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DRUGS FOR UPPER RESPIRATORY  Rapidly absorbed in 15mins.

but not
DISORDERS potent to combat anaphylaxis
Upper Respiratory Disorders (URIs)
Includes : TRACT
 Common cold  Intranasal Glucocorticoids
 Acute Rhinitis
 Sinusitis 3. Antitussives
 Acute Pharyngitis o Action : suppress the cough reflex by acting
on the medullas cough center
o Treatment for nonproductive cough
 COUGH – naturally protective way to
1. Touching contaminated surfaces
clear airway of secretions or any
2. Touching nose/mouth
collected material
3. Viral droplets released by sneezing
 SORE THROAT – cause coughing that
increase throat irritation.
 Rest
4. Expectorants
 Chicken noodle soup
 Hot toddy ( tea, sugar, alchohol) o Decrease bronchial secretions so they can
 Vitamin C be elimianated by coughing
 Megadose of vitamins o Used with or without pharmacologic agents
ACUTE RHINITIS o Found in many OTC cold remedies along
 Acute inflammation of mucous with :
membrane of nose - analgesics, antihistamines,
 NOT SAME as Allergic rhinitis decongestants, antitussives
ACUTE PHARYNGITIS o Treat : cough associated with common cold,
bronchial asthma
 Inflammation of sore throat
 HYDRATION – best natural expectorant
 Caused by virus, beta hemolytic
streptococci (strep throat)
 Can occur alone or with common cold,
rhinitis or acute sinusitis
 Symptoms : elevated temperature and
 Not useful in emergency situation, such
as anaphylaxis
 -The obstruction of air passages contributes
to wheezing, coughing, dyspnea
(breathlessness), and tightness in the chest,
particularly at night or in early morning.
Bronchial Asthma- characterized by bronchospasm
(constricted bronchioles), wheezing, mucus
 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary secretions and dyspnea.
 There is resistance to air flow caused by
 Restrictive Pulmonary Disease obstruction of the airway.

COPD- is caused by airway obstruction with  In acute and chronic asthma, minimal to no
increased airway resistance of air flow to lung changes are seen in the structure and
tissues. function of lung tissues when the disease
process is in remission.
COPD:  In chronic bronchitis, emphysema, &
bronchiectasis, there is permanent,
 Chronic Bronchitis irreversible damage to the physical structure
 Bronchiectasis of lung tissue.

 Emphysema Chronic bronchitis is a progressive lung disease

caused by smoking or chronic lung infections.
 Asthma
 Productive coughing is a response to excess
Restrictive lung disease- is a decrease in total lung mucus production and chronic bronchial
capacity as a result of fluid accumulation or loss of irritation.
elasticity of the lung.
Hypercapnia (increased carbon dioxide retention)
PULMONARY DISEASE: Hypoxemia (decreased blood oxygen)

