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WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW BEFORE THE PNLE JULY 2012 PNLE PEARLS OF SUCCESS PART 3: COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING A. DOH Vision 2030 | Bayabas Psidium quajava | Diarrhea Toothache A Global Leader forattaining better health outcomes, Mouth and wound competitive and responsive health care systems, and wash ‘equitable health financing. Bawang ‘Alum sativum — | HPN Toothache B.DOH Mission Varta Tene Mentha cordifelia | Same as Lagundi except asthina ‘To guarantee EQUITABLE, SUSTAINABLE and QUALITY Sambong Times Edema health for al Filipinos, especially the poor and to lead the balsanifora Diuretic quest for excellence in health, “kapulke Cassia alata Allforms of kis diseases Niyog nlyogan | QuisqualisTadlex | intestinal Parasitism (Nomatodes) Tsang Gubat | Cafmona resutagg) Diarrhea Health Prevention of || Prevention of eet Promotion and | Complications | Disability, et (Kabag) ness thru Barly Dx Dentalfaries Prevention ‘ont amipalayg Mamordica ‘Type Diabetes charantia (Nido) Providedat= | When When highly hospitalization | specialized ff" Hometgresol Health is deumed | medial careis carey Riu necessary and | necessary A volume oF on@ liter | Smaller volume or a glass egy Htealth | referralis referralsare Somamiada oral Miniemde Gress conn ‘madeta wae ‘Water — 1000 mi oRAIREr | 250 ml emergency | hospitals and, ‘Sugar # teaspoon 2 waspaon Main Health | (nowedistrict), | medical centdl ‘Salt Teaspoon % teaspoon or a pinch of Center fievisciter’ | suchas POM salt=10-12 granules of rode Community | Feelonalor | PHC. POG sl iadized salt=tips of thumb Heuadea | priate National Center & index finger are penetrated Test Conter | Bospitals for Mental swith salt Health, and othe Private and owt private 6. Millennium Goal Development (MDG) Semi- private hospitals a the agencies municipal level 4. ERADICATE EXTREME POVERTY AND HUNGER 2) ACHIEVE UNIVERSAL PRIMARY EDUCATION 3. PROMOTE GENDER EQUALITY AND EMPOWER WOMEN D. 8 Common Generic Drugs (Botlka sa Baramggay) 4. REDUGE CHILD MORTALITY (Phil. focus) 5. IMPROVE MATERNAL HEALTH (Phil. focus) 1. Co-Tulmonzole: GUT/GIT/URT infection 6. COMBAT HIV/AIDS, MALARIA AND OTHER 2. Anioxicilin /Ampicillin DISEASES 3. Rifsmpicin 7. ENSURE ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY 4. Isoniaaid 8. DEVELOP AGLOBAL PARTNERSHIP FOR 5. Pyrozinamide DEVELOPMENT 6 Paracetamol 7. Oresol H. Field Health Service Information System (FHSIS) 8. Nifidipine: HEN > Individual Treatment Record (ITR) E.Herbal Plants ¥- Fundamental building block or foundation FHS. PlantName | SelentificName | Indications > Target Client List (TCL) Tag Vitex negundo | Asthma, cough, Such lists willbe of considerable vakoe to colds & fever midwives/nurses in monitoring service Pain and delivery to clients in general and in —$— particular to groups of patients identified as simang Bato | Peperonia “eargets" or "eligibles for one or another pellucida Achatis program ofthe Department Rheumatism POSSIBLE TOPICS ON COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING FOR THE UPCOMING JULY 2012 PNLE *Patterned on the previous board exams from December 2006 - December 2011.» the purpose of this note ls to GUIDE students ‘on the possible topies that might be part of the upcoming July 2012 PNLE WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW BEFORE THE PNLE JULY 2012 PNLE PEARLS OF SUCCESS PART 3: COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING > Summary Table Composed of Health Program Accomplish and Morbidity Diseases > The Monthly Consolidation Table (MCT) FHSIS Reporting > Monthly Form 1. Program report (M1) 2. Morbiuity report (M2) Prepare by Midwife ¥ Every 2nd week ofthe month is the submission > Quarterly Form 4. Program report (Q1) 2. Morbidity report (Q2) Prepared by Nurse ¥ Every Set week of the succeeding quarter month i the submission > Annual Form 1. AHS report Y Contains data on demographic, environmental and natality. ¥ Prepare by Midwife ¥ Every 288 week of january is the submission 2. Al:Reporton vital statistics: demographic, environmental, natality and mortality. 