. that throwing a baseball coming out for a long
by saying: “The problem knows they stole the ring reasons: Altuve’s wife Houston players, at somebody intentionally time.”
I have is when players go from us,” Bellinger said. didn’t like it when his management and owner- isn’t an appropriate form Could the Dodgers be
out there and they don’t Commissioner Rob shirt got removed, and, ship spent the first day of retaliation in the game one of those teams?
know the facts, they’re Manfred fined the As- in Correa’s words, “He’s of camp apologizing for any longer.” “I don’t want to insin-
not informed on the situ- tros, took away draft got an unfinished tattoo their actions and profess- Verlander also said it is uate about other organi-
ation and they just go out picks and suspended on his collarbone ... that ing remorse. But many “wrong” to speculate that zations,” Verlander said.
there in front of cameras manager AJ Hinch and honestly looked terrible. players and front offices the Astros, specifically “The other day we apolo-
and just talk. And with GM Jeff Luhnow, who It was a bad tattoo, and he around the league didn’t Altuve, used buzzers as gized about what we did.”
me, that doesn’t sit right. both were then fired by didn’t want nobody to see feel they went far enough. part of the sign stealing. Verlander also con-
Doesn’t sit right at all.” Houston. it. He didn’t want to show Washington general “We were successful firmed the Astros’ expla-
Correa went on: “He An MLB investigation it at all.” manager Mike Rizzo said in the World Series last nation from Friday about
either doesn’t know how said Houston used a vid- Bellinger had sur- he wanted to hear the As- year. All that stuff about his reason for skipping a
to read, is really bad at eo feed to view and de- mised that Altuve didn’t tros use the word “cheat- buzzers and all that stuff scheduled bullpen ses-
reading comprehension code opposing catchers’ want the shirt removed ed” when addressing the is simply not true,” he sion.
or is just not informed at signs, then banged on a because he was hiding a situation. said. “People can specu- “I threw an extensive
all.” garbage can to signal to buzzer to receive signals “I’m depending on the late all they want. We dug bullpen the day before
At Dodgers camp in batters what pitch was about what pitch might league to try to put a stop our grave. We’re in it. I we started,” he said. “Just
Glendale, Arizona, a few coming, during the 2017 be coming. to the seemingly premed- think emphatically every- wanted to give myself a
players watched Correa’s and 2018 seasons. In the “Nobody wore buzz- itated retaliation that I’m body made it very clear little time to recover after
interview on televisions first of those years, Cor- ers” in 2019, Correa said. hearing about,” Baker that that wasn’t true.” that.”
6B SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2020 The Dispatch •

Jim Lytle/Special to The Dispatch

On a pitch count of 60, Mississippi State sophomore and reigning National Freshman of the Year JT Ginn struggled Friday, allowing two earned runs in just three innings.

Opener MacLeod
Continued from Page 1B Continued from Page 1B
Lemonis said. hat to Wright State; they in the country.” miles per hour on the out- Flashing a smooth Will Bednar fanned four
While the MSU bats grind their at-bats out — Former East Missis- field radar gun. right-handed stroke in Raider hitters in two
came alive late, it was a very similar to us — and sippi Community College “After that first strike- the batter’s box, his sec- innings of relief work.
middling performance they don’t chase a lot of standout Jaxen Forrester out I wanted to get in a ond inning homer raced Flashing a power arm off
did offer some solace, as good rhythm,” MacLeod out of the ballpark with the rubber, Bednar’s fast-
from the Bulldog pitch- pitches, so he was out of
said. “I like to work faster an exit velocity of 100 ball peaked at 97 miles
ing staff that required its there pretty quick,” Lem- he went 1-2-3 and struck
so getting in that rhythm miles per hour at a launch per hour.
assistance. onis said of Ginn. “But I out one batter in as the today was huge.” angle of just 19-degrees. Senior right-hander
Reigning National liked what I saw. He com- eighth inning, while for- “That was one of the Unsure if his ball Riley Self also saw his
Freshman of the Year JT peted.” mer Alabama left-hander better performances I’ve would clear the wall, Tan- first game action of 2020,
Ginn reminded onlook- Southeast Louisi- Jared Shemper pitched caught, for sure,” Tanner ner joked he missed first setting down the Wright
ers of his fiery nature ana transfer Carlisle out of a bases-loaded added. “His stuff is just as base as he raced down State lineup in order with
as he bounced off the Koestler and freshman ninth-inning jam to close good as anyone I’ve ever the line with excitement. a 1-2-3 ninth inning.
mound and shimmied Landon Sims were sim- the contest. caught and he’s going to “I just kind of blacked With MacLeod and
be a special pitcher.” out for a second,” he Ginn now finished with
his shoulders in the sec- ilarly sporadic, combin-
With MacLeod dealing quipped postgame. their opening weekend
ond inning after a wicked ing for four runs on five Dawg notes through the first five in- Fellow freshman Kam- work, MSU will turn to
breaking ball gave him hits and three walks Lemonis said post- nings, it was Tanner that ren James — the brother sophomore fireballer Eric
the second of his four — though Koestler did game sophomore catcher impressed at the plate. of former MSU pitcher Cerantola at 1 p.m. Sun-
strikeouts on the day. manage three strikeouts Luke Hancock is dealing Catching in place of Keegan James — was sim- day as they seek a sweep
Despite flashes of bril- to Sims’ zero. with a lingering injury injured sophomore Luke ilarly prolific at the plate, of Wright State.
liance, Ginn struggled, “I don’t know if he’s that will limit him in the Hancock — who Lemonis finishing his day 2-for-3 “Hopefully he fol-
as he allowed two earned walked a guy the entire early going this season. said Friday is battling a with a double off the wall lows what Christian did
runs on three hits in just preseason, and you go Hancock caught three in- lingering injury from the and 2 RBIs. James also and runs out there and
preseason that will lim- flashed a strong arm and pounds the zone and has
three innings pitched as out there, and it’s just nings, in part due to his
it him in the early going flashy glove at third base some fun,” Lemonis said
he worked under a Le- part of it,” Lemonis said. past history with Ginn, this year — Tanner fin- as he earned an assist and of Cerantola. “I mean,
monis-induced 60-pitch “We’re going to run him but he was replaced in ished 3 of 4 at the plate a putout on the day. he’s got electric stuff;
limit. back out there — he’s the third inning by fresh- with a home run, a double Following MacLeod’s he’s just got to get out
“You’ve got to tip your one of the better pitchers man Logan Tanner. and two runs scored. prolific start, freshman there and compete.”

Continued from Page 1B
boards. Abdul made a huge ing Arkansas was necessary beaten the Razorbacks in a row. struggles, but I knew it wasn’t points and three assists in the
play.” for MSU’s NCA A tournament It was the first time MSU had always going to be like that. I win. Reggie Perry, a former
Saturday wasn’t for the faint resume. Elation took over the swept Arkansas in a regular just wanted to fight through it Arkansas commit, poured in
of heart. The Bulldogs blew a MSU locker room as a result, season series since the 2010- and get into the gym.” 17 points and grabbed eight
17-point second-half lead, with with Howland getting doused 2011 season. The Bulldogs came out of rebounds. D.J. Stewart was the
Arkansas going up three points with a water bath the moment The Bulldogs closed the first the locker room guns blazing, other MSU player in double fig-
in the final two minutes, but key he entered the room. The fifth- half on a 8-0 run in the final opening a 56-39 advantage, but ures with 10.
plays by Carter and Ado down year coach soaked it all in, then minute, capped off by Carter Arkansas’ Mason Jones went to “We fought through a lot of
the stretch ensured the victory. let out a celebratory scream drilling a 3-pointer at the buzz- work. Jones was a wrecking ball
adversity and continued to fight
“To have the 17-point lead with his players. er to give MSU a 40-32 lead. It offensively for the Razorbacks,
hard,” Perry said.
and then them coming back to “That was really special,” was the only 3-point shot the as he finished with a game-high
taking a 3-point lead, having the Bulldogs made in the half. MSU MSU is back in action
Howland said. “It’s something 38 points and was instrumental
toughness as a team to hang in I’ll never forget. I’m just so shot an astounding 62.1 percent in his team’s comeback. against South Carolina at 8 p.m.
there and continue to have faith grateful to God and thankful from the floor in the period. The Bulldogs shot 58.8 per- Wednesday at Humphrey Coli-
and believe is such a great mo- for our players and our staff. Carter finished with 26 cent from the floor and made 15 seum.
ment for our team,” Howland It’s an unbelievable win for us.” points off the bench, convert- of 22 free throws on the after- “It meant a lot,” Carter said
said. “I’m so thankful.” With the win, Mississippi ing 8 of 14 shots and 8 of 10 free noon. After what he called “the of the win. “We have a lot of fun
Considering the Bulldogs State has now won six straight throws. worst game of his life” against out there. We just want to get
lost by 25 points to in-state rival games against Arkansas, the “I was pretty confident,” Ole Miss on social media, Nick back on track and get to where
Ole Miss on Tuesday, defeat- most times the Bulldogs have Carter said. “I’ve had past Weatherspoon contributed 10 we want to be.”


McIlroy, Scott, Kuchar share lead at Riviera; Woods falters

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ies and no bogeys through 12 Harold Varner III birdied his 83rd victory on the PGA Tour. “I hit the ball quite a few
holes. But he started to miss last two holes for a 69 and was In a spot where he couldn’t af- times, especially on the greens,
LOS ANGELES — Rory short putts, made three bogeys one shot behind, along with ford to drop shots, he made and it was a long day,” Woods
McIlroy returned to No. 1 in the in a four-hole stretch and had to Russell Henley (68). Dustin more mistakes than he had all said. “I didn’t have a feel for it,
world for the first time in more rally with a birdie on the 17th to Johnson, who won at Riviera week, especially on the greens. I didn’t see my lines, I couldn’t
than four years and is playing regain a share of the lead with three years ago, had only two He four-putted from 18 feet
like he wants to stay there for feel my pace and I was just off.
a 70. pars over his final 12 holes. on No. 13, his second four-putt
a while. Scott holed a 10-foot birdie That stretch also featured five in as many tournaments this ... Obviously, there wasn’t a
McIlroy had a 3-under 68 on putt on the 18th for a 67 that birdies and an eagle for a 67. year and the first times since whole lot I did right today, and
Saturday at Riviera and shared gives him a great chance to He was two shots behind, along 1998 that Woods had multiple figure it out tomorrow.”
the 54-hole lead with Matt start his new year off with a with Joel Dahmen (66). tournaments with a four-putt. Woods said he wasn’t ready
Kuchar and Adam Scott going win. Scott last played about two Still in the mix was Hideki He three-putted the 17th for for the Mexico Championship
into the final round at the Gene- months ago when he won the Matsuyama, who bogeyed his par. He finished with a three- next week and was not sure
sis Invitational. Australian PGA Championship. last hole Friday and was the putt bogey from about 12 feet when he would play next. The
Riviera is a thorough test, He has a trophy from Riviera last player to make the cut. on the 18th. idea is to peak for the Masters,
and the greens are difficult in 2005, even if the PGA Tour Matsuyama played in the final It added up to a 76, leaving still about two months away.
enough that no one could run doesn’t count it as an official group off the back nine, away him at the bottom of the pack. Woods wasn’t alone in his
away with it. Tiger Woods man- win because it was shortened from all the attention, and post- It was his highest score since
struggles. Sung Kang missed
aged to run the other direction to 36 holes by rain. ed a 64. He was four shots be- he opened with an 81 at Royal
with a 76 that left him 15 shots They were at at 10-under-par hind and very much in the pic- Portrush in the British Open a 2-foot putt during a stretch
behind. 203, and the final round figured ture. last summer, and the first time of three straight bogeys. Ryan
Kuchar had a two-shot lead to be wide open. Woods will have to wait an- since the PGA Championship Palmer took six shots to get out
at the start of the gorgeous day Sixteen players were sepa- other year to win at Riviera, an- in May that Woods had consec- of a greenside bunker on No. 14
and kept there with three bird- rated by four shots. other week to seek his record utive rounds over par. and made 9.
The Dispatch • SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2020 7B

COMMERCIAL DISPATCH tery, near Detroit, Ala- as Nolen and Martha Home & Crematory Judi Betts brook, Danny Sanford
OBITUARY POLICY bama. Visitation is form “Mattie” Simpson. He Second Avenue North and Haze Allsup.
Obituaries with basic informa- COLUMBUS —
12:30-2 p.m. prior to was formerly employed Location is in charge of Judith “Judi” Pauline Memorials may be
tion including visitation and
service times, are provided free services at the funeral with Hyster and as a arrangements. Curtis Betts, 73, died made to the National
of charge. Extended obituaries home. Cleveland-Mof- carpenter. He was a Memorials may be Feb. 14, 2020, at her Kidney Foundation of
with a photograph, detailed bi- fett Funeral Home of member of Sulligent made to the Lottie residence. Mississippi, P.O. Box
ographical information and oth- Amory is in charge of Church of God. Moon Foreign Mis- Services will be at 1 55802, Jackson, MS,
er details families may wish to arrangements. In addition to his sions, First Baptist p.m. Monday, at Memo-
include, are available for a fee. Mr. Prestridge was Church, P.O. Box 829, 39216.
parents, he was pre- rial Gunter Peel Chapel
Obituaries must be submitted
born April 26, 1966, to ceded in death by his Columbus, MS 39703. College Street Loca-
through funeral homes unless
the deceased’s body has been
Wendy Fant and the wife, Jerline Gammill tion, with Matt Moeh-
Eloise Dowdy
donated to science. If the de- late Gary L. “Buddy” Nolen; brothers, Ernest Amanda Lee ring and Sonny McClel- COLUMBUS — Elo-
ceased’s body was donated to Prestridge. He was Nolen, Clyde Nolen, ABERDEEN — ise Virginia Dowdy, 91,
lan officiating. Burial
science, the family must provide formerly employed as a Judge Nolen and Oliver Amanda Schrock Lee, died Feb. 15, 2020, at
will follow at Lone Oak
official proof of death. Please truck driver. Nolen; and sisters, Net- 88, died Feb. 14, 2020, her residence.
submit all obituaries on the Church of Chris Cem-
In addition to his tie Gosa, Edna Taylor, at her residence. Arrangements are
form provided by The Commer- etery in Steens. Visita-
father, he was pre- Jala Elliott and Minnie Graveside services incomplete and will be
cial Dispatch. Free notices must tion will be two hours
ceded in death by his Palmer. will be at 3 p.m. Mon-
be submitted to the newspaper prior to services at the announce by Lowndes
no later than 3 p.m. the day daughter, Kayla N. He is survived by his day, at Mennonite funeral home. Memori- Funeral Home of Co-
prior for publication Tuesday Prestridge. daughter, Paulette Bir- Christian Cemetery,
In addition to his al Gunter Peel Chapel lumbus.
through Friday; no later than 4 mingham of Sulligent; with Stephen Luker of- College Street Location
p.m. Saturday for the Sunday mother, he is survived two grandchildren; ficiating. Tisdale-Lann
edition; and no later than 7:30 by his sons, William is in charge of arrange-
a.m. for the Monday edition. seven great-grand- Memorial Funeral ments.
Andrew Prestridge of children; and two Home of Aberdeen is
Incomplete notices must be
Amory, Taylor Jones Mrs. Betts was born
received no later than 7:30 a.m. great-great-grandchil- in charge of arrange- September 12, 1946, in
for the Monday through Friday of Aberdeen and Sean dren. ments.
Southard of Tupelo; Columbus, to the late
editions. Paid notices must be Mrs. Lee was born Howard and Ruth Bobo
finalized by 3 p.m. for inclusion sisters, Dorothy Nell June 26, 1931, in Bay
the next day Monday through Grant of Aberdeen, Ruth Nichols Minette, Alabama,
Curtis. She was a grad-
Thursday; and on Friday by 3 Pam Sutton of Sulligent COLUMBUS — uate of Caledonia High
p.m. for Sunday and Monday Ruth Clark Nichols, 98, to the late Samuel School. She was for-
and Michelle Pearson and Nancy Schrock.
publication. For more informa-
of Corinth; brothers, died Feb. 15, 2020, at merly employed at an
tion, call 662-328-2471. her residence. She was a member of administrative assistant
Jimmy Prestridge of Mennonite Christian
Middelton, Tennessee, Arrangements are
at Baptist Memorial Charlie Holcomb
Gary Farley and Gary Prestridge incomplete and will be
In addition to her
Hospital and a member Visitation:
COLUMBUS — Jr. of Water Valley; and announced by Lown- of Lone Oak Church of Saturday, Feb. 22 • 12-2 PM
parents, she was First Baptist Church
Gary E. Farley, 83, died one grandchild. des Funeral Home of Christ. Services:
preceded in death by
Feb. 14, 2020, at DCH Columbus. In addition to her Saturday, Feb. 22 • 2 PM
her husband, Noah First Baptist Church
in Tuscaloosa, Ala- parents, she was pre-
Toll Nolen Lee; daughter, Rachel Burial
bama. SULLIGENT, Ala. Charlie Holcomb Luker; and brothers;
ceded in death by her Memorial Gardens
Second Ave. North Location
Arrangements are COLUMBUS ­— brother, Kenneth Cur-
— Toll Loyd Nolen, 91, Johnny, James, Samuel Judi Betts
incomplete and will be Charlie McIlwain tis, and sister, Shirley
died Feb. 12, 2020, at and Abraham Schrock. Visitation:
announced by Lown- Holcomb, 90, died Feb. She is survived by Curtis Westbrook.
his residence. Monday, Feb. 17 • 11-1 PM
des Funeral Home of 15, 2020, at Monroe her daughters, Ma- She is survived by College Street Location
Services will be at
Columbus. Regional Hospital of her husband, Tommy Services:
3 p.m. Monday at Otts linda Luker, Carolyn Monday, Feb. 17 • 1 PM
Funeral Home Chapel, Aberdeen. Luker, Sheila Luker Betts of Columbus; College Street Location
William Prestridge with Thad Hawkins of- Services will be at 2 and Arleen Luker all of daughter, Amy Betts Burial
Lone Oak Church Cemetery
SPLUNGE — Wil- ficiating. Burial will fol- p.m. Saturday, at First Aberdeen, Rebecca Hel- Williams of Columbus;
liam Grady “Bill” low at Crews Cemetery. Baptist Church, with ton of Hamilton, Diane and one grandchild.
Prestridge, 53, died Visitation will be two the Rev. Bobby Sander- Phillips of Smithville; Pallbearers will be
Greg Wheat, Steve
Feb. 13, 2020, at his hours prior to services son officiating. Burial sons: Andrew Lee and
residence. at the funeral home. will follow at Memorial Levi Lee of Aberdeen; Westbrook, Keith West-
Services are at 2 p.m. Otts Funeral Home of Gardens Cemetery Jonah Lee of Virginia; brook, Wesley West-
today at Cleveland-Mof- Sulligent is in charge of with military honors. eleven brothers and
fett Funeral Home, with arrangements. Visitation will be one sisters; sixty grandchil-
Church Moffett officiat- Mr. Nolen was born hour prior to services dren; 58 great-grand-
ing. Burial will follow at June 25, 1928, in Sulli- at the church. Memori- children and four great-
Wesley Chapel Ceme- gent, to the late Thom- al Gunter Peel Funeral great grandchildren.

