La Carta Trimsamsa

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The Trimshamsha is the "Anahat Chakra" (अन्ह्द चक्कर), basically ruled by Mercury, and represents

"Mahaloka" (lower than the "Janahloka".. It is mainly concerned with speech, the way of
presentation, worldly wisdom and all that Mercury stands for.. The following sloka from classics
support this :
"अनाहते च त्रिशान्शो बालीत्रचन्ता बु धस्तथा"
* According to Parashara, all sorts of arishtas fall in the province of Trimshamsha... The term arishta
is used in the sense of that is not desired or unwanted.. Thus the failures, accidents, lack of physical
as well as mental comforts and calamities should be checked from this chart....
"त्रिशाां शकेररष्टफलम"
The same is stated in another work as "त्रिशान्शे त्रनधन््म" indicating this chart is related to non-
existence to non being...
* Trimshamsha in a female chart has a peculiar speciality and the same will be discussed later...
••Basic Rules Of Studying D30••
> In Trimshamsha chart the Sun in Aries or Scorpio and the Moon in Taurus or Libra are supposed
to be placed in their own signs.. In this regards 'Parashara' states :
सूर्य: कुज्म धन्ते भार्य वस्य त्रनशापत्रत !
त्रिशान्के त्रवत्रचांत्यैवमिापी ग्रे हवन्समृतम !!
> In another quote of the 'Parashara', the sage specifies that one may check the Trimshamsha chart
similarly as an natal chart...
> In a Trimshamsha chart if the Trimshamsha lord is well placed in an angle or trine, associated with
benefic planet/planets, falling in a good rashi, exhibits good effects, comforts, sound health and
satisfactory longevity....
" सत्रिव्त: सत र्त्रद सौख्यरात्रश "
> Debilitated or combust malefic lord of Trimshamsha prompts adversities and generates rivalry with
close relatives... The relevant quote from classics is as under :
"त्रिशान्शे पो पापखर्ोस्तनीचो र्दा तदा बन्धु त्रभराशु वैरम"
> The Trimshamsha lord, either banefic or malefic, if happens to occupy 6th, 8th or 12th house
inspires troubles from the state...
"त्रिकत्रसथतचेन्नररपत्रभत्रतवाक स्यात"
> A malefic Trimshamsha lord in 6th or 8th house with with other malefic planet/planets is cause of
accidents or unnatural death....
> Such a Trimshamsha lord associated with weak Moon generates disorders in general behaviour of
the native and diseases in ears or spinal cord...
"असत्रदांदुर्ुतशचे त मानसे श्रवणपृष्टर्दी ना"
> The Sun and Mars or Jupiter and Venus in the 8th house of Trimshamsha chart generally leads to
a possibility of accidents, while any of above mentioned forming relationship with the lord of 22nd
Drekkana yields to brutal death...
म््तीां वदे द त्रवद् धु त आतपादवा !
त्रवषान्मृत्रत: स्यात मृत्रतभे र्ुरुभ्याम !!
> Except Saturn all planets from the Sun to Venus in their own Trimshamsha, generate fairly
benevolent results, while Saturn in its own Trimshamsha disburse disease, disturbed mental status,
lack of practical approach and excessive tensions...
रोर्ी मृतस्वदार: स्यात्रिष्म परदार्य : स्वत्रिशाांशेकयजे !
••Trimshamsha And Personality ••
+ Qualities, character, actions and temperament of a native are always reflected in this
chart.."Varaha Mihira" and "Kalyan Varma" both have highlighted this opinion... In the 'Laghu
Jatakam' "Varaha" states as under :
"स्तवां रजस्तमो वा त्रिशान्शे र्ि भास्करस्तादृक"
+ Simply look at the Sun in this chart and start analysing the certain traits of the native but this
should be done strictly as per the dispositor of the Sun in Trimshamsha chart according to
characteristics (Greha Sheela) as follows :
••Mars : Aggressive, believes in Danda neeti, adamant with hidden anger, valorous, tamoguna,
always protesting and revengeful..
••Saturn : Believes in divide and rule (Bheda Niti), wavering ideas, tamoguna, animal instinct, lack of
awareness regarding personal hygiene and inclination towards wine and drugs...
••Jupiter : Submissive, hidden self pride, tackles situation wisely as well as elegantly in friendly
interaction (Saama Niti), educated, rational and humanitarian....
••Mercury : Believes in Bheda Niti, deals like a businessman, friendly, social, soft spoken with traits
as that of Saturn...
••Venus : Traits almost like Jupiter, fond of luxurious and refined tastes,
>> The 'Krishneeyam' and 'Sangram Vijyam', South Indian famous classics reveal :
"साम्नो भ्रीग्वात्रर्रसौां दां डात्रधशो त्रदवाकरोत्रवयजौ
दानात्रधपा श्ाांको भेदस्य बु धाकयपुिो च
सूर्ायत्मज्शचेन्द्रपूिोां पक्षीसमानोां सरीसृप शचन्द्र
त्रिपदोां भृर्दे वर्ुरु चतुश्पदौां भूत्रमपुिाको "
>Trimshamsha And Rajayogas <
All the Yogakaarka planets or any of those strongly disposed in Trimshamsha chart manifest much
