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NAME : Myla O. Millapre DATE : December 6, 2019

GR/SEC : 8 - Adelfa GROUP # : 6


Chapter I


Mosquitoes have been a problem for people all over the world. They have evolved many tricks over thousands of years
to make them very good at what they do. These tricks include specialized mouthparts for blood feeding, incredible
sensory perception, and most amazingly, the development from an aquatic life stage through to an airborne home.
(Enriquez FJ, 1994)Mosquitoes’ role in spreading disease was first understood around the turn of the 20th century. In
1898, British physician Sir Ronald Ross, then working in Calcutta, proved that mosquitoes were transmitting malaria.
(Wanasen N. 2004)Most of the mosquito-borne diseases are now endemic to South and Central America, parts of Asia
and Africa. Some of the encephalitis viruses, like West Nile, Japanese encephalitis and Western and Eastern equine
encephalitis, do cause infections in the United States, Japan and Europe.Mosquitoes can have both positive and
negative impacts on the ecosystem. As part of their useful role, the larvae of mosquitoes live in water and provide food
for fish and other wildlife, including larger larvae of other species such as dragonflies. The larvae themselves eat
microscopic organic matter in the water, helping to recycle it. Adult mosquitoes make up part of the diet of some insect-
eating animals, such as birds, bats, adult dragonflies and spiders. They also help pollinate some flowers, when they
consume nectar.But mosquitoes also have a damaging role, harming other animals by being a vector for diseases, such
as malaria, yellow fever, encephalitis and dengue. The mosquitoes don’t cause the diseases themselves, but only act as
carriers. They need to feed on a person or animal that is already infected, and then when they bite a healthy person or
animal afterwards, they pass on the disease (James AA, 1994).In places where a particular disease is not already present,
there’s no risk of catching it from mosquitoes, but ecologists worry, because if infected humans or animals do come into
the area, the mosquitoes that already live there will spread the disease among the rest of the healthy
population.Eradication or reduction of disease-carrying mosquitoes can help prevent the spread of different diseases
particularly dengue, hence, pesticide spraying and fumigation have been practiced. However, environmental and health
hazard issues that arise from the use of these methods are well documented (US EPA 2012).For instance, in Brazil, the
use of a larvicide (organophosphate temephos) although very slightly toxic, has been observed to cause headaches,
memory loss, and irritability (Cavalcanti et al. 2004).The use of natural products poses an alternative method of control
and/or eradication of disease-carrying mosquitoes. It has been customarily considered to be one of the safest ways of
controlling pests (Cavalcanti et al. 2004, Pitasawat et al. 2007).To find effective and affordable ways to control the
mosquito and prevent the spread of dengue, several plants have been tested(Cavalcanti et al. 2004, Pitasawat et al.
2007).A recent study of Obico and Ragrario (2014), presented 54 species of plants used as repellents against
hematophagous insects by the Ayta people of Porac, Pampanga. Their study provided a baseline for phytochemical
screening for insect -repellent compounds which the present researchers considered.Furthemore, Obico and Ragrario
(2014) revealed that most of the plant parts used are the leaves and stems, which are dried and then burned since
smoke is said to drive away the insects.Hence, the present study engaged on candle made with an additive of Ampalaya
leaf as mosquito repellent.

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to determine the effectivity of the candle made with an additive of Ampalaya (Momordica
charantia) leaf extract to repel mosquitoes (Culicidae).

Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the percentage of repelled Mosquito (Culicidae) in a set-up with a lighted candle made with an additive
of Ampalaya(Momordica charantia) leaf extract, lighted ordinary white candle, and lighted commercial mosquito

2. Is there a significant difference in the percentage of repelled Mosquito in a set-up with a lighted candle made
with an additive of Ampalaya (Momordica charantia) leaf extract, ordinary white candle and commercial
mosquito coil as mosquito repellents?