Today is Sunday, Feb. in Silver Spring, Md. In 2005, the NHL Officials reported the
16, the 47th day of 2020. In 1998, a China Air- canceled what was left of capture of Mullah Abdul
There are 319 days left in lines Airbus A300 trying its decimated schedule Ghani Baradar (BEHR’-
the year. to land in fog near Taipei, after a round of last-gasp uh-dahr), the Afghan

Today’s Highlight in
Taiwan, crashed, killing
all 196 people on board,
negotiations failed to
resolve differences over a
Taliban’s No. 2 command-
er, by a joint CIA and Ashton Hammett
History: plus seven on the ground. salary cap — the flash- Pakistani team. (Baradar
In 2002, authorities point issue that had led to was set free by Pakistan Ashton Bryant Hammett had
On Feb. 16, 2001, his final #1 Victory Royale, as he
the United States and in Noble, Ga., arrested a lockout. in Sept. 2013 in hopes
Ray Brent Marsh, who’d In 2006, the U.S. he could help jumpstart moved on from his life’s journey
Britain staged air strikes and met with our Lord, on Feb-
against radar stations been operating a cremato- Army said goodbye to its Afghanistan’s peace pro-
ry where hundreds of de- last Mobile Army Sur- cess.) President Barack ruary 12, 2020. He was a life-
and air defense command
composing corpses were gical Hospital, handing Obama announced more long resident of Belle Chasse,
centers in Iraq.
found stacked in storage over equipment from the than $8 billion in new LA until 2017, when his family
sheds and scattered in the MASH unit to doctors federal loan guarantees to moved to Columbus, MS.
On this date: woods behind it. (Marsh and nurses in Pakistan, build two nuclear reactors He was a brave warrior, who
In 1862, the Civil fought Transitional Hepatoblas-
later pleaded guilty and the scene of an Oct. 2005 in Georgia.
War Battle of Fort Donel- toma, a rare liver cancer, since
was sentenced to 12 years earthquake.
son in Tennessee ended
in prison.) Ten years ago: SOURCE: AP he was 9 years old. Ashton was wise and insight-
as some 12,000 Confeder-
ful beyond his years. Regardless of his battle, his
ate soldiers surrendered;
selfless, generous heart and his comedic person-
Union Gen. Ulysses S.
Grant’s victory earned
ality remained steadfast. He was a creative art-
him the moniker “Uncon- ist who loved sculpting and drawing. He loved
ditional Surrender Grant.” to dance and sing. He was passionate about his
In 1868, the Benevo- gaming and truly loved his gaming buddies. His
lent and Protective Order love for others and spirit were just immeasurable.
of Elks was organized in To meet Ashton was to instantly know someone
New York City. who was special and everyone’s Best Friend. His
In 1945, American Light Burned too brightly for this world.
troops landed on the is- He is survived by his parents, Marissa
land of Corregidor in the Menendez and Daniel Hammett; sister, Tristan
Philippines during World Renee Hammett; grandparents, Enith Menendez
War II. and Donald and Cleo Hammett; aunts, Jackie
In 1959, Fidel Castro Hammett, Andrea Alexander, Linda Hammett,
became premier of Cuba a Brenda Hammett and Glenda (Marion) Stevens;
month and a-half after the uncles, Morris (Rae-Lyn) Hammett, Donald
overthrow of Fulgencio (Amy) Hammett Jr. and Darrin Cotton; cousins,
Batista. Shelby Hammett, Jacie-Rae Hammett, Davin
In 1961, the United Savoy, Jade Hammett, Brittany Alexander, Abby
States launched the Ex- Alexander, Zachary Alexander and Andrew
plorer 9 satellite. Whittikki; and many other beloved family and
In 1968, the nation’s friends.
first 911 emergency He is preceded in his heavenly departure by
telephone system was his grandfather, Michael Menendez; cousins,
inaugurated in Haleyville, Madison Branton and Jordan Beckham; and
Alabama, as the speaker
many other family and friends.
of the Alabama House,
We will have a “Sending Off A SuperHero
Rankin Fite, placed a call
Celebration” next month. Specifics will be re-
from the mayor’s office in
City Hall to a red tele-
leased soon. In the meantime get your Super
phone at the police station Hero or Comic Book Character Costumes ready,
(also located in City Hall) and warm up on your Karaoke songs and dance
that was answered by U.S. moves, because it will be a party Ashton style.
Rep. Tom Bevill. In lieu of flowers, please support No One
In 1988, seven Fights Alone Nola @ www.noonefightsalonenola.
people were shot to death org, the B+Foundation, Live Like
during an office rampage Bella @ These organizations
in Sunnyvale, California, provide incredible support to cancer families.
by a man obsessed with Please also consider supporting The American
a co-worker who was Transplant Foundation @ americantransplant-
wounded in the attack. this gift of love, we would
(The gunman is on death not have had the last 2 years with our angel. In
row.) Ashton’s words, when you are helping others in
In 1996, eleven peo- need, “It’s an act of God.”
ple were killed in a fiery
collision between an Am- Compliments of
trak passenger train and a Lowndes Funeral Home
Maryland commuter train
8B SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2020 The Dispatch •


China reports fall in new virus cases for 3rd straight day
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The outbreak began in De- known to the public. It was not cess, the quarantined cruise where they will have to under-
cember in Wuhan, capital of until late January that offi- ship docked at Yokohama, go another 14-day quarantine.
BEIJING — China report- the central Chinese province cials said the virus can spread were told to decide by Sunday So far, 285 people from the
ed Sunday a drop in new virus of Hubei, which has the bulk of between humans and public morning whether they will stay ship have tested positive for the
cases for the third straight day, infections. alarm began to rise. or take chartered aircraft ar- virus after 67 new cases were
as it became apparent that the It has since spread to more In his speech, Xi also re- ranged by the U.S. government found Saturday. Those exhibit-
country’s leadership was aware than 24 countries and prompted vealed that he ordered a lock- to fly them back home. ing symptoms such as fever and
of the potential gravity of the sweeping prevention measures down of the virus epicenter: The flights are expected cough won’t be allowed to board
situation well before the alarm from the Chinese government, “On Jan. 22, in light of the ep- Sunday evening. the evacuation flights, the U.S.
was sounded. including a lockdown of cities idemic’s rapid spread and the Passenger Matthew Smith Embassy in Tokyo said.
There are 2,009 new cases with a combined population of challenges of prevention and The Associated Press that he China’s fall in new cases fol-
in mainland China, bringing more than 60 million. control, I made a clear request had already decided he and his lows a spike of more than 15,000
its total number of confirmed After Chinese President Xi that Hubei province implement wife are not taking the flights on Thursday, when Hubei ad-
cases to 68,500, according to Jinping played a muted public comprehensive and stringent and will stay on the ship. “We opted a new diagnostic method
the country’s National Health role in the early days of the ep- controls over the outflow of are not going,” he said in a reply that includes clinical diagnoses
Commission. idemic, state media published people.” on Twitter. in its official account. Over-
The fatality rate remained Saturday evening a speech Xi On Jan. 23, Wuhan became The 14-day quarantine for whelmed by suspected cases,
stable with 142 new deaths, the delivered Feb. 3 in which he the first city to impose an un- the ship is set to end as early the province has not able to test
commission said. The death said he gave instructions on precedented halt on outbound as Wednesday and Smith said every person exhibiting symp-
toll in mainland China from fighting the virus as early as transportation. he would rather wait for that. toms. The clinical diagnosis is
COVID-19, a disease stemming Jan. 7. Many countries have also Those taking the chartered based on doctors’ analysis and
from a new form of coronavirus, The disclosure indicates top placed travel restrictions on re- planes will be taken to Travis lung imaging and is intended to
now stands at 1,665. In all, 9,419 leaders were aware of the out- cent visitors to China. Air Force Base in California, allow probable cases to be treat-
people have recovered and break’s potential severity well In Japan, some 400 Ameri- with some continuing to Lack- ed as confirmed ones without
been discharged from hospital. before such dangers were made cans aboard the Diamond Prin- land Air Force Base in Texas, the need to wait for a lab result.

UK faces another fierce means flooding was ex- mid-winter break.

pected over the weekend. Much of the concern
storm; 2 found dead in Another 40 had been is- about storm dangers fo-
rough seas sued in Scotland and 10 cused on northern En-
LONDON — Rescuers in Wales by their environ- gland, which suffered
pulled two male bodies mental agencies. during Storm Ciara. At
from rough seas off the The number of flood least eight people were
coast of southeast En- warnings have spiked killed across Europe
gland and military per- sharply over Saturday, a during that storm.
sonnel mobilized to help clear sign that the storm On Saturday, around
build flood barriers Sat- is deepening heading into 75 British army person-
urday as a second straight Sunday. The highest wind nel and 70 reservists were
weekend of stormy weath- gust, according to the helping out stretched
er wreaked havoc across Met Office, was 87 mph communities in the flood-
Britain. in Capel Curig in north hit Calder Valley region
The fourth named
Wales. in West Yorkshire, con-
storm of the season,
Hundreds of flights structing barriers and
dubbed Dennis by Brit-
were cancelled as a result repairing damaged flood
ain’s Met Office weather
of the high winds. Easy- defenses.
service, prompted wide-
spread travel disruptions jet, for example, cancelled “Our armed forces
and had the potential to around 230 flights in and are always ready to sup-
cause more damage than out of Britain as wind port local authorities and
last weekend’s Storm Ci- speeds were set to hit 70 communities whenever
ara given the already sat- mph (113 kph.). they need it,” Britain’s
urated ground in much of Train services were Defense Secretary Ben
the country. also significantly disrupt- Wallace said. “The rap-
The body of one man ed. The travel chaos af- id response of the Army
was pulled out of the sea fected tens of thousands today will help with pro-
by a lifeboat from the of passengers on what vision of flood relief to lo-
Royal National Lifeboat would typically be a busy cal communities in West
Institution and followed travel day for British fam- Yorkshire.”
a seven-hour search that ilies since most schools
involved a Royal Navy are closed next week for SOURCE: AP
vessel. The search com-
menced before dawn after
a distress call came from
the B Gas Margrethe, a
Maltese tanker that had
been anchored off the
coastal town of Margate.
Police said they were try-
ing to establish the man’s
In a separate incident,
the body of a second man
was pulled from the sea in
the afternoon. Authorities
said the death was not be-
ing treated as suspicious.
The Met Office had 68
flood warnings in place
around England, which

Visit us
on the web at
Jan Swoope: 328-2471 C


Let us entertain you

e-Sm ith
Barbara McBrid
Dolores Hydock

Storytelling festival sparks imagination,

laughter and maybe even a tear or two

torytelling is about connections —
the human kind.
“At a time when there are so
many things that divide us, stories are
one place where we can say, here’s what
we have in common, here’s something
that reminds us of our humanity,” said
professional storyteller Dolores Hydock.
Those connections will be at the center
of the Columbus Arts Council’s eighth
annual Possum Town Tales Storytelling
Festival Friday and Saturday, Feb. 28-29.
Hydock, of Birmingham, Alabama, joins
Barbara McBride-Smith of Jonesborough,
Tennessee, for story concerts at the arts
council’s Rosenzweig Arts Center in
the heart of downtown Columbus. The
nationally-known tellers have both been Barbara McBride-Smith delivers performances that range from linking the myths of
featured performers at the mecca — the Mount Olympus to her own family stories, to “Hello Ricky Nelson, Goodbye Heart.”
National Storytelling Festival in Jonesbor-
ough, which annually draws in excess of ers, she noted, have different styles of
10,000 fans who fill big top tents for three delivery.
days to have their imaginations captured. McBride-Smith’s repertoire is flavored
“We’re so glad to have Dolores Hy- by her Texas roots. She credits her teller
dock back in Columbus and to welcome skills to her parents, who were “natural
Barbara McBride-Smith for the first down-home wordsmiths,” and to her two
time,” said Columbus Arts deaf sisters, who “communicated with
Council Executive Director their entire beings.”
Jan Miller. “Theirs is such She told The Dispatch, “What I’m
a unique art form that so trying to do with my stories is help people
many people in this area realize how certain moments in their lives
don’t often get a chance to have been very important to them, even if
enjoy. We’re happy to bring they didn’t realize it at the time.” A com-
it again to the Golden Trian- ical tale of someone in McBride-Smith’s
gle. We hope everyone will Miller world, she said, serves to spark a re-
come out to hear the power sponse in the listener about someone in
of storytelling for themselves.” their own lives.
“What stories do so well is connect The Birmingham Weekly wrote of Dolores
What is it? people, so that’s my goal,” she remarked. Hydock, pictured, “Hydock talks with her
hands. And her elbows. And her shoul-
Mastering the art of developing and Debi Richan of the Timpanogos Story- ders. When she speaks, she’s literally
sharing a story publicly requires creativ- telling Institute wrote of McBride-Smith, irrepressible.”
ity, vision and skill. Accomplished tellers “ ... Barbara strings words like pearls and
can enthrall, inspire and move an audi- helps us see the world’s beauty — even a world of characters drawn from the
ence. while showing the bumps, bruises and peculiarities of everyday life. As an ac-
“It can seem so simple, yet it’s so dy- batterings that come with making beauty tress, she has been featured in numerous
namic — and sometimes life-changing,” from ashes.” one-woman plays and other productions.
said Angie Basson of Columbus, who is She has been a featured teller at the She has also been teller-in-residence at
helping coordinate the arts national festival more a dozen times, been the International Storytelling Center and
council festival. “Stories are teller-in-residence at the International won multiple awards for her 11 CDs of
the seed of all entertain- Storytelling Center and is a recipient of original work.
ment. Without the story, both the John Henry Faulk Award for out- Mary Colurso of The Birmingham
there is no movie, there is standing contributions to storytelling and News wrote of her, “A stellar performer ...
no song, there is no poem.” the Circle of Excellence Award for stage
Some modern audiences Dolores’ stories are smart but not cynical,
performance. heartwarming yet never corny, traditional
have become dependent
on the trappings of lights, Basson without being mundane ... a neat feat!”
sound and explosions to be Hydock and Norman Rockwell In addition to her upcoming story con-
entertained. And while those have their Hydock, a Pennsylvania native, is certs in Columbus, Hydock will present a
place, “ ... If we will allow our imagina- making a return appearance on the arts free workshop at 10 a.m. Feb. 29, open to
tions to fire up, we really just have to have council stage. She has several times in the public. It’s titled “Every Picture Tells
the story,” Basson said. the past entertained area audiences with a Story: Norman Rockwell as Storyteller.”
The festival’s two featured perform- humorous and poignant stories about See STORYTELLING, 5C
2C SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2020 The Dispatch •

Columbus JA Charity Ball Ticket Night set for Thursday

Tickets sales and required for admission to the
Charity Ball.
Sponsor support
Corporate sponsors play a
seat selections will significant role in the work of
Community involvement JA of Columbus.
be available 6-7 p.m. “Up and Away with JA” is “It is through their gener-
the theme of the 2020 ball as osity that we are empowered
the Columbus chapter cele- to provide 10 projects to the
brates its mission of serving well-deserving children of

ickets to the 70th annual the children of Lowndes
Lowndes County ranging from
Junior Auxiliary of County. Founded in 1943, the
scholarship funds to meeting
Columbus Charity Ball chapter strives year-round to
the basic human needs of food
fulfill the national slogan of
will be available for purchase and clothing,” said Busta-
Junior Auxiliaries — “Care
Thursday evening, Feb. 20. mente. ... From our chapter
Today, Character Tomorrow.”
Patron Ticket Night sales will and the children of Lowndes
“Charity Ball is such
be from 6-7 p.m. at the JA Hut County, we thank you!”
an important event for our
at 1000 Park Circle, next to Lee Sponsors for 2020 are:
chapter because it, along with
Park. Majestic Level: Columbus
Report to the Community
The Charity Ball on Satur- Recycling
advertisement sales, is our
day, March 28 begins at 7 p.m. Gold Level: Westlake
sole fundraiser for the year,”
at Trotter Convention Center said Charity Ball Chair Sally Chemical; Golden Triangle
in downtown Columbus. The Earwood. “With the support Radiology
evening will include presenta- of local businesses, sponsors Silver Level: Baptist
tion of this year’s Charity Ball and patrons, we are able to Memorial Hospital; Financial
king and queen at 8 p.m., in- fully fund all of our community Concepts; Quality Beverage
troduction of the royal court, a projects. The night also gives Packing Inc; The Sqwincher
performance by West Lowndes us an opportunity to celebrate Corporation; Steel Dynamics
High School Marching Band our organization’s rich heri- Flat Roll Group, Columbus
under the direction of Marcus tage and to highlight current Division
Wright, plus live entertain- projects that serve the children Bronze Level: Atmos Ener-
ment by The Party Jammers, a of our community.”
10-piece show band from Mem- gy; BancorpSouth; BankFirst;
JA of Columbus President BankTEL Systems; Bennett
phis, Tennessee. The tradition- Bethany Bustamante added,
al royalty breakfast will begin Opthalmology Group; Bill
“The success of our annual ball Russell Ford Lincoln; The
at 9:30 p.m. depends largely on our com-
According to JA Ticket Commercial Dispatch; Eat
munity’s participation. Without
Chair Mary Tana Garner, ball- With Us Group; Galloway,
our community’s involvement,
room seat location selections Chandler, McKinney; The
we would not only be limited
may be made during ticket in our resources to host an
Courtesy photo Gene Imes Family; Interna-
Junior Auxiliary of Columbus Charity Ball Ticket Chair Mary Tana tional Paper; Johnston-Tombig-
night at the JA Hut Thursday event of this magnitude, but Garner, left, and member Kathryn Carson distribute information
evening. also limited in our resources in bee Furniture Manufacturing
about the 2020 ball for mailing.
Balcony and royalty break- meeting the needs of the chil- Co.; Katherine Kerby, Esq.;
fast tickets will also be sold at dren within the community.” a service project that reaches be mailed to Junior Auxiliary Mississippi Steel Processing;
the Trotter Convention Center Bustamente said the yearly children. of Columbus, Attention: Trea- Dr. Steve and Dona Porter;
ticket office from 6-8 p.m. on ball encompasses an atmo- “Indeed, (the ball) is a night surer, P.O. Box 11, Columbus R AM Entertainment and Spe-
March 25-27, and from 7-7:45 sphere of people coming to- of celebration — celebrating MS 39703. cial Event Services; R J Young
p.m. on March 28. Patron gether to be part of something hope, opportunity and prog- For more information about Co.; Waters Truck and Track-
ballroom tickets are $45. Bal- larger than themselves, noting ress,” said Bustamente. the ball or to purchase tickets, er Co./Waters International
cony tickets are $25; breakfast that every sponsor ad and ev- Tax-deductible donations to contact Garner at 662-327- Trucks Inc./Waters Wrecker
tickets are $25. Tickets will be ery ticket purchased supports the nonprofit organization may 6010. Services.