better yoga effects during their relevant dasha.. In this context "Kalyan Varma" in his book
"Saaravali" states :
"एकोअत्रप त्रवहर्: कुर्ायत पांचमाांशर्ते नृपम !
समस्तबलसम्पन्नशचक्रवतीनभेव च !!"
-- In this sloka the word "Panchmaansh" stands for Trimshamsha...
••Trimshamsha And Female Horoscopy ••
> Our sages highlighted the aphorism that "Streephala" (Delineation of female characteristics) is a
prime domain of Trimshamsha, hence the prime traits or character of a female native could easily be
inferred from this chart...
The Trimshamsha rashi of natal ascendant or the natal Moon (which ever is stronger) directs the
basic attitude and inclination of a female native.. It is stated in the classics :
"शत्रशलग्नस्मार्ुकते : फलां त्रिशाांशकैरीदम:!"
••Aries Or Scorpio Lagna : A native born with sign Aries or Scorpio in natal ascendant and it goes to
Trimshamsha of Mars, the native will be highly sensual and will be occupied in friendship since
--While in Trimshamsha of Mercury the native is clever, a trickster, delusive and not trustworthy...
--In Trimshamsha of Saturn the native struggles for her existence and identity, one is not recognised
even after the excessive labour and efforts..
--In Trimshamsha of Venus native is mysterious, secretly clever, diplomatic and offensive in her
general behaviour..
--In Trimshamsha of Jupiter native is noble, religious, exalted and humanitarian....
••Taurus Or Libra Lagna : While natal lagna falling in Taurus or Libra and Trimshamsha lagna
belongs to Mars produce swinging ideas and preferences, native is not much praised among the
elite, one tends to overestimate herself..
--In the Trimshamsha of Saturn causes separation, hazards and rehabilitation at material level...
--In the Trimshamsha of Jupiter, Venus or Mercury makes the native virtuous, noble, reliable, born
with special qualities and most appreciated, outstanding in her tastes, a good listener and prominent
in high society....
••Gemini Or Virgo Lagna : While Gemini or Virgo sign rising in natal ascendant with the
Trimshamsha lagna be of Mercury or Jupiter manifest praiseworthy effects..
--In Trimshamsha of Venus inclines her to perform experiments in relationship with opposite sex...
--If the Trimshamsha of Mars happen to rise the native is delusive and artificial in general
--If Saturn happens to be the Trimshamsha lagna lord gives her some masculine effects in actions
as well as in appearance...
••Cancer Lagna : When natal ascendant happens to be Cancer with Mars, Saturn or Venus's sign
rising in Trimshamsha lagna the female native is autocratic, sensual and not showing appropriate
respect to her husband and destructive at the same time. She will be noble and virtuous when
Mercury or Jupiter happens to be Trimshamsha lagna lord...
••Leo Lagna : When sign Leo rises in natal ascendant the seers has praised only Jupiter's sign rising
in Trimshamsha lagna, while other signs rise in Trimshamsha lagna makes native dictatorial in
nature and all possible inauspicious effects....
••Sagittarius And Pisces Lagna : When Sagittarius or Pisces sign rises in natal ascendant a native is
generally qualitative, gentle and exalted in all the signs rising in Trimshamsha lagna, but in addition
she might be having less sexual urge if Saturn's sign rises in Trimshamsha lagna...
••Capricorn And Aquarius : When any of the Saturn's sign rises in natal ascendant at the same time
Jupiter's sign rise in Trimshamsha lagna the female concerned is much affectionate to her family but
in case any of Venus's sign rises in Trimshamsha lagna she may have some abnormality in her
generative organs. Other signs rising in Trimshamsha lagna are not much auspicious...
Important : Here are few words from great B.Suryanarayan Rao regarding Trimshamsha chart. He
mentions in his book "Stree Jaatka" that :
(1) If Saturn and the Moon are together in sign Aries in the natal chart and both occupy
Trimshamsha of Mars, the female will commit adultery with loafers in streets...
(2) If the Moon and Jupiter happen to occupy sign Cancer and both are in the Trimshamsha of Mars
the female will have plenty of lovers..
(3) If in the above combination as mentioned in para supra (2) Mars also joins in Trimshamsha chart
female having this combination will become a prostitute....
Note : This topic has been elucidated by "Varahamir" and "Kalyan Varma" in their respective works.
All the results as mentioned above should be checked through lagna and the Moon lagna (whichever
is stronger of the two) and must be correlated with other general readings...

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