3. AZzLists all diseases and their occurrence in ‘the municipality/city. The reports broken down by age and sex 4, A3:All deaths occurred in the ‘municipality ity. The report is also broken down by age and sex v- Prepared by Nurse ¥ Every 3e4 week of January is the submission I. Health Indicators Crude Birth Rate (CBR): Overall total reported births per 1000 population CBR=overall total reported births x 1000 Population IncidencesRate (IR): cases of disease per percent (100/paptlation population Tl ew cases ofdisease x 100 Population Prevalence rate (PR): Reported new cases of disease + old cases of disease per percent of population pl ew cases + old cases x 100 Poptilation Crude Death Rate (CDR): Overall total reported deaths per 1000 population CDR=overall total deaths x 1000 Population Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR): Reported maternal deaths per 1000 registered live births (RLB) MMRe # of maternal deaths x 1000 RLB Infant Mortality Rate (IMR): Reported # of infant (0 to 12 ‘months of age) deaths per 1000 RLB IMRe# of infant deaths x L000 RLB Neonatal Mortality Rate (NMRJ: Reported # of neonatal (0 to 28 days or <1 month) deaths per 1000 RLB. NMR=# of meonatal deaths 1000 BLE, Swaroop’s Index, (SI): Reported # of deaths among individuals#5OyeaP® old over total deaths silt of deaths (individual >50 y@irs(ld) < 100 Total Deaths |, Nature of the Fainily Problem > Health Defieit (HD): iridentfied problem is an abnormality iliness or disease, there's a gap/dilference between normal status (ideal, desirable, expected) & actual status (the outcome/result/problem encountered on that cial day) Health Threat (HT): any condition or situation which will be conducive to health alteration, health interference & health disturbance > Foreseeable Crisis (FC): stress points, anything which is antleipated/ expected te become a problem. K. Community Organizing (COPAR) Preparatory Phase 1. Areaoof Selection > It should be DOPE Community: Depressed, Oppressed, Poor & Exploited, a new criteria for community organization 2. Entry Phase » The 1" thing to do upon entering the community is to have a courtesy call with the Barangay Captain, introduce self & group, purpose, present the project, activities, etc 3. Integration/Immersion (CIP) > Immersion is imbibing the life situation /condition of the community 4. Community Study: Diagnosis of Community-COPAR » Makes use of the Nursing Process/Problem Solving ‘Approach POSSIBLE TOPICS ON COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING FOR THE UPCOMING JULY 2012 PNLE *Patterned on the previous board exams from December 2006 - December 2011.» the purpose of this note ls to GUIDE students ‘on the possible topies that might be part of the upcoming July 2012 PNLE WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW BEFORE THE PNLE JULY 2012 PNLE PEARLS OF SUCCESS PART 3: COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING > Priovitized which among the problems identified is to be attended 1 lke in nature, magnitude, ‘modifibility, preventive potential, salience L Epidemiology > Epidemic: situation when there isa high incidence of new cases ofa specific disease in exeess ofthe expec > Endemic: habitual presence ofa disease in a given geographic location accounting forthe low number fof both immunes and susceptibles Sporadic : disease occurs every n affecting only a small number of people relative to the total population > Pandemic: global occurrence af disease M, Approve Water Facilities [Levelt Level lt Level it Point Communal faucet | Waterworks Source system of stand | system or posts individual house connections ‘protected | Asystem composed | Asystem witha wellora | ofasource, source, areservolr, developed | reservoir,a piped | piped distributor spring with | distribution network | network andi an outletbut | and commanal withouta | faucets, located at distribution | not more than 25 household taps that is sulted far densely popilated system for | metersirom the | urban areas rural areas | farthest house in where rural areas where housesare | houses are cluster chinly densely. scattered. N. Approved Toilet Facilities Level T Level 2 Level 3 ] ‘Non-water On site toilet) |_| Water earriage carriage toilet | facilities of the | types of toilet facility water carriage | facilities Pit latrines ype with water | connected to =Reed Odorless | sealed and septic tanks rth Closet flushed type with | an/or to = Boredhole septic Waultjtank | sewerage Compost isposal system to = Ventilated, treatment improved pit plant. ‘Toilets requiring nall amount of ‘water to wash waste into receiving space Pourflush ‘Agia privies| ©, Exereta Disposal Household ‘Community © Burial © Sanitary landfill or > Deposited in 1mx | controlled tipping 1m deep pits covered |b Excavation of soil ‘with soll located 25 | deposition of refuse and maway from water | compacting with a solid supply cover of 2 feet © Incineration © Open