MSU Libraries to host 14th Templeton Ragtime

and Jazz Festival, Gatsby Gala
Performance from the
Event with tours, Scott Joplin Internation-
talks, concerts al Ragtime Festival, an
event for which he is
and more is director of symposiums.
n Jerron “Blind
Feb. 27-29 Boy” Paxton is a young
MSU OFFICE OF PUBLIC who, in 2016, performed
AFFAIRS to a sold-out audience at

the Lead Belly Tribute at
ississippi State Carnegie Hall, alongside
University’s Buddy Guy, Eric Burdon
Mitchell Memo- and other stars. He head-
rial Library is bringing lined the 2017 Brooklyn
the late 19th and early Folk Festival. Appearing
20th centuries to life in the multi-award-win-
during the 14th annual
ning music documentary
Charles H. Templeton
“American Epic” pro-
Ragtime and Jazz Festi- Jeff Barnhart Bill Edwards duced by Robert Redford,
Jack White and T-Bone
Taking place Feb.
Burnett, Paxton is known
27-29, the festival kicks
for transforming tradi-
off on the 27th with the
tional jazz, blues, folk
seventh annual Gatsby
and country through his
Gala in the library’s main
humor and storytelling.
lobby. The 6 p.m. fash-
ion show features 1920s
n Stephanie Trick
and Paolo Alderighi,
apparel designed by MSU
a husband-wife piano
School of Human Scienc-
es fashion design and jazz duo that has earned
merchandising students widespread success
and modeled by MSU with its arrangements
Fashion Board members. of classics from the
Internationally renowned stride piano, ragtime and
pianist and seven-year boogie woogie reper-
festival artistic director toires, as well as from
Jeff Barnhart of Mystic, the swing era and the
Connecticut, will provide Great American Song-
music. book, have performed
Gala admission is free, across the U.S., Europe
Jerron Paxton Stephanie Trick, Paolo Alderighi and Japan. In 2018, they
and attendees are encour-
aged to wear their best released “Broadway and
terests. She said women McComas Hall. for MSU students with the Old Main Academic
1920s-inspired outfits. More,” their fifth album.
fought hard for at least During Friday’s con- valid student I.D. General Center parking garage
The theme of this admission tickets good Along with multiple
70 years for their right to cert, MSU Libraries will on Barr Avenue. Patrons
year’s festival centers for all events are available stints at MSU’s festival,
vote, and they continued present also can use MSU’s
around the 100th anniver- for $65 each. Patrons can the couple has performed
to fight for true enfran- MSU ju- S.M.A.R.T. shuttle sys-
sary of the 19th Amend- chisement and political purchase a “Friday Only at venues including the
nior music tem for transportation to
ment’s passage, granting representation after Ticket” for $35, good for Kobe Jazz Street Festival
education and from the festival. For
women the right to vote. the 19th Amendment’s all Friday events includ- in Japan, the London Jazz
major more information about
Daytime museum passage. ing the evening concert. Festival and the Ascona
Daniel A. parking, visit parkingser-
tours, informative talks, “The 19th Amendment A “Saturday Only Ticket” Jazz Festival in Switzer-
silent films, “meet the is one significant moment option also is available land, among others.
of Long
artists” segments and in a much longer, ongo- for Saturday’s events and In addition to MSU
educational seminars all ing struggle for women’s
Beach with Rorabaugh
concert. Tickets just for Festival performers Libraries, the School of
the sixth In addition to Barn- Human Sciences and the
will commemorate this rights in America,” she the Friday and Saturday
annual Keyone Docher hart, festival performers Holmes Cultural Diver-
theme and Black History said. “It represents the concerts can be pur-
Student Achievement include: sity Center, this year’s
Month on Feb. 28 and 29 culmination of struggle chased for $15 each. Dis-
Award. The honor cele- n Bill Edwards, sponsors include Maxx-
in the Charles H. Temple- but not an end point, as counted fees are available
brates the passion and a Southern California South Broadband, City
ton Sr. Music Museum the struggle has con- for senior citizens and
talent of Docher, a Weir native who started his of Starkville, Mississippi
at Mitchell Memorial tinued through the past retired MSU faculty and
native and former MSU professional career in the Arts Commission, and
Library, located at the 100 years and into the staff members. Tickets
southeast corner of the junior music education/ late 1970s. Now in north- National Endowment for
present day.” are available for advance
university’s historic Drill piano major who died in ern Virginia, he holds the Arts.
World-renowned purchase online and also
Field. musicians will perform 2014 following a 13-year will be sold at the door. the 1991 title from the For more festival
“The history of U.S. ragtime, jazz, blues, battle with cancer. For additional informa- World Championship of information, visit festival.
women” is among MSU folk and country music tion and to register on- Old-Time Piano. In 2016,, call
Assistant Professor during 7:30 p.m. con- How to go line, visit festival.library. he received the Lifetime 662-325-6634 or email
of History Courtney certs Feb. 28 and 29 in Admission to all Achievement Award in ragtimefestival@library.
Thompson’s research in- the mainstage theater at festival events is free Parking is available at Ragtime Research and
The Dispatch • SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2020 3C

Wednesday, Feb. 19 University for Women Department
of Music presents a spring recital
Wednesday through
Sunday, Feb. 19-23
“Mamma Mia!” — Theatre
MSU presents this hit musical
featuring the songs of ABBA at
7:30 p.m. (except 2 p.m. Feb.
23) at McComas Theatre on
campus. Tickets are $15; $10
Table Talks — Friends of the at 7:30 p.m. in Poindexter Hall on students. Get them at
Columbus-Lowndes Public Library campus. Free to the public., or call 662-325-3320.
revives its Table Talk series at 5
p.m. with author John Bateman
of Starkville discussing his book, Saturday, Feb. 22
“Who Killed Buster Sparkle?,” at Mardi Gras party — This
the library at 314 Seventh St. N. West Point Clay County Animal Shel-
Free. Call 662-329-5300 for more ter fundraiser is 6 p.m.-midnight Courtesy photo
information. at the Town Creek Farm Pavilion,
Artist talk — Brent Funderburk 32476 Highway 50 E., West Point.
of Starkville presents an artist talk, From 6-9 p.m. enjoy a wine, beer at Hollywood Premier Cinemas in
“Stories from the Soul House,” at and spirits tasting with heavy
appetizers. From 9 p.m.-midnight,
Tuesday, Feb. 25 Starkville. A workshop on making
unteers are asked to meet at Ola
J. Pickett Park in Caledonia for a
10 a.m. at the Oktibbeha County
a cash bar and dancing to music by
New Music at The W — This a documentary film will be offered community cleanup day from 8
Heritage Museum, 206 Fellowship Mississippi University for Women Feb. 29. Learn more and purchase a.m.-noon. Lunch will be provided.
St., Starkville. This Chit Chat Series Fast Scarlet. Tickets are $30 ($250 choral concert featuring new music
for a reserved table for eight). Get tickets at For information, contact Mitch Wig-
program is free to the public. begins at 7:30 p.m. in Poindexter gins, 662-549-2132, or Rick Hayes,
them in West Point at the WPCC Hall on campus. Free to the public.
The Orators — The Mississippi 662-574-8964.
State Shackouls Honors College
Animal Shelter, The Smokestack or
Frank’s Package Store. “Artrageous!” — Mississippi Friday, Feb. 28
presents Denise James, director of State’s Lyceum Series brings this MUW Concert — Mississippi
Women’s and Gender Studies at the troupe of artists, musicians, sing- University for Women presents a Monday, March 2
University of Dayton, with “The Poet Sunday, Feb. 23 ers and dancers that pay tribute to concert featuring the MUW Choral Guest artists recital —
Audre Lorde Goes to Mississippi: Bands concert — Mississippi art forms and music genres, culmi- Singers and MUW Chorale at 7:30 Mississippi University for Women
An Imperfect Person Called Hero” State Department of Music pres- nating in a gallery of finished paint- p.m. in Poindexter Hall on campus. Department of Music presents
at 2 p.m. in the Griffis Hall Forum ents a concert by its community, ings. Show is 7 p.m. in Lee Hall’s Free to the public mezzo-soprano Janet Hopkins and
Room. A reception follows. For concert and symphonic bands at Bettersworth Auditorium. Tickets pianist Armen Shaomian in recital
more information, contact Donna 2 p.m. in Lee Hall’s Bettersworth are $30; $25 for seniors and MSU at 7:30 p.m. in Poindexter Hall.
Clevinger, 662-325-2522. Auditorium on campus. employees. $10 for children 3-12 Friday and Saturday, Free to the public.
with school ID/uniform. Free for
MSU students with ID. For more Feb. 28-29
Wednesday through Monday, Feb. 24 information, visit lyceum.msstate. Possum Town Tales Sto- Wednesday, March 4
edu or call 662-325-2930. Book signing — Author
Saturday, Feb. 19-23 Starkville Community rytelling Festival — The
Columbus Arts Council presents Michael Farris Smith attends a
“Mamma Mia!” — See details Theatre — One night only: SCT
at top of calendar. presents “A Public Reading of an
Unproduced Screenplay About the
Thursday through professional national storytellers
Barbara McBride-Smith and Dolores
reception and book signing for his
latest novel, “Blackwood,” at 5:30
Death of Walt Disney” at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 27-29 Hydock at its eighth annual festival p.m. at the Columbus Arts Council’s
Feb. 20-23 and 25-29 at McComas Hall at Mississippi
State. (Contains strong language.)
Templeton Ragtime Jazz at the Rosenzweig Arts Center, 501
Main St. Performances are 7 p.m.
Rosenzweig Arts Center, 501 Main
“Blame it on Beckett” SCT won Best Production and other Festival — Mississippi State nightly; Hydock also presents a free
— Starkville Community Theatre awards with this at the Mississip- University Libraries present the workshop at 10 a.m. Feb. 29 titled
presents this witty play at 7:30 pi Theatre Association Festival. 14th annual Charles H. Templeton “Every Picture Tells a Story: Norman Thursday, March 5
p.m. nightly (except 2 p.m. Sunday) Tickets $10 at the door; donations Ragtime & Jazz Festival, with the Rockwell as Storyteller.” Weekend Taco Hop — Visit downtown
at the Playhouse on Main, 108 E. toward travel to regional competi- Gatsby Gala, concerts, silent mov- passes are $25 for CAC members; Starkville’s Main Street for this
Main St. in downtown Starkville. tion are appreciated. Email cao@ ies, seminars and more at Mitch- $30 non-members. Nightly tickets event from 5-8 p.m. featuring craft
Tickets are $15; $10 students. For ell Memorial Library on campus. are $15 members, $17 non-mem- beer tastings, tacos by Starkville
reservations, contact the box office, For information and tickets, visit bers, at, or call
Reflect & Rejoice — Mis-, or call
restaurants ($2 each) and live
662-323-6855. Limited seating. sissippi State presents this Black 662-328-2787 (closed Mondays). music. Tickets are $20 in advance,
History Choral Concert at 7 p.m. $25 day of event. For more infor-
at Starkville’s First Baptist Church, Magnolia Independent mation, go to,
Friday, Feb. 21 106 E. Lampkin St. Free to the Film Festival — A variety of Saturday, Feb. 29 or call The Partnership,
Spring recital — Mississippi public. independent films will be screened Caledonia cleanup — Vol- 662-323-3322.

The W’s MFA in Theatre Education has a long reach OUT THERE
BY ADAM MINICHINO from middle school teachers
MUW University Relations to high school teachers to Feb. 18 – The Chieftains,
The Irish Goodbye Tour,

college/university professors,
ven though Alyssa are incredible individuals,” Alys Stephens Center,
Algee, Suzanne Allmon, said Lee Crouse, associate
Birmingham. 205-975-2787,
Juniper Wallace, and professor of Theatre and
Chelsea Petty live in different
Graduate Studies Director – Flamenco Vivo Carlota
parts of the state the Missis-
of MFA, Theatre Education Santana presents Reflejos
sippi, curiosity about the arts
at The W. “Not only do they Flamencos, Riley Center,
brought them together in The
Algee Allmon Wallace Petty demonstrate artistic excel- Meridian. 601-696-2200,
W’s three-year, 60-hour ter-
Allmon, who is a teacher Conference. She judged Mu- lence to their students and
minal-degree MFA program.
at Oak Grove High in Hat- sical Female Solos in the first communities, but are instill-
The love for learning
shared by Algee, Allmon, tiesburg, won the ensemble round of the competition and ing within their students that – Carmen / Romeo and
Wallace, and Petty was on acting award for her work on Female Acting Monologues in hard work and commitment Juliet, Russian National
are required to be successful, Ballet, Ford Center, Oxford.
display on Jan. 16-19 when “Peter and the Starcatcher,” a the finals.
no matter what their future 662-915-7411, fordcenter.
they participated in the Mis- play based on the 2004 novel Algee, who is technical
careers entail. But their org.
sissippi Theater Association “Peter and the Starcatchers” director of fine arts at North-
Festival and Conference at by Dave Barry and Ridley west Mississippi Community service to theater in Mis-
Feb. 21-23 – World of
the University of Mississippi Pearson. College in Senatobia, served sissippi does not stop there.
Customs Auto Show, Tupelo
in Oxford. Northwest Rankin High as chair and manager of The willingness of Chelsea Furniture Market (Buildings
Wallace, who works at will be one of two high the adult individual events. to offer her time and talents 4, 5), Tupelo. 662-419-
Northwest Rankin High schools that will represent She also served as an adju- to adjudicate for MTA events, 4909
School in Flowood, won the the state of Mississippi at the dicator for the preliminary Alyssa’s willingness to serve
outstanding directing award Secondary School Theater Musical Theatre Duets, the on the board of directors and March 12 – Harry Connick
and the Dominic Cunetto Festival that will be a part of preliminary Musical Theatre adjudicate MTA events make Jr., Thalia Mara Hall,
award for best production the 71st-annual Southeastern Groups, and the finals for the a difference in our state. I am Jackson.
for her work on “Badger,” a Theater Conference on Feb. Acting Duets for the youth proud to say Suzanne is a past
play set in 1944 that focuses 26-28 in Louisville, Kentucky. individual events, and was president for the MTA Board March 18-22 – Oxford Film
on five women who take new Petty, who is a theater responsible for running the of Directors and Juniper is Festival, Oxford Commons
jobs at Badger Ordinance teacher at Columbus Middle adult version of the individual president of the MTA Board Malco. 877-560-3456,
Works, one of the largest mu- School, served as an adjudica- events. of Directors. Our MFA stu-
nitions factories in the United tor for youth individual events “Our Theatre Education dents lead by example in so
States. at the MTA Festival and MFA students, which range many ways.”