Based on the objectives, the hypothesis that there was no significant difference in the percentage of repelled Mosquito
(Culicidae) using Candle made with an additive of Ampalaya (Momordica charantia) leaf extract when compared to
ordinary white candle and a commercial mosquito coil as mosquito repellent, was advanced.

Significance of the Study

With this study, people who may benefits are the future researchers, manufacturers and the whole community in
generalPeople who suffer from the dengue that caused by the Mosquitoes, may found an abundant supply of repellant
for the mosquitoes that can be seen commonly just in their backyard.Future researchers may take this as their take off
for the further investigation regarding Ampalaya (Momordica charantia) leaf extract made candle as Mosquito killer or
repellent.Manufacturers could make this effective product that could be available in the market and would again earn
money from it.Generally, people may use this as alternative Mosquito repellent or killer as substitute to commercial

Delimitation of the Study

This study is only limited in determining the effectiveness of the candle made with additive of Ampalaya (Momordica
charantia) leaf extract as Mosquito repellent. There were three set-ups replicated three times with 25 Mosquito each
set-ups per trial. Set-up A or Cage A was treated with a lighted candle made with additive of Ampalaya(Momordica
charantia) leaf extract while Set-up B or Cage B was treated with an ordinary white candle and Set-up C or Cage C was
treated with a commercial mosquito coil.

Independent Variable

· Candle made with an additive of Ampalaya(Momordica charantia)leaf extract

· Ordinary White Candle

· Commercialized Mosquito coil

The independent variables are the candle made with additive of Ampalaya(Momordica charantia) leaf extract, ordinary
white candle and commercial mosquito coil and the dependent variable was the rate of repelled Mosquito (shown in
Figure 1).

Dependent Variable

· Percentage of Repelled Mosquito (Culicidae)

Figure 1. The research paradigm



Mosquito Repellents

Mosquitoes are a serious threat to public health transmitting several dangerous diseases for over two billion people in
the tropics. There has been a large increase in the insecticide resistance of this vector and has become a global problem.
Insecticides residues in the environment, as a result of chemical insecticide usage, have turned the researcher’s
attention towards natural products (Murty and Jamil, 1987).In the past years, the plant kingdom has been of great
interest as a potential source of insecticidal products. Many species in the plant kingdom synthesize a variety of
secondary metabolites which play a vital role in defense of plants against insects/mosquitoes. Plants may be alternative
source for mosquito repellent agents since they constitute a rich source of bioactive chemicals (Wink, 1993).Plant
products can be used, either as an insecticide for killing larvae or adult mosquitoes or as repellents for protection
against mosquito bites, depending on the type of activity they posses (ICMR, 2003). Products of secondary plant
metabolisms may be responsible for the chemical communication between plants and insects. Allelochemicals have
been considered as potential natural insecticides and can be used for insect/mosquito management in integrated
control (Jilani and Su, 1983). Repellents have an important part in protecting man from the bites of insect pests. An
effective repellent will be useful in reducing man vector contact and in the interruption of disease transmission.
Mosquito repellents may be one of the most effective tools for protecting human from vector-borne diseases and
nuisance caused by mosquitoes (Curtis et al., 1990; Barnard, 2000).Repellent compounds should be non toxic, non-
irritating and long lasting (Kalyana- sundaram and Babu, 1982). Repellents are substances that act locally or at a
distance, deterring an arthropod (insect/mosquito) from flying to, landing on or biting human or animal skin (Blackwell
et al., 2003; Choochote et al., 2007). Repellents are used as personal protection methods against biting arthropods with
a major aim of avoiding nuisance (Trigg and Hill, 1996). Repellents properly utilized are an inexpensive means of
reducing or preventing arthropod-borne diseases and biting nuisance while acting as a wide range of vectors (Gupta and
Rutledge, 1994).Smoke is still, the most widely used common method of repelling biting insects that is used throughout
the world. Fresh and dried plants are frequently added to fires to enhance the repellent properties of the smoke
(Roemantyo, 1990). Several field evaluations, where plants were burned to repel mosquitoes, have shown good
reduction in mosquito landings (Palsson and Jaenson, 1999a,b). Most households in the developing world rely on
personal protection measures of limited effectiveness, such as burning mosquito coils or leaves (Hanson et al.,
2003).Mosquito coils were traditionally made with finely ground Chrysanthemum cinrariaefolium flowers mixed with
coconut husks or sawdust (Chadwick, 1985) and also neem kernels and leaves are burned to repel mosquitoes along
with mosquito coils (Konradsen et al., 1997). Plants of terrestrial origin have also been reported to be a source of
mosquito repellents (Hwang et al., 1985;Thangam and Kathiresan, 1992).

