Artillery Calculation Sheet

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Color Legend
Artillery Calculator MRSI Calculator Section Header/Label Valid velocities
v² ± √(v⁴ - g(gx² + 2yv²)) Multiple Rounds Simultaneous Impact. Enter Time of User Input Adjusted Values
Ө = Tan⁻¹( ) Flight values beginning at the highest value to calculate
gx the Delay After Fire value (DAF). Reserved Results & Reference

Coordinates x y Altitude Time of Flight Time of Flight DAF MRSI Instructions

Target (x1y1) 280 500 5 ToF₁ 40 32 Manual artillery solutions allows for more rounds on target since you can set velocities greater than
Battery (x2y2) 410 400 5 ToF₂ 8 -71 the computer will allow. MRSI options cover the highest velocity for your weapon system down to the
ToF₃ 79 30 lowest valid velocity indicated in the velocity tables.
Approx Bearing q Subtraction Value ToF₄ 49 21 1) List ToF values for each solution from highest ToF to lowest ToF.
0-180 q=90 A = x1-x2 -130 ToF₅ 28 2) DAF will display the delay in seconds needed after each shot.
180-360 q=270 B= y1-y2 100
Range (m)(x) 1640 m

Altitude (m)(y) 0 m M5 MLRS Velocity (v) Range (m) Basic Calculator Instructions
Bearing (Deg.) 307.56859203 ⁰ Short 212.5 799-4604 1) Enter 4 digit x and y coordinates and altitude for Target and Battery location.
Gravity (g) 9.81 ms² Medium 425 3918-18418 2) Enter approximate bearing value. 0(north) to 180 degrees = 90. 180(south) to 360 degrees = 270.
Far 637.5 7196-41442 3) Valid velocities for each weapon system will highlight bright green.
M4 Scorcher Velocity (v) Range (m) Full 772.5 12793-73674 4) Enter desired velocity.
Short 153.9 826-2415 5) High and Low elevations, bearing and Time of Flight (ToF) values are given in B30:D33.
Medium 243 2059-6021 MK6 Mortar Velocity (v) Range (m)
Far 388.8 5271-15414 Short 70 34-499 Adjustments Instructions
Further 648 14644-42818 Medium 140 139-1998 Adjustments are for making small adjustments in meters. All adjustments are relative to the battery.
Extreme 810 22881-66903 Far 200 284-4078 200.25 Important: Set all adjustments to zero when calculating a new solution.
Left and Right bearing adjustments.
Velocity (v) Ө₁ Ө₂ Adjust Bearing (m) Adjusted Bear. (⁰) 1) Left adjustments are negative values. Right adjustments are positive values.
200 1.36381528 0.20698105 Left - 0 + Right 2) New adjusted bearing is displayed in G28.
0 Range Adjustments
Elevation₁ Bearing ToF₁ (sec) Adjust Rng. (m) Adjusted Elev.₁ Range adjustments will affect velocity tables and may result in a need to adjust velocity value.
78.14 307.57 40 0 78.14 Velocity tables will highlight yellow to indicate an adjustment is being applied.
Elevation₂ Bearing ToF₂ (sec) Adjusted Rng. (m) Adjusted Elev.₂ New adjusted elevations are displayed in G31 and G33.
11.86 307.57 8 1640.12 11.86 New adjusted range is displayed in F33

Superscript: ⁻ ⁺ ⁼ ⁽ ⁾ ⁰ ¹ ² ³ ⁴ ⁵ ⁶ ⁷ ⁸ ⁹ Subscript: ₊ ₋ ₌ ₍ ₎ ₀ ₁ ₂ ₃ ₄ ₅ ₆ ₇ ₈ ₉
MK6 Mortar Velocity (v) Range (m) Color Legend 243
Artillery Calculator Short 70 34-499 Section Header/Label Valid velocities 6.27
v² ± √(v⁴ - g(gx² + 2yv²)) Medium 140 139-1998 User Input Adjusted Values 236.73
Ө = Tan⁻¹( )
gx Far 200 284-4078 Reserved Results & Reference