Dear Abby

EAR ABBY: My husband and It would have been easy to include They are free to meet if they choose, and it’s only understand why I see common ground between
I are friendly with two other me, but they repeatedly chose not once a month. him and my father, and my father is too oblivious
couples whose children to. Not only that, they actively hid Because the idea that they visit with each to realize the depth of the problem. The two most
are friends with ours. We live in their tea dates from me. other privately has made you unsure about your important men in my life cannot communicate.
a fairly small community, and the I realize we are all adults and status in the friendship, tell them you know and What can I do? — IN THE MIDDLE IN FLORIDA
couples met and began socializing free to do as we wish, but nothing ask why. It couldn’t be more damaging to your DEAR IN THE MIDDLE: Continue to encourage
because my husband and I intro- about their behavior screams relationship with them than the status quo, and it them to talk to each other, but if you’re not suc-
duced them. It started out with “adult” to me. At first, my husband might clear the air. cessful, accept that your father is an insensitive
board game nights, progressed to felt my feelings were unwarranted, DEAR ABBY: My father, although a well-mean-
loose cannon who won’t change. Limit your
potlucks and holiday events, then but the secrecy surrounding their ing and caring man, often speaks before he
parents’ visits and keep them short. When you
eventually a three-family summer friendship has cast a pall on the thinks. The way he phrases things can come
know they’re scheduled to be in town, help your
vacation. Everyone seemed to get couples portion of the friendship. across as harsh, uncaring or rude. My husband
husband plan to be out of the house as often as
along fine. I’m not sure of my place anymore. is a sensitive person who was badly bullied in his
Two years into the friendship, it What do you think, Abby? Am I off youth, so he doesn’t feel comfortable around my possible. And, if that doesn’t work, arrange to vis-
came to my attention that the two Dear Abby base to have hurt feelings on this? father and takes most things he says as insults. it your parents alone rather than have them visit
other females were getting togeth- — HURT AND LEFT OUT I have tried talking to both of them without suc- you. As much as you might want the two men in
er “for tea” about once a month, and had been DEAR HURT: That you have hurt feelings is cess and even involved my stepmom. your life to get along, it just may not be possible.
doing so for some time. I won’t pretend that it understandable. But those women did what they My father and stepmom are coming for a visit, P.S. If the bullying your husband experienced
didn’t sting. I was surprised that they were social- did on the sly because they knew you would and I can’t get it through my father’s or my hus- as a child has affected his other relationships as
izing without including me, and even more so to react exactly as you have. We talk about different band’s heads that the only way for them to get an adult, he should consider getting therapy. It
realize that they had been doing so “on the sly.” things with different people. You don’t own them. on the same page is to talk. My husband can’t might change his life for the better.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Feb. 16). you need, and you’ll be comfortable. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). There flight of vacation or even this flight of You don’t always love running into
You will cross into the territory you TAURUS (April 20-May 20). You’re are those who recoil from facing escape — is that it includes a return people you know in places you weren’t
have been dreaming about. Your going to do a thing eventually. If you themselves on a page or in a mirror. flight. expecting to see them, but it’s a good
journey will be smooth. Shortcuts don’t do it today or in three weeks, Contrastingly, you’ve no fear when SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). When test of how close you’re being to the
will work out. It’s as though you were don’t despair. Despair takes a lot of it comes to exploring your inner life. people don’t treat you right, it’s usually person you’d like to be seen as.
meant for this experience, and you’ll energy in the wrong direction. That’s something to celebrate and more about them than it is about you. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18).
be welcomed and served accordingly. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Being use. However, you can’t control the “them” You’ll make new rules, first in your
Later, you’ll teach others and you’ll comfortable is not the same as being VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Today’s part. Do all you can about the “you” heart and then with your mouth and fi-
care for them with all the grace and happy. Today, that difference will stand problem will not be universal. In fact, part and life will be good. nally with action. You’ll follow up on the
warmth you were shown. Cancer and out. You’ll be in a position of choice. it’s extremely specific to you. So there SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). things you decide today, so make sure
Libra adore you. Your lucky numbers What happens next is all you. are very few who will empathize, sym- Attitude is an internal matter made they are things you want to happen.
are: 17, 30, 8, 10 and 4. CANCER (June 22-July 22). One pathize or even help, but that will not external and not the other way around. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). How
ARIES (March 21-April 19). Esti- satisfaction does not fit all. There are stop you from solving it, not at all. Sure, many will paste on a smile are you going to recharge? This is the
mation is an art. To overestimate your different kinds and levels. Soul satis- LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). What’s and try to make it seem OK, but the question, and you’ll answer it in inter-
ability to do a thing in a certain time faction often comes at the expense of going on isn’t so bad, but you still intuitive ones like you sense what’s esting ways as you get energy from
frame will bring pain. Give yourself momentary satisfaction. Play the long need a break from it. The important really up. things you weren’t expecting would
three times the amount you assume game. part about this flight of fancy — or this CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). revitalize you.
4C SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2020 The Dispatch •

Orators series concludes with ‘Imperfect Person’

Wednesday lecture at MSU is free to the public the university and local communi-
ties in research, course work and
SPECIAL TO THE DISPATCH Person Called Hero” at 2 p.m. in public lectures. Since the Honors
Griffis Hall, Room 401, on the MSU College touches all colleges at MSU

he Shackouls Honors College through curriculum design, active V. Denise
campus. For additional information James will
at Mississippi State Univer- research and special events, there
about James, visit the Shackouls present
sity is pleased to continue is a specific theme for each year.
Honors College website at honors. The theme for this second year is “The Poet
The Orators program on Wednes- Audre Lorde
“Unexpected Heroes: Creative Acts
day, Feb. 19 with V. Denise James, The Orators program kicked Goes to
Colliding with Ordinary Days.” Mississippi:
Ph.D. James, an associate professor off in September 2019 during the A reception to meet the speaker
of Philosophy and director of the An Imper-
Honors College’s annual Classical follows the lecture. For additional fect Person
Women’s and Gender Studies Pro- Week. It is a year-long program information about the event, contact Called Hero”
gram at the University of Dayton, which invites speakers, represent- Donna Clevinger at dclevinger@ at 2 p.m.
will present “The Poet Audre Lorde ing various academic disciplines or 662-325- Wednesday.
Goes to Mississippi: An Imperfect and topics, to engage and enrich 2522. Admission is free. Courtesy photo

Melinda Myers LLC/Courtesy photo

Baby tears plant — Soleirolia — is safe for pets and
should be grown in brighter light conditions.

Keep houseplants healthy

while keeping pets safe
SPECIAL TO THE Water plants thorough- Courtesy photo
DISPATCH ly as needed. Tropical CANNON WORK: East Mississippi Community College welding technology student Douglas Glenn of
By Melinda Myers Columbus grinds rust last fall from a cannon carriage believed to have been built in 1901. The carriage
plants prefer slightly
is currently being used to display an antique cannon at Mississippi State University’s Ulysses S. Grant

moist soil, while cacti
ou love them both Presidential Library.
and succulents like it
— your pets and
houseplants — but drier. Always pour off any
it can be challenging to excess water that collects
safely raise them together in the saucer. Allowing Visit to purchase advance tickets to the events below:
in the same house. Re- plants to sit in water can
duce the risk by selecting increase the risk of dis- Feb. 20
pet-safe plants and safely ease and lead to root rot. unWine Downtown in Starkville from 5:30-9:30 p.m. includes wine tastings, appetizer
managing houseplant Regularly groom and pairings and 20 percent discounts at participating shops. Advance ticket holders will
wipe dust off the leaves of receive the Spring 2020 limited edition wine glass. Check in is 5:30-6:30 p.m. at The Partnership Welcome Center,
pest problems. 200 E. Main. Tickets are $20.
Avoid problems by your indoor plants to help
selecting plants suited reduce the risk of insect March 5
to your home’s growing damage. Remove spotted The Taco Hop from 5-8 p.m. on Starkville’s Main Street features a craft beer tasting, specialty tacos ($2 each) by
conditions and gardening leaves when they appear area restaurants, plus live music. Tickets are $20 in advance, $25 on the day of the event. Presented by the Great-
style. Then narrow the and adjust watering. This er Starkville Development Partnership.
list further to plants that is often enough to correct
are non-toxic specifically fungal disease problems.
to the type of pets you
own. Consult with your
veterinarian and visit the
Pet-safe pest solutions
When pest problems
American Society for the require control, always
Prevention of Cruelty to select pet-friendly
Animals (ASPCA) web- options. Start with a
site for a list of pet-safe
strong blast of water
and toxic plants.
to dislodge pests like
Create a list of all the
aphids and mites. Follow
plants you are growing.
with an application of a
Include both common
and botanical names for lightweight horticulture
accurate identification. oil such as Summit Year-
Do a bit of research on Round Spray Oil (Sum-
the care they need and mitResponsibleSolutions.
their toxicity to your pets. com). This organic spray
If you suspect your pet controls aphids, mites,
has ingested a toxic plant, immature whiteflies and
you’ll have the proper all stages of scale and
plant name when contact- mealybugs.
ing your veterinarian. And if those tiny
Match the pet-friendly fruit-fly-like gnats are
plants you select to their too annoying to tolerate,
preferred light conditions. consider treating the pot-
An east- or west-facing ting mix with a Bacillus
window provides enough thruingiensis israelensis
light for most indoor product such as Summit
plants. Keep those that Mosquito Bits labeled for
need brighter light within controlling fungus gnat
two feet of the window. larvae. Just sprinkle it
Those that prefer lower on the soil surface and
light can be grown near this naturally occurring
a north-facing window or soil bacterium kills the
up to six feet back or off fungus gnat larvae in
to the side of an east- or the soil. It’s an organic
west-facing window. insecticide safe for peo-
For low light situa- ple, pets and plants. No
tions, consider cast iron matter the product you
plant, Lady palm and select — organic, natural
parlor palm or add artifi- or synthetic — be sure
cial lights when growing
to read and follow label
other pet-friendly plants
in lower light situations.
Proper plant selection
Grow grape ivy, spider
and maintenance can
plants, baby tears (Solei-
rolia), peperomias, prayer help keep your indoor
plants, Boston ferns, plants healthy and pets
ponytail palm and hoyas safe from harm.
in brighter locations. Save Melinda Myers has
the brightest locations for written more than 20
Norfolk Island Pine, lip- gardening books, includ-
stick plant and haworthia. ing “Small Space Garden-
Add some color to your ing.” She hosts The Great
indoor garden with pop- Courses “How to Grow
ular flowering plants like Anything” DVD series
African violet, Christmas and the nationally-syndi-
cactus and moth orchid. cated Melinda’s Garden
These are also listed as Moment TV and radio
non-toxic on the ASPCA program. Myers’s web site
website. is
The Dispatch • SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2020 5C


Don’t be afraid to keep things a little ‘wild’

re those little stan- pete a lot of really ion, which was also my
clumps of dards troublesome weeds like great-grandmother’s
flowering and al- stickers that thrive in favorite, is the blue star-
greenery in your low the close-cut lawns. And wait flower (Ipheion).
winter lawn weeds, larger until April to fertilize, These all peak in win-
or wildflowers? area be lightly. ter and early spring, and
It’s possible to see more Then, to throw off when you start mowing
them as both and relaxed. naysayers, deliberately for the summer they
garden accordingly. It makes plant a few violas and disappear as if they’d
My earliest lawn sense fi- other low-growing winter never been there at all.
care memories nancial- flowers that really shine Meanwhile, mow paths,
predate my working ly and just when neighbors start not wall-to-wall, leaving
at garden centers Felder Rushing ecologi- fussing futilely over their a few clumps of wildflow-
helping customers cally. weeds. ers here and there.
sort out liquid and Not My favorite little They’ll be back next
granular herbicides, and so sure, though, about winter bulbs include winter, hopefully show-
later studying turfgrass folks who attempt to multiplying daffodils ing proof to all but the
management at Missis- chemically maintain including fragrant jon- most critical neighbors
sippi State University. wall-to-wall monocrops quils and the small but that you are deliberate,
They involved fiddling just to keep up ap- showy Tete a Tete, and and thoughtful about
with a small gas mower pearances. Slowly that purple grape hyacinth what’s important.
before cutting patterns two-century-old aristo- and Spanish bluebells. Felder Rushing is a
in the clover and stickers cratic approach of using Pink oxalis and white Mississippi author, col-
that my parents called the lawn as a badge of so- clover are beautiful this umnist, and host of “The
a lawn, and pushing a cial standing is passing. time of year and loaded Gestalt Gardener” on
reel mower through the Anyway, this time of with starving pollinators. MPB Think Radio. Email
ground ivy in my hor- year when most lawns My fifth top five winter gardening questions to
Felder Rushing/Courtesy photo
ticulturist great-grand- are supposed to be meadow lawn compan-
Starflower and other winter bulbs shine in a dormant lawn.
mother Pearl’s multi- brown and dormant, a
ple-room landscape. few low-growing hardy Back to Pearl, who the newly-developed
Before I get any far- meadow plants really for many years was the herbicides that made
ther, let me assure you stand out. And despite horticulture chair of the more genteel cultivated
that, as a trained lawn the herbicide sales-driv-
Town and Country Gar- lawns possible; her only
consultant, I appreciate en barrage of warnings
den Club of Indianola, tools were a clunky,
a perfectly manicured, about them being an
which she helped found smoke-belching mower
uniform lawn. I under- enemy to be fought, the
stand the detail and flowers aren’t entirely in 1935. She was a prac- and a trowel for planting
perseverance it requires bad news, as on every tical hands-in-the-dirt little bulbs.
and applaud those who sunny midwinter day the DIGr (determined inde- Which leads me to my
manage to pull it off, clover, dandelions, hen- pendent gardener) who main point, about how to
however fleetingly, out of bit, violets, onions and grew her own vegetables, pull off having a mostly
devotion, which is a form garlic, and a plethora of canned home-grown mow-what-grows mead-
of love. tiny winter wildflowers, fruit, had a large metal ow lawn like we all used
It is especially sweet are humming with bees Bird Sanctuary sign in to have.
when those folks main- and alight with midwin- her front yard and cher- Start by raising your
tain just a small putting ter butterflies, hungry ished wildflowers way mower a notch or two,
green-like portion of the except for what they can before they were cool. which helps thicken your
overall lawn to such high forage in your yard. She never embraced lawn so it can out-com-

Continued from Page 1C
Known for his more all make mistakes, we all on night of shows). A two-
than 320 iconic illustra-
IF YOU GO: do silly things, we all get night advance package is
■ WHO: Columbus Arts
tions that filled covers Council inspired. $25 for members or $30
of the Saturday Evening ■ WHAT: Possum Town Tales “They remind us we’re for non-members. Hy-
Post, Rockwell captured Storytelling Festival not alone in this,” said Hy- dock’s 10 a.m. workshop
■ WHEN: Friday and Saturday,
stories in art and wrote Feb. 28-29, 7 p.m. (plus free dock. “There’s so much Feb. 29 is free.
about his craft in a book, 10 a.m. workshop Feb. 29) nowadays we do alone:
“Rockwell on Rockwell: ■ WHERE: Rosenzweig Arts we’re on our phones,
How I Make a Picture.” Center, 501 Main St., Colum- we’re watching Netflix,
“The title could have bus we’re by ourselves. This
■ TICKETS: Two-night advance
been ‘How I Tell a Story,’ package $25 CAC members; is an opportunity to be
because it’s a beautiful $30 non-members. Or $15 with other human beings
prescription for how to nightly for members; $17 in a live performance
tell a story — finding your non-members, at colum- where we matter, where or 662-328-2787.
topics, finding your char- we’re going to laugh to-
acters, finding authentic gether and maybe tear up
details,” Hydock said. or film, or listened to a together and just spend
The casual workshop isn’t podcast, is watching a time being connected —
only for storytellers, she story. What a teller tries that’s not an experience
added. to do, Hydock said, is tell we get to have all that
“I think what he has the story while listeners often.”
to say could be applied to create the pictures in
anyone trying to cre- their own minds. How to go
ate something artistic, “Our goal is not to Tickets and more
whether it’s painting, tell you our stories but information are available
crafts or other creative to hold up a mirror that at, or
outlets,” said the story- let’s you see your story by calling 662-328-2787
teller. and helps you remember (closed Mondays). Night-
your own experience,” ly tickets to 7 p.m. perfor-
In it together she explained. Stories, mances are $15 for arts
Anyone who has ever she continued, remind council members, $17 for
watched a TV series us we’re all human, we non-members ($17 for all

Go behind the scenes and see what it takes

to put out a daily newspaper!
Call 662-328-2424 today to schedule a tour
for your group or organization.

Kalyn Jackson, Carly Jamison, Aja Hudson Gwen Latham, Kennetra Smith, Ariel Smith


Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. held a Pink goes Red Community Impact Day at Tenth Street Fairlawn Baptist Church in Columbus
Feb. 7 to raise awareness about heart disease in African-American women. Deanna Robinson/Dispatch Staff

Gregory Smith, Jessica Liddell

Jeanette Harrison, Nancy Lampley Amanda Barry Stanton, Zimiko Turner, George Evelyn Brooks, Martha Barry Whitfield

Candace Carter, Melissa Carter Lillie Cole, Tameko Brooks

Chelsi Forbes, Braden Cummings, Hannah Hubbard, Kellie Allen, Karen Forbes, Emi-
Bonita Baity, Emorie Eacholes, Taylor Harris ly Hubbard, Sienna Eaves, Torey Eaves

The Starkville
Rotary Club’s
Classic Rodeo
was held at the
Mississippi Horse
Park in Starkville
Feb. 7-8. Austin
to The Dispatch

James Melton, Cheyenne Rhodes, Montana Rhodes Donna Edwards, Natalie Nadorff, Danielle Nadorff, Michael Nadorff

Shannon Burchfield, Julian Perkins, Ann Burchfield Sandy and Burt Schrock
Classified & Comics D
244-5018) OR EMAIL
BY PHONE (662-244-5006) OR


Legal Notices
LOWEST AND BEST BID/BID- General Help Wanted Apts For Rent: Other

LEGALS Rentals
MR. SAM ALLISON, SUPERIN- SISTANT - The Mississippi 1−2 BR Apt: $350−435
TENDENT School for Mathematics 1−2BR TwnHome:
Call us: 662-328-2424 SUPERINTENDENT OF EDUCA-
TION and Science (MSMS) is of- Ads starting at $25 $625−650
LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- fering a summer employ- Lease, Dep, Credit Check.
Legal Notices SIPPI ment opportunity for a Apts For Rent: South Coleman Realty
cleaning assistant. This in- 662−329−2323
FEBRUARY 16, 2020 cleaning and disinfecting located at 121 5th St. S.
COUNTY OF LOWNDES rooms, bathrooms, and $700/mo. 662−328−
common areas in the resid- 8655.