Pandian et al. (1989) observed the repellent activity of herbal smoke on the biting activity of Culexquinquefasciatus.
Thangam and Kathiresan (1992) stated that smoke from burning various dry materials has been used since early times to
deter insects especially mosquitoes.

Hwang et al. (1985) observed that the bundles of dried Artemisia vulgaris were burned to repel biting insects since it
contains insect repellents that can be released from the plant by combustion. The smoke of the leaves
of Vitexnegundo and Leucasaspera were found more toxic to the filarial vector mosquito, Culexquinquefasciatus than
the synthetic mosquito mats which contain 4% d-allethrin (Pandian et al., 1994).The repellent activity of plants might be
due to the presence of certain chemicals that are able to irritate the olfactory senses of the mosquitoes. These
chemicals can be grouped into three major categories viz., alkaloids, phenolics and terpenoids.Alkaloids are basically
insecticidal at low concentration; nevertheless they can be used as repellence. They are non volatile and release
insecticidal smoke when the plant materials or the mosquito coil containing the active ingredients are burnt. They repel
the mosquitoes through direct toxicity (Sears, 1996).Mosquito repellent chemicals present in the plant contain
phytochemicals like, methone, limonene, beta pinene, alpha pinene and linaliol (Eun, 2001). Burning wood and adding
repellent plants to it probably works in several ways. First, the smoke may disguise human kairomones and disrupts
convention currents essential in mosquito host location. Secondly, burning may, release repellent irritant molecules and
the molecules released by the plants also may be insecticidal (Charlwood and Jolley, 1984).Therefore, the use of plants
in mosquito control is an alternative pest control method for minimizing the noxious effects of some pesticides
compounds on the environment (Fatope et al., 1993). Botanicals have widespread insecticidal properties and will
obviously work as a new weapon, and in future may act as suitable alternative product to fight against vector
mosquitoes (Ghosh, 2012).It may be concluded that natural products from plants of insecticidal and medicinal values
have higher efficiency in reducing mosquito menace due to their repellent toxicity.

Ampalaya (Momordica charantia)

The study done by Obico and Ragrario (2014) cited Ampalaya (Momordica charantia L.) as one of the indigenous plants
used by Ayta people of Pampanga to repel mosquitoes. The plant part that was primarily used is a combination of stems
and leaves specifically dried and fallen ones. This mode is relatively more sustainable than gathering the whole plant
(including the roots) since the plants can grow new stems and leaves. The use of leaves and stems could imply that
compounds with repellent activity are more concentrated in these parts. The secondary metabolites of plants are
usually found in the leaves and stem since these chemicals function to deter herbivores.A phytochemical study in 1898
yielded alkaloids, glycosides, aglycone, tannin, sterol, phenol and protein as the prominent phytocompound found in
Ampalaya(Momordica charantia). The leaves and fruits yielded a bitter principle, momordicin. A petroleum ether
extractive yielded highly aromatic ethereal oil, a fixed oil, traces of free fatty acids and carotene. Ethyl ether fraction
yielded chlorophyll, a glucoside-like substance and resin. Water soluble extractive yielded a saponin-like substance and
mucilaginous bodies.In this study, the above research made a strong support that indeed Alkaloids is present in
Ampalaya(Momordica charantia) leaf, the chemical content which is responsible in repelling a Mosquito.