 Pulmonary edema Bronchiectasis-the bronchioles become obstructed

by the breakdown of the epithelium of the bronchial
 Pulmonary fibrosis mucosa.
 Pneumonitis Emphysema- is a progressive lung disease caused
 Lung tumors by cigarette smoking, atmosphere contaminants, or
lack of the alpha-antitrypsin protein that inhibits
 Thoracic deformities (scoliosis) proteolytic enzymes that destroy alveoli (air sacs).
 Disorder affecting the thoracic wall Proteolytic enzymes are released in the lung by
(myasthenia gravis) bacteria or phagocytic cells.
CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY Alveoli enlarged as many of the alveolar walls are
DISEASE destroyed. Air becomes trapped in the over
 Asthma is an inflammatory disorder of the expanded alveoli, leading to inadequate gas (oxygen
airway walls associated with a varying and carbon dioxide) exchange
amount of airway obstruction. Cigarette smoking is the most common risk factor
 -This disorder is triggered by stimuli such as for COPD, especially with chronic bronchitis and
stress, allergens, and pollutants. emphysema.
There is no cure for COPD at this time, however, it Pathophysiology
remains preventable in most cases. Quit smoking
Mast cells, found in connective tissue throughout
will slow the disease process.
the body, are directly involved in the asthmatic
Medications frequently prescribed for COPD response, particularly to extrinsic factors.
include the following:
Allergens attach themselves to mast cells and
 Bronchodilators such as symphatomimetics basophils, resulting in an antigen-antibody reaction
(andrenergics, parasymphatholytic on release of chemical mediators
(anticholinergic drug, atrovent), and (histamines,cytokines,serotonin,eosonophil
methylxanthines (caffeine, theophylline) are chemotatic factor anaphylaxis and leukotrienes).
used to assist in opening narrowed airways.
These chemical mediators stimulate bronchial
 Glucocorticoids (asteroids) are used to constriction, musous secretions, inflammation and
decrease inflaammation. pilmonary congestion.
 Leukotriene modifiers reduce inflammation Exposure to allergen results in bronchial
in the lung tissue, and cromolyn and hyperresponsiveness, epithelial shedding of the
nedocromil act as anti inflammatory agents bronchial wall, mucous gland hyperlasia and
by suppressing the release of histamine and hypersecretion, leakage of plasma leading to
other mediators from mast cells. swelling and bronchoconstriction.
 Expectorants are used to assist in loosening FACTORS CONTRIBUTING TO
mucus from the airway. BRONCHOCONSTRICTION
 Antibiotics may be prescribed to prevent SYMPATHOMIMETICS: ALPHA- AND BETA2-
serious complications from bacteria
Sympatomimetics increase Camp, causing dilation
Bronchial asthma is a COPD characterized by
of the bronchioles. The nonselective
periods of bronchospasm resulting in wheezing and
sympathomimetic epinephrine (adrenalin), which is
difficulty in breathing.
an alpha, Beta, and beta, agonist is given
Bronchospasm, or bronchoconstriction results when subcutaneously to promote bronchodilation and
the lung tissue is exposed to extrinsic or intrinsic elevate blood pressure.
factors that stimulate bronchoconstrictive response.
For bronchospasm associated with chronic asthma
Factors that can trigger an asthmatic attack or COPD, selective beta2-adrenergic agonists are
(bronchospasm): given by acrosol or as a tablet. These drugs act
primarily on the beta2 receptor; therefore, side
 Humidity, air pressure changes, temperature
effects are less severe than those epinephrine, which
changes,smoke,fumes (exhaust, perfumes)
acts on alpha, Beta1, And beta2, receptors.
 Stress, emotional upset, exercise, allergy to
Albuterol (Proventil,Ventolin)- is a selective beta2
animal dander, dust mites,food and drugs
drug that is effective for treatment and control of
(e.g. aspirin, ibuprofen, beta-adrenergic
asthma by causing bronchodilation with long
duration of action.
Reactive airway disease(RAD) is a cause of
High doses or overuse of the beta2-adrenergic
asthma resulting from sensitivity stimulation from
agents for asthma may cause some degree of beta1
allergens, dust, temperature changes and cigarette
response such as nervousness, tremor and increased
pulse rate.
DO NOT CONFUSE…. drug is administred by inhalation only with
the HandiHaler device (dry-powder capsule
 Albuterol (beta2-adrenergic) with Accupril
(cardiovascular agent)
 Ipratropium bromide (atrovent) is used to
Metaproterenol- it has some beta1 effect but is
treat asthmatic conditions by dilating the
primary used as a beta2 agent. It can be
bronchioles. Unlike other anticholinergics,
administered orally or by inhalation with a metered-
ipratropium bromide has few systemic
dose inhaler or a nebulizer.
effects. It is administred by aerosol.
For long-term asthma treatment, beta2-
 The combination of Ipratropium bromide
adrenergic agonist are frequently administered
with albuterol sulfate (combivent) is used to
by inhalation. The effective inhalation drug dose
treat chronic bronchitis. The combination
is less than it would be by an oral route, and
has more effective and has a longer duration
there are also fewer side effects using this route.
of action than if either agent is used alone.
 Isuprel (beta-adrenergic) and Isordil (nitrate
 The second major group of bronchodilators
used to treat asthma is the methylxanthine
 If the patient does not use the inhaler (xanthine) derivatives, which include
properly to deliver the drug dose, the aminophylline, theophylline, and caffeine.
medication may be trapped in the upper
 Xanthines also stimulate the central nervous
airways, because of drug inhalation, mouth
system (CNS) and respiration, dilate
dryness and throat irritation could result. A
coronary and pulmonary vessels, and cause