SEALED BIDS WILL BE RE- ence halls and academic
buildings. Additionally, this Apts For Rent: West
COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCA- individual will assist with

TION, IN THE OFFICE OF SU- moving furniture in and out
PERINTENDENT OF EDUCA- Call us: 662-328-2424 of rooms in preparation for

TION, 1053 HIGHWAY 45 cleaning and waxing floors.
SOUTH, COLUMBUS, MS. UN- Applicants must be 18
General Help Wanted
FEBRUARY 26, 2020 FOR EN- years of age or older. If in-
ADMINISTRATIVE ASSIST- terested in the position and Apartments & Houses
Even if you
FOR LAPTOP AND TABLETS, ANT: You’re an admin pro want to learn more, please
contact Mr. Gene King, Co- 1 Bedrooms
don’t get out much
MOBILE CARTS FOR LAPTOP who doesn’t want to be a
AND TABLETS, MOBILE DEVICE secretary. You have great ordinator for Facilities, at
these days, you can
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PRICES SHALL BE FIRM AND person, who is great at VETERINARY ASSISTANT/ Furnished & Unfurnished
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APPROVED BY LOWNDES organizing paperwork and KENNEL HAND needed.
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experience is necessary.
If interested, please call Lease, Deposit what you’ve been looking for.
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AT THE OFFICE OF SUPERIN- historic district, 1 block
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Find someone to clean the house
PLEASE DIRECT ALL INQUIRES THE COMMERCIAL now taking applications for $575/mo. + $575 dep.
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DISPATCH is seeking a NO PETS. 662−574−8789.
ORDINATOR, BY PHONE (662- mechanically-minded indi- location. Apply in person at Peaceful & Quiet area. •
vidual to work in its press- Alabama St location or to
244-5018) OR EMAIL
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to tight deadlines and must Buy a computer system
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FEBRUARY 16, 2020
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Columbus, MS 39701


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Insurance gutters cleaned, pressure 662−356−6525
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7596 Hwy 45 Alt N • West Point 662−242−3608.
Carpet & Flooring SERVICE. Special Prices.
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Just for Ladies

CLEANING Painting. 662−435−6528
Re−Stretch & Repair also 1 Room − $50
avail. I accept select jobs. 2 Rooms − $70 Tree Services
Call Walt, 662−574−8134. 3+ Rooms − $30 EA
Rugs−Must Be Seen Mossy Oak Mall • West Point J&A TREE REMOVAL
Work from a bucket truck.
Car Upholstery 662-492-4221 • Mon.-Sat. Insured/bonded.
Cleaning Available CHILDREN’S & LADIES’ CONSIGNMENT Call Jimmy Prescott for free
estimate, 662−386−6286.
General Services JEWELRY REPAIR

Bucket truck & stump


removal. Free est.

Serving Columbus 100 Russell St.
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since 1987. Senior

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2D Sunday, February 16, 2020 The Dispatch •
Apts For Rent: Other Lots & Acreage

Good/Bad Credit Options.
Community ON THE WEB
RENTALS Good credit as low as 10%
TOWNHOUSES & APARTMENTS down, $299/mo. Eaton Ads starting at $12 Visit
Land, 662−361−7711.
1 BEDROOM Instruction & School for a printable copy of
2 BEDROOMS these puzzles.
3 BEDROOMS Garage Sales
© The Dispatch

DEPOSIT Two free signs

AND Estate Sales
Joy Peters Estate Sale!
662-329-2323 372 Cedar Drive
Columbus, MS 39705 Christian Women’s Job
Corps Class Spring
Sat. Feb. 15, 8am−5pm
2411 HWY 45 N Sun. 16, 1pm−5pm 2020−FREE TRAINING
Evening classes in
COLUMBUS, MS Mon. 17, 9am−4pm
Selling Entire Contents of Computer Training,
Home and Garage, High Resume Writing &
Commercial Property For Rent Quality Furniture and Interview Skills for Job
Decorative items, Kitchen Seeking Women.
FOR RENT LOCATED NEAR Items, China, Crystal, Enrolling now for Tues &
DOWNTOWN. 3,000 sq. ft. Pottery, Tools, Antique Thurs starting February
truck terminal, 9,500 sq. French Bed, Women’s 4th at Christian
ft. shop & 3,200 sq. ft. Clothing, hundred of items. Women’s Job Corps.
office/shop. Buildings can Stewart’s Antiques, Min H.S. Diploma or
be rented together or Appraisals & Estate Sales Equivalent required. Call
separately. All w/ excellent Benny Shelton 662−722−3016 or visit
access & Hwy. 82 visibility. Columbus, MS 662−251−
662−327−9559. 1515
Houses For Rent: North


3BR/1BA, BRICK HOME, PUPPIES. Exc. ped. Blk/
central heat & window air, red. Vet checked, w/s, Sudoku is a number- Yesterday’s answer
fenced yard. Close to wormed. Ready to go! placing puzzle based on
shopping! $575/mo + Ads starting at $12 662−213−4609. Sudoku
a 9x9 gridis a several
with num- 1 6 5 8 3 9 4 2 7
$500 dep. 1120 6th Ave. ber-placing
given numbers.puzzle
The object 9 2 4 7 6 5 8 1 3

2020 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

Pet Supplies / Accessories
N. 662−352−4776. Burial Plots based onthe
is to place a 9x9
numbers 7 8 3 4 1 2 9 5 6
Happy Jack® LiquiVict 2x: grid
1 to 9with
in theseveral
empty spaces 5 3 2 9 8 1 7 6 4
ch/a, stove, dw, & fridge
Four Burial plots in Mem−
orial Gardens, Columbus.
recognized safe & effective given
so thatnumbers.
each row, eachThe 6 1 9 3 4 7 2 8 5
furn. Fenced backyard. Close to trees and the
by U.S. CVM against hook
& round worms in dogs. object
column is andtoeach
3x3 the
box 4 7 8 2 5 6 1 3 9
1204 6th St. N. $785/mo white statue. Vaults At Tractor Supply. numbers
contains the1sameto 9 number
+ dep. 662−352−4776. included. $900 each, sold ( the empty spaces so 2 5 6 1 9 4 3 7 8
only once. The difficulty 3 4 1 6 7 8 5 9 2
together. 662−364−2106.
that each row, each
level increases from
column and each 8 9 7 5 2 3 6 4 1
COLONIAL TOWNHOUSES. General Merchandise
2 & 3 bedroom w/ 2−3 Monday
3x3 boxtocontains
Sunday. Difficulty Level 2/14
bath townhouses. $625 to MULTIPLEX DISPLAY the same number only once. The difficulty level
$675. 662−549−9555. EXHIBIT or portable room
Ask for Glenn or text. dividers. 49in wide x increases from Monday to Sunday.
59.5in tall x 1in thick.
GREAT LOCATION! Dead Seven panels, double
end street. Very private and sided, finished, washable
country atmosphere with surface, medium brown in
city convenience. Updated color. $150 per panel. Call
and remodeled. $900.00 662−323−8614.
Houses For Rent: East We pay CA$H.
R12 R500 R11.
3 BR/1BA HOUSE Poplar Convenient.
St. 425/mo. 425/dep. No Certified professionals.
Hud. No Section 8. 205− 312−291−9169
442−2011 or 601−940−
Sporting Goods
Houses For Rent: South
Use and read
FOR RENT: 408 11th Ave
S. 3BR/2BA, CH/A,
9−5: Tues−Fri & classifieds and
9−12: Sat.
garage, fenced yard, quiet
neighborhood, recent Over 50 years experience!
Repairs, cleaning,
your dollars will
remodel. Call 662−752−
9010. refinishing, scopes
mounted & zeroed, go further.
Mobile Homes for Rent handmade knives.
Located: Hwy 45 Alt, North
of West Point, turn right on
Yokahama Blvd, 8mi & turn Five Questions:
left on Darracott Rd, see
Utilities & cable included, sign, 2.5mi ahead, shop on
1 June 14th
from $145/wk − $535/ left. 662−494−6218.
month. Columbus & County
School locations. 662−242
−7653 or 601−940−1397.


near CAFB, Caledonia
Vehicles 2 Frida Kahlo
schools. Call 601−940−
Ads starting at $12 3 Honey badger
Campers & RVs
Office Spaces For Rent
2012 JAYCO EAGLE 5th 4 Walmart
OFFICE SPACE FOR WHEEL. 39ft, 4 slide−outs.
LEASE. 1112 Main St., 2BR, 48" TV & 27" TV.
Ste. 5. 3700 sq. ft.
Plenty of private parking.
$26,500. 662−386−9605. 5 Oregon

Need a
Real Estate new car? ACROSS
Ads starting at $25
1 Says further
5 Gets ready,
Houses For Sale: North briefly
FSBO: 3BR/2BA, 3304 5th 10 Mill input
St N. Fenced back yard w/ 12 Maximum
sm shop. Great neighbor− amount
hood. $110,000. 662−356
−4764 or 901−848−0051. 13 Cowboy
Houses For Sale: Caledonia 14 Acid type
FSBO: 3BR/2BA ON 2.5
15 Complete
ACRES. 1600 sqft. 16 Attempt
Completely remodeled. 18 Catch some
$178,000. 662−386−
19 Pal of Pooh
Lots & Acreage Start in the classifieds section for 21 Plays the
Beautiful 1+ acre your buying and selling needs! ponies
construction ready lot 22 TV show type DOWN 25 Spirit session
Honeysuckle Drive, NH 24 Glowing coal 1 Be of one mind 26 Florid
School District, paved 25 TV show type 2 Talked on and 27 Muralist
frontage, $15,000. 662−
549−3764. $15,000.00 Ads starting at $12 for one week! 29 Swiss capital on Diego
662−549−3764 30 Low points 3 Beatnik’s bro 28 Comes up
32 Operated 4 “Sprechen — 29 Wilson of the
Houses For Sale: Other 33 “Sure thing!” Deutsch?” Beach Boys
34 Bigwig, briefly 5 Join the game 31 Wasn’t thrifty
35 Ridiculous 6 Crater part 33 Urges
37 The ones 7 “8 Mile” rapper 36 Approval
here 8 Party target 38 Yonder fellow
39 Take, as 9 Organ parts
advice 11 Bidding
40 Ambulance choice
sound 17 Singer Leon
41 Calls for 20 Indian, e.g.
42 Ship staff 21 Uncovered
23 Meals
The Dispatch • SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2020 3D