Candle Wax
Candle making has been a part of our daily lives for thousands of years. Most people have grown up with candles around
them – as decoration and as emergency lighting when the power goes out. A Candle is a light source consisting of a wick
embedded in a solid, flammable substance. (Wikipedia Dictionary)According to David Fisher, there are several types of
wax readily available for making candles today. Some natural, some synthetic, some a little bit of both, and each has its
own particular qualities. Paraffin wax is one of the most versatile and most common waxes used today. It comes in many
different melt points, appropriate for many different applications, from votives to pillars to containers.Paraffin wax is a
by-product of the crude oil refinement process, in its raw form, it a white, odorless, tasteless, “waxy “solid with a typical
melting point between 110 oF to 150 oF, and while it’s very inert, it burns really well.According to National Candle
Association (NCA), all waxes are primarily hydrocarbons, whether of animal, vegetable or petroleum origin. The chemical
composition of all candle making waxes is similar, and all candle waxes burn in the same manner.Furthermore the (NCA)
emphasized that no specific type of wax or wax blend is considered “best” for candle making. All waxes – when provided
in high-quality format – have been shown to burn cleanly, and safely. And no candle wax has ever been shown to be
toxic or harmful to human health.Hence, the researchers decided to use paraffin wax mixed with Ampalaya leaf extract
as mosquito candle-repellent



Purpose of the Study and Research Design

This research aimed to determine the effectiveness of candle made with an additive of Ampalaya (Momordica
charantia) leaf extract as a mosquito repellent.

The study was laid out in a Posttest Only Control Group Design shown in Figure 2. The experimental group was exposed
to an intervention, the candle made with an additive of Ampalaya (Momordica charantia) leaf extract and the control
group was composed of commercial mosquito coil repellent and ordinary white candle.

Figure 2. The set-up of the study with treatments Experimental Procedure

Preparation of Ampalaya (Momordica Charantia) leaf extract

A 1 kg Ampalaya (Momordica charantia) leaves was collected from a plantation at Balabag, Dumangas, Iloilo.It was
gently washed with running water to be freed from dust and contaminant, and was air dried for an hour. The leaves
were cut into pieces and grind using an electric juicer to produce an extract. Then, the extract was strained using a
cheese cloth making 150 mL extract and set aside for the candle making.

Candle Making

A one plate (300 grams) paraffin wax bought from a market was cut into small pieces. Then, it was placed in casserole
set in a low fire to melt. When the wax was totally melted, the 150 mL Ampalaya leaf extract was mixed to the wax with
constant stirring until the mixture had evenly distributed. After 5 minutes, the mixture was transferred to the glass
molder with a wick and let it cool down.

Collection and Preparation of Mosquito(Culicidae) into a cage

The mosquitoes were caught gently using a fine net and transferred immediately to a 3 hanged double size mosquito
net(commonly used by human)put inside the two classrooms. The two set ups which used candle as mosquito repellents
(with extract and ordinary candle) were placed in one room farther apart while the other set-up which used a
commercial mosquito coil repellent was placed in the other room. After the three set-ups were ready with 25
mosquitoes each, a plant was placed inside the net as a bait to attract the mosquitoes to stay on it. It was observed that
mosquitoes were attracted and stayed on the plant.

Treatment of Candle made with an additive of Ampalaya (Momordica charantia) leaf extract to the Mosquitoes

The mosquitoes were separated into three set-ups with 25 mosquitoes each. Set-up A was treated made with a candle
made with an additive of Ampalaya(Momordica Charantia) leaf extract, Set-up B was treated with ordinary white candle,
and set-up C was treated with commercial Mosquito coil repellent (Baygon katol). The treatment in every set-up was
placed near the plant inside the net where the mosquitoes stayed. The movement of Mosquito was observed; the
number of repelled mosquito was confirmed and recorded after an hour of treatment-application and observation.