spacer device may be attached to the inhaler
diuresis. Because of their effect on
to improve drug delivery to the lung with
respiration and pulmonary vessels, xanthines
less deposition in the mouth.
are used in the treatment of asthma.
 The side effects and adverse reaction of
 Was produced in 1936
epinephrine include tremors, dizziness,
hypertension, tachycardia, heart palpitations,  Theophylline relaxes the smooth muscles of
cardiac dysrhythmias and angina. Pt needs to bronchi, bronchioles, and pulmonary blood
monitor when epinephrine was administered. vessels by inhibiting the enzyme
phosphodiesterase, resulting in increase in
 The side effects associated with beta2-
cAMP, which promotes bronchodilation.
adrenergic drugs(e.g. albuterol) include
tremors, headaches, nervousness, increased  Theophylline has a low therapeutic index
pulse rate and palpitations (high doses). The and a narrow therapeutic range (10 to
beta2 agonists may increased blood glucose 20mcg/mL).
levels, so pt with diabetes should be taught
 The serum or plasma theophylline
to closely their serum glucose levels.
concentration level should be monitored
Anticholinergics frequently to avoid severe adverse effects.
 Tiotropium (spiriva) is an anticholenergic Toxicity is likely to occur when the serum
drug used for maintenance treatment of level is greater than 20 mcg/mL.
bronchospasms associated with COPD. This
 Theophylline was once used as the first-line  Cysteinyl leukotriene promote an increase in
drug for treating patients with chronic eosinophil migration, mucus production, and
asthma and others COPDs. airway wall edema, which result in
bronchocontion striction.
 Theophylline use has declined sharply,
because there is potential danger of serious  LT receptor antagonists and LT synsthesis
adverse effects. (e.g., dysrhythmias, inhibitors, called leukotriene modifiers, are
conclusions, cardiorespiratory collapse). effective in reducing the inflammatory
symptoms of asthma triggered by allergic
 Because of its numerous adverse reactions,
and environmental stimuli.
drug-drug interactions, and narrow
therapeutic drug range, it is prescribed  These drug groups are not recommended for
mostly for maintenance therapy in patients treatment of acute asthmatic attack. They are
with chronic stable asthma and other used for exercise-induced asthma.
 Do not administer for acute asthmatic attack
 Patients who receive theophylline
preparations need to be closely monitored
for serious side effects and drug interactions. 1. ZAFIRLUKAST (ACCOLATE)
 Theophylline is usually well absorbed after 3. MONTELUKAST SODIUM
oral administration, oral liquids and (SINGULAIR)
uncoated plain tablets.
 Theophylline can also administered in IV ANTAGONISTS
 Theophylline are metabolized by liver A: PO:20 mg b.i.d 1 before or 3h after meals,
enzymes, and 90% of drug is excreted by the max 40mg/d
kidneys. C: >5 y:PO: 10mg b.i.d: max : 20mg/d
 Tobacco smoking increases metabolism of
For prophylaxis and maintenance therapy for
theophylline drugs, thereby decreasing its
chronic asthma, reduces inflammation within
bronchial tubes and airways. Pregnancy
 The half-life is also shorter in children, with category: B: PB: 99% t1/2 : 10h
a short half-life, theophylline is readily
excreted by the kidneys. LEUKOTRIENE SYNTHESIS
 Increase the level of cAMP, for oral ROUTE AND DOSAGE
preparation 1-2hours for the sustained-
release form and approximately 6 hours for
the oral and IV theophylline preparations. A:PO: 1200mg b.i.d within 1h after morning
and evening meal
 Leukotriene (LT) is a chemical mediator that
can cause inflammatory changes in the lung.
For prophylaxis and maintenance therapy for - disturbances of the middle ear that affect
chronic asthma. Reduces inflammation in equilibrium
airways and - nausea, a queasy sensation, may or may
decreases bronchoconstriction. Hepatotoxicity not precede the expulsion
may result; closely monitor liver enzymes. • Antiemetics can mask the underlying
Pregnancy category: C;PB 93%: t1/2 : 2.5h cause of vomiting and shouldn’t be
used until the cause has been
determined, unless the vomiting is so
severe as to cause dehydration and
electrolyte imbalance.
A: PO : 500 mcg/d •
• Chemoreceptor trigger zone (CTZ) –
For treatment of exacerbations in severe COPD,
which lies near the medulla
common adverse effects include diarrhea and
• Vomiting center – in the medulla,
weight loss. Contraindicated in moderate to cause when vomiting determined the
CTZ receives most of the impulses
severe liver impairment.
from drugs, toxins, and the vestibular
Pregnancy category: C, PB: 99%: t1/2 17h
center in the ear and transmits them to
DISORDERS neurotransmitter dopamine stimulates
the CTZ, which in turn stimulates the
vomiting center.
• Vomiting
• Levodopa, a drug with dopamine-like
• Emetics
properties, can cause vomiting by
• Diarrhea
stimulating the CTZ.
• Constipation
• The neurotransmitter acetylcholine is
also vomiting stimulant.
• Also called Emesis, the expulsion of
Gastric contents.
• Causes:
• Nonprescription
- sickness - Pregnancy
- Antihistamines
- viral and bacterial infection - Pain shock
- bismuth subsalicylate
- food tolerance - effect of selected drugs
- Phosphorated carbohydrate
- surgery
• Prescription prevent nausea, vomiting, and dizziness
- antihistamines caused by motion.
- dopamine antagonists SIDE EFFECTS OF
- benzodiazepines ANTIHISTAMINES ARE:
- serotonin antagonists  drowsiness, dryness of the mouth, and
- glucocorticoids constipation.
- cannabinioids Bendaryl
- miscellaneous antiemetics • Also used to prevent or alleviate
Nonpharmacologic Measures allergic reactions to drugs, insects, and
• Methods of decreasing nausea and food by acting as an antagonist to
vomiting include administration of histamine1 receptors.