Church Directory
Where the Spirit of the Lord is
“There is Liberty”
Ke nne th Mo ntg o m ery
Proudly serving our community
for over 30 years These church directory pages are made possible by the sponsorship of the following businesses.
NEW LIFE ASSEMBLY OF GOD — 4474 New Hope High Road, Crawford. Sunday School 9:45 a.m., Worship PLEASANT GROVE ROBINSON MB CHURCH
Road. Worship 10:30 a.m., Children’s Church 10:30 a.m., 11 a.m., Wednesday 7 p.m. Rev. Riley Forrest, Sr., Pastor. — 9203 Hwy. 389 N., Starkville. Sunday School 10 a.m.,
662-664-0852 662-272-8221 Worship 11:15 a.m., Wednesday Prayer Service/Bible
THE ASSEMBLY COLUMBUS — 2201 Military PLEASANT HILL BAPTIST — 1383 Pleasant Hill Study 7 p.m. Pastor George A. Sanders. 456-0024
Road. Christian Education 9:30 a.m., Worship 10:30 a.m., Rd. Sunday Worship 10 a.m. & 6 p.m., Wednesday 7 p.m. PLEASANT RIDGE MB CHURCH — Ridge Rd.
Nursery Church (2-3 yrs.) Children’s Church 10:30 a.m. Bill Hurt, Pastor. 662-329-3921 Sunday School 10 a.m., Worship 11 a.m., Wednesday 6
Wednesday 6:30 p.m. (something for all ages). Nursery PLYMOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH — 187 Plymouth p.m. A. Edwards, Sr., Pastor.
provided for all services. Jody Gurley, Pastor. 662-328- Rd. Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m., Wednesday 7 p.m. Rev. PROVIDENCE MB CHURCH — Old Hwy. 69 S.
6374 Randy Rigdon, Pastor. Neil Shepherd, Music. Sunday School 9:30 a.m., Worship 11 a.m., Wednesday
BAPTIST SOVEREIGN FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH — 7852 7 p.m. Rev. Gilbert Anderson, Pastor.
ANTIOCH BAPTIST CHURCH — Hwy. 45 N. Hwy. 12 E., Steens. Sunday Worship 10 a.m., Service 5 SAINT MATTHEWS MB CHURCH — 1213
Sunday School 9:45 a.m., Worship 11 a.m., Discipleship p.m., Wednesday 6:30 p.m. Charles Young, Pastor. Island Rd. Sunday School 9:30 a.m., Worship 11 a.m.,
Training 5 p.m., Worship 6 p.m., Wednesday 7 p.m. Mitch SOVEREIGN GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH — Wednesday 6:30 p.m. Curtis Clay, Sr., Pastor.
McWilliams, Pastor. 662-328-4765 12859 Martin Road Spur, Northport, Ala. Worship 11 SALEM MB CHURCH — Hwy. 86, Carrollton, Ala.
ARMSTRONG BAPTIST CHURCH — 1707 a.m., Sunday Bible Study noon. Todd Bryant, Pastor. Sunday School 9:30 a.m., Worship 11 a.m., Wednesday
Yorkville Rd. Sunday School 10 a.m., Worship 11 a.m. Bible 6 p.m. Rev. David J. Johnson, Jr., Pastor.
Study Wednesday 7 p.m. Rev. William Vaughn, Pastor. 662- STATE LINE BAPTIST CHURCH — 7560 Hwy. 1282 SECOND JAMES CREEK MB CHURCH —
328-0670 E. Sunday School 9:30 a.m., Worship 10:30 a.m., Wednesday 4898 Baldwin Rd., Brooksville. Sunday School 9:45 a.m.,
ARTESIA BAPTIST CHURCH — Sunday School 10 Night small group 6:30 p.m. Robert Gillis, Pastor. 662- Worship 11 a.m. Pastor Michael Tate. 662-738-5855
a.m., Worship 11 a.m. and 6 p.m., Wednesday 6 p.m. Pastor 329-2973 SOUTHSIDE MB CHURCH — 100 Nashville Ferry
Jeff Morgan. TEMPLE OF DELIVERANCE BAPTIST Rd. E. Sunday School 8:30 a.m., Worship 10 a.m.,
BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH — 3232 Military Road. CHURCH — 4307 Sand Rd., Steens. Maurice Williams, Wednesday 6:30 p.m. Rev. Rayfield Evins Jr., Pastor.
Sunday School 10:00 a.m., Worship 11 a.m. and 6 p.m., Pastor. Sunday School 10 a.m., Worship 11 a.m. and 7 p.m., SIXTH AVENUE MB CHURCH — 1519 Sixth Ave.
Wednesday Bible Study 6 p.m. Walter Butler, Pastor. Wednesday 7 p.m. 662-327-2580 N. Sunday School 9:45 a.m., Sunday 11 a.m., Bible Study
BETHESDA BAPTIST CHURCH — 2096 Bethesda UNITED CHRISTIAN BAPTIST CHURCH — 2 Wednesday 7 p.m. Rev. W.C. Talley, Pastor. 662-329-
Rd, Crawford. Sunday School 10 a.m., Worship 11 a.m., blocks east of Hwy. 69 on Yorkville Rd. Sunday School 9 2344
Discipleship Training 6:00 p.m., Worship 7 p.m., Wednesday a.m., Worship 10:15 a.m. Steven James, Pastor. SPRINGFIELD MB CHURCH — 6369 Hwy. 45 S.
7:00 p.m. Allan Dees, Pastor. 662-272-8734 UNIVERSITY BAPTIST CHURCH — 1104 (1st & 3rd Sunday) Sunday School 10:30 a.m., Worship
2500 Military Road Suite 1 BORDER SPRINGS BAPTIST CHURCH — 12771 Louisville St., Starkville (located in Fellowship Hall of St. 11:30 a.m., (1st & 3rd Wednesday) 7 p.m. Robert Gavin,
Columbus, MS Hwy. 12 E., Caledonia. Sunday School 9:30 a.m., Worship Luke Lutheran Church). Sunday School 9:45 a.m., Worship Pastor. 662-327-9843
10:30 a.m., Discipleship Training 5:15 p.m., Worship 6 p.m., 11 a.m. Bert Montgomery, Pastor. STEPHEN CHAPEL MB CHURCH — 2008 7th Wednesday Bible Study – Adults, Children, and Youth VICTORY FREE WILL BAPTIST CHURCH — Ave. N. Sunday School 8:30 a.m., Worship 9:45 a.m.
Don West, Broker/Owner classes 6:30 p.m. Dan Louman, Pastor. 662-386-0541. Victory Loop off of Mill Rd. Sunday School 10 a.m., Worship Bible Study Wednesday 10:45 a.m. and 5:45 p.m.
www. 11 a.m. and 6 p.m., Wednesday 7 p.m. Pastor, Al Hamm. ST. JAMES MB CHURCH — 6525 Hardy-Billups
BROOKSVILLE BAPTIST CHURCH — Main WOODLAND BAPTIST CHURCH — 3033 Ridge Rd., Crawford. Sunday School 10 a.m., Worship 11 a.m.
Street, Brooksville. Sunday School 9:45 a.m., Worship Rd. Sunday School 9:30 a.m., Worship 10:30 a.m., Worship and 6:15 p.m. Rev. Chad Payton, Pastor.
Northeast Exterminating 10:55 a.m. and 6 p.m., Wednesday 6:30 p.m. 6 p.m., AWANA Wednesday 6:30 p.m., Wednesday 6:30 ST. JOHN MB CHURCH — 3477 Motley Rd.,
CALEDONIA BAPTIST CHURCH — 7840 Wolfe p.m. Kevin Jenkins, Pastor. 662-327-6689. Brad Wright, Sunday School 10 a.m., Worship 11 a.m., Wednesday
If it Jimmy Linley • Richard Linley
Road, Caledonia. Sunday Men’s Prayer Service 9:30 a.m., Youth Minister. Bible Study 7 p.m. Joe Brooks, Pastor. 327-7494.
Sunday School 10 a.m. Sunday, Worship 11 a.m. Sunday, ST. PAUL MB CHURCH — Robinson Rd. Sunday
crawls, Columbus Bible Study 4 p.m., Worship 5 p.m., Wednesday Bible Study
— 1118 7th St. S. Sunday School 8 a.m., Worship 9:30 a.m., School 10 a.m., Worship 11 a.m., Wednesday 6 p.m.
call... 662-329-9992 6:30 p.m. Kelby R. Johnson, Pastor.
Wednesday 7 p.m., Youth Ministry Wednesday 4:30 p.m.
Rev. Brian Hood, Pastor.
Rev. Willie Mays, Pastor.
ST. PAUL MB CHURCH — 1800 Short Main St.
Dr. Sunday School 9:30 a.m., Worship 10:30 a.m., Adult INDEPENDENT BAPTIST Disciple Training/Sunday School 8 a.m., Worship 9:00
BRISLIN, INC. Choir rehearsals and Discipleship Training 5 p.m., Worship
6 p.m., Wednesday 6:15 p.m. Rev. Ralph Windle, Interim
BETHESDA CHURCH — 1800 Short Main. Sunday
School 9:45 a.m., Worship 11 a.m., Wednesday 7 p.m.
a.m. Rev. John F. Johnson, Pastor. 662-241-7111
Sales • Service • Installation Pastor. 662-328-6741 Nathaniel Best, Pastor. E-mail: bethesdambchurch@ CHURCH — 325 Barton Ferry Rd., West Point. Sunday
Residential • Commercial • Industrial CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH — 385 7th St. SW, School 9:30 a.m., Worship 11 a.m., Wednesday Bible
Since 1956 Vernon, Ala. Sunday School 9:45 a.m., Worship 11 a.m. and BIBLE BAPTIST CHURCH — 5860 Hwy. 50 E., West Study 6 p.m. 5 p.m. (6 p.m. - Daylight Savings Time), Wednesday 6:30 Point. Sunday School 10 a.m., Service 11 a.m. and 6 p.m., UNION BAPTIST MB CHURCH — 101 Weaver
p.m. Wil Corbett, Pastor. 205-270-1845 Wednesday 7 p.m. Rd. (Hwy. 69 S) Sunday School 9:45 a.m., Worship 11
4051 Military Road • 662-328-5814 CANAAN BAPTIST CHURCH — 1008 Lehmberg FELLOWSHIP BAPTIST CHURCH — 1720 Hwy. a.m., Wednesday 6 p.m. Pastor McSwain.
Rd. Sunday School 9:30 a.m., Worship 10:30 a.m. and 5 373. Sunday School 10 a.m., Worship 11 a.m. and 6 p.m., TABERNACLE MB CHURCH — Magnolia Drive,
p.m., Wednesday 6:30 p.m. Paul Shaw, Pastor. 662-327- Wednesday 7 p.m. Martin “Buddy” Gardner, Pastor. Macon. Sunday School 9:30 a.m., Worship 11 a.m.,
3771 LIGHTHOUSE BAPTIST CHURCH — 5030 Hwy. Wednesday 6 p.m.
CANAAN MB CHURCH — 2425 Bell Ave. Sunday 182 E. Sunday School 9:30 a.m., Worship 10:30 a.m. and 6 UNION HOPEWELL MB CHURCH — 150
School 8:15 a.m., Worship 9:30 a.m., Wednesday Bible p.m., Wednesday 7 p.m. 662-327-1130 Spurlock Rd. Sunday School 10 a.m., Worship 11 a.m.,
Study 6 p.m. Jimmy Pounds, Pastor. 662-327-1226 SHINING LIGHT BAPTIST CHURCH — 957 Wednesday 6 p.m. Carlton Jones, Pastor.
COMMUNITY BAPTIST CHURCH — 2490 Sunset Drive, Starkville in the Comfort Suites Conference WOODLAWN LANDMARK MB CHURCH —
Yorkville Rd. East Sunday School 9:30 a.m., Worship 10:30 Room, Sunday School 9:30 a.m., Worship 10:30 a.m. and 6 8086 Hwy. 12. East, Steens. Sunday School 10 a.m.,
a.m., Wednesday Bible Study, Children & Youth Classes p.m. Pastor John Harvey. 662-648-0282 Worship 11 a.m. and 5 p.m., Wednesday 7 p.m. David
6:30 p.m. Matt Moehring, Pastor. Edward Rhinewalt, Music MISSIONARY BAPTIST Retherford, Pastor.
CORNERSTONE BAPTIST CHURCH — 844 Woodlawn Rd., Steens. Sunday School 9:20 a.m., Worship Carson Rd. Sunday School 10 a.m., Worship 11:15 a.m.,
Old West Point Rd., Starkville. Sunday 10:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m., Bible Study Wednesday 6:20 p.m. Rev. William Wednesday 7 p.m. John Sanders, Pastor.
Greg Upperman, Pastor. 662-323-6351 or visit www. Sparks, Pastor. 662-356-4968. ZION GATE MB CHURCH — 1202 5th St. S. Sunday ANTIOCH MB CHURCH — 2304 Seventh Ave. N. School 9:30 a.m., Worship 8 a.m. and 10:45., Children’s
INDUSTRIAL SERVICES, INC EAST END BAPTIST CHURCH — 380 Hwy. Sunday School 9 a.m., Worship 10 a.m., Wednesday 6 p.m. Church 10:15 a.m., Worship 5 p.m., Wednesday 6 p.m.
50 W. (Hwy. 50 and Holly Hills Rd.) Sunday School 9:15 Kenny Bridges, Pastor. Dr. James A. Boyd, Pastor. a.m., Worship 10:30 a.m., Worship 5 p.m. followed by BETHLEHEM MB CHURCH — 293 Bethlehem Road, PRIMITIVE BAPTIST
Discipleship Training, Mission Friends and GAs 5 p.m., Caledonia. Sunday School 1st and 4th Sundays 8 a.m., 2nd ABERDEEN PRIMITIVE BAPTIST CHURCH
Jarrett’s Towing Sanctuary Choir 6:30 p.m., Wednesday Prayer Meeting,
Youth Worship, Preschool & Children’s Choirs 6:30 p.m.
& 3rd Sundays 9:30 a.m., Worship 1st & 4th Sundays 9:30
a.m., 2nd & 3rd Sundays 11 a.m., Wednesdays 6 p.m. Rev.
— Washington St. & Columbus St., Aberdeen. Sunday
10:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. Herb Hatfield, Pastor. 662-369-
Wrecker Service Bryon Benson, Pastor. 662-328-5915 Willie James Gardner, Pastor. 662-356-4424 4937
5209 N. Hwy 182 E. • Columbus, MS 39702 Christopher Rd. Sunday School 10 a.m., Worship 11 a.m., Activity Center 405 Lynn Lane Road. Sunday Worship 2nd, Flower Farm Rd., 2 miles South of Hamilton, just off Hwy.
329-2447 We unlock Wednesday 7 p.m. Junior Eads, Pastor. 662-329-2245
4th & 5th Sundays 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. Pastor Martin. 662-
45. Sunday 10:30 a.m. Jesse Phillips, Pastor. 662-429-
If no answer 251-2448 cars
Sunday School 9 a.m., Worship 10:15 a.m. and 5:30 p.m., BRICK MB CHURCH — Old Macon Rd. Sunday School MAYHEW PRIMITIVE BAPTIST CHURCH —
Wednesday 6 p.m. Dr. Breck Ladd, Pastor. 662-328-2924 9:30 a.m. each Sunday, Worship 2nd and 4th Sundays only 842 Hwy. 45 Alternate, Starkville. Sunday Service 10:30
R Free Estimates
Mike Parra Rd. Sunday School 10 a.m., Worship 11 a.m.
11 a.m., Wednesday 7 p.m. Rev. Everett Little, Pastor.
a.m. Herb Hatfield,Pastor. 662-315-4937
SPRINGHILL P.B. CHURCH — 3996 Sandyland
EE FIN Licensed
& Insured Rev. Michael Love, Pastor. 662-434-5252 Lyons Road. Sunday Worship 8:00 a.m., Sunday School 9 Road, Macon, MS. Walter Lowery Jr., Pastor. Sunday
W H INC. G FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH — 7th St. and 2nd. Ave. a.m., Worship 10 a.m., Wednesday 6:30 p.m. Pastor Robert School 9:00 a.m., Worship 10:00 a.m., Tuesday Bible
“A Family Business Since 1946” N. Sunday Worship 8:45 a.m., Sunday School 10 a.m. Bowers, Pastor. 662-434-0144 Study 6 p.m. 662-738-5006.
Cable Channel 7), Contemporary Worship 11 a.m.; Worship Services 11:15 a.m., Sunday School 10 a.m., CHURCH — North of Caledonia on Wolf Rd, Hamilton.
662-328-3625 • 662-328-7612 Sunday Evening Worship 5 p.m., Midweek Prayer Service Wednesday 6:30 p.m. Johnnie Richardson, Pastor. 662- Sunday 10:30 a.m. & 1st Sunday Night at 6:30 p.m. Elder

Rae’s Jewelry
Wednesday 6 p.m. located downtown. Dr. Shawn Parker, 434-6528 Joseph Mettles, Pastor. 662-369-2532
FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF STEENS — 40 CHURCH — 14096 MS Hwy. 388, Brooksville, MS 39739, SAINT DAVID’S AT MAYHEW — 549 Mayhew
Odom Rd., Steens. Sunday School 9:45 a.m., Worship 11 Sunday School 9:45 a.m., Worship 11:00 a.m., Wednesday Rd., Mayhew. Holy Eucharist - Sunday 10 a.m. 662-244-
Authorized Dealer a.m. and 6 p.m., Wednesday 7 p.m.
FRIENDSHIP BAPTIST — 125 Yorkville Rd. W.
6:30 p.m. Bobby Bowen, Pastor. 662-738-5837/549-6100
CHRIST MB CHURCH — 110 2nd Ave. S. Sunday
5939 or
Citizens and Pulsar Watches Sunday School 10 a.m., Worship 11 a.m. and 6 p.m., School 10 a.m., Worship 11 a.m., Wednesday 6 p.m., B.T.U. ANNUNCIATION CATHOLIC CHURCH — 808
Downtown Columbus 662-328-8824 Wednesday 7 p.m. John Gainer, Pastor. 662-328-6024 or Program every 1st & 3rd Sunday 6 p.m. College St. Mass Schedules are as follows: Sunday 8
662-328-3183 ELBETHEL MB CHURCH — 2205 Washington Ave. a.m. & 10:30 a.m., Monday, Wednesday & Friday 8 a.m.,
GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH — 708 Airline Sunday School 9:45 a.m., Worship 11 a.m., Wednesday Tuesday 5:30 p.m., Thursday 8:30 a.m., and Annunciation
When Caring Counts... Rd. Sunday School 9 a.m., Worship 10 a.m. & 6 p.m., 7:00 p.m., Rev. Leroy Jones, Pastor. Catholic School (during the school year). Father Jeffrey
Wednesday 6 p.m. Charles Whitney, Pastor. FAITH HARVEST MB CHURCH — 4266 Sand Waldrep, Priest.
GRACE COVENANT BAPTIST CHURCH — 912 Road. Sunday School 9 a.m., Worship 10 a.m., Bible class CHRISTIAN
11th Ave. S. Sunday 10 a.m. and 11 a.m. Pastor Sammy Tuesday 6 p.m. Hugh L. Dent, Pastor. 662-243-7076. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH — 811 N. McCrary.
Burns. 662-328-1096 FOURTH STREET MB CHURCH — 610 4th St. N. Larry Ferguson, Interim Pastor. Sunday School 9:30
FUNERAL HOME & CREMATORY GREENWOOD SPRINGS BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday School 9 a.m., Worship 10:45 a.m., Wednesday a.m., Worship 10:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. Wednesday, 7 p.m.
1131 Lehmberg Rd., Columbus • 662-328-1808 — 278 East between Gattman & Amory. Sunday School 10 Bible Study 7 p.m. Rev. Jimmy L. Rice, Pastor. 662-328-1913 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE
a.m., Worship 11 a.m. and 6 p.m., Wednesday 7:15 p.m. FRIENDSHIP MB CHURCH — 1102 12th Ave. S. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCH — 720 4th Ave.
Rev. John Walden, Pastor. 662-356-4445 Sunday School 9:30 a.m., Worship 11 a.m., Wednesday N. and 8th St. N. Sunday Service 10:30 a.m.
IMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH — 6342 Military 6 p.m. Dr. Stanley K. McCrary, Pastor. 662-327-7473 or CHURCH OF CHRIST
Rd., Steens. Bible Study 10:30 a.m., Worship 9:15 a.m. and 662-251-4185 CALEDONIA CHURCH OF CHRIST — Main
6 p.m., Wednesday 6:30 p.m. 662-328-1668 GREATER MT. OLIVE M.B. CHURCH — 1856 St., Caledonia. Sunday Bible Study 9 a.m., Worship
KOLOLA SPRINGS BAPTIST CHURCH — Carson Rd. Sunday School 9 a.m., Worship 10:15 a.m., 10 a.m. and 5 p.m., Wednesday 6 p.m.
Caledonia. Sunday School 9:30 a.m., Worship 10:30 a.m., Wednesday 7 a.m. Donald Henry, Pastor. CHURCH OF CHRIST — 4362 Hwy. 69 S.
AWANA 4:45-6 Ages 2-12th grade (Sept. - May), Worship HALBERT MISSION MB CHURCH — 2199 Halbert Sunday Worship 9:30 a.m. , Wednesday 6 p.m. Loviah
5 p.m., Choir Practice Wednesday 6 p.m., 252 Basics Church Rd., Ethelsville, Ala. Sunday School 10 a.m., Johnson 662-574-0426 or E-mail: jtychicus00@gmail.
Children’s Ministry an Cross Training Youth Wednesday Worship 11 a.m. Ernest Prescott, Pastor. com
7 p.m., Wednesday Bible Study 7 p.m. Rev. Don Harding, HOPEWELL MB CHURCH — 4892 Ridge Rd. CHURCH OF CHRIST — 437 Gregory Rd.

Shelton Cleaners Pastor.

