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Acknowledgement Underline, Complex Script Font: Arial, 40 pt, Bold, Italic

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It is indeed a great pleasure for me to present this summer Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial, 15.5 pt, Complex
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training report as a part of curriculum of the Bachelor of Formatted: Justified

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Technology(Mechanical Engineering) degree.I wish to Script Font: Arial, 20 pt
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express my sincere gratitude to Mr. Vishal Jain, Sales Script Font: Arial, 18 pt
Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial, 15.5 pt, Bold, Italic,
Operational Manager for providing me an opportunity to do my Complex Script Font: Arial, 18 pt, Bold, Italic

internship and project work in "BRITANNIA INDUSTRIES

LTD." Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial, 15.5 pt, Complex
Script Font: Arial, 18 pt

I take this golden opportunity to thank all my mentors at BSA

who with their support and guidance made this training a real
success. I express my sincere thanks to all staff members of Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial, 15.5 pt, Complex
Script Font: Arial, 18 pt
BSA who in spite of their busy schedule have lent their
precious time for helping out me to understand various
system used in BSA.

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I sincerely thank Mr. Sushant Gadekar & Mr. Rohit Bhatt for
their guidance and encouragement in carrying out this project
work. I also wish to express my gratitude to the officials and
I also thank the Director Of D.E.I and Sh. Sahab Das for Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial, 14.5 pt, Complex
Script Font: Arial, 14.5 pt
I also thank the Director Of D.E.I and Sh. Sahab Das for Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial, 14.5 pt, Complex
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About Company Formatted

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Founder of BSA Industries – S. Baldev Singh (1937-2013) Formatted ...
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Within a period of 45 years, B.S.A have established themselves
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as one of the India’s leading manufacturer of high-quality diesel
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engines, pump set, generating set, and other agricultural
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The products are marked under the brand name “BSA” a name Formatted: Font: Arial
already synonymous with quality. They believe that quality is Formatted ...
no accident. It results from determination to achieve perfection. Formatted ...

Our Network in India Formatted ...

Formatted ...
*Chhattisgarh *Rajasthan Formatted ...
*Punjab *Uttar Pradesh
Formatted ...
*Haryana *Uttaranchal *Bihar *South
Formatted ...
*Himachal Pradesh *West Bengal *Jharkhand *Orissa Formatted ...

*North East Formatted ...

*Madhya Pradesh
Formatted ...
The major countries we export are: - Australia, Malaysia, Egypt, Formatted ...
South Africa, Central America, East Africa, Sri Lanka, Lebanon etc. Formatted ...
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COMPANY VISION Formatted ...
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BSA group has always been a pacesetter for times Formatted ...
ahead. BSA group will concentrate on development of quality Formatted ...
products for expanding diesel engine industry and precision Formatted ...
agriculture sector. To become a true leader in the diesel engine
industry within a decade. To promote in - house quality awareness
through training programs and workshops. To contribute and
participate in the mammoth task of nation building and to take our
country forward to the rank of “most industrialized nation in the 21
century. Low cost and high quality which helped in achieving a
continuous growth of 15% to 40% from the last five years.

Various Departments

Quality Inspection
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(Raw material) pt
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Moulding and Casting pt
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Formatted: Centered
Fettling Formatted: Font: 26 pt, Bold, Complex Script Font: 24

Formatted: Font: 26 pt, Bold, Complex Script Font: 24

Formatted: Centered

Machining Formatted: Centered

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Assembling Formatted: Centered

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Quality control department examine products and
materials for defects or deviations from specifications.
This may reject defective items outright, send them for
repair, or fix minor problems themselves. If the product is
acceptable, the inspector certifies it. Inspectors may
further specialize:
• Materials inspectors check products by sight,
sound, or feel to locate imperfections such as cuts,
scratches, missing pieces, or crooked seams.
• Mechanical inspectors generally verify that parts fit,
move correctly, and are properly lubricated. They
may check the pressure of gases and the level of
liquids, test the flow of electricity, and conduct test
runs to ensure that machines run properly.
Samplers test or inspect a sample for malfunctions or
defects during a batch or production run.
Sorters separate goods according to length, size, fabric
type, or color.
Testers repeatedly test existing products or prototypes
under real-world conditions. Through these tests,
manufacturers determine how long a product will last,
what parts will break down first, and how to improve
Weighers weigh quantities of materials for use in
Some of the tools used for quality check are-

Levels Angle gage

Electronic digital bore gauges

Electronic digital caliper

Depth gauge caliper

Brinell test machine

Quality control inspectors typically do the following:

• Read blueprints and specifications
• Monitor operations to ensure that they meet
production standards
• Recommend adjustments to the assembly or
production process
• Inspect, test, or measure materials or products being
• Measure products with rulers, calipers, gauges, or
• Accept or reject finished items
• Remove all products and materials that fail to meet
• Discuss inspection results with those responsible for
• Report inspection and test data
Moulding and casting
Moulding departments are responsible for all aspects of
products designated for the assembly lines – from the
maintenance of molds and presses, through to the
management of cross-department processes such as
manufacturing engineering and quality.
A mold or mould is a hollowed-out block that is filled with
a liquid or pliable material such as plastic, glass, metal,
or ceramic raw material. The liquid hardens or sets inside
the mold, adopting its shape. A mold is the counterpart to
a cast. The very common bi-valve molding process uses
two molds, one for each half of the object.
Mould have three parts:
i)Cope ii)Drag iii)Cheek
Cope:Upper moulding flask
Drag: Lower moulding flask
Cheek:Intermediate moulding flask used in three piece

Casting is a manufacturing process in which a liquid

material is usually poured into a mold, which contains a
hollow cavity of the desired shape, and then allowed to
solidify. The solidified part is also known as a casting, which
is ejected or broken out of the mold to complete the
process. Casting materials are usually metals or
various time setting materials that cure after mixing two or
more components together.Casting is most often used for
making complex shapes that would be otherwise difficult or
uneconomical to make by other methods. Heavy equipment
like machine tool beds, ships' propellers, etc. can be cast
easily in the required size, rather than fabricating by
joining several small pieces.

Melting of metal takes place in cupola furnace.

A cupola or cupola furnace is a melting device used
in foundries that can be used to melt cast iron, Ni-
resist iron and some bronzes. The cupola can be
made almost any practical size. The size of a cupola is
expressed in diameters and can range from 1.5 to 13
feet (0.5 to 4.0 m).The overall shape is cylindrical and
the equipment is arranged vertically, usually
supported by four legs. The overall look is similar to a
large smokestack. The temperature range for this
process is 1300C-1400C and heating period is about 1

Pouring: In this process, after melting of metal we

pour it in mold .Here, pouring time is a very critical
factor . The pouring time taken in this process is
about 20 to 25 seconds.
After pouring the metal will remain inside the mold for
2.5 to 3.5 minutes.During this period,the worker will
do the same process for another molds for bulk
production.The poured casted iron will remain in mold
about one day for solidification so that material
acquired the required properties .

After the moulding and casting process,the casted

product will send to the further workshop for next
Raw castings often contain irregularities caused by seams
and imperfections in the molds, as well as access ports
for pouring material into the molds. The process of cutting,
grinding, shaving or sanding away these unwanted bits is
called "fettling". In modern times robotic processes have
been developed to perform some of the more repetitive
parts of the fettling process, but historically fettlers carried
out this arduous work manually, and often in conditions
dangerous to their health.
Fettling can add significantly to the cost of the resulting
product, and designers of molds seek to minimize it through
the shape of the mold, the material being cast, and
sometimes by including decorative elements.
In the fettling shop irregularities are removed by various
methods such as with chipping hammer, by using cutting
saw, flame cutting, with abrasive cut off machine. In
automated industries this process is done by Shot Blasting
Shot blasting process carried out to prevent metal fatigue
or cracking as well as for cleaning and surface hardening.
In this method, the role of the shot is to remove impurities,
rust, scattered pieces of rubbish or remains that may affect
metal strength. It is environment friendly and a rapid, cost
effective surface finishing method which is used for
cleaning, polishing metal and other surface by applying high
speed stream of shots.

Shot blasting machine is a mechanical method of propelling

abrasive using a centrifugal wheel to remove surface and
other impurities from the surface of steel applications.
General, blasting prior to finishing serves three primary
▪ It cleans and descales surfaces
▪ Adds texture to enhance paint adhesion
Properly reduces maintenance costs by increasing coating
Machine Shop
A machine shop is a room, building, or company
where machining, a form of subtractive manufacturing, is
done. In a machine shop, machinists use machine
tools and cutting tools to make parts, usually
of metal or plastic (but sometimes of other materials such
as glass or wood). A machine shop can be a small
business (such as a job shop) or a portion of a factory,
whether a tool room or a production area for manufacturing.
The production can consist of cutting, shaping, drilling,
finishing, and other processes. The machine tools typically
include metal lathes, milling machines, machining centers,
multitasking machines, drill presses, or grinding machines,
many controlled with computer numerical control (CNC).
Following are the processes done in the machine shop:-
Turning- Turning is a machining process in which
a cutting tool, typically a non-rotary tool bit, describes
a helix toolpath by moving more or less linearly while the
workpiece rotates.
Usually the term "turning" is reserved for the generation
of external surfaces by this cutting action, whereas this
same essential cutting action when applied
to internal surfaces (that is, holes, of one kind or another) is
called "boring".
Drilling - Drilling is a cutting process that uses a drill bit to
cut a hole of circular cross-section in solid materials. The
drill bit is usually a rotary cutting tool, often multi-point. The
bit is pressed against the work-piece and rotated at rates
from hundreds to thousands of revolutions per minute. This
forces the cutting edge against the work-piece, cutting
off chips (swarf) from the hole as it is drilled.