weak tea, flat soda, gelatin, Gatorade Bismuth subsalicylate (Pepto-Bismol)
and Pedialyte ( for use in children ). • Act directly on the gastric mucosa to
• When dehydration becomes severe IV suppress vomiting. They are marketed
fluid are needed to restore body fluid in liquid chewable tablet forms and can
balance. be taken for gastric discomfort or
Nonprescription Antiemetics diarrhea.
• anti-vomiting agents can be used OTC Phosphorated carbohydrate solution (Emetrol)
drugs. • A hyperosmolar carbohydrate, decrease
• These drugs are frequently used to nausea and vomiting by changing the
prevent motion sickness but have gastric pH; it may also decrease smooth
minimal effect on controlling severe muscle contraction of the stomach.
vomiting resulting from anticancer Prescription Antiemetics
agents (antineoplastics), radiation and • Common Prescription antiemetics are
toxins. classified into the following groups:
• To prevent motion sickness, the 1. Antihistamines
antiemetic should be taken 30 mins 2. Anticholinergics
before travel. 3. Dopamine antagonists
Antihistamine Antiemetics 4. Benzodiazepines
• Such as dimenhydrinate (Dramamine), 5. Serotonin antagonist
cyclizine hydrocholoride (Marezine), 6. Glucocorticoids
meclizine hydrochloride (Antivert), and 7. Cannabinoids (for patients w/ cancer)
diphenhydramine hydrochloride 8. Miscellanous
(bendryl) can be purchased OTC to
Antihistamines and Anticholinergics agitation), mild anticholinergic ( dry mouth,
• Used in the treatment of nausea and urinary retention, and constipation).
vomiting. Butyrophenones
• Side effect and Adverse Reactions: can be a • Haloperidol (Haldol) and droperidol
major problem, dry mouth, drowsiness, (Inapsine) , like phenothiazines block the
blurred vision caused by pupillary dilation, dopamine2 receptors in the CTZ.
tachycardia (w/anticholinergics use), and • They are used to treat postoperative nausea
constipation. These drugs should not be used and vomiting and emesis associated with
by patient with glaucoma. toxins, cancer chemotherapy , radiation
Dopamine Antagonists therapy.
• These agents suppress emesis by blocking • Hypotension may result ; therefore blood
dopamine2 receptors in the CTZ. pressure should be monitored.
• The categories of dopamine antagonists: Benzodiazepines
- phenothiazines • Indirectly control nausea and vomiting that
- butyrophenones may occur with cancer chemotherapy.
- benzodiazenapines • Lorazepam (Ativan) is a drug of choice.
• Common Side effects: Effectively provides emesis control,
- extrapyramidal symptoms (EPS) sedation, anxiety reduction, and amnesia
Phenothiazine Antiemetics when used in combination with a
• Piperazine phenothiazines are used to treat glucocorticoid and serotonin 5-HT₃ receptor
nausea and vomiting resulting from surgery, antagonist.
anesthetics, chemotherapy and radiation Serotonin (5-HT₃) Receptor Antagonists
sickness. They act by inhibiting the CTZ. • Suppress nausea and vomiting by blocking
• Chlorpromazine (Throzine) and the serotonin receptors (5-HT₃) in the CTZ
Prochlorperazine edisylate (Companize) and the afferent vagal nerve terminals in the
were the first phenothiazines used for both upper GI Tract.
psychosis and vomiting. • Ondansetron (Zofran), granisetron (Kytril),
• Promethazine (Phenergan) is the most dolasetron (Anzemet), and palonosetron
frequently prescribed antiemetic drug, has a (Aloxi) are the most effective of all
sedative effect and can also be used for antiemetics in suppreing nausea nad
motion sickness and management of nausea comiting caused by cancer chemotherapy
and vomiting. induced emesis or emetogenic anticancer
• Side effects and Adverse reaction: moderate drugs. Ondansetron, granisetron and
sedation, hypotension, EPS, CNS effects dolasetron do not blovk the dopamine
(restlessness, weakness, dystonic reactions,
receptors. These drug can be administered • Class:
orally and IV. - Diphenidol (Vontrol) – prevents vertigo
• Common Side effect: headache, diarrhea, by inhibiting impulses to the vestibular
dizziness and fatigue area
Glucocorticoids (Corticosteroids) -Trimethobenzamide (Tigan)
• Dexamethasone (decadron) and • These drugs suppress impulses to the CTZ.
methylprednisolone (Solumedrol) are two Also they do not act strictly as
agents that are effective in suppressing antihistamines, anticholinergics or
emesis associated with cancer phenothiazines
chemotherapy. Because these • Side effects and Adverse reactions:
glucocorticoids are administered IV and for drowsiness and anticholinergic symptoms.
only a short while, side effects normally Trimethobenzamide can cause hypotension,
associated with glucocorticoids are diarrhea and EPS.
minimized. EMETICS
Cannabinoids • Are drugs used to induce vomiting
• The active ingredients in marijuana, • When an individual has consumed certain
approved for clinical use in 1985 to alleviate toxic substances, induced vomiting (emesis)
nausea and vomiting resulting from cancer may be indicated to expel the substances
treatment. before absorption occurs.
• These agents may be prescribed for patients Ipecac
receiving chemotherapy who do not respond • Administration of ipecac has diminished
to or are unable to take other antiemetics. greatly but it is still used when indicated.
They are contraindicated for patients with • Ipecac is considered appropriate in isolated
psychiatric disorders. cases for the patient who is alert and if
• Can be used as an appetite stimulant for administered within in 60mins of poisoning.
patients with AIDS. DIARRHEA
• Side effects and Adverse reactions: mood • (frequent liquid stool), is a symptoms of an
changes, euphoria, drowsiness, dizziness, intestinal disorder.
headaches, depersonalization, nightmares, • Causes include;
confusion, incoordination, memory lapse, 1. foods (spicy, spoiled)
dry mouth, orthostatic hypotension or 2. Fecal impaction