Street, Longview. Sunday School 10:00 a.m., Worship
Sunday School 8 a.m., Worship 9 a.m., Minister Terry
Johnson, Interim Pastor.
JERUSALEM MB CHURCH — 14129 Hwy 12 E.,
Sunday Bible class 10 a.m., Worship 11 a.m. and 6
p.m., Wednesday 7 p.m. Richard Latham, Minister.
662-328- 4705
3189 Hwy 45 N. • 328-5421 11:00 a.m., Discipleship Training 5:15 p.m., Evening Caledonia. Sunday School 8:30 a.m., Worship 9:30 a.m., CHURCH OF CHRIST DIVINE — 1316 15th
Worship 6:00 p.m.; Wednesday Prayer Meeting 6:30 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study 6 p.m. Rev. Willie Petty, Sr., Pastor. St. S. Morning Worship (1st, 2nd, & 4th Sunday)
1702 6th St. N. • 328-5361 Interim Pastor Ron Linkins, or email ynyministry@yahoo.
com, 662-769-4774
Sunday School 9:30 a.m., Worship 10:45 a.m. and 6 p.m.,
9:45 a.m., (3rd & 5th Sunday) 8:30 a.m., Wednesday
Prayer 6 p.m., Wednesday Bible Study 7 p.m. 662-
MCBEE BAPTIST CHURCH — 2846 Hwy. 50 E. Wednesday 6 p.m. Joseph Oyeleye, Pastor. 662-328-4629 327-6060 Bishop Timothy Heard, Pastor.
Sunday School 9:30 a.m., Worship 10:30 a.m., Discipleship MILLERS CHAPEL MB CHURCH — 425 East COLUMBUS CHURCH OF CHRIST — 2401
Training 5 p.m., Worship 6 p.m., Wednesday 6:30 p.m. Rev. North St. Macon. Sunday School 9:45 a.m., Worship 11 7th St. N. Sunday Bible Class 9:30 a.m., Worship
Jimmy Ray, Pastor. 662-328-7177 a.m., Wednesday 6:30 p.m. Ron Houston, Pastor. 10:30 a.m., Sunday Bible Study 5 p.m., Wednesday
MIDWAY BAPTIST CHURCH — Holly Hills Rd. MISSIONARY UNION BAPTIST CHURCH 6:30 p.m. Paul Bennett, Family Life Minister; Billy
Sunday School 9:45 a.m., Worship 11 a.m., Wednesday 6 — 1207 5th Ave. N. Sunday School 9:45 a.m., Worship
APAC-MISSISSIPPI, INC. p.m., Prayer Service every Saturday 6 p.m. Rev. Denver 11 a.m., Baptist Training Union 5 p.m., Worship 6 p.m.,
Ferguson, Minister of Discipleship; Hunter Johnson,
Youth Minister.
Michael Bogue & Employees Clark, Pastor. Wednesday 6 p.m. Rev. Tony A. Montgomery, Pastor. EAST COLUMBUS CHURCH OF CHRIST —
Lake Norris Rd. 328-6555 MOUNT PISGAH BAPTIST CHURCH — 2628 MOUNT ZION MB CHURCH — 2221 14th Ave. N. Highway 182 E. at Gaylane. Sunday Worship 9 a.m.,
East Tibbee Rd., West Point. Sunday Worship each week 8 Sunday School 9 a.m., Worship 10 a.m., Tuesday Bible Bible Study 10 a.m., Worship 11 a.m., Wednesday 7
a.m., 1st, 3rd and 5th Sunday Worship 11:30 a.m., Sunday Study 7 p.m. Jesse J. Slater, Pastor. 662-328-4979 p.m.
School 9:30 a.m., Wednesday 6:30 p.m. Donald Wesley, MT. ARY MB CHURCH — 291 S. Frontage Rd., Lot HW Y. 69 CHURCH OF CHRIST — 2407 Hwy.
Pastor. #4. Sunday School 9 a.m., Worship 10 a.m., Wednesday 6 69 S. Sunday Bible Study 9:30 a.m., Worship 10:15
MOUNT ZION BAPTIST CHURCH — 1791 Lake p.m. Rev. Erick Logan, Pastor. a.m. and 6 p.m., Wednesday 7 p.m. Minister Jay
Lowndes Rd. Sunday School 9 a.m., Worship 10:15 a.m. MT. AVERY BAPTIST CHURCH — 12311 Nashville Street.
and 6 p.m., Wednesday 6:30 p.m. Steve Lammons, Pastor. Ferry Rd. E. Sunday School 9 a.m., Worship 10 a.m. every LONE OAK CHURCH OF CHRIST — 1903
662-328-2811 Sunday except 5th Sunday. Rev. John Wells, Pastor. Lone Oak Rd., Steens. Bible Study 9 a.m., Worship 10
MT. VERNON CHURCH — 200 Mt. Vernon Rd. MT. OLIVE MB CHURCH — 2020 Atkin Rd., Millport, a.m. and 6 p.m., Wednesday 7 p.m.
Sunday Worship 9 a.m. and 10:30 a.m., Service Life Groups Ala. Sunday School 9 a.m. Worship Service 10 a.m. Pastor MAGNOLIA CHURCH OF CHRIST — 161 Jess
for all ages 9 a.m. and 10:30 a.m., Connection Cafe 10 a.m., Benny W. Henry. 205-662-3923 Lyons Rd. Bible Study 9:15 a.m., Worship, 10 a.m. and
Discovery Zone. 662-328-3042 NEW HOPE MB CHURCH — 271 Church St., Artesia. 6 p.m., Wednesday 7 p.m. Minister David May, Pastor.
MURRAH’S CHAPEL BAPTIST CHURCH — Sunday School 9:45 a.m., Worship 11 a.m., Wednesday 6 662-769-5514.
9297 Hwy. 69 S. Sunday School 9:30 a.m., Worship 10:30 p.m. Thomas E. Rice is Pastor. 662-494-1580 NORTH HILLCREST CHURCH OF CHRIST
a.m. and 6:30 p.m., Wednesday 6:30 p.m. NEW BAPTIST TEMPLE MB CHURCH — 5937 — 900 North Hillcrest, Aberdeen, MS 39730, Sunday
NEW COVENANT BAPTIST CHURCH — Highway Nashville Ferry Rd. E. Sunday School 9 a.m. each week Worship 10:00 a.m., Wednesday Bible Study 6:00
Telephone: 662-327-1467 50 E. Sunday School 9 a.m., Service 10 a.m., Wednesday except 5th Sunday, Worship 10 a.m. each week except 5th p.m., Bro. Arthur Burnett, Minister, 662-304-6098.
P.O. Box 1278 • 1616 7th Ave. S., Columbus, MS 39703 7 p.m. Ed Nix, Pastor. Sunday, 5th Sundays: Ushers Board Fellowship. Rev. L.A. Email: nhill
NEW JOURNEY CHURCH — 3123 New Hope Rd. Gardner, Pastor. 662-329-3321 STEENS CHURCH OF CHRIST — Steens
Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m., Small Groups 5:30 p.m., Kevin NEW ZION PILGRIM MB CHURCH — 5253 New Vernon Rd. 9:15 a.m. Bible Study, Worship 10 a.m.
This ad space can be yours Edge, Pastor. 662-315-7753 or
Hope Rd. Sunday School 9:45 a.m., Worship Services
11 a.m., Wednesday 6:30 p.m. Rev. Christopher Wriley,
and 5 p.m., Wednesday 7 p.m. Tim Gentle, Minister.
for only $10 per week. Rd., 3 miles south of Caledonia. Sunday Worship 8:00 Pastor. 10th Ave. N. Sunday School 9:30 a.m., Worship 10:30
a.m. & 10:30 a.m., Sunday School 9:15 a.m., Sunday NEW ZION STEENS MB CHURCH — 3301 Sand a.m., Bible Class 5 p.m., Worship 6 p.m., Wednesday
Call today 328-2424 Evening - AWANA 4 p.m., Discipleship Training, Youth Rd. Sunday School 9 a.m., Worship 10 a.m., Wednesday 7 p.m. Willie McCord, Minister.
& Adult 5 p.m., Evening Worship 6 p.m., Wednesday - 6 p.m. Pastor Rev. Billy D. Hill. 662-329-5224 WOODLAWN CHURCH OF CHRIST —
to schedule your ad. Adults, Youth & Children 6:30 p.m. 662-356-4940 www. OAK GROVE MB CHURCH — 1090 Taylor Woodlawn Community. Sunday 9 a.m., Worship 9:45 Bro. Mel Howton, Pastor. Thurston Rd. Sunday School 9:00 a.m., Worship 10 a.m., a.m., Worship 6 p.m., Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Willis
NORTHSIDE FREE WILL BAPTIST — 14th Ave. 5th Sunday 8 a.m., Wednesday Bible Study 6:15 p.m. Logan, Minister.
and Waterworks. Sunday School 10 a.m., Sunday Worship Pastor Therman Cunningham Sr., 662-798-0179 CHURCH OF GOD
11 a.m. and 6 p.m., Wednesday 7 p.m. Rev. Pat Creel, OAKLAND MB CHURCH — 18 Fairport Road, CHURCH OF GOD IN JESUS’ NAME — Hwy. 12.
Do you need to change your Pastor. Crawford. Sunday School 9:30 a.m., Worship 11 a.m., Sunday 10 a.m. and 6 p.m., Tuesday 7 p.m. David Sipes,
church’s listing? Call 328-2424 or OPEN DOOR MB CHURCH — Starkville Sportsplex, Wednesday Bible study 7 p.m., Mass Choir Rehearsal Pastor.
email changes to 405 Lynn Lane, Sunday School 10 a.m., Worship 11 a.m. - Wed. before 1st and 2nd Sun. 6 p.m., Male Chorus CORNERSTONE WORSHIP CENTER — 7840
1st 2nd and 4th Sundays. Donnie Jones, Pastor. 662-263- Rehearsal - Wed. before 3rd Sun. 6 p.m., Junior Choir Wolfe Rd. Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.,
subject: church page 7102 Rehearsal - Wed. before 4th Sun. 6 p.m. Rev. Sammy Wednesday 6:30 p.m. Tony Hunt, Pastor. 662-889-6570
4D SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2020 The Dispatch •

Let us replenish the seed of faith through ...

Regular Church Attendance
LATTER RAIN CHURCH OF GOD — 721 7th Ave. each Wednesday at 7 p.m. Earnest Sanders, Pastor. Wednesday 6:30 p.m. Pastor Donna Anthony. 662-241-0097
p.m. Brenda Othell Sullivan, Pastor. CHURCH — Hwy. 12, Steens. Sunday School 9:45, JESUS CHRIST) — 4435 Hwy. 45 N., Sunday Service
NORTH COLUMBUS CHURCH OF GOD — 2103 Service 11 a.m.. Meet on 2nd and 4th Sundays. Wednesday 9 a.m., Wednesday Prayer 6:30 p.m., Bible Study 7 p.m. 662-
Jess Lyons Rd. Sunday School 9:45 a.m., Worship 10:30 Bible Study 6:00 p.m. Rev. Antra Geeter, Pastor. 662-327- 241-6723
a.m. and 6 p.m., Wednesday 7 p.m. Clarence Roberts, 4263 THE LORD’S HOUSE — 441 18th St. S. Thursday 7
Pastor. NEW HOPE CME CHURCH — 1452 Yorkville Road p.m. Sunday School 10 a.m., Worship 11 a.m. 716 Second Ave. N. • Columbus, MS • 662-328-4432
YORKVILLE HEIGHTS CHURCH — 2274 Yorkville East, Columbus. Sunday School 10:00 a.m., Worship THE RIVER CHURCH — 822 North Lehmberg Rd., 903 College St. • Columbus, MS • 662-328-2354
Rd., Sunday Connect Groups 9:30 a.m., Worship 10:30 service first, third and fourth Sunday (Youth Sunday) 11:00 Sunday Worship 10 a.m., Children’s Church 3&4 yr. old,
a.m., Wednesday Worship 7 p.m.; Nursery available for all a.m., Wednesday Bible Study 5:00 p.m. Rev. Cornelia 5-12 yr. old. Wednesday Worship 6:45 p.m. Pastor Chuck
services (newborn-4). Scott Volland, Pastor. 662-328-1256 Naylor, Pastor. 662-328-5309
CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST 2503 New Hope Road. Sunday Worship 8:45 a.m., Sunday THE SHEPHERD’S CARE & SHARE MINISTRY
BIBLE WAY PROGRESSIVE CHURCH OF GOD School 10 a.m., Tuesday Bible Study 5:30 p.m. Rev. Sarah CHURCH — 4068 Jess Lyons Rd., Sunday Prayer
IN CHRIST — 426 Military Rd. Sunday School 8 a.m., Windham, Pastor. Time 9:50 a.m., Sunday School 10 a.m., Worship 11 a.m.,
Worship 9 a.m., Monday Prayer 6 p.m., Wednesday Bible NEW ZION UNITED METHODIST CHURCH — Thursday Bible Study 6 p.m., Annie Hines-Goode, Planter
Study 6 p.m., Tuesday and Thursday Prayer Noon. Tommy 2169 S. Montgomery St., Starkville. Sunday School 9:30- and Pastor. 662-630-5216
Williams, Pastor. 10:30 a.m., Young Adult Bible Study (ages 18-30) Thursday TRIBE JUDAH MINISTRIES — 730 Whitfield St.,
FIFTEENTH ST. CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST 6:30 p.m. Tyrone Stallings, Pastor. 662-324-0789 Starkville. Sunday Worship 11 a.m., Wednesday Bible
— 917 15th St. N. Sunday School 9 a.m., Worship 10:30 a.m. ORR’S CHAPEL CME CHURCH — Nicholson School 7 p.m. Rev. Greg and Rev. Michelle Mostella,
and 6 p.m., Wednesday 7 p.m. Marion C. Bonner, Pastor. Street, Brooksville. Sunday School 9 a.m., Worship 10 a.m., Pastors. 662-617-4088
OF GOD IN CHRIST — 1601 Pickensville Rd., Sunday PINEY GROVE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 2119 7th. Ave. N., Sunday School 9 a.m., Worship 10:30
School 9:30 a.m., Worship 11 a.m., Monday 6 p.m., Tuesday — 102 Fernbank Rd., Steens. Sunday Worship 9:30 a.m., a.m., Tuesday Bible Study 6:30 p.m. Clyde and Annie
7 p.m., Friday 7 p.m., Saturday 8 a.m. Ocie Salter, Pastor. Sunday School 10:45 a.m., Wednesday 6:30 p.m. Andy Edwards, Pastors.
MIRACLE TEMPLE CHURCH OF GOD IN Tentoni, Pastor. TRUE LIFE CHURCH — 435 Cedarcrest Dr. (corner of
CHRIST — 5429 Hwy. 45 N. Sunday Prayer 8 a.m., PLAIR UNITED METHODIST CHURCH — 1579 Yorkville and Cedarcrest), Sunday prayer 8:45 a.m., Worship
Sunday School 8:30 a.m., Worship 9:30 a.m., 4th Sunday
Fellowship Lunch, Youth Sunday 4th Sunday, Wednesday
Sun Creek Rd., Starkville. Sunday School 8:45-9:45
a.m., Worship 10 a.m., Tuesday Bible Study 6-7 p.m. Rev.
10 a.m., Wednesday prayer 6:30 p.m., Service 7:30 p.m.
Bible Study 6 p.m. Elder Robert L. Brown, Jr., Pastor. 662- Sylvester Miller III, Pastor. 662-324-0036 TRUE LIFE WORSHIP CENTER — 597 Main St., Since 1960
327-4221. Email: SANDERS CHAPEL CME CHURCH — 521 15th
NOW FAITH CENTER MINISTRIES — 425 Military St. N. Sunday School 8 a.m., Sunday 9 a.m., Tuesday 11:45
Caledonia. Sunday School 10 a.m., Worship 11 a.m. and 5
p.m., Wednesday 7 p.m. Eugene O’Mary, Pastor.
24 Hour Towing
Road, Sunday School 10 a.m., Worship 11:30 a.m., Tuesday
Night Bible Study 7 p.m. Elder Samuel Wilson, Pastor.
a.m. Rev. Dr. Luther Minor, Pastor.
OPEN DOOR CHURCH OF GOD — 711 S. Thayer CHURCH — 1007 Shaeffers Chapel Rd., Traditional MINISTRIES — 5450 Cal-Kolola Rd, Caledonia. Sunday
School 9:30 a.m., Worship 10:45 a.m., Wednesday 6:30 p.m.
Ave., Aberdeen. Sunday School 10:30 a.m., Worship 11:30 Worship Service 9 a.m., Rev. Curtis Bray, Pastor.
a.m., Tuesday Bible School 10 a.m. & 6 p.m., 2nd & 4th ST. JAMES UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Pastor Francisco Brock, Sr. 662-356-8252
Thursday Evangelist Night 6 p.m. Johnnie Bradford, Pastor. — 722 Military Rd. Breakfast 9:10 a.m., Sunday School UNITED FAITH INTER-DENOMINATIONAL
662-574-2847. 9:40 a.m., Worship 11 a.m., Adult/Children Bible Study MINISTRIES — 1701 22nd Street North, Columbus.
PETER’S ROCK TEMPLE CHURCH OF GOD IN Wednesday 6 p.m. Rev. Dwight Prowell, Pastor. Sunday Worship 8-9:30 a.m., 662-889-8711
CHRIST — 223 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Dr., Starkville. ST. PAUL INDEPENDENT METHODIST VIBRANT CHURCH — 500 Holly Hills Rd. Sunday
Sunday Worship 7:45 a.m., 10 a.m., 6 p.m., Sunday School 9 CHURCH — Freeman Rd. Sunday School 10 a.m., 8 a.m., 9:45 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. The Vibe Cafe 7 a.m.,
a.m., Wednesday Bible Study 7 p.m. Sunday Services 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. Youth activities 5 p.m. First Wednesday 7 p.m. Age 6 weeks through 5th grade,
VICTORY TEMPLE CHURCH OF GOD IN John Powell, Pastor. Champions Club (special needs children). Jason Delgado,
CHRIST — Minnie Vaughn Rd. Sunday School 10 a.m., ST. PAUL UNITED METHODIST CHURCH — Pastor. 662-329-2279
Worship 12 p.m., Tuesday 7 p.m. Donald Koonch, Pastor. 307 South Cedar Street, Macon, Sunday School 9:30 WORD IN ACTION MINISTRY CHRISTIAN
662-243-2064 a.m., Worship 10:30 a.m. , Wednesday Bible Study 6 p.m. CENTER — 2648 Tom St., Sturgis. Sunday School 10
COLUMBUS AIR FORCE BASE Demetric Darden, Pastor. a.m., Worship 11 a.m., Wednesday 7 p.m. Curtis Davis,
CAFB CHAPEL — Catholic - Sunday: Catholic ST. STEPHEN UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Pastor. 662-230-3182 or
Reconciliation 4:00 p.m., Mass 5 p.m. Catholic Priest Father — 800 Tuscaloosa Rd. Sunday School 10 a.m., Worship 11 ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN
Paul Stewart. Protestant - Sunday: Adult Sunday School a.m. and 6 p.m., Thursday 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. Andy Tentoni, ST. CATHERINE ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN
9 a.m., Worship 10:45 a.m. Wing Chaplain Lt. Col. Steven Pastor. CHURCH — 725 4th Ave. N. Visit www.
Richardson. 662-434-2500 TABERNACLE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH for schedule of services and
EPISCOPAL — Rt. 2, 6015 Tabernacle Rd., Ethelsville, AL. Sunday
GOOD SHEPHERD EPISCOPAL CHURCH — School 10 a.m., Worship 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. Wednesday 6:30 updates on this Mission.
321 Forrest Blvd. Sunday Bible Study 9 a.m., Worship 10 p.m. Carol Lambert, Pastor. 205-662-3443 APOSTOLIC PENTECOSTAL
a.m., Wednesday Bible Study 6 p.m. Rev. Sandra DePriest. TRINITY-MT. CARMEL CME CHURCH — 4610 APOSTOLIC OUTREACH CHURCH — 204 North
662-574-1972 Carson Rd. Sunday School 9 a.m., Worship 10 a.m., Pastor McCrary Rd., Prayer/Inspiration Hour Monday 6 p.m. Danny
ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH — 318 College Lizzie Harris. 662-329-3995 L. Obsorne, Pastor.
St. Sunday 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Sunday School 9:15 a.m. TURNER CHAPEL AME CHURCH — 1108 14th St. DIVINE DESTINY APOSTOLIC CHURCH — 2601
Rev. Jason Shelby. 662-328-6673 or S. Sunday School 9:30 a.m., Worship 11 a.m., Wednesday 5 14th Ave. N. Sunday School 10:30 a.m., Worship 12 p.m.,
FULL GOSPEL p.m. Yvonne Fox, Pastor. Tuesday Bible Class 7:30 p.m. Pastor Easter Robertson.
Sunday School 9:45 a.m., Worship 10:30 a.m., Wednesday 6 Sunday School 9:45 a.m., Worship 10:55 a.m., Wednesday LOVE — 1210 17th St. S., behind the Dept. of Human
p.m. Jack Taylor, Pastor. 5:15 p.m., Chancel Choir 7 p.m., Youth Monday 6:30 p.m. Resources. Sunday School 10:30 a.m., Friday 7:30 p.m.
BEULAH GROVE FULL GOSPEL BAPTIST Rev. Sarah Windham. Gloria Jones, Pastor.
Service 8:30 a.m., Tuesday Bible Study 6:30 p.m. Timothy CHURCH — Hwy. 45 Alt. S., Crawford. Sunday School Byrnes Circle. Sunday Worship 11 a.m., Wednesday 7 p.m.,
Bourne, Senior Pastor. 9:30 a.m., Worship 10:15 a.m., Tuesday 6 p.m. Kori Bridges, Saturday 11 a.m. Terry Outlaw, Pastor. 662-324-3539
1524 6th Ave. S. Sunday School 9:45 a.m., Worship 11 a.m., MORMON — 1504 19th St. N. Sunday School 10 a.m., Worship 11:45
Wednesday 7 p.m., Saturday 6 p.m. Charles Fisher, Pastor. CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY a.m. and 7 p.m., Wednesday and Friday 7 p.m.
CHURCH — 807 Tarlton Rd., Crawford. Sunday School Sunday School 10 a.m., Priesthood & Relief Society 11 a.m.,
22nd St. S. Sunday School 10 a.m., Worship 11:30 a.m.,
9:40 a.m., Worship 11:15 a.m., Wednesday 7 p.m., Prayer Youth Activities Wednesday 6 p.m. Bishop Eric Smith. 662-
Hour Mon.-Fri. 10 a.m., Saturday 8 a.m., New Membership 328-3179. Tuesday Bible Study 7 p.m., Thursday Prayer 5 p.m. District
Class 9:30 p.m., 5th Sunday Worship 6:30 p.m. 662-272- CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Elder Lou J. Nabors Sr., Pastor. 662-329-1234
COVENANT LIFE MINISTRIES CHURCH — W. Ridge Rd. Sunday School 9:30 a.m.,Worship 10:40 a.m. and — Billy Kidd Road, Caledonia. Sunday School 10 a.m.,
Yorkville Rd. Sunday School 10 a.m., Worship 11 a.m., 6 p.m. Wednesday 7 p.m. Rev. Stephen Joiner, Pastor. Worship 11:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.. Tuesday 7 p.m., Friday 7
Evening 6:30 p.m., Wednesday 7 p.m. NON — DENOMINATIONAL p.m. Ernest Thomas, Pastor.
— 1446 Wilson Pine Rd., Crawford. Sunday School 9:30 St. Sunday School 9 a.m., Worship 10:10 a.m., Wednesday Boyd Rd., Starkville. Sunday School 10 a.m., Worship Noon,
a.m., Worship 10 a.m., Tuesday 7 p.m. Bobby L. McCarter 6 p.m. Timothy J. Bailey, Pastor. 662-889-7778 Tuesday Prayer 7 p.m., Wednesday Bible Study 7 p.m.
662-328-2793 ABUNDANT LIFE CHRISTIAN CHURCH — 611 S. Mildred Spencer, Pastor. 662-341-5753
GREATER MOUNT ZION CHURCH — 5114 Hwy. Frontage Road. Sunday 9:30 a.m., Wednesday 7 p.m. Craig ONENESS PENTECOSTAL
182 E. Sunday Corporate Prayer 8 a.m., Sunday School 9 Morris, Pastor. NEW HOPE PENTECOSTAL CHURCH — 875
a.m., Worship 10:15 a.m., Wednesday 6:30 p.m., Bible Study ALL NATIONS CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP Richardson Rd. Sunday School 10 a.m., Worship 11 a.m.,
7 p.m. Doran V. Johnson, Pastor. 662-329-1905 CHURCH, INC. — 1560 Hwy. 69 S., Sunday 9 a.m., 6 p.m., Tuesday 7 p.m. Jared Glover, Pastor. 662-251-3747
GOD’S ANNOINTED PEOPLE MINISTRY FULL Wednesday 6:45 p.m., Friday Corporate Prayer 7 p.m. E-mail:
GOSPEL FELLOWSHIP — 611 Jess Lyons Rd. Pastor James T. Verdell, Jr. 9 a.m., 11 PENTECOSTAL
Sunday School 9 a.m., Worship 11 a.m., Wednesday 6:30 a.m., & 7 p.m. on Fridays only. FAITH AND DELIVERANCE OUT REACH
p.m. Jerome Gill, Pastor. 662-244-7088 CALEDONIA OPEN DOOR WORSHIP CENTER MINISTRIES — 118 S. McCrary Road, Suite 126. Sunday
HARVEST LIFE CHURCH — 425 Military Rd. Sunday — 3288 Cal-Vernon Rd. Sunday School 9 a.m., Worship 10 10 a.m. and 11 a.m., Wednesday 7 p.m. Christian Women
Service 10:30 a.m., Wednesday 7 p.m. F. Clark Richardson, a.m. and 5 p.m., Wednesday 7 p.m. Randy Holmes, Pastor.
Meeting Friday 7 p.m.
Pastor. 662-329-2820 662-855-5006
CHURCH — 318 Idlewild Rd. Sunday School 10 a.m., McCrary Rd. Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m., Kid’s Church Sunday School 10 a.m., Worship 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Youth
Worship 11 a.m., Wednesday 6 p.m., Saturday 8 a.m. 662- 10:30 a.m., Wednesday 6:30 p.m., Kenny Gardner, Pastor. Wednesday 6:30 p.m. Rev. James O. Gardner, Pastor.
327-3962 662-328-3328 LIVING WATER MINISTRIES — 622 28th St. N. Elder
NEW LIFE FULL GOSPEL BAPTIST CHURCH CONGREGATIONAL WORSHIP CENTER — 109 Robert L. Salter, Pastor. Sunday School 10 a.m., Worship 11
— 426 Military Rd. Sunday School 9:30 a.m., Worship Maxwell Lane. Sunday School 9:30 a.m., Worship 11:15 a.m., Wednesday 7:30 p.m., Friday 7:30 p.m.
10a.m., Wednesday 7 p.m. Rev. Michael Love, Pastor. a.m., Wednesday Prayer 6 p.m., Wednesday Bible Band 7 SPIRIT OF PRAYER HOLINESS CHURCH — 922
PLUM GROVE FULL GOSPEL CHURCH — Old p.m. Grover C. Richards, Pastor. 662-328-8124 17th St. N. Sunday 11 a.m., Wednesday 7 p.m., Saturday 11
Macon Rd. Sunday School 10 a.m., Worship 11:30 a.m., CORNERSTONE WORSHIP CENTER — 98 a.m. Terry Outlaw, Pastor,
Tuesday 6:30 p.m., Thursday 7 p.m. Samuel B. Wilson, Harrison Rd., Steens. Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m., 1st VICTORY TABERNACLE P.C.G. — 5580 Ridge
Pastor. Sunday Evening 6 p.m., Wednesday 7 p.m. Marion (Bubba) Road. Sunday School 10 a.m., Praise & Worship 10:45 a.m.,
SHILOH FULL GOSPEL BAPTIST CHURCH Dees, Pastor. 662-327-4303 Wednesday Bible Study 6:30 p.m. G.E. Wiggins Sr., Pastor.
— 120 19th St. S. Sunday School 8:30 a.m., Worship 10 EMMANUEL CIRCLE OF LOVE OUTREACH — UNITED PENTECOSTAL 1721 Hwy 45 N
a.m., Wednesday 7 p.m., Missionary Service every 2nd 1608 Gardner Blvd. Services every Friday, Saturday and CALEDONIA UNITED PENTECOSTAL
Wednesday 7 p.m. Rev. Freddie Edwards, Pastor. Sunday at 7 p.m. J. Brown, Pastor. CHURCH — 5850 Caledonia Kolola Rd., Caledonia.
® Columbus, MS
JEWISH FAITH COVENANT CHURCH — 1133 Northdale Dr. Sunday 10 a.m., 6 p.m., Wednesday 7 p.m. Grant Mitchell, 662.848.0919
B’NAI ISRAEL — 717 2nd Ave. N. Services Semi- Sunday Worship 5:30 p.m. Lee Poque, Pastor. 662-889- Pastor. 662-356-0202
monthly. Friday 7:30 p.m. 662-329-5038 8132 Monday-Saturday 10am-8pm
Rd. Sunday School 10 a.m., Sunday Evangelistic 6p.m.,
UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST — Meeting at Temple MINISTRIES — 1472 Blocker Rd., Starkville. Sunday