Knurling- Knurling is a process of impressing a diamond

shaped or straight line pattern into the surface of a
workpiece by using specially shaped hardened metal
wheels to improve its appearance and to provide a better
gripping surface.
Threading - Threading is the process of creating a screw
thread. More screw threads are produced each year than
any other machine element.
Facing- Facing on the lathe uses a facing tool to cut a flat
surface perpendicular to the work piece's rotational axis. A
facing tool is mounted into a tool holder that rests on the
carriage of the lathe. The tool will then feed perpendicularly
across the part's rotational axis as it spins in the jaws of the
Grinding- Grinding is an abrasive machining process
that uses a grinding wheel as the cutting tool. Grinding
practice is a large and diverse area
of manufacturing and toolmaking. It can produce very fine
finishes and very accurate dimensions; yet in mass
production contexts it can also rough out large volumes of
metal quite rapidly.
• CNC (TC)

The machine shop in every industry is very important section .

various components required in the production of equipment are
made in machine shop in our case various parts of generator are
manufactured such as body , shaft , cylinder head , flywheel etc.
The various parts produced are later on assembled to make a
whole product (generator).

An assembly line is a manufacturing process (often called
a progressive assembly) in which parts
(usually interchangeable parts) are added as the semi-
finished assembly moves from workstation to workstation
where the parts are added in sequence until the final
assembly is produced. By mechanically moving the parts to
the assembly work and moving the semi-finished assembly
from work station to work station, a finished product can be
assembled faster and with less labor than by having
workers carry parts to a stationary piece for assembly.
This department is where all parts of the generating sets
and pump sets are brought in and the generating sets and
pump sets are fabricated.
In the prebuild section the crank shaft, main bearing, piston,
fuel injection pump, sump, oil pan, water pump etc. are
Stage 1: Washing and Drying of Parts
• The parts are sent for washing and drying to remove
any rust.
• Dowel pins are fitted which helps in housing fitment.
Stage 2: Crankshaft and Bearing Fitment
• Block bearing is fixed and washers are fixed
• Crankshaft is fitted on the block and the cap bearing is
placed to hold it in place.
Stage 3: Piston and Connecting Rod Fitment
• The connecting rod and caps are separated and
connected rod is fixed. The opposite side of the rod is
pulled and aligned with the crankshaft.
Stage 4: Cylinder head and sump fitment
• The cylinder head is fixed on the top face of the block.
• The oil pan and the suction pipe are fixed on the head.

The Assembly staff work in groups, specialising in various

fields ie: machines for filling, closing, forming and wrapping.
The staff complement one another among the individual
assembly groups, this is best applied when creating
comprehensive packaging solutions. The way of organising
the labour ensures that all tasks are carried out with the
greatest precision and accuracy.
Testing Of Generators

A tachometer is an instrument
measuring the rotation speed of a shaft or disk, as in a
motor or other machine. The device usually displays the
revolutions per minute (RPM) on a calibrated analogue dial,
but digital displays are increasingly common.
Finishing and Painting shop
Finishing processes may be employed to: improve
appearance, adhesion , wettability, solderability, corrosion
resistance, tarnish resistance, chemical resistance, wear
resistance, hardness, modify electrical conductivity,
remove burrs and other surface flaws, and control the
surface friction. In limited cases some of these techniques
can be used to restore original dimensions to salvage or
repair an item. An unfinished surface is often called mill
Paint is one major segment of the surface coating which
also includes varnishes , enamels, printing inks and
polishes. the painting process produces a huge variety of
products that protect , preserve, and also beautify the
objects to which it is applied. in our industry paining
process is done using compressor.
Packaging is the last and most important process.
Packaging is the process of enclosing or protecting products
for distribution, storage, sale, and use.

I would like to say that this training program is an excellent
opportunity for us to get to the ground level and
experience the things that we would have gained through
going straight into the job. I am grateful to D.E.I and BSA
Industries for giving me this wonderful opportunity. It is
not only to get experience on technical practices but also
to observe management practices and to interact with on
field workers. Also I learned the way of work in an
organization, the importance of being punctual and the
importance of maximum commitments. Overall I had a
great experience and learned a lot of things.

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