hypertension, and tachycardia. Less 3. Bacteria (E.coli, salmonella or Virus
common symptoms are depression, anxiety, (Parvovirus, rotavirus)
and manic psychosis. 4. Toxins
Miscellaneous Antiemetics 5. Drug reaction
6. Laxative abuse 4. Miscellaneous antidiarrheals
7. Malabsorption syndrome caused by lack of
digestive enzyme Opiates and Opiate-Related Agents
8. Stress and anxiety • opiates decrease intestinal motility, thereby
9. Bowel tumor describing peristalsis. Constipation is a
10. Inflammatory bowel disease common side effect of opium preparations.
• Diarrhea can be mild to severe. Codeine is an example.
• NOTED: Antidiarrheals should not be used • Opiates are frequently combined with other
for more than 2 days and should not be used antidiarrheal agents.
if fever is present. • Opium antidiarrhealas can cause CNS
Nonpharmacologic Measures depression when taken w/ alcohol, sedatives
• Treatment for diarrhea is recommended until or tranquilizers. Duration of action is
the under lying cause can be determined. 2hours.
This include use of clear liquids and oral • Diphenoxylate with atropine (Lomotil) is an
solutions and IV electrolyte solution. opiate that has less potential for causing
Traveler’s Diarrhea drug dependence than other opiates such as
• Also called acute diarrhea, is usually caused codaine.
by E.coli. It lasts less than 2 days; however, • Difenoxin (Motofen) is an active metabolite
if it becomes severe, fluoroquinolone of diphenoxylate, but is more potent than
antibiotics are usually prescribed. diphenoxylate.
• Loperamide (Imodium) may be used to slow • Both drugs are combined with atropine to
peristalsis and decrease the frequency of decrease abdominal cramping, intestinal
defecation, it can also slow the exit of the motility, and hypersecretion.
organism from the GI tract. • Loperamide (Imodium) is structurally
• Traveler’s diarrhea can be reduced by related to diphenoxylate but causes less CNS
drinking bottled water, washing fruit, and depression than dipenoxylate and difenoxin.
eating cooked vegetables. Meats should be Is an OTC drug and it protect agains
cooked until well done. diarrhea, reduces fecal volume & decrease
Antidiarrheals intestinal fluid and electrolyte losses.
• For treating diarrhea and decreasing Adsorbents
hypermotility (increased peristalsis) • Act by coating the wall of the GI tract and
• Antidiarrheals are classified as: adsorbing bacteria or toxins that cause
1. Opiates and opiate-related agents diarrhea.
2. Somatostatin analogue • Adsorbent antidiarrheals include Kaolin and
3. Adsorbents pectin. These agents are combined as a mild
or moderate antidiarrheal that can be • a “normal” number of bowl movement
purchased OTC and used in combination w/ ranges 1 and 3 per day to 3per week.
other antidiarrheals.
• Bismuth subsalicylate (Pepto-bismol) is Laxatives
considered an adsorbents because its adsorbs • laxatives and cathartics are used to
bacterial toxins. Can also be used as an eliminate fecal matter.
antacid for gastric discomfort. Is an OTC • purgatives are “harsh” cathartics that cause
drug used to treat traveler’s diarrhea. a watery stool with abdominal cramping.
• Colestipol and cholestyramine (questran) are • There 4 types of laxatives
prescription drugs that have been used to - osmotics (Saline)
treat diarrhea due to excess bile acids in the - stimulants (contact or irritants)
colon. - bulk-forming
- emollients (stool softeners)
Miscellaneous Antidiarrheals
• are prescribed to control diarrhea. This Osmotic (Saline) Laxatives
groups includes rifaximin. • osmotics (hypersmolar laxatives) include
CONSTIPATION salt or saline products, lactulose and
• Accumulation of hard fecal material in the glycerin.
large intestine • Hyperosmolar salts pull water into the colon
• Is a relatively common complaint and a and increase water in the feces to increases
major problem for older adults. Insufficient bulk, which stimulates peristalsis.
water intake and poor dietary habits are • Saline cathartics cause a semi-formed to
contributing factors. watery stool according to low or high doses.
• Causes include; • Osmotics laxatives contain electrolyte salts,
1. Fecal impaction including;
2. Bowel obstruction 1. Sodium salts ( sodium phosphate or
3. Chronic laxative use Phosphoda-Soda, sodium biphophate)
4. Neurologic disorders (paraplegia) 2. Magnesium salts ( magnesium hydroxide
5. Ignoring the urge to defecate [milk of magnesia], magnesium citrate).
6. Lack of exercise • Another laxative used for bowel preparation
7. Selected drugs, such as anticholinergics, is polyethylene glycol (PEG), with
narcotics, certain antacids electrolytes, marketed as GoLYTELY.
Nonpharmacologic Measures • Lactulose, another saline laxativs that is not
• Includes diet (high fiber), water, exercise absorbed, draws water into intestines to form
and routine bowel habits a soft stool. It decreases the serum ammonia
level and is useful in liver diseases, such as - Polyethylene glycol (Mira Lax)
cirrhosis. - Methylcellulose (Citrucel)
• Glycerin acts like lactulose, increasing - Psyllium (Netamucil)
water in the feces in the large intestines. The • Patients with hypercalcemia should avoid
bulk that results from the increased water in calcium polycarbophil because of the
the feces stimulates peristalsis and significant amount of calcium in the drug.
defecation Chloride Channel Activators
• Are a new category of laxatives used to
Stimulant (Contact) Laxatives threat idiopathic constipation in adults.
• increase peristalsis by irritating sensory Lubiprostone
nerve endings in the intestinal mucosa. • the first drug in category. This drug activates
• Types include those containing; chloride channels in the lining of the small
- Bisacodyl (Dulcolax) intestines, leading to an increase in intestinal
