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First Quarter COT Lesson Plan


Grade level: Grade 9
Time Allotment: 120 minutes
Teacher: Michelle F. Baguio
Teaching/Learning Resources:
Online Sources:
 Sex-Linked Traits – Advanced. Retrieved from
 The teacher’s corner. Retrieved from
 Sex linked. Retrieved from
 Grade 9 Science Teacher’s Guide
 Grade 9 Science Learner’s Module
Learning Competencies: Predict phenotypic expressions of traits following simple patterns of inheritance.
Objectives: At the end of the class, students should be able to:
1. Define and identify sex-linked traits.
2. Construct punnett squares to investigate the nature of sex-linked inheritance.
3. Participate actively in the group activity.
ELICIT (5 minutes)
Review students’ previous knowledge about genetic terminologies that relate to sex-linked
Solve the Puzzle!
Students solve the puzzle by group.

ENGAGE (5 minutes)
Show a poster of Anastasia the animated movie and ask the students if they are familiar with the
movie. The animated Anastasia character is based on a true princess from the house of Romanov. Tell a
short historical background of the Romanovs and their youngest son Alexie Romanov who happens to have
hemophilia. Relate the condition of Alexie to the present lesson which is sex-linked inheritance traits.
Include the condition of hemophilia in the Philippines in terms of occurrence.
EXPLORE (15 minutes)
The Royal Blight Activity
Royal Hemophilia Inheritance: Each lab group will be given one of four members of the Victorian
Royal Family, and will arrange marriages between their royal and one of twelve royals from other countries.
The hemophilia genotypes will be given for the royals, and the students will produce Punnett squares
predicting the possible offspring from their marriage. They will then roll a four-sided die to select one
outcome, and the resultant prince or princess (F1 generation) will be “married” to another group’s prince
or princess. Punnett squares will be produced based on these marriages, then the students will answer
questions about the nature of Mendelian genetics, and sex-linked traits.

Cross #1:
Cross #1 Parents:
Mother’s name: Mother’s genotype: Mother’s country:
Father’s name: Father’s genotype: Father’s country:

134 123

124 234

Baby’s name: Baby’s genotype: Baby’s phenotype:

Baby’s sex:

Cross #2

Cross #2 Parents:
Mother’s name: Mother’s genotype: Mother’s country: Father’s
name: Father’s genotype: Father’s country:

134 123

124 234

Baby’s name: Baby’s genotype: Baby’s phenotype:

Baby’s sex:

Cross #3:

Mother’s name: Father’s name:

Mother’s genotype: Father’s genotype:

134 123

124 234

Baby’s name: Baby’s genotype: Baby’s phenotype:

Baby’s sex:

Class data:

# of normal males in Cross #1: percent:

# of male hemophiliacs in Cross #1: percent:
# of normal females in Cross #1: percent:
# of female hemophiliacs in Cross #1: percent:
# of female carriers in Cross #1: percent:
# of normal males in Cross #2: percent:
# of male hemophiliacs in Cross #2: percent:
# of normal females in Cross #2: percent:
# of female hemophiliacs in Cross #2: percent:
# of female carriers in Cross #2: percent:

# of normal males in Cross #3: percent:

# of male hemophiliacs in Cross #3: percent:
# of normal females in Cross #3: percent:
# of female hemophiliacs in Cross #3: percent:
# of female carriers in Cross #3: percent:


1) How did the percentages of hemophiliacs, carriers, and non-carriers change from Cross #1 to
Cross #3?
2) Is it possible to have a male carrier of hemophilia? Why or why not?
3) Is it possible for a male hemophiliac to have a normal, non-carrier daughter? Why or why not?
4) When is it possible for a female carrier to have a female hemophiliac child? When is it not
5) Why is hemophilia more common in men than in women?

EXPLAIN (5 minutes)
Class discussion. Explain the nature of sex-linked inheritance traits by discussing the answers with
the students.

ELABORATE (10 minutes)

Apply students’ knowledge about sex-linked pattern of inheritance in hemophilia to a new
condition. Introduce red-green colorblindness and let the students solve problems related to this condition.

Sample problems:
1. If a normal female wants to have children with a color-blind male, what is the probability of
having a son who is color blind? A daughter who is color blind? A daughter who is a carrier?
In addition, determine the genotypes of the two parents.

Genotype of Mother _________

Genotype of Father _________
Color-blind Son _________
Color-blind daughter _________
Carrier daughter _________

2. If a female carrier wants to have children with a color-blind male, what is the probability of
one of their sons could be color blind? One of their daughters color blind? One of their
daughters a carrier? In addition, determine the genotypes of the two parents.

Genotype of Mother _________

Genotype of Father _________
Color-blind Son _________
Color-blind daughter _________
Carrier daughter _________

EVALUATE (10 minutes)

I. Answer the following questions:
1. What are sex-linked traits?
a. Traits that are located in the autosomes
b. Traits that are inherited from the mother only
c. Traits that are located in the sex chromosomes
d. Traits that are expressed in males only
2. Genes that are located in the Y-chromosomes are called:
a. X-linked genes b. X-allele c. Y-linked genes d. Y-allele
3. Genes that are located in the Y-chromosomes are called:
a. X-linked genes b. X-allele c. Y-linked genes d. Y-allele
4. Red-green color blindness is:
a. an X-linked trait b. a Y-linked trait c. both X and Y linked d. none of the above
5. Y-linked traits are inherited:
a. Only in males b. only in females c. both d. none of the above
6. Which of the following alleles represents a normal female who is carrier of hemophilia?
a. XHXH b. XHY c. XhY d. XHXh
7. A carrier is a person who has
a. One recessive and one dominant allele for a trait
b. 2 dominant alleles for a trait
c. More than 2 alleles for a trait
d. 2 recessive alleles for a trait
8. If the father has a Y-linked gene, how many percent of the female offspring will be affected?
a. 100% b. 75% c. 50% d. 0
9. Males tend to inherit more sex-linked conditions because:
a. There is no corresponding alleles on their X-chromosomes.
b. They have more chromosomes than females.
c. There is no corresponding allele on their Y chromosomes.
d. They have two Y chromosomes.
10. Sex-linked genetically inherited traits:
a. can appear in both males and females
b. are only found in males
c. are only found in females
d. result from premarital sexual intercourse
II. Solve the following problems.
1. – 5. A color-blind female wants to have children with a normal male, what is the probability one
of their sons could be color blind? One of their daughters color-blind? One of their daughters a
carrier? In addition, determine the genotypes of the two parents.

Genotype of Mother _________

Genotype of Father _________
Color-blind Son _________
Color-blind daughter _________
Carrier daughter _________

6. -10. A woman who is carrier of hemophilia marries a man who has hemophilia. Determine the
probability of having hemophiliac male, hemophiliac female and female who are carrier of the

Genotype of Mother _________

Genotype of Father _________
Hemophiliac Son _________
Hemophiliac daughter _________
Carrier daughter _________

Let the students access this website:
mendelian-blood-type-sex-linkage/solving-genetics-problems-involving-sex-linked-alleles/. Students
answer the interactive activities related to sex-linked traits.

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