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Institut Teknologi Sumatera

Lembaga Tahap Persiapan Bersama Type A

Ujian Akhir Semester Gasal
Tahun Akademik 2018/ 2019
Mata Kuliah : Critical Reading
Hari/ Tanggal : Rabu/ 19 Desember 2018
Sifat Ujian : Closed Book
Waktu : 100 menit
Dosen : Dr. Sunarsih, M.A.
Harits Setyawan, S.Pd., M.Pd.


1. What is the function of previewing?
A. To know the content of the book briefly C. To confirm the price of the book
B. To see the details of the book D. To buy the book
2. Which part of the book containing the style of the writer?
A. Front B. Body C. Back D. Paris Page
3. Which part of the book containing the summary of the book content?
A. Front B. Body C. Back D. Paris Page
4. Which part of the book containing the foreword from publisher/editor/writer?
A. Front B. Body C. Back D. Paris Page
5. Two contents could be found in the body of the book are....
A. Reference and Glossary C. Table of Content and Paris Page
B. Chapter and Drawings D. Synopsis and Foreword
6. Two contents could be found in the front of the book are....
A. Title and Publisher C. Chapter and Reference
B. Blurb and Synopsis D. Index and Glossary
7. What idea is inside the topic sentence?
A. Main Idea B. Supporting Idea C. No Idea D. Good Idea
8. What are the components of topic sentence?
A. Main Idea and Supporting Idea C. Topic and Controlling Idea
B. Controlling Idea and Supporting Idea D. Topic and Main Idea
9. What kinds of sentences in a paragraph?
A. Topic and Controlling Sentences C. Topic and Supporting Sentences
B. Main and Supporting Sentences D. Controlling and Supporting
10. “We are definitely sorry for this convenience”. What is the most appropriate prefix for the
underlined word?
A. im- B. in- C. il- D. ir-
11. “Interest will accrue to your bank account”. The underlined word means.....
A. decrease B. increase C. stop D. halt
12. “Iskandar Widjaja, a violin, performed in a concert held by Bentara Budaya Jakarta, last
week” . What is the most appropriate suffix for the underlined word?
A. -er B. -or C. –ish D. –ist
13. Our baseball team's pitcher has a few eccentric habits, such as throwing exactly thirteen
warm-up pitches and never wearing socks.” We can guess the meaning of “eccentric” by
A. Synonym B. Antonym C. Contrast D. Example
14. “Batik – traditional Javanese cloth – was always worn by Nelson Mandela”. We can guess
the meaning of “batik” by using....
A. Synonym B. Punctuation C. Referent D. Example
15. Parents, who constantly spank their children, cannot be called lenient”. We can guess the
meaning of “lenient” by using....
A. Punctuation B. Clause C. Example D. Appositive
16. “The rubber boots are water”. What is the most appropriate affix for the underlined word?
A. anti- B. -proof C. non- D. –ing
17. “The newlyweds agreed to be very frugal in their shopping because they wanted to save
enough money to buy a house.” We can guess the meaning of “frugal” by using....
A. or B. referent C. other word D. clause
18. Jenna felt perturbed; that is, she was greatly annoyed by her sister's actions”. We can guess
the meaning of “perturbed” by using....
A. Appositive B. Clause C. Other Word D. Punctuation
19. “Teenagers these days wear unisex clothes”. The underlined word means....
A. All Sex B. One Sex C. Not Sex D. Distinct Sex
20. “A formidable enemy is one to be feared”. We can guess the meaning of “formidable” by
A. Definition B. To Be C. Other Words D. Synonym
21. “It is naive if you trust totally on the promises delivered by our politic”. What is the most
appropriate suffix for the underlined word?
A. -s B. -us C. -ian D. -er
22. How many are methods of paragraph development?
A.10 B. 9 C. 8 D. 11
23. Paragraph that tells the components of something is called as....
A. Example B. Definition C. General Analysis D. Description
24. Paragraph that tells a person, place, or details of thing is called as....
A. Illustration B. Description C. Definition D. Classification
25. Paragraph that tells an opinion is called as....
A. Argumentation B. Comparison C. Cause-Effect D. Contrast
26. Paragraph that tells the kinds of stuffs is called as....
A. Classification B. Illustration C. Comparison D. Argumentation
27. What are the components of essay?
A. Introduction, Main Idea, Clincher C. Introduction, Body, Conclusion
B. Introduction, Body, Solution D. Thesis Statement, Supporting
28. Where is usually thesis statement located?
A. Introduction Paragraph C. Thesis Paragraph
B. Body Paragraph D. Analysis Paragraph
29. If a writer delivers a reality or event, it means that he/she argues by....
A. Example B. Asserting Fact C. Analogy D. Invoking Authority
30. If a writer delivers social norms applied in the society, it means that he/she argues by....
A. Shared Values B. Shared Belief C. Example D. Invoking Authority


1 A B C D 11 A B C D 21 A B C D
2 A B C D 12 A B C D 22 A B C D
3 A B C D 13 A B C D 23 A B C D
4 A B C D 14 A B C D 24 A B C D
5 A B C D 15 A B C D 25 A B C D
6 A B C D 16 A B C D 26 A B C D
7 A B C D 17 A B C D 27 A B C D
8 A B C D 18 A B C D 28 A B C D
9 A B C D 19 A B C D 29 A B C D
10 A B C D 20 A B C D 30 A B C D

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