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To: Ms.

From: Aaron Bitz AB
Date: 29 September 2010
Subject: Unit 4, Part 1
The purpose of this memo is to propose a project that I will be completing in the
following weeks for Unit 4, in English 320. I have included a description of my
proposal, the objectives of the proposal, the methods I will use to complete my
project, a timeline of my project, how my work should be evaluated, and finally a
works cited portion.

For my Unit 4 project I intend to compile fifteen to twenty recipes. Once I have
decided on which recipes I will use I intend to incorporate them into a cookbook
that will provide complete lists of necessary items, detailed instructions, and helpful
images. The cookbook will include at least one full sized page for each recipe as well
as one to two pages of where ingredients can be found and at what price. Resources
I will use include various websites and other cookbooks. The reading component of
my project will involve researching different ingredients, college student eating
preferences and habits, different prices of specific ingredients, and popular
cookbook layout. The writing component will be comprised of the different recipes,
which will include detailed instructions and lists of what will be needed to complete
each recipe. Finally, the visual component will be the cookbook itself, which will be
pages contained in a binder in an aesthetically pleasing manner, and the photos that
will accompany each recipe. The final project I will submit will be the finished
cookbook that will be no longer than 25 pages but no shorter than 15 pages in
length. I will submit a hard copy of the book in class on the due date.

o Provide moderately priced recipes
o Provide clear instructions for preparing each recipe
o Include pictures that will assist the reader throughout the preparation
o Provide a wide variety of recipes that cover different price ranges,
preparation length, and meal option

o Gain experience in writing detailed, useful instructions
o Provide other college students with a useful resource
o Obtain culinary knowledge
o Gain experience in the culinary arts

These goals are important to me as a student because I know the difficulty of eating
well while at college and through this project, I hope to help other college students
gain the ability to cook themselves good food without having a lot of previous
cooking experience. I also expect to learn more about preparing meals, which should
be a useful skill for the rest of my life. Because I am interested in food preparation, I
think this project will be very enjoyable for me and it will let me explore different
ideas. One of the other aspects that I like about this project is that I am able to share
my new ideas and enjoyment for food preparation through a cookbook.

To accomplish this task I will break down my work into seven steps:
1. Find suitable recipes that college students can afford, prepare, and enjoy
2. Choose fifteen to twenty of the recipes to use in my final project
3. Organize the recipes into different categories based on price, preparation
time, or both
4. Create user-friendly instructions and guidelines for each recipe
5. Incorporate helpful images that will assist the user in creating the most
desirable finished product
6. Put all finished recipes into a visually pleasing format
7. Put recipe pages into a user friendly, aesthetically pleasing cookbook.

10/20- 10/24- 10/31- 11/7- 11/14- 11/21- 11/27-
10/23 10/30 11/6 11/13 11/20 11/26 12/3
Proposal Due
STEP Progress
2 Report Due
3 Final Project
GRADING RUBRIC: ______ / 100

_______ (25) Document is visually attractive, well formatted, and is user-friendly
_______ (20) Document is fairly visually attractive, well formatted, and user-friendly
_______ (15) Document lacks attractiveness, formatting, and a user-friendly layout
_______ (10) Document displays no formatting, is not user-friendly, and very plain

_______ (50) User understands well and has few questions
_______ (40) User has a few questions
_______ (30) User has many questions
_______ (20) User is completely confused by directions


_______ (25) Spelling, grammar, and punctuation are correct and appropriate
_______ (20) There are few spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors (10 or less)
_______ (15) Spelling, grammar, and punctuation are often incorrect (25 or less)
_______ (10) Spelling, grammar, and punctuation are very poor (26 or more)

101 Cookbooks. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Oct. 2010. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Oct. 2010.

Hornbacher’s. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Oct. 2010.

Yum Yum. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Oct. 2010.

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