Coordinates x y Altitude M4 Scorcher Velocity (v) Range (m) MRSI Instructions

Battery (x2y2) 2355 1725 3 Short 147.63 826-2415 Manual artillery solutions allows for more rounds on target since you can set velocities greater than
Target (x1y1) 2455 1945 7 Medium 243 2059-6021 the computer will allow. MRSI options cover the highest velocity for your weapon system down to the
Approx Bearing q Subtraction Value Far 388.8 5271-15414 lowest valid velocity indicated in the velocity tables.
0-180 q=90 A = x1-x2 100 Further 648 14644-42818 1) List ToF values for each solution from highest ToF to lowest ToF.
180-360 q=270 B= y1-y2 220 Extreme 810 22881-66903 2) DAF will display the delay in seconds needed after each shot.

Range (m)(x) 2417 m M5 MLRS Velocity (v) Range (m) Basic Calculator Instructions
Altitude (m)(y) 4 m Short 212.5 799-4604 1) Enter 4 digit x and y coordinates and altitude for Target and Battery location.
Bearing (Deg.) 24.44395478 ⁰ Medium 425 3918-18418 2) Enter approximate bearing value. 0(north) to 180 degrees = 90. 180(south) to 360 degrees = 270.
Gravity (g) 9.81 ms² Far 637.5 7196-41442 3) Valid velocities for each weapon system will highlight bright green.
Full 772.5 12793-73674 4) Enter desired velocity.
Velocity (v) Ө₁ Ө₂ 5) High and Low elevations, bearing and Time of Flight (ToF) values are given in B30:D33.
388.8 1.4920470374 0.0804044996

Adjustments Instructions
Elevation₁ Bearing ToF₁ (sec) Adjust Bearing (m) Adjusted Bear. (⁰) Adjust Rng. (m) Adjusted Elev.₁ Adjustments are for making small adjustments in meters. All adjustments are relative to the battery.
85.49 24.44 79 Left - 0 + Right 0 85.49 Important: Set all adjustments to zero when calculating a new solution.
Elevation₂ Bearing ToF₂ (sec) 0 Adjusted Rng. (m) Adjusted Elev.₂ Left and Right bearing adjustments.
4.61 24.44 6 2416.61 4.61 1) Left adjustments are negative values. Right adjustments are positive values.
2) New adjusted bearing is displayed in G28.
Range Adjustments
Range adjustments will affect velocity tables and may result in a need to adjust velocity value.
MRSI Calculator Velocity tables will highlight yellow to indicate an adjustment is being applied.
Multiple Rounds Simultaneous Impact. New adjusted elevations are displayed in G31 and G33.
MK6 Mortar Time of Flight Velocity Elevation DAF New adjusted range is displayed in F33
Shot 1 #NUM! 0 #NUM! #NUM!
Shot 2 #NUM! 0 #NUM! #NUM!
Shot 3 39 200 71.82 #NUM!
Shot 4 #NUM! 140 #NUM! #NUM!
Shot 5 #NUM! 70 #NUM!
MK6 Mortar 70 140 200 NAN NAN
M4 Scorcher 153.9 243 388.8 648 810
M5 MLRS 212.5 425 637.5 772.5 NAN MK6 Mortar Velocity (v) Range (m)
Short 70 34-499
Medium 140 139-1998
Far 200 284-4078

M4 Scorcher Velocity (v) Range (m)

Short 153.9 826-2415
Medium 243 2059-6021
Far 388.8 5271-15414
Platform Velocity (Short) Velocity (Med.) Velocity (Far) Velocity (Further) Velocity (Extreme) Further 648 14644-42818
Extreme 810 22881-66903

M5 MLRS Velocity (v) Range (m)

Short 212.5 799-4604
Medium 425 3918-18418
Far 637.5 7196-41442
Full 772.5 12793-73674

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