- Senna (Senokot) fluid secretion and motility.
- castor oil (purgative) • By enhancing the passage of stool, relieves
• Bisacodyl and several others of the drugs constipation, as well as accompanying
are used to empty the bowel before symptoms of abdominal discomfort, pain,
diagnostic test (barium senna) and bloating.
• Castor oil is a harsh laxative (purgative) that • Contraindicated for patients with history of
acts on the small bowel and produces a mechanical GI obstruction, Crohn’s disease,
watery stool. Action is within 2 to 6 hrs. is diverticulitis, severe diarrhea.
also used to correct constipation • Side effects: nausea, diarrhea, headache,
Bulk-Forming Laxatives abdominal distention, faltulence,.
• Are natural fibrous substances that promote Emollients (Stool Softeners)
large, soft stool by absorbing water into the • are lubricant and stool softeners (surface-
intestine, increasing fecal bulk and acting or wetting drugs) used to prevent
peristalsis. These agents are non-absorbable. constipation. These drugs decrease straining
• Defecation usually occurs within 8 to 24 during defecation.
hours • Lubricant such as mineral oil increase water
• This group of laxatives does not cause retention in the stool.
laxative dependence and may be used by • Mineral oil absorbs essential fat-soluble
patients with diverticulosis, irritable bowel vitamin A,D,E,K.
syndrome, and ileostomy and colostomy. • stool softeners work by lowering surface
• Examples of bulk-forming laxatives; tension and promoting water accumulation
- Polycarbophil (Fibercon) in the intestine and stool.
• Examples of Stool Softener; An Esophageal ulcer results from reflux of acidic
- Docusate calcium (Surfak) secretions into the esophagus as a result of a
defective or incompetent cardiac sphincter.
- Docusate sodium (Colace)
Gastric Ulcer frequently occurs because of a
- Docusate sodium with senna (Per- breakdown of the GMB.
Duodenal Ulcer is caused by hypersecretion of
• Side effects: Mineral oil include nausea, acid from the stomach passing into the duodenum
vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal cramping. because (1) insufficient buffers to neutralize
gastric acid in the stomach , (2) a defective or
The docusate groups drugs may cause mild incompetent pyloric sphincter, or (3) hypermobility
cramping of the stomach.
• Contraindications: inflammatory disorders Gastroesophageal reflux disease(GERD) is an
of the GI tract, pregnancy, spastic colon, or inflammation or erosion of esophageal mucosa
caused by a reflux of gastric acid content from the
bowel obstruction. Laxatives are stomach into the esophagus.
contraindicated when any of these
conditions is suspected. ULCER DISEASE
• Antiulcer Drugs  The nurse needs to assist the patient in
By: GROUP 4 identifying possible causes of the ulcer and
to teach ways to alleviate them. Predisposing
Peptic Ulcer is a broad term for an ulcer occurring factors include mechanical disturbances,
in the esophagus, stomach, or duodenum within the genetic influences, bacterial organisms ,
upper Gastrointestinal (GI) tract. environmental factors, and certain drugs.
Ulcers are more specifically named according to Healing of an ulcer takes 4 to 8 weeks.
site of involvement : esophageal , gastric and  The classic symptom of peptic ulcers is
duodenal ulcers. Duodenal ulcers occur 10 times gnawing, aching, pain. With a gastric ulcer,
more frequently than gastric and esophageal ulcers. pain occurs 30 minutes to 1.5 hours after
eating, and with a duodenal ulcer, 2 to 3 hrs
The release of Hydrochloric acid (HCI) from the after eating. Small, frequent meals of
parietal cells of the stomach is influenced by nonirritating foods decreases the pain. With
histamine, gastrin and acetylcholine. Peptic ulcers treatment, pain usually subsides in 10 days;
occur when there is hypersecretion of hydrochloric however, the healing process may take 1 to 2
acid and pepsin, which erode the GI mucosal lining. mos.
The gastric secretions in the stomach strive to  A stress ulcer usually follows a critical
maintain a pH of 2 to 5. PEPSIN a digestive situation such as extensive trauma or major
enzyme, is activated at a pH of 2, and the acid- surgery ( e.g. burns, cardiac surgery).
pepsin complex of gastric secretions can cause Prohylactic use of antiulcer drugs decreases
mucosal damage . If the pH of gastric secretions the incidence of stress ulcers.
increases to pH 5, the activity of pepsin declines. HELICOBACTER PYLORI
The Gastric Mucosal Barrier (GMB) is a thick,
viscous, mucous material provides a barrier between  Helicobacter pylori, a gram-negative
the mucosal lining and acidic gastric sessions. The bacillus , is linked with the development of
GMB maintains the integrity of mucosal lining peptic ulcer and is known to cause gastritis,
defense against corrosive substances. gastric ulcer, and duodenal ulcer. When a
peptic ulcer recurs after antiulcer therapy,
and the ulcer is not caused by nonsteroidal Have a minimal effect in preventing and treating
antiinflamatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ulcers.
aspirin or ibuprofen, the patient should be
Reduce vagal stimulation and decrease anxiety.
tested for the presence of the bacterium
H.pylori , which may have infected gastric Generic version of Librax, a reformulated product
mucosa. of anxiolytic chlordiazepoxide(LIBRIUM)
 There are various protocols for treating
H.pylori infection, but antibacterial agents
are the treatment of choice.  Edema
 The drug regimen eradicates more than 90%  Ataxia
peptic ulcer caused by H.pylori.  Confusion
 Treatment to eradicate this bacterial  Extrapyramidal Syndrome (EPS)
infection includes using a dual-,triple-, or  Agranulocytosis
quadruple drug therapy program in a variety
of drug combinations such as ANTICHOLINERGICS