Wednesday 7 p.m. Rev. Steve Blaylock, Pastor. 662-328-
B’nai Israel, 1301 Marshall, Tupelo, every 1st & 3rd Sunday. School 10 a.m., Worship 11 a.m., 2nd Sunday Morning
Worship 9 a.m. Pastor Kenyon Ashford. 1750
662-620-7344 or

(WELS) — Hwy. 45 N. and 373. Sunday School/Bible Brooksville. Prayer Saturday 5:30 p.m., Bible Study 6 p.m., CHURCH — 1736 Beersheba Rd., New Hope Community. Offering independent living apartments, personal
Class 3:45 p.m., Worship 5 p.m. 662-356-4647 Sunday School 9:30 a.m., Worship 10:30 a.m. Pastor David Rev. Tim Lee, Pastor. Sunday Worship 10 a.m., Church care/assisted living suites, and a skilled nursing home
OUR SAVIOR LUTHERAN CHURCH (L.C.M.S.) T. Jones,III. 601-345-5740 School 11:15 a.m., Wed. Mid Week 6 p.m. 662-327-9615 300 Airline Road • Columbus, MS • 327-6716
— 1211 18th Ave. N. Sunday School 9 a.m.. Worship 10 a.m. FULL GOSPEL MINISTRY — 1504 19th St. N. Sunday COVENANT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (EPC)
— 515 Lehmberg Rd., East Columbus. Sunday School 9:30 “Our Bottom Line Is People”
Stan Clark, Pastor. 662-327-7747 School 9:30 a.m., Worship 10 a.m., Tuesday 6:30 p.m. Rev.
MENNONITE Maxine Hall, Pastor. a.m., Worship 10:30 a.m., Wednesday Prayer Meeting 4 Hunting • Fishing
FAITH MENNONITE FELLOWSHIP — 2988 Tarlton GENESIS CHURCH — 1820 23rd St. N., Sunday p.m. John Richards, Pastor. Working Or Stepping Out — We Have A Complete
Rd., Crawford. Sunday Worship 10 a.m., Sunday School 11 School 9 a.m., Worship 10:30 a.m., Wednesday 6:30 p.m. FIRST CUMBERLAND PRESBYTERIAN Line Of Clothing For You And Your Family
a.m., 2nd & 4th Sunday Worship 6 p.m., Wednesday 7:30
p.m. Kevin Yoder, Senior Pastor.
Darren Leach, Pastor.
CHURCH — 2698 Ridge Rd. Sunday School 9:15 a.m.,
Worship 10:30 a.m., Adult Choir 4 p.m. Youth Group 5 p.m.,
Oktibbeha County Co-Op
METHODIST Old West Point Rd. Worship 8 a.m. and 11 a.m., Wednesday Bible Study 5 p.m.; Monthly Activities: CPW Circle #2 (2nd Check Out Our Boot & Cap Section
ARTESIA UNITED METHODIST CHURCH — 50 6 p.m. Donnell Wicks, Pastor. Tue. 4 p.m.), Ladies Aid (3rd Tue. 2 p.m.); Weekly Activities: 662-323-1742
Church Street, Artesia. Sunday School 10 a.m., Worship 11 HOUSE OF RESTORATION — Hwy. 50. Sunday Exercise Class Tuesday and Thursday 8 a.m. Rev. Luke 201 Pollard Rd., Starkville
a.m. Gene Merkl, Pastor. School, 9:30 a.m., Worship 10:30 a.m. and 6 p.m., Lawson, Pastor. 662-328-2692
CALEDONIA UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Wednesday 7 a.m., Pastors, Bill and Carolyn Hulen. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH — 3200 Bluecutt
— 811 Main Street, Caledonia. Sunday School 10 a.m., JESUS CHRIST POWERHOUSE OF THE
Rd. Worship 10 a.m., Youth Group Sundays 11 a.m.,
Worship 11 a.m. John Longmire, Pastor. APOSTOLIC FAITH CHURCH — 622 23rd St. N.
Adult Choir Wednesdays 6 p.m., Fellowship Suppers-3rd
CLAIBORNE CME CHURCH — 6049 Nashville Sunday School 10:30 a.m.; Service 11:45 a.m., Tuesday 7:30
p.m., Friday 7:30 p.m., Prayer Mon., Wed. and Fri. noon. For Wednesdays 6 p.m. B.J. Chain, Pastor.
Ferry Rd. E. 2nd and 4th Sundays - Sunday School 10a.m.,
Worship 11 a.m., Wednesday 7 p.m., 1st and 3rd Sundays - 3 more information call Bishop Ray Charles Jones 662-251- MAIN STREET PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH
p.m., Geneva H. Thomas, Pastor. 1118, Patricia Young 662-327-3106 or 662-904-0290 or (PCA) — Main and 7th St. N. Sunday School 9:30 a.m.,
CONCORD INDEPENDENT METHODIST Lynette Williams 662-327-9074. Worship 10:40 a.m. and 6 p.m., Wednesday Fellowship
CHURCH — 1235 Concord Rd. Sunday School 10 a.m., KINGDOM VISION INTERNATIONAL CHURCH Supper 5:30 p.m., Bible Study 6 p.m. Rev. Todd Matocha,
Worship 11 a.m. Robert L. Hamilton, Sr., Pastor. — 3193 Hwy 69 S. Sunday 8:30 a.m. and 11 a.m., Sunday Pastor.
618 31st Ave. N. Sunday School 9:45 a.m., Worship 11 a.m. 327-1960 CHURCH — 3044 Wolfe Rd. Sunday School 10 a.m.,
Eugene Bramlett, Pastor. LIFE CHURCH — 4888 N. Frontage Rd. Sunday Worship 11 a.m.
CRAWFORD UNITED METHODIST CHURCH — Worship 10 a.m., Wednesday 7 p.m. For more information, SALVATION ARMY CHURCH
Main St., Crawford. Sunday School 9:30 a.m. and service 10 call 662-570-4171 THE SALVATION ARMY CHURCH — 2219 Hwy.
a.m. Kathy Brackett, Pastor. 662-364-8848 LOVE CITY FELLOWSHIP CHURCH — 305 Dr. 82 East. Sunday School 10 a.m., Worship Service 11 a.m.,
CROSSROAD CHAPEL CME CHURCH — Steens. Martin Luther King Drive, Starkville. Sunday Worship 11 Wednesday Men’s Fellowship, Women’s Fellowship 5:30
Sunday School 9:30 a.m., Worship 11 a.m., Wednesday 6 a.m., Pastor Apostle Lamorris Richardson. 601-616-0311 p.m., Thursday Character Building Programs 5:30 p.m.,
p.m. Rev. Carl Swanigan, Pastor. LIVING WATERS LIFE CHURCH Majors Alan and Sheryl Phillips, Commanding Officers.
Lehmberg Rd. Sunday bible study at 10:15 and morning Sunday Service 10 a.m., Wednesday Bible Study 6:30 p.m. COLUMBUS SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST
worship at 11 a.m. Minister Gary Shelton. Johnny Birchfield Jr., Senior Pastor. 662-493-2456 E-mail: CHURCH — 301 Brooks Dr. Saturday Service 9 a.m.,
Sabbath School 10:30 a.m., Wednesday Prayer Meeting
Main St. Sunday School 10 a.m., Worship 8:45 & 11 a.m. NEW BEGINNING EVERLASTING OUTREACH
6:30 p.m. Ray Elsberry, Pastor. 662-329-4311 The McBryde Family
Rev. Jimmy Criddle, Lead Pastor; Rev. Anne Russell MINISTRIES — Meets at Quality Inn, Hwy. 45 N. (Every
Bradley, Associate Pastor; Rev. Aislinn Kopp, Associate 1st and 3rd Sunday) Sunday School 10 a.m., Bible Study
St. N. Saturday Sabbath School 9:30 a.m., Divine Worship
1120 Gardner Blvd. • 328-5776
Pastor. 328-5252 10:30 a.m., Worship 11 a.m. Pastor Robert Gavin, 662-327-
FLINT HILL UNITED METHODIST CHURCH — 9843 or 662-497-3434. 11 a.m., Wednesday 6:30 p.m. Roscoe Shields, Pastor. 662-
80 Old Honnoll Mill Rd., Caledonia. Sunday Worship Service NEW COVENANT ASSEMBLY — 875 Richardson. 327-9729
9:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:30 a.m. John Longmire, Pastor. Worship Service Sunday 10:30 a.m. Bruce Morgan, Pastor. APOSTOLIC CHURCH
S. Sunday School 9 a.m., Worship 10 a.m. Rev. Raphael 18th St. S. Sunday 10 a.m. Dr. Joe L. Bowen, Pastor. APOSTOLIC CHURCH — 3632 Hwy. 182 E. Sunday
Terry, Pastor. 662-328-1109 PLEASANT RIDGE HOUSE OF WORSHIP — School 10:30 a.m., Sunday 11:30 a.m., Tuesday 7:30 p.m., • RECYCLING SINCE 1956 •
HEBRON CME. CHURCH — 1910 Steens Road, 2651 Trinity Road. Sunday School 9:45 a.m., Worship 11 Wednesday Prayer Noon, Wednesday 7:30 p.m., Friday 7:30 Specializing in industrial accounts
Steens. Meets first, second and third Sundays, Bible class a.m., Every 2nd and 4th Sunday Intercessory Prayer 9 a.m., p.m. 662-328-8176 973 Island Rd. 1-800-759-8570
The Dispatch • SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2020 5D

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