burning + Animal feeding + Composting + Grinding and disposal sewer DOH PROGRAMS EXPANDED PROGRAM ON IMMUNIZATION Law: PD996 Vacelne | Dosage ¥ of Doses to ‘complete immunization Bee wT D5 mi 1 dose 2.86 A ml 1 dose DPT. ‘smi doses OPV. 23 gts HEV, <10 y/o:5 210 y/o: mv Sm Tdose tts safe and immunologically effective to administer ll EPI vaccines on the same day at different sites of the body. 4 The vaccination schedule should not be restarted from the beginning even ifthe interval between doses exceeded the recommended interval by months or year. 4 DPT? or DPT3 is not given to achild who has convulsions or shack within 3 days after DPTL. V 4 Donot give live vaccines like BCG to a individuals who are immunosuppressed due to malignant disease (child ‘with AIDS) going therapy with immunosuppressive agents or radiation. 4 Repeat BCG vaccination if the child does not develop a Scar after firs injection ‘Type ofVaccine | Storage Temp. | Hours oflLife after opening. ory “iste 25 Atthe freezer Hepa B Shours ber 2wac ‘Tetox Body of BCG refrigerator Thaurs NATIONAL TH PROGRAM POSSIBLE TOPICS ON COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING FOR THE UPCOMING JULY 2012 PNLE *Patterned on the previous board exams from December 2006 - December 2011.» the purpose of this note ls to GUIDE students ‘on the possible topies that might be part of the upcoming July 2012 PNLE WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW BEFORE THE PNLE JULY 2012 PNLE PEARLS OF SUCCESS PART 3: COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING Disease | Causative Agent Mode of Clinical] Reserveir | Diagnestic | Treatment Naraiag Tranamiasion_| Manifestation am Implication ‘Tupereutosis | Mycobacterium | Droplet Infection | + Generat Man f+ sputum bors Pointers for “Primary, Tuberculosis | (inhalation ot | weakness And Fram patient is | reaching on Complex is bacilitrompatient | + Loses! Diseased | ample | requiced totake | ant T8 drugs: lessthan3 ‘whocongnsand | weight, Cattle | artaken | the Ant Th drugs yenrsald sneeze) Cough and | (Bovine [ach 2¢hes: | snthepresence ot | Rifampicin wleee 1B) | “spor heath care | taken befor any child vrbich does sample(i* | providert | meals, causes ho does not at respend visit) iasize | red urine urine return 2 Toantibiate cary eBmplianesto | Isoniazid normal health therapy moming treatment | causes attermessies + Reverand specimen regimen | peripheral orwhooping night sweat Spot ests, given oueh, + Abdominal sample (| anti-re desig | saith vets ‘swelling 2rvisit) | | (RIPES) Pyrazinamide + Most swith hard Nuate-ot |e Riampscin | cause hazardous atlas: Teast + leonlaiid | hyperurucemia period macs and Sampi@are | + yrazinamide | gthambute fsts-12 free mid postive | + ethambutol —_ffeavsenoptic months + Hemoptysis * steepeomyesi™|] meurite/ ate and chest + chest tering of lnfecton pas ary vision + Highest in| Paint ey Py Mancous ise of orsare Test uae toni, dlevelopin wellinging tee basof hearing Eeunder 3 grouper ioe, Talanee, damage yearsold Jiperilal Pon ae to cranial yma 40-72 hours erve nodes, reading “omms Note: After 2-4 Sm weeks of uy pe treatment, patient ise Tonger contagious RECOMMENDED CATEGORY OF TREATMENT REGIMEN Category ‘Type of TE Patient ‘Treatment Regimen Tifensive Phase | Continuation Total Period Phase + Now smear positive PTB + New smear positive PTB 1 swith extensive 2RIPE sR 6mos. ppareiithyzialesion + EPTR and Severe concomitant HIV disease *Pitreatment Fallure un | + Relapse 2RIPES /1 RIPE 5 RIE 8 mos, + Returifter default + Niw smear-negative PTB Mt | + with minimal parenchymal 2RIP aR 6 lession mos. * Chronic (stillsmear- Referto Specialized facility wv positive after supervised orDOTS —PlusCenter__—_refer ro-treatment ) toCity Provincial NTP Coordinator POSSIBLE TOPICS ON COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING FOR THE UPCOMING JULY 2012 PNLE *Patterned on the previous board exams from December 2006 - December 2011.» the purpose of this note ls to GUIDE students ‘on the possible topies that might be part of the upcoming July 2012 PNLE WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW BEFORE THE PNLE JULY 2012 PNLE PEARLS OF SUCCESS PART 3: COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT OF CHILDHOOD ILLNESS MAIN SYMPTOM: Diarrhea amy Danger Sign | unter setae te rm a. ovaleetnemutne! Woetbvoiseanen maces nate ‘ceaterauttnestoeg mumelstpa MAIN SYMPTOM: Cough and Difficulty Breath * oie i Classification Trainer idm = cour z 4 A child who has had diarrhea for 14 days or more and ‘who has no