MEDICAL TREATMENT FOR GERD  These drugs relieve pain by decreasing GI

motility and secretion.
 Also called as “reflux esophagitis” an  They act by inhibiting acetylcholine and
inflammation of the esophageal mucosa. blocking histamine and hydrochloric acid.
 caused by relflux of gastric acid content into  Anticholigernics delay gastric emptying
the esophagus. time, so they are used more frequently in
 Its main cause is in incompetent lower duodenal ulcer than gastric ulcer.
esophageal sphincter.  Anatacids can slow the absortion of
 Smoking tends to accelerate the disease antichloinergics.
process.  Anticholinergics must be taken before
NONPHARMACOLOGIC MEASURES FOR meals to decrease the acid secretion that

 Effective management of GERD keeps the SIDE EFFECTS AND ADVERSE EFFECTS
esophageal mucosa healed patient free from  Dry mouth, decreased secretions, headache,
symptoms, but GERD is a chronic disorder blurred vision, drowsiness, dizziness,
that requires continues care. lethargy, palpation, bradycardia,
ANTIULCER DRUGS tachycardia, urinary retention, and

 Tranquilizers SYSTEMIC EFFCECT

 Anticholinergics Sodium bicarbonate
 Antacids
 H2 blockers with block receptor  A systemically absorbed antacids.
 PPIs  Was the first antiulcer drugs. Because it has
 The Pepsin inhibitor sucralfate many side effects (sodium excess, causing
hypernatremia and water retention;
 The Prostaglandin E
metabolic alkalosis caused by excess
TRANQUILIZERS bicarbonate; and acid rebound)
 Is seldom used in peptic ulcer
 Example of an sodium bicarbonate suffer from allergies are different from H2
compound is Alka-Seltzer. blockers. Those go against histamines thus
reducing allergic reactions.
Patient Teaching
 Are composed of alkaline salts such as
aluminum (aluminum hydroxide) and  Teach patient to report pain,coughing,or
magnesium (magnesium hydroxide, vomiting of blood.
magnesium trislicate). There are small  Advise pt. to avoid smoking, because it
degree of systemic absorption with these can hamper effectiveness of drug.
drugs mainly the aluminum. Magnesium  Remind pt. that drug must be taken
hydroxide has greater neutralizing power exactly as prescribed to be effective.
than aluminum hydroxide.  Direct pt. to separate rain tide and
 Magnesium compounds can cause diarrhea. antacid dosage by at least 1 hour.
 Aluminum and calcium can cause  Warn pt. not ot drive a motor vehicle or
constipation. engage in dangerous activities until
 A combination of magnesium and aluminum stabilized on drug.
salts neutrilizes gastric acid without any  Tell pt. that drug-induced impotence and
caused of severe diarrhea or constipation. gynecomastia are reversible.
 Simenthicone ( an antigas agent) is found in  Educate pt. in use of relaxation
many antacids, including Mylanta Gas, techniques to decrease anxiety
Maalox Antigas, an Mylicon.
 The ideal dosing for antacids should be 1
and 3 hours after meals (maximum acid  Teach pt. to eat foods rich with vitamin
secretion occurs after eating) and at bedtime. B12 to avoid deficiency as a result of
antacid should only taken when the stomach drug therapy.
is empty and its effective for 30 to 60  Alert pt. to avoid foods and liquids that
minutes before passing into duodenum. cause gastric irritation, such as caffeine-
 Drink both chewable and liquid antacids  containing beverages, alcohol , and
with water. species.
 Antacids containing magnesium salts are
contraindicated in patients with impaired
renal function because of the risk for
 Prolonged use of aluminum hydroxides can EVALUATION
cause hypophospatemia (low serum • Determine effectiveness of drug therapy and
phospate),osteoporosis,nephrolithiasis,and presence of any side effects or adverse
osteomalacia. reactions.Pt should be free of pain and
HISTAMINE2 BLOCKERS healing should progress.