Materials Needed

Cheese Cloth. Is a loss woven gauze like cotton used in making and cooking. (Encarta Dictionary, 2003)
Gloves. This a material used for covering a whole hand. (Encarta Dictionary, 2003)

Mask. This is an object normally worn out on face typically for protection. (Encarta Dictionary, 2003)

Plastic bottle. This used to store liquids. (Encarta Dictionary, 2003)

Scissors. Cutting implement with handles are pair of blade pivoted face by face. (Encarta Dictionary, 2003)

Mosquito. A small flying insects of the family of a Culicidae, known for biting and sucking blood (Encarta Dictionary,

Mosquito net offers protection against mosquito, flies, and other insects, and thus against the diseases they may
carry. (Encarta Dictionary, 2003)

Data Analysis Procedure

The data obtained for this study were subject to the following descriptive and inferential statistical treatments using the
Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) Software.

The mean and standard deviation were used for the descriptive analysis of the study. The obtained mean percentage
was used to determine the effectivity level of each treatment used in repelling mosquitoes wherein the standard
deviation was used to determine the dispersion of the mean.

The effectivity level was interpreted through the mean percentage of repelled mosquito using the scale shown in Table 1

For the inferential analysis of the study, the One-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used to determine the
significance existing among the treatments of variables, comparing it to the test value of alpha = 0.05.

Table 1.

Effectivity Level Scale of the Repellents to Repel Mosquitoes

Scale Description

80.21 – 100.00 Very High

60.41 – 80.20 High

40.61 – 60.40 Average

20.81 – 40.60 Low

1.00 – 20.80 Very Low



This chapter presents the corresponding results and analysis of the study. It is divided into two parts (1) Discussions and
(2) Results (summarized in a table).

Descriptive Data Analysis

Table 2 shows the phytochemical screening of Ampalaya (Momordica charantia) leaf constituents which yielded
alkaloids as abundant, saponin and tannins as moderate and absence of flavonoids.

Table 2

Phytochemical Screening of Ampalaya (Momordica charantia) Leaf Extract.


1 2 3

SAPONIN ++ ++ ++

TANNINS ++ ++ ++


ALKALOIDS +++ +++ +++


Abundant: +++

Moderate: ++

Present: +

Absent: –

Table 3 shows the percentage of repelled mosquitoes of candles and commercial mosquito coil as mosquito repellents
in three trials. In set-up A (Candle made with an additive of Ampalaya (Momordica charantia) Leaf Extract, the
percentage of repelled mosquitoes were 60%, 64%, and 76% which were higher than percentage of repelled mosquitoes
in set-up B (Ordinary White candle) having 20% for Trial 1, 20% for Trial 2, 24% for Trial 3; but lesser than the percentage
of repelled mosquitoes in Set-up C (commercial mosquito coil repellent) having 100% of repelled mosquitoes in all three

Table 3.

Percentage of Repelled Mosquito of Different Set-ups in Three Trials

Set-ups Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3

Set-up A

(Candle with an additive of Ampalaya(Momordica

60% 64% 76%
charantia) Leaf Extract)

Set-up B

(Ordinary White Candle) 20% 20% 24%

Set-up C

(Commercial Mosquito Coil Repellent) 100% 100% 100%

In Table 4, the mean percentage of the repelled mosquitoes of three set-ups is shown as determinant of the effectivity
level of each treatment to repel mosquito. The 66.67% mean percentage of repelled mosquito of Set-up A shows a high
effectivity level to repel mosquito while a low effectivity level is reflected by the mean of 21.33% for Set-up B and very
high effectivity level to repel mosquito is shown by Set-up C for the mean of 100%.

Table 4

Mean Percentage of Repelled Mosquitoes of Three Set-Ups

Set-ups Mean Description

Set-up A
(Candle made with an additive of Ampalaya Leaf Extract) 66.67

Set-up B
(Ordinary White Candle) 21.33

Set-up C

(Commercial Mosquito Coil) 100.00 Very High

Scale Description

80.21 – 100.00 Very High

60.41 – 80.20 High

40.61 – 60.40 Average

20.81 – 40.60 Low

1.00 – 20.80 Very Low

Inferential Analysis

Table 5 shows the test difference in the percentage of repelled mosquitoes using ANOVA. The result shows that there is
a significant difference in the percentage of repelled mosquitoes among treatments, the candle made with an additive
of Ampalaya (Momordica charantia) leaf extract, ordinary white candle and a commercial mosquito coil as mosquito

Table 5
Test of Differences in the Percentage of Repelled Mosquito among the Treatments

Sum of Mean
Df F Sig. Remarks
Squares Square

Between Groups 9354.667 2 4677.333 187.929 .000 S

Within Groups 149.333 6 24.889

Total 9504.000 8

The mean difference is significant at <0.05 level

Chapter V

Summary, Findings, Conclusion and Recommendations


This experimental study aimed to determine if a candle made with an additive of Ampalaya (Momordica charantia) leaf
extract is effective to repel Mosquito in a specific area and to further compare its repelling ability with an ordinary white
candle and commercial mosquito repellent. The researchers prepared 3 set-ups with 25 mosquitoes each, replicated
three times using different set of mosquito per trial. Each received different solutions as follows: Candle made with an
additive of Ampalaya (Momordica charantia) leaf extract, ordinary white candle and commercial mosquito repellent.
The null hypothesis of the study was treated using paired ANOVA Tukey Test generated through an SPSS Software. In
general, the result of the study shows that a candle made with an additive of Ampalaya (Momordica charantia) leaf
extract can repel mosquito but not as effective as commercial mosquito coil repellent.


The research findings of this study included the following:

1. The candle made with an additive of Ampalaya (Momordica charantia) leaf extract has high effectivity level of
repelling Mosquitoes (Culicidae).

2. The ordinary white candle has low effectivity level of repelling mosquitoes.

3. The commercial Mosquito Coil has very high effectivity level of repelling Mosquito.

4. There was a significant difference among the mean percentage of repelled Mosquito in a set-up with a lighted
candle made with an additive of Ampalaya (Momordica Charantia) leaf extract, ordinary white candle and
commercial mosquito coil as mosquito repellents.


In the view of findings of the study, the following conclusions were drawn:

The percentage of repelled Mosquito (Culicidae) in set-up A with a lighted candle made with an additive of Ampalaya
(Momordica charantia) leaf extract is high while the percentage of repelled mosquito inset-up B with a lighted ordinary
white candle is low and the percentage of repelled Mosquito in set-up C with a lighted commercial mosquito coil is very

It shows that commercial product candle is more effective compared the candle made with an additive of Ampalaya
(Momordica charantia) leaf extract or ordinary candle.
However, candle could still be used as an alternative repellent agent of mosquito since the findings revealed its ability to
repel mosquitoes even in a low level.


Based on the findings and conclusions, the following recommendations are hereby presented:

1. Candle made with an additive of Ampalaya (Momordica charantia)leaf extract can be a repellent agent of
mosquito in case of brown out.

2. To future researchers, to continue the study on Ampalaya additive of (Momordica charantia) leaf extract or
other parts of Ampalaya into another form of repellent agent of mosquito aside from making it into a candle
since Ampalaya has an ability to repel mosquito.

3. Since Ampalaya (Momordica charantia) is available in our surroundings, the researchers recommend the use of
Ampalaya(Momordica charantia) by burning its dried leaves or vine as smoke-fogging to repel mosquitoes, or
directly apply its extract on skin not only because it is safe to use but it could also save money in buying those
pricey chemicals.
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