signs of dehydration is classified as having PERSISTENT DIARRHOEA Preumonla Classen an | ~wW omer erpesatrasericd Classify a child with diarrhea and blood in the stool as, having DYSENTERY, A child with dysentery should be treated for dehydration MAIN SYMPTOM: Fever POSSIBLE TOPICS ON COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING FOR THE UPCOMING JULY 2012 PNLE *Patterned on the previous board exams from December 2006 - December 2011.. the purpose of this note is to GUIDE students ‘on the possible topies that might be part of the upcoming July 2012 PNLE WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW BEFORE THE PNLE JULY 2012 PNLE PEARLS OF SUCCESS PART 3: COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING owner apetzeteriara ae det mamsrirvage aisrrecdanneier abr cana rem Fens a ented eat plete preogne 1 Senne ousmuclne PORE Sal oatmeal Serena as Be ese cuentnereh gh Malaria Risk Classication 4 US ohne eer aoe ee eterna nema i Ear Problem Classifications ‘owner tortie este No Malaria Risk Classification POSSIBLE TOPICS ON COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING FOR THE UPCOMING JULY 2012 PNLE *Patterned on the previous board exams from December 2006 - December 2011.. the purpose of this note is to GUIDE students ‘on the possible topies that might be part of the upcoming July 2012 PNLE WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW BEFORE THE PNLE JULY 2012 PNLE PEARLS OF SUCCESS PART 3: COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING MAIN SYMPTOM: Malnutrition and Anemia luciana icin ond kagomlangrentcg beer ctr rl ——— — ncmcenneeen eel i Malnutrition and Anemia Classification errant COMMUNICABLE DISEASES > Cholera ¥ Olver tines El tor ¥ Fecal-oralroute 5 Fs ¥-Incubation Petiod: Few hours to 5 days; Usually 3 days ¥-Pathognomonie Sin: fice watery stool Diagnostic Test: Stoolieiliure Y Treatment Oral rehydration solution (ORESOL) IVF ¥ Drug-of-Choice:téfracyeline (use straw; can eause staining of teeth). Oral tetracycline should be ‘administered with meals or after milk, > Shistosomiasis Other Names: Snail Fever Bilharzasis Endemic in 10 regions and 24 provinces High prevalence: Regions 5, §, 11 Contact wih the infecied freshwater with eeteasia and penctates the skin ¥-Diarthea ttloody stools (om and off dysentery) Enlargement of abdomen Splenomegaly Hepatomegaly Anemia / pallor weakness Diagnostic Test: COPT o ceroum ova precipitn test (tool exam) ¥ Drug-of Choice: PRAZIQUANTEL (Biluacide) Oxamniquine for S. mansoni Metrifonate for S Ihacmatobium *Death is often due to hepatic complication Dispose the feces properly not reaching body of water ‘Use molluscides Prevent exposure to contaminated water (e.g. use ubber bg6l) ‘alcohol iaimediatly to skin wo kill surface ¥ Allow water to sind 48-72 hours before use > Malaria Plasmodium Parasite Wivax Falciparum (most fatal; ‘most ommon in the Philippines) Bite oFinfBcied anophicles mosquito Night time biting High-fying Rural areas Clear running wit ‘Malarial Smear best time ta get the pes Ineigh of fever because the microorganisms are very ‘acliveland easily ident ¥- Chiemoprophylaxis: only chloroquine should be given (Gaken at weekly iniervals starting from 1-2 weeks before ehtering thé endemic area). In pregnant women, itis given dhmaughout the duration uf pregnancy. Treatment: 1. QUININE oldest drug used to treat malaria; from the bark of Cinchona tree; ALERT: Cinchonism quinine toxicity 2/CHLOROQUINE 53. PRIMAQUINE ~ sometimes can also be given as chemoprophylaxis 4. FANSIDAR — combination of pyrimethamine and sulfadoxine ¥ CLEAN Technique “Insecticide trcatment of mosquito net ‘House Spraying (nighttime fumigation) On Stream Seeding ~ construction of bio-ponds for {ish propagation (2-4 fishesim? for immediate impact 2011-400/ha, for a delayed effset) On Siream Clearing — cuting of vegetation ovethanging along stream banks "Avoid outdoor night activities (Spm — 3am) * Wearing of clothing that covers arms and legs in the cevening”Use mosquito repellents *Zooprophytaxis — typing of domestic animals like the thao, cow, ete near human dwellings to deviate ‘mosquito bites from man to these animals Intensive TEC campaign ss POSSIBLE TOPICS ON COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING FOR THE UPCOMING JULY 2012 PNLE *Patterned on the previous board exams from December 2006 - December 2011.» the purpose of this note ls to GUIDE students ‘on the possible topies that might be part of the upcoming July 2012 PNLE

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