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CLASS___________POINTS 100/_________MARK_____________

1.Fill in : peak , crippled ,miraculously ,internal ,rash, rope.

1.The highest……….. of all is Mount Everest.
2.— She had bad …………. injuries, Jim.
3. Well, his bad leg …………… healed... and he hopped off in search of new
4. She has a …………..all over her body.
5. I was born with a……….. arm. (5 points)
2. Complete each sentence , using by or with.
1.The big cake was bake….Sam.
2.The fish was caught…. the seagull.
3.A delicious cherry pie has been made…. my mum for dinner.
4.An apple was given to me …. Linda
5.The door will be locked …. another key.
6.The paper is cut …. the knife. (6 points)
3 .Fill in the gaps with the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets.
1. A lot of new houses ( to build) in Moscow every year. Каждый год в
Москве строится много новых домов.
2. Nowadays space (to explore) by many countries. В наше время космос
исследуется многими странами.

3. The work (to do) on time. Работа была сделана вовремя.

4. The door (to open) with another key. Дверь была открыта другим

5. He (to teach) to swim last summer. Его научили плавать прошлым летом.

6.You (to ask) to tell about your journey. Вас попросят рассказать о своём
6. A house ( to build) by my husband Дом был построен моим мужем.

7. These competitions ( to held) in Moscow –

Эти соревнования пройдут в Москве.

8. The question (to discuss) – Вопрос обсуждается

10 The game ( to finish) by 3 o’clock yesterday –

Игра была окончена вчера к трем часам.

11. The letter (to send) by Friday – Письмо будет отправлено к пятнице.

12.Thishouse (to build) 100 years ago – этот дом был построен 100 лет назад
(12 points)

4.Completethe phrasal verbs with the correct particle :on, ahead, through,
into, away
1. Go…., please. Your story is very interesting.
2. We went……….. our notes before the exam
3. If this pain doesn’t go……… soon, I shall go mad.
4. I really don't want to go …….that now.
5. Go ……make a fool of yourself! (10 points)
5. Fill in the gaps with the correct pre"Times New Roman,
serif"> for, of , from, in ,to.
1.He recovered her…. a painful disease.
2. New mothers often complain ….lethargy (вялость) and mild depression.
3. I am allergic …. cat hair.
4. She was treated…… asthma.
5. The old castle was involved ….mist. (10 points)
Everyday English
5.Use the sentences A-E to complete the dialogue.
Sarah: 22____________ Would you like me to make you a cup of tea?
John: Yes, please. 23__________
Sarah: Have you got a temperature?
John: Yes, a slight one.
Sarah: 24__________
John: 25 _________ My throat has been bothering me for days.
Sarah: Would you like me to call the doctor?
John: Actually, I’ve already done it. 26_________ (10 points)

A Thanks anyway.
B I think you’re right.
C That’s very kind of you.
D You must have caught that virus that’s going around.
E You look awful.

6. Fill in: upon, of, with, at

27. They weren’t scared _____ first, but as night fell they began to get frightened.
28. He lay down ____ the bed and slowly fell asleep.
29. Mr. Taylor’s secretary takes care ______ all his appointments.
30. When she learned _____ the news. She burst into tears of joy.
31. Alex’s bedroom walls are covered ______ posters. (5 points)
7. READING. Read the texts about sleep problems. Match the sentences (1–6)
with the people (A–C). You can choose the people more than once.
Which person: 1 has ignored his/her doctor’s advice? ………………………
2 has a problem which few people know about? ………………………
3 has trouble getting to sleep? ………………………
4 has had to change his/her life because of the problem? ………………………
5 says his/her problem is more serious than people think? ………………………
6 is getting help for his/her problem? (12 points)
A Tony My sleep problem is really quite serious, but a lot of people think that it’s
normal and even funny. I snore at night when I’m asleep – and my wife says that
it’s pretty loud! Now, I know snoring isn’t unusual and there is a lot of advice on
how to stop someone snoring, but my snoring is different! It’s linked to something
called sleep apnoea. When you snore it means that you can’t keep your throat open
when you’re asleep. In my case, I actually stop breathing for ten seconds or more.
It worries my wife but I always wake up afterwards!
B Lizzie My problem is very unusual and most people have never heard of it. It’s
called narcolepsy and it has changed my whole life. Narcolepsy is when people fall
asleep anywhere at any time and they can’t stop it. Since the problem started I’ve
had to stop working because you can’t do a good job if you fall asleep in the
middle of a conversation! My friends have been very supportive but I don't like
going out now because I get embarrassed about it and also I’ve had to stop driving
as it’s much too dangerous. I go to a special sleep clinic now and they’re helping
me a lot.
C Robert I’ve had this sleep problem since I was a child and I know a lot of people
who have the same problem. It’s called insomnia and it means I sleep very badly.
Sometimes I can’t get to sleep for hours and sometimes I go to sleep OK, but I
wake up in the middle of the night and then I can’t get back to sleep again. It’s
horrible because the next day I can’t concentrate on my work. The doctor gave me
sleeping tablets, but I don’t like taking them because they make me feel bad the
next day.
Read the texts again. Are the statements True (T), False (F), or is the information
Not Mentioned (NM)?
1 Tony doesn’t make a lot of noise when he snores. T/F/NM
2 Tony’s wife finds it difficult to wake him up. T/F/NM
3 Lizzie sometimes falls asleep when she’s talking. T/F/NM
4 Lizzie doesn’t mind having narcolepsy. T/F/NM
5 Robert’s problem has a negative effect on his job. T/F/NM
6 Robert never takes his sleeping tablets. T/F/NM (12 points)

VOCABULARY. Complete the text using: a). Grow weak b). Pitch black
c).Stiff neck d).Sprain one’s ankle e).Break a leg f). Save one’s life
1. Ben ___ his ____ in a terrible ski accident. 2. Following a long and difficult
climb, the adventures (they) finally _____. 3. Without any matches or torches, they
remained stranded in the _______ of the night. 4. Lucy ___ her ____ while playing
tennis 5. Sitting still in front of a computer all day can give you a _________. 6.
The doctors are hoping the new treatment will ___ John’s _____ (18 points)

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