 Patients who are taking H2 blockers like • PROTON PUMP INHIBITORS (GASTRIC
Cimetidine can take antacids to avoid acid ACID SECRETION
reflux, but they should not take them within INHIBITORS,GASTRIC ACID PUMP
an hour before or after or it can reduce the INHIBITOR)
effectiveness of the drug. PPIS SUPPRESS GASTRIC ACID
 Antihistamines that are prescribed by SECRETION BY :
doctors for the treatment of patients who
• inhibiting the hydrogen/potassium  Promotes irreversible hydrogen or potassium
adenosine triphosphate(ATPase) enzyme ATPase inhibition until new enzyme is
system located in gastric parietal cells. synthesized,which could take days,whereas
• tend to inhibit gastric acid secretions up to rabeprazole causes reversible ATPase
90%greater than the H2 blockers(histamine inhibition.
• these agents block the final step of acid
production.  Is prescribed to trat erosive esophagitis and
symptomatic nonerosive GERD.
marketed , All PIs in large doses can be combined with
antibiotic to treat H.pylori.
followed by lansoprazole(prevacid),
Two combination medications involving PPIs are
Rabeprazole (aciphex),
omeprazole with sodium bicarbonate(Zegerid) and
 These agents are effective in esomemprazole with naproxen(Vimovo).
Pantoprazole (protonix),
 is the only drug given to prevent stress
 gastric acid secretions and are used ulcer in critically
to treat
ill pts. Also used to treat GERD, erosphagistis and
Esomeprazole (Nexium), gastric and duodenal ulcers.

 peptic ulcer and GERD.  can now be found over the counter as well.

and dexlansoprazole (dexilant), Vimovo

 a delayed-release oral capsule.  is an immediate-release PPI layered over

an entericcoated NSAID in one tablet
Lansoprazole used to prevent NSAID-associated
 Ulcer relief usually occurs in 1 week. gastric ulcer.


 More effective in treating duodenal ulcers
than gastric ulcers, but it is most effective  The duration action for esomemprazole
for treating GERD and hypersecretory is 24 hrs.These drugs have a short life
disease (Zollinger-Ellison syndrome). and are highly protein-bound (97%).PPIs
should usually taken before meals .
Pantoprazole  Caution should be used in pts. with
 Is prescribed to treat short-term erosive hepatic impairement; liver enzymes
GERD.IV pantoprazole is also reported as should be monitored .
effective in treating Zollinger Ellison  Possible side effects include
syndrome. headache,dizziness,diarrhea,abdominal
pain,and rash.prolonged use of PPIs may
Esomeprazole increase the risk for cancer,although this
 Has the highest success rate for healing has only been proven in mice,not
erosive GERD. humans.


 PPIs can enhance the action of digoxin,oral temperature in an airtight container,it will remain
anticoagulants,certain benzodiazepines, and stable for up to 2 yrs.
phenytoin,because they interfere with liver
metabolim of these drugs.
 The duration action for esomemprazole is
24 hrs.These drugs have a short life and are
highly protein-bound (97%).PPIs should
usually taken before meals .
 Caution should be used in pts. with hepatic
impairement; liver enzymes should be
monitored .
 Possible side effects include
pain,and rash.prolonged use of PPIs may
increase the risk for cancer,although this has
only been proven in mice,not humans.
 PPIs can enhance the action of digoxin,oral
anticoagulants,certain benzodiazepines, and
phenytoin,because they interfere with liver
metabolim of these drugs.
 a complex of sulfated sucrose and aluminum
hydroxide classified as a pepsin
inhibitor/mucosal protective drug.
 it is nonabsorbable and combines with
protein to form a viscious substance that
covers the ulcer and protects it from acid
and pepsin.
 does not neutralize acid or decrease acid
DOSAGE: 1 gram,usually 4x a day before meals
and at bedtime.if antacid is added to decrease
pain,they should be given either 30 mins.before or
30mins. After the administration of
sucralfate.because sucralfate is notsystematically
absorbed ,side effects are few:however,it can cause
constipation.if the